(last updated Feb 2021)
The various Chronicle libraries depends on each other in order to reuse common functionality.
The graphs above were obtained by running mvn dependency:tree | grep compile | grep net.openhft
in the open-source libraries above and feeding information into a .dot
file, for example:
digraph G {
Queue -> Core ;
Queue -> Bytes ;
Queue -> Wire ;
Queue -> Compiler ;
Queue -> Threads ;
Queue -> Affinity ;
Queue -> Jlbh ;
Network -> Core ;
Network -> Threads ;
Network -> Wire ;
Network -> Bytes ;
Network -> Compiler ;
Map -> Core ;
Map -> Values ;
Map -> Bytes ;
Map -> Threads ;
Map -> Wire ;
Map -> Compiler ;
Map -> Algorithms ;
Wire -> Core ;
Wire -> Bytes ;
Wire -> Threads ;
Wire -> Affinity ;
Wire -> Compiler ;
Algorithms -> Core ;
Algorithms -> Bytes ;
Values -> Core ;
Values -> Bytes ;
Threads -> Affinity ;
Threads -> Core ;
Bytes -> Core ;
Core -> Affinity ;
The .dot
file was then rendered using the online tool https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline/