Representation of aws node pool specific parameters.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
kind | str | Indicates the type of this object. Will be 'AWSNodePool' if this is a complete object or 'AWSNodePoolLink' if it is just a link. | [optional] |
id | str | Unique identifier of the object. | [optional] |
href | str | Self link. | [optional] |
instance_profile | str | InstanceProfile is the AWS EC2 instance profile, which is a container for an IAM role that the EC2 instance uses. | [optional] |
instance_type | str | InstanceType is an ec2 instance type for node instances (e.g. m5.large). | [optional] |
tags | dict(str, str) | Optional keys and values that the installer will add as tags to all AWS resources it creates | [optional] |