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Michael Brown edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 3 revisions


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A wrapper for running NUnit tests using NUnit-Console or dotnet test


NUnit.Commander provides real-time test status output for tests run via the NUnit-Console or dotnet test. It works in conjunction with NUnit.Extension.TestMonitor (required for Commander to function) which provides insight into your tests as they run. It is a crucial tool for projects with complicated test architecture.


  • Real-Time test output to stdout / piped log
  • Full final report
  • Multiple test run support for repeated running
  • Test Analysis - report on changes in test duration, test stability
  • Centralized log generation of each test in real-time


Download and install the latest release.


NUnit.Extension.TestMonitor must be installed along with your NUnit-Console test runner, or as a nuget package on your test project when using the dotnet test test runner. Please refer to installation instructions for NUnit.Extension.TestMonitor


See the wiki for further examples.

NUnit.Commander Real-time output of test status

NUnit.Commander Summary report


How it works

The NUnit.Extension.TestMonitor extension is an NUnit engine extension which sends test events over IPC/Named pipes. Commander connects to the IPC/Named pipe server the extension creates and receives test events in real-time. Therefore, timeouts are required to give Commander a chance to connect to the extension when NUnit engine executes the tests and ensure we do not miss any events.


Run using NUnit-Console

Here you can tell Commander where the NUnitConsole installation folder is. This is optional, otherwise it will use the default path C:\Program Files (x86)\\nunit-console. You can pass the usual NUnit-Console test runner arguments using the --args option and escape any required quotes with \"

> NUnit.Commander.exe --timeout=15 --test-runner NUnitConsole --path=C:\Path-to-NUnit-console-installation-folder --args="--workers=16 --where \"cat == UnitTests\" C:/Path-to/MyTestProject1.dll C:/Path-to/MyTestProject2.dll" 

Run using dotnet test

Dotnet test is a little more flexible as you only need to give it the path to your solution or test project(s).

> NUnit.Commander.exe --timeout=15 --test-runner DotNetTest --args="C:/Path-to/MyTestProject"
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