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16 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, The computer blinked to life and an image of a blonde haired girl filled the screen. It was easy to find out how life was in @LOCATION2, thanks to the actual @CAPS1 girl explaining it. Going to the library wouldn't have filled one with this priceless information and human interection. Computers are a nessessity of life if soceity wishes to grow and expand. They should be supported because they teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and allow people to talk to others online. Firstly, computers help teach hand eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is a useful ability that is usod to excel in sports. In a recent survey, @PERCENT1 of kids felt their hand eye coordination improves after computer use. Even a simple thing like tying can build up this skill. Famous neurologist @CAPS2 @PERSON1 stated in an article last week that, ""@CAPS3 and computer strength the @CAPS2. When on the computer, you automatically process what the eyes see into a command for your hands."" @CAPS4 hand eye coordination can improve people in sports such as baseball and basketball. If someone wan't to become better in these sports, all they'd need to do was turn on the computer. Once people become better at sports, they're more likely to play them and become more healthy. In reality, computers can help with exercising instead of decreasing it. Additionaly, computers allow people to access information about faraway places and people. If someone wanted to reasearch @LOCATION1, all they'd need to do was type in a search would be presented to them in it would link forever to search through countless things. Also, having the ability to learn about cultures can make peole peole and their cultures, they understand others something. Increase tolerance people are. Computers are a resourceful tool that they can help people in every different aspect of life. Lastly, computer and in technology can allow people to chat. Computer chat and video chat can help the all different nations. Bring on good terms places other than can help us understand story comes out about something that happend in @LOCATION3, people can just go on their computer and ask an actual @LOCATION3 citizen their take on the matter. Also, video chat and online conversation can cut down on expensive phone bills. No one wants to pay more than they have to in this economy. Another good point is that you can acess family members you scaresly visit. It can help you connect within your own family more. Oviously, computers are a useful aid in todays era. their advancements push the world foreward to a better place. Computers can help people because they help teach handeye coordination, give people the bility to learn about faraway places and people, and allow people to talk online with others. Think of a world with no computers or technologicall advancements. The world would be sectored and unified, contact between people scare, and information even. The internet is like thousands or librarys put together. Nobody would know much about other nations and news would travel slower. Is that the kind of palce you want people to live in?" 6 6 12
21 1 Dear @CAPS1 of the @CAPS2 @CAPS3 daily, I am writing you to address the issue of computers in our society today. Each day new discoverys are made from the people that use computers in our society, however many people say that computers are harmful to are communtiy. Today I am going to convince you and society that computers are not as much as on issue as some people say they are. To begin with discoverys in our nation have been advancing rapidly. Each day new discoverys are benefiting our society however they are only being made possible by the help of computers. Without computers some for dieseases would have never been discovered and more people. Would have died. Secondly, computers have also increased medical care and have been the cave between life or death. Finnaly, computers help speed up production rates of cars household neccessitys, and many more objects. Have you ever been bored at home and looking for something to do on that dark, rainy, chilly night? Yes, exactly what I thought well the new technology advances in social-networking can even help the most bored and lonelyest people and give them something to do. Even if your just looking to talk to someone you can easily do that on the internet. So you people out there looking for that special someone will always be able to look somewhere. With all the social networks like twitter, myspace, facebook, and youtube you will always have something to do. During this economic recestion it seems that finding a job is so hard, however the internet comes to the rescue yet again. The internet can help you find a job twice if not three times as fast. Many people also speed up their word by using the computer. With microsoft things are lot easier to do work that you need to make up I hope that everyone can understand how much the computer help you, rather then hurt you. @CAPS1 of the newspaper, I hope you and the rest of the community can see that computer help you more that they hurt you. Thank you very much for your time and effort that you put in to listen to me. 4 4 8
22 1 Dear local Newspaper @CAPS1 a take all your computer and given to the people around the world for the can stay in their houses chating with their family and friend. Computers help people around the world to connect with other people computer help kids do their homework and look up staff that happen around the world. 2 1 3
25 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 off, I beileve that computers are very helpfull to many people by looking up information, or talking to friends. Although many kids should be spending their time outside, the computer is a well-occupied environment that helps kids learn and interact with others. I believe kids should have the right to stay on the computer as long as they desire. Although, they should always make time go outside, hang out with friends, ect. The computer @MONTH1 be fun but its always important to get outside and enjoy nature. Another reason why students should not spend all their time on the computer is because of their health. If a child gets addicted to the computer it will affect how he interacts with other and @MONTH1 do serious damage to their brain. Although, I believe children should have the right on the computer, it's always important to spend time outside enjoying nature. Another reason why I think children should have the right to the computer is because of the information they learn and discover. Many kids grow up to have a career in computer makings or program designing. Some kids @MONTH1 have their education online or to teach others. The computer is a non-stop generation of intelligence based to help people learn, play and discover. Many people have dream to one day build a computer or make new programs. All students should have the right to spend time on the computer but also to save time to spend outside and with friends. Everyone has their own perspective on how they think and if staying on the computer all day is a good thing. I do not think kids should do this because it might affect their health and how other think of them. 4 4 8
26 1 "Do you think that computers are useless? Or do you think they could be useful in many ways? I remember @CAPS4 my older sister had to do some research on @CAPS1, the computer gave her all of the information she needed. The issue to grapple with is, more and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. I strongly think that @CAPS2 does benifit society in many ways! Heres why, the computer allows you to get in touch with friends, research people, places or things, and relax and enjoy playing on a fun, entertaining website! My first reason is that @CAPS2 allows you to talk to family or friends so you all get back in touch if a friend of yours moved to a diffrent state, then you can easily get back in touch straight from the computer. ""@CAPS2's nice to send emails or pictures to friends, but if you do @CAPS2 from the computer then @CAPS2 gets done so much faster!"" @CAPS3 @PERSON1, one of my neighbors. My next reason is that you can research anything you want like people, places or things and all refferances will come up. @CAPS2 is good to research for any projects, or school assignments you @MONTH1 have. I remember @CAPS4 my brother was working on his project. Everything he had trouble with, he found directly on the computer! My final reason is that there are alot of fun and exciting websites that you can relax and play on! These websites can keep you busy, and you wont be bored while playing! ""@CAPS4 im bored I go on the computer and play games, that I find on @CAPS5.com,"" @CAPS3 my younger cousin, @PERSON2. Computers @MONTH1 make people become adicted to them. Yes but, you will be learning some interesting things on how the internet works. More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. I strongly beleive that they do benefit society, heres why you can get in touch with people, you can research, and play fun games! @CAPS2's now or never to decide what you think! Call me and we will talk this through." 5 4 9
44 1 People are spending too much time on computers. People that spend to much time on the computer do not have time to interact with family or friends. People spened to much time on the computer. The kids that spend time on the computer get bad grades. They also get tired every easy. First of all people spend to much time on the computer. @PERCENT1 of kids spend @NUM1 to @NUM2 hours on the computer. I once spent @NUM3 hours on my computer on @CAPS1. A lot of kids go on @CAPS1, @CAPS2 and iTunes. My friend spent @NUM4 hours on those websites. People spend way to long on the computer. Another reason, kids that spend time on the computer get bad grades. @PERCENT2 of kids that spend a lot of time on the computer forget to study for test. Once I spent all night on the computer and the next day I failed a test. Kids forget to do homework to. My friend was having so much fun on the computer he forget to do his homework. Kids should get off the computer and worry about school. My final reason, kids get tired from being on the computer for so long. @PERCENT3 of kids get so tired they can't do anything once they get off the computer. I got so tired from being on the computer for so long I took a nap. @PERCENT4 of kids forget they made plans after school. One kid was so tired he blow the plans off that he made with his friends. Kids need to get away from the computer. In conclusion, kids spend to much time on computers. People spend to much time on computer. Kid end up getting bad grade because they spend time on the computer. Aslo, kids get tired very quickly from being on the computer. Something has to be done about this. 4 4 8
45 1 Dear @LOCATION1, @CAPS1 you think the computers don't help you with research? Well, if you really think about it computers @CAPS1 help you. You can't always gain wait by just looking or staying on a computer. And you can defenetly still talk with kids, friends, and family members on computer. @CAPS1 you no if books have all the information you need for school project, or your own family history. Maybe books have our history of wars and of our heros. Try and see if you can find the first ancestor of your family. The computer are the reasons why we no our history and know about actors, slaves, sergents, and much more. Have you gain weight just from staying on the computer for too long. I haven't gain a pound or an ounce since I've been on computer. Not only can you gain weight or lose weight just by being on the computer. How @CAPS1 you know if the person on the computer is not looking for diet foods or fat free things? Or if the person is eating while being on the computer. @CAPS1 you get large phone bills just for a two minute long distance call? Why @CAPS1 you think we have enternet websites such as myspace, facebook, twitter, msn and lots more. Most of my family members life in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION4, and @LOCATION2 and just for a call its like ten dollars for a minute. While you can be on the internet for about day to night and still pay the same price. So what @CAPS1 you choose pay over thirty dollars just for a long distance call or stay on the computer. Or get bad grades for doing the bad research. Its you chooce, choose now if either talk with family and friends on phone and pay over your bill money or stay on web chat for how long you want and still get the same bill price. 4 4 8
56 1 Over the past decade, the percentage of people using computers has increased by approximately @PERCENT1. All of a sudden the world and its people have become dependent on information that computers provide. The variety of data bases and resources the increased communication and the skills computers allow you to portray and prove that they are essential for this generation. Communication over computers benefit now society can interact between one another. Personally I have been able to talk and see my family who live overseas through the advanced technology on computers. Different communication programs include @CAPS1 @CAPS2 and e-mail, the most commonly used cite. Without having access to a computer and its contents residents have a difficult time embarking themselves within the rest of society. For school events, sport schedules, and keeping in touch with far away family and friends. Computers allow all of these essentials to be part of society, and the way this generation has decided to start our lives. Paretns and teenagers these days have become very lazy in comparison to the way they used to behave. They are nit interested in going to the library in order to research information on people, places, and family heritage. Computers have been a huge convenience in a persons life by allowing all the information that was once in books to be contained throughout the internet. For example if you are doing a project for school. the internet will provide you with any information you need. It is truely astonishing how much one electronic instrument can impact and influence a life. Being a student, I am commonly curious about what references teachers are making and additional information that is not provided. The internet allows any person in possesion of a computer to research what they have wondered about and to give a response on the subject almost immediately the benefits of computers can practically cover the few negative effects as it is a way to let a person discover various information on any desired subject. Besides searching for information, computers can be used to document data of your own. Microsoft has invented several applications of which allow you to graph information design presentations, and neatly record drafts of writing. No person is flawless and is incapable of mistakes. Microsoft helps take your exentuated imperfections and hide them by doing things as little as making a neater copy of your essay, or putting your lists of data into graph form to make it more eye-friendly to viewers. Society has become reliant to sources scattered throughout the date bases on computers and by directly looking at the negative effects that a computer can have on aperson and therefore putting restrictions on this information source will enable society to have to positive donations that computers these days have on our way of life. 5 5 10
64 1 Dear news paper I think computers good for you because you can use the internet and myspace and videos and some school work like math and essays so yes I do think that computers are good for you because you can do all kind of things on computers. And computers can help you with school a lot and you can print out lots of things and why computers can help you is with your math writing spelling and most defyntly is science and ant also literature. The reason why I chose those @NUM1 things is because you can look those @NUM1 things up on. Computer and get the answer to math and spelling right like read @NUM3 helps you write and spell thats one at the reasons why I like computers because I can get on read @NUM3 and I love doing read @NUM3 a lot and I like the read @NUM3 class also because the computers sometimes I like reading on the computers but not all the time but I have to read that's how I'll first learn how to read by forsing my self forward to read. That's how I'll first learned how to read by computers and putting forse to my self. That's why computers is more important to me and look words up. 4 3 7
78 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion for using ""too much"" computer time is an outrage. I think people should have more ideas. Such as as exercise, socialize with family and friends, and lastly, ""you time"" which means to do whatever you would like to do indoors BUT @CAPS2 computers. For excersice you can do any sport that you like outside. For @CAPS3 and spending time with family and friends you can have a nice family reunion at their house @CAPS5 just ""hangout with your friends. Four ""you time you can draw, @CAPS5 read a book. Their is a lot of ideas instead of ""computer time @CAPS6 the time!"" With exercising can go outside and play sport such as basketball, soccer @CAPS5 baseball, etc. You could even play hide and seek with your friends @CAPS5 even tag. Anything that keeps you moving out of the house ins tead of using computers! If you exercise everyday such as ""workout"" to get fit you will definatelly manage that instead of using ""computer time"". Exercising is a good idea ins tead of using ""computer time!"" @CAPS3 with family and friends is a good use instead of ""computer time because you can finally have the time to spend time with then like talk to them, play games @CAPS5 eat dinner together. That's called ""@CAPS3"" Your family @CAPS5 friends will love to spend time together by eating dinner together and have a nice conversation. You could also play any board games such as ""monopoly"" too. With your friends you ran go to the movies, have a sleepover @CAPS5 play outside. Many good little ideas to do with family and friends instead of using ""computer time."" The last idea for ins tead of using ""computer time"" lis doing ""you time indoors. WARNING! But @CAPS2 computer time! You could do something quite like draw a nice picture. That's something nice and quite to do instead of using ""computer time."" @CAPS5 you could even read a book too. Maybe you have to catch up on your nightly reading for language arts and you want start reading your goal book. If you choose to do ""you time, you will definately manage to undo that useless ""computer time!"" @CAPS6 of these ""ideas"" for not using the computer is very easy. It's not healthey to sit around the computer @CAPS6 day! Instead you can exercise. You could also socialize with family and friends. Lastly, do ""you time. but don't use a computer!!! If you want to achieve a goal you can mange that!!!" 5 5 10
80 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 name is @PERSON1 and I do not believe that computers are very beneficial to our society. Computers donot benefit us because they are stoping many people @CAPS3 exercising and healthy life, playing sports, and enjoying the outdoors. Computers are stoping many people, particular the younger generations, @CAPS3 exercising. Now a days instead of bitting the gym many people are home on the computer talking to friends or playing computer games. As a result many people are not as healthy as they should be. It's also recorded that any person who is on the computer for large amounts of times are hurting thier eyes, resulting in an increase of people wearing glasses. If people were to go and start doing things besides the computer they will live a happier, healthier, and better life. Unfortunatly, many young people are not getting in to play sports. During this decade many sports games have come out for the computer. Now instead of pushing themselves to work hard for aspact, kids ethier play with no heart or dont play at all. The reason for this is because they can instead work extremly hard on thier custom @CAPS4 or @ORGANIZATION1 teams in @PERSON2 or @NUM1. Also the computer is not the only electronic stoping kids @CAPS3 playing sports, xbox, playstation, xbox @NUM2, psp, @NUM3, gamecube and gameboy are some of the few console systems that play games that distract kids. I myself, had been caught thinking more about on xbox game then @CAPS2 own hackey game! not olny are these electronics pulling kids in like magnets but the parents are they are alarming thier kids to play video games or stay on the computer for hours on end. Many of us dont know what its truly like to go outside and camp. do not to spend time with thier family. I came @CAPS3 on @CAPS5 family and many @CAPS5 families are very close, so its natural to be doing things with @CAPS2 father or brother or whole or cousin. However not to many families are as close as so they do not do something togther. If some fathers took thier sons fishing or camping, it would get them away @CAPS3 computers and the father/son band will become stronger. These are @CAPS2 reason sir and they should be thought over far quite sometime. Just remember that many people need to exercise, many play sports, and many families got to exprience the outdoors. 4 4 8
87 1 "Computers. One of the much enjoyed pieces of technology. But it is also one of the many distractions. Many people ponder if computers are really beneficial. I am one of those thinkers. I think that computers don't always benefit society. They have many, many distractions such as facebook, online games, and even inappropriate images and videos. If you really think of it, are computers as beneficial as we think? My friend, @PERSON2 was just told about facebook, and got a membership. It just started out as a 'na big deal' kind of thing. She went online often, just to check on her status and if she had any messages in her inbox, and that's @CAPS2. But then, she was full-blown addicted. She applied for @CAPS2 the clubs and groups, and she started getting behind in school. She was obtaining a plethora of @CAPS1's on most of her tests after not studying because she was on for almost six hours everyday. @PERSON2 would come home and not even bother to do homework, but would just immediately go online. After one month of being a member, she was failing @CAPS2 of her classes, and her mom took her computer priveleges away. See, she was distracted by one, little thing, and her whole life was almost destroyed. ""But, mom, i'm in the middle of a game! And I'm winning!"" @PERSON1 says vistoriously. @PERSON1 loves online games, and he wins almost @PERCENT1 of the time. But, that's not the point. He plays games @CAPS2 the TIME. @PERSON1's game playing gets in the way with the interaction of him and his family. He @CAPS3't played eith his four year old sister, @PERSON3 since she was two years old. his mother also often eats dinner alone. Sometimes, he even views inappropriate pictures when his mom is out shopping. When he's playing a game, a girl @CAPS4 him, ""@CAPS5 at my pic. They're hot! and he looks at them. He thinks they're harmless but that's not what his mother thinks. his gaming has gotten in the way of his family and social life. most people think that computers are beneficial because you can find cool information. But, you can get @CAPS2 kinds of information from books. Instead of typing '@ORGANIZATION1', you could just @CAPS5 for it in a library. It takes less time, and you won't get carpal tunnel as easily. See? Computers aren't as beneficial as most think. There are @CAPS2 kinds of distraction, and these are only a few." 5 5 10
97 1 Dear Local @CAPS1, I think computers benefit society greaty. Most of what we do today could not happen without computers. The biggest use of computers is comunication. If you're in @LOCATION1 on a buisnoss trip but need to send a letter to your company, you can send an emil which is much less expensive than paying for as piece of @CAPS1. The experts concerns that people aren't spending enough time with family and friends is a point. Many people cominucate with family and friends through computers. I would hardely yet to talk to my cousin if I couldn't go on facebook. I would have had to wait another month to find out my other cousin was engaged if I didn't follow her on @CAPS2. If the concern is face to face contact, the computer has a cure for that, too, a video messaging site called ooVoo. Another way computers allow comunication is through the shareing of information. Many facts needed for school are spread out in hundreds of books. Over the @CAPS3, I've done research for a project and have been able to get facts from the @ORGANIZATION1 and @ORGANIZATION2 about crime stats. Many times researching an animal will take you online because more modern books note good website to travel to for more information. Without the @CAPS3, a simple reasearch project could take for months. Some scientists think people are spending too much time on the computer. This both right and wrong. Sitting at a computer watching youtube for hours is not nessasarily the best thing. However, the @CAPS4 is also for computer. The @CAPS4 has designed a game so that you can have fun while getting excersize. Computers are like chocolate. They can be good, but too much is a bad thing. 4 4 8
101 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever gone somewhere, taken pictures, and posted them on the computer? If you have you will remember where you visited. But atleast you went to @ORGANIZATION1, or @LOCATION1 or somewhere. There are some people who are on the computer all day. Instead of experiencing nature and taken on @CAPS1 life brings to them, they are on facebook or youtube all day. This disgusts me because there are many fun, beautiful, and entertainings things to do. In @CAPS2 opinion I think computers have negative effects on people. People miss out on enjoying nature or interacting with friends and family. Some people do not get exercise anymore and it hurts to see obese people just sit ther and do nothing about there lives. First I'd like to talk about obesity. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of children are obese at young a young age? Computers take the place of exercising for a young boy or girl. They should go outside and play sports like basketball or soccer. Another thing is those game websites. Children get so caught up in a computer game, everything around them just disappears. All they worry about is winning the game. While playing this game they might eating doritos. Sooner or later five pounds is gained. Then they will regret not exercising and not be able to move. Later in life, when things are bad for them, they will realized on how many fantastic things they missed. Then they will say ""@CAPS1 did I do with @CAPS2 life?"" @CAPS2 next point shows that people are not enjoying nature. Have you ever taken a nice walk in the park? I know I have. Well people sit inside all day just taking a peek out the window, but don't think about going outside. Nature is beautiful, smells nice, even refreshing at times. But no. People sit on there butt all day. On the computer accomplishing absolutely nothing. Why can't they go outsite for a walk or a jog? People can see animals like squirrels climbing up a tree. How cute. But instead they play a virtual game where you shoot squirrels with a paint ball gun. So much is missed because of computers. As much as not enjoying nature upsets me, some people blow off their own family just to watch a re-run of family guy on youtube. @CAPS1 have we come to? Some children hit their parents because the parents shut the computer off. I'd rather enjoy a meal with @CAPS2 family and then just sit down, relax, and talk. Also some people don't get sleep becuse they are ""doing something important"" and miss a family trip or even school. In conclusion I believe that computers are bad because of obesity, missing nature, and not enjoying company of family & friends." 5 5 10
110 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think computers are good to society, because you can read the news paper online, email your friends and family, and can play games and watch videos or movies. Knowing the latest news is very important, news paper are okay but you have to pay for them with the news paper online you can get the latest news for free! This way you can save money and trees. Heres another way of saving trees. E-mailing is a good to talk so some one far away and it's a lot faster than just regular old mailing. E-mail is also good for e-mailing links to cool websites, on e-mail can send a funny picture or a video or an important notice. So, Computers can be your news paper and a good and fast way of communication. It also can be useful for entertainment. Computers are one of the most popular entertainment sources. Computers allow you to go on game sites, watch videos or movies or play on online game on just a regular @CAPS1 game. I know whenever I'm bore I go on my computer and I can always find something to don on line or find a movie to watch. So, computers are very popular, in many areas computers are helpful in news, communication, and entertainment. People just need to look at the positive aspects of computers, then they will see how great they are 3 3 6
124 1 I think that the computers are good to be used because anybody can use them at anytime or go on it whenever they want to. The reason why I think it is good is because you can contact someone that you know and talk to them whenever you want. Another reason is because you can play games or look for something or even make a research on stuff that you want to know or about something that you were always curious about. A computer is also usefull for better things like using it for when going to work or when a kid in school needs to do a report of project and needs to do it in typing and also to save stuff that you don't want nobody to use. Computers can sometimes be helpfull to people that really need it and that actually need to use it, but it can also be a fun activity to do if anybody doesnt have nothing to do. I think that the computer is awsome because anybody enough can open up their own website and create something what. A lot of people can go on the internet and open an account on a website; for example a @CAPS1 or a @CAPS2 or a @CAPS3 for that what to have an account. These are a lot of people that use the computer in a good way and use it for things that it can actually be used for. So I think that the computers are avery helpfull to people that like seaching for stuff that there curious about or to have to use it for good needs. 4 3 7
130 1 Dear Newspaper of @LOCATION1, The use of the computer is a controversial topic. Many people have varying opinions & beliefs, But I personally believe that computers have a positive effect on the people who use & operate them. These remarkable devices give people the ability to talk & be social with friends and family members. They let people know what is going on in the world, and give updates on the condition of countries and events. They will also provide information, and give people the ability to research and learn more about a topic or idea. A computer is a necessity in todays society, & to go against it is a proposterous motion. Many people young & old are starting to use the computer to be social with friends & family members through various types of websites & programs. A computer is to talk to someone without physically being there. The social aspect of a computer is rising in popularity and many people are using computers to be social. Social networking sites, and instant messaging programs are just two at the many ways to be socially active on a computer. A social networking site as a website that allows you to make an account and post pictures and information for your friends to see. To take away the computer would take away many peoples social lives. The computer benefits many people socially and this has a positive effect on their lives. Todays news is always with exciting events and horrible disaters that many people like to be updated with. Most people do not like to wait for the newspaper to arrive to read about the fastest news. So they check online and find about it there. Online news is widely popular & extremely beneficial to many people. It provides them with the lastest stories and updated events. Online news was extremely crucial in the lastest disaster, the earthquake in @LOCATION2. Because online news is so fast and easy to acess. People were donating & helping @LOCATION2 just a day after the earthquake happened. The fast response is what is helping @LOCATION2 rebuild from the rubble. Computers provide people with online news & this is definitely beneficial to their lives. Before people starting using computers to research topics & ideas they would use books. They would have to shuffle through piles of pages and articles in newspapers. This is a very inefficient & disorganized way to be research. Now we have the computer. The computer allows you to recall through endless information and topics. It is not possible to an article or essay with information because it will always be in the same place. This allows for guide and efficient research. There are also websites called online databases on the internet. All have to do is type in a keyword or phrase and you have instant research on whatever you wont you wont information on. All this takes time off of research and put it on whatevers else you would wanting to be doing, whether it is writing a paper or doing a presentation. The computer allows for quick and beneficial research. The computer hasn't been in use for that long and it is already helping society expand & grow. It provides a social aspect where you can talk to friends & family. You can provide yourself with the lastest news & stories, and you can do quick & easy research. A computer without a doubt has a positive effect on society and we as people. The experts can say what they want, but the computer is and always will be benefit to society. 5 5 10
131 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Computers are beginning to be a problem in many households. I feel that too many people are becoming addicted to computers. People like this are more likely to gain weight, have little social time, and spend too much time inside. In @CAPS6 article I have recently read in the @ORGANIZATION1, it was about @CAPS6 experiment on computer use. Dr. @PERSON1, a @CAPS3 professor stated that his findings showed that people who are addicted to computers only leave their homes to run errands. When this happens, it interferes with their lives as well as their bodies, because our bodies need sunlight. Furthermore, his study also showed that people who go outside more and not on the computer as much tend to be happier. @PERCENT1 of the study's patients started to be more joyful once they stopped going on the computer as often. I like when the people around me are happy, not grouchy, don't you? I have been noticing some kids in my school that are gaining weight. These are kids who have recently started going on the computer for a couple hours at a time everyday. This is very bad for your health and body. If someone sits at their computer all day eating the food is not being worked off, so it all turn to fat. Moreover, statistics show that @PERCENT2 of all obese people in a weight loss class had gained their extra weight from sitting at the computer all day. If people treat their bodies this way, they could end up with some type of condition. Last week, @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @NUM1 intervied @NUM2 year old @PERSON2. @PERSON2's best friend has been ignoring @PERSON2 because he got a @ORGANIZATION1 computer. Now, @PERSON2's friend doesn't want to hang out with @PERSON2, or any of his other friends. In addition, when people become addicted to computers, they become less social with friends and other people like parents, teachers, and more. When people push aside their social time for computer games, chat rooms, or movie websites, they lose a large portion of their life. This can be stopped if parents put their foot down, set limits, and make kids spend more time outside. As you can clearly see, computers @MONTH1 have some benefits, but they have many disadvantages. Addicted compuer users become less social, they don't go outside and start to ""pack on the pounds."" @CAPS6 effect of this is a world full of people who sit on the computer all day eating food and gaining weight." 5 5 10
139 1 Dear, @ORGANIZATION1, I think computers do have a positive affect on people but I don't think because of computers is the reason people don't exercise or enjoy nature. People make their own choices in life. The computer is just there. If somebody chooses to be on the computer instead of spending time with their family well thats their choice and problem not the computers. Me for example I love working and playing on the computer. Even though I'm on the computer I still do things like talk to my family, I play basketball, and I chill with my homies. Now thats my choice to do all of that. I can easily just sit up in my room and be on the computer all the time. It's nothing wrong with doing that because that is my choice in life. Nobody should be able to tell you to get off the computer because that is your choice in life. If you want to be on the computer instead of going outside thats your choice. Only you know what is best for you. 3 4 7
142 1 "As more and more people are becoming accustomed to using computers, I believe that this is having a negative effect on society. Because of computers people are not exercising as much as they should, which is of crucial importance. In addition, people are becoming unable to envoy and appreciate nature while they still can. Finally, people are slowly being their ability to communicate with family and friends. As every day people are getting in touch with technology they are losing touch with the world around them. Therefore, the advances in technology are having a negative affect on society. When the average, person uses, the computers, be it for business, homework, chatting, or just for fun, they are easily occupied for long periods of time. They consider themselves ""too busy"" for a thing called exercise which is becoming more and more curcial to our health and well-being. With music, walk, cool friends right in front of us, who has live. Time to go for a walk, jog, or bike ride? with computers, people are the will exercise. In this day and age, when is becoming a we need our exercise more. Every day rainforests indicated on the one, polluted, and clouded. We need and because of the realize ever a @ORGANIZATION1 screen. We need to write up and appreciate with the @ORGANIZATION1. As time goes by communication technology through the internet this issue of helping @CAPS1, healthy relationships is becoming a progressively worse issue. ""@CAPS1 @CAPS2"" is something that doesn't completely exist on the internet. This means that while you @MONTH1 find someone you can call a ""friend"" online, you never know exactly who they are until you've actually, met them...which could be potentially dangerous. Additionally, the very @CAPS1 emotions and human need for interaction that comes with relationships is something their can never be simulated or programmed, no matter how ""advanced"" your technology is. As you can see, the dependancy on and average of computers is having a negative affect in our society. We are not taking the time for exercise, and human interacting, all of which are to our health. And in a world where it's more important than ever to do. healthy, grateful, and diplomatic, we are slowly losing important. Therefore, @ORGANIZATION1, are having a negative affect on society." 5 5 10
144 1 Dear local Newspaper, In my opinion computers are a help to our plant. The new technology makes life easier to handle. The computer are a help because it teaches hand-eye coordination. You can talk to people, and it is a new way to be entertained. Computers can teache hand-eye coordination because of typing. Whether someone knows it or not when you are typing fast it is help you hands. Also the fact you that if your typing without making is also helping because it makes your hand easier to move. The typing is giving your hand lots of exersise because your hands are moving all over the place. The more you move them the more excersise you can get. Computers can really help hand-eye coordination alot. Computers can also help by talking to people. To talk to people far away is better to talk to on the computer because if you have a webcam you can see each other. You are able to talk to people from different countries. Also computers are able to be used in business meetings when a business has to talk with another from different locations. Like if part of the business is doing a project in hong kong, then the boss can set up a meeting to see how it is going. Another way to use computers to talk to people is to speak with a person you are not able to see in person. Like if a oerson is in the hospital but you're not able to go, then you can talk while seeing each other throw the computer. Computers are a great way to use in communication. Computer are also a new way to get entertained. They can entertain you because there is games that you can play. There are games that come with the computers and a lot of games on the internet. Other they being bored all the time you can play thousands of game with just a click on a mouse. Also to not be bored you can watch videos like youtube. You can listen te musicor watch comedy videos. Video also show a way do express what you feel and sat it in comedy, horror, or sad videos. Also for teenagers there is ways to talk to their friends like facebook. On the website you can talk with anyone on your friends list. In the end computer can help kids, adults, or teenagers. With just a clicking your mouse you can find a new powerful way of technology. And be able to got better hand-eye coordination talk to people and get entertained. So go get yourself a computer and amazed! 4 5 9
145 1 Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1 are you adminitrating your loacl newapaper to society? You are probably using a computer to type the documents. If the government, businesses, schools, students and local newspaper are using computers for a variety of different tasks then @CAPS1 are thet not helpful? Primarily, computers are used for typing, editing and presenting as stated before, local newpaper are required to use computers to present their work. As a member of society, I knew I would not want to read something not typed anyway. The govermnet must announce laws to the people and use typed documents to communicate with different countries & states. Without computers signs, flyers, bussinesses, and even newspapers would not be possible. You are running late to work able to traffic on the hignway. @CAPS1 are you supposed to explain to your boss in time? You can simply email him the situation and arrive stress-free to work. Prctically the entire world uses computers as a source of communication, so why be indifferent? Computers make life easier for people through communication like email, social network websites such as facebook and aol, and even video chat. Computers supply an excellent source of communication that is even used throughout schools. Teachers and administrater interact with each other with important message using computers. if computers are important to them, the @CAPS1 could they be destructive to society? As a western middle school students, I know the amount of projects and research we are required to do per class. Without the internet this would almost be impossible. The internet allows research to happen. After reseach is finished, the paper or homework assignment must be typed and printed. Without the assitance from computers, ahving naetly-written and well-researched assignments would not be possible. To conclusion, I feel that computers are an excellent advance in technology and should be used as frequently as possiblr. Without them, newspaper could not print, teachers could not communiacte, and students couldn't complete tasks for school. As a student I know they help me with school and communicating with my friends and relatives. If computer are such a helpful source to society, why would people consider them as a concern? 5 5 10
146 1 Dear local newspaper I think that usieng computers help people becuse if we did not have computers we would not now ehey thing about eneyone or eneything like all of the @CAPS1 I would not now eneything about them but with computers I know alot about them and there lives like @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 got shot in the back of the head and. @CAPS4 got shot to and I know alot about the @ORGANIZATION1 there white people that to fear in to black people and the same with the wars like world @NUM1 and world @NUM2 and the @CAPS5 and @PERSON1 and the @CAPS6 war there was like plain spy palin flying across @LOCATION1 and they shot him down becuse we were trying to see if thay had eney nuculer bombs offer there. And the same with google and yahoo with google you can type in eneything and you will get a answer and most liked a corect answer yahoo and google is great for some worke and products end studying becuse you then you do to and that I think that computer are good. 3 3 6
150 1 Dear newspaper, @CAPS1 computers does have some cons but they also have a lot of pros. Some pros are they show magnificant pictures of nature and it would pictures until you want to send them by email. You can even order tickets for planes, trains and movies. Let's not forget shopping and internet. If you go on the internet you can find many pictures of any thing you want. Such as pictures of nature, celebrities. About @PERCENT1 of all picture on the internet are true. A computer can also hold pictures that you take on a digital camera. It can even take a project on a flash drive and then download it. The computer can even email the pictures to any email that exsist. If you want to go to the movies or on vacation you can get the movie tickets online. You can get them at any ticket sales website. If you want to go on vacation you can get your hotel tickets even your plane train, or boat ticket online. Buying tickets isn't the only thing you can do on the internet you can buy stuff to. You can order @CAPS2, @CAPS2 @NUM1, @CAPS2 @NUM2, game cube, x-box, x-box @NUM3, wii, you even computer games. You can even buy the game systems. You can buy house hold appliances. Also you can put clothes and other store products an hold. The internet you can watch videos an almost any website you go on. Some @MONTH1 be grass, some @MONTH1 be funny others @MONTH1 even be wierd. @PERCENT2 of all teenagers like watching music videos. Some are just the artist sing and dancing in a background other times people make fun of other artists. Even though computers do have pros and cons they have more pros. Like the examples in the passage above. 4 4 8
151 1 Dear local newspaper I dont agree with the people who say people spend to much time on their computers. Because people can lean mostly anything they want all of a computer also there are lots of resomes why people should use advances technology they can teach kids how to find out answers to there homework the fastway instead of reading a book or taken a class and still get the full understeading. The people that say others spend's to much time on there computers are also right about that but they still can interact with friends and family they can play games, speak to each other, even learn new things together, all through a computer. One thing they were right about was to go out and enjoy the nature you cant do that on a computer but you can help the nature on a computer like try to put up a blog. Something that people make so others can see and spred the word and on that blog it can stay stop cuting down trees for stores or stop killing animales for there far or anythin you wont to write. So the people that do read this you should agree with me because you can do lots of things on a computer and learn lot more then you ever thought you could. So go out and find you a computer and find somethine you need to do or learn or just to have some fun. 4 4 8
153 1 @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 are many people in this world that think always being on the computer is good because they can talk with people online and learn more about the world. But, then @CAPS1 are people who disagree with them. I am one of those people. Spending too much time on the computer can really affect your life. People stop exercising, don't enjoy the beauty of nature or life, and they aren't spending enough time with their family and friends. So, I hope that while you read through this letter, you take some of this information into consideration. First of all, when people spend a lot of time on the computer they aren't getting all of the exercise that their body needs. They become lazy and don't want to do anything. This is very bad because it will affect your health and the rest of your life. People @MONTH1 become overweight and since they got lazy from always being on the computer, they won't go out and get the exercise that their body needs. People need to enjoy their life! By always being on the computer, they won't be able to. @CAPS1 are so many fun and healthy things you can do for your body. You can go play sports and have fun while getting exercise. Many people do this and try to encourage their family and friends to do it with them. But, some of their family and friends are to lazy to do anything because they are always on the computer. Instead, they stay inside the house all cooped up and don't get enough fresh air. This is a horrible thing to do to yourself. Your body needs fresh air, so start enjoying your life a little more people! Finally, people @MONTH1 lose contact with family members of their friends because they are to busy on the computer playing games. I know I wouldn't want to lose a friend to the internet ever again and I don't think anyone else would want to either. I once lost a friend or two because I didn't talk to them as much as I used to because I had been too busy on the computer on @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and games. I felt horrible because I didn't realize that I had been doing that. I really wouldn't want anyone else to lose contact with a family member or lose a friend because of the internet. Its horrible and you don't feel like yourself anymore. Once again I would like to tell you that always being on the internet is not good. You can become lazy, not want to do anything etc., people aren't enjoying their life to the fullest and you can and @MONTH1 lose contact with a family member or lose a friend because you spend to much time on the computer. I hope that after reading this, you realize that being on the computer is not always good for you. 5 4 9
156 1 "Dear Local newspaper, I just read about your article regarding the computer usage. In my opinion I think that computers are a good thing. Yet, I believe that it could have a negative influence as well. I believe that computers are one of mankind's best technologies. You can type, learn about historical happenings, different places, and different cultures as well. You can talk to people from far away by using chat or the webcam. That's what I use to speak to my @CAPS1's who live in @LOCATION2. Computers are one of the best things that has happened to me and my life. However, although computer can be such a good thing, it can be bad as well. A lot of people over used it too. I infact know a person and she's a very nice person. She's sweet, caring, loves kids, and has a kind heart. The only thing is, is that she's a @CAPS2 addict. She loves @CAPS2. Sometime when she comes over, I'll be using my laptop and she'll ask to check her @CAPS2 status. My point is, is that she allows @CAPS2 to take over her. not cool. I read an article the other day about computer usage in @LOCATION1. Dr. @PERSON1 covered this article on the topic of computer usage. She said ""The average american spends four hours or more on the computer. Although there are other people who spend their time outside when it's nice. I congradulate them on that"". See, now you heard it from the expert as well. In cocnclusion, I would like to state that computers can have either a positive influence or a negative one as well. So it all depends on how you use it and how much time you spend on it. So my point that I would to come across @LOCATION1 is that use you computer wisely. Don't spend all of your time on it. Life's too short for that. So spend time with family and friends and go outside too!" 4 4 8
167 1 "Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 are beinging questioned if the are good for our society or not. I would have to say that they are good and bad you really can't pick a side. These good because children and teens can get the information they need to teach in school, it allows people to chat with others in different places, and it helps hand-eye cordanation. Those were the good here are some bad things about compters. People spend to much time on the computer instead of exercising, they dont' get to enjoy nature, and people stop interacting with friends and family. Anyone can pick a side. I just can't, because i can relate to both sides. For example. one of the good reasons about computers was that you can chat's with other people around the world. I can relate to that because when i live here in @CAPS2 @CAPS3 my mom and stepdad live in @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2 so i don't see them much but thanks to computer i can chat. With them when ever i want to. Honestly i wouldn't know how my life would be like if i didn't have a computer and i wasn't able I @CAPS4 now. Although, can also to one or the bad things about computers, which is that people spent to much time on the them. I can relate to that and so could of the other well, because when i around @NUM1 because go to a after school, go straight on my laptop and around @NUM2. When my grandma @NUM3 pm. She always comes in and ""Your on that thing to much you your hands!"" in her. So in my opinion I believe that coumpters can be good for our socity and bad; for me there is no side to take. Others might feel the same way, and others @MONTH1 not. It's up to them to make a choice, so ask your self,"" @CAPS4 you believe that computers are good or bad for our society?" 4 4 8
171 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects of computers is that some people are spending to much time on computers they are good to be on for a while but not all day. So @CAPS1 first reason why I think spending to much time on computers is not a good thing because it's better to be outside doing other activities with other people all day instead you could hang out with friends and do some sports or something else and if your on the computer all day you will start to lose some friends. @CAPS1 second reason why I dont think it is good to be on the computer all day is because if your not exercising you will start to gain weight cause your sitting all day just on the computer so its good to go outside and go for a walk or you could go to a gym so you could do exercise is good for you it will keep you healthy cause I know someone who is on the computer all day and he really does not go outside because he says that computers teach you alot and they do but it is not good to be on it all day. @CAPS1 last reason on some bad effects of computers is that some people could use these computers for bad things they could be going on some bad websites and that will just make you to be on the compute even longer you could even become addicted to being on computers because your doing nothing else ans some people have cameras on their computers and some people use them for same bad things so thats why it is better not to be on a computera ll day long. So these were @CAPS1 reasons or some bad effects computers could have on people if your not go outside to do some activities or to hang out with some friends. 4 4 8
172 1 Dear @LOCATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 I do agree that people should stop spending most of thier day on the computer and start to exercise more or spend time with friends and family. The computer has the ability to let you learn about faraway places but instead of sitting behind a desk and learning about somewhere faraway you should go outside and see it for yourself. Also our country is one of the top @NUM1 that has fat people and I believe that the computer has something to do with this because most of the kids in our school have a facebook and about @PERCENT1 of those kids are on facebook for at least an hour. This is why people should stop using the internet for most of their day because they are not getting the exercise they need that is why our country is one of the top @NUM1 in the world that has most fast people. The internet does allow you to chat with family and friends but you still need to hand out with your friends outside so you can exercise by playing sports or just going for a walk down the block if you don't you will not have a healthy relationship because someitmes they @MONTH1 not even be on the computer so you can chat with them online. Also if you don't go outside and enjoy nature and play with friends then you will become very lazy just by sitting in a chair all day and you would'nt care to do anything anymore. 4 4 8
