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rfresh2 committed Oct 31, 2024
2 parents f15607f + ba47a1e commit d001d42
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Showing 9 changed files with 300 additions and 296 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package xaeroplus.feature.render;

import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack;
import net.minecraft.client.Camera;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.MultiBufferSource;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.blockentity.BeaconRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.culling.Frustum;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderDispatcher;
import xaero.common.HudMod;
import xaero.common.minimap.waypoints.Waypoint;
import xaero.common.minimap.waypoints.WaypointVisibilityType;
import xaero.common.settings.ModSettings;
import xaero.hud.minimap.BuiltInHudModules;
import xaero.hud.minimap.module.MinimapSession;
import xaeroplus.settings.Settings;
import xaeroplus.util.ColorHelper;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static net.minecraft.client.renderer.blockentity.BeaconRenderer.BEAM_LOCATION;

public class WaypointBeaconRenderer {
public static final WaypointBeaconRenderer INSTANCE = new WaypointBeaconRenderer();
private final List<Waypoint> waypointList = new ArrayList<>();
private long lastWaypointRenderListUpdate = -1L;

public void updateWaypointRenderList(final MinimapSession session, final ModSettings settings) {
waypointList.removeIf(w -> {
if (w.isDisabled()
|| w.getVisibility() == WaypointVisibilityType.WORLD_MAP_LOCAL
|| w.getVisibility() == WaypointVisibilityType.WORLD_MAP_GLOBAL) {
return true;
return !settings.getDeathpoints() && w.getPurpose().isDeath();

public void renderWaypointBeacons(float tickDelta, PoseStack matrixStack) {
var session = BuiltInHudModules.MINIMAP.getCurrentSession();
if (session == null) return;
var settings = HudMod.INSTANCE.getSettings();
if (settings == null) return;
if (!settings.getShowIngameWaypoints()) return;
var currentWorld = session.getWorldManager().getCurrentWorld();
if (currentWorld == null) return;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastWaypointRenderListUpdate > 50L) {
updateWaypointRenderList(session, settings);
lastWaypointRenderListUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
var dimDiv = session.getDimensionHelper().getDimensionDivision(currentWorld);
var mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
if (mc.level == null || mc.cameraEntity == null) return;
var cameraPos = mc.cameraEntity.position();
double distanceScale = settings.dimensionScaledMaxWaypointDistance ? mc.level.dimensionType().coordinateScale() : 1.0;
double waypointsDistance = settings.getMaxWaypointsDistance();
double waypointsDistanceMin = settings.waypointsDistanceMin;
for (int i = 0; i < waypointList.size(); i++) {
final var w = waypointList.get(i);
double offX = (double)w.getX(dimDiv) - cameraPos.x + 0.5;
double offZ = (double)w.getZ(dimDiv) - cameraPos.z + 0.5;
double unscaledDistance2D = Math.sqrt(offX * offX + offZ * offZ);
double distance2D = unscaledDistance2D * distanceScale;
var shouldRender = w.isDestination()
|| (w.getPurpose().isDeath()
|| w.isGlobal()
|| w.isTemporary() && settings.temporaryWaypointsGlobal
|| waypointsDistance == 0.0
|| !(distance2D > waypointsDistance)
) && (waypointsDistanceMin == 0.0 || !(unscaledDistance2D < waypointsDistanceMin));;
if (shouldRender)
renderWaypointBeacon(w, dimDiv, tickDelta, matrixStack);

public void renderWaypointBeacon(final Waypoint waypoint, final double dimDiv, float tickDelta, PoseStack matrixStack) {
final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
if (mc.level == null || mc.cameraEntity == null) return;
final Vec3 playerVec = mc.cameraEntity.position();
Vec3 waypointVec = new Vec3(waypoint.getX(dimDiv), playerVec.y, waypoint.getZ(dimDiv));
final double xzDistance = playerVec.distanceTo(waypointVec);
if (xzDistance < Settings.REGISTRY.waypointBeaconDistanceMin.getAsInt()) return;
final int farScale = Settings.REGISTRY.waypointBeaconScaleMin.getAsInt();
final double maxRenderDistance = Math.min(mc.options.renderDistance().get() << 4, farScale == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : farScale << 4);
if (xzDistance > maxRenderDistance) {
final Vec3 delta = waypointVec.subtract(playerVec).normalize();
waypointVec = playerVec.add(new Vec3(delta.x * maxRenderDistance, delta.y * maxRenderDistance, delta.z * maxRenderDistance));
final EntityRenderDispatcher entityRenderDispatcher = mc.getEntityRenderDispatcher();
final Camera camera =;
final Frustum frustum = mc.levelRenderer.cullingFrustum;
if (camera == null || frustum == null) return;
final double viewX = camera.getPosition().x();
final double viewZ = camera.getPosition().z();
final double x = waypointVec.x - viewX;
final double z = waypointVec.z - viewZ;
final double y = -100;
if (!frustum.isVisible(new AABB(waypointVec.x-1, -100, waypointVec.z-1, waypointVec.x+1, 500, waypointVec.z+1))) return;
final int color = waypoint.getWaypointColor().getHex();
final MultiBufferSource.BufferSource entityVertexConsumers = mc.renderBuffers().bufferSource();
final long time = mc.level.getGameTime();
matrixStack.translate(x, y, z);
matrixStack, entityVertexConsumers, BEAM_LOCATION, tickDelta, 1.0f, time, 0, 355,
ColorHelper.getColorRGBA(color), 0.2f, 0.25f);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiGraphics;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.MultiBufferSource;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ public void reloadMapFrameBuffers() {

