Definition of an OpenShift cluster. The cloud_provider
attribute is a reference to the cloud provider. When a cluster is retrieved it will be a link to the cloud provider, containing only the kind, id and href attributes: json { \"cloud_provider\": { \"kind\": \"CloudProviderLink\", \"id\": \"123\", \"href\": \"/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/cloud_providers/123\" } }
When a cluster is created this is optional, and if used it should contain the identifier of the cloud provider to use: json { \"cloud_provider\": { \"id\": \"123\", } }
If not included, then the cluster will be created using the default cloud provider, which is currently Amazon Web Services. The region attribute is mandatory when a cluster is created. The aws.access_key_id
, aws.secret_access_key
and dns.base_domain
attributes are mandatory when creation a cluster with your own Amazon Web Services account.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
kind | str | Indicates the type of this object. Will be 'Cluster' if this is a complete object or 'ClusterLink' if it is just a link. | [optional] |
id | str | Unique identifier of the object. | [optional] |
href | str | Self link. | [optional] |
api | ClusterAPI | [optional] | |
aws | AWS | [optional] | |
aws_infrastructure_access_role_grants | list[AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrant] | List of AWS infrastructure access role grants on this cluster. | [optional] |
ccs | CCS | [optional] | |
dns | DNS | [optional] | |
fips | bool | Create cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries. | [optional] |
gcp | GCP | [optional] | |
gcp_encryption_key | GCPEncryptionKey | [optional] | |
gcp_network | GCPNetwork | [optional] | |
additional_trust_bundle | str | Additional trust bundle. | [optional] |
addons | list[AddOnInstallation] | List of add-ons on this cluster. | [optional] |
autoscaler | ClusterAutoscaler | [optional] | |
billing_model | BillingModel | [optional] | |
byo_oidc | ByoOidc | [optional] | |
cloud_provider | CloudProvider | [optional] | |
console | ClusterConsole | [optional] | |
creation_timestamp | datetime | Date and time when the cluster was initially created, using the format defined in RFC3339. | [optional] |
delete_protection | DeleteProtection | [optional] | |
disable_user_workload_monitoring | bool | Indicates whether the User workload monitoring is enabled or not It is enabled by default | [optional] |
etcd_encryption | bool | Indicates whether that etcd is encrypted or not. This is set only during cluster creation. | [optional] |
expiration_timestamp | datetime | Date and time when the cluster will be automatically deleted, using the format defined in RFC3339. If no timestamp is provided, the cluster will never expire. This option is unsupported. | [optional] |
external_id | str | External identifier of the cluster, generated by the installer. | [optional] |
external_configuration | ExternalConfiguration | [optional] | |
flavour | Flavour | [optional] | |
groups | list[Group] | Link to the collection of groups of user of the cluster. | [optional] |
health_state | ClusterHealthState | [optional] | |
htpasswd | HTPasswdIdentityProvider | [optional] | |
hypershift | Hypershift | [optional] | |
identity_providers | list[IdentityProvider] | Link to the collection of identity providers of the cluster. | [optional] |
inflight_checks | list[InflightCheck] | List of inflight checks on this cluster. | [optional] |
infra_id | str | InfraID is used for example to name the VPCs. | [optional] |
ingresses | list[Ingress] | List of ingresses on this cluster. | [optional] |
kubelet_config | KubeletConfig | [optional] | |
load_balancer_quota | int | Load Balancer quota to be assigned to the cluster. | [optional] |
machine_pools | list[MachinePool] | List of machine pools on this cluster. | [optional] |
managed | bool | Flag indicating if the cluster is managed (by Red Hat) or self-managed by the user. | [optional] |
managed_service | ManagedService | [optional] | |
multi_az | bool | Flag indicating if the cluster should be created with nodes in different availability zones or all the nodes in a single one randomly selected. | [optional] |
name | str | Name of the cluster. This name is assigned by the user when the cluster is created. | [optional] |
network | Network | [optional] | |
node_drain_grace_period | Value | [optional] | |
node_pools | list[NodePool] | List of node pools on this cluster. NodePool is a scalable set of worker nodes attached to a hosted cluster. | [optional] |
nodes | ClusterNodes | [optional] | |
openshift_version | str | Version of OpenShift installed in the cluster, for example `4.0.0-0.2`. When retrieving a cluster this will always be reported. When provisioning a cluster this will be ignored, as the version to deploy will be determined internally. | [optional] |
product | Product | [optional] | |
properties | dict(str, str) | User defined properties for tagging and querying. | [optional] |
provision_shard | ProvisionShard | [optional] | |
proxy | Proxy | [optional] | |
region | CloudRegion | [optional] | |
state | ClusterState | [optional] | |
status | ClusterStatus | [optional] | |
storage_quota | Value | [optional] | |
subscription | Subscription | [optional] | |
version | Version | [optional] |