175 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, Computers are a sought after item in this day in age, and we are making advances in technology every single day. Social networking sites like @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 are all over the internet. Computers are good to some exstent, but some kids find the computer essential to their life. Using computers too much will have a bad effect on society. Oreos, @LOCATION1, @CAPS6 are all common sparks for people to be eating while on the computer. Now when you're sitting on the computer daily and for hours eating these sparks. You are begging to become overweight. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS7 kids are overweight and that is unhealthy. A collassal piece of this @PERCENT1 use the computer daily. There is no doubt obesity is a problem, and computers are making it worse. The people that love to use the computer definetly have some sort of social network account, @MONTH1 it be @CAPS5, or @CAPS4. Kids think they are immune to getting in trouble while posting messages or putting up picture of themselves. In one case a girl actually killed because of nasty messages posted about her. Three have been other cases in which girls have sent a nude pictures of themselves to their boyfriends and other people soul it. There lives will never be the same because they were using the computer too much. Soon we will become the leader of @LOCATION2 and we will get to the decisions around. If we are getting to know our outside world and we are not learning how to to be social without the internet, don't know how we will end up. will be the ones and all that important stuff. Instead of typing away we should explore the world and learn important things. Hopefully, as @CAPS10, we will become independent on computers and we will fit this problem by sending less time on a. Computers are great thing but they should not for going outside with friends and playing baseball. 4 4 8
177 1 Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, I strongly believe that computers are a big benefit to society these days. There is so much to learn on a computer. And it is a lot more fun to learn of off a computer than a book. For intinst, let's say a student had to do a report, but he couldn't get his hands on any book at all. All the student would have to do is type in a few words on the internet and hundreds of websites pop about any topic he wants to learn. Another reason that a computer benefits society is ways to keep in contact with family and friends if they live to far away. Like me for instints, I live far from my friends. And the only I could talk to them outside of school was on a computer. We would be able to talk in a chat room or on a game. The same goes with Family. Lets, say your childre go on vacation and wants to keep in touch. All you would have to do is type as much as you want and click send and its at the other computer instintly. But, if you was to write a letter through the mail, it would take maybe a week or two to reach your child or the other way around. But, most of all, there are so many cool things you can do on a computer. There are a bunch of games, to play, or videos to watch. You can make music and make money off of it. My favorite would have to be the computer programs. Flash macromedia is the best though. You get to make your own animation clips or even a movie. Computers are really fun to play on. a computer has so many advanrages in today society. Which i'm very thank full for computers and all of the great stuff you do. That is why I believe computers benefit society. 4 4 8
183 1 "Dear local newspaper, I overheard some people talking about how much time their families spend on the computer. My opinion is that they should not be on the computer staring at a screen for long periods of time. I think this because it takes away time from important tasks, there is something healthier than enclosing yourself with a computer monitor, that would be going outside or being active. Another reason is that you can have more time being around family and friends. First, you shouldn't be spending so much time on the computer. You could be getting other tasks done. Such @CAPS2 working, or for most teens, doing homework. Studies show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 teens get easily distracted by social networking websites such @CAPS2 ""@CAPS1"". ""twitter"", and ""aol"". People in the workplace are distracted two. Sometimes the job can get boring, so workers just go on the computer instead of getting things done. Children could be doing chores or just helping around the house a little, but they go on the computer instead. Teens regular routine consists of waking up, getting ready, soing on the computer, school, coming home, snack, and then going back to the computer. We need to break those habits of going back to the computer. Staring at a computer screen for long periods of time is not healthy. Instead, you could be active in a sport, or just going outside and playing."" @CAPS2 technology goes up seizure rates have also gone up."" @CAPS3 to a doctor at @ORGANIZATION1. Being involved in a sport would be healthier and more fun that talking to people online. Also, your not exercising while on the computer, being active keeps your shape along with being fun. The most important reason you shouldn't be on the computer for a long time is because your using valuable time you could have used to spend with family and friends. Most people barely see their family when their at home because their consumed in the computer. Laptops have made it easier to block people out. Bringing it into your room and shutting the door, is the most common way. Hang out with the friends your already talking to online, wouldn't it be better in person? In conclusion, we should limit our computer time to do other tasks, be active, and spend time with friends and family." 4 4 8
184 1 Dear people that read the news paper and that have @CAPS1 that like to play the computer all day more. Than a hour. I think you should take your time and read my article in this wonderful newspaper. I am writing this article about @CAPS1 using the computer more than an hour. My first reason about this computers issue is it makes than not pay attention in the school. To support that reason so you dont think i am making this up is that they play the computer alot and it makes the @CAPS1 just think about the computer and not think about school. They play it so much and it can mess up the @CAPS1 and they can not focus in school. My second main reason is it makes them allways want to talk about the computer. So if they play it mare than a hour like i said it can cause them to be addicted like drug's it is just like that if you dont want your @CAPS1 to be addicted to drugs i hope you woudnt want your own @CAPS1 to be addicted to the computer. To continue about your @CAPS1 can allways @CAPS2 about the computer it can make your @CAPS1 sound like they have no life because they play it all day everday and I would hope you woudnt want your @CAPS1 to be like this. Most importantly my final reason why you shoudnt let your child play the computer for more than a hour a day. Because they can get over weight. Your @CAPS1 well only get up and go to the bathroom, and eat, they will only do stuff that is in the house. Your @CAPS1 will not go out side and play and they wont get no exerse at all. I hope you will understand where I am coming from I have a brother that is offering in the hospital right computer too much and it messed and the doctor said he make it not so I am praying that he well make it out alive so I hope you woudnt let you @CAPS1 do this it will mess up their life forever. Thank you so much for takeng you own @CAPS4 Time to read this article I hope you would remember this article for your whole ontire life. 4 4 8
197 1 "Dear newspaper, I know that computers can place a person in its spell, but in reality it's one of the most necesary things we need in our lifetime. Computers are used for many things like school work, planning that trip you always wanted to go to, and reading the latest news. Read the following to know just how important computers really are. You know now when you have that project due for science class about protoplasms. You want to do as you can so you have that at. When you realize that the one book you find on it wont help you with the score you want you realize that the nextplace to look is the computer. The computer gives you an unlimited amount of information that will help you in any report. When a teacher gives you a book to do a biography on, for example, ""The life and times: @PERSON1"" You want to go beyond what they give you and search, for instances, his neighborhood, his inspiration, and the influences he had. You will find all this in the computer. When you see a sale on a ""five nights and four days"" trip to @ORGANIZATION1, you want to know what better sale they have. When you start to notice that your family needs a vacation what is the only place to look. You can'@CAPS3 look for that trip of a lifetime in a book. Sure you can find out that @CAPS1 is having that big blowout sale, but you cant search up the best deal. I've done a research with seven of my friends and that six of those seven parents have deal on a trip to @ORGANIZATION1 on their accounts. If you're a great fan of road trips you'll find a deal or @CAPS2's for the lowest only find out by computer. If you live in @LOCATION3, @LOCATION4 and you want to have a trip to the @LOCATION1 this deal is really good. If you live in the @LOCATION2 and you know the hottest day in the @DATE1 is coming you will be ready to get those beach balls and that blanket ready, but if you think computers are a waste of time then you wont know that all the beaches open and will be sending free drinks all day. You will be at home eating a @CAPS3.V. watching old reruns of The @CAPS4 @CAPS5. Not only will it tell you news in your erea, but will tell you about that devastating earthquake in @LOCATION5. You'll also be informed about what people are doing to help them and what you can do to help. So not only is the computer good for going on @CAPS6 and @CAPS7, you can help get your grade to an A+ on that history report. It also works well for giving your children a memory they will always remember. They also help you to get ready and not be stock in your house on that nice day in @DATE1. Maybe if you find that great deal or help your kid get a better grade then you will realize how good the computer is." 5 5 10
200 1 "Dear Readers of @LOCATION1 @CAPS1 has been borught to my attention that there is dilema on the effect of computers on people. Well I believe that having computers around are good because. Computers help students do there school work better. They also give the ability to learn about far away places. Lastly, computers allow people to talk to othe people online or webcam. My first reason I believe computers are good to have around is. They help students do there school work. Sometimes teachers give assignments out and you have to write an essay. @CAPS2 the student does @CAPS1 on a computer they might get a higher grade because @CAPS1 looks neater and more proffestional. Computers especially help out college students. A college university took poll one time. @PERCENT1 of student wouldn't know what to do @CAPS2 they didn't have there computer or laptop. One student even said ""@CAPS2 I didn't have my laptop I would probably fail most of my classes."" Computers can be very helpful when @CAPS1 comes to student school work. My second reason that I believe computers are good to have around is. They give the ability to learn about far away places or other coutries. I took a poll one time of how many people use a computer to find out whats going on in other countries, @PERCENT2 of them said they go on the computer to find out what's going on in another countries. Computers can be very handy when you want to know whats going on in other countries. My last reason why computers are good to have around is. Say you married and you are pregnant unless your guy of course, but your spouse is in @LOCATION2 and you couldn't them. Well computers these days have webcams. So now @CAPS2 you really need to talk to him or her you can by using webcam. So readers of the @LOCATION1 @ORGANIZATION1. Can you see now why I believe that having computers around is good. @CAPS1 helps students do there school work. @CAPS1 gives the ability to learn about far away places and countries. @CAPS1 also gives the change to talk to people with webcams." 4 4 8
207 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 a computer isn't harmful in any way. It helps people learn about things they didn't know. Also it lets people interact with people around the world. Another is that it lets people stay in touch with family and friends around the globe. Computers don't harm, they help. Computers are a learning tool. Schools like mine have over a hundred computers but they are only used for education. Anyway even if we try to go on different sites we get redirected to a blocked website. Cars and other machines were built by computers which supplied the blueprints. There is one thing computers are mostly used for, and thats to learn. Are you thinking about going on vacation somewhere but don't know how things work around there? Well a computer can help you with those promblems. It lets you see how people are and what the place looks like with a virtual tour. Even with some assistance if you don't know about traditions or beliefs. Computers are a great way to explore. Computers are a great way to communicate with others. Family members that live on the otherside of the world can use computers to talk and see how your doing. How about old friends that moved away. You can still talk and communicate with each other. Getting in touch with friends and family isn't all that bad is it? And these are reason to show how computers aren't harmful in anyway. It gives people a good education. It lets people learn about cultures of places around the world. And talking to friends is something thats good, not bad. This is why computers don't harm people, they help. 4 4 8
210 1 Dear Newspaper, The question is whether or not people are spending too much time on the computer or not. In my opinion people arent, and there are many benefits from being on the computer. Typing in the computer teacher hand-eye coordination. It is easy to learn while on computer too, and you all communicate with people also! Handeye coordination is very important. We use it everyday during sports taking notes, even playing video games! Being on the computer is good because it develops hand-eye coordination. Whatever you do on the computer typing, playing online game, or surfing the web develop hand-eye coordination. It is good to learn hand-eye coordination because most teachers these days neat children to type and print their papers, so they are neater.If kids can learn hand-eye coordination, they can type faster turn then into their when go on there computer hand-eye coordination. My world cultures teacher lets us use an online textbook if we dont finished our homework in class, instead of logging around textbook. Any student would rather go online than have to bring a giant textbook to and from school. Have you ever thought about how much easier it is college course online. Then having to go to college especially for working parents? Everything happens online in you portable laptop, instead of having to go to and from a college. Using computer to learn about different places is easy. There are websites full of pictures of beautiful foreign places that hot deserts, and troppical rainfall of monkeys and tigers. It is fun and easy to learn on a computer. Since cell phones have become so a lot of people have gotten rid of thier home phone to save money. Sometimes, though cellphones lose signal. That is why it is good to have a computer. It is eat to talk to other people forums, chats websites and email. You can have intelligent,and its easy and free! It is east to communicate using a computer. Surely you've heard my reasons its okay for people to spend time on the computer you see my point. Yes people shall spend time outside or with family, in small does the computer good for you. It is easy to learn hand coordination and communicate on a computer. 4 5 9
211 1 Not everyone thinks computers are good for you but they are a very good resorce to find information. It's not good to be on the compoler @NUM1 seven but to be on sometimes is not bad. A person who is on the computer all day and does nothing else except that, then that is not healthy at all. People just have to limit their time on how much they stay on the computer. Dont over due it! Computers are also very good for information as I said earlier. If you have a computer or a laptop and you need to find information on something the internet is there. For kids that need to do homework or a project and they need to look up some facts or information on something they could go on the computer for that. It is so much easier to do that then look for books that has all the facts you need. So computers have very good qulities and resources. They arnt bad or unhealthy unless if that is your life and that is the only thing you do. That is my opinion on computers. 3 3 6
220 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 being at home with nothing to do. You cant play basketball with @PERSON1 you friends because you have did hand eye cordenation. You want to learn about @LOCATION1, but there arnt any books. And you want to talk to your friends. Thats what would have happend if we dident have advances in technology. No handeye cordenation, we wouldent be able to learn about far way places and we coudent online. Ccomputers benifit our lives in so many ways. To begin with, hand eye cordenation is very important. Without @CAPS5 we woudent be able to ware or even hold a pensil. @PERCENT1 of peoples hand eye cordenation has emproved when using a computer. That was proven in a @DATE1 say a @CAPS2 by @PERSON2, head of human reactions. @CAPS3 knows that your hands are the most oversized part of you body, the computer help down the movements to hone hand eye cordenation. @PERSON1 said that in a @DATE2 interview with sience magaziene. When you are clumsy you break things. Importan things sumtimes, like @PERSON3 in @LOCATION2 broke her mothers glass vase. @CAPS5 could have been helped if she had used a computer. In addition, computers give us the power to learn about faraway places. No books! @PERCENT2 of people prefer looking up information on a computer than in a book. @CAPS5s a fact. Some people wouldent have heard about the earthquake in @LOCATION3 if @CAPS5 wasent for the websights that brodcasted updates on @CAPS5. Campers weudent have heard. In @ORGANIZATION2 had a front page spread to promote the use of computers instead of books. Books could be outdated but the computer will always have uptodate answers. Also, people need to be able to talk online. Bisness meetings, governments plans, to just chatting with a friend. People need to be able to stay in tuch. If the presedent couldent vidio conference he would be flying everyware. Emale is the only way @PERSON5 from @CAPS4 talks to her coworkers. I just am located so far away, its so much easier. @CAPS5 makes bissnesses and major incoperations flow.@CAPS6 is now the only way kids talk @CAPS5 seems. @PERSON4 says. @CAPS5 lets them feel like there a part of somthing biger then they are. Now, @CAPS1 happy, healthy, and educated young and old amaricans. They can do and research whatever they want. Its amazing what technology does. @CAPS5 alows you to talk online research faraway places, and practice your handeye cordenation. That sounds like a good thing to me! So @ORGANIZATION1, computeristic fist are only good. So agree with me @ORGANIZATION1! 5 5 10
223 1 Dear @LOCATION1, I think the way how more and more people use computers are bad because, @NUM1 int's not good for people's health, @NUM2 people who use computers lots of times, refuse to spend time with family and friends and @NUM3 you can find more about something that's on a computer by going and studying it yourself. My first reason why computers have bad effects on people who use computers, is the health issue. Health in very important but sitting in front of a computer for hours makes matters worst. By the way you hunch your back in order to see something small on the computer creen, or when you hold on the mouse, waiting to click onm something for long period of time, can cause arthrities. My second reason why computers have bad effects on people who use them. Are that people who are on computers & end to sometimes refuse to spend time with family or friends like for example: @CAPS1 say a week ago you made a promise to have a family get together with the family, and they all count on you to come, @CAPS2 you get a computers, you go on all these neat websites that you never heard off it's amazing right! WRONG! before you know if, it's the day for the family get together and your line an hour @CAPS4 you amke excuse not to come. And that breaks you family's heat....My last reason why, to me computers are a bad idea is you can learn about another the computer by going on to a But its ore fun traveling or meeting people from that place @CAPS2 setting in a for and having your neck, back and sore @CAPS3 I right, I think I @CAPS3. Also idsfun to and ear foods from the culture that you fing cool off that lame computers.(To me that sounds like a good time to invite family and friends!) @CAPS4 therefore in conclusion, in my personal opinion computers have bad effects of people health, it can cause later bacj and neck problems maybe even activities. People who use computers a lot or love to spend time on computers refuse to spend time with family and friends, and @NUM3 You can find more about something like a culture or land, if you go and study its yourself instead of going on a computers for hours. I hope my opinion convinces others, hoe computers have bad effects on people who use it a lott, and take action into their own hands and do what is right. 4 4 8
230 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 would you want to do in your spare time? Would you go outside and maybe @CAPS3 the soccer ball around with your kids, or grab a bag of chips and log onto facebook or your email? The question is, do computers have a negative or positive effect on people. I believe that computers have a negative effect. Talking to friends on the computer doesn't let you learn social skills. Going on the computer can also be very addicting. Finally, it take's away from all the exercise you need. I @CAPS4 that after careful consideration you will agree with me that computers have a negative effect on people. Facebook, ichat and email are all fun and easy ways to talk to your friends and family online. However, are you really gaining any social skills by doing this? Talking to friends and family online doesn't help you have good social skills. When you first meet someone in person, you most likely want to @CAPS4 @CAPS2 to say and how to act. Typing on a keyboard doesn't really let you interact with people. @CAPS6 not invite someone over, or go out to lunch with your family istead? Computers also are very addicting. I can say for myself that once I log onto the computer, I might not be off for the next hours. This is the case for many other people too. Going on the computer is addicting. Il @CAPS4 that not everyone is using a computer on a daily basis the vast majority of people are. When I'm on facebook and I see the number of people online is one hundred or even two hundred, as time goes by, the number increases. The computer being addicting leads to getting enough exercise. Doctors say that adults and kids should get atleast an hour of exercise a day. Going on the computer takes away from this time. Instead of sitting on the computer for an hour, you could be getting your hour of exercise. instead A lot of times when someone @CAPS5 down at the computer, a snack goes with them. This just adds onto the fact @CAPS6 getting the exercise is important to stay healthy. I @CAPS4 that I would feel a lot better if I went for a run instead of going on the computer. You are probably saying that you have time to manage both, but some people would rather exercise. When these people see you on the computer, @CAPS2 kind of example does it set? If everyone limited their time on the computer we would all feel a lot better and be more social. I trust that you will agree with me that computers have a negative effect on people. 5 4 9
236 1 Dear newspaper people I think computers are good because wat if I have a family member that gose out of town and you want to stay in tuch and I dont have a phone then I can go-on a chatting web sight and stay in with them. When @CAPS1 bored I go on google to look up and pichers and play some games. You can look up one think and find something elsa, but it will cech your eyes. Computers are good were ever you go, it can look up for a project for school. Bur ween you are in school it can help you with spelling, and if u got to know wat contrey has the most people the @CAPS2 will find the ancer as fast as a snap. Computers are advanceing every year. Seart the @CAPS2 was just a screan and a mouse, now we got laptops that you can tack every were. People can get exercis if thay want and thay can enjoy nature thay can bring a laptop. But when you are exercising then you can go right to youtube and lison to some musick and wach funny videos. And thats whay I think computers are good. 3 3 6
241 1 Dear local @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS1 of @LOCATION1, latly I have been noticing that some of the citizens of @ORGANIZATION1 have been using computers and laptops for a good amount of three the some people to the say @CAPS2 is a waste of time they could enjoying with family and friends with friends and family far away. @CAPS2 helps with research and learn @ORGANIZATION1 thnigs and @CAPS2 help with relaxing people. modern time and the people who disagree enjoy Some family and friends lives far away and you cant talk to them in person. There is always calling them or writing them a letter hot email, facebook, and @ORGANIZATION2 are easier and to use. When you call you dont know if your them there phones bissy, or they a bad @CAPS2 takes long and you @CAPS2 better to stay and send on and know you didn't @CAPS2 helps in advertisment and sales. Sometimes maybe unrealible because anybody can change anything on the site. Not all things online are like that though. Stay away from scares and things, they will came Some people find the internet @CAPS2 could be there from work or sites. There are fun games and to talk to In research the internet helps @PERCENT1 of people relax and calm down after a long @CAPS5, when on the computer or laptop which helps with stress. Computers can help in many ways. There are other realiable things. Plus where ever you go you will find the internet. 4 5 9
244 1 Dear @CITY1 current I am writing to you on the issue about people spending to much time on computers and not able to spend time with other people like family, friends and others. Also people are getting information off of the computer which is a good thing for important paper that you might have to do or collage essay to get in to that collage. Another reason is that people are truning a bit lazy and not getting to enjoy exerising and getting to get some freish air. To more on I will explain what I mean about being with family and friends. For example let's say that your friends are planing on going to yhis huge beach party that every one is going to. So you tell your friends to pick you up but beofre they come you go on the computer talk to some you know and your friends come to your house to pick you up but you are not for them they pass on by you don't go go to school next day there talking about you miss the party. SO that is any story , it might seen long so, I'm shorting the next part which is the information on computer. Foe example lets say that you doing on paper you . Just need youre more . You find a place you go on find good write come down yet of of the computer finish paper get grade that is good feel happy the end. So that is the only good end of the reason why computres are good. For some reason some people went to stay inside on the computer but other go outside on a good warm day. So what is your reason myspace, facebook other its good if you talk to other people bad if all you worried about if your pics are good, what matters is there you need to be haapy. I think done all I could. So thoses are my reason why computer are good and bad for reasch bad because of nooding to exericis and need to be with friends 4 3 7
253 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 you think computer's are good to use? More and more people use computer, but not everyone agrees that this benefits soceiety I srong disagree. My first reason is because computer's are not safe. My second reason is computer's could get you in a lot of troble. My @CAPS3 reason is you never know what could happen on the computer. Read on and see why I disagree. First @CAPS4 gonna tell you why I disagree. The reason why I disagree is because computer's are not safe because you could have someone trace where you live at then what? Second - computer's could get you into a lot of trobe such as posting things online or saying mean thing's to people. Next computer's are bad because if someone like's you and you say I dont like you they could post mean and hurt full thing's and then if you friend's see it you will probably get mad. Finally - in concusion thease are all my reason's why I think computer's are not good. You never know what coud happen on a computer there's website's there and some could start a virus on your computer. Also I think computer's are not good because computer's lead to no good so keep your child away from computers. Also be careful what chu @CAPS2. 3 3 6
254 1 I walked into my living room. I saw my brother on the computer talking to his friends on facebook. I thought to my self he's always on the computer never for any school reason. People always says we don't need computers I personaly agree with the statement. In the town @ORGANIZATION1 everybody mostly has computers. Without a computer to look up for content things, you have to go to the library and check out a bank. Just the other @DATE1 my friend @PERSON1 went to the library and checked out a book about the @CAPS1 culter. He loved that book he read it @DATE1 in and @DATE1 out, he read it for a book report on different culters. When he handed it into the teacher the @DATE1, when he reached the classroom the teacher looked @CAPS2 happy when she gave him back his test he had an @NUM1. He didn't use the internet your computers not mobile like a book if you wanted to learn about something while your traveling in you car you can't plug your computer in and use it unlike a book. Also books are usually funnier to read. Not haveing a computer can conclude to a lot more things like exercising. While my brother is inside all @DATE1 me and my friends are outside playing football, basketball, baseball, soccer, kirkball, and dogeball. We are very thin because @CAPS3 what we do almost every @DATE1. Unlike my brother were he is obeast because @CAPS3 all he done were before he had the computer he was as thin as us. It is also unhealth to be on the computer all @DATE1 because that can lead to staying update at night, don lead to missing the bus, and also lead to bad grades. Where when we are done with are gaine we whatch a little t.v.. then go to sleep to regain our energy we usually have atleast @NUM2 hrs. of sleep ever @DATE1 which lets us make it through school. We also make the right choses in food to eat to have more energy such as fruit and vegitibales. Were my brother eats all the junk food which helped lead to obesity. Not having a computer can help you spend more time with your family. When we go out to eat my brother is always in a push to get back on to the computer dosen't let us enjoy our food. He usually is @CAPS2 much in a rush he picks off of other people's @CAPS2 they would be finished faster, when every one wants to enjoy then food. When we want to go out to the movies my brother stays home on the computer. Even if we buy a movie and whatch it at home he won't whatch it with us he's on the computer. It really makes my mom, dad, brothers, and sisters mad that he won't do any thing but play on the computer. Even when are whole family gose out side to play a sport he won't come out and play. It's like he's not part of the familiy anymore. Its like he forgot we were even @CAPS3 the reason why I think computes should be in the state of @LOCATION1. If can lead to and relly bad grades. @CAPS2 if you want your kids healthier, better grades, and spend more time with your family then ethier sell your computer or This is happening all over the world. 5 5 10
264 1 Dear editor, @CAPS1 do you do all day? The answer to that would probably be sit down in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer all day. My friends say that this is very unhealthy, research as proven it and my mom has had experience with the computers. This just isn't healthy for our envierment and people. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 my friends say that computers are a waste @ORGANIZATION1 time. Most people who interact on the computer all day don't have a stable diet or even a good excersice ruinte. They say that all the junk kids and grown-ups acumulate in their daily life is unhealthy and will never go away unless they get up. They also say that without excersice our country will be filled with over weight people. Dr. @ORGANIZATION1 has done extensive research and has proven that computers are bad for you. @PERSON1 has gone all over the country to talk to people, and he specifically stresses that more people should get out and enjoy the nature but, no their sitting in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer which is not good for them. He's taught people that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 the time if you get out and have fresh air your life will be so much better. My mom has had experience with computers and asures me that when she was younger you couldn't just sit there and not get out. She says that it's important to interact with your family and friends so you keep a stable relationship. Talking to your family will keep them intact with @CAPS1's going on in your life and hanging out with your friends will help with having more @ORGANIZATION1 a life without your household. She says any kid who does sit in front @ORGANIZATION1 a computer all day should be disappointed @ORGANIZATION1 themsleves. Editor you've done a wonderful job since you've taken the job! So, I feel that if you stress the point in your next newspaper about not having computers all the time you should always excersice like my friends say, the research as taught to enjoy your nature and my mother says to interact with your family and friends. I'm sure your next article will be a wonderful dream to people stating facts. 4 4 8
267 1 To whom @CAPS5 @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 the joy of just clicking a mouse and all of the sudden you are talking with a friend you haven't seen in years. Computers make this a reality for us, but that isn't the only benefit they offer. Computers help society by providing us with search engines and educational resources allowing us to connect easily with friends and family, helping us communicate importances and plan things and a lot more. First, computers have become a vital part of education and research a like. Students at schools, elementary through college, are able to connect with much more information than without computers. You can even earn a college degree on the computer! That's right online universities are beginning to form. This is great for moms who want to get a degree but have to stay home with their children. Also, computer technology has been applied to research in science and hospitals. New discoveries have advanced with the help of computers that will actually help people's lives! Computers are used to search for a cure to cancer disasters such as earthquakes, and even help see a disease someone has before its symptoms even begin to occur! Computers have helped save lives and benefit lives in ways people never could have imagined sixty years ago. Secondly, computers allow people to connect and reconnect with other people around the @CAPS2. I recently got a facebook account, and within a few days I had found and to three friends of mine that had moved away a distant cousin who had moved to @LOCATION1 that i haven't seen since we was little and even my great grandmother! The possibilities are endless. Email has also been very beneficial to society as well, as @CAPS5 helps people communicate and plan events, which brings me to my next topic. Lastly, computers help the @CAPS2 communicate with one another. the internet is filled with websites made to benefit our @CAPS2, one being @ORGANIZATION2; @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4. If not for computers this program wouldn't have been as succesful and beneficial as @CAPS5 has become. Also, is an amazing website that combines education with the aspect of @CAPS2 @CAPS5 quizzes you on different levels of general knowledge and for each correct answer, @ORGANIZATION1 donates @NUM1 grains of @ORGANIZATION1. When i am bored i sometimes go on, and so for i have filled over thirty bowls of @ORGANIZATION1, while learning at the same time! To conlude, computers have proven to benefit the @CAPS2 and all in @CAPS5, not only people but the environment, too. Computers help advance research, help people reconnect with one another, and help the @CAPS2 communicate, Who knows that computers will help us accomplish next? 5 5 10
270 1 Dear @CAPS1 sun, I find that computers are very useful. They help people in many ways. They let people learn about what is going on in the world, teach hand eye cordination, and let you meet people online. First, people can learn about what is going on around the world. I can find out what is happening where I live by looking up your newspaper. Other people can find out about places they might go. They can find out what the weather is like so they know how to puck when going places. Also, if one of your employees is going camping they can look up a good place to camp and they can look up what kind of dangers there is when you camp so they can avoid them, because if they get sick they can't work. As you can see computers are important. Next, computers teach hand eye ncordination. Many jobs need you to be able to work well with your hands. Lets say one of your printers break down so you call someone to come fix it. They must be able to work well with their hands to fix it. Now lets say the wiring in your lights get messed up. So you call an electrician has to be good with his hands to be able to work with small wires. Both of these people are good with their hands and they could of become that way by using computers. As you can see, computers are important in today's life. Lastly, computers let you meet new people online. Lets say you are all alone after a hard day of making newpapers. You could go online and meet new people in chat rooms and online games. Now lets say that one of your employess just broke up with his girlfriend and he is sad and lonely, so she isn't working as well. He could go on an online dating site and meet the perfect girl. Now when he comes to work he is happier and making more papers and if he makes more papers you make more money. As you can see computers are very important. In conclusion, computers are wonderful machines. They can let people learn about what is going on in the world, teach people good hand eye cordination and let people neet new people online. 4 4 8
279 1 Dear Newspaper, I believe that advances in technology have many positive effects, such as computers. Computers are great for people of all ages. Computers teach hand-eye coordination and allow people to learn information from all over the world. Lastly, computers allow people to communicate through internet. Advances in technology improve society and the over all way of life around the globe. Advances in technology are amazing. Computers show these advances greatly. With the simple use of a computer, one can learn great hand-eye coordination skills. Typing skills are a great example. Typing skills are needed by almost everyone in the world. Without computers, no one would have these skills. A young child can go on the computer, play a game, and learn basic typing and hand-eye coordination skills to jump start their coordination skills for the rest of their life. Advances in technology are great. These advances in computers can also allow people to learn worldwide information. Many times in school, students are asked to do a report on a different country. It would be very hard to do that report without a computer. The student would need to go through all different books to find specific information needed. With the internet, that project can get done a lot faster just by typing whatever you need to know. How about that family vacation you've always wanted to go on? Need an idea of where to go? Use the internet! All you need to do is type in vacation spots and click enter. Instantly, you will have hundreds of choices right in front of you. This makes life a lot simpler. Do you remember the last time your mom or dad went on a business trip and you couldn't talk to the because they were busy? there is a fix to this with internet. You can communicate with them through @CAPS1, @CAPS2 or both. Just hookup your @CAPS2 to the computer and instantly say good @TIME1, or hows it going. If you have a friend that you can instant message them. It is so easy that it will seem like you are standing right next to them on a matter of seconds. In conclusion, computers and advances in technology are great and can benefit everyone in the world computers tech hand-eye coordination, allow one to learn information from around the world, and allow communication through internet happen instantly. Writers and editors of the newspaper, please agree with me on this topic. Advances in technology can only add posotive effects to the way of life. Support advances in today's technology to help improve life for those of. 5 5 10
280 1 Dear @LOCATION1, I believe computers have a positive effect on people. They teach hand-eye coordination. Computers give people the ability to learn about far away places and people. They even allow people to talk online. Computers are a very usefull piece of machinery. Computers teach hand-eye coordination. When your in school, you need to type lots of @CAPS1 prompts, @CAPS2 labs, and @CAPS3 @CAPS4 vocab. Computers help us do that. Typing fast and correctly takes practice. Typing without looking at the keyboard is hand-eye coordination. This will help us later on in life also. Whether it's typing term papers in high school or your application essay for college, you will need the help of computers. Computers give people the ability to learn about far away places. @NUM1 years ago I look a trip to @LOCATION3 for the first time. I didn't know a lot about the history of @LOCATION3 so I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. Suddenly, it was like I was in @LOCATION3! I read about the delicious food and rich culture. I took a virtual tour of the @CAPS5 @CAPS6 and the great @CAPS7. I heard @CAPS8 music and learned some @CAPS8. In just @NUM2 hour I visited @LOCATION3 right from my very own house! Computers can take you on a magical journey to a far away country. Computers allow people to talk to online with other people. This is a very good thing. I have cousins who live in @LOCATION2 and because of the @NUM3 hour time difference, its not always easy to talk on the phone so we use the computer. My family will send e-mails back and forth with them. Sometimes we will even video chat! @CAPS3 networking sights accesible by computer such as @CAPS10 or @CAPS11 allow us to talk to people who we don't regularly see. On @CAPS11 you can even talk to your favorite stars or musicians. Computers let us keep in touch with others. Computers have a positive effect on people. Some experts @MONTH1 say that people spend too much time on the computer and while that @MONTH1 be true to some people, its not true to everyone. We still exersise, and spend time outside. We still interact with family and friends but know we are also able to do so on the computer. More and more people using computer is a good thing. 5 5 10
291 1 Have you ever thought about all the amazing things that computers have done for us? Now, we can learn about anything we want, talk with people on the other side of the world, and even advance in other areas of technology. Computers have, without a doubt, had a positive effect on people. Just imagine this...one second you can be in the blazing deserts of @LOCATION3, the next in a losh, steamy, jungle thriving with animals...All without leaving your room! Using computers, people can learn about new places and things whenever they want. The millions of resources on the internet make it possible to learn about t other places and times. Although this information @MONTH1 be in a local library. Going on the computer is MUCH easier. Who want to go through the trouble of loaning books from the library, when the internet is there for your use any time? No registration to get a library card. No late fees and no waiting lists. It is quite clear that using your computer to do research is a very valuable thing. @NUM1 out of ten people said that they would rather email a person than talk on the phone with them. Now, with computers, people can instant message, or email anyone, anywhere in the world. Making a call from @LOCATION1 to @LOCATION2 can be very expensive but with email, I can talk to my @CAPS1 friend, @PERSON1, free of charge. I remember when she moved to @LOCATION2. It was sad, but we promised to stay in touch. With e-mail and instant messaging, it was easy to talk, and exchange the latest news! Having the ability to communicate with soemone easily is an unbeliveable privalige, that would be none existant without computers to help us. Lastly, computers have helped people make advances in othe areas of technology. Where would we be in science and medicine without computers? These machines have helped scientists to do experiments. With a simulated expiriment they can be positive that no other variables will affect your results. Now, experiments can be extremely acurate. Computers have helped advance medicine as well. They have been the key to unlocking all sorts of cures for dangerous diseases. Who knows, maybe in @NUM2 years therew ill be a cure for cancer. All of these amazing accomplishments have been positivly effected by computers. ALthough some people @MONTH1 think that computers have a negative impact on our day-to-day life, I @PERCENT1 disagree. People have learning, talking, and advances in technology with one click of a mouse. Computers have effected people positivley in many ways, so, click away! Computers have none of that. 5 6 11
315 1 Newspaper and Readers, Computers are a very large part of our lives and society. However, there are still people who think that computers do harm. Actually there are many positive effects that computers have on people. Among those effects are ease of communication, ease of gathering information, and ease of find entertainment. Computers have far more positive than negative effects. Computers have made communication easy for people. There are so many different means of communication using the computer, which are all free. For example, instant messaging, @CAPS1-mail video chat, chat rooms, @CAPS2 (and other social networking sites), are all there and help you communicate with friends and family. The positive effect that this has on people is that it allows them to stay in touch with people whom they might not otherwise due to financial or convienency issues. Being social is heathy for people and therefore communication is a positive effect of computers. Information is far easier to aquire when a computer is used. For example, if a kid needed to know about the climate of the @CAPS3 @CAPS4.S for his social studies project, instead of having to get in his moms, drive all the way to the town library, spent time looking for the book, he could just log on to @ORGANIZATION1 and go from there. This is a positive effect on him because it saves him some time and effort. Furthermore much more useful information can be found on the internet as well, such as: flight times, prices, restaraunts, stocks, weather, news, and basically any fact that you need to know. All at these things make having a computer a very positive thing in somebodys life. Computers are a great source of entertainment. In this economy, I know we all could benefit from not having to pay rental fees for movies and big prices for your exams or playstation games. Internet gaming is very amusing and you can find many good games for free. In addition to that, there are websites who offer free movies and television shows to be streamed right to your computer. These things are a great solution to the rising lost of entertainment. Saving money and enjoying good entertainment are both positive effects on people, and both offered by computers. I hope now that readers of this newspaper will now understand how good computers are next time you are for king for a late fee on a libary book or movie, remember that the internet and your computer have offered an alternative. 5 5 10
318 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2t you think computers help society? I do I strongly belive computers help society and are being used for very good purposes. They help people of all ages. Its easyer for kids to look up information for @CAPS3, gives kids some good facts to help build knowlege and not only would it help kids but it will help adults too. Its easy to see why adults think kids dont read enough however kids get more than enough reading done on the computer. some parent think that just because kids arent going to the library to take a book out for their report they arent gaining knowlege but they are gaining knowlege because all of the things they could look up in a library they have availible to them on the computer. Computers help kids around the world find thing quickly and easily. Not only does the computer give them knowlege of things that happen in the past but also things happening in current times. It can also give kid information like weather updates that help to keep then safe. Over @PERCENT1 of the things you can find at the library you can finf on the computer. Some parents think that kids arent getting enough exencise but never the less they are also skiping out on a lot of knowlege and important facts also. On the computer you pick up a lot of facts such as wether updates natural desasters how to help others in need and other very important facts. If it was't for computers kids would not make up for all the knowlege they miss in school. on make up for what they miss when they are dosent. Computers help people everywhere gain knowlege. Not only have computers helped kid but they also help adults. They can do work over the computer look at houses, cars and lots of other important things. Certenly @CAPS1 you would not want to take away all of things knowlege and help being given to hot kids and adult on the computer. It helps aldults especialy keep thing going in there baissy lives. It also helps than make changes such as how they eat or act @CAPS4 are some reasons penale should not disaprove of computers because they help kids with @CAPS3, give kid important facts and, help people of all ages. sarely some of @CAPS4 facts could helpchange, 4 4 8
319 1 Computers definitely have a positive impact on society. They help organize your thoughts, which stress. So, they contain many inspirational articles which can convince kids to strive for surless. Lastly, when all else fails, the computer can be a great way to relax and clear your mind. Computers help organize your thoughts, which helps reduce stress. Imagine you working on a project in school. Everybody can add to it, and you can selectively choose which additions you want. In addition, you @MONTH1 also block the programs that you don't want. This device is called the computer, and it's changed @LOCATION1's society for the better. On average, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 @CAPS1 suffer from stress. Now if you organize your thoughts on the computer, and are able to look through them again at why a huge alleviated. Instead of worrying thoughts you @MONTH1 or @MONTH1 not remember, you now have confidence that you can look back and find your thoughts right on your @CAPS2. Reduced stress trading to confidence effect on society. Also, the computer contains articles that @MONTH1 insure our children to strive for their goals. Once child read an article @PERSON1, @ORGANIZATION1 book. As an @NUM3 using @PERSON1 as well in school. By games, I observe how into @CAPS3 since I started seeing @PERSON1 as role model to me, high making a stride for a @CAPS4.O @CAPS5. Where did this inspiration come from? Researching @PERSON1 on the internet. The internet, in this instance, obviously had a positive impact on @CAPS6 society. Lastly, when all else fails, you can rely on the computer to make stressful situations seem less overwhelming. If you have the ability to solve a problem, then why can't you solve it? Often times, the answer to this question is that the situation is too overwhelming. If you take a break go on you @MONTH1 relax simple games put out a variety of websites. Now say you came back and attack the problem again. You continually chip away at it, and it seems overwhelming. Thank you computer gods! The computer, in this instance, has made - positive impact an @CAPS6 society. So as you can tell, computers make a strong, positive impact on @CAPS6 society. 4 5 9
321 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 name is @PERSON1 and I will be talking about the wonderful impact computer technology has had on man kind. So many great discoveries and great topics have been found on the compture, studees have shown <@PERCENT1@NUM1> of famous in the united states has at least one computer in there house holds. There a great way look up important information withoout going to the and searching for hours, to contract others, and lets face it they make our a life a whole lot easier. Imagine this! your stressed and on edge you have just @NUM2 hours searching for a topic on your upcoming history essay. You have a pounding head ache and just want to quit, your probably in the libary reading through hundreds of books. Now imagine you being at home sprawled across your lap, all it takes is a few taps on your keyboard and bam! Instant information. Now how easy was that, thats one of the great impacts computer have made on us, humanity. Computers are terrific to learn things with a fast pase to it. I personally have used computers to @CAPS2 advantage you logon go to google type the subject of knowledge and its just like you have a personal teacher in your own home. A local study has been underway the have a groups, @CAPS6 A which has a libary full of books and @CAPS6 @CAPS3 a @CAPS6 with a @CAPS4 @CAPS5, The scientist gave them all the same essays, @CAPS6 @CAPS3 <@PERCENT1@NUM3> of student have passed with flying colars while @CAPS6 A <@PERCENT1@NUM4> passed with a @CAPS9 or higher. Thats important because higher grades, means higher test scores. higher test scores equal fundimg. I think computers are the best invention and is not imparing humans its evolving them. Imagine this! your sitting at home crying because your special other has moved far away from you well computers are a great way to reconect with that person. Computers have software were you can instant message, send emails, or even video chat with that person. For even some business man its an way to have meetings without flying @NUM5 miles. I have @NUM2 aunts that I cannot live without who are @CAPS2 strong base who I cant live without talking to for a day. Without computers I dont know what I would do. Scientist tool surveys that @PERCENT1 to the @CAPS10.S.A has family in other states, countries, or even contents, hey have to have some way to be in contact. @CAPS2 last reason is I know we have to admit it computers have made me and your life easier. Some jobs that have opened up giving unwadged citizens a sorce of income on computers. <@PERCENT1@NUM1> of jobs relay on computers. Imagine a chasier counting all the money, a banker having to take time counting one by one other peoples cash, a telemarketer calling with no way of information. All these ways and more that computers have impacted us. Now lets see how has computers not needed our learning ability, contracting others, and last but NOT least made me and yours life better. Computers are a terrific way for human to adap to the fast life. 6 6 12
326 1 Dear @CAPS1, I believe that computers are one of the most useful things that we can have. First, computers are good for communicating. Students @MONTH1 contact teachers through email if they have a question about an assignment. Computers also are useful for teaching. People use the @CAPS2 everyday to get information on their favorite sports teams or on a new recipe they saw on television. Finally, computers help us get work done easier. Student and employees use @ORGANIZATION1 for everything from writing a paper to creating a presentation. Futhermore, computers are extremely essential to our everyday life because they help us communicate, learn and finish work. Every year, thousands of students go to college, and thousands of families move away from each other. Computers are one way of communicating to @CAPS8 loved ones in far away places. Parents send messages via email to their children at college. Families speak with each other through @CAPS3. Computers are what makes all this possible. Not only can we use computers to make contact with our families,but we can also use them to speak with our teachers. Whenever a student is sick, but wants to get their homework finished, they look on their teacher's website. Here, all the homework for the class is listed. Also, if a student has a paper due the @DATE1, but their printer is broken, they @MONTH1 email the paper to the teacher. This allows the student to get full credit for their work. Email is not onlyuseful for handing in projects, but also for asking questions about the assignments. If a student has a question about an assignment, he or she can ask a friend or the teacher. Then, the student will be able to successfully complete the project. Computers are one of the most useful ways of making contact today, but communication is not the computer's only purpose. The average person goes on the @CAPS2 ten times a @DATE1 just to get information. Computers provide a pletvera of knowledge for people's use. Search engines like @ORGANIZATION3 or yahoo provide answers in less than one second. This is much faster than going in the library and spending an hour looking it up. Website text is not the anything that provides information far eager learners @CAPS5 also provide pictures to further the persons understanding about a topic. For example, if a person is living in the @LOCATION1, and has lived there all their life, but is reading an article on a website about an animal native to @LOCATION2, they would not know how to picture it in their head. Articles and books @MONTH1 provide a description, nut nothing really gives the person a solid picture. The person could go online and search for a picture, which they will surely find. Finally, computers keep the brain active. While searching on a website, a person could piece together information from different sites to create a better picture, and, therefore, have a more complete and thorough understanding. In order to do this, however, a person's brain must constantly working. This helps develop skills later on such as problem solving. Overall, computers are one of the most useful and common of the learning devices. Many people say that computers are useful. They agree this by saying that work gets done so much easier and faster on a computer. on average, computers complete work fifty times more efficiently than people do by hand. This is because of programs such as @CAPS6, @CAPS7, and @ORGANIZATION2 @ORGANIZATION2 @CAPS8 programs allow people to cerrect spelling and grammatical mistakes while at the same time creating a neat looking presentation. Studies show that @PERCENT1 of people with bad spelling or grammatical habits corrected @CAPS8 mistakes quickly through @ORGANIZATION2 and @CAPS6. If people constantly make grammatical or spelling errors, then having them underlined in @CAPS6 will show them that this is not the correct way to punctuate or spell something in a sentence. 4 6 10
329 1 Dear town @CAPS1 paper, I would have to pick being for computers. There are a couple reasons why I'm for computers and they are being able to talk to friends online, being able to learn stuff, and you can also play video games. One reason that I would be for computers is so you can talk to freinds online. So if you have a facebook or myspace you can talk to your friends all day if you wanted to. What I mean is simply by typing in what you want to say to your friend they will receive those exacte words then they'll reply. For example if you wanted to just say hi then your friend would look at his/hers messages then just reply. So being able to talk to friends online is one example why I for computers. Another reason that I would be all for computers is being able to learn things. So if you wanted to learn a language then you would go to google or something and try to find a fast easy site. What I mean is if you goto google a whole bunch of site's will come up, so what you want to do is find the fastest easyest site for you. So being abe to learn important things like a language is another reason I'm for computers. The last reason for me picking computers is because you can play video games. What I mean is if you were borde and noone to talk to then you can get on your computer and play a mind numbing game or an educational game for class. For example in science class we played a game on the computer and it had to do with gravity and that was what we were learning about so it was an educatinola game. So that is the last reason why I'm for computers. I'm for computer because you can play games. So now you know why I'm all for computers. I am for computers because you can talk to friends online, learn stuff and play video games. 4 4 8
340 1 Computers, More and more people are using them. They are used to talk, for lesieure and many other things. But are computers a good thing? Computers can be a very good thing to have around. Besides practically unlimited information, you can stay in touch with your family using @ORGANIZATION1. You can use @ORGANIZATION2 word to make documents and powerpoint presentations that organize your ideas. Also you can use @ORGANIZATION2 excel to manage your finances! Windows movie maker allow you to contruct your own movies ifl you own a camera. Besides the obvious most helpful features, you can play computer games, watch mores and listen to music on a computer. Like anything, computers have downsides too. Some are small and some can be very big. computers are expensive. You can't see who's really talking to you on a computer. Also, many people have important information on a computer. Peoples computers have been infected and information has been stolen leaving people helpless. Bugs can also seriously damage your computer rendering it imposible to use. Many people can be smeared on the internet as well. Hate sites that encourage terrorism, racial violence and drug use are all over the web. You have to be careful where you go when using the internet. Also, sometimes computers can take over peoples lives. People spend too much time on facebook and not enough time reading or keepng in touch with family. Computers can be great things. Between their great features allowing you to be informed all the time and programs that or be great for managing buisness, it's no wonder almost every @CAPS1 household has one. Many people don't like computers. They say that the cons outweigh the pros. I disagree. Yes, the cons can be annoying & sometimes serious. But if your smart enough to stay away from @CAPS2-@CAPS3, install anti-virus software, and never give away your information to an unamed surce, the pros outweigh the cons. So overall, if your smart enough, a computer can be a fun, convienent edition to your life allowing you to do more than you ever imagined. 4 5 9
360 1 Do Computers @CAPS1 Society? This question might be answered forever. I have an opinion about this and it might not effect everyone in the world but I do hope so. Exercising, great way to stay in shape but is you sit on the @ORGANIZATION1 all day you dont have a chance to stay in shape. So while everyone is fit you eventually will be fat. Whik you sit there playing the some @ORGANIZATION1 game everyon is out side playing at the park, swimming in the pool or fishing at the lake. Sitling on a @ORGANIZATION1 destroys your life bot physically and socially. Lastly, @ORGANIZATION1 will stop you from spending time with friends and family. Also this will stop you from interacting with new friend, and your old ones will find new ones. Lastly, I you sit on the @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM1 you will miss out on the awesome @CAPS2 life you were waiting for since you can remember. So the next time your friend says to go online after school, say you'd rather not because you don't want to get addicted. 3 3 6
372 1 "Dear newspaper, I think computers have a good effect on people. Computers are very helpful to many it gives them an education, and they can interact with many people. Computers can be very helpful to many people. Working with computers can give people extremly well hand-eye coordination. Dr. @PERSON4 said, ""In recent surveys and tests, I have noticed a major increase with hand-eye coordination of @PERCENT1 all thanks to computers. ""Computers is also a way that people can learn to type in a recent survey at @ORGANIZATION1, @NUM1-more students know to type, thanks to computers. Computers can be very helpful to business people with creating power points. Instead of making a really big poster board for @CAPS2 @CAPS1 project, I made a power point instead that was so much easier. Computers can be very helpful to many people. Computers are used in many schools to help teach students about new things. For example, students can learn about interesting places that they never knew about. ""@CAPS2 friends is moving to @LOCATION1 and she has no idea what it's like, or where it is. So, we looked it up on the internet and found out so much cool stuff about it, "" says @PERSON5 computers can also teach students about new cultures. At @CAPS3 @ORGANIZATION2, @ORGANIZATION2, @PERCENT2 of the students learned about @NUM2 new cultures in one year, thanks to computers. Not only can computers tell people about interesting places, but interesting people. I never knew that president @PERSON2 had @NUM3 brothers, and gre up in @LOCATION2, did you? Computers can be used in schools to help teach students about new things. Computers are used by many people to interact with another. using computers is an easy way to talk with friends. Using instant messenger is free! Now parents don't have to pay annoying phone bills anymore! In a recent survey done in the town of @CAPS4 @CAPS5, @PERCENT3 of the people there thought that using computers to talk to friends was alot easier. Computers can help people meet new people online. Habe you ever heard of the dating sites? Well, this is what @PERSON1 has to say about it, ""@CAPS6 wonderful! @CAPS2 husband and I met online and we have been together for @NUM4 years."" @CAPS7 you have a faw away cousin and if you call or write them a letter it's too expensive? Well now you don's have to worry about that anymore because talking to distant relatives online is free! ""@CAPS6 so much easier talking to people online."" says @PERSON3. Computers can be used to interact with another. Computers have a very good effect on people. They are helpful, can be used to give education, and they can be used to interact with another." 5 5 10
379 1 I believe that computers have a great effect effect on people. People all around the world use computers to talk online with other people, give people ability to learn about faraway people and places, and also let you explore the internet computers are a great influence on our lifestyle. Computers allow people from around the world to interact with friends and family. Some websites that allow you to do so are myspace, facebook, and @ORGANIZATION1. With facebook you can take a picture of yourself and place it on your web page. It is relly quite easy. Also, with @ORGANIZATION1 you can chat with your best friends and can actually see what they are doing. But if you want to do this you are going to need a webcam. I have @ORGANIZATION1 and I think that it is a wonderful resource. I have relatives in @LOCATION1 that I only get to see once a year. But with the help of my computer I can interact with them all year round. Computers can make people from faraway places learn about the culture and ways of another person's lifestyle. Have you ever seen the commercial where a little boy is talking to his father on the computer. Well, in this commercial is laying down on and is eating an @CAPS1 cookie. While he is doing this he is talking on the computer with his dad who is doing the same. At the same time both father and son dip their cokie into a glass of milk, eat it and laugh. I felt at that time that it was a wonderful moment because even though they are both in opposite directions the two are still having a great time. Just to think that it was all because of one computer. Exploring the internet is what a computer can do. When doing this you can play some really fun games on a rainy day when you are bored. You can look up what happened during one of your favorite basketball games. Such as how many points @PERSON1 got for your fantasy team. Also, at my school you can check your grades to see what you got on your last math test or quiz. For example if I had all A's but one @CAPS2 in math, then I would know that I would need to really study for my next test to get on A on it. With the help of the internet, I can do. So, now you know wh computers are a very important part of our society. Computers allow us to talk online with other people, give people the opportunity to learn about faraway people and places, and computers also allow everyone to explore the internet. As you can see now, computers are great influence to our lifestyle. 5 4 9
387 1 Dear, editor @CAPS1 you know, @PERCENT1 of children who spend most of their time on the computer that do not exercize can develop weight problems and blood disorders? That is just one way that advances in computer technology have affected people so far. If advances continue that number will increase and other problems @MONTH1 arise from it. Some other problems that we have @DATE1 that could get worse are, developing a weak immune system, and emotionally seperating yourself from your family. First, lets talk about obesity. Obesity is a terrible sight to see someone go through because of something as silly as being, basically, addicted to the computer. Not only can obesity constrict vital organs but it can lead to blood disorders. Blood disorders, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, can cause you to have a heart attack. Which cuts off oxygen to vital areas of the body. Which leads to, eventually, promote death. Dealing with obesity is bad enough, but seeing them suffer because they have developed a weak immune system is horrable. In my experience I find that people who are on the computer often generally don't have very good immune systems. For example, a friend of mine is on the computer quite often, and has developed a weak immune system. Because of it he misses at least @NUM1 day of school a week. And because he misses so many days a school year he usually keep bad grades. Which is yet another reason why advances in computer technology are a bad idea. So isn't it relatively obvious that advances in technology are a bad idea? Especially being that, children are steadily becoming obese, and developing a weak immune system can affect your life in ways that are totally controllable? So I urge you to write an article about this to stop the growing sickness known as health problems due to technology. 4 4 8
394 1 I think that computers are a good thing to have because most are portable, there fun to have, and you could research a lot of thing on them. Laptops are cary round computurs. They are very convient to have. You could bring them anywhere you would like. Many people have laptops in their home or with them. There fun to have because you could play many games on your free time with them too. Another thing you could do is make videos. Last but not least you could just enjoy it. You could research a lot of things on them. Internet is a very succesful product. That means you could use it for your home work if you need help. Anthor thing is that you could type up essays that you have to do for work and or school. I think computers are good to have because most are portable, there fun to have, and you could research a lot of things on them. 4 3 7
401 1 Dear, @CAPS1 paper edattor we should stop because people arent doing anything their just staying home using the computer. Making there life worser they should make a day whith out computors and every one goes out side and gets exsesise. Wo could mapse the world better the more you. Exersise the stronger you get people livse computers because they could there frends play games thats but some time we have to go outside. Some times i like using the computer but a littile to much land that i dont get that mach exesersise and i hope i could stop from that and go out side and exersise more. We would have computers but we wont use it like for along time then spend more outside. We should only olw kids for only two or three hours a day. When there using the computer they use over like hours thats not good they should go out side thats why. 3 3 6
408 1 I believe that computers have a negitive effect on people. Using the computer effects a person's time because the sit for hours playing online games, @CAPS1 also effects there heath because there not getting any fresh air or spending time with there family, lastly @CAPS1 effects there education because time they could be using doing there homework there on there computer. First useing the computer effects a person's time, @CAPS1 does that by wasteing hours sitting there when you could be outside playing or doing chores around your house. You could be helping your family or friends out but instead playing computer games. There goes all the time you could have been doing something good, wasted because of the computer. The computer also effects you heath because your in a room inside not getting any air. You're also not exerciceing and helping your body out. This could effect your emotional heath. When your on the computer your not talking to people and becoming social and you could loose connections with you friend and your family. When you loose your connections and become you will use your computer more and then @CAPS1 will become worse. My last reason is that @CAPS1 effects education because when you could be doing your homework and studing for an important lest on your on the computer learning nothing, then you will school and possably mess for ever! This is really bad because you were on the computer. A couple times I pushed homework aside to use the computer and my grades drops alot. So this is why @CAPS1 effects education. These are the reasons how the computer effects education, your heath, and your time. I know your thinking that computers could be used for education, but humans prefer fun over anything else and I hoped this helped you realized that. 4 4 8
413 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, In @CAPS2 opinion, computers are fantastic! Therefore, I believe computers have a great effect on peoples life. Three reasons to support @CAPS2 decision are many jobs use computers, instead of using a dictionary or thesaurus, you can just search it and it is a big help at home/around the house. @CAPS2 first reason is, that many jobs in the state, or nation use a computer. Statistically saying @NUM1 out of @NUM2 jobs in the state use a computer or technology relating to a computer hardware. If you honestly think about it, if you were a teacher, a factory employee, etc, you practicly wouldn't even be able to do your job without it. We have learned alot from the new inventions that came about in the past decade, or two. If we have learned anything in the past @NUM3 years, it would be the ""@CAPS1 the time you spend on the computer, but go on because you will learn some things you never know before."" @CAPS2 second reason is we have alot more useful search engines than @NUM3 years ago. In/around the @NUM5's, if you wanted to find information, the only resort was...books. Yes, I mean reading is great, but now having the computer is faster and easier. All you do is go to @ORGANIZATION2 and type in what you want to find. Then it comes up in about @NUM6 seconds with around @NUM7 links to websites to help you out. Just think, now theres no table of contents, just a link and a click! @CAPS2 third reason is it is a big help around the house/at home. In the state of @LOCATION1, about @PERCENT1 of people have a laptop or a computer in their home. But, this isn't a bad thing, because it can help with so many things. Including, help with the children, help with cooking, with organizing, anything! Let's say you don't know what time ""@CAPS3's"" friends birthday party starts, no worrys just ask his mom on @CAPS4! Or you need a recipe for dinner, find it on cooks.com. This makes life alot easier and puts a extraordinary effect on your life! In conclusion, having a computer in your life is great, because so many jobs use computers, theres so many searching things, and it is helpful at home. So, computers have a awesome effect on people's lives!!" 4 5 9
416 1 Dear local newspaper, I strongly think we should have no more computers rather then looking on the computer. I strongly think this because this could cause serious damage to the eyes. My opinion for having computers is I don't think we should have them because you don't get enough exercise. You would just sit there looking at the computer all day. You would probley get all fat through the course of the year. You would be like a couch potato. My next opinion is we won't be able to get out of the house to see the beautiful nature. Like all the trees, flowers, wild life animals too. If you don't go outside there will be no fresh air for you. My last opinion is if we have computer. We won't be able to hang out with friends and family. You wont be able to see how big your family is. Or how small they are still small. Well these are my opinion's for having computers. 3 3 6
419 1 The local newspaper wants to know my opinion on the effects computers have on people. Computers do have effect on people. People can meet new people, learn about new places, and talk to friends. Read on so you can learn how computers effect people lifes. My first reason is people can meet new people. You can meet new people from all around the world. You can keep touch with them through @CAPS1 or e-mail. Its a quicker and new way to meet new people. My second reason is you can learn about new places. You can learn new places by just clicking on an webpage. Computers are a faster way to learn. I gives you everything you need to know about the ne places you want to learn about. My third reason is we can talk to friends. Computers have many diffrent social websites that you can talk to people. You wont have to wait for school the next day you can talk to them through the computer. With all this new / quicker stuff you can talk to friend when ever you want. Finally, you know how computers affect people. We can meet new people, learn new places, and talk to friends. Computers can do all these days. Hope you enjoyed reading all about how they affect people. 3 3 6
420 1 Dear @CAPS1 people, Your have been told that using a @CAPS1 can give no knolege, but I agree that it gives you hand-eye cordanation, A @CAPS1 is the most helpful thing in the world. For my first reason, computers have so many technology things inside that help people everyday. I want to talk about interacting with family and friends. You can go on facebook, myspace and even twitter to talk to your friends. Its the most common thing to go on the @CAPS1. About @PERCENT1 teens and adults use myspace and facebook. Litter kids would be like @PERCENT2 use @CAPS2 to interact with some friends. This technology is the most best thing you could ever use. The second reason is, that people need to learn how to use a @CAPS1 and the hand-eye cordination. For learning, you could learn how to type, write stories, using @ORGANIZATION1 word, and even learning whats to use on the internet, for hand-eye cordination, you can learn all the keys an the keyboard and what they do to get better skills. My thirdly reason is, how to search on google or the @LOCATION1. Google is the most common thing that everyone uses. To look up pictures for projects, labs basiclly for anything. And for the dictionary, you can see what words mean and the dictionay is for learning and doing homework. For my conclusion all these reasons are true and computers are the greatest sources on the planet, everyone do you want education or not? computers help everyone. You gotta love it!?! 4 4 8
423 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people in our community use computers for positive ideas. Such as if gives you hadn and eye coordination, gives people the ability to research on far away places and allows you to talk to far away family. This is why I think computers have a positive effect on people. To begin with computers give a positive efect on people because it gives you hand and eye cordination. For example that can help you to have ability to do more. Like work somewhere such as a restraunt. This needs lots of cordination for holding heavy trays. My mom is a waitress and she needs a lot of cordination she tells me. Another reason would be you would have more hand cordination driving because you can react fast. Some people say that computers make you not be able to see while. Which than you would need glasses. But thats there desision this can give you one reason that computers are a positive effect on people today. Secondly why computers are a positive effect because it gives people the ability to search far away places. Why this can be a good thing is because you can get a good idea of what its like and might want to take a trip there. Another reason would be that students usually have projects which call for research in other countries. Computers make kids smarter that way but some people say that kids could get on a website where it can be bad, which also they arn't getting exersize if all there doing is researching when they can do that in the own town. But about @PERCENT1 of kids can stil be on the computer than go and get exersize. This is another reason computers are an impact. Lastly, why computers are positive is kids and adults can talk to there friends or family quicker. For exmaple if a family member lives far away instead of mail you can send it on the computer in a @NUM1 minute send. Its quicker and easier. Another reason is your kids will be able to talk to there friends faster than mail as well. About @PERCENT2 of kids use computers to talk to there friends But some people say kids can think there talking to there friends but could be someone bad. But to make sure all your friends should have one question to make sure its there friend. This is why to computers are a positive impact on young adults, and children, parents. To conclude, I would like to say that computers are a positive impact for a couple reasons one it gives you more hand and eye coordination gives people the ability to search other countries and beable to talk to friends. Others disagree because it can ruin your eyes, not get exersize and lastly give your child unsafe. But that can be changed easily by limiting kids, see who they talk to and get them in a sport. This is why I think computers are a postive impact. 4 5 9
426 1 "Dear, @CAPS1 of the @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS2 has come to my concern that many people are debating on whether computers benefit our society or not. Some people think computers are the lives of many people, but I have to disagree with those who say that. I think that computers benefits our society in there ways, they bring people together, they offer many websites to research a topic, and they let people shop at home. One way that computers help us is that they bring people together by using the internet. Many families do not live close to other relatives, making hard to see them. But with the internet, people can use social networking sites such as facebook or myspace to keep in touch with one another. Distant relatives can talk and share picture with one another to keep in touch. Also, the internet can help bring couple together and potentially lead to marriages. How @MONTH1 times have you seen those @CAPS3 harmony commercial that claim to have brought two singles together to make a happy couple? Another way that computers help today's society is that they offer many places to conduct research on a certain topic. There are so many search engines on the internet that lead you to numerous websites to help you find out what you need to know. Also, researching a topic on the computer is so much easier compared to going to the library and reading books. When using books, to research a topic, you need to find the right book, read the whole thing or at least most of @CAPS2, and find what you're looking for. But with the internet, you just type in what you're looking for, click, and go. Lastly, computers let you shop online and lead to a better shopping experience. By shopping online, you skip the long lines at retail stores which means less time walking to get your product. For example, many people rush to stores early in the @TIME1 for huge sales on ""@CAPS4 @DATE1."" A person could be left waiting in line for hours to get a product. Why wait outside for so long when you could just buy the product in the comfort of your own home and get the product delivered right to your house? Also, many websites offer special deals for shopping online so you can even money. In conclusion, I think that computers benefit our society in three ways, they bring people together, they offer many websites to research a topic, and they let people shop at home. A world without computers would be so much different than the world we live in today." 5 4 9
434 1 I think we need our computers. If we dont have competer's we wont be able to connect to our family that could live in anther state or country. I no how there is texting now but some people dont even have phones or nothing how can you connect to them you cant call it might not be free with the phone palan you have. If a family member coms and visits you they would probuly email you about it but if there is no computers they can't tell when there coming. Are they gong do show unispectly they might not even be home and if they show up without them knowing there out of luck. And we exersize on our overtime we pick what time and we do it and if we play a sport were enjoying nature some people might have job's that take place outside of if. There are nerd's that are on computers all day long but in sure they enjoy nature I dont know about exersizing but they have a car and every thing they drive and things. Also, about the exersizing every on has to exersize to stay in shape im pretty sure people dont want to be fat there whole life they want to look good and feel good about there self. If it is a holiday or something and people want to send them something to wish then of whetever holiday it is. There not gonna be able to see them in person if they live so far away inless they plan to meet each other but even if they do that there gonna want to email then not call were it costs money and texting only comes with sertain plan's of phones so all there is left is emailing. Sometimes, people will more fron of you that your ollways on the computer if your not dont worry at least you get to email your family that you dont ever seen. These reasons are my opinion that dont get rid of computers and other things. 4 3 7
441 1 Dear Local Newspaper: Computers have become a major part of peoples lives. The effects computers have on people are only negative. Nothinggood comes out of using a computer. This is because computers are time consuming from in other activities, computers are not always working which leads to people getting angry, and using computers is bad for your health. I know you have a difficult decision to make but after reading what I have to say, their will be no doubt that you will agree. Using computers is very time consuming. People don't realize how long they have been using the computer. Once you start using it, your hooked and it's hard to stop. A poll was taken and out of @NUM1 kids, @NUM2 of them said they felt groggy and had headaches, after using a computer for two hours. The way computers make you feel is not enjoyable. But while your using the computer it's entertaining, for example, your on @CAPS1 and your talking to your friend and your laughing at them & enjoying yourself, but it's not the computer that's making you happy, it's the person, you might as well see them in person. There for, computers are time consuming & should not be used. Copmputers are not reliable, they have minds of their own. Many people do always rely on their computer and when it doesn't work it causes the person to get angry or frustated. Computers have a vast impact on people, but they shouldn't have to. Dr. @PERSON2 at @ORGANIZATION1 says that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2's frustration & anger is caused by non-working computers. If the use of computers was lowered anger that people have would lower and would lead to other positive things as well. Furthermore, computers are not realiable and cause people to get angry. My final reason is that, computers cause health issues and cause people to be lazy. The obesity rate is higher than ever and people sitting on the computer all day is not helping. @PERCENT2 of obesity is caused by the use of computers. @PERSON1 at @ORGANIZATION2 says that @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people who don't use computers are much healthier because instead of using computers they exercise. There for, computers cause health issues. In conclusion, computers effect people because they are time consuming, you can't rely on then and it's bad for your health. There for, computers have negative effects on people. 4 4 8
443 1 Dear @CAPS1 I support that computers have a positive effect on people because they have so many things to do and learn on the computer, because on the computer you can look up many things like sports, animal world history and lot more. The reason I support this is because I like to look up history about @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 pioneer who have changed humanity. The @CAPS4 reason why I say computer effect people is because it teaches you how to type faster and know now to get certain places on the computer for example say you mom was asked you do you know how to get to a certain website to buy new furniture. @CAPS6 third reason of how computers effect people is if say one day you had to do a project, on what happen during @CAPS2 revolution and you were one of those people that spend all their time looking up @CAPS2 revolution on the computer. That means that project should be real easy. The @CAPS4 reason why I say computers affect people is because they teache better communicating skills on things like facebook and @CAPS5, because when I'm in school kids tell each other to go on there facebook when they get home. I also think computer affect people because say you have a idol and wan't to look up that person for example I like football, basketball @CAPS6 idols are @PERSON1 peterson and @PERSON2 iverson, so everytime I go on the computer I look up both of @CAPS6 idols. @CAPS6 last reason why I say computers effect people are because they teach how to read because everytime on the computer haves something to read about no matter what it is. 4 4 8
447 1 "Dear newspaper, In my opinion, computers definetely have a negative effect on people. People who use computers often spend less time exercising. I mean, who would give up their chatrooms and games to get in shape? I remember when i was a little girl - about @NUM1 years old, and i always wanted to be on the computer. I soon got chubby and gained about @NUM2 lbs! I quickly realized the computer is a tool used only when necessary. because it shortens activity time. A survey done by the @ORGANIZATION2 (@CAPS1) showed that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS4 between ages @NUM3 are overweight because of their computer use. Famous singer @PERSON2 says. ""I keep going and losing weight because of computers! I will gain weight and then run it off and ignore the computer for a week."" I know you might be thinking that computers dont make you obese if you use it sparingly, but research has proven that more than @NUM4 mins a day can make you gain fat. Clearly, computers are to blame for our society's weight problem. Have you ever really seen nature's beauty? People who use computers don't! I mean, people are too busy looking up things on the web that nobody can truly appreciate. the outside world. I remember when i watched the movie @CAPS2 last week, I thought to myself, ""@CAPS3, nature is amazing, why didn't I notice before?"" I already know the answer. Computer, A survey conducted by @NUM5 grade @ORGANIZATION1, @PERSON1 showed that @NUM6 out of @NUM7 @CAPS4 have never noticed the blooming flowers or the smell of fresh rain. Famous physician, @PERSON4, ""@CAPS4 that dont see nature for its true beauty often can't grow up normally. People were supposed to be naked to nature, but over the years, technology has diminished that connection."" I know you @MONTH1 that that @CAPS4 see enough of nature even with computers but more than often., @CAPS4 dont pay attention to nature. They are too busy with computers. Obviously, nature is ignored by society because of computers. Familes grow more and more detached every time a child or even adult uses a computer. I mean, every time you hit that on switch, you and the computer become attached. You can't focus on the people around you. I remember when my sister @PERSON5 was in @NUM5 grade, she never took her eyes off the computer. She would play solitore and instant message her friends all the time and she then completely disconnected with the family. A test done by @ORGANIZATION3 showed that teens will rebel @NUM9 times more than usual with the aid of a computer. Famous talk-show host, @PERSON3 says, ""@CAPS4 shouldn't use computer, they will get detached from friends and family."" I know you're thinking @CAPS4 dont get detached, but they di. Clearly @CAPS4 seperate from their friends and family because of computers. In conclusion, any far minded person can tell that computers have a negative effect on people because they consume exercise time, make @CAPS4 forget about nature, and seperate family and friends. Therefore, I urge you to not use computers!" 6 5 11
453 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 has come to my attention that computers have positive and negative effects on people. In the past their have been more negative effects on people. In a survey taken in @CAPS2 magazines @CAPS1 should that @PERCENT1 of people, have negative effects with computers. Inmy opinion, I think comuters have a negative effect on people. First, people are not interacting with family and friends. @CAPS1 is very important to have interactions with people. When on the computer your not really interacting with. You just sit there staring at a screen. In a survey taken at @CAPS3 @CAPS4 @CAPS1 should that @PERCENT2 of people are on computer and not interacting with the people around them. Parents don't se etheir kids as much because they are always on the computer. Parents would love to see their kids move. Interacting with their family and friends will be healthy to them. Computers take the away fromhanging out with family and friend. Secondly, people don't get to enjoy nature. People on computer might go outside because they are involved with the computer. Stay in one room doing the thing for books for a @CAPS5 in a while people need fresh air. too but learning about nature is more nature. If you dont enjoy nature you dont know what is going on.NAture is all around us and why would you miss out on. in a survey taken in a local magazine @CAPS1 should that @PERCENT2 of people are on computer and. While people enjoy computer, nature. Lastly, people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising. Exercise is important for the mind and body. Our bodies need to stay healthy and fit. The lack of exercise is increasing fast. The more people get computers the people exercise. America is over weight already to join the People on computers most just long to become over weight. People rather play on computer that got exercise for a healthy body. Dr. @DR1 a local doctor, has seen more people become over weight and not exercise as much as they used to. He says computers do not provide exercise. He recommends that people use their computers less computers are doing more. In conclusion, I think computer negative effect on. My three reasons are that people are not interacting with friends and family, not enjoying nature and getting less exercise. I you to be in of negative effects on people. @CAPS1's important decision is up to you. 4 5 9
454 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, To start off I would like to give my opinion on using compuers too much. Although I use a computer a lot I still have fun with friends and play sports. But to much time on the computer can cause you noth wanting to get exercise or maybe getting sick easier. Spending so much time on the computer can cause a kid to be shy in the outside life. Exerasing is very healthy for kids and adulst. there are way to many people on computers doing anything you can think of for hours. Staring at a computer screen for a long amount of time will not keep you fit or in shape. People should have a minimal amount of time of @NUM1 minutes each day and then get some exercise. this way you would get time for being on the internet and still doing what's good for you, I shouldn't feel bad about the people who waste all their time on the computer but I do. To see them getting gross and gaining weight from lack of exercise makes we want to help htem @CAPS4 one should put themselves into that kind of situation. What I've noticed about people who stay online a lot is that they get sick more often. From sitting there like lazy bums they don't get fresh-air. Not getting enough fresh-air can cause a cold or for some people with problems to get very sick. They need to think twice about what they're getting themselves into. I would rather be having fun and getting nice fresh-air then sitting on the computer about to be sick. It can be a different story if you went home sick from work/school and went on the computer. but being sick from the computer is gross. Even though to say, people who are on the computer often are shy in person. If someone gets in a fight on the internet that can cause them so much pain to not even talk. Interacting with people is very nice and touching. But being shy and lonely because of a fight on the computer or from being on it too much, is something to be ashamed of you shouldn't have to be that way because of one thing. Get out in the world and don't let things like that get to you. To this off, it would be nice for people to take care of themselves and not stay on the internet for so long. Remind yourself to have atleast @NUM1 minutes to yourself and to do waht you want but get some exercise also. Don't forget about staying healthy and going for a jog once in a while. You shouldn't focus your life on your computer. Thank you and have a great day. 4 4 8
459 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, In my opinion computers are wonderfull to the society in many ways. They can keep memories we cant keep forever like @CAPS3, @CAPS1's, and type letters. Computers also can give you dieting tips and advice from live locals. But, important of all of it, family that you miss can talk to you for hours without a phone bill. To begin, computer can give you @CAPS2 tips on things you didn't know, so it can also be a learning center. For example: your extremely stresed out because you have a huge paper to do but have no facts, there are a millions websites you could go to find your answers on. The next day you get your paper back and theres a A stamped right across it. Another @CAPS2 thing about computers is that you can talk to your family members all the way in a different city, town, state, or even content! you @MONTH1 miss them alot but you can always see them to them or type to them to let that sad feelings melt away for a little bit. Every @NUM1 in @NUM2 americans say missing or not seeing a family member is like letting a little piece of your heart fall off. Everybody knows what its like to have a memory that you could never forget: but what about those little memories that @CAPS3, websites, and written work seems to slip away from the brain. Computers save all of that so the ""I know its to its like to loose its like a little part of life that you have lived walks always"" exclaims @PERSON1 who could This is exactly why computer in many ways. I hope you are @CAPS2 for the mind, tips and family." 4 4 8
461 1 Dear The Local Newspaper, I do @CAPS1 computers effect people. But in many different ways. Also, depending on how long you are on the computer for. In my opinion @CAPS1 computers are good, for many reasons. I will tell you some of the reasons why I @CAPS1 this. Hopefully, after you read this you'll @CAPS1 about it more. One reason computers are good, is the communication. @CAPS2 are many different web sites to go on and talk to friends and family. If you had a family member far away, this could be a good way to talk to them. This also is a way to see your friends with the latest technology you can videchat. Videochat is a way to see and hear your friends by a little camera. It is a very good way to keep intouch with people you know. Another reason is that you can get a lot of information from the computer @CAPS2 are so many websites that provide answers to all your questions. Websites like @ORGANIZATION1 and @ORGANIZATION2 recommend other sites to go resaerch. You can learn a lot from computers. The information provided on the computer can really teach everyone something. Lastly, a computer can help you with many things. Such as online classes, matchmakeing, jobs, and so much more. You can find things to do, by just typing it into the computer. The economy is very bad, but you can look for jobs. Then once they find one your interested in they'll tell you. It's a very good and helpful way for you, and it's so simple. Computers are an amazing, and new technology. They keep coming up with more and more. So why not use it? It can teach you something and help you. Also, to stay in touch with family and friends. Don't take it for advantage, but use it well. It's only a click of a button. I hope I made you all realize what a computer is really @CAPS2 for. Maybe, even changed your minds or gave you a different way of thinking about computers. 4 4 8
464 1 Dr. @DR1, The effects computers have on people and why people dont agrees that this benefits society and some people us it to be online to talk to friend and family. Whey people dont agrees to use the computer. First the computer we could use at for every thing like go to other place you want to visit. Then @CAPS1 you want to work or go to another school some you need to do it by computer. Why not try to use the computer. I know computer is a lot of money but sometime @NUM1 good to have it. @CAPS1 people are spending too much time on their computer and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. For example some family and friends are not in the same place and they cant see each other the could write to each other online @CAPS1 they dont have cell phone of house phone. Then @CAPS1 people want to enjoy other nature that they dont know the could use the computer and look for the place. The three reson is that people could do exercising trough computer. It dont mather @CAPS1 the spend a lot of time in the computer being people could be doing a lot of thing in the computer. Like student we do a lot of projet in the computer we search for any can or thing. So people think that compute is fun for them. Finally other people that don't agrees they should try it. That the effects computers have on people and why people dont agrees and spend time online. 3 4 7
468 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I've heard reports from both the news on @CAPS2.V. and your paper that more and more people are turned in to nothing but their computers. I'm not saying it's a bad thing I mean the computer has the internet which allows you to go to anything like websites and online chatting. I just think that people should get outside more often and do some outdoor things like football, basketball, baseball or if you're an adult you could get a job that doesn'@CAPS2 require a computer like for example building houses for homless people, shelters for animals, or have a job as a maitnence man, pool lifeguard, or any other job at a hotel that doesn'@CAPS2 involve a computer. You could work at a restaurant that has regular food or fast food service. Something that does'ent involve a computer. But if you can'@CAPS2 get out of the house you could do something a little different from computers video games. They maybe similar to the computer but they are something you can do on the @CAPS2.v. and it beats playing on the computer all the time. 4 4 8
471 1 I believe that computers benefit society. They make life easier. Computers allow now of communication between friends. They also teach you new things. Computers make our lives easier. They let us look things up by easier means than a person or book. It has made it simpler to type reports. Now you don't have to worry about making mistakes on a typewriters and having to type it again. A computer saves the report and shows you some mistakes to take case of your children. It allows you to from your home. Computers allow new means of communication. You can talk online with friends. Social networks such as @CAPS1 and @CAPS2 allow that. Computers allow you to converse with friends you don't normally get to see or talk to. They also make it easier and more fun to make new friends. Computers teach us new things. They teach you about places you haven't seen before. Any question you can be asked on the internet and you will get an answer. It gives you answer you don't know who to ask for. Computers also teach hand-eye coordination. You can play games online or with @CAPS3's. You need to have good hand-eye coordination in order to play these games. Computers have a positive effect on people of all ages. They make our lives easier with their technology. They allow us to communicate with our friends through social networks. Computers also teach us new things such as hand-eye coordination. All these reasons and more are why I believe that computers benefit our society. 4 4 8
472 1 @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 technology majors support that the use of computers have a positive effect on people and I agree with them. I believe the use of computers are a necesity for social interaction, homework, research, and are a great source of entertainment on a rainy day. After a long day at school @CAPS1 teens go from the bus, to the front door, to their computer chair. In fact, @PERCENT1 of must teens do so. Odds are they're logging into facebook, myspace, formspring, @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2, and other socially interactive websites. With good time management I actually find these websites important. I think facebook and e-mail and @CAPS3 @CAPS4 ( @CAPS5) are a great way to be socially interactive. It's also a great way to keep in touch with long distance family or friends. I go to @DATE1 camp and have made friends I call my family. Some of them being across the ocean in @LOCATION2. Seeing as how I can't make long distance calls which would cost way too much money, facebook is a geat alternative to keep in touch. @CAPS1 of my family also live far away. For example, my aunt, uncle and cousin in @LOCATION1. My aunt just had a baby, meaning I have a new cousin which I'm not able to see in person yet so seeing pictures on facebook instead of spending money on envolopes, stamps and picture prints is really awesome @CAPS1 homework given out in school requires a computer. Three out of five homework assignments are on the computer. Whether it be taking a twenty question test to defining a word the computer is a schoolwork necesity. In school now many projects are assigned meaning we need the computer and internet. We use powerpoint and other microsoft documents whether it be typing an essay or creating a powerpoint slideshow. We need the internet for research to get the information we need, to suceed. Aside from interacting with other humans and researching and typing the computer holds many more wonders. Many people believe people are spending way too much time on the computer. While this @MONTH1 be true for some people it is not true for @CAPS1. Many people are concerned children are becoming lazy but in a recent vote @NUM1 out of @NUM2 mothers said they'd radther see their children playing and interacting on the computer then being a couch patato and watching @CAPS6. On a rainy day the computer can be a great alternative. You can slide in a @CAPS7 and watch a movie or play a game or even research something new and learn about it. @NUM3 out of @NUM2 @CAPS8 have at least two computers in the house for a reason. They're important to @CAPS1 people everyday lives. The computer is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. You also need to computer for school almost all the time and on a rainy day its a great alternative then being lazy a watching @CAPS6 while your eyes fall asleep. I do believe computers have a positive effect on people. 6 6 12
473 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3 i think it it good and bad. The good is it teaches people about @CAPS1 places and how other people live in there soicty what they do to get food or how they raise there kids. It also help people like cops. Because the have a person there looking for they have the computer to look on. It also help cops as in a speeder they can see it her or she have done it befor. It helps teaches to get a lesson or line to teach or they will put you on line to help you with your typeing. Yes it dose have a positive effect on some people. So people think they do a lot better around the computer or they do there best work online. Like say a high school paper. Yes you can talk to other people online get @CAPS1 friends. On the other hand computers can be bad as in you meet people online you don't know who that person is or where they come from. They might have a long crimal. They might be some on want to get you in troble because of his or her family problems. Some people spend to much time on the computer because they meet some one they rally like and don't worry about what the family want to do. So people use to work out every day but now they can talk to they friend all night and all day they stop and forget about it and never start agine. Some people just stay in the and stay on the computer got playing baceball or football or going to family reunions. 3 4 7
478 1 "Computers are used everywhere, for thousands of different things. Many of @LOCATION1 spend hours glued to our computer screen everyday. Being very reliant on your computer is not always good for you. @DATE1 too many people spend countless hours on their computers, rather than doing other activities. Therefore, computers are not the best way to spend your time because you get less excersize, your school grades can lower, and your communication skills will weaken. First, when spending days on your keyboard you will have less time to run or play with your friends. In the @LOCATION1 @DATE1, many more people are becoming obese, creating unhealthy genes to be passed on. Perhaps a reason for this is that too many people can just sit on their laptops to shop, see movies, and even to get a college education. Less and less people go for walks because they would rather be on @CAPS1 or @ORGANIZATION1. Without the constant use of computers there would be more free time for people to get outside, or play sports. Secondly, many kids and teens are attached to their laptop, and bring it everywhere with them. So, rather than studying for their tests, they could be on @CAPS1 or @ORGANIZATION1. Must chose to go on @CAPS1 or @ORGANIZATION1 rather than opening their books. Plus, spending so many hours on a computer. less time to do their homework, so they just begin to not do any of it. Computers take away their time that could be used towards getting a college education, why waste them? Lastly, why talk on the phone or in person when you can just send them an e-mail or chat online with them? Many people @DATE1 are staying inside on their laptops to talk to a person rather than doing it face to face. This can cause a lack of communication skills, something that might sound good online, could sound absolutely terrible in the ""real"" world. This loss of skill, could lead to a generation of more cyber talk rather than @CAPS3. In conclusion, why spend so many hours on the computer when you could be outside, or hanging out with friends? Personally I'd prefer to go and do something rather than being stuck inside on a computer." 4 4 8
480 1 Do you really think computers have a positive affect? Don't you think way to many people are on their computer to long? You want me to write an to my local newspaper about what I think on the effects they give people. I think they have a horrible effect on people. @CAPS2 people are on the computer doing something it can give them headachs, eye sales but if they were outside they would be exerssing. One of the reasons f think computers have a bad effect on people is addictions. Their are many things people @MONTH1 get addicted to life facebook, myspace, formspring. another example, @CAPS2 my sister gets home first thing. She does is go on facebook, forming and youtube. My second reason who f think computers have terrible effect is because eye damage. @CAPS2 your staring at a computer screen for so long you don't notice but your eyes are getting damage. @CAPS2 f was in sixth grade I needed glasses because I was addicted to computer for so long and my eyes got damaged. My first reason @CAPS1 I think computers have terrible effect on people is because its a waste of time. @CAPS2 your at home on the computer and it's sum out you should be outside with friends, family, or even just a talking a walk, and it's also a waste of time because @CAPS2 your on computer you could also be instead. You might think they have positive effect yes, but they damage your body. these are the reason @CAPS1 I think computers have a bad effect on people. Instead of being on the computer join a sports club. Now is the time to take action but making more clubs or activities to people. the issue is people was to much time on computer. these are my reasons @CAPS1 computers have terrible effect on people. 4 4 8