@ModifyArg(method = "renderChunks", at = @At(
value = "INVOKE",
target = "Lxaero/common/minimap/render/MinimapFBORenderer;renderChunksToFBO(Lxaero/hud/minimap/module/MinimapSession;Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/GuiGraphics;Lxaero/common/minimap/MinimapProcessor;Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/player/Player;Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/Entity;Lnet/minecraft/world/phys/Vec3;DDIIFFIZZZIDDZZLxaero/common/graphics/CustomVertexConsumers;)V"
target = "Lxaero/common/minimap/render/MinimapFBORenderer;renderChunksToFBO(Lxaero/hud/minimap/module/MinimapSession;Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/GuiGraphics;Lxaero/common/minimap/MinimapProcessor;Lnet/minecraft/world/phys/Vec3;Lnet/minecraft/resources/ResourceKey;DIFIZZIDDZLxaero/common/graphics/CustomVertexConsumers;)V"
index = 9,
index = 6,
remap = true) // $REMAP
public int modifyViewW(final int viewW) {
return viewW * Globals.minimapScaleMultiplier;
Expand All @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public int modifyViewW(final int viewW) {
value = "INVOKE",
target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/gui/GuiGraphics;pose()Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/vertex/PoseStack;"
), remap = true)
public void modifyScaledSize(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Player player, final Entity renderEntity, final Vec3 renderPos, final double playerDimDiv, final double mapDimensionScale, final int bufferSize, final int viewW, final float sizeFix, final float partial, final int level, final boolean retryIfError, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final boolean circle, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
public void modifyScaledSize(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Vec3 renderPos, final ResourceKey<Level> mapDimension, final double mapDimensionScale, final int viewW, final float partial, final int level, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
@Share("scaledSize") LocalIntRef scaledSize) {
int s = 256 * Globals.minimapScaleMultiplier * Globals.minimapSizeMultiplier;
if (Globals.minimapSizeMultiplier > 1) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public float modifyChunkGridLineWidth(final float original) {
target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/MultiBufferSource$BufferSource;endBatch()V",
ordinal = 0
), remap = true)
public void drawRenderDistanceSquare(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Player player, final Entity renderEntity, final Vec3 renderPos, final double playerDimDiv, final double mapDimensionScale, final int bufferSize, final int viewW, final float sizeFix, final float partial, final int level, final boolean retryIfError, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final boolean circle, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
public void drawRenderDistanceSquare(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Vec3 renderPos, final ResourceKey<Level> mapDimension, final double mapDimensionScale, final int viewW, final float partial, final int level, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
@Local(name = "xFloored") int xFloored,
@Local(name = "zFloored") int zFloored,
@Local(name = "renderTypeBuffers") MultiBufferSource.BufferSource renderTypeBuffers,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ public void drawRenderDistanceSquare(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final
target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/MultiBufferSource$BufferSource;endBatch()V",
ordinal = 0
), remap = true)
public void drawWorldBorderSquare(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Player player, final Entity renderEntity, final Vec3 renderPos, final double playerDimDiv, final double mapDimensionScale, final int bufferSize, final int viewW, final float sizeFix, final float partial, final int level, final boolean retryIfError, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final boolean circle, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
@Local(name = "xFloored") int xFloored,
@Local(name = "zFloored") int zFloored,
@Local(name = "renderTypeBuffers") MultiBufferSource.BufferSource renderTypeBuffers,
@Local(name = "matrixStack") PoseStack matrixStack
public void drawWorldBorderSquare(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Vec3 renderPos, final ResourceKey<Level> mapDimension, final double mapDimensionScale, final int viewW, final float partial, final int level, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
@Local(name = "xFloored") int xFloored,
@Local(name = "zFloored") int zFloored,
@Local(name = "renderTypeBuffers") MultiBufferSource.BufferSource renderTypeBuffers,
@Local(name = "matrixStack") PoseStack matrixStack
) {
final boolean isDimensionSwitched = Globals.getCurrentDimensionId() != Minecraft.getInstance().level.dimension();
if (!Settings.REGISTRY.showWorldBorderSetting.get() || isDimensionSwitched) return;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ public void correctPreRotationTranslationForSizeMult(final PoseStack instance, f
target = "Lxaero/common/graphics/ImprovedFramebuffer;bindRead()V"
), remap = true)
public void correctPostRotationTranslationForSizeMult(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Player player, final Entity renderEntity, final Vec3 renderPos, final double playerDimDiv, final double mapDimensionScale, final int bufferSize, final int viewW, final float sizeFix, final float partial, final int level, final boolean retryIfError, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final boolean circle, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
public void correctPostRotationTranslationForSizeMult(final MinimapSession minimapSession, final GuiGraphics guiGraphics, final MinimapProcessor minimap, final Vec3 renderPos, final ResourceKey<Level> mapDimension, final double mapDimensionScale, final int viewW, final float partial, final int level, final boolean useWorldMap, final boolean lockedNorth, final int shape, final double ps, final double pc, final boolean cave, final CustomVertexConsumers cvc, final CallbackInfo ci,
@Local(name = "halfWView") float halfWView,
@Local(name = "shaderMatrixStack") PoseStack shaderMatrixStack) {
float sizeMultTranslation = (halfWView / Globals.minimapSizeMultiplier) * (Globals.minimapSizeMultiplier - 1);
Expand Down

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