A SpringBoot project which shortens URLs and redirects short URLs to the origin
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As already many services are available, e.g. bit.ly, to create short URLs this project is yet another service which implemented by using the Kotlin programming language and provides identical functionality
The following steps give instructions on setting up the project locally. As the application is a simple SpringBoot app you can run it as well on your cloud environments and deploy it there.
Define port and the URL of your website
- application.properties file
server.port=8080 base_url=localhost:8080
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/rhaeckl/url-shortener-app.git
- Run the SpringBoot application
How the application can be used is documented in the Swagger UI which can be found here:
Robert Häckl - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/rhaeckl/url-shortener-app