488 1 Computers have little to no effect on people. In fact computers help us out a lot. They help us in find @CAPS1, medical, research and to tell weather or not you have cancer. The computers that people think of are machines that sit in a room and is used often but not for its purpose. People use it sometimes for entertainment not research. There aren't just those kind of computers. There are bigger more advanced computers that scientist use every day. @CAPS2 computers do have an effect on us, but in a good way. Most of the time those people playing games or music are kids who are bopard. They use it a little too often. I anly play with it on rainy days when I can't go outside and play. Humans use computers mainly because it makes life simpler, easier. @CAPS2, it does make life simpler, like for example instead of handwriting a report, you can type it or intead of searching everywhere in a book, you can go straight to the information. One last example is; when you want to stay updated on your favorite sport team, you don't have to go to their game you just have to go to their web site. In my opinion I say that @CAPS2, computers do have and effect on us but a good reason. I'm a sports fan so I play a lot of sports. I use the computer offer for fun and research. It dosen't have an effect on me. It dosen't effect at all because I still exercise a play with my friends very often, like everyday. There is no reason to why people can't use computers quite often. Computers don't have a positive effect sometime, but it doesn't have a negitive effect sometime either. I exercise, enjoy nature and interact with friends and family too. I also use the computer often. Experts shouldn't be concerned with people using computers too much. 4 4 8
492 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I heard what you were saying about if computers are a good or bad thing. I personally think that compueters are a bad thing. Three reason for this are, kids don't get any exercise people are doing innapropirate things on them, and they could lead to giving out too much info, which could lead to injury or death. The first reason is that for the amount of time that someone uses a computer, they could be outside enjoying the nice weather well, if it is a nice day of course! I mean you have to agree with me on this one, the main reasons why people are becoming obese because of some kind of technology computers. The second reason why computers are a bad thing is because some people are doing innapropriate thing on them. If people are doing such innapropriate things on them why don't the makers of the computers block them? I don't know, I mean what kind of sicko would put those sites up even? From what I have learned in computer class, they can be used for more innapropriate things than I ever even knew of! The @CAPS1 and final reason why computer technology could be a bad thing is because some people have given too much info away on them and have gotten injured by internet world @MONTH1 look like fun and games untill someone gets hurts, well thats what my mom says! In conclusion, as you can probally see I am really not a fan of the computer. The reasons why I don't like it are kids don't get enough exercise, kids are doing innapropriate things in it, and it has been used for injury and sometimes death. These are the reasons why the computers is a bad thing, so remember these tips, take this article into consideration. 3 4 7
500 1 Dear local news paper, I agree that technology has a positive effect on people. Just like other electronic devices, computers can help you with hand eye coordination. Plus, some people like teachers, want to get staff off the internate for their students to learn about people and places. Others just want to talk to other family or friend member in other towns, states, countries, or continents. Once you read this letter, then you will understand my reasoning. Firstly, these technology enhanced dictionaries help you with hand-eye coordination. Before the computer, people had lose success in writing quickly. They had to make short notes or short handed notation like w/ or. Nowadays people write quicker and can write full words and sentences. They never understood what they wrote they put it in full sentences. When you play computer games, it gives you even more hand-eye coordination, That was only the first three reasons. Secondly, teachers use computers to get alot of school work and get information about history and geography. like an online school book, it can get information on just about anything. It can look up when @PERSON1 was born. When the dinosaurs went extinct. Fun what the government is doing now. A computer can store what you learn too. It also has search engines that help you locate the information like @ORGANIZATION1 or @ORGANIZATION2. Statistics show that more than @PERCENT1 of people on earth use search engine to find something on the computer. On search engines they have websites, pictures, movies, maps and more. That is why people use computer for research. Have you ever fell like you don't want to travel across the @LOCATION2 just to see your relative. Well I have a solution to your problem. Computers have all sorts of stuff to can fanicate to other people. The computer mostly uses e-mail. E-mail is like a letter, but put electronically. It also has @CAPS1. It is also like a letter. If you buy a special camera that connects to your computer you can talk to them personaly. You don't even have to travel to see your relatives in @LOCATION1. That is the last reason why computers have positive effects on people. Most people use computers effectively. They get hand eye coordination. Also, the learn important facts about places and people. Plus they can talk to other people. See what I mean, computers are some and also a positive part of society. 5 5 10
508 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 since electricity was invented technology has developed at a rapid rate. Computers have gone from the size of a room to twelve inch flat screen monitors. In our modern day society computers are crucial tools that help organize files, do reasearch, and pleasurable online networking. Computers teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about far away places, and allow people to socialize online. Without computers wouldn't life be difficult? While routinely doing our everyday computer tasks seldom do we realize that we are writing which frequently over works nerves in the hand causing tendonitis or arthritis; typing on computers is quicker and less harmful to the hands. ""Hand eye coordination helps improve balance and athleticisniry."" said @PERSON1 the chief othopedic sergeon of @ORGANIZATION1. Some people beg to differ and believe spending not less time on the computer can contribute to lack of physical activity. There are several portible computer devices that can be brought outside to use while walking like a @CAPS3. Every since I was, ten years old I dreamed of going to @LOCATION1. Although I couldn't afford a plane ticket to @LOCATION1, I was able to use the internet to take virtual tours of the vibrant landscapes and ancient historic venues throughout the country. With the help of internet I was able to see a far away place and experience the country as if I was there. @PERSON2, the creator of an online webcom called @ORGANIZATION2. @PERSON2 created this computer system in order to allow people to connect all over the world by giving them the opportunity to see and speak to anyone they chosse to. I frequently use this program to talk to my sister at college. Through this program we can't socialize with as if she's at home and learn about her college experience." 5 4 9
511 1 Dear Newspaper, I think a computer is not something bad for you. A computer can help you do many things @CAPS1 could help you learn, chat with friends, and @CAPS1 can entertain you. A computer can get you sucessful in life @CAPS1 helps you learn a lot of things such as computer engineering. Computer engineering is a job that pays you good money to fix computers. @CAPS1 is very challenging at first, but when you look @CAPS1 up on search websites you'll find all your answers. Chatting is the number one thing kids, adults , and teenagers do. @CAPS1 is good and bad in a way, @CAPS1 is good because because your phone bill wont be that high up so you save minutes. @CAPS1 is bad because @CAPS1 can also ruin your eyes just remeber dont get to close to the screen. The computer is all about fun, you have millions of websites you can go on. To have fun for example @CAPS2.com, @LOCATION1, and @CAPS3.com those are the three main ones I go on they are so fun. They have tons of games for kids and for adults too. I Have proven my point that computers are not bad for you because they can help you learn, they lower your phone bill, and its also very fun. Yes I know they might take exercise time away, or hurt your eyes but who cares just make up a time limit so you have time to exercise. Do not get to close to the screen because @CAPS1 can hurt your eyes. 4 4 8
516 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have recently heard about the debate on whether or not computers are used too often. Computers can be unhealthy, I think that generally they're helpful. They give us many oportunities that wouldn't exist without them. I'll describe more of what I mean in the following letter. First, I'll explain one of the advantages of computers. Studying and school work. Computers can provide people with ways to research things. For students, it @MONTH1 be something like research for a project of essay. For adults it could be information on starting a business. In both of those cases, computers were used to get information in a simpler way then perhaps visiting a library, I, personally, know of a website called @LOCATION1, where teachers can set up online tests for students. This would not be possible without computers. Computer online courses can even taken, where a student can be taugh through the internet, rather than in person. This can be an advantage to someone that can't always get to classes. I would also like to mention that computers provide a popular form of communication. E-mail and I @CAPS3. These methods of communication have become extreamly popular recently, and I myself use both. I think for some people it can be bad because it prevents them from interacting with the real world. But in general I think it's helpful. It also gives parents and teachers another way to communicate. These are just some of the many ways computers are helpful. Lastly, I'd just like to talk about how computers can benefit adults specifically. I know that many people pay their bills online. This is becaus if you think about it, isn't it a hassle to have to mail your bills every month? Computers greatly reduce that hassle. They can also make it easier to buy things you need, look for jobs, and many other things. Without computers, things like looking for jobs would require a lot more work than they do with them. These, again, are only some of the hundreds, if not thousands of ways which computers are helpful. In conclusion, I think I've made my point very clear. Any thing in moderation is okay. People that argue that computers are unhealthy speak of those who use computers too much. Generally this is not the case. Usually computers can do much more good than bad, and can make a persons life much easier. They help very much with education, and even that alone I think should be enough to convince you that computers are helpful. But as I said, I hope I made my point clear, and I hope you agree with me. 4 4 8
518 1 Dear local newspaper, More and more people are using computers there days. Some people think computers are an improvements to society. Others are concerned that people spent too much time on computers and not enough time exercising and spending time with friends and family. I believe that computers can be a bad thing. I think this because some people spend to much time on them,, it's one of the leading causes of obesity, and it interfers with people social lifes. According to recent studys, about @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people spend most of their time on their computers. Many ot these people spend their time on online games and socializing websites such as facebook and myspace. Others spend it shopping or learning. Some of the online games include world of warcraft, rune scope, and many @CAPS1's @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 games. Many people who spend most of their time on the computer are or @MONTH1 became obese. According to @PERSON1, spending alot of time on computer is one of the main reasons for obesity. Many experts agree that computers are the learning cause of obesity. between @DATE1 and @DATE2 more people have been using their computers more often. The obesity rate has increased between then too. Most of the people who spend alot of time on the computer don't interact with their friend and family much. This can lead to ruined relationships, loss of friends and the chance of losing your love with family. Many experts, such as @PERSON2, say that a person can become depressed from not interacting with friends and family. He also says some of the people who became depressed start thinking of suicide. Spending too much time on the computer is a bad thing would you want to spend too much time on the computer even ater hearing the cons of it? I believe spending too much time on the computer is bad for everyone. 4 4 8
527 1 @DATE1 @CAPS1 The @CAPS2, I believe that computers in today's society have a possitve affect on people. I believe this because if people use it for education purposes to chat, email, or to reasearch it does make a difference in peoples lives. If you use the computer for educational purposes like games, you could really learn a lot. For example, I help my sister with her multiplication on a math game we have. Also, I learned to type with type to learn @CAPS3. on my desktop computer at home. Many other people use it for these reasons too. They also might use it for typing a project or making a presentation. Others might only use it for chat and e-mail. These things can still benefit our society though. Using the computer for chat, such as, facebook, myspace, and twitter can also benefit our society today. These websites benefit us because we can meet new people, catch up with old friends, or even talk with carrent friends. also on @ORGANIZATION2, @ORGANIZATION1, or @ORGANIZATION3 we can e-mail people instead of instant messaging them. For example, if you have something really big to say to someone you might want to write on email. If you just want to say hello you could use facebook, myspace, or twitter if you have an account. Computers do benefit our society today. All of the reasons in my letter support my position on wether or not computers benefit our society. 4 4 8
529 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I agree that the effects computers have on people can be very negative to people, but they should realize what they are doing to themselfs and what they can get themselves into. Starting with people are on the computers more then they are using the phone, this takes effects on people sitting around on their computers and not cleaning their homes and taking care of their homes; but instead they are on the laptops or desktops. Secondly parents and childrens spend most of they time on websites to talk with their friends for example webcam and aim, this takes affect people because they can go on the phone or meet them up some place. In conclusion, people, but mostly teenagers and a little bit of adults up to ages @NUM1 to @NUM2 like to go on different websites sum as myspace.com, facebook.com, formspring.com, and more this constart rumors and can end up in bad or goods situations this can be a horrified effection on these people that do this very often. Some people and mostly teens, and that can be caused it will always be a he say she say, this is why people should log off immediantly. Most importantly people should become aware of themselves or people they might know or might know, knowing this putting into negative situations @MONTH1 at them in harm. 3 4 7
535 1 In my opinion having computer is good to have. Therefore I think having computers are a good thing because nowadays computers are very useful. Also a lot of people are using the for there businesses. My there reasons are to look up information, home work, and to talk to friends and family online. My first reason is to look up information on the computer. If you have thred reports to do it will best to use a computer to look up the information because it will be easier and faster to do. For an example using the internent will be faster then looking for it in a book. For that it will take at least @NUM1 to @NUM2 minutes for the interenant if you were to lookingit in a book it can take at least @NUM3 to @NUM4 minutes. My second reason is to you could talk to your friends and family online like if one of your relatives live long distance like in @LOCATION2 then you can talk to them on your telephone or cellphone because the bill will outragouse. Or if you talk to your friends online so can ask them a question on homework or whats the homework? Like if you have a that to like @LOCATION1 you can to online and you can talk to them. My third reason is that you can even do your homework on the computer. If you have history you can go on a website for an online book instead of bringing a book to school and back to home. Also it will be easier for that you would not have to worry about bringing your history book with to home. For the example it will take less time using the interneat the using a book it will take like @NUM5 to @NUM2 minutes using the computer then using the book for @NUM5 to @NUM8 minutes. In my conclusion using a computer is very useful and very important nowadays. My three reasons are to look up information, homework and talking online to friends and family. Even though people don't like computers or don't like to use them. 4 4 8
542 1 Let's go back around @NUM1 years ago. Those were days when it could take weeks to communicate with out of state family. Days when knowledge was only found in books, and ofen found slowly. Those were days where everything was done with a lack of speed and precision. Computers change all that. With nothing but the tap of a finger, we can communicate with people worldwide, or sea the web for some knew information. @PERCENT1 of people's relatives live out of their state. I can relate, with @NUM2 cousins in @LOCATION2 and @NUM2 in @LOCATION1. Without these instant messages and emails, we would more than likely talk to them once, maybe twice a year! Some people say that computers make people spend less time interacting with family and friends. For me personally, and I know many others, interaction would be impossible without these modern manuals. With all the @LOCATION1 technology out there. Nothing has me as amazed as the webcam. You, with this tool, can talk face to face with someone on the other side of the world! The world is a better place when we can have a true connection to other cultures, and what better way than to talk to them. What people @NUM4 years ago would never think possible, we can use at a moments notice, and yet still, many people don't appreciate it. My @CAPS1 and my @CAPS2 have both used internet to reunite with old college buddies, or see how far away friends are. These are grown ups, using the tools available to improve their lives. Internet goes beyond teenagers on @CAPS3 and @CAPS4. What you can find online still amazes me. The information you could get out of @NUM2 non-function books, you could find in turn minutes on the internet. Any question, including personal, anything, can be answered. Years ago people would have killed for this power, for the common man to be able to access all he ever needed to. I see the point people make about needing excersize and they're right. But in five minutes on the web you could have an exersize routine planned out, with modern techniques and styles. The computer has anything for anyone. Looking for some place to enjoy nature & @ORGANIZATION1 it. In seconds there will be thousands thousands of results. Missing a dictionary? There are literaly hundreds of sites to find a definition online. People take these machines for granted and assume we could live without them, but I doubt they ever realize how much we really need them. The technology is there. Why not use it? I could never turn down an opportunity to talk to a distant cousin, or another kid from a different country. I couldn't pass up a chance to check up on some old buddies that moved away. Thanks to computers, I have that opportunity. I have that chance. I've been shown an open door to find out everything I could want. Man can't know everything. But these days, he can find out anything. I'm not sure if the omputer has changed the direction of advancing technology, but I can tell you, it has definitly offered the course. 5 5 10
545 1 I think that computers are amazing. Computers are an amazing way to meat new pol online. 1 1 2
548 1 "Dear Newspaper, Computers are not something to be afraid of. They help many people in different ways, like the @CAPS1, teachers, students, scientists, and locals dealing with their jobs and daily life. Hasn't a computer already helped you today? Because of that, computers help us learn, keep in contact with people, and are our future. Who has said that by using computers you dont interact with your family as much? Well, I can tell you that I'm staying in contact with my grandma, cousins, and aunts through my e-mail. With e-mail you can check up on news or simply write to friends and family! Also, if you are planning a trip to visit your loving family members, dont bother with a map that gets in your face all the time and you just ""happen"" to get lost, try going on @ORGANIZATION1 maps and plan the shortest route to your destination without getting lost along the way. Computers can do more than creating a simple map, it can give you precious information! Many schools across the country use computers to help teach kids. The kids can look up @LOCATION1 and in @NUM1 seconds they have all the information they need! In most school paper you have to type and provide what websites you used to achieve finishing the paper. What is also nice is that you dont need to go through huge books for one small piece of information. It is much easier, looking it up on the computer. Speaking of not using big books for imformation computers don't use paper and will lead us to a healthier tomorrow! Millions of toms of paper land in landfills each day! By using computers we could read online and conserve paper! Another fantastic fact is that computers will grow in the future. people have already created touch-screen computers and computers will grow even more! Many people think that using computers is a bad thing, but look at the facts! Doesnt the newspaper write the newspaper on computers? If they didnt, they would be having hand cramps all the time! And what about docters dont they have your medical history on the computer, if not all these papers would get lost! Like in the beginning, computers help us learn, keep in contact with people, and are our future." 4 4 8
565 1 Dear Newspaper, The world that we live in today is full of technology. Everything from check out isles at the grocery store to coffee makers at home are being upgraded all the time. The technology has many great things about it, but theres also a huge down fall. The most common technolgy device is the computer, its a great thing to have but its also very bad. The computer can be used to bully, it can take time from exercising and it even takes from your social and grammer skills. We all know the websites such as facebook, myspace and @CAPS1. They sseem harmless but its really just a place for harassment. Their said to keep friends in touch, butkids use them to say hurtful things about each other. Half the kids in my eighth grede class have admitted to either getting bullied or bulling over the computer. If so many kids are getting hurt by the then why do we all keep using computers? Many kids @MONTH1 say they don't spend to much time on their computers but @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids in my school admit that they do. Checking the computer is the first thing they do when they get home from school and the last thing hey do before going to sleep at night. All the time these kids spend on the computer is taking away from exercising and enjoying life as a child. I've seen many kids gain exessive amount of weight because they don't eat proper food they don't exercise and they shut down from reality all because they are obsessed with their computers. kids are even getting portable computers, thats how addicted they are. Do you want your kids like that? However, all these programs and websites that are on computers have a way to inneract with friends, and socialize. But all of this is taking away from your social skills, even grammer. Most kids and teenagers would rather talk over the internet thant face to face, and half the time they don't even spell word correct or use proper grammer. In the long run all this talking over computers is going to hurt them when it comes to school and getting a job. I know that computers are good for school because you can research stuff for projects and e-mail your job. But the time spent, kids getting bullied, and the now lack of social skills is not worth it. We need to cutback on our societys use of computers because it will help us all when it really counts. Just ask yourself do you want your kids getting bullied? Do you want to gain weight? Do you want to loose your social and grammer skill? Just ask yourself these questions and you just might change your mind. 5 4 9
567 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think that computers can be a good thing and a bed thing for many resons. First i think it's good because it can help school work like to do a research and for other things that you might have to do for school. A secound reson on why computers are helpful is because it teaches hand-eye coordination. It also can have people talk to their family member from a other country through a web-cam. All their computers can be realy helpful they can also be bad for your health and family. I agree that it can give less time exercising, instead of being on the computer you can go to the park or walk your and many other things then just bring on the comuter all day. It can also distroy your interacting with family and and friend if you stay in the house all the time useing the computers and your family and friends want to spend some time with you and your just on the camper. @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 newspaper wher the reasons why i think computers can be a good thing and a bed thing. I mostly think that computers are a good thing because if we didn't have computers we wouldnt have most of the things we now have in the world if it wasn't for computers. That's why i think computers can be more helpful just depending on the way you use it and how much you use it. Those were the opinions i had on computers. 4 4 8
569 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Local newspaper do you think that the computer is a good technology in our generation today? Well I do not believe it is a good technology in our generation. Do not get me wrong. I do not like to go on the computer bat their are so many reasons why computers affect alot of children and some adults in this generation. Like one reason is when people are on the computer all day long they do not get enough exercise. That is why kids these days are so over wheight there are more than @NUM1 million children over wheight because of the computer . Like for me I use to love goin on the computer and I still do bat I see that the computer is dostroying my heatlh. A second reason why I believe is bad for the generation because there are alot of inapropreate sites on the internet, where kids that are @NUM2 and younger could be logging on to. I think that people all over the world should start enjoying nature, go travle the world. Start doing things that people cant do on the computer. I think that more kids should start interesting with family and friend more often. of talking to your friend all the time. My last and finally reason that is a big thing is going on in the computer is people bullying other people the internet, local newspaper have would you if you have any daughters, sons, grand and. If they was getting bullyed over that internet or concern them to kill them or hurty them. I think you would horribly and you would want that person to go to jail. For now on I am going to think when I spend all mu time on the computer how it affect my life and my family, friends. I belive other people in the world should do the same thing. 4 4 8
572 1 Dear leader of the local newspaper, I have heard the strange misconception that computers are ruining our society. I for one, think that this is a terribly made thought. To begin, the internet (provided with most home desktop computers) can teach us a lot about the world around us. Additionally, the whole fact of contacting others around the globe, as well as having a whole fun world to explore, makes computers more enjoyable. Finally, thousands of jobs around the world are either based on or work with computers. Due to this, computers are , without a doubt, beneficial to society. The first reason I need to clearly point out is that the computer holds tons of information that can't be found anywhere else. While books have to be republished as updates occur in the world, anything on the internet can be updated almost instantly, beneficial to students with school projects for subjects like @CAPS1, subsequently, people could actually go to school via online schools and colleges. Whilst regular colleges could cost around thousands of dollars in order to get in, online colleges are much rather cheap, affordable to anyone. Also, due to the high amounts of information online, schools seem to be growing obsolete as computers typically hold all information obtained in a regular school year. Because of this, computers are definately beneficial to society. To build up, the internet provided with computers can bring loads of pleasure to those who use it wisely. Because of the growing population of those who use computers, companies tend to make computer shoes, which usually attracts viewers by the thousands each day. This makes television seem obsolete as well. Another major thing is that software comes out for the computer almost everyday, allowing many things to be done by users. Software typically includes games, movies, and music. Finally, since staying in touch with others is a good thing, chatting with others across the globe is very easy and durable, allowing distant relatives to come in contact with you via various chat programs. Due to this, computers can bring loads of fun to users, and are thus beneficial to society. Lastly, due to the rising demand of computers, companies typically rely on computers for jobs. Since the internet population is growing, companies allow people to fill out applications and send in resumes in order to apply for a job in said company. Also, some jobs can only be done while online or using a computer. Many jobs these days, typically banks, rely on using the internet most of the time, and some actually are based in the internet. Because of this, workers can finish the job easily in one place, instead of having to around and going to a boring looking building to do a boring job. With this reason, why doesn't anyone else see why computers are beneficial to society? With all of these reasons, I hope you see why computers are beneficial to society. Education just become a whole lot easier thanks to the internet. If education is not what you seek, you can then use the internet to have fun when you are bored. Finally, jobs can be completed even easier, and makes workers more responsible. So, leader of the paper, do you really, along with everyone else, think that computers are a waste of time in life? 6 5 11
583 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, I agree with the experts in people staying on the computer to much. The reason why is family and friends are distant, mood swings can occur and also being overweight, finally computers can do a lot of things @CAPS1 far. To be on the computer too much, your family will start to worry about you. If you were to stay on a computer for a whole day, taht causes people to think otherwise of how you are. Also if you were to stay inside on a @DATE1 and your friends come over but you say, ""I don't wanna go out"", there just drifting away slowly. Since I am a teen I stay up texting and talking and going outside and I hate to see on of my friend's on the computer when I wanna hang out. When I was @NUM1 or @NUM2, I used to always be on the computer for like days to weeks, until my friend's and family said don't let this get to you. I had a friend who was a good athlete and very funny and nice, but when his mom got him a computer, I didn't want to be his friend. When I was @NUM2 I use to get mad at everything if I couldn't use the computer, it was like I was a brat. Also I used to be big, (as in overweight) because I never went outside to exercise or in my own room. The reason being on why I stopped being his friend was he to get mad if I come over there to ask if he can come outside. Also when he did come outside he used to never do nothing or run because he was always @CAPS1 tired, @CAPS1 what I am trying to say is the computer can really change people in a lot of bad way's. The last thing which makes everyone change is what computer's can do now. For example, a game called @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 can get you addicted @CAPS1 fast, you barely do anything elese. Another bad thing is @CAPS4, sure you keep in touch with friends but if you stay on too long, it's basically hooked you into it. Lastly online chatting room's or games when you can create a person to look like you makes you think that's gonna be your life from now on. Also people think that computer's can do anything it really can't, everything a computer can do is like a drug it's addicting. Well I just gave you a little thing of a lot of thing's a computer can do but to refresh your memory I'll say it again. A reason why I agree is family and friends seem distant to you at times you get mood swing's and less exercising, lastly what a computer could do now. Since you know now of the danger's that can happen I suggest you rethink about computers." 4 5 9
586 1 Dear newspaper editor, In my opion computers have a positive effect on people. The @CAPS1 allows people to communicat. People can learn bout things, places, even their own family. I also think that with a appropiate dosage it could help your body. If the @CAPS1 was never invented how would you talk to people from around the world. Mr. editor what if you were fourteen and had no friends. Well you could always go on myspace.com, facebook.com, or any other online community and make friends. Another thing that could happen is a family member or friend goes to another country for a vacaition and can't have long distance calls, you can talk to them on @CAPS2 or something like that. If your not really into using the @CAPS1 for communication you could learn. With the @CAPS1 you could learn a lot. You can even go to school online, but as I was saying you can learn about anything. One time when I had a project at school on fredrick douglas I used the @CAPS1 for help. I learned bout his family, his childhood, were he's from, and lots of other important facts. The @CAPS1 can be a good search enging but don't stay for to long your body needs you too. I think think the @CAPS1 better can your health. People always say if stay on the computer you get fat and unhealthy, but I don't think that. First being on a computer using the mouse is helping your hand-eye coordination. you can also look at diet plans, find medicine for your health, or find new ways to exercise your body. So thats why I think the @CAPS1 can help your body. All of these reason is why I think the @CAPS1 has good effects on people. 4 4 8
589 1 Dear @LOCATION1, I believe that going on the computer has a positive effect on people. It is also true that some people are not getting enough exercise. To prevent not getting enough exercise we should play sports or have family activities to atleast get out of our house. Everybody needs to stop being lazy and get active. I think that an excerise day should be mode and turned into a tradition. It could be twice a year or more a month or whatever is picked as long as there is one day @LOCATION2 or even more than @LOCATION2 can exercise on. 2 3 5
594 1 Dear local newspaper, I think spending to much time on a computer is bad. One of my reasons are Exercising. People should be outside jogging or working out and enjoying nature. Also should be socializing with friend. Now my second reason is spending time with your fromily. Being with your family is important because their fun go out with. Also they're good to socialize with at home or any other place. Sometimes socializing with people on a computer is not good as if with people because socialicing with friends and family is easier than sitting on a chair typing a bunch of works explaining about the convosation your having. And last my finall reason is being active. People should be active because it's fun and your socialicing with people and playing sports with or . It keeps you and healthy. Also being active can healthen your lungs and heart. For example football keeps your legs strong and built. And basketball keeps you quick and always running. It's good for you because being active gives you a healthier, stronger and in shape body. So their for I think spending a lot of time on a computer is bad. 3 4 7
598 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you ever just wanna go out side and play a game of football with the ones you love? Well I know I @CAPS2. I believe that almost @PERCENT1 of kid are on the computer @NUM1 because they have nothing to @CAPS2 or it is addicting. The reson that I belive in this strongly true stament. That people are consurnet about how much time people spend on the computer and not with ther familys. One important fact about kid being on the comuter is how dangours it can be. Now a days kids don't relize how dangours being online can be for example I rember a time when my cousin said that he went to the movies to meat up with some girl he meat on myspace but all he saw was a, balet hewdet, sex ofender. That told him he was the one talking to him online. That he wanted my cousin to go over his house and play x-box and my cousin screamed hell no and leaft to my house cause the movie theater wher closer to my house. Know being safe is important. Would you rater have your children safe with you or with some stranger? Computer can also be helpful at time when needed for school or you job. Only people would think its fun to home and go on the computer for no reason. Second of an dont you want to spend time with children before they go to college or some thing? Just the littlest thing like playing a game of football will affect them to create a better with you and you chiled. Some thing you can @CAPS2 to get them to go out side with you is take the computer away for a week and have fun with your child. Play some of his/her favorite sports. So with the computer computer. without a bond with you and you chiled. So the time has come to make a let your kid be lazy on the computer and get into or go have fun with them? 4 4 8
604 1 "@ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1 are many reasons why the computer technoligy benefits the society. For starters, the newspaper companies use computers to write the @ORGANIZATION2 paper. Personally, I believe that computers benefit the society for many reasons. Computers help with education, career building, and helps people connect with family. By readin this letter, I hope that this make computers appealing to you. One reason why people benefit from computers is how they help with education. In a poll taken at @ORGANIZATION1, @PERCENT1 of the students say that computers hel htem with their academic career. Also, many adults use computers for an education too. In the student body in class of '@NUM1 at @CAPS2 high school, most of the students quit school before they could finish senior year. @PERCENT2 of those students finished their high school and college years through online classes. Another reason how computers benefit the society is by helping with careers. At @CAPS3 industries, @PERSON1, the @CAPS4, says, I dont know where our business would be if we didn't use computers. "" @CAPS5 to a poll taken by @CAPS4's of many high ranning industries, @PERCENT3 said that their business revolves around the internet. this could very well be the poll your @CAPS4 took. Finally, computers help families that are seperated, connect with each other. A marine said that he tries to contact his family as much as he can while he is at sea. If anyone deserves to contact their family that they haven't seen in two years, it should deffinately be the people in the army. In conclusion, the computer technoligy has benefited many people. A system that could regulate peoples computer use could be implamented but it would not make anybody happy. The changes could be made but, if anyone tried to take something important away, would you not do anything to stop it?""" 5 4 9
609 1 Dear Newspaper, I think Computers are a good effect in our lives. Some of the reasons why I say this is the good to use when researching has fun games and activities, and they keep you in touch with long distant reletives. First if you just been given a assignment for school or work you @MONTH1 have to type and research on what ever topic a computer is a great source of knowledge if researching something or even checking your bills, @CAPS1, Computers are fun they have lots of games and activities for you to play and do. Just think you sitting in the house on a rainy day bored out you mind and have no thing to do. Just go on your computer and play some game or just find some activities you whole family could do. Lastly, Computers are good to stay in contact with long distant family members these days all you have to do is get a web cam and hours it up to your computer and now its they our grandma, grandpa, cousin, and uncle, or who ever is right there you can talk to them like you were on the phone with no cost. In conclusion, as you can see after all I wrote computers, are good for researching, playing games or doing activities, and staying in touch with family I @CAPS2 in my house the computer is mostly used for the web cam to see my grandma in @LOCATION1. Well I hope this letter changed you oppinion on this great invention, the computer. 4 3 7
612 1 In our socity computers have a big role. Some people think that this inhaces our socity and benefits the people in the @LOCATION1. Other people think computers are hurting the @CAPS1 citizens. I belive that computers can have our socity into the next and can inhance use to people. Comptores can benifit people by tracking hand-eye coordination give people the ability to learn about the world, and allow people to communicate to others. Computers can teach hand-eye coordination which helps people work with their hands. An arument on the of this is that computers take the place of exercise. For a lot of @CAPS2 a sport is their exercise and in every sport you need hand-eye coordination. Computers don't take the place of they inhance the persons ability to play for exsample to be a goaly in any sport you need fast mentions and good hand-eye coordination. A computer can help the save more goals by increasing their hand-eye coordination. Having good hand-eye coordination can also save you life. If a knife was you human nature world tell you to cover your head with your hands. This would you, if you had hand-eye coordination you away with your body to avoid the knife. Computers help you physically but they can help you mentally as well. Computers can take you around the world without leaving your room. Computers can teach go about culture and life that you didn't even know excisted. The cahan @CAPS1 can not aford the luexury of seeing the world first hand, computers let those people see the world from difient points of veiw. If a student needed to know all about one country they could go on the enternet and get a tour. A student could not go to the country so they went to the second base thing the computer. They can the wanted with one click. Family, friend and coligees are all people you need to talk to. Computers made communication easy for anyone. Now you can talk and see a person in video chat. This benifits socity because if you are talking to a buissness partner you can point to graphs and charts you made. You can also to see a love one that you miss. Their is a different type of comunication for every person. You can e-mail, @CAPS4, instant message, etc. Comunication connects people around the world it a small world after all. Computers have taken our socity in the next level. People can travel the world in a second, talk to anyone and have hand-eye coordination. Computers are growing @LOCATION2 keeping is on top. What would you choose? 5 5 10
618 1 Dear @CAPS1: People are spending far to much time on computers. This go for children and adults alike. Just think about it anything you can do on a computer you can do without a computer. That and pepole need to spend mor time outside expiriencing nature. Lastly some bad things can be shown and can happen while online. I chalenge you to name one thing you can do on the computer that you can't do without. You can't even name one. Think about it you can reserch and find pictures from books and magasigns. Insted of social networking sites you can actualy go and see the person or if they are far away you can call them or write them a letter. To find out about current events you can read the newspaper or watch the news. If you like using computer disign programs try drawing a real picture instead. Lastly if you download a lot of music you can just but a cd or better yet go to see the band live. Face it you can't do ehything on a computer that actualy requires the computer. Artificial simulations are no mach for the real outdoors. On a computer all you can do is watch and even that is nothing compared to the real thing it's just a snapshot of it. Outside you can the gentel breses the warm sun the cool grass, you can smell fresh pine and clean air. You can hear all the other cretures surounding you. Going outside is better for you to. Outside you get exersize and vitimin @CAPS2 while inside you get fat lazy and sick. Can't you see how great the outdoors are? Computers can do more harm than good. They can show children inapropriat pictures and talk about inapropriat topics. They are even now using computers to sell illegal drugs. Children allso often use the internet irrisponsibly and to things that can dissrupt frendships and get them into truble. The computer has also made it alot easyer for kidnappers to find children and kidnapp them. They do this by pretending to be the childs peer then using the information the child him he will make almost a garunteed kidnapping. This is happening more and more frequently. The computer isn't as helpful as you thought. Computers are not realy benificial to our socity. They have no rel use that isn't alredy taken care of. The can not replace the real outdoors. Lastly they can be eisily used for bad even ilegal purpuses. As you can see computers should be used as much as they are being used by the general public. 4 4 8
620 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you think computer have a positive or negative affect on people? I think it has a Positive affect. There are a few reasons for this. First, computers are used for education around the world. Second, it helps us connect with and meet new friends. Lastly, You can use a computer for world news. As you can see, those are just a few reasons. First, Computers are used for education around the world. For example some people use it to go to college online. Others use it to find information on things like egypt, where we cant go. Second, it helps us connect with, and meet new friend. We can chat with our friends, which is very useful. If we need to know what a homework assignment was we can just chat with a friend. Lastly, You can use computer to find out about world news. We can go and find out if something serious happened, like the earthquake in haiti. As you can see, those are just a few reasons I think that computers have a positive affect on us. I hope you agree with me. 3 4 7
624 1 There are many great things about computers. If we were to loose them then our lives would change dramatily. You can use computers for exercise then it is also up to the @CAPS3 on limits. Last it can save lives Computers are great, if we were to loose them. There would be no more internet. you would't be able to talk to friends on @CAPS1 or e-mail. Cell phone prices would go through the roof. We would technacly be going back @NUM1 to @NUM2 years. Last with out computers there would be more diffeculty in large companies Computers can help exercise. One way is we can find closest gyms on the internet. We can find what is healthy to eat right away You can also get one of those @CAPS2 fits for a computer. Also you can find free work out videos. Next, it should be up to the @CAPS3. It is their discretion if they see that the child is spending to much time on the comuter and gaining weight they can easaly limit it. they can say for very hour your on the computer you have to do an hour of exercise. Lastly the computer can save lives. Before computers medicine like tylonal was used for everything. Stuffy nose, headache, cold etc. Now we can go on the computer to find weather the medication is at all dangerous. You can also find the nearest hospital. Finally, computers can do a lot of good, even though it can make less unhealthy if you spend to much time on it it can save your life. It can also destroy companies and our lives, @CAPS3 can give limits and computers can used to exercise. So reading this essay please don't take away our computer 4 4 8
627 1 Dear local newspaper @CAPS1, I do agree that exercising,. I think that people exercising more, and spend time with family and friends. The issue to with is should more people sometime on their less time, exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends should it be the other way around. The first reason why I think that people should spend more time exercising than on their computers is because I think that more to watch and watch the way they eat and keep that self fit because what responsible to see their kid eat and then out exercising and then then self. My second reason is I think that people should time enjoying nature then computer The reason I think this id because they would never would never know what going on computer. How can you never things do. My third reason is interacting with friends and family I think that people should friends and family then on the computer because interacting with friends and family you learn things that you never knew about then and you can places you never gonna be sure discover new things you never your life. For example over vacation I did things and things about my family and friends than I never know why because I people interacting I learned how fun they really are and intering and happy. Have fun where is the computer. Please don't your life live your life. It's now or never should 'people spend more time on or more time exercising. interacting with family and friends. 4 4 8
629 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 the ages, technology has constantly been evolving and improving the way we think. From the first simple telephone in the @DATE1's to today's touch-screen iphone. From riding horses to riding extraordinary fast sports cars and hwlet trains. The advances in technology have proven the sky have the limit the invention of planes. We have even reached the moon and left our ! Computers have only become faster and. Although more and more people are using one of our greatest technological advances, computers, believe it doesnt benefit socialy. I veherrertly believe that computers benefit. They have the ability in and teach us what seems like information, second, they have made the could a smaller place through communication. Last, they even have the ability to locate missing people. Computers are constanly helping society. They follow what technology to make life @CAPS3. First of all, computers are a benefit to society because they have the ability to and teach teach us what seems like infinite information. Today, when soneone know/wants to some first place they usually that's light the. This is because engines such as @ORGANIZATION1 have of limits to with much information on the topic being. This has not only made leaving @CAPS3, but has also helped in studying for tests for elementary school. Computers also of for the average. From banking to powerpoint computer with all! For this reason even older such as @PERSON1 find computers weird. Second, computers benefit society becuase they the world smaller through communicates. Sixty years ago, it could relative on the. Today, you can easily video a rective in @LOCATION2 from @LOCATION1 in less that ten seconds. Not only can you talk to grandma or grandpa but you can even see them smile what children can even such as @CAPS4. When there is a they can still talk to warry of. Finally, computers benefit society have the ability to locate missing people. The record earthquale in @LOCATION3. cries of mothers children whom they from. It is to computers that these families were scuniled. On many sites on the internet, @LOCATION3 set up person locators. These locators allowed you to write down your name disaster should over happen. Not only this you family. All they had to do me! Computers have even made our society. What move could. In conclusion, I strongly believe that computers society is because computers contain much informations and programs they have proven the earth is a ""small world after all"" and they have made the world safer. It is that many people are buying computers, so why don't you get one?" 5 6 11
630 1 "Dear Newspaper, i am writing you this letter, about computers, in the hope that you will publish it. Over @NUM1 the people in @LOCATION1 has a computer, but are they really healthy? I don't believe computers are a good thing. People spend to much time on them & less time excirsing, enjoying nature & most of all, it's highly dangerous. I don't believe computers are a good thing because people don't excersise like they did. Some people spend @NUM2 out of @NUM3 hours in a daw on computers for others it's there whole life. People spend so much time on computers they lose touch with the outside world. Ever since computers came out, obestity has gone up. all people do is chat to other people & think ""they don't have to know what I look like.""They sit at the computer eating & eating. That's not healthy. I dont think computers are good also because they spend less time enjoying nature. It used to be when I had somoe free time, I could call up a friend & ask them to take a walk with me somewhere & they'd say ""sure! Now they say ""@CAPS1 get on the computers & we can take a virtual walk."" That's not the same as an actual walk with the wind in your face the fresh smell, & all the animals, at least not to be. Nature is a thing of beauty & if you don't enjoy appreciate it, it'll turn into something hideous. Nature used to be the most peaceful think now it the internet. I dont think computers are good because most importantly they're dangerous. Little kids, like myself, think they're grown up & go on computers & meet rapist, murderer, thiefs, all kids of criminals. Also people send hurtful & violent things to each otehr & it yo're on the computer alot of bad people can track you down. Also, the military & @ORGANIZATION1 keeps secrets on computers but if your smart enough you can hack it. Computers aren't safe for anyone or anything. Well, I've told you my main @NUM4 reasons why I think computers aren't such great things, they're not healthy, emotionally or physically. People don't excirse they don't enjoy nature & computers are highly dangerous. All I can do is hope you publish my letter so everyone can see my point of view & make their own decisions. " 4 4 8
633 1 "Dear local newspaper, Computers have a good effect on people in our comunnite, from computers you can learn, talk to people from out of state or even out of the county, also you can learn hand eye cornation. Computer can help you earn in many ways one way you could learn from computers is students can go online and got information for their school projects by finding this information it can help the students get better grades. Also the students can use the computer as a way to study. There are educational games on the computer that kids play and without knowing this they are learning and studying for school. Another way you could too a is from online classes. This could help people also because do not have enough many to pay to go to classes. As you can see there are many ways to learn from having computer. The computer can also help you talk to people from out of the state or country. This could help famlies stay connected when they live so far away from you. My cousin @PERSON4 and my aunt @CAPS1 math live in @LOCATION1 and i hadn't met then until the @DATE1, when they came down. @CAPS3 that i have met them i am able to stay them through the computer. Dr. @PERSON2 says, ""@CAPS2 close with familys and friends not only important for you you health."" by haveng computers we could talk to our relative and help our health. When you get out of college people let go of some good friends because they could live in different state,. the computers can help you stay connected with them. Lastly, computers can help you with you hand eye coodination, when your hand eye cornation because you are trying to type a word. and by hitting the key you want you are learning this. I have sam kids with special needs useing the computer is help them learn hand eye cornation. there is a girl in my school named @PERSON3 and the help her by leting her play games on the computer when in my class ive had to help her with picking things up, @CAPS3 to eat and walk with her hands alone. Her helper teacher. Ms @PERSON1 says the computer game has helped her. The effect that compuers have on society is good." 4 4 8
