A loopback address configured
route add -net netmask dev lo
- create broker 1
(A_MQ_Install_Dir)/bin/artemis create --user admin --password password --role admin --allow-anonymous y --clustered --host --cluster-user clusterUser --cluster-password clusterPassword --max-hops 1 broker1
- create broker 2
(A_MQ_Install_Dir)/bin/artemis create --user admin --password password --role admin --allow-anonymous y --clustered --host --cluster-user clusterUser --cluster-password clusterPassword --max-hops 1 --port-offset 100 broker2
- start both brokers
(broker1_home)/bin/artemis run
(broker2_home)/bin/artemis run
After some initial negotiation you should see each broker log that a bridge has been created.
Both brokers need to be configured with the same anycast queue definition
stop both brokers
Add an anycast queue configuration for both brokers
<address name="exampleQueue" type="anycast">
<queue name="exampleQueue"/>
- from the worksheet2 directory run 2 consumers connected to each broker
mvn verify -PqueueReceiver1
mvn verify -PqueueReceiver2
- from the worksheet2 directory run a producer to send 10 messages
mvn verify -PqueueSender
NB you will see each consumer receives 5 messages in a round robin fashion
- kill the consumers and run the producer again
mvn verify -PqueueSender
- now run the consumers again
mvn verify -PqueueReceiver1
mvn verify -PqueueReceiver2
NB you will see that only 1 consumer received the messages as they were load balanced on demand.
- now stop the brokers and update the load balancing to strict in the broker.xml file
- now re run the exercise and notice that both the consumers receive messages even when disconnected.
Both brokers need to be configured with the same multicast topic definition
- Add an multicast topic configuration for both brokers
<address name="exampleTopic" type="multicast"/>
- from the worksheet2 directory run 2 consumers connected to each broker
mvn verify -PtopicReceiver1
mvn verify -PtopicReceiver2
- from the worksheet2 directory run a producer to send 10 messages
mvn verify -PtopicSender
NB you will see each consumer receives all 10 messages