Lambda for attempting random downloads. This would be EXCEPTIONALLY easy to wrap up in a cloudformation object, but I don't have the time to do that right now. Feel free to push a CF template as a MR.
However you want to upload...
The script uses an SNS to relay success/falure. Create an SNS topic for the script to use
SNS Topic ARN:
sns_arn = arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:777766665555:RandomDownloadChecker
Which CMR to query:
cmr_api =
URS Username and Password:
urs_user = valid_urs_user
usr_pass = SomeCr@zyPassword
Collections to avoid trying to download from (comma seperated list):
skip_collections = C1234567-DAAC,C765432-DAAC,C55555555-DAAC
More complex CMR search filtering parameters (get params):
collection_filter = provider=DAAC
Lambda IAM: It is imporant to use an IAM role capable of calling SNS. It would probably be easiest to start with a BasicExecution Lambda policy and add sns:Publish
Lambda Timeout: Downloads take time, the default timeout may not be long enough to run all your downloads!
Set up a scheduled event to run the lambda at whatever periodicity you desire