636 1 Dear local newspaper, I feel that computers are very useful to society. For example, millions of people and companies and small buisnesses require the use of computers in order to optimally run their buisness. Everyone who uses computers on a daily basis can confirm that they are very useful. In fact, computers are so useful, some schools are starting to notice. I hightly reccomend that you get aquanted with such a useful and very recognized plece of technology. Did you know that many billion-dollar companies and small buisnesses require the uses that a computer has to offer? For example, my mother is s former-district manager of the fast-food company, @ORGANIZATION1. When she worked at the company, they gave her a laptop that she could use only for her work. This proves my point that companies and small buisnesses require the features of a computer to smoothly run the buisness of which they run or one employed at. The technology of computers has brought education to new. Some teachers (including my own, @PERSON1) have taken the initiative to incorporate the modern technology of computers into their teachings. Classes have even been created in schools because of the popularity of computers. For example, at my school, a computer education (or, comp, for short) class has been created for kids to understand the knowledge and skills using a computer can give to them in the real-world. In my opinion, I it is great that computers are incorporated in so many places. Computers are used by millions of people every day. Such buisnesses are corporate like @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 are starting to see the brilliance in using computers in their company. In fact, computers are so useful and helpful, teachers have taken up using computers in their classrooms. I hope it is not just me that sees the good that a computers brings, but anyone else that @MONTH1 have taken a glare at this letter. 4 5 9
640 1 Dear, I strongly believe that computers are great. There are a-lot of great things you can do on the computers. A-lot of people are saying that computers have bad effects on people, like not getting enough exercise and spending time with your family. I do not agree with that because say you have family in a different town, city, or state. There is a website where you can webcam people from all over world with anybody, so that is a good opportunity and also it is free and you can do it at anytime and if you have a laptop, anywhere! My next reason is that you get to see places you have never seen before with direct pictures, like on commercials when our familly wants to go on vaction to a far place and you know nothing about it. You can go on the computer and look up the place and see what it is about and also see what other people said about. Like if it is really hot, or cold, is it a good experience for kids, anything you want, the computer has it. My last reason on why computers are good is because of studying, one thing that always happens is I leave my textbook home. I can go on the computer and see what we had to do. Also you can use the computer to study and learn easier ways to do something for any subject. Surveys shows that @PERCENT1 of the kids who study on the computer pass there test and get a higher grade percentage +@NUM1. Also if a kid is studying and dosent know what a word is they can I look it up and figure out the definition and how to use it in a sentence. That is why I think computers are a great exercise for your well being and personality. 4 3 7
645 1 The computer effects peoplelife by taking them away from their family and have is @NUM1 reasons why the computer effect the people lives. @NUM2) They do not know what is happening outside. @NUM3) Their family @NUM1). Their job. Please listen to my reason why the computer effect people lives! My first reason their they don't know what happening out ide because they are to much busy on the computer. Their friends could of won something important and they wanted you to be their but no they are just so busy on the computer. They are going to miss out of nature or hanging out with friends. Like if they are meeting one at a place and they said they if just means they were on the computer all day long. My second reason is theie family. I said their family because they could miss out on a lot of things. Such as a family reunion, a family vacation and many more. It like if one of their family members hurt and they are trying to call you but you dont picking up the phone because you to busy on the computer to pick it up. You can lose your wife cause the computer because you forgot her birthday, her and her because you are on the stupid computer. About their kids, what happens if they want to playing they have nothing also to do card their? Say no cause you computer. They family will get rewing. My third and last reason is their job. They can lose their job cause your missed work cause your on the computer for doing nothing work cause computer. If they lose their jobs they can pay for they can't use their computer. They are going to be in their house with no light and no computer cause they have on it to much and did not pay attention was happening. They akk to feel like they are going to cause they dont have their computer. Or the computer shot doen and he cant enough money to get a electriction. Those were all ny reasons. @NUM2) they don't know what is happening outside. @NUM3) their family @NUM1) Their job. Thank you for listening to my reasons. 4 4 8
651 1 "@ORGANIZATION1, @DATE1, people have been doing less exercise and not enjoying the great outdoors. They're some people that are having less family and friends times. I say its computers!"" This machine is a great resource, but people are starting to get adicted to it. We need to reach a messgae to those people. Yesterday, I went to my local library and found @NUM1 computers in the library. All of the computers were filled with people and, a line with @NUM2 people ready to go on next. I ask those @NUM2 people ""why were they there?"" ""for homework"" said a teenager. Another, ""just to come and paly"". I also ask, ""how do they stay fit?"" ""I don't like @CAPS1 fit"" said beautiful lady. ""@CAPS1 fit isn't esay if your always on the computer"" said the teenager. The response I got from those people, were unbelievable. If we don't stay fit how are we going to survivie from all these dieases and cancer. This reason has pently to do witj not @CAPS1 fit. I don't know about you but I care about my family, I would never spend the rest of my life infront of a computer instead of my love ones. In the of , I was surprise to find out that projects, homework and research can take up half of your time, with your family. Do the computer, you can find some resort for you and your friends and fanily, you can't be doing for more than minutes. The great out doors should be one of the best places to be. because it quit, its amazing and its a large area. If you looking up the out doors on a computer, now thats a of time, that you could have been with a family member in the or where ever. My father says its great to buit its to live it. The days are getting shorter lets live it like.""" 4 4 8
659 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, Computers are a great way to learn about the world and its people. Computers can teach people about things that are forien to them. Computers keep people intouch, all over the world. Computers also come in handy when something needs to be looked up right away. Computers are very helpful when it comes to learning. They can teach you things that most books cant, such as hand eye coordination also about the current populations of countrys and cities. Also, computers gives you the opportunity to see pictures of places and people that you couldn't find in books or photo albums or newspapers. They also help in schools when projects are asigned. Kids can use computers to find information they need quickly. Kids can also use computer to wright essays or print pictures for projects. Computers are definately a staple for learning & education. Computers are also great for comunication. People can chat with one another on networking sites such as @CAPS1, facebook, myspace, and twitter. On these sites people can send messages to their friends a leaking them of something or chat with their friends to see whats to keep in touch with family and friends, on the computer. Family members can e-mail each other to inform them of an event or news. I have actually had an experience with e-mail that was very helpful my family members and I had been speaking of traveling to block island and two days before we were going to leave we recived on email from the owner of the house we were going to stay at stating that all phone lines were down and part of the house was ruined due to a storm. If it werent for computers we would have been in a sick situation. Computers also come in handy in times of need or confusion. People can check their local weather forecasts to see of the weather will effect their plans. Also if someone doesn't know where a house or store is located they cab quickly look it up on the computer. Finaly if something is unavailable on a store people can shop for it online and can buy what they need, and have it shaped to their door step. Computers have helped this country grow and prosper. Why bother to go aginst them when they benafit society so much? Computers are helping the world become a better educated, connected, and informed world. 5 5 10
660 1 "The topic that is on many minds in our country is, ""Are computers beneficial, or harmful to our students?"" @CAPS1 have evolved from dosktop computers, and before that, type writers, but have they gone too far? While the blank screen of a computer @MONTH1 distract some, the benefits defin out weigh the bads in a situation like this. Being able to have faster research, easier communicating and computers in wartime are great capabilitys of the modern computer. Also, due to advancement in technology, computers are very helpful because they help @LOCATION4 with our daily lifes. Many doubts about the computer exist, but the computer can surpass all of them. In a time crunch situation like college or high school, speed is everything. Computers allow students to research faster, and with more accuracy by being able to search for key words. Before, students would have to do the painstaking process of searching in books. More times than not, they wouldn't find what they were looking for, but with the modern age, students can get the information they need fast. Also, having computers in the classroom helps so that teachers can get the info they need for an upcoming class. If speed is what you need, then you will look for a computer. Besides speed, computers also give you another great thing, communication. With emails, @CAPS2's, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, and blogs, knowing what your friends are doing later is just a click away! This is much easier than calling the person. Also having this access to friends can help when one moves away. If you miss a long lost friend or cousin, just search their name, and you can talk to them! Having friends so close by you can really make every life great. Out in @LOCATION3 or @LOCATION1, solgiers rely on computers for valueable information; such as radar, or robots. Having computers do the ""dirty work"" can help in times of war, and can save valuable lives. Not having these computers would mean certain death for some people in the @LOCATION4 armed forces. Computers some times take the place of humans in things such as @ORGANIZATION1's, or unmaned airieal vehical and some many lifes too. Weather it be facebook or bombings, computers help in a vital way. It was @DATE1 and @PERSON1's communist regime was ruling new @LOCATION2. One man stood in front of a tank, resisting to move, showing courage and wanting a democracy. Fortuneatly, this was all caught on film. How was it broadcasted to the world? Using the computer, and internet. Today many people are able to learn about that due to computers. In many ways computers help @LOCATION4 with our daily lives and for most of @LOCATION4, without them, we would be lost." 6 5 11
669 1 "@ORGANIZATION1, I am writing this letter to inform you about the Use of computers. Computers can be fun and interesting, But, people are spending to much time on the computer. @CAPS3 opinion is you should spend time interacting with people in your society, your family, and friends. I also think that @CAPS2 is easy to get addicted to the computer, I should @CAPS1 I was a person that spent @CAPS3 time @NUM1 on the computer and @CAPS2 wasn't good. You should be safe on the computer because now and days @CAPS2's dangerous @CAPS2 is appalling that people spend More time on the computer than with ther own Family. Don't you agree? Well you shoud, your society, family, and friend should be the most important thing to you. You shouldn't be spending your whole day on the computer, you should be interacting with the people around you. Now and days you will see plenty of people on the computer and not spending time with there family. That shouldn't be going on. Although the computer is fun and interesting you will have people around you the wisher to spend time with you. You should think about this because this is happening to much in the world. @PERCENT1 of the people in @CAPS3 school say their addicted to the computer, and @PERCENT2 of the people in @CAPS3 community say their addicted to the computer too. Those are very high numbers don't you think? This is terrible and should stop going on. The computer is like a drug, you can get on the computer one time, then your just going to want to stay on ti everyday all day. The first time you get on the computer you will be addicted to @CAPS2 right away. I'm not saying you should never get on the computer, but be sure you won't get too addicted to @CAPS2 because @CAPS2 can happen very easily. @CAPS3 mother always sayed be safe on the computer"". At first I didn't really @CAPS1 what she meant, but now I @CAPS1. What ever you do on the computer will stay their and be saved no matter how you try to delete @CAPS2. So, you should be safe and don't put any thing on the computer if you would want anyone else to see @CAPS2. Anyone can see what you put so you should be safe. Kids are meeting people they don't @CAPS1 and try to meet them. So you should watch out because the computer is the only place @CAPS7 you can lie. Now you should understand @CAPS7 im coming from. You should now agree with me and under stand that people should spend more time you don't get addicted and be safe.""" 4 4 8
671 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I felt shoeked to see that there are people that beileve that computers don't benefit society and after hearing that I felt compelled to share my opinions. They help socitey. They help us communicate, do important thing have fun. Computers help us communicate in many ways. We all want to talk to our freinds, but we can not be with our freidns all the time, so there is she internet to help us. We also all have freinds we don't see very often, but we still want to talk to them so with is intenet we can talk to them as long as we went. Computers also help us make new freinds. They can also ehlpo us have fun. Computers are fun for many different reasons. Social networking sites, like facebook or myspace, are fun to be on. There are many fun things to do or the internet including video games, many video games consoles are attatched to the intenet so you can play with your freinds. But computers arent just all fun and games. Computers can transfer very important information including homework after schol activities. Computers also hold all of our governments information, from thingsas insignificant as plans for renovation on a town owned building to the department homeland security to the united states of without computers none of that would be possible. This should have conclude you that computers nessesary in our every day from communication, to very things computers have helped us and will to help us in the future. 4 4 8
684 1 Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 has come to my attention that there is an ongoing debate about the issue stating that not everyone agrees that computers benefit society. I can't understand why. Computers present many oppurtunities for people. They allow for people to communicate with each other, they allow people to research topics in a simpler way, and they teach hand-eye coordination. This is why I agree that computers do benefit society. In the modern world, nearly all businesses rely on communication. Many people in those businesses use not only phones to communicate, but computers as well. Online communication is a fast, simple, and effective way for people to communicate whether @CAPS1 is at home or at work. This is one way computers benefit all of society. Nobody knows everything, we are always trying to find out about new things that we neven knew. Sometimes we @MONTH1 use books, but the way most people use is online researching. This is because not only is @CAPS1 quicker, but simpler as well. When you research online, the information literally comes to you. All you do is type a subject to @CAPS1. @CAPS1 is another reason why computers do benefit society. The final reason is that computers teach hand-eye coordination. This shows because as time progresses while you are on the computer you realize that typing becomes easier. @CAPS1 might take a while, but over time people get the hang. @CAPS1's as @CAPS1 the computer is letting you teach yourself. Some people would say that people spend too much time on computers. This isn't a problem though because people have to spend long periods of time on computers in order to do the beneficial things that computers have to offer. In conclusion, you can see that I have clearly stated the benefits of computers. They allow us to communicate, research, and improve our hand-eye coordination. This is why computers do benefit society. 4 4 8
690 1 Dear @LOCATION1 @CAPS1, I believe that computers do benefit society. People are able to read, shop, and play online. This makes life easier for many people. Buying books that you would like to read can get expensive. With the internet, people are able to read almost any book right on their computer. In a recent survey, it was found that people who read books online save an additional @MONEY1 a year more than people who buy books. People can also read things like newspaper online. If there is snow on the ground, and people are unable to get their newspaper, they can read it online. This way they will know if a newspaper is still good, and continue buying it, including the @LOCATION1 @CAPS1. Additionally, people are able to shop online. Sometime, someone @MONTH1 have been an accident injuring them, and they are stuck at home. If it is a child, their parents will be unable to go to the store because they will be caring for the child. They can simply go on the computer and have food and other necessities delivered to them. People can also do this if they have a busy lifestyle with work or school. @PERSON1, a physician, told me that people who shop online have @PERCENT1 less stress than people who go to the store for the same items. He said that is is because they do not need to worry about taking much time out of their schedule to shop. Moreover, the computer is a good way to quictly play games. Young children can be very loud and energetic. Parents can just let them play games and read on the computer. Little kids love just the fact of being on the computer, and letting them go on can keep quiet and occupied for a while. Even just typing is interesting for younger kids. For older kids, there are many games that can play. Action, strategy, puzzles, and many more. They can also play against people around the world. The computer is fun for everyone. So in conclusion the computer is a very good place to go shopping, read books, and play games. Computers greatly help families of today. 5 4 9
692 1 I don't think that computers is the most positive effect. Because most computer's are not like that the computers are not the smartest but it does help you when you need to do something like a project when you have to look for pictures and when you need help with math you can use the calculator on the computer but the computer does not help you on all your subject's the computer only help's you on a couple of your subject's that is the main reason I use the computer. Sometimes when I'm doing homework I let the computer do it for me so it is eaiser for me to do and I look for website's on it they give you really good website's that is why mostly everyone use's the computer they mostly use the comptuer to look for job's, car's, or a house that is what they mainly use the computer for most people do not like useing the internet because they think it's cheating to use the computer. 3 3 6
693 1 @ORGANIZATION1, In ones opinion about computers and what they can do to benefit society these days. Ones opinion about what the effects that computers have or people are that they can benefit us in many ways for example they can communicate with people around the world for example many people @MONTH1 have friends or family that live in another state or country computers can help us communicate with them. Commputers alow us to help us learn what we couldn't learn from books. Computers can help us with learning such as learning about or the population. One might think that is good but its slow with computers you can send emails and have the person on the other end reply instantly because of computers. Computers have benefited society in many ways. Computers in ones opinion about them is that they can benefit us in many ways we wouldn't think of being possible. Before computers and printers we had in use type writers and if you messed up you would have start again and it could take hours or work to get the paper perfect but with the worlds modern we would don't have to type whole paragraph over again if we make a mistake we can just hit the back space button on the keyboard so it won't take us hours to type one page or when it take half an how at most so computers have benefited us in more way than we know it. So in ones opinion about computers and what they can do to benefit us is that they allow us to do things we couldn't have done before the computer was invented. The computer was a great invention and it is benefited mankind as we speak and that it is that hard to set up. So in ones opinion about computers and what they do that can benefit the society that we live in and also benefit mankind as well. 4 4 8
698 1 Dear who it @MONTH1 concern, I think that computers are very affective but then again they are not because would you rather have your kids on the computer or lets say some children smoke and some hang out in the streets to much yeah it does do a lot affect to them. In my predictionI say computers are very addictive but then again it really isn't because there are some people who really don't like being on the computers for a long time cause it gets boring and it starts to hurt you eyes. I will understand if they don't want to get off when it passes there bed time. Some kids do a lot of bad things out in the street and hang out in the streets a lot, but when they go on the computer it can stop some of them from doing those things. A lot of kids have myspace and facebook ... and more and it is the best way to stay in contact with your family and friends thats one of the main reasons kids go on and there is other electronic devices that stops kid from exersicing and stuff like that such as a psp go or xbox @NUM1 or ds, dsi playstation @NUM2 and @NUM3. So I think it is an addiction and it affects kids but the things you'd rather have your kids do keeps them away from doing it. 3 3 6
699 1 "Dear @CAPS1 Society: Computers are perhaps one of the greatest improvements to our societies advancement in knowledge in the past few decades. These gems of future, are like a human being; they have their own mind and can figure out answers to all problems. People all around the world use them, from @LOCATION5 to @LOCATION4, to @LOCATION2 to @LOCATION1, they are being used. People from ages of school kids, to adults who have a job so highly appreciated as a chemist, use computers! Do you wish to be that one standing on the side lines, stuck in the past, not advancing with technology? From the creations of rockets, engines and planes; computers have never let us down. Still, the question is this: will computerized technology benefit our society or crash it down? Ever since the @DATE1, computers have been used as an ad for new information. The speed that they are able to recieve new information in is just astonishing! @CAPS2 @PERSON2, computer engenieer, says ""With the technology that we recieve from computers, we are able to be in the game."" @CAPS2 just comes to show one of the best benefits of computers: their ability to display the most current information. Now, I can see how books are an excellent resource in society, and how they provide for amazing information, however it takes years to publish books! With the use of a computer, information that occured sometimes as close to @NUM1 hours ago can appear on the internet! Not only will this allow you to get information faster, but it will allow our society to ""be in the game."" You catch a football as it soars through the air, you track a baseball or it flys high in the sky, you grasp the face of a basketball all because you have ""hand-eye"" coordination. Hand-eye coordination is perhaps one of the most neccessarry aspects of life that a person can have. Face it, everybody needs it! So why not help your body to get that talent: buy a computer. Imagine, our society would advance in it's sports and even just with life if they learn how to coordinate themselves. Did you know that @NUM2 out of @NUM3 people who owned a computer and typed daily were able to catch all three tennis-balls that were thrown at them! You could do that too! When typing on a computer, human development observers states, your eyes a free tracked on the screen and you train your hands to manuvor about the keys all by themselves. Just as in basketball, when you train your hand to track the bounce of the ball without you needing the need to catch it. I can remember when I started typing, my hands began to naturally find the keys without me having to look at them. And the next day at basketball practice I felt like @CAPS3 amazing point-guard @PERSON1, the ball just came straight to my hand! Get this need of life, invest in a computer! Money @MONTH1 be the most vital thing in our society right now. With profits as low as medium wage, our local area is not that ""rich."" I can see how it could be hard, having to purchase these computers at prices as high as @MONEY1 each. But then just think, each book that we won't have to purchase would save us @NUM4 each. Not only do computer's stand to last @NUM5 longer than any paperback, their information is always new, changing, and up-to-date. In order for us to be purchasing new books because of recent information would end up coasting as more in the long-run. Our neighboring society of @LOCATION3 just invested in over @NUM6 comptuers for their society. The stated that it took onlyt @NUM7 months to get the money back that they had purchased on the computer's with the amount that had not purchasing book! Now just imagine how much money our society would gain after @NUM8 year! It is necessary for our society to have computers. With them we not only learn hand-eye coordination but we invest in more money for the. And now with so many things happening in the world it is important to recieve information instantely from these computers. I can't stress enough that without them we just @MONTH1 be less in the rest. Dreams of incrediable rockets and medicines and cures far diseases just won't happen. Computers rise perhaps the only thing that actually benefits our society. You must understand how important this technology is to our society! But, int the long-run, the decision is yours is make. Choose quickly, the fate of our society is in your hands." 6 6 12
709 1 "Dear Newspaper, @NUM1 percents of jobs @CAPS9 day use computers. The invention of computers have change our world in a positive way. Our society needs @CAPS1. @CAPS1 help our world @CAPS9 by teaching about faraway places and their cultures, uniting our world with new techniques of talking and helping workers to have a better job. Let's go on. ""@CAPS1 is the best electronic tool created by the world"" @CAPS5 @PERSON4 a profesor in @ORGANIZATION2. Today the world works by @CAPS1, as @CAPS1 grow! Our culture was loosing territory but as years past cultures and @CAPS1 started to work together. ""@CAPS2 you want to know about a culture just go to the internet"" @CAPS5 a teache from @CAPS3. Culture is really imporant for our world because is what we were before technologi exist @PERCENT1 of the world culture can be found in the internet or in our computers. @PERCENT2 of people @CAPS2 they need to do a research they don't go the country to do their research instead the first thing they think is the @CAPS1 because they can find what they need at any time. Let's continued. @PERCENT3 of people agree that the invention of computers helped our nations to be closer. @CAPS9 days you can talk through the @CAPS1 with a person in @LOCATION2 without needing to go to @LOCATION2. ""The creation of @CAPS1 created a new revolution of way of communicating"" @CAPS5 @PERSON1 a young student of @ORGANIZATION2. ""@CAPS4 of my internatinal calls I do by using a computess, and there are so many ways of talking, also is so easy."" @CAPS5 a mother of a student in @CAPS3. Computers are use @PERCENT4 more than cell phones because is cheaper, ""@CAPS7 true you can see the change of our nation, is the best thing a human created"" @CAPS5 the professor at @ORGANIZATION1. Lets go farther on. Did you know that @PERCENT4 of our jobs in the @ORGANIZATION3 is mostly about using a computers. Even engeneers use computers an example is @LOCATION1 @CAPS8. the engeneer. Awarded by the president @PERSON3. He @CAPS5 that ""@PERCENT5 of his job is using a @CAPS1. Statistic proved that @CAPS2 you know how to use a @CAPS1 you a higher opurtunity that a wage higher than the avage you would received when you do not know anything about @CAPS1. Another statistic should that @CAPS2 you know and use computers you would live longer and happier. @NUM2 @ORGANIZATION2 student agreed that his friend have better jobs @CAPS2 they know how to use computers. ""Computers helped young adults to have a better oportunity in life"" @CAPS5 the teacher of @ORGANIZATION4. ""@CAPS9 days is esential to know how to use @CAPS1"" @CAPS5 @PERSON2 a teacher of @CAPS3. @CAPS1 helped the world to change in better way. Let finished up. @CAPS1 is a tool that @CAPS4 of our nations used. @CAPS1 helped to learn about new cultures of other countries, also the new ways you talk to someone around the world in the conviniant of your house just by using a computers and ""the handy @CAPS7 can be to know how to use @CAPS1 when you are applying to a job. @CAPS1 had made us a better world. Don't forget without computers we be who we are." 5 5 10
715 1 Dear local newspaper I support the advances in technology. I am going to tell @NUM1 thinks way. One is on a rainy day. I dont think you are going to go out an play in the rain so you could go on the computer and play games. Talk to friends. Or you could use the computer for school work or for work. Say that you have to look something up for school and you can't get to the liebery, but you have a computer at your house. You can use it to find info. You can use the computer to learn how to do something like making somthing and a lot more. You can use the computer after school if you cann't go out and hang with your friends. You can do something with them online. Last things you can ask your friends if there is homework so you don't miss it. So that is why I support advanes in technology. 4 4 8
717 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I understand that there has been somethings going on with computers. People think they're good. People they're bad. Other people just don't care. People just don't understand the present day. Society is a whole lot different then when parents were kids. People just don't get modern day society. I'm going to tell you the advantages and disadvantages to computers. There are a lot of advantages to computers. You can find information fast. Communication with people around the world is a huge advantage. Computers keep kids and teens entertained. There are games on websites. Computers are the thing we use today. A lot of things are done by computers, computers also prevent you from wasting money on books because you could just google it. There are a lot of disadvantages to computers. They cost a lot of money. Computers can down. There could also be dumb websites that have no purpose like facebook and myspace. Computers are complicated if you don't grow up with them it's hard to learn. The government has all they're information in computers. If they didn't people would be able to steal information a lot. Computers are the greatest thing we've invented so far. It helps with a lot of tasks these days. There are infinite numbers of information in the world and computers help find it. I hope that this letter informed you more about computers. Good and bad things come from this. But, it is mostly good. Kids and teens would be so bored that they would the parents insane. 4 4 8
718 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, A regular day for a person, with a computer, includes at least three hours using the computer per day. Today, people, especially teens, spend their precious hours wasting time on sites like facebook, myspace @CAPS1 and more! Just think about it, just sitting in a chair with your eyes gluded to the computer when you could be exercising, spending time with family and friends or enjoying nature? After all do we really need a computer? Obesity is one of the highest concerns in the country today. However, we can prevent it! We are certainly not helping this issue when we have childre. Adults sitting in a chair for a large part of their day doing absolutley nothing! We are so fortonate, our town has at least two physical fitness buildings for anyone can attend instead of using the computer. ANd even if you can't attend a gym you could easily walk around your neighborhood. There are running program held at our local beach, @LOCATION1, where you can exercise or even run a small competition! Please exercising is key to everybody's health and there are numerous ways to exercise, but using the computer is not one of them! Teachers, parents, children writers everyone lets stay away from the computers and stay fit! Family and friends are those who make us truly hapy but if we on the computer how are we going to see them? More and more people are making less effort to see people in person. Instead many people video chat through cameras on the computer. We need to change this habit. Everybody needs to socialize face to face. If we socialize through computers our socializing skills could worsen because you are not practicing the socializing skills like eye contatct. Instead of talking to people online we could be enjoying with those same people at an amusment park, a restaurant, at a park or simply in our barkyard/house. The world is so beautiful with so many places to see but society is too busy to see it because we're on computer for a long time. Our computers use up so much energy and is a threat to the world, @CAPS2 @CAPS3! Instaed of entertaining ourselves on computer we could be taking hikes, walks on the beach even our street or playing outside in our yard. On a computer you can see a magestic places like beaches but you can't interact with them. If we get off our computer we could be swimming at a beach or a pool! Nature is so beautiful, why ever it? @PERCENT1 of residents in @LOCATION1 own computers and spend a lot of thier day on it. We could be improving obesity, spending more time with family and friends, and exploring Nature! lets make a shange so we can do all of these things! 5 5 10
720 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I am writing to you about the use of computers and how they are bad for society. With people getting less exercise, not enjoying nature, and having less interactions they are doing the world more bad than good. Almost everyone has a computer and it gets used more and more and it is just taking away a great time to go be active outside. First, exercise is a very important part of the day and it is happening less and less because kids are sitting infront of there computers all day long. There is so much talk these days how we are the fatest country. Well here is one of the main causes we have almost everyone stairing blankly into a computer screen instead of being active. Computers are a big problem and they cause laziness to occure more often than not because now if you miss your favorite @CAPS1.V. show just look online you will find it. Or if you are doing a project just look online and you will find more than enough information and it is just a click away.Second, enjoying nature is a scarse thing now. All you have to do is search online and you could find a picture of your front yard. there are much less people outside. Because who needs to go outside when you could be chatting with a friend or just being on @ORGANIZATION1 looking up new technology. People who are always on the computer don'@CAPS1 care about the enviorment as much because they are wasting electricity and they are more fun to internet on their place that they on. There are a lot less people going places now because who needs to go to @LOCATION1 when you can just look up pictures of @LOCATION1. It's taking away thrills poeple used to have of going places getting out of the house seeing parts of the world far away first hand instead of through computer. Third, there are for less interactions personaly between well everyone. Kids that text, @CAPS2, or facebook chat more then talk in person with friends are loosing talking skills of actually having a conversation. Because online you have time to think then when you talk in person you have nothing to say because you can'@CAPS1 think and your not to your full talking potential. People are seeing eachother less and less now that they can text and talk over the computer they think now have no need to see eachother now and it is ok just to talk through the internet. Friends & family start to know who you are less because you can'@CAPS1 see emotion through a computer. Also, they say that you can learn more about someone in @NUM1 minutes of playing with them then in @NUM1 minutes of talking with them. With that being the case friends make friends now without even knowing that person with full understanding. Lastly, computers are doing more then good to everyone and they are becoming more and more unhealthy. With people getting less exercise, not enjoying nature as much and having less interactions people are just wasting their time infront of a computer screen getting fat rather then going outside with people and just passing a baseball. There are so many better ways people could spend their time than infront of a computer. Why don'@CAPS1 they see that? 5 5 10
725 1 I think that computers have great affects on people. Computers are a good way to @CAPS1 intouch with people, @CAPS2 online, @CAPS3 jobs, and @CAPS3 information on @CAPS4 facts. Computers might not be good exercise @CAPS5 you but at helps you in life and it also keeps you organised @CAPS5 example it keeps files @CAPS5 buisneses and @CAPS5 people that are in the music industry computers makes beats @CAPS5 them and can also record @CAPS5 them. computers helps every one in all ages. It helps the younger kids in school where they have to write a @ORGANIZATION1 or have to do a project, and helps the elderly peope @CAPS5 their jobs. Computers alson helps you know what is going on in life, like on the veiws see who has been hurt or the weather. Truely the computers are realty good @CAPS5 every thing they help you do so and it is really amazing how technologie changes. If it werent @CAPS5 come veters I dont think some of us would be where we are today. 3 3 6
730 1 Dear Newspaper, The invention of the computer has made a great impact on society today. Although many people would look upon computers on a negative note, the computer allows us to do essential task needed in everyday life. Many people feel that the applications on a computer are @CAPS1 keeps us away from doing other productive activities, but the applications a computer holds is neccessary for must tasks. Apps suchn as the calculater saves time from doing all the work on a piece of paper. It allows you to do simple or complex math in just less than @NUM1 seconds. Its a great for finding how much a tip is, financial reasons such as now much you have to save, or even dung same basic math or science homework. Another great application is note taking that can easily be typed. This application allows you to take notes by typing, which again eliminates the need to write with a pencil or a paper. Note taking on the computer can be used for easy to read notes to study from to get a good grade on an upcoming test or quiz. The most important and must commonly used application on a computer device is the internet. The internet has over millions of websites for many reasons. If you plan to go to the movies tonight, the internet will surely give you movie times, directions, and how long the movie will be. It is also a great way to plan family trip or to book flights and such. Considering this, the apps are very useful. The computer is also a great device to use for learning. It allows you to look online about new subjects such as far away places or people @CAPS1 would our country be line if we were not educated on the outside world around us? It is also a great learning technique for research. Our teachers today gives us many projects and assignments to learn about new things, and @CAPS1 a great way to research our topic than on the computer. The fashion of the @NUM2 and @DATE1 is just a project I did last month. The computer allowed me to find the garment both women and men wore, @CAPS1 material they were made from, and even now they managed to buy and get the material. The research from my computer gave me a great understanding on my topic and helped me to learned the basics of my topic. You would probably agree that communication can be used in negative ways, but communication is @CAPS1 keep our world spinning. The computer device is one of the many devices used for communication. Email on a computer allows you to send messages to a single or multiple people whatout the need of signal or service. Blogging is also a way of communication on a computer and gives you freedom to express your feeling on education on a certain topic. The instant message is probably the must used by teens. It is quick. It allows you to quickly talk a person without waiting, for reply for more than days. In conclusion, the computer is essential to our everyday life and without the computer, our people would not function! 5 5 10
731 1 Dear Readers, I believe that Computers do good in our country and have a positive affect too people. This is because it saves paper sending emails and you save money too, also you can learn new things about different countrys like @LOCATION1, and lastly you can iteract with people you know and talk to them and use technowlogy to your advantage. These are a few reasons why computers have positive affect on society and the wayore live. First off computers help save the environment and they do this by leting us not cut down trees and make paper out of them. Do you know how many trees are cut down a day around @NUM1 trees and they are all not imeditly taken to the mills to be turned into paper. But thet stopin piles at loging sites and are leftrotting there not be my put to good work or what they should be. I feel that trees have feelings like us but can't talk with out a mouth. So when you cut down a tree its like robing. Using computers we save trees and stop all that from happening. She one reason why think computers are a positive impact on love and society. Secondly learning you can learn a lot on a computer all you have to do is look for it. I learn many things each day at school because of the help of computers and I feel that is computers are use it can excellour learning and @MONTH1 been a lot more in a lot shorter time then we would have my to find a book or the subject what youre looking for. Computers have made things a lot impact on children but we all new things I when we use computers. So computers are a good thing and a bad thing. Finaly you can talk and interact with friends. techknowlogy has advanced so much that we don't see the world in prospective like take a cell phone for example what do you see mostly likly a phone. But if you open it up what to do you find? You will find a micro computer thats capable of surfing inter playing music just smaller size then before. computers revolutronized the way we look at the world and techknowlogy we can talk and play games usiing this techknowlogy most of what we see every day used with techknowlogy hike, a game station or even a car rardo. adn all of it is used to help using ract with one on toher. So I veiw techknowlygy a so good thing. In conclusion techknowlogy has a positive and negative impact by more positive than negative influence. Techknowlogy help us in our everyday lives and helps save the environment by letting us talk and save paper just by button. Techknowlogy has revolunoized the wat mankind lives and how they veiw society but it us all a good thing in the end. And so I concluded that techknowlogy/computers have a positive and negative impact on socuoty. 4 4 8
735 1 As you can see, technology these days is always getting more and more advanced. It seems as if there is a new invention that atracts many people to buy all the time. One electronic that has been useful in so many ways to people are the computers. Many think to much time is spent on this, but then I think about how much it's benefiting. Computers can tell you pretty much anything you need to know, @CAPS1 it's about same country, or how to solve a problem. @CAPS2, computers are so advanced were you can talk to friends who are faraway. Lastly computers is helping us giving very specific directions, rather than figuring out a map. Say you're doing a school project about a country. By typing in exactly what you need to know you can find your information in a heartbeat. @CAPS1 it's population, density, languages, foods or holidays, computers are the easiest and most simple way to get this information. Or maybe you just want to know about this country because it interested you. Maybe even you plan on visiting this country, you're going to want to know about the place you'll be spending your time. If you do plan on traveling to somewhere you've been researching, you can order your plane tickets right there online. You can figure out the routes you plan on taking, and this can help oprganize your trip. Another reason computers are benefiting so many people, is the feature of communicating with others, @CAPS1 it's taking to a faraway friend or family, or you're bestfriend a couple streets over; you probably still want to keep in touch with them. Computers are so advanced now, that they have webcams; were you can visually see the person your contacting right into the computer. This is a more exciting way to talk to someone, especially if it's someone you don't see often that @MONTH1 even live in another country, @CAPS2, most teenagers like to keep in touch pretty much every day. Usually kids like chatting on instant message just for the pleasure of talking to your friends. Finally, computers are benefiting us with knowing directions and routes. Like mentioned before, computers can give straight foward directions. This is esier to handle rather than useing a map while on the road. There are websites were all you have to do is type in your exact loocation and your exact destination and it will tell you specific roads and turns you need to take. In conclusion, those for who are worried about the ones who should be exercising, being outside, enjoying nature, should learn to expand there time doing so, and shortening time online, and learn to be on the computer, only when necessary. 5 4 9
742 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 are not bad for society. They actually can be quite good for people. Computers allow us to talk with people online. They can help us in school and give information we need to do things in life. People think they are bad, but all you have to do is look a little deeper and you will find the good in @CAPS7. @CAPS5 people use a @CAPS2, <@PERCENT2@NUM1> of the time @CAPS7 is to talk with people on the @CAPS3, whether @CAPS7 is using video chat or e-mail. People who don't like to use @CAPS2 and e-mail @CAPS10 ""@CAPS4 not use a phone or even talk to them in person."" With e-mail, you can send a message to some one miles away. If you are sending someone a list, a recipe for example. you don't want to @CAPS10 to them over the phone. @CAPS7 would be easier to type @CAPS7 out and then send @CAPS7 to them over the e-mail. ""@CAPS5 my son said. he was going to tech me how to use e-mail, I thought @CAPS7 was going to be a waste of time,"" @CAPS6 @PERSON1, senior citizen. ""@CAPS7 tursns out, @CAPS7 wasn't. Now i use e-mail e-mail every day. Many people think email is a waste of time, but @CAPS7 can help you in your everyday life. The @CAPS3 can helps in @MONTH1 ways also. @CAPS7 can help us get information about various topics. If you are trying to cook a stir fry but you don't know what to put in @CAPS7. You try to call you mother but she isn't there. Your next choise is to look look @CAPS7 up on the @CAPS2. @CAPS7 turns out theres a website that gives a recipe for a stir fry and you follow a do make the best one even. I know for an experience that you can find maps to places on line, since i have to go some is here almost everyweek. Google map is the most used place on the @CAPS3, besides e-mail. Some newspaper have websites @CAPS11 you can read the paper without actually paying for the paper This saves you money and @CAPS7 was less paper @CAPS11 we can save trees. The huge world of the @CAPS3 can change our lives. @PERCENT1 of people that use the @CAPS2 almost everyday are students. Students use the @CAPS2 for many reasons. The biggest one is typing. Students use typing to type reports and e-mail. ""I have messy handwriting"", @CAPS10 student, @PERSON2. ""@CAPS11 if if weren't for the @CAPS2, no one would be able to read my homework and reports. Not even me"" @PERSON2 is the one of many people who are lucking that they harmy typing on the @CAPS2. Another reason students use @CAPS2 is to look up information for reports. If a student puts a bibliography in his report, you will see that he/she used the @CAPS3 @PERCENT2 of the time. There @MONTH1 not be a book in a local library for a student to use, but the @CAPS3 will have many website and blogs for him/her to use. The third reason is for help. There are many website that can help a student to use for help in any subject. The @CAPS3 can help a student pass school. A @CAPS2 can help anyone from talking to someone to helping a student with science. That is how computers are good." 5 5 10
743 1 "To use computors, or not to. That is the question. Hundreds of millions of people use computors in their daily life today, but some believe that using computors does not benefit society. It is my firm beleif that they do. Computors provide entertainment, a way to interact with people, and a nearly endless expand of knowledge. Without them, we would quickly find life to be much harder and less fun to navigate. Have you ever been in your house on a rainy day just sitting around bored because there is nothing on @CAPS1? Well I have on many ocations. When that happens, all you have to do is turn on the computer and you have endless choices at your fingertips. You can go on game sites and play thousands of different games. (this can also help improve your hand-eye coordination). You can also watch movies or @CAPS1 shows that you missed or want to watch again. You can even go on sites such as fanfiction.net, and read or write your own stories! Another reason why computers benifit society is that they help you interact with people. You can keep in touch with far away family members and friends using webcams email, and chat sites without the bill that would come with talking on the phone. You can also meet new people from different countries and become their. That way you learn about different ways of life and cultures. You can also quickly contact people in an emergency get updates on events, and comunicate with your teacher if you have a question about your homework. Lastly, and maybe even most importantly, computers are on enormous source of knowledge. Say you wanted to learn how to start a campfire, you could just search, ""how make fire"" a google and @NUM1 matches would be found seconds. Also, if you were asigned a project for school, you could do all of your research easily from your computor, then type the whole thing up on a word document. You can even get a college degree online if you wished. And if you want to find a resturant that specializesin @CAPS2 cooking, you can find one close to you, get directions to it, look at the menu, see the prices get the restaurant's history, cud find reveiws for it all on one magnificent little choice: your computer. So you see, computors benifit society greatly. In fact I don't think we could live without them. They provide us with entertainment, an easy way to interact with people, and a huge source of information. Now, to all of you people who still think computors are bad; I'd like to see you lost a week without using one." 5 5 10
752 1 In my opinion I think that computers have nothing to do with people having lack of exercise or sleep. I think it is all the persons decision to be on the computer as long as they want. The person on the computer obviously does not care if they sleep or not. When people are on the computer I think they dont play as much and start to get fat but that its their decision. Also when the time comes they going to realize that they need to spend less time on the computer and exercise. However, they need a time limit to be on the computer and limited time for eating right and exercising. Being on the computer @NUM1 people dont get the chance to interact with their family and friends because they want to be lazy and stay on the computer. The family and friends get angry and dont want to hang out anymore and within a couple of months they have no friends. Nature is good smells good, looks good, and computers make people stay inside all day! I think we should have more time outside. Also computers sometimes make kids want to not clean their room, not do chores because they are addictid to the computer. 3 4 7
754 1 You need to gather information for a project you're presenting in school, but how are you going to find aout about your topic quickly and easily? Most people will turn to one of the most commonly used piece of technology in the @LOCATION1, the computer. The computer is used for quick and easy research, interacting and communicating with friends and for personal entertainment. Some peol argue that the computer will take away from enjoying nature, spending time with family and friends and exercising. But what if we didn't have the computer? The possability of research, etc. Would be much more difficult. For example: computers help us learn about almost anything quickly and easily. this could help make work for school or jobs less stressful. Also, a computer can be accessed right in your name, so no travel is required. The computer has programs that are used to prepare articles, essays, slide shows and brochures for presentation, as well. If we didn't have a computer, research would be much more of a struggle and could require travel. Computers are one of the most common ways to communicate with friends and family. Websits and e-mail helps you keep intouch with anyone around the world. You can write e-mails, access live chat or even webcam. E-mailing is just like mailing a letter except it is dilivered instantly and doesn't cost anything. There is also no risk of anyone reading your mail. Live chat iswhen you chat over text on the computer. Webcam is face to face interacting which givs off the effect of talking in person: @CAPS1 benefit is that communicates over the computer doesnt cost a thing. Lastly, computers provide games for your personal entertainment, which helps kill boredom. The computer also helps improve hand-eye coordination, along with staying orginized @CAPS2, pictures, videos and more can be placed in files and saved on the computer making it easy for you to open them at @CAPS1 time. Computers @MONTH1 take away from some activities but think of how much harder and more stressful things will be without it. I think that the computer has a good effect on people as well as it being a helpful piece of technology. 5 4 9
756 1 Dear local Newspaper, I am writing this to let you know that many people are spending to much time on computors rather than enjoying nature. People say advances in technology believe that computers have an effect on people in such a way of saying. Many people showed on as is say can use the computers but to remember to think about nature what nice things it has in store for us. Im going to saying that experts are right that people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. Im thinking that in some points many family members and friends see then other relative person on companion so much on the computers it's like if they are thinking maybe they don't care anymore. Caring about nature and your loved ones is such a great thing. @PERCENT1 of my friends agree with me when I say that people should be less on electronic devices because that can effect your brain or maybe your eye sight (eye vision.) @CAPS1 more and more people should lay off it. @PERSON1 of yale university has conducted extensive reaserch and proven that many computers that are being used by people can be damage of using it every time. I strongly agree with him that there should be a time limit on something to let them later on have the spaare time to enjoy and have fun with nature but something different such as to enjoy listening to soft music. I know you will agree with me when I say that maybe people should spend less time effecting themselves. Whatsoever im hoping from you to agree with my position so this can be possible to break this habit of going on computers and having no time for your family and friends is not such a to start off with. 4 4 8
763 1 To the Local Newspaper, Computers have a heavy impact on, todays society. People depend on them a lot but same people disagree. I think that computers have a positive affect on people. Computers are very entertaining. They can help find long lost friend and keep in contact with them. Plus they can be helpful with homework. Please proceed on reading to see as why I chose these resons. Firstly, computers can entertain. The are thousands of games to chose from. Dress up to educational. Which are good for young children of age five through six. As it states in the writing prompt it teaches hand-eye coordination. In addition to my first reason, computers help long lost friends. There are websites that help you find people. For example @CAPS1, @CAPS2, and yahoo. These websites help keep in touch to, with family. If theres no phone then theres always the computer. Lastly, computers can be helpful with homework. Sometimes you don't even need internet theres a calculator built right in! But a nationwide website thats used and children improve from it is edhelper.com. This website does work sheets and helps with the level the child is on. In conclusion, I think that computers do have a good impact on people. They are entertaining, keeps in contact, and helpful with homework. Please take my reasons into consideration. 4 4 8
787 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, In my opinion, spending too much time online has negative effect on society. People aren't getting a full social experience when they talk on email, facebook and twitter. Being on such sites has taken up time that could be spent in other areas, such as family, friends and school. They aren't being able to enjoy the outdoors and being able to exercise. Though online activity can be helpful spending too much time can be harmful. Interacting online can be a great experience for those who have friends and family who live far away. But spending too much time online can damage you social activity levels. In person interaction is better than online, because you see how the person you're talking to is reacting to everything you say. Having a good, positive social environment is benificial to you and your friend. Spending too much time on the computer can also damage you social relationship with your family. For family who live far away, and online is the only way to socialize, online interaction is a great thing to have. But for you close family, you could be missing out on their lives and how they are doing. Your relationship with you family could be in jeoporady because you insist on using your computer. When you use the computer, you're probably eating some food too. And spending time online is taking away your time from exercising those calories off. The obesity level in @LOCATION1 is increasing, probable cause being over-usage of computers. being outside is another thing missing from our lives because of computers we aren't experiencing the beautiful nature life our @ORGANIZATION1 has to offer, online activity is hurting our health, and making us not enjoy our outdoor life. In conclusion, being online too often is abusing our social, health, and taking up too much of our lives. Using the internet is good for adults so they can pay taxes, work at home, and do many other beneficial things for them and their families. But for other, less useful sites are being used to interact. Why not just call or meet up with person, instead of using the computers? 4 4 8
791 1 @ORGANIZATION1, my name is @PERSON1 and i just want to tell you that we should stop using computers because we get no exercise, we barely go outside and we don't even or talks to our friends or family any more. Local newspaper i think that we should have computer but not because many people aren't doing anything. Many people aren't exercising because their taking on facebook or playing games. Many children aren't even going outside and seeing nature and playing. Many families are all on computers and they are not spending any family time together gofly kites. What im saying is that yeah people like computers and go and talk to there friends and play games but its destroying the parents and and even families. i don't think have computers. Also local newspaper we need to go and the @DATE1 and go doesn't happen. many children go they're on the computer. many parents go hiking, camping, swimming and lots of other stuff but they that anymore. These people need to get a change. What im talking you guys is take the computer away or. One last thing local newspaper is that many kids and children and parents need to have more time. Maybe if and parents weren't all they they would pick that might be sick or ill. Maybe they might go out somewhere to have two together like lake or six flags. many parents that they get computer because it's so fun so they. Many people world complain about it. So i think everybody should be off computers. i think we shouldn't have computer society because you get no exercise, you barely go outside and see nature and you hang out or talk with friends and family so i think computers gone now. 4 4 8
795 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern: I think computers have a great effect on people. Computers are useful for homework, it allows you to keep in touch with out of state family, you can also look up direction and information to a place. Computers are good for last minute situations. Computers are very useful for homework because when you type a report it looks more professial. While you type a report you can also research on your project at the same time. In some cases there are people who write very slappy to a paint where he or she cannot read his own writing nor can a teacher. A sloppy writer can use the computer to make his or her paper neat. If a child or parent cannot go to the library for some reason they can use their computer at home. If you are a parent at home busy with kids and need to do work; there's no need to go anywhere stay home and use your computer. If a child is absent from school you can go to the school's website and find out the homework. Do you have out of state family you wish to talk to? If so wouldn't you want to be a able to talk to them without a expensive phonebill? A majority of people would say yes. Using the computer to keep touch with family is not so expensive at all! Some examples are aim, emails, and other networks and they don't cast money at all its free. When there's a day you have nothing to do, don't you just want to go somewhere for fun? Don't you want to do something just to get out of the house? Well if there's a last minute decision or situation the computers there to help. Before you go somewhere and you want know a little more go on the computers. Not only will you get information on the place you can also get directions. Now you can go somewhere instead of staying home bored. In conclusion, computers do have a great effect on people. It can be useful to both adults and children. Teachers can calculate students averages easier and faster and children can do their homework efficiently. You can also keep in touch with friends. Overall computers are useful. 4 4 8
809 1 Dear The @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, Computers do not benefit society. They make people antisocial, unhealthy, and do bad things. The internet is very addictive. I use to spend three hours online everyday. I did not get any exersice at all. Also, I was incouraged to eat unhealthy snacks while online. This made me very unhealthy I gained nine pounds in one week. Now, I have dietbeaties. I can't enjoy things like sweets or running. I will probably have arthritus in my hands when I'm older because I spent hours typing away. I used the computer in the dark so now I need contacts. Using the computer is one of the most unhealthy choices ever. II spent so much time on the computer i wasn't able to socialized. I missed out on alot of activities with my friends and family because I was so busy online. I barely talked to anyone unless it was through email. I lost alot of friends and close family members. My pets died because I didn't take care of them. I didn't really want to do anything but go on the net. I messed up on colledge and job interviews. To this day I have no social life and no job because I spent more time socializing with the computer than people. Computers ruined my life. Computers incourage very bad things. Not just unhealthy choices and antisocial behavior they uncourage things against the law. Alot of drugs and weapons are bought online. People kill others or themselves because people gossiped about them online. People don't care for nature and destroy it. People steal so they can buy extra technology. Alot of car robbers happen because someone left technology in there. People gamble through online poker. People hack bank acounts through the computer. Prostitution happens because of online chats. Thier are sex affenders that go online posing as people that want a date when they are rapists. Terrorists can communicate by the internet. Computers are a menace to society. They turn people into low life scums and criminals. Computers should disposed of before they cause the end of the world. 4 5 9
814 1 Dear @CAPS1, I dont think that computers are something that people should be using @NUM1. Computers have something to them where somehow the become addictive. From the people who are gaining weight every day because the sit on the computer and chat all day. Then there are those terrible people on the internet who disguise themselfs so they look like a @NUM2 year old boy when there really a year old man. Lastly, people now a days are using the computer as a sorce of reading instead of books. I just think that computers are ruining the life of many people. For starters, most people today are becoming overweight because they either wacth to much @CAPS2, or they sit on the computer and eat all day. Once you start with the computer you'll never stop. Especially if your multi-tasking where you eat and use the computer. The big problem is people think it's better to be sitting home than out enjoying nature exercising! It really isn't good that people dont get of the computer and start enjoying life. Next not everyone online is who they say they are who make false accounts on like @CAPS3 or @CAPS4. There can be men who say there and really be @NUM3. With all the posting of pictures someone you with it. Just remember to be careful! Lastly, people in todays day in age use the computer to read books instead of going to the library or @CAPS5 and @CAPS6 (or any book store). I think that all those bookstores are going to run out of business because of the technology now a days. When I was younger and I said that I was going to read a book, I was really reading one. I wasn't reading it on the computer. People need to cut down on the electronics. In the end I think that computers are a real waste of time. There is no reason why people should be on the computer instead of exercise. Everyone needs to stay away from the bad people online. Also can we please start using normal books instead of online ones. I think computers need to stop taking over our world and start just being there when we need them. 4 4 8
832 1 Dear editor, computers are good for people because it really helps with they work and home work and other stuff. 1 1 2
835 1 When your were a kid, did your parents let you play all day on the computer? Well my parents don't let me and I think thats not fair. I think it's not fair because being on the computer has a lot of benefits, like teaching you hand-eye cordination. Another advantage is that when your on the computer you can chat with people through webcams. Also with a computer you can do homework assignments for something that requires you to do research. And of course when your on a computer, you can watch your favorite movie or t.v show, like @CAPS1 @CAPS2 or @CAPS3 @CAPS4. Now aren't these some great advantages? As an adult @CAPS5 pretty sure that you like to do a lot of things from the comfort of your own home, well when you have a computer you can. One way you can keep in touch is by online chatting like through the webcam or my favorite @CAPS6 which stands for aol instant messaging. Surprisingly, another thing you can do is work online by setting it up at work or telling your boss how to do it. By the way your an adult who didn't go to college when you were @NUM1 because you had to work well. If you have a computer or laptop you can go to school online and the best thing is that you'll be in your bed nice and warm without any worries. Now don't you thinkg that is a nice way to spend your @DATE1 @TIME1? When your a kid my age when you have a computer all you want to do is play games online with friends. Well that is what must of us kids do nowadays but our parents don't let us play to much. The only time they let us stay long is when we maybe doing a project for school. But when your a kid besides playing games all day, we also want to learn about things like @LOCATION1 or the @CAPS7 @CAPS8 that's what you. Most people would agree that when you have a computer you can just book a hotel online of going all the way to the hotel. Of course that what my parents do, everytime a vacation they look everything online like the hotel, the, and the. yes having a computer is helpful. Another thing you can do is watch movies online when you are on a plane going to the vacation, because that's what I do with my laptop. But the thing I like the most is watching shows because everytime I watch different episodes of @CAPS9 @PERSON1 the time goes by so quick that a @NUM2 hour flight only seems like @NUM3 hours. Finally, I have explained to you why having a computer is a good thing. One reason is because you can do a lot of things on the computer itself. A second reason is that you can do alot of school work with it like doing a research paper or going to school online. And my final reason was that you can book things online without going anywhere, wasting gas. So now it's your turn to decide whether having a computer is a good thing or a bad thing. 5 5 10
840 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I agree that computers do have a positive effect on people. I agree, because being on the computer teaches you hand-eye coordination, helps people learn about faraway places and people, and allows people to talk to other people. By being on the computer it helps teach people hand-eye coordination. So the computer help with hand- eye coordination by using the mouse and keyboard. For example, when you use a computer you dont need to look at your hands while you use the mouse. That helps with hand-eye coordination, because you can see where your hand is without looking. Another example is the keyboard, because while learning where all the keys are you memorize them. Then soon you can type with without looking. The computer also helps you to learn. When you go on the computer the thing people go on is the internet. On the internet people can find information about faraway places or people. So, because the computer has different links and websites, it helps kids and adults everywhere to get information fast. Without the computer everyone would have to go to a library, but what if they didnt have the right information? Then you would need to trace around everywhere to find a book. Thats why a computer is handy. Also, the computer allows people to stay in touch with others farther away. One example of this is that there are chat rooms or groups people can join. So, if a relative or friend is farther away from a more or if they are down the street, with chat rooms it makes talking easier. Also, by these chat rooms and groups it makes a lot of people happy knowing that they can still talk with an old friend or relative instead of loosing them from never seeing or talking to them. That is just another example why the computer has a positive effect. So, with the examples of the computer helping teach hand-eye coordination, makes obtaining information easier and of the many reasons and examples of the computer having a positive effect. 4 4 8
846 1 Dear local newspaper, I have heard about this issue concerning people are on their computer to much. In my opinion, i think that people should not spend so much time on the computer for several reasons. There are the reasons to why I think that people should less time on the internet, and more outdoors. One reason to why I think that people should spend less time on the computer and more times outdoors is so that they can get more exercise. When you get exercise you can lose weight. You can also feel lighter and better about yourself, you will be more active. Another reason to why you should spend more time outdoors than on the computer is because if you don't you will get very very very lazy. If you don't get out and play or exercise, you will become tired. Also, you will become cranky and want do what your parents tell you to do because your mind will be so into your computer screen. My last but not least reason to why we should spend more time outdoors than indoors on the computer is because we can miss out on family fun that goes on. Since people are on the computer so much they miss out an parties and social events. They @MONTH1 also miss out on family dinners and movie night. If you do not want to miss out on the fun, I suggest that you get cuclasses more and stop being a lazy couch potato. As you cansee, there are many reasons to why we should spend more time outdoors doing activities such as going on a bike side, going kout to eat, as even a nice stroll along the heart while walking the dog. I really hope that my opinions means something to you. And I also hope you agree with me. Thank you for your time. 4 4 8
850 1 Dear Local Newspaper, Have you ever thought about how computers effect human beings? The impacts? The results? The education? I believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Computers allow people to talk with others online, have the ability to educate in certain areas, and teach hand-eye coordination. Who says the only way to contact or communicate with someone is through letters or the phone? The technology brought upon using computers allows people to talk online with others in a fast, easy, enjoyable way. Have a question that you have to ask a friend, but someone else is using the phone? Write a letter! Oh wait, letters can take up todays and your question is urgent! The computer is an easy alternative for communication. Say you're an amazing singer with a beautiful voice and you want to find an agent more than anything. Computers are so advanced in technology that they can find you an agent in no time. E-mail, websites, @CAPS1, and more, are all ways you can contact that agent. Computers are a great way to communicate. The mind is an extrordinary thing. It can be filled with knowledge, and still have the ability to learn and understand more. Reading books is a fantastic way to learn, but the internet has so much more to offer and you are not only reading from one great author, but tons of great authors. The computer allows you to learn about far away places and important people without making that trip to the library. Have you ever heard of online colleges? They are advertised on @CAPS2.V. all the time. Some people @MONTH1 think that learning from home, laying in bed with a laptop placed in front of them is a distractive way to learn. But what about being comfortable and not intiminated by anyone else around you? Computers can help you get your college degree in a comfortable environment. Hand-eye coordinatin is an excellet and wonderful thing to have. Along with videogames, computer games teach you exactly that. Parents @MONTH1 think we kids are wasting our time playing games on the computer, but we are actually challenging our minds and our hand-eye coordinatin ability. Computers are key when it comes to pysicological learing. Handeye coordinatin is taught to us through games and such that we play without us even knowing it. Hand-eye coordination allows us to catch a ball or play sports, and computers help us acheive that. 5 5 10
852 1 @ORGANIZATION1, With the recent development @MONEY1 technology in todays society I know that there is a lot @MONEY1 controversy with computers. Many people believe that computers are positive towards our society. While others disagree. I feel that technology can be both good and bad. Technology provides great advancements in our world. But people experience less @MONEY1 the outside world when they surround themselves with technology. But I feel that we can find a balance between the two views. Having computers has brought a lot @MONEY1 advancement in todays society. Look at modern medicine, it would be nothing without todays technology in computers. We can look at todays military. Computers practically run todays armed forces. But who knows where technology can take us. Our society could continue to greatly advance with the help @MONEY1 computers. But then again we could all wonder where would we be today without computers. So @ORGANIZATION1, as you can see computers have helped our society greatly with improvement and progression. But with all @MONEY1 this technology we still need to find a balance. It is live todays @CAPS1 spend cover @NUM1 hours per week on computers. People are not experiencing the world outside @MONEY1 their computers. Our state does put in @MONEY1 each year for our parks just so we can ignore them. Also with increased computer time people are not getting outside. They arent getting proper exercise. You @MONTH1 even notice that if you use the computer too much you will miss more interactions with your family. So although computers can be very useful you need to be able to turn off the computer and realize the true important things in your life, besides the computers. computers can be both good and bad. But I think that we need to find a balance between the two. Computers are useful to our daily life but at the same time we also need to realize that we need to sometimes take a break from our computers. Lets face it without computers today we would not be able to function. Entire companies revolve around computers and if computers just ended, @MONEY1 @MONEY1 people would lose their jobs. But also regular people, for example teens, do not need to be on the computer for four hours a day. Those four hours could be spent with their families. We need to find a balance. For example, you could say for every hour your on the computer you need to spend that same hour to go outside, spend time with your family, etc. Computers are useful but we cannot over use it. So, to the @ORGANIZATION1, computers help our society thrive. But at the same time we need to learn when we have had enough time on the computer. So I believe that we can call find a healthy balance @MONEY1 computer use. 5 5 10
868 1 "@ORGANIZATION1, ore and more people use computers @DATE1, but this is not necessarily a good thing. Spendign too mcuh time on computers affects your activity level. Also. Kids are now staying up later on the compute, in turn lowering grades. Finally, spending too much time on the computer decrease the amount of time spent with friends and family. Firstly, spending too much time on the computer affects your activity level. The more time spent has on a computer, the less time a person has to do something active, like exercising @PERCENT1 of people spend more than @NUM1 @NUM2 hours on the computer per day, if @NUM3 or so hours were used to exercise or play a sport that number would decrease to @PERCENT2 according to a recent study. Doctors have said that at least @PERCENT3 of overweight parents spend most o ftheir time on the computer, thus limiting their time exercising. The amount of spent on the computer has been shown to decrease activity level and effect the number of overweight and obese people everywhere. If we want to become a healthier country, we should state @CAPS5 writing time spent on computers. Also kids now stay up later on computers and lower then grades @CAPS5 doing so. More time spent on @CAPS1 or anywhere on the @CAPS2 means less time studying, which means lower grades. Kids in spent an average of @NUM3 @NUM2 hours on the computer each day, while kids spend @NUM6 @NUM2 hours each day. A student in @PERSON2 saw their grades improve from a @CAPS3+ to a @CAPS4+ just @CAPS5 spending less time on the computer and more. That studnet also felt more because they get more computer. This tests and quizzes. Computers clearly negative effect on grades and school work. Finally, computers limit the amount of time spent with family nd friends. A student, @PERSON1, said that she, spent more time going out with friends now that computer isn't up all my time, @CAPS5 doing this, i have a better friendshhip with all my friends than before. ""A kid that uses the computer during all of the free time spends @PERCENT4 less time with friends than someone who usues it in moderation. Afmilies also suffer from this a swell. If a family member spends all their time on the computer, the other family members will have less of a relationship with them because they don't talk or do anything together an dwill likely not know what is going on i their life or if something is wrong. As you can tell, computers also have a negative effect on relationships with family and friends. The overuse of computers does nnot benefit society. They affect a persons activity level, students grades and most importantly a persons realtionships with family and friends. In oredr to ake our country a better and healthier place, we must the time spent on computers.""" 6 6 12
872 1 Dear @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 The purpose of this letter is about how computers have changed our lives for the better. They have improved our society. Changed our way of life and have made things easier. I am a firm beliver that computer were one of the greatest invention of all time. Computers have had a very vital and positive impact on society. For example, education has vastly expanded since the computer. Both teachers and students have benefited. Students can now search the intrenet and learn about different places, things in history, how to read and write bette, etc. Also computers have been a major part in entertainment. From reading online news to watching movies and listening to music computers entertain all of us. And computers help us connect with friends and even meet new people. Aside from that computers make life easier. People can get degrees from learning online learn another. Research as also easier than is to computers you can just about anything than to computers. Some people say computers stop people acting with family but infact facebook you can still. Computer have also ourlives. From helping small buiness thrive by making it easier to make and recieve orders to help spread information globaly computers make this all possible. As I have shown computers have benefited society and have had a positive effect on human beings from educating individuals to staying in touch with relitives, computers have made their mark on improving the way we live. I hope this letter will help show you that computers are a necesary part of the twenty first century. 4 4 8
874 1 Almost every family has access to a computer. They have become a part of life and a way to be a part of life outside of your house, even if you have to stay at home. Computers are a source of vast knowledge from millions of sources. They have already caused exponential advancement. Overall, computers have a positive effect. on a rainy day, @NUM1 students will spend time on their computers. out of those students, @PERCENT1 will be on sites such as A.I.M.(@CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3), @CAPS4, @CAPS5, or @ORGANIZATION2. Even if they can't use their phone or get out of the house, they can communicate with friends, old and new. Teens and adults use the @CAPS6 to talk in friends they haven't seen for up to @NUM2 years. People will talk to eachother more, building more relationships and better conversational skills. Over @NUM3 of the sites used by teens are based on @CAPS8 networking. To be able to easily have a conversation with someone miles away is a sign of tremendous advancement. @ORGANIZATION1 is a multi-million dollar company. @PERSON1, a for @ORGANIZATION1, says that sites like @ORGANIZATION1 have skyrocketed in popularity over the @DATE1. More and more people are putting down their @PERSON2 dictionary to type the word into @LOCATION1, where it is accompanied by a pronunciation and found more easily. Students use computers for information on school reports in @CAPS7, @CAPS8 @CAPS9, @CAPS10, or @CAPS11. Information can be found in any subject. There was a survey taken to see which is used more often, books with a specific subject or computers for information or various subjects. Computers are used overwhelmingly more often. They're quicker than books and it's easier to search for a of resource an the @CAPS6. And say sight of particular interest or exceptionally usefull can be added to your favorites. Computers are more practical than books. Pictures of scientific laboratories where space shuttles are sent to the moon have @NUM4 main component computers. Adds from @ORGANIZATION3 show that they're computers are getting smaller and smaller. There's a laptop that will fit in an envelope and a handheld touch screen computer that can almost fit in your pocket. You can type papers and assignments so they're more ledgible. Computers can even score tests. Advancement is centered around computers. Before computers, so many things we do now would seem impossible. But computers open up a realm of possibilities. Typing is faster then hand-writing in some cases and papers can be saved electronically. If our country keeps advancing at the rate, than it is possible to have computers that do maindain chores such as taking out the trash or washing the dishes. There can be computers that talk bark to you like a real conversation. People can learn more and more information and personally advance in intelligence. I look at a computer and think of progress. There are points of computers that are not ideal, but overall, computers are benefitial to society. In a computer, you have access to friends old and new and information from millions of sources. Most of all, computers represent progress and advancement I see no direct harm from computers. 6 6 12
881 1 "Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 being able to find the information of anything with only one hand. Computers benefit people because the can talk online with others. Also people have the advantage of learning about faraway places. Lastly you are able to find lots of information quickly and easily. Computers do benefit society. Furthermore, with computures people can talk online with others easily. All @ORGANIZATION1 students use the computer daily to video chat with friends or instant message parents! @ORGANIZATION2 discovered that computers keep families closer because they are able to see each other virtualy when someone is away. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 use their computers to talk with others online. One could see why computers are bad, but @CAPS5 they benefit a lot of people everyday. @CAPS1 walking into a room where people of all are learning about computers are helpful to @CAPS6 individual because the can learn about places. Computer says ""Computers are information in a compact "" @CAPS3 out of @CAPS4 people use the computer learn about far away places. The @LOCATION1 lives had found that using the computer to learn about far away places than using multiple , Some can use why books are to use, @CAPS5 omputers are. Lastly, computers are great because they teach @CAPS6 to have better, @PERCENT2 of people found their after using the computer for one haour. @PERSON2, @PERSON1, says ""The computer can help to develope stronger reflexes."" @CAPS6 could see why computer slow reflexes, but @CAPS5 they mae them better. Computers benefit society greatly. Computers help people talk online with others. Also people can learn about faraway places. Lastly the computer strengthens hand eye coordination" 4 4 8
882 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people use computers more? No they @CAPS2 not use computers more. Computers have many benefits to society but it also have many negitive effects on people who use them. People are spending more time on computers and less than exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. First, people spend less time exercising. Most athletes have to stay fit and healthy to play in there sport. I am a wrestler and a baseball player but if I don't spend some time a day working out or staying active. I will be out of shape and weaker once my match or next game come along. I'm sure olympic athletes work out and stay active daily so they can be stronger and faster than anybody else out there so I don't know why people sit at home on the computer all day. Second, people don't take the time to enjoy nature. Nature is one of the most beautiful things on this planet. Wether you hiking a mountain of a lake, nature is all around you. I personaly love to hunt and fish. I take the time every sumer, @DATE1, fall,and sometimes winter to go out, enjoy nature, and have fun, and so do many other people in the world. Everyone who sits at home on the computer can't enjoy this gift that we have been given. Third, people won't take the time to with family or friends. If you the computer all day ther you can't go out and be active with your friends, or go for a bike ride with you brother. If you are on the computer you on family friend time that could be being used as a fishing trip or a walk in the woods. If you don't spend time with your family because of something you're doing on the computer, then you just a person. You won't valueable thing that you have in life you r family and you @CAPS2 always be able to make time them. Finally, @CAPS2 people use computers more? No, they @CAPS2 not use computers more. Computers take time away from exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. There are good things about computers, but the less time you spend on them, the better it is for everyone. 5 4 9
885 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I just heard that people are spending too much time on computers than with their families and friends. No @CAPS1 is not true just listen to the reasons why in a computer you can find people that you'r looking for. Also @CAPS1 can always help you on something that you need help on and you can do different kinds of activities. If you keep on reading you are going to see all the tipical reasons why I think that people are not spending much time on computers than with their families. (@NUM1) @CAPS2 reason why I think that people are not spending much time on computerr is because, the computer can help you look for a family member that your looking for or a friend. My second reason why I think this is because naybe you never met that family member and you want to get to know them. My last reason why I think this is because @CAPS1's really a person that you really love and need in your personal like. These are the reasons why I think that they are not spending to much times on the computers. (@NUM2) @CAPS3 reason why I think that people are not spending too much time on computers is because @CAPS1 can help you in many things that you need help on. My second reason why I think that they are not spending too much time on computers is because you can do your homeworks their and @CAPS1 can help you with @CAPS1. @MONTH1 last reason is because if you find something really difficult that you dont know @CAPS1 helps. (@NUM3) @CAPS4 I think that people are not spending too much time on the computers because you can do different kinds of activities their. My second reason why I think this is because when your having a @CAPS5 party and you need invitations the computer can help you. My last reason why I think this is because if you want to move to @CAPS3 state or country you can see the place on the website and then you can go. These are the reasons why I think that the computer is very helpfull. (@NUM4) I hope that after reading all the tipical reasons of computers like, @CAPS1 can help you on many things, you can look for people, and you can do different activities, that I really convinced you, also I hope that you really liked and enjoyed reading my letter. 3 4 7
886 1 Debates have come up on whether or not computers are benefiting or destroying society. Computers are only helping in aid in the growth of society. Computers allow people to interact with other people, see and discover other places and people, and teach hand-eye coordination. Computers are helping people more than they are hurting them. First of all, computers allow people to meet and interact with other people. There are many popular websites that allow people to chat and communicate at anytime. Before computers were invented in order to talk to someone you would have to meet with them face-to-face, or send them a letter and wait on awfuly time get a responce. Now people can simply type up an email and hit send. Just like that, their message is sent to another computer for others to read and enjoy. Another advancement computer technology has developed is picture sharing. All one has to do to display and show their pictures to everyone is done by simply hooking up a camera, uploading your pictures onto your computer, and posting them on a site like @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 bucket. Any in- the- @CAPS3 person would @CAPS3 that computers are very useful. Secondly, computers are important because they give people the ability to learn about and discover people & places that are new to them. In the old days if you did not @CAPS3 about something or someone, like a movie, you @MONTH1 never find any info about them. Computers have internet websites and search like @ORGANIZATION1, that allow you to type anything and instantly find all the @CAPS4 information and pictures or that subject. These technological advances have given many people the general knowledge that they very well @MONTH1 need in any given situation. If you missed the best part of a you could easily go on a computer, look it up and importance of computers in every day society. Last of all, computer hand - eye coordination that is vital to every day life. Typing on a computer in leisure time is a skill that will be looked for everywhere. In fact, many employers @MONTH1 hire you based on your keyboarding skills, ones one is skilled enough they @MONTH1 even teach themselves to type without looking at the keyboard. Although computers are not meant to replace your friends, family, and @CAPS5 air, they are very important tools that give you skills you will use for the rest of your life. Any individual that is highly educated would see the pluses in computer usage. in conclusion, computers are vital in order to properly function in many situations. They allow you to chat and send pictures to loved ones, teach you about faraway people and places that you @MONTH1 not @CAPS3 about other wise, and help one improve on their hand - eye coordination. Computers are very useful peices of equipment. 6 5 11
887 1 Computers effect a lot of people. I fully support the advances in technology. I support this because computers can let you talk to people that are faraway from you. Computers also teach hand-eye coordination. In addition, computers let you learn about countrys all over the word. Rapping it all up, electronics should keep advancing. Say your bestfriend moved to @LOCATION4. You won't see her but you can talk to her on the computer. Now in day there are a lot of websites that you can chat off at or you can also do a webcam chat like ovoo. For example, in seventh grade I moved from @LOCATION1 to @LOCATION2. I was so upset about leaving my old friends. Turns out I was fine. I just made more friends when I moved. I would make plans with my friends over facebook chating. Consequently, computers help a lot you keep in touch with friends all over the world. Computers build up your skills for everything. Hand-eye coordination is the biggest skill that computers teach anyone. When your watching an adult type most of them can type without looking at the keyboard. This is an example of hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is very helpful in sports. In basketball you should dribble and look ahead. Kinda like typing. As one can see computers help with hand-eye coordination. Google gives you answers to anything. If you have research to do most people use google and google is found on the computer. You can learn about @LOCATION3 or @LOCATION4 you name it you can type it in google, and you can learn everything about that country. For example, last year everyone had to pick a state and learn certain things about it. Most people used computers. Computers really are the best electronic in the world. There are many electronics that effect people. But, computers effect people the most. Computers let you talk to family and friends around the world. Also, computer teach you hand-eye coordination skills. Lastly, computer teach you about many countrys. In conclusion, computers should be advanced. 4 5 9
892 1 Dear Newspaper, I often think about the effect of technology on humans. The human race has discovered many things but our biggest advance is technology. New machines are robots are built all the time, and our knowledge of machines and artificial minds is rapidly growing. The most widely used machine is the computer. People use it for all sorts of things, communucation, awareness and learning and entertainment. Some experts are concerned that people spend too much time on computers and it couldn't agree more. Computers maybe useful but they are over used. People spend more time staring at the screen than exercising and interacting with friends and family. Computers are also not always dependable or safe. First of all, the biggest computer users are adolesents. Young adults spend hours on websites like @CAPS1, @CAPS2, and @CAPS3 communicating with their friends. At their young age, exercise is very important. Obesity in children from lack of exercise is becoming very common, and its because young people are glued to their computer screens. The averange child need @NUM1 minutes of exercise a day, and many have very little none. I say the computers are ok, but only in small doses. The growing mind and body needs to move and exercise. If internet use among children and teenagers is not cut back, some worry that there will be a lot more health problems in the future. Although it is very east to quickly communicat through the internet, it can sometimes do more harm than good. Kids who spend hours @CAPS4 or emailing their peers spend less time with their families. I've heard parents say they barely see their kids because their always either doing homework. Also, @CAPS5 to @CAPS5 conversations are fading. Because of the internet, people no longer need to get together and talk, @CAPS6 turn on their computers, which is a waste of energy. Why not just go see your friend @CAPS6 of typing all day? Lastly, computers have just as many disadvantages as they do advantages. There are plenty of dangers out there in @LOCATION1. Online predators lurk as many comers, and your personal information and identity can easily be stolen. The risk of any of these things happening is very high. Its better safe than sorry. So, if you think about it, we really don't need computers to survive. You need your exercise, don't blow it off for online chat. Also, its very important to interact and be part of your family, and less internet use will cut down the risk of identity theft, or any other problem or virus. It's your time now. Get outside have @CAPS5 to @CAPS5 conversation with a friend and internet with your family. You can be healthy, happy, and safe without constantly typing any at the keyboard. 5 5 10
899 1 Dear newspaper, @CAPS1't you love to go in your computer? @CAPS1't you get a lot done on them? Well I think they have a positive effect on people. I strongly agree that computers have a positive effect on our society. These are my three reasons; you can chat online with friends and family, help people do research on projects, and help people get there jobs done in everyday life. So please, local newspaper keep reading and I will change your mind about computers effects on people. Do you have family or friends who @CAPS1't live around here that you want to keep in touch with? Using the computer for email or a chat site like facebook will do that. I have cousins who live in @LOCATION2. The only way my family can keep in touch with them not spending money is email. My mom and her sister are sending emails to each other all the time. If you ask me I think that is a positive effect computers have. Have you ever researched anything using a computer? I knew I have! For a school project in @CAPS2 I had to research about @LOCATION1. I did all my research on the computer. I got an A+! I would not have gotten that grade if I did not use the computer to do research. Do you use a computer in your job? Well even if you @CAPS1't I know a lot of people who do. For example, my dad uses a computer for almost the whole day he is at work. He is a @CAPS3 @CAPS4 which means he managed portfolios. He has to use @ORGANIZATION1 to check on the stock chart. Another example is my mom, teacher, she has using the computer to email parents if the student need help or up. So as you can see computers have good effect on our society. These are my reasons : you can chat online with friends and family, helps people do research on projects, and helps people do research on projects, and helps people get there jobs done in everyday life. I hope you agree that computers have a positive effect on our society. Say yes to computers good effect! 4 4 8
904 1 Dear town of southing ton, Computers our town are very important for instance. For all of the banks we have computers and for almost every job. We need computers for life, and that doesn'@CAPS1 make use lazy and forget full it makes us busy. The only situation with someone who is online being lazy is with a teenager playing games. But the only reason some kids do that is because they all dont want to go and exercise or run around with their family who they see everyday. But because they want to talk to their friends make plans and just talk while they play togeather. If someone is ignoring their family or becomeing more lazy, it is because that is their choice to sit around and do nothing. And I do agree that people are becomeing over weight but I think that is because some people consider a workout to be an hour of lifting and running once a week. And that isn'@CAPS1 right. I think that this news paper should post up adds about gyms and maybe that will lower the faty meter in our town. or if they think people are neglecting their families have people work less so they can go home and see their families. As for teens I think you parents out there need to set some rules like @NUM1 hours of play a day, @NUM2 hours on a @DATE1, and if they don'@CAPS1 listen take the game away for a day of two, but that might not get them to spend time with you because they @MONTH1 be mad, but it will get them outside or atleast doing somehting more active and not watching @CAPS1.V. or playing video games all day. Also I know this from expieriance becouse I am a teanager and I always go outside and run around when my parents take my games away, and it's @PERSON1 that of homeworld. Please take my advise and your happy caring family will always stay togeather and active and not always sitting on the computer stressing over work and playing videos games. 4 4 8
908 1 "Knoleg is one of the greatest quests for mankind, always trying to figure out how and why things happen. @CAPS1 to this natural ciricusity we have made amazing leaps in Technology @NUM1 years ago what seemed to be imposible is now possible. And one of those many thought to be impossible was to find anything you want in only a matter of seconds. I think computers are a great benafate to society becaus, you can learn things around the world in the blink of an eye, allow you to talk to people around the world and @CAPS5 give you better hand eye cordenation. The first reson I think that computers are great modern society, is that we can learn instantly about foren countrys. @NUM1 years ago the only way you could learn about places far away was if you read it in a newspaper, many which didn't tell you about faraway lands. Now with the internet we can learn around the world what is happening ware you want to know. ""@CAPS1 to our modern techolagy people are now more informed about the rest of the world than ever befor."" stated @PERSON3, a @CAPS2 expert from @ORGANIZATION2 university of @CAPS2. ""@CAPS4 computers and the ability to colect information @CAPS7 quily compared to @NUM1 years ago."" @CAPS5 @CAPS9 computers we wouldn't have known anything about the recent earth quake in @CAPS6. @CAPS5 with computers we can now talk istantly with people over the internet. A century ago talking to people instantly seemed just about impossible. But @CAPS1 to technology that of thing is an avarage part of our lives."" @CAPS7 many of our advancements and dicisions are made while we talk online, even some of the worlds gratests leaders make the hard decisions becaus of this advansments,"" stated @PERSON1, a reporter for the new @CAPS8 times. ""@CAPS9 this technology many of the decisions made in @LOCATION1 and @CAPS10 wouldn't be made and many solders would have died as a result."" @CAPS11 final reson that I support this decision is that they help teach you hand eye coordination. One of the ways that computers teach hand eye coordination is throug video games and simulations. In video games people make it @CAPS7 you to react at a movements notes in order to compleat your objective. In the @ORGANIZATION1 computer simulations teach the soldiers how to react to many different situations. Through this situations, many sledres have learn how to servive in combat and save many of their fellow comredes. ""The simulations we have invested in have improved combat effectevness by over @PERCENT1"" stated general @PERSON2 of the @LOCATION2 @CAPS12. ""@CAPS9 theise simulations many more american lives weold have ben lost in recent wars."" @CAPS14 now that you have heard all of @CAPS11 resons of why I support computers. I hope you are much more informed about this topic @CAPS9 computers we wouldn't be able to learn about foren lands, talk to people instantly, or have as good hand eye cooordination. I hope everyone else will see @CAPS11 resons for supporting computers." 5 5 10
910 1 "@ORGANIZATION1, In the @DATE1 computers have help man kinds. Computers are every where in a schools, homes band business across a @CAPS1. They help people in many ways depending on the what the person wants to set done. The ways that I use my computer is by staying in contact with my friends, a family, and it also helps me with my school work. I have been a live for @NUM1 @DATE1 and have already live in @NUM2 different states: @LOCATION3, @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2, and now @CAPS2 you would think I would have had lots of friends living in so many places. How do I stay in contact with them you @MONTH1 use? I use various and @CAPS3. If you get rid of computers I would not be able to stay in contact with tem anymore. Moving from place to place was very hard and sad thing to do for me. Another hard thing to do for me was moving away from my family, but thank to technology and computers I stay in contact with them. Imagine you haven't seen you family in @NUM3 @DATE1, well sadly thats my life so many birthday @CAPS4 all the family you can see is you parents. School another great example where society benefits from computers students and teachers use them everyday to learn. In my opoion learning is the greatest thing. One of my friends, @PERSON1, said this about the dell computers we use in the library @CAPS4 ever u don't get something about what we learned in @CAPS5 class that day. I use the computers to better understand it. Computers are a great way to research a topic, and thats why they should not be gotten rid of. I use computers every day for two reasons for school, researching or writing a project for any of my classes. Everyday I spend at least @NUM4 our writing something up for school. Computers help lessen the time spend writing it because it is fast and easy it is easy to type something, like a @CAPS6 paper on the ways to persuassive the readier. In the end computers are something we I need in are life because it makes life simpler. If I was to send a message to some of my friends in @LOCATION2 through @CAPS7 it would take seconds. Instead if I was to use the @ORGANIZATION2 it would take days. A life with out computers is a lot harder to do things, that we cant make simpler with computers""" 4 4 8
913 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I have been informed that recently, people are questioning the use of computers. Some say computers have negative effects on people when using them but I for one disagree with that statement. I believe that computers in today's society have created an atmosphere of learning, communication, and an ideal amount of creative fun. Computers are changing the way everyday people live. This technology is the basis of our future, and our future has evolved around our computers. People learn so they can become better at things, be aware of what is going on, and to gain the knowledge that possibly help mem succed in life. Computers gona access to information that people want to know whether it is to learn how it dance using youtube.com, to learn about a possible vacation spot your family might visit, or to research a topic for a school paper: computers have it all. It sits right at home so there is no need to drive to the library and wait for a book with the right researching skills, almost anybody can find the exact information they are looking for. Computers contribute to people who want to learn. Being a popular used computer have beenimportant to make them the best. Whether that means faster internet better, researching book or more websites, a computer has it all. Back before the telephones was invented, people struggled to have a reliable source of communications with where communication is important because it is the main source of communicating. Through the computer, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, and emails are easy and guarenteed ways to talk to everybody. With just a simple click of a mouse a person can talk to their bestfriend as if they were right next to them. Communication plays an important role for a civilization or society. It makes life so much easier without creating a place where people become lazy. Talking to people by using the computer has become easier and more dependable than ever. People can email their teachers if they have a question for homework, people can check there grades online, and people can talk to their friends and family all they want whenever they want. So we people say that the computer. If a sibling is away at college, their @CAPS3, when a family is to gether, they could since new things are discovered through the computer everyday. can come to a person in multiple ways. A computer can emphazize the fun is never a bad thing. Computers offer video games, learning games, and that bring creativity to. This technology gets people every to have an open mind with everything. It allows them to have fun but at the same time learn something about the world or even themselves. Sometimes computers can inspire people to do something like start a group to make the environment better or go running around ther block. Even though the actual computer is inside the fun and creativity can be whenever a person wants it to be. Computers expand a person's knowledge, allow one to communicate, and create a whole new word of fun. Researching topics can be easily accessed through a computer. Communicating with others makes life easier and having fun while inspiring people everywhere makes computers have a total positive effect on people. It creates a new atmosphere of enjoyment of different things. Computers effect people in the greatest way and I don't know why some people doubt its magnificent ways of indudging people in the environment. 5 5 10
