SynTAXI uses Version 1.1 of CoffeeLEX hosted at
So The Lexical Rules is also an input for SynTAXI
For a simple grammar like this for the C language:
Program -> Int Keyword, Main Keyword, ParenthesesOpen, ParenthesesClose, BlockStatement
BlockStatement -> Accolade Open, Statement, Accolade Close
Statement -> Int Keyword, Identifier, Assignment, Number, Semicolon
The Input format for a JSON File named syntaxGrammar.json must be like this:
"Program": [
"Int Keyword",
"Main Keyword",
"Parentheses Open",
"Parentheses Close",
"Block Statement"
"Block Statement": [
"Accolade Open",
"Accolade Close"
"Statement": [
"Int Keyword",
The Grammar JSON Object Must Contain a key named "Program" which is the main term of the grammar
And The Lexical Rules for coffeeLEX must be in a file named lexicalRules.json in the following format:
"Int Keyword": "int",
"Main Keyword": "main"
"Identifier": "[A-Z_a-z]+",
"Semicolon": ";",
"Parentheses Open": "\\(",
"Parentheses Close": "\\)",
"Assignment": "=",
"Accolade Open": "\\{",
"Accolade Close": "\\}",
"Number": "[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+"
SynTAXI top down parses the program input based on the tokens generated by CoffeeLEX and the program Input
So for a program input called program.c:
int main() {
int x = 10;
The following output is generated if no syntax error is found:
CoffeeLEX Output:
Value Type Row Column
----- ---- --- -----
int Int Keyword 1 1
main Main Keyword 1 5
( Parentheses Open 1 9
) Parentheses Close 1 10
{ Accolade Open 1 11
int Int Keyword 2 5
x Identifier 2 9
= Assignment 2 11
10 Number 2 13
; Semicolon 2 14
} Accolade Close 3 0
SynTAXI Output:
Program Compiled Successfully.
CoffeeLex © / SynTAXI © - 2021
Developed By Reza Mansouri
And If The Input has a Syntax Error like the lack of identifier:
int main() {
int = 10;
The following output is generated:
Exception in thread "main" SynTAXI.TaxiException: Syntax Error: Expected Identifier At row: 2 Column: 9