914 1 Dear Local Newspaper @CAPS1, I am against that computers benefit society in anyway. Yes computers are a great way to learn about things all over the world, but people have to worry about what is right in front of them. Being on the computer all the time gives less time of exercising, no sight of enjoying nature, and gives less time of interacting with family and friends. Computers don't benefit everyone because it gives less time of exercising. When people don't exercise because they are busy always doing something else less important, then you would always be tired. You won't want to do anything but just sit around & do nothing which calls for laziness you would go weak without exercise. You wouldnt have the strength to eat or lift anything which calls for your bone to go weak and you wouldn't get the calories & calcium & vitamins that your body needs to be strong. You would gain weight which calls for you being out of shape. Since your body has no exercise the weight & fat just stays. Being on the computer doesn't help you enjoy nature the way that you are supposed to. You will never see the world for what it is. You will always miss out on fun activities, then when people start talking about how much fun they had you're going to wish you were there. And you will always be stuck in the house which is going to get boring & there's nothing fun to do. If you're always on the computer cell the time you will never interact with family & friends. That is mostly & always more important than computers because they are always always going to be there for you. You will miss out on fun important occasions with your family because you're so addicted to the computer. And your friends will stop being with you because you're not hanging out with them. Computers really don't benefit everyday people because you miss out on the greater things of life. You will miss out on exercising, nature and especially family and friends. Then you are going to wish that you had spent time with them instead of the computer because you are going to see they had a great time & you would want a great time too! 5 4 9
917 1 @ORGANIZATION1, In my opinion, the effects computers have on people are good. I believe this because people can learn hand-eye coordination, they give the people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and they even allow people to talk with people from around the world. Firstly, effects computers have on people are good because the people can learn hand eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is good in many occations. Secondly, computers effects on people are good because computers give the people the ability to learn about faraway places and people is important becuase people can learn about history and important figures in life. Lastly, the effects people have from computers are good because computers allow people to talk with people from all around the world. This is usefull because the people can learn about each other, their customs and religious and also their cultures and heritage. All-in-all, I believe that computers have good effects on people because they can learn hand-eye coordination. Computers give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people and computers even allow people to talk with people online from all parts of the world. 3 3 6
931 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I think computers have both good and bad effects on people. Some people just sit around all day playing games and being lazy. Other people actually use their computers for things that they need. Also some people need their computers for their jobs. I do agree that some people who spend all day in front of their computers are spending less time exercising! Would you rather play games all day instead of spending some quality time with your family and friends? Not me, I would much rather be with friends outside or having a family picnic at a park or lake. For other people though, the story is much different. Some people need computers and other advances in technology for their everyday life. A lot of jobs today require you to use a computer, for example working at a bank you use computers all day! I also think students rely on computers to do work too. A lot of students type up reports and other things for school on their computers. Students also use computers to look up information. The internet can be a very good source for students. I know for me, the internet has come in handy for school projects, or maybe something as simple as just looking up a word. I can also see why people dont really care about advaces in technology or computers! Some people dont need them for anything, and some are probably thinking people are on them way too much. To me, I honestly find computers useful because I can talk online to my family in @LOCATION1. I hope you liked my opinion about computers, remember, they are useful to some people, but not all. 4 4 8
936 1 Dear @LOCATION1 news paper, I think computers are a bad and good thing because computers keep some people inside more than usual and then on the other hand a computer allows you to talk with family members that you haven't seen in a long time, search for upcoming events and see if they are canceled and to search up other stuff like when a movie is playing. Computers are a big part of school too, because without computers it would be hard to study and for some teachers most of their homeworks aquires you to use a computer. There is some other things that are bad about computers too for example: my friend stayed on his computer playing video games for most of the day. Its like when he's on that computer he dosen't listen or hear anyone, not even his parents. He barely goes down to eat dinner and when he does he has his laptop right beside him. His parents started to get tired of it so they took his tv and laptop away so he could go outside and play with his friends. After a while he started to come outside a lot mostly every day when it was nice. They gave him back his computer and tv. The only time he goes on it now is rainy days. 3 4 7
952 1 Dear Local Newspaper, I agree with the concerned experts, im sure many others agree also. I bet you that if you keep reading it would be understandable, why I agree. First of all, too many people spend to much time talking with friends online. I think that once you start talking with them online, finish up the conversation face to face or by telephone. Talking online is a great way to connect with friends and people you haven't seen in a long time, but too much of that can start problems. For example rumors. In my opinion when friends get to excited online they decide to start rumors about other people and it ends up being sent to almost everybody. Another example is online arguing which can lead up to many problems like fighting when you get back to school. How would you feel if you turned on your computer and find out that someone has been talking about you or that someone is trying to start a fight with you? I'm positive that you would not enjoy it and your feeling might be hurt. Next reason is, being on the computer too much can effect most peoples grades. Many people are going home and turning on their computer instead of doing their homework or studying. There are many people who go to my school and their grades have declined because of online usage. Pretty soon many people will be held back because they have failed the school year. For example, picture yourself as a parent and getting your child's report card and find out they have all @CAPS1's or mostly @CAPS2's. You wouldn't like that either. Lastly, computers have cause another problem called bullying. Too many children are being bullied online and they are being hurt. Those children who are being the bullies are enjoying it while the children who are getting bullied are sad. Thinking that nobody cares about them. Bullying has caused death or many other problems. Imagine, being someone, getting bullied and your feelings are really hurt, you dont talk to an adult or a parent all you end up doing is killing yourself. Picture how many parents are upset and how yours would be too to find that their child has been bullied to death, it really hurts them. And i'm sure if you were one of those parents you wont be too happy. In conclusion, being online too much has an effect on everybody and 4 4 8
957 1 "Dear Local @CAPS1, I am deligted to write this letter to you. It has come to my attention that the people who support advances in tecnology believe that computers have a positive efffect on people. I agree with those people. I agree with them because one: you can communicate with your family and friends via email, via @CAPS2, via @CAPS3 ets. Number two: you can use a computer for research, and number three: it can tell you directions or give you info. on a resteraunt or place you want to go. I will now get into more detail on these three topics. You can communicate with your family or friends via computer. For example my friend amor, when we were best freinds and we were in third grade, he had to move to @LOCATION1. I cried the first day he moved. then the next week or so I got an email from him and so now we can keep in touch with each other. He comes & to @LOCATION2 every @DATE2 and we hangout with each other. Maybe one day, I will like to go visit him now In @LOCATION3 becasue he moved again, but I will have to do some research on @LOCATION3 first. With a computer you can research alot of things like this year our language @CAPS4 class read a book called ""my brother @CAPS5 is dead"" and it was a true story. Se we had to some research on the book and I found out that without computers how would I be able to research anything on the website it shared where everything , a description of the thing, and how to get there (diretions). Directions are very important. The show you how to get to a certain destination. You can get directions off a computer. I remember one year I had to go to my friends birthday party and we didn't know how to get there. So I went online on @DATE1 and we got the directions from there and we printed them out and we found the place in @NUM1 minutes. Without a computer we would have been able to find the house easily. You @MONTH1 disagree with me on this because a computer can have bad websites and can also became very addicting to some people, but I think I am right. Thank you for reading this letter, once again computers are good for the study!" 4 5 9
963 1 Dear Newspaper, I firmly believe that people do spend a lot of time on computers, alot of teens spend alot of time on computers, I also think this from my own experience and I surveyed @PERSON1's @NUM1 grade @CAPS4 class. I would first like to expand my idea of teens spend alot of time on the computer, some teens go on the internet and do homework or might check their emails others go on @CAPS1 for hours and got addicted, so they're not outside or doing sports. In my own experience I used to have a @CAPS1 and I woud be at it for the whole day and I woud miss out on hanging with my family and friends. So I deleted the account. But, I still feel addicted to the computer I'm always listening to music or chating with my friends or checking my emails like most people The things* And lastly else to @PERSON1's @NUM1 grade @CAPS4 class, @PERCENT1 of people a day on it, @PERCENT2 said that they spend @PERCENT3 of people. That they now go on the computer. These that just one @NUM1 grade class most students are addicted to it.* no matter what age. This is why I believe that people do spend to much time or the. Many students go on @CAPS1 for hours at a time and in my own experience I have been addicted to the comp. and @PERSON1's @NUM1 grade @CAPS4 class when I surveyed them there ans a very high percentage of people that said they were addicted to the computer. So parents please tell your children if they need to spend less time on the computer. 4 4 8
967 1 "I Believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Computers are a relatively new invention, they have become very popular. Computers allo people to talk online with each other. They also allow students to complete homework assignments and important projects. Computers also allow people to store important files and pictures in places that won't get lost. Computers are helpful in so many ways, but these are just a few. Computers allow people online. whether @CAPS3's through email, instant messaging, or a video chat, computers peplace old and haved ways @ORGANIZATION1 communication. For example, instead @ORGANIZATION1 writing a letter to someone, mailinbg @CAPS3 to them, and having to wait two days for them to receive @CAPS3, email them! Obtain an email address, type a message, and click send. They will receive the message instantly, and even reply soon enough @PERSON1, president @ORGANIZATION1 the @ORGANIZATION1, says, ""Computers are an important part fo technology. People use them everyday."" @CAPS1 them everyday doesn't mean just for fun. @CAPS3 also helps with work. Three out @ORGANIZATION1 four adults who used computers say that they help them with their work and social status. Computers are a part @ORGANIZATION1 everyday life, and they can help with almost anything. Computers allow students to finish homework and projects quite fst. Instead @ORGANIZATION1 hand-writing that four-page essay on @PERSON2 @CAPS1 textbooks and use the internet for finding information. Computers also allow students to email teachers in case @ORGANIZATION1 missed classes and assignments. @CAPS4 @PERSON3, a student at @ORGANIZATION2 who had missed quite a few days @ORGANIZATION1 school, says, ""@CAPS2 I had to do was email my teachers, and they sent me @CAPS2 the homework assignment. I missed @CAPS3 was that easy."" @CAPS4's not the only one who agrees that computers are a big help. Millions @ORGANIZATION1 kids & adults agree. Computers not only let students write reports; they also allows them to save them for future uses. They also save important files and precious pictures. Everyone hates @CAPS3 when their camera or video camera breaks, and will their precious and wonderful memories are gone. Well, just save them to the computer, and they're there forever! @NUM1 out @ORGANIZATION1 @NUM2 people who store @CAPS2 their pictures in a computer agrees this is the best way to do @CAPS3. In conclusion, computers do have a positive effect on people. They allow people to talk online. do homework & projects, and store important files. I can assume that everyone agrees with me that computers are an important part @ORGANIZATION1 everyday life. We just woudn't be the world we are without them." 6 5 11
968 1 Dear @LOCATION1, I think computers are a great tool for everyone if they use it right. Here are my reasons why. First of all, I think computers are good because news travels quickly. Using the internet, world changing news can spread like wildfire and inform everyone in seconds. It is great for staying in the loop and reading about things you need to know. This reminds me of the time when a massive earth quake hit @LOCATION2 and traumatized its citizens. Within moments of the accidents, it was already circling the internet. This brought mass attention to @LOCATION2 which caused many people to donate and needed items. Secondly, the computer is also good for researching topics for school and common interest. If you need facts for a school project you can easily search what you need through the internet wide variety of search engines, you will be able to pin-point exactly what you are also look up things that interest you. If you have a favorite sports team, band, or are interested in a famous figure, you have tons of information on them at your disposal. You can do all of this within the privacy of your on home so you can remain as secret as a @ORGANIZATION1 agent. This reminds me of the time when are of my idols died. Within seconds of hearing the tragic news I was able to search the topic and get an endless uphoria of information regarding his death. Finally, you can chat with someone from around the world if you wanted to! Using social networking sites like facebook and myspace, you can connect with your friends and chat with them for hours on end. You can also enter chatrooms with people who share a common interest with you. Just like how I talk to people about a band we both love. I believe access to news, research, and staying in touch with your friends is without a doubt the best reasons to use a computer. What are you waiting for? Get one! 5 4 9
970 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @DATE1's society is much more different from what it was like twenty years ago. We have phones that can easily allow us to browse the web as we please just like a computer. Our access to such a large network beings us together, can broaden mental horisons and keep many @CAPS5 hard workers on key point so that when time for work comes around, they are ready. Not everyone agrees that technology is benefit to our growing well, but I believe it keeps us moving forward and away from ignorance in all of its forms. Our construction workers work hard during their busy seasons. They vigorously build sley scraping towers, educational fucilities, additions to our health center, and even the very places we call home. However, when weather is not on their side and building anything can be hazzardous in the long run, they must still ramain at the ready when duty calls. Lately, there has been an advancement in technology to help chane opperators maintain their skills during their of season vistually. It @MONTH1 appear easy to the untrained spectation. To one it @MONTH1 seem like all they do is seat themselves in a pull a few levers, and push a few buttons. However, there is in fact a persition to such a task. Pull the lever to quickly and the crane can go sharply in the wrong direction causing it to tip over. One of feild reponters tried the @CAPS1 virtual trainer and found a @CAPS1 appreciation for the jobs at our builders. That just goes to show that @CAPS5 one does not keep such skill in check, they could in fact cause a serious malfunction on a construction site. I, personally, find it very entertaining and at the same time educational to learn a language different from my own. In fact, I teach myself @CAPS4 at home. However, @CAPS5 I did not have a computer at home, my studies would be near impossible. With @DATE1's economy going to a class outside & school, or even hiring a personal tutor, can be enough to effect anyones budget emensly. The internet provides an efficient low casting, or even free, way to help any language learner. One can even find study tips from native speakers at those who have already learned vast bit about the language. In @DATE1's society not everyone has the time to go to he library and pick up a book on a country they are interested in. Some @MONTH1 say that asking a neighbor about their home canbe just as afective, but that can awkward for those that don't particulary do well in face to face setting. However, havbing a complete at hand can make learning an enjoyabl experience. Once can find blog posts about someone's visti to there country of interest & even videos of their time there. Websites made entirely for those interesting a particular culture can also prove helpful. On the other hand, @CAPS5 someone were to be looking for and acception vacation spot recommended by locals, that information can be found as well. Some people do not love in an area where they can connect with family by a simple call or a drive. One @MONTH1 have to take a plane or pay to take with relatives. Social networks on the web makes connecting with lvoe ones easier and more affordable. The speed of instant messaging can make it seem like they are in the same room instead across the ocean. I hope that everything I have fare travel can serve a purpose to someone who has not been able to find way benefits to technological advances. Please do remember that technology can serve as a skill maintenance tool, educational, and as a connection for our foreign born citizens. Thank you for 5 6 11
976 1 Dear editor, I see that there is an argument between computers being good or bad. I think that my oppinon can help your decision. I think that computers are good. I think they are good because they help kids with social skills, they help people with bad handwriting and they help people learn about things around the world. First of all computers help kids all around the world with social skills. They help them because these is so many ways to communicate with people through the computer. There is instant messaging and webcaming websites. Also a servey said that @PERCENT1 of parents say that the computer raised there kids social skills a lot. Another thing the computer helps with is people with bad handwriting. It helps because you can go on microsoft word and instead of writeing a great report that no one can read you can type I that when I have a paper for school that neatness counts on I always up my report. This can help alot of people who cant write as well as others because on the computer you change the font and everything to make it look as nice as you want. The last reason I think the computer is a good idea is because alot of people dont like to read newspapers and watch the news so they like to research certian subjects they like, to know whats going on around who world. I know my mom doesn't have time to watch the newest the newspaper but when she checks her email the first thing that pops up is the bigest news of the day. People all around the work go so the computer to find of the latest news. I hope you consider my oppinon when you make you decison, where you go think of all the kinds of people it helps. People with social problems, people with bad handwriting, and just busy people who cant sit down and watch the hour news. Thank you for your time. 4 4 8
977 1 Dear Local newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion is yes people are on the computer to much. I have @NUM1 good reason why I think people are on the computer a lot. @CAPS1 first reason is people are losing time. Second not that much engry. Third you just spending your life on the computer keep on reading why I don't agree that it befits society to people. People losing time to have fun. They do have any time for friends family, pets, and scuh more. It mostly adicaution to go on website like facebook, myspace, @CAPS2, and such more people just need to get off the computer and have fun outside. Mostly people dont really get that much engry. Some people are always inside they just need engry. Fresh our will help that maybe going to the gym or jog outside for a while. Being inside isnt really good for you. Just being inside just make you kinda gang weight. And then you wouldn't have anytime with your friends, and more only if your inside like always. Fineally you spend all your time at home being computer. And you don't have anytime, engry and such more. YOu spend all your time inside computer cool technology but you don't need to be on it @NUM2. You just have time for friends and family. Now you know @CAPS1 opinion why computers are benfit society. People are losing time and everything. People dont have anymore engry. And your spend all your time on the computer. Bye for now. 3 4 7
978 1 "Dear Readers, @CAPS1 you imagine not talking to distant friends, only knowing about your town, or even failing @CAPS5 you didnt ha a @CAPS3? I know I couldnt. Some of the great benefits of having a @CAPS3 are talking online with friends, learning about new places and things everywhere, and being able study for and tests from the internet. First, being able to talk to distant friends and relatives is now passive with the @CAPS3. Facts show show that @PERCENT1 of families in the @LOCATION1 have distant friends with @CAPS2, now all of these people can tlk to each other! Ill never forget the time that my close freinds moved, but i was still able to talk to him @CAPS5 of the @CAPS3. Second, the @CAPS3 allows you to learn about new places and things all around the world. I never would have I know about some of the places I've been to if it was for comoputer, @ORGANIZATION1 stated that the @CAPS3 expert @PERSON1 says ""@CAPS3 are the reason we have in much without @CAPS3 wouldn't know about the places."" @CAPS4, it is now possible study without @CAPS5 of the @CAPS3, @CAPS6 can be done on the internet online. I'll never forget the that I forget my book, but I @CAPS1 still study @CAPS5 of the online book. In conclusion the @CAPS3 has benifits to you, like interacting with friends online, learning about new places, and being able to study. Computers are just end all-around benifits." 4 4 8
984 1 Dear local newspaper, I agree that computers benefit us totaly. This lets people explore the world and do anything. Also, computers are used for many things. Last but not least @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 households have at least one computer. So computers lets us do anything and everything. It helps most people with their jobs, college/school, and you can even buy a house or car online. It doesn't cost that much and its very usefull. You can look up facts you need or even play games when your bored. It keeps us in touch with the world. Also, many thing require a computer. For example, In order to play xbox live you need a computer with @CAPS1. Xbox live lets you play video games with other people or even your friends. Some homework requires computers and some colleges are only on the computer so you can stay at home. Anything you need you can find it on the computer. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 house hold have computers, or @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1 does. I agree that some people waste their time, but without computers everything would be much harder. For example, say you need to having to wait @NUM5 days for the mail. Just @CAPS2-mail it. Most people wouldn't have a job if it weren't for computers. It saves peoples time and lets them do other things except have to drive somewhere to give a letter to them. So I think computers are a huge benefit. Like I said you can do anything. Like @CAPS3. It keeps you in touch with friends if your on vacation from school. They are also used for several different things like downloading music on your @CAPS4. Also, @CAPS5 everyone has a computer. If scientists are going to complain about computers than why do they use them? I think computers are great! But whats you opinion? 4 4 8
1002 1 Dear Local newspaper, I think computers are great sources. They help us instanly when we have to find something. Computers are very helpful and they are easy to use. Once you have mastered the computer it feels like you can do almost anything on it. Computers are great but the can also have negative effects on us too. I like, computers but I am going to say I am against them. When people get on their computers it's like they're in another world. When your on the computer you are alot less socal than you would be if you not on the computer. On don't know about you but alot of people are addicted to their computers. They get on an they stay on forever. The act like it is a neccesity to be on the computer every day. I do not have to be on computer websites like @CAPS1 and here is why. Compters get really annoyting sometimes. They distract people alot. Like the other day my sister and I were going to @NUM1 walking but we didn't go because she wouldn't help us exercise so we shouldn't be using it. In this economy it is important to have socal skills. Instant messaging people doesn't mean you are going socal skills. You actually have to get out and talk to people face to face. When I am on the computer to long I know. I know this because my eyes start to hurt. This is bad for your eye sight. People sit in their houses and just stare at the bright screen. They @MONTH1 not know but that is blinding so they must not stay on the computers long. These were some reason why you should not use the computer. I am not saying that it is an evil contraption I'm just saying, use the computer for info and work not for games and other things. You could be outside having fun instead of sitting up in your house so get out! Go make some real breathing friends in person. 4 4 8
1004 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people have computers in there house hold but they disagrees with a computer can help you. There are some advantages in useing computers such as being able to search information able learn hand-eye coordination, becomeing organized, but it also has it's disadvangtages like children spending more time on the computer rather than going out side and playing with friends and exersizeing and staying fit. I agree with computers do produce a positive impact on children. Computers not only let a child stay in contact with their family that live faraway but it can also help them get a progect done more eveficantly and quickly. It @MONTH1 seem that where are doing one thing but when in fact we can be uploading pictures and movies, downloading muisc and playing games at the same. Now with all that I have told you @DATE1 I hope that we share the same point of veiws on computers like how they are good to have and their positive in part. 3 3 6
1005 1 "Dear The @CAPS1 @CAPS2, Experts say that computers are ""taking over people"", I strongly disagree. People spend the amount of time they need and want then become active or spend time with family and friends. Computers allow people to learn, they allow people communicate to family and friends, too. Also, @CAPS5 people use computers for work and jobs. I believe computers allow people, like myself, to learn. You can learn also @CAPS5 things on the computer. You can learn about other countries, you can read articles on news, also. You can learn different languges and about the world. Online people can communicate with others. There is skype, which allows you to communicate with others while on the internet, you use a webcam. there is also instant messanger, or @CAPS3. @CAPS3 is like having a conversation with a person who's right next to you! Then there is email which can send letters, photos and comments. @CAPS5 people use computers for work. Microsoft @CAPS4 allows you to type stories and type letters. @CAPS5 people do job reports on @CAPS4. Also, the internet is helpful for work. Websites and search engines help you a lot. Websites can contain information that working people need. To finish this letter, I want to say that @NUM1) Computers allow people to learn. @NUM2) They allow people to communicate with friends and family. Lastly, @NUM3) @CAPS5 working people use the computer for work and reports. I hope I influenced you to see why computers aren't bad." 4 5 9
1022 1 "Dear Local Newspaper: Are computers possitively affecting society? As technology advances, humans are relying on them more and more; most people use them daily. I believe computers effect people possitively because they help write papers, are a social tool, and are a big help with research. After reading this letter there will be no doubt that computers have a possitive effect on people in society. My first reason why computers have a possitive effect on people is they help with writing papers. Whether it is writing a resume, a science report, or a spreadsheet, none of these are ever seen nowadays done by hand. Everyone expects to see the flawlessly inked letters on the printer paper in whatever piece of writing it is. This helps the people writing the paper because writing takes many drafts to get the piece perfect; it is a pain to write each draft by hand. In additio, it is easier to read someone's writing @CAPS1 its typed, especially @CAPS1 the writer has hand writing. However, computers help in more than just writing papers. My second reason why computers passitively effect people is by being a social tool. Many websites online these days have social networks such as youtube, facebook, twitter, and myspace. In the listed websites above and many others as well, people can meet other people through other friends and games. The nice thing about meeting them online is that you don't have to plan a time to meet the person, @CAPS1 you are both online you guys can begin chatting. The chatting also helps @CAPS1 people have long-distance relationships, whether friends, mates, or family. Online chatting help people stay in-touch with someone they might not see everyday. That is a big help with everyone's social life, keeping then us ""the "" @CAPS2, online sites like eharmony or match.com take people with little time to worry about love and match them with their perfect mate. This also helps people who are shy get married and start a family. This helps people live happier lives, another possitive effect. Finally, computers possitively effect people by making research much easier. My dad always says ""You kids got it easy. @CAPS1 I was growing up, we'd to go to the library and spend hours researching before we could write our papers."" @CAPS3, its simple. Using the internet and a search engine, all you have to do is type a topic and you can get all the latest articles in just seconds. Libraries might not have the most recent books, or someone might've checked out your topic's book. Then what can you do? The internet is also an extremely useful help @CAPS1 the research topic is very specific, if its a certain becteria or species that a book @MONTH1 only briefly mention. The internet has a much broader range of articles, so it is much easier to find information for any topic. With research, taking less time to understand, people can spend more time enjoying the day, like playing outside, than in the library stressing because they cannot find a book on their topic. This is a strong reason why computers should not be seen as a negative effect on society. To conclude, computers have a possitive effect on society, because they help write papers, they are a social tool, and are a big help with research. Where would we be if we had to handwrite everything? Think about how many fewer friends or maybe even relationships we would have without social websites. What about how hours of research are @CAPS3 two clicks away? Computers have changed our lives for the better, and we should appreciate all the do for us." 6 5 11
1028 1 Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 you know that two out of three @CAPS2 own a computer? Computers are a very helpful tool that benefit everyone in society. They allow people to communicate with eachother, learn, and teach hand-eye coordination and other good things for school.. Computers are a very useful and beneficial part of society. The advance in technology has upgraded computers, and now allows people to communicate through them. For example, new webcams allow people to actually see and talk to each other from you computer screen. This allows people no matter how far to talk to each other and stay in touch. With my webcam I am able to keep in touch with my cousins in @LOCATION1. Another way of communication is through email. Through the internet, people can type messages back and forth. It is very fast and easy allowing people to talk to each other more and communicate. As well as webcams and email computers grants people access to communication websites such as @CAPS3 (instant messaging) or @CAPS4. These websites people message each other back and forth very quickly and easily. It is not difficult to do, like writing a letter would be, so people can communicate more efficiently and easily. Computers are very helpful for communication along with @CAPS6. Computers are an advancement that could help people learn more about anything. For instace, they could learn about foreigh plaus. All they would have to do is go to the internet, type what they were @CAPS5 for, and it would come up on the screen. It would allow people to learn about places all over the world. Also, people can see pictures on the computer. For example, if someone wanted to go on vacation faraway, they could type in the place and see what it looks like. However, the computer does not just show places. People could also see animals, other people, the environments, and anything else they want to learn about. Plus, with new websites being created, people could actually see what the earth looks like from space. They can look at houses, the wonders of the world, and much more computers give people the opportunity to learn about so much more. @CAPS6 more would help people, especially students to have a better education. If you ask anyone in school, they will tell you that computers are a very useful tool. Firstly it allows them to type. Students can type a project or paper on the computer faster and easier. It will also look neater and more orginized. Plus, computers teach students hand-eye coordination. By typing or even just clicking the mouse, students are bettering their coordination. This is due to the fast while they are @CAPS5 at the screen and typing or clicking, they have a sense of direction and know what to hit or where to put their hands without even @CAPS5. Lastly, computers help students because if they need help, they can just ask one of their friends through the computer. Students would better understand the content they are @CAPS6 and when they go to school, they would already know it. Therefore, computers would lead to students getting better grades. Computers play a big role in society today. They are a way of communication, @CAPS6, and allows students to do better in school. Overall, computers are a very beneficial tool in our society. 4 6 10
1034 1 I support advances in technology because In the future. Our world will be run by computers people can learn about places and people that they can never afford to see for real, and lastly, this helps to connect people to other people without talking to them directly. Have you ever thoughtabout the future, I know I have, usually when you think future, you think nobody and lots of automated things. The fact is the world is turning into a pure run by technology and as we the people get smarter, so does the technology so what good will the future if none of us know how to work a simple peice of technology such as a computer, then how are we going to use the more complicated things then? Believe it or not our world within @NUM1 years will be run all on computers, you will not have to do antyihg but wil them. without computers, how would we know aobut all of the stuff that we know now. How would people know that egypt looked like @NUM2 year ago? they dont to be there they could just look it up on the computer and how just as must about it as if they went there. Also computers enable you to learn about people that lived before your time. What president that you in something aobut how would you be able to find out after computer you could go to a library is right there to be will out computers in todya society. Our average being would in at how does becaus of the that computers have given us. I can whey some experts are conceried that are however, for some people this is the only correction to their emily and friends it there is a family that lives lets say in a different country, and he or she wanted to talk to you, how would you go about doing that? I know that I would try to contact them on the computer. I love friends that live out of state and I enjoy talking to them so if we did not have the compuers that we do. these experts are sasying that we are going to drive across the country to talk to them, if you ask me htat is pretty tire consuming and pointless. In conclusion, I hope that you agree with me in keeping technology in our lives is important because of the future for people to learn nee things about places and people, and also to communicate with friends and family although I can se your part of view that kids are not getting enough exercise most kids that computers are also involved sport. 4 4 8
1037 1 Dear editor of @ORGANIZATION1, I am writting this letter to you @CAPS4 I think people are not getting enogh exercise @CAPS4 they spend so much time on the computer and they are going to websites here are some things that I want you to write about so people can and @MONTH1 be aware. My first reason I exercise why this @CAPS4 so many people spent so much time on the computer they don't get they don't walk. They sit and want message their frends @CAPS1 day. Not worrying that they are ganning @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 A on their heart @CAPS4 of the @CAPS2. @CAPS4 of this it can @CAPS5 to heath @CAPS6 things could you can't do @CAPS15. m @CAPS7 reason @CAPS8 @CAPS9 websites to moral kids @CAPS10 @CAPS11 things they Are not suppose see when kids have free @CAPS12 computer excise the thing wen let me @CAPS11 this can @CAPS10 @CAPS11 @CAPS14 sites, gunsites, @CAPS15 to a things can make something they @MONTH1 really hurt someone or maybe even themselves. Kids try to learn @CAPS15 people talk like @CAPS16 websites things that they are not able to and over they can see Are @NUM1 on @CAPS16 @CAPS18. My third reason chat sites Places to get some attension They will @ORGANIZATION1 things they are not suppose to the @NUM2 year oldd man here some things to write are doing and please monitor them as much as you can to prevent this. 4 4 8
1042 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I took a poll of @NUM1 people and @PERCENT1 of them agree computers have a positive effect on people. Computers can help people talk to someone in a far away place, teach people hand-eye coordination, and give the ability to learn about people or places. Using computers is a great way to keep in touch with someone. For example, my grandparents live in @LOCATION2. Some of the ways I keep in touch with them are e-mailing, video chating, and instant messaging. Some other good things about talking to people online is if you're talking to many people at once or if your parents are on the phone. Another good thing about computers is they are good at teaching people hand-eye coordination. The ways of teaching this are typing, and clicking on something, @CAPS1 people, when they type, look at the keyboard. But, with pratice, they will advance to looking at the computer screen while typing. To click on something, you need to move the mouse while still looking at the screen. That, believe it or not, is hand-eye coordination. One last reason computers are good at helping people is it a student needs to look up a place or person for a school report, they can very easily go to google.com and type in who or what they are looking for. Another option is , say someone is going on a vacition to @LOCATION1 and they know nothing about it. They can go on the internet and get information on @LOCATION1 with just a couple clicks of the mouse. Finally, say someone wants to learn about @ORGANIZATION2 @ORGANIZATION2 for fun: They type @ORGANIZATION2 in look at all the websites, choose the best one, and start reading. In conclusion, I deffinately think computers have a positive effect on people for the reasons I have stated. People can talk to someone online, computers can teach hand-eye coordination, and finially, people can look a person or place up using the internet. This is my opinion on computers, I hope you agree. 4 4 8
1049 1 "Dear edditer of my local newspaper In my opinion computers have a positive effect on people. I support the advances in technology. I believe @CAPS1 is a positive thing because @CAPS1 teaches hand-eye coordination, gives people the ability to learn about far away places and people, and even allows us to talk online with others. In the following poragraphs I will share with you my opinions and why they are the right opinions for all to believe in. Firstly hand-eye coordination plays a big part in our lives, many of us do sports. Now sports isn't just about being the best @CAPS1's about getting better and doing your best. Sports take alot of practice, and are way is computer games though I bet you didn't know @CAPS1, these games help you develope hand-eye coordination. Defeating these monsters and such really helps you in sports. Catching and throwing is a big part in alot of sports and thats all hand-eye coordination, and where do you think you get @CAPS1 from practice and computer games. So next time your on the computer play som games and that will be like practicing for sports and will help you devolop the hand-eye coordination you need to suceed in a sport. Secondly, @CAPS2 in favor for computer use is because @CAPS1 gives us the oppurtunity to learn about places and people from all around the world. Think about @CAPS1 before computers if you want to know something you might have to locate all around for a book that tells you @CAPS1, @CAPS1 could take, now you type what you want to know or google and bing theres your answer. This ability to quickly find what your looking for allows you more freedom to learn and spend other precious time doing other things you want to do then take the to locate and read the right book. As you can see this is a ability and can be a big help when you need to know something fast. So help you yourself and use computers make life easyer. Thirdly computers are a way to communicate they can let you talk to people all around the, when you might and usaly be able do. This is a great way to stay in contact wen people move, go away on a buisness trip go on vacation, or even to meet new people. Say you cany get a hold of someone because there phone is off and its important you talk to them you could email them or if there online and ahave @CAPS3.M. you could @CAPS2(instant message) them. This would save you the hessle of having to keep calling him. Also if you want to see what there doing or where they are you could us a webcome and see them instead of just talking to them. As this paragraph shows internet and computers open more then ever before. As the I wrote above, I showed not even a fraction of what computers are good for. My reasons for computers being more of positive thing, ever a negitive thing are as followed; they help us with learning things that before we couldn't, communicate with others, and help us develope hand eye coordination. I can only hope that as I write my conclusion, ""that my opinions were heard and that this letter has helped all see why computers are a great thing, not a bad one." 5 5 10
1052 1 "Did you know that @PERCENT2 out of @PERCENT1 children today, prefer to play games on the computer than do other activities? My opinion about this topic is that it is more important for children to do things other than sit on the computer all day. The reasons why I feel this way is because it is important to exercise, children tend to be addicted to playing on the computer, and if someone's life revolves around the computer than they most likely, won't be able to live on the ""real world"". When a child sits at the computer all day, they are not getting exercise. Today, obesity is a major problem. If people stay on the computer less and exercise more than this situation could decrease. Also, it is important for children to get fresh air. When someone plays on the computer they are not getting as much fresh air as you would outdoors. Lastly, who realize the importance of exercise tend to participate in sports, to stay active and have fun. Once you begin to play games on the computer, there is not turning back. In today's society, children of all ages, become addicted to the computer. Children who are addicted pay no attention to their surroundings. Also, some of these games might be inappropriate for younger players. Lastly, if children become addicted, they could do poorly in school for refusing to do homework. If a child is constantly on the computer than they have a chance of not being prepared for the ""real world."" In the ""real world,"" you can't rely on computer games. Also, games won't teach you things that you can only learn during school. Later in life, when you want to get a job, you won't be able to be accepted because you will not sound knowledgable. Lastly, when you are writing your application to go to a college, they will look at your records of sports and activities you've done in middle school. When they don't find anything, they will reject you because of your lack of participation. So when you are sitting at the computer screen, remember all the possibilities you have other than the computer. For example, it is important for you to exercise, playing games on the computer could make you addicted and you won't be prepared for te ""real world"". What is your opinion?" 4 5 9
1053 1 Dear newspaper, @CAPS1, my name is @PERSON1 and I believe that computers have a negative influence on people. When people are on computers all day they have less time exercising. They are in alot more danger, and they spend less time with there family. These are my only some reasons why computers dontbenefit society.. In more, more time spent on computers equals less time exercising. With the obesity rate rising no one wants to be unable to do regular activitys. With spending all your time on the computer, you would just be using to get over weight and unhealthy. It also makes many people feel self consiou about themselves. If they dont have enough time exercising and keep eating they will become even more self consious. More over it will bring more danger to you and your family. There are many places on the internet where you can meet new people. But how do you know if people are who they seem to be? If you spend more time on the computer then you will increase your chances by @PERCENT3 to get a personal assuts, or even give you personal information up. So why should you take the risk? Just get off that computer! Even if you dont meet on internet assuter you will still be glued to your computer cauzing it more likley to be harrased. I definatly dont want that for my family. The last reason is the most important to @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1 family. If you are spending all this time on your computer you will be out on in your family. This time is verry important because you never know when your family will be gone! And it is a verry scarry topic to think about. I know that most people in @LOCATION1 was spend all the time with there family. On another note a survey shows that @PERCENT2 of children that spend time with there family and less than @NUM1 minutes on the computer have grades higher than @NUM2 in all classes. Wouldn't you want to make the honnor role in your school? In conclusion, computers have a negiteve effect on people! Spending most time on your computer can causes less time spent exercising, more danger/harm to people, and less time spent with your family. Wouldn't you just rather spend less time on your computer? Thank you for your time. 4 5 9
1055 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern, To many people it is so much fun but then they become so obsessed that they can lose so much that they loved. My stand is that computers hurt peoples. Money, weight and sleep. My opinion is my opinion but I will stand strong with what I have. My father is favorite is the financial deal. With five kids and one laptop who would want to be happy. With people sitting and staring at a computer game all day the bills just keep billing up until you lose everything, such as your house, family, money, ect. But who cares about them when you are obsessed with your computer. My favorite is the overweight problem. Yeah I agree it is nice to sit in a soft cushy chair with your computer and bowls of chips and boxes of pizza but sooner or later all that fatty food will catch up to you when you least expect it but will you get up and take a jog, run on a treadmill or go for a @NUM1 walk. Probably not will that computer game running. That wright will keep coming until you can't even move. Sitting at a @NUM2 will really have your eyes, brain, muscles and other important bodyparts due to lack of sleep and want for it. I can relate this to my brother with his dis. The be gets home, boom he is on it until maybe @NUM3 or @NUM4 o'clock in the @TIME1. Eventually he is going to get sick and I'm not to blame for it. When you sit at a computer than eventually you are going to make yourself sick and in some cases die if you were up that late. Now as a common teen to love to go on the computer but one thing I do not do is sit and watch movies or play games every hour of every day. I get outside and run so that I will not fall victim to weight. Financial, and body problems, like @MONTH1 people do. So don't waste your life on a game or chat room get out there and do something like sports or just get some fresh air. 4 4 8
1059 1 I think that computers do have a positive effect on people because they teach hand-eye codination, also give people the ability to and lastly they allow people to talk online. First, they teach hand eye codination and I think thats good because when people get a job they can probably more focused and can probably work faster. So if people can do that when they get a job and their jobs involve working on a computer it can be easier for them and their job can be more enjoyable. Second they give people the ability to learn more because we have all these sites that involve information an everything so people can be more knowledge so if they're more knowledged they can probably get a really good job that pays alot. And they can look up whatever they like. So if they reasearch alot and go to school they can get the job they always wanted because they know so much knowledged people are better people. Lastly they can talk to online people when people can contact each other its better because if they have no phone to reach someone they need to reach they got a computer that they can either email or use a webcam were they can see the person. I think that having a computer is good for all these reasons having hand eye cordination give people the ability to learn more and allow people to talk online with other people. 4 4 8
1064 1 Did you know that the positive effects computers have on people the negative? I believe that the usige of computers increases one's knowledge of faraway places safety can be used for communication and can make everyday task easier computers have become the tools of society. Firstly, using computer allow a floridian to learn about connecticutions; or a canadian to learn about the world around them. safely. In a by the @ORGANIZATION1, it has been shown that without the computer, @PERCENT1 of all people would have been ignorant of the one-child dilemna in @LOCATION3. In addition, since the crime rate in @LOCATION1 @LOCATION1 is @PERCENT2 having comilted, an american might not went to visit @LOCATION1 @LOCATION1, @CAPS1, they mush learn about it for a business project. What do they do? They venture onto the computer and and everything they need to know about @LOCATION1, from the security of their home. While people can learn about faraway places from the safety of their houses, can also the computer for communication purposes. The computer is a great tool for communicating with other people. In a done in @DATE1, @PERCENT3 of computer users had some sort of social networking or instant mesaging program. Some examples of these are @CAPS2, and @CAPS3, respectively. being able to contact people has never been easier. Did you know that out of every @NUM1 americans spend an average of a hours online everday? So truly that the average I.Q has increased in the last @NUM2 years? When online, students can receive help from fellow students, teachers, and even experts! users of the computer can get feedback from essays, support to something new, and even boost self confidence. Communication is a great utilixation of computers, as is the simplicity to perform everyday tasks online. In today's society, the computer can make everyday tasks so much easier! when I was a child, my mom spend hours in the local grocery, shopping for food. That all changed when my mother discovered @LOCATION2. It is a safe and easy way to buy food online to then have it delivered not only, but @PERCENT4 of americans with computers have paid their taxes online. A once job has become simple, with the mere click of a button it is nerve-wrecking that the majority of our day need not be filled with flooring errands, but what we want! Whether that be to exercise or simply enjoy nature. In a nutshen, computers are great assets to society. They have a muriad of purposes and functions. They can inrease a person's knowledge of faraway places safely, be used for communication purposes. and make everyday tasks simple. Its hard to even ruminat how we managed before this device come along. 4 5 9
1070 1 I think spending a lot of time on the computer is not a good idea because @CAPS1 has bad things online. @CAPS1 makes people stupid, and @CAPS1 makes you lazy. Those are the @NUM1 reasons why you shouldn't stay on the computer all day. One of the reasons is that the computer has bad things online like kidnaps. I seen a lot of video and movies about kidnaps when an older men or women starts taking to some young kids and they go meet some place and the young teen or kid never comes back. Another reason is that the computer makes you stupid for example when I use to be on the computer all day I would get out to get something to eat and some times I would go in the bathroom to get food and then I notice that thats not the kochen @CAPS1 feels like I just woke up when I got off. My last reson is that computer makes you lazy. The computer makes you lazy because you just stay in the computer all the time sitting on the chair without sun light or exercise @CAPS1 will make you want to stay here more and its not good for you mind and body. These are my three reasons why you should not stay on the computer, the more you the more you will want to stay. So don't stay on the computer because there is bad things in there, @CAPS1 will make you lazy. Please don't stay on the computer for a long time. 4 3 7
1075 1 Dear readers, I right to you today about the effects of computer usage. I feel that there are some positive and some negative effects from using the computer. You can talk to people, and you can get work done, but if you are at this to much you'll be starting to gain bad health and miss other things in life. Throughout the computer, there is many ways to communicate with others, which is an amazing thing. Whether it be through a game, typing or real chatting, it's very important to talk to people and this makes things much easier than going out nad talking to people face to face. For, example penpals, over the years people have written letters to their penpals, but know you can send it over mail and email doesn't cost any money, just type up your letter click a button and done. Another positive point about computers is that you're able to get work done on it. From work for a business to school work, it doesn't matter. You bear of people using computers to do work all of the time. Why do you think there are computer labs at school or desks with computers in offices. Computers have become advanced and the easiest thing to get things done with. Presentations, essays, graphs, anything. A concern I have of the computer is that people are becoming to addicted to computers. Many younger people are overusing computers wich leads to bad health. When people sit in front of a computer screen all day only getting up to grab something to eat, people will because obese. To stall healthy people need to be outside and exercise. We need to make rules to keep people out in the open out to give the generation a healthy life. So, I have mixed feelings about computers. They can be amazing for a while but only for a while. And if you can't see this open your eyes 4 4 8
1078 1 "Dear @CAPS1: you recently posed a question in you Newspaper. The @CAPS2 yourk @CAPS3, asking if the readers were for or against technology. I support computers because they give one opportunity to learn about different people all over the world and their culture, they save massive ammounts of time in today's hustle-bustle society, and you can talk to people online via certain computer programs. With a computer one can learn scores of information about foreign countries and their culture. I read an article in the @CAPS4 @CAPS3 about a man who was participating in a church program in which a foreign citizan would come to @LOCATION2 for a while to make friends and learn about the @LOCATION1. This man, @PERSON1, was assigned a from the farms of @CAPS6 who had never been out of the fields. @PERSON1 thought @CAPS13 would be nice to welcome her in his house with a familiar setting. Unfortunatley, he knew nothing about @CAPS6. he did have a computer though which he quickly retreated to so he could learn everything about her home. When the woman stepped into his door, @CAPS8 was eastastic to feel like @CAPS8 was home again. @CAPS8 ended up staying with @PERSON1 and getting married. If he had not charmed her with his knowledge from the computer. @CAPS8 might not have stayed and had a wonderful life with him. Also, @PERSON2 from @ORGANIZATION2 says that language students such as spanish and french have @PERCENT1 higher success rate if they have a computer to learn more about the countries. He says the average grade for kids with a computer is an A. but the average grade for kids @CAPS15 a computer is a @CAPS9+. Therefore, having a computer to learn about faraway places and people can ensure happiness and succes in the future. Computer also save a massive ammount of time. In the school Newspaper, @PERSON6 told about her homework problem. ""@CAPS10 night i had @CAPS11 homework. I had vocals @CAPS8 is a galore to deal with. I had to look up @CAPS10 word in the huge dictionary, I was failing @CAPS11 because i just didn't have the time for my homework! Then my family bought me a computer, @CAPS13 was so nice using the online dictionary. I could finish my homework in @NUM1 minutes compared to @NUM2 hours! I was finally doing well in @CAPS11."" @CAPS15 her computer, @PERSON6 would have to have and @CAPS11 @NUM2. @CAPS8 would have just kept failing @CAPS15 her time-saving computer. ALso, @PERSON3 says that @PERCENT2 of people get to work faster when they look up traffic reports on the computer instead of listening in the radio. He says that @PERCENT3 of people get a because their boss is so impressed with their consistent timing. As you can see, time is a valuable thing which computers can help save. Finally, computer allow one to talk online. A student once had the misfortune to break one of his vertabrae. The doctor told him that he would not be able to participate in school for a. The student, @PERSON5, came up with a plan to speak to his teachers via his laptop and webcam. Everyday, the teachers would give @PERSON5 an update over his computer. When he finally marched back into school, @PERSON5 barely had any work to make up because his teacher bad interacted with him over the computer. @CAPS15 his computer, @PERSON5 would have a month's worth of work and learning to make up which would have been overwhelming. Also, @PERSON4 of @ORGANIZATION1 says that students that communicate with their families during college have better relationshops after college. Obviously, being able to talk to some are over the computer is a useful thing to have. In conclusion, having a family computer is a very good thing. Not only does @CAPS13 allow people to learn about places other than their home, @CAPS13 also gives us more time and allow us to talk to other withour ever leaving the comfort on home. I recommend that everyone who wants an easier life should invest in a computer." 6 6 12
1080 1 "People are asking me, ""@CAPS1 you think we should spend more or less time on computers""? I say we should spend less time on the computer because children spend to much time on online games. Second kids and adults spend to much time on myspace, facebook, msm, and even aim. My third reason is children should be outside playing and exercising. These are my three reasons why we should spend less time on computers. My first reason we should all spend less time on computer is children play so many online games, such as @CAPS2 of warcraft, @CAPS3, soilder front, ect. A problem with kids playing these games become addicted to them, and will play for hours. Children should be outside getting bigger muscle, getting strong bones. Kids keep playing these games and are ruining their lifes. This is my first reason why we should spend less time on the computer. My second reason why we should spend less time on computers is children and adults spend to much time on the following: myspace, facebook, twitter, aim, msm, ect. These online pages causes people to go on one to connect to their friends. Also with these online pages they cause to much and could lead to fight or rumors. About @PERCENT1 of kids and adults go on these online pages every day its time they stayed going on their computer more time on outside or hangout with their friends. My last but not the least reason is kids should be outside playing instead of being on the computer. Children should go outside with their friend and play sport or games, something that doesn't involve with the computer. This is my third reason why children should not we spending more time on computers. As I said before people should spend less time on computer. Kids spend to much time on online games. Adults and kids spend to much time on online pages. And last children should be playing outside. Its time we put a timer on our computer and spend more time outside." 4 4 8
1091 1 Dear editor of the @CAPS1 @CAPS2, People say that technology is affecting everybody left and right. Computers actively help us with our daily lives. It helps us do project for school, let us understand culture around the world, and gives us the ability to talk and connect with friends and family everywhere. Our shool makes us do tons of project and the computer is our main course. If you want to go somewhere far away, you're most likely to research it, and then plan on going. It is also might be used to talk with friends on facebook, twitter, and @CAPS3. Computers help us learn and communicate. To start off, as an eight grades, we are prepared to go to high school. Fortunately, it means we do projects, reports, and research on the computer. The computer enables us to find information for a project, or construct a diagram or data table for a survey. Many people use this method for jobs. People do reports on celebrities and famous people from history. Books can't always give the information you are looking for, so they look up that persons name, and they will find our hundred of web sites that give information and photographs of that person. In addition to, computers let you book flights, buy, tax rates. Sometimes, people don't always to go and drive to a local car, so they go online to a website that sells, and they are able to look at all of the features of the car, the price, and mileage. The only way you can get tickets is if you go onto the internet. They have websites that let book whatever kind of flights you want. It can be to go to florida, or it can be a flight to @LOCATION1. If you also how the economy is doing, you can look up tax rates and how find out how much our country is in debt. You can even find out how much an average family pays - every year. Computers can be very they resourceful at @CAPS2. It gives capability to do more than you can imagine. Most importantly, computers have created a way for you talk to friends and family around the globe. Facebook and twitter are the new things of the century. Facebook and twitter let you talk to friends, post photos and talk about your personal life. They have a new thing now where you can play lifestyle games. @CAPS3 is not as popular anymore and doesn't have as many cool things. It only let's you talk to friends and that's why no one uses it anymore. People want to be able to do more than just talk. It comes to my attention that computers have over time. Computers these days enable you to talk with friends, do research and projects, and let you book flights and buy cars. Our school's curriculum has many projects and reports. They can be done only by the help of a computer. You can research people and places and or get pictures. You can also book flights for far away trips and buy cars and other items off the internet. We even have the capability to talk with friends on facebook and twitter. Computers have a positive influence on people. 5 5 10
1098 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 are several reason how computers have effect on people. My position is to convice the local newspaper why certain people @CAPS2't and @CAPS3 use computers. People getting caught up on the @CAPS4, or people not having enough money to explore the world, so they just be on the @CAPS4. In effect, people @CAPS2't waste their time on the @CAPS4 because you will get caught up. For example, my friend @PERSON1 stay on the computer more than @NUM1 hours. He tells me that his on a @CAPS5 line, hooking up with other people. He for gets about everybody. He's so on the @CAPS4. He stop going school, he gaining. Now he just a nobody. He just sit in front of his computer and do nothing. I feel like he just threw his life away just for some stupid @CAPS5 line. @CAPS8's not hard to find another in our city. @CAPS8's alot of beautiful young lady's out here to explore. Similary, people @CAPS2't waste their time on the @CAPS4 because you start losing time. For instance, you spend less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. People stop losing their focus on important, and start paying attention on other things like the, was a great person. She was so successful. She make tons of money. Until she start losing her her job. She stop cause she was so stock on facebook. Facebook is like a place for a friend @CAPS6 you could meet other people from different @CAPS7 you could just find people to date on that website. Facebook turn her life around. I remember her telling my mom how her life is so mess up now. How she got fired, how she don't pay her bill, and how she moving into a. Sometimes websites make lose focus on important thing in life. Consequently, certain people @CAPS3 use computer because the @CAPS4 help you with certain things. In summation, @CAPS8 help you find hotel or trip to go on with your friends or families. I love being on the @CAPS4. One time I sign up for this website that was called myspace. For moment I did got caught up on @CAPS8. Continue line. 4 5 9
1099 1 Dear local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects that computers have on people is that more and more obese people. People tend to get moody. and it seems that computers are addictive. I think computers have a huge effect on people. The nubmer one thing is that more people every year are becoming obese because they do not leave the chair they sit inside for most of the day. Also they get so lazy they don't want to get up so they will just order food and have it delivered right to their hause. The next idea is that they do not get enought exersise, because they isn't sit there all day and don't move. But when they do move its to get something to eat or go get their phone. This is why they should limit kids and adults to only @NUM1 hours or less of computer time each day. @CAPS1 next reason is because people that are on computers tend to get . Like one second they are happy and once they get off the computer they are sad. They get all couped up inside for the whole day. They don't see enough because people don't see they . If they hour each day the moody ness would change. People need lot of exersise to maintain weight and muscle. @CAPS1 last receson the computers have effects on people is that people will tend to act addicted to the computer . Like if they are playing a game all day and don't realize it they will get addicted and not stop playing all day. People need to leave the computer and do something else like ride a bike or play a sport. In conclusion what I am trying to tell you taht it is not good that people stay inside all day and play on the computer, because it is hazardous to your health and it is putting you at a hgih risk of obesity. So can you please listen to @CAPS1 ideas. 4 4 8
1102 1 Dear local newspaper, I think that the computer is not a bad thing becase of three resons one reson is that we can learn a bought a faraway place. Another reson is they teach hand-eye coordination. The last reson is we can talk to frteinds and meet new people. From the computer we can learn a bought a faraway place if we were doing a report on it or just our of curiosity. We can learn wat kind of plantation grow there for food for example tropical places grow bananas and cocanuts. We can learn wat they eat like in @LOCATION1 they eat many beans a lot of there food have beans even there salads. We can find out there language as well maybe they talk spanish like in @LOCATION2. You can also teach hand-eye coordination becase it involves using your fingers and eyes to see what you are typing. You use ur hands on evry thing while typing wether you are typing or you are using the mouse. But it is not just for learning things it is also for freinds becase of al these sites like myspace, facebook, aim, webchat. The posibilities are endless u can even play games. If you dont know someone on face, book, or myspace thats okay it is a great way to meet new people and new freinds. And another thing if u are having trouble findin freind you can just see if they are online. It is good for getting together somwhere or something. And for those pepole who think it is taking away family time you can always just say okay thats enough and talk to them. So that is it they are good because u can learn of places, hand-eye coordination, and talk to new and old freinds. so they are good 4 4 8
1113 1 "Click, click, click the mouse of a computer goes as you are searhcing throughout the internet. Computers are a great way to teach kids how to be social, make people more intellegent, and help you with your homework, I believe that computers have a very positivr effect on people. Computers can touch kids to be social because first off computers are like an online phone, you can talk to people in so many ways, facebook caht, aim(chat),, myspace, twitter, skype, and a lot of others ways that i havent mentioned. Also I think is a teen or kid or even adult that is too nervous to talk to people on the phone or in person, and is socialy not their or painfully shy can start of by just chatting with people online. Once they feels more comfoatable, then they can start talking to the person on the phone or in person. For example, I once @MONTH1 this girl who was very sweet, but was painfully shy and everyone for it, so one day she decided to make an aim nad talk to poeple on it, and provove that she isn'e a annoying wherd girl that everyone makes her out to be. She turned out to be one of the nicestly funniest person I ahve hung out with in a while. Which how internet can help you. HAve you ever felt that computers sometimes make you more intellegent? Well, in my opinion I think that computers help out so much more than a book. If you want information its just about typing some keys and a click of a button. Ahving a computer is like your own personal handbook of veerything in the world. A lot of people these days study from the internet, I know I sure do. Statistics show that @PERCENT1 more people say, that computers are more helpful than books and can make you a lot more intellegent, because the internet has so much more deatil than books, and mor efacts. @PERCENT2 of kids that have a computer use it for homewrok. Computers is a great tool to use while you are doing your homework. I spend most of the day on my computer doing homework than off it. For example, say you have a report and you need facts on @CAPS1 @PERSON1, and where he was born. You would jus type in, ""when was @ORGANIZATION1 boen."" and born! There it is with the date exactly. Also if you having a piece of writing like your rough draft so why spend the time trying to write really neat and perfect? When you can just open up a word document and type it up. To sum everything up computers have deffenatly a positive effect on people from these three reasons, computers are a great way to teach kids hohw to be social, make people more intellegent, and help you with your homework, But I understand where your coming from people are spending way to much time on their computer and less time exersising, but you can look up great ways to exersise on the internet and watch videos of people that have @CAPS2.V shows about exersising and do it with them on the computer. Remember, computers aren'@CAPS2 just a waste of time and way to will your brain cells. they have a very positive effect on you. " 5 5 10
1114 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I am here to prosoade you to agree with me on, that the use of computers does benift society. Some reasons why I think this are school work and business stuff. Also the over all reasearch on important things. My first reason why I think that computer use is benifiting society is because @CAPS6 is oftenly used for school work. In example use @CAPS6 for projects. Also some type of reasearch they might be interested in. But one of the most important reasons why computers use is so high is because, there are a lot of people taking online classes. Wheather its for college or for the sake of your own learning. This is why I think school work shoud be a valid reason for benifiting society. My second reason why I think @CAPS6 benifits our society is the business or job part of the computer. Many people, @CAPS7 a days work at home, they have their own office. They all most create their own company. Another reason is many people also use ""@CAPS4 @CAPS5"" or publisher. @PERCENT1 of the people who work at public businesses do this, going along with ads, when could also or another reason for this. But then again, you could @CAPS7 pay your bills on line! I remember when I helped my mother pay on of the bills online, and let me tell you, ""@CAPS6 was easy!"". My mother said she do @CAPS6 more often @CAPS7 that she knows how to use @CAPS6!"" @CAPS7 the business side should be more then enough, for me to convince you. My last reason is over all reasearch on all important things. Some of these important things are: online catalogs, the news and another one the most important things of all job openings. I know my self, and I love to shop! So instead of leaving the house, I just go on the online catalog to my favorite store called ""@CAPS8"". The main reasons why I go online is b/c they have more variety and sizes. @CAPS7 for the news, thats all for my parents b/c i don't watch the news. Lastly, job openings @CAPS7 that I am @NUM1, I would like to find a job, even if its mimumum wage. @CAPS6's still something, right? This should be a high priced reason for agreement! In @CAPS9, I think my @NUM2 reason are very well clear; school work, business, and over all reasearch. If these reasons don't convince you I dont know what will!?" 5 5 10
1123 1 Many computers that people have they use it everday right? Most of them be on it from the time they get off of work or out of school until it's time for them to go to bed. What I think they should to is find some other activity to do instead of sitting on the computer for six hours and not doing nothing with their life and plus at that when you look at a computer for so long you can mess up you eye sight. Why be on the computer all day when you can go outside and get some fresh aire? Why would you wanna be on the computer when you have family and some friends you could be spending time with and taken care of? You don't want to be lazy and not do nothing for yourself. You wanna be able to go for a walk instead of being cooped up in the house on the computer. Why would you even wanna be on the computer when you could have fun going out to eat or to an place you always have wanted to go your whole entire life? You can't always depend on a computer when you wanna go out and explore something new you have to try it out yourself to really see whats the whole thing about. You don't want to have a boring life now do you? Cause that's what it seems like by you sitting around on the computer everyday looking of a bunch of @NUM1-since you wanna do what you want to do and have fun by doing what you like to do. It's not easy finding a job or planing to go out far away by looking on the computer because you have to click a lot of numbers or pictures to go threw what you wanna get to when you can go and do it yourself by looking for better and other things to do. 3 3 6
1141 1 Dear @CAPS1, More and more people use computers, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. Those who support advances in technology belive that computers have a positive affect on people like me. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, they even allow people to talk online with other people. I will tell you why we should benifit these computers. The first reason is computers teach hand-eye coordination. You can learn how to type really fast. Without hand-eye cordinatoin how are you supose to hit a ball coming at you with a bat, how are you supose to catch a ball with your hands? The second reason is you can learn about far away places and people. Like how we are in the @LOCATION1 and we want to learn about @LOCATION3 or say that we are in france and we want to know about the german people are look it up we dont go all the way down there jest to see the german people we look it up. Now think about it you jest going to fly there and come back the same day. The last thing is you can talk online to anybody you want from africa to the us all the way to @LOCATION2. So you see computers are really speacial becus you see you dont want to write someone amillion things it is not right so we need computers. 3 3 6
1154 1 Dear Readers, I understand that some @MONTH1 think computers can effect peoples' lives. This is because it causes them to not go outside excersising and enjoying nature. My point of view is that people have the choice to go out side, exercise, and enjoy nature. Computers give so much information that it could give people ideas of fifferent activities people can do outdoors. Computers also have abilities to download videos and other soft ware that people can look at and perform excersing with them, and learn techniques. In my life my mom and dad, and many other people im my family, look online at different websites to see what activities we can do on the weekends and seasonal activities. Computers are very important and are life changing. If it wasn't for computers some people wouldn't be able to get an education. Doctors, police officers, and banks use computers for thier job and it helps us go through are everyday lives with ease. From what i see and understand i that computers have a positive effect on our lives. Computers can be negative but it all has to do with self control and how you use it. 4 4 8
1155 1 Computers are becoming more advanced everyday, almost everyone owned, or owns a computer. I think, ther benefit society very greatly. One of the many ways is, they teach you hand eye coordination. So even @CAPS1 your playing games your hand-eye coordination @MONTH1 be improving. With hand-eye coordination you @MONTH1 need it to play sports like baseball. When do you need hand-eye coordination the most? I use it most, when I'm playing hockey or, baseball. So next time your on a computer, remember your hand-eye coordination is improving. Another reason we benefit from having computers, is we learn about far away places. @CAPS1, you know about places that are far away from you that you can or can't travel to, use a computer to gain some background knowledge @CAPS1 you travel somewhere on business and know nothing about it, what do you do? I know! get on a computer and do some research about it! An example of this is, @CAPS1 you have to fly out to @LOCATION1 and don't know anythin about it, use a laptop on the way over there. @CAPS1 you do that, you'll have some schema about the place. As you can see laptops and computers are great for learning of foreign countries. Finally, computers are great for learning a new language. You need to learn spanish in a couple of weeks. What will you do? Download a free language learning app. @CAPS1 you don't know a lot of french and need a few words but don't have a dictionary. Use a translator. When you are talking to someone from @LOCATION1 and you don't know there language use an english to african dictionary translation app on your computer. Computers have a great translater applications that are free so, @CAPS1 you don't know a language hop on a computer and learn it! In conclusion, computers are used every day and help us greatly, weather it be learning a new language, or just talking to friends. Computer benefit society greatly. 4 4 8
1159 1 "In a study conducted by @ORGANIZATION1, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people are spending more that @NUM3 hours a day on the computer. ""@CAPS1 computers became so popular here has been an increase in social problems, health issues and pollution,"" says @PERSON1. The question is then, do computers really benefit society or do they have a negative affect on people? I strongly believe that these computers are badly affecting us. First, less people are spending time outside enjoying nature. Imagine, sitting outside under the brilliant fall sun as leaves of red, yellow, and green dance with the wind. How will anyone see the beautiful sights of the outside world if their eyes are glued to the computer screen? Eight out of ten @CAPS2 surveyed by the national nature @CAPS3 admit to not going outside on sunny days but instead play on the computer. ""The more people who see how beautiful is the less likely they will pollute it with smoke. Dr @PERSON2. How is our country supposed to be clean if people want even turn off the computer the @NUM4 hour a day and see the world? In conclusion, computers have a negative affect on person because they seeing beauty. Second, computers take up so much time that people are with their families. I used to think that talking with someone. Now, I've realized that talking in real life with people is better. I remember meeting the girl. She woulod always talk with email texting of instant messaging. Seventy-nine percent of families split up due to social problems. All smart, intelligent people talks about families or just car and around, these sucessful people know the key to happiness is communication and are working to help get rid of computers. Lastly, more time on computers means less exercise. Teenagers are supposed to get one hour of exercise each day but @NUM5 out @NUM2 teens surveyed at @ORGANIZATION2 admit getting that exercise. There has been a @PERCENT1 increase in a obesity in children from @DATE1 when computers weren't big. Now almost @NUM4/2 of boys in @NUM8 grade at @ORGANIZATION2 agree to spending too much time on computers. In conclusion computers take away some important things line exercise. Come on now-can't we agree that computers have a negative offers ? our poor environment is getting killed because no one sees the beauty of families are seeing occupy their lives most a lot up and sight against computers today! It will be the best choice you ever make." 6 6 12
1164 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I am aware of the current debate about technology, however more spacificly computers. Computers are a helpful interesting & even fun peace of technology. Computers open the world to new people & places & limmiting that is uncalled for. Computers are keys to inavation & creation. When @ORGANIZATION1 did a study on the use of computers @PERCENT1 of people said they got their news files & even planned threw the computer & now @PERCENT2 of creations are being done through the computer. This illustrates the power of computers allowing people to do things that were once impossible. Now humans are capable of spreading info around the world in seconds. Computers also business grow through advertisment or work softwares. Computers are the key to help open the world to new possabilities & options not possible @NUM1 years ago. I understand my oposition is not only against computers but wants to limit there use. That is unfair & possibly unconstitutional. They argue that people exercise less due to computers, however @PERCENT3 of people, when asked has computers negativly impacted your exercise said ""no"" & one man stated ""because of computers I learned new workouts & even found a great local trainer."" @CAPS2 you can understand computers are not just about games & toys, but allowing people to grow & learn more to help them find plasas to travel & assist in their exercise. Computers are a wonderful tool when it comes to communication. Emails, @CAPS3 and other softwares allow people to communicate accross the world. @CAPS2 the world begins to inovate itself communication is key. People are capable of spreading news in seconds, infact @PERCENT4 of news is now done through the computer. New @CAPS4 times & the wall street @CAPS5 have moved their news mainly to the internet allowing people across the to see them. Work is also primairly done through the computer now. People are able to send files, ship & even order online. Even important business meeting are done throught the computer, where all the people can be at their house. Computers are neccesity when it comes to communications work & news. I hope you understand & put to use my opoinon. Computers are needed to grow @CAPS2 a world solving problems comunicating & expanding that is why I belive there is no problems with computers." 4 5 9
1165 1 Dear @PERSON1 @CAPS1 I am writing this letter to inform you that I think computers are a smart investment for a couple of reasons. The following are some reasons on why computers benifit society, they allow children to do homework with some help, children can talk to other friend and when children are board they can play games music on it. UGH! I don't get this sometimes I am sitting at the kitchen table tring to do my history homework but I don't know the year the revalotionary war was. @CAPS2 I go in my room turn the computer on and @CAPS6 there I go to google and look up what I need to know. This also benefits parents too because if they are doing the bills or something they don't have to be bothere, the kid could look it up and know it is @CAPS6! Finally all my homework is done but my computer is still on I'm going to see who is online that I can talk to and make sure I didn't miss any homework. Talking to your friends online could help you stay in contact with friends in other states or just people you don't see very often. This can help make new friends or make friendships closer and cause less problems. Alright no body is home or online @CAPS2 I think @CAPS3 going to kick back turn some music to kick back turn some music on and maybe take a nap. Or I can play the new counter strke game I got ! YEAH on playing counter strike. Least death on my team that game! Alright thats enough of counter strike for the day I think I'm going to turn same music on and lay in bed. Now that I have told you all of the benefits of computers You @CAPS4 @CAPS5 @CAPS6! keep in mind that it can help with homework, talking with friends, or just having some fun. 4 4 8
1168 1 "Dear, newspaper writer I think the computer has a posative effect of people because @CAPS1 helps people around the world learn to speak a different language, @CAPS1 helps people talk to their friends around the world and @CAPS1 helps people by making @CAPS1 easier to write a letter and send @CAPS1 out to people they work for or to their bosses that need the report in by the end of the day. Those are the three reason that computers have a posative effect. @CAPS1 helps people learn to speak a different language without spending a lot of money like using rosetta stone you have to spend @NUM1 us dollars but online you dont have to spend a dime. the best part is that @CAPS1 is free. The slogan for rosetta stone is ""I have spent less money than months of formal classes."" I think their new slogan should be is "" we have a better learning company than anyone else."" That is why @CAPS1 helps people learn a different language. @CAPS1 also helps people by making @CAPS1 easier to talk to their friends you can aim, web cast, and ever text to make @CAPS1 easier @CAPS1 talk to friends on the internet. The reason they created that is so people dont have to travel to far away places and spend money to tell a friend important news that is only one thing. So in conclusion you dont have to spend a lot of money to tell a friend something. The third reason that the computer helps people is that people san e mail theor boss that they are faxing their final repoet to the big interview for a new position in the place where they work, @CAPS1 helps your boss by making @CAPS1 easier to read and @CAPS1 better because you could be in japan and your boss could be in florida @CAPS1 will take like @NUM2 minutes to get to your bosses computer. That is why @CAPS1 is easier to send messages to your boss. The three main reasons are that you can learn a different language without paying a dime that you can talk to your friends easier and that you can send messages to your boss easier that calling him or her. Those are the three reasons that computers are posative." 4 4 8
1179 1 I believe that people spending to much time on computers can effect their health and the relationship they have with friends and family. If you are on the computer and one of your friends ask you to go outside you are most likely to say no because the computer is grabing your attention more than going outside. That hurts your health and your relationship with your friend. If your family is going to a movie to have family time maybe you will stay because you would stay home on the computer. That effects the relationship with your family. Most people rather stay on the computer than spend time working out. So that effects your health because most of the time your on the computer for a long time your going to end up hungry and keep eating and eating and since your not working out you get fat. Now your not working out and you just keep eating. So since you are not working out and your mind is always on the computer you can get sick. Thats why most people are not healthy because of computers. Computers can mess up your relationships with family and friends. Sometimes your friend can ask you to go outside or to work out and you say no because your on the computer that messes up your relationship with your friend. Or your family can be having a movie night and your on the computer while they leave. That is messing up the relationship with your family. Being on the computer you can go nights without sleeping. I your playing a realy good game on the computer and it comes time for you to take a rest and since the game is so fun you don't sleep. Then after a while you get addicted and won't stop playing. So you won't get sleep and if you have school you won't be able to concentrate you will to busy worried about the game. So thats why computer aren't so good. It can mess up your health. I can mess up your social life with family and friends. You won't get a lot of sleep and won't be able to concentrate. 4 4 8
1191 1 "Dear Newspaper @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you think that children spend to much time on the computer. The issue that is going around is @CAPS2 computers have good effects on people or bad ones. I strongly believe that they have bad effects on people. I believe this because people spend more time on the computer than they @CAPS2 exerciseing. Another reason is that people argue it teaches hand eye coordination, well so does sports and just playing. My last reason is that people argue that it is some thing that helps you learn about people and far away places, but books @CAPS2 the same thing. I know alot of people feel that computer have good effects but the truth is they have bad ones. First, people spend more to on the computer than they @CAPS2 exerciseing. People rather stay inside and play games on the internet then go outside and play tag or any sport. On a talk it was said that, ""In @LOCATION1 people are alot over wieght"", and it was also said that the number of over wieght people in the world was the of @LOCATION2"". So I believe that people should get of the computer and exercise. Secondly, people think that it teaches hand eye coordination but so @CAPS2 sports. Instead of being on the computer learning hand eye. You could be out side learning hand eye coordination. Again instead of just sitting at the computer your outside running around haveing fun while you learn hand eye coordination. My last reason is, that people argue that people use it to learn about far away places and people, but they have books for that too. People rather look stuff up on the computer but as soon as they're finsh the start playing games or the computer. Also some of the information might not even be true. Because people hack sights all the time and change things but you can't hack a book. The only thing you can @CAPS2 to change it is to rip out pages and that only waste your money to a new book. So I believe that books are more reliable. Now is the time to make your disicion. @CAPS2 computers have good or bad effects. I believe that computers have bad effect on people. Other things could teach you remarkable hand eye coordination and other great sources to about other place then the computer. Most importantly people should spend more time exerciseing the they @CAPS2 on the computer. Now it time for you to go ahead and put this on the front page of your newspaper and let the whole world know. " 4 4 8
1194 1 "Letter to the @CAPS1 I disagree with the so-called ""experts"" that claim that computers could have negative effects on people. The idea that you socialize less with family and friends is a pathetic arguement. Social networking sites like @CAPS2 or @CAPS3 allow @CAPS22 with all your friends @CAPS4 and other online games help you met new people that could be hundreds of miles away from you! Twiter is good when you just want to say something quick like ""@CAPS5 to @LOCATION1"". @CAPS18 allows you to talk to friends, comment on their videos, and subscribe to them, plus it provides hours of entertainment without a fee. Computers also can provide fun games and entertain users. There are many free games, like @PERSON1, that have endless possibilities. @PERSON1 @PERSON1 (made by @CAPS6) claims to be the most popular @CAPS7 (@CAPS8 @CAPS9 Online @CAPS10-playing @CAPS11) on the web. You can level up combat skills: attack, defence, strength, ranged, and magic. Or you can level up skills like wood cutting, prayer, farming, fishing, mining, and cooking. @PERSON1, like most @CAPS4, has quests, with varying difficulties. For example, for one quest you have to kill a demon, but for another, just find a missing cat. There are over @NUM1 quests, and there are never fewer than @NUM2 people playing at a time. Some other notable @CAPS13 games are @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS14: @CAPS15, @CAPS16 of @CAPS17, @ORGANIZATION2, @LOCATION2, and @ORGANIZATION1. As you can see, the computer has an impressive list of entertaining @CAPS11 for all ages, not to mention sites like @CAPS18 or addicting games. Computers don't really affect exercising. That's a personal choice, so you have to choose between @CAPS2 or the basketball court. It's like saying that before we had computers or video @CAPS11 consoles, that a @CAPS20 board stopped kids from exercising. The computer doesn't actually stop us from exercising. It's our minds that do, and our judgement. If you have bad judgement, you'd stay inside all day tweeting and @CAPS21. With a good strong mind and willpower, you can overcome a bad decision and play sports or go to the gym. All it takes is good judgement. Just to recap what I've said, @CAPS22 is plenty on computers and there are many choices on how to do it. Many sites amuse us, and we should make use of that. Not to mention you can buy games like @CAPS16 of @CAPS17 or @ORGANIZATION1 @CAPS14: @CAPS15 for your @CAPS13! Computers don't actually hinder exercising, all it takes is good judgement to get off that chair and exercise." 5 5 10
1195 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 having everything known to man at your fingertips. @CAPS4 having an endless source of information in your own home. Wouldnt you want all of this all the time? The question then is, do computers have positive effects on people? I strongly believe computers do benefit society. Firstly, computers teach you hand-eye coordination. The main way is by typing. When you type, you start of looking at the keys but eventually you memorize all the locations of the keys. Also, computer games teach hand-eye coordination. If you weren't looking at the screen, would it be possible to win the game? When computers teach you hand-eye coordination, you can use it for other things too. For example, you definitely need it in sports or more. Specifically, baseball. If you didn't have good hand-eye coordination, you wouldn't be able to catch the ball or be able to hit the ball when you swing. Hand-eye coordination very important. Secondly, computers give people the ability to form about places and people. When people are deciding when to get vacation, they go in the internet. What there is in do. Why would you travel in a place is you back. Many use the internet in research other countries. When the eight grade did reports their information. Eighty seven percent the internet. Finally; some people say computers take away from interaction with family and friends, but computers actually allow you to tell with other family and friends around the world. Wouldn't it be wonderful to with your loved ones in a different state of country? The main way of online communication is @CAPS5-mail or @CAPS6 @CAPS7. These allow you to send someone a message faster and easier. It is much easier in remember someone @CAPS5-mail address than it is a phone settle for just talking, when you can actually see the person? It would be like them being in the room with you. Computers are a great way to talk to someone. Why wait any longer? Computers are a great way to refine your hand-eye coordination skills. You can research Faraway people and places to see what life is like around the globe. Most importantly, you can communicate with family and friends online through @CAPS8, @CAPS5-mail, or @CAPS10. Definitely, computers benefit society. So go and share this information with other people to convince them that computers are positive. 6 5 11
1197 1 Dear, Local Newspaper I think that it would be better if people get outside to get so exercise and enjoy nature to interacte with there family and friends. If you get out with your family and friends maybe more teens and adults would be in better shape and more healthly. Say we jump out of bed, gets some breakfast and head to the park to gets an excrize with your family and friends. Alot of family and friends i think spend way to much time on the computers or there labtops because if they are on the computer to long then they will not want to go outside and get excrise with there friends. More and more people use the computer. But not everybody agrees on this statement. What I think it would be better to solve the problem and have everybody get outside and get some freshair with family and friends. But some people don't think that is the right thing to go. People that think those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Well I don't think that is the way to go because you need to get outside to get some. Freshair with people. But if you want to go on the computer you can but I think it should be only for a little bit then because some people have a bissness that they have to work on when they are at work. Sometimes people have to work on there computer every day so if that is the case they I think they should be alouded to use the labtop or computer. But if you are a teen you should only go on if you have to f you needing the internent or writeing a paper. But if you going to go on to just go on to just talk to friend then that is a waste of time in somebody life. Well at least my life it is. I think as a teen you shold be to work on studying on doing your homework instead of being on the computer because I think it would be better to make sure your grade are not making you fail in your school carvee in life. So that is why it is best to make sure you aren't on the computer all the time talking to your friends on the computer all day because it could make you fail in life. I would only go on for a little bit to talk to your friends. That is why I think it is not right to spend all your time on the computer. Jump outside and in goal the outside weather with friends and family meabers. I hope teen and adult get outside from now on because it would be better for allof us and everybody would be heathly. If they tri this program. If you tri this program it will really work to all of you tri proise it will work and you will be heathly and not feel bad about yourself. 4 4 8
1206 1 "Dear editor @ORGANIZATION2 the source, @CAPS1, I have noticed that many people have been spending too much time using their computers. This is something that needs to stop because it imports peoples health, safety and education. To open my statements, overuse @ORGANIZATION2 the computer con lead to poor health. Take my friend @PERSON1 for example. He sits at home on his computer all @DATE1 and plays games, goes on @CAPS2 and @CAPS3. He rarely gets any excersize and he almost never sees daylight. @PERSON1 @LOCATION1 gained @NUM1 pounds, which lead to obeisity and heart problems. He even wears wooden teeth because his general hygene declined as well. Another common health problem that developes from excessive use @ORGANIZATION2 the computer is arthrietis. Dr. @PERSON3 @ORGANIZATION2 the @ORGANIZATION1 told @ORGANIZATION3, ""The massive amounts @ORGANIZATION2 typing on the keyboard can lead to joint problems, arthrietis, and other joint related problems."" In fact, a study that took place from @DATE2 to @DATE3 to see the long lasting terms @ORGANIZATION2 computer overuse had some shocking results. @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION2 the test subjects saw doctors from problems with joint pain. These health risks are a concern, but peoples safety is on bigger issue. When people excessively use the computer they put their safety and well being at risk. People have had serious injuries and scams placed on them because @ORGANIZATION2 the internet. In @DATE4, a girl named @PERSON5 was kidnapped and taken to @LOCATION2. She met a man on @CAPS4.com named @PERSON6, who persuaded her into meeting him at an airport. From their she was taken to @CAPS5 and held from ransom. Every time people use their computer, they put themselves at risk. Dr. @PERSON4 @ORGANIZATION2 the @ORGANIZATION2 claims, ""I @NUM2 @ORGANIZATION2 internet-related kidnappings & other crimes. The victim was a person who overused the computer and frequented the internet. Safety is one @ORGANIZATION2 the most important things in life. But peoples education is also effected. When people overuse the computer they can impact their education. The internet hold false information and can be a waste @ORGANIZATION2 peoples time. When students are working on a report, they very often use the internet to get information. Websites like @CAPS6 and @ORGANIZATION4 are most commonly used. This can be a big problem. Did you know that @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION2 information on the internet is wrong? Thats more than half @ORGANIZATION2 it! The internet can also be a time waster. My bro, @PERSON2, had on assignment to do @DATE1. He stood up @NUM3 hours using @CAPS2 and didn't even write his essay. He recieved a zero on that grade. In closing, overusing your computer can cause health problems, put your safety at risk, and hurt your education." 6 5 11
1216 1 Dear @CAPS1 @ORGANIZATION1, Computers are an extremely usefull tool in this modern age. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to easily learn about faraway places and people, and allow people to talk online with other people. Therefore, I believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Hand-eye coordination is a very important skill for young children to master. Without it they will have sloppy handwriting, absolutely no chance at sports, and much more. Computers help teach them because they need their finger to hit the same key that their eye sees. And because they tend to want to type faster, it will help even more because the finger and eye will have to work in mission to type faster. Computers also give people the ability to easily learn about far away places, people, etc. People used to have to spend hours searching for a half decent book on a topic, and then find the specific information they need in the hundreds of pages. Now that information is only a few clicks away. Say you have had problems with your faucet, it keeps drippy but you dont want to pay for a plumber. You could easily step by step instructions on what to do using the computer, the possibilities are endless. Finnaly, Computers can allow people to stay in contact with friends who @MONTH1 live far away. It is more convinient than using a plane because you dont have to have something in your hands the whole time. You can walk away and then came back when you hear that you got a message. It is also very usefull for people such as buisnesmen because they can talk to multiple people at once while still being able to get other work done, @PERSON1, author of buisnes magazine tells us in an iterview that it is nearly imposible to run a succesfull buisnes without a computer. How people could possibly say that computers have a negative influence on society, I dont know. But I hope that you will publish this in the paper and show them that computers are necesary. 5 4 9
1218 1 There are over @NUM1 students at @ORGANIZATION2. & out of @NUM2 students have computers. Computers have a positive effect on people. Students who use computers are more skilled than kids who don't by learning all the software and hour to be safe when online. Computers teach kids hand eye coordination, which can come in handy when playing sports. Also they give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people. Finally it allows people to talk online with other people. Computers make people develop hand eye coordination. When someone plays a sport live baseball or basketball, hand eye coordination is definetly needed. say your a catcher, and then catch it. Almost every sport needs hand eye coordination and computers help you get it. Hand-eye coordination can also be useful to people with jobs. If you work with computers for a job, it is helpful to be well known wit the keyboard for fast results. Mostly any job along with sports requires hand-eye coordination. Some people have the gift that they have hand-eye coordination when there born, but for people who don't practice is the best thing. Learning about faraway places/ people is always facinating. On computers towns can put up webpages with pictures, information or even ways to help you plan a vacation. Theres also @ORGANIZATION1. @ORGANIZATION1 can help you find any place or you can find out anything about that place. Computers even give you the abilty to plan or visit a loc location by buying tickets online or maybe you just want to read what the place is like, you can do all that. Finally, computers can be taken any place with you and say you go to @LOCATION1, and you don't speak there language, well you can go to a translating site and figure out what things mean. Facebook, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, all of these sites make it possible for you to talk with other people. Personally, I have a facebook, aim, and even a e-mail. A lot of the time I will go on facebook and talk to my friends from school and even my cousins that I don't get see a lot. Talking online helps you interact with other people that you might not see in school or around town, and also your friends that might not have a cell phone. It helps you learn social skills that everyone needs. Computers give you all that. Its easy and free way to talk to anyone you know whenever you want. In conclusion, computers have a positive effect on people. Almost everyone uses computers, and they aren't difficult to use. Computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and even allow people to talk online with other people. Computers are one of the best things that has ever been made. 4 5 9
1221 1 Dear @CAPS1 or @LOCATION1, @CAPS2 people believe that computors are harmful to our society because people spend more time on such technology. I believe that this is not the reason our society is falling today although I agree that people spend to much time on the computor. Computors are actually helpful in our society because it is an advance in communication. People have found ways to communicate with other people through plugging in a web cam and mic. Not only does the computor help communication but it also helps us gain information on modern day society like the news to stay up-to-date. This complicated device can also save files and documents by typing them in so that if it is lost you could just reprint it out. One main thing that people of modern day technology usually do is talk to faraway friends and family on spare time. Legal websites allow people to be informed of a friend or family about events that have ocurred like an incident or an up coming event. @CAPS2 experts like @PERSON1, who specializes in the behavior of people, says that this is a number one cause of obeisity and prevents people from meeting other people outside or even plain exercise. I would say this isn't completely true because before even talking to anyone. Online people usually go for a jog around the neighborhood. Information is vital in our society and keeps us up-to-date on modern life. A computor can give us certain information like news and whether report. These days every smart person would go search information on a computor for not only missed news but for future forecast on whether to plan a picnic. This would be a helpful tool to our society in order to keep up with the world and not miss the latest event. I believe this is an advance in our modern day society because you could get the information you need. When you are in a rush to go to work don't you end up losing papers and files just forgetting about them? The computor can send data to a computor to conviently copy a file or document so you won't have to rush to work and worry about lost files. It has been known that thirty out of fifty people have saved themselves from losing a job from a computor. The computor can also hold and store data for later use like a song or picture. You could send that file and listen to it on another computor. Now is the time to decide if you should support computors. The computor can help you talk to long lost friends of one touch of a button. If you need certain information than you could find it on a computor without ever leaving your comfortable home. last and not least you could hold important files and documents and save yourself the trouble from rushing to work. So go and type that letter to a representative to help people see that computors are good for our society. 4 6 10
1226 1 Dear Newspaper, I personally believe that new technology is a great thing. Thats why I think that computers have positive effects on our society. Some of these effects include developing skills to help people for present or future, getting a better education and helping people to become more social. Computers can help people in so many ways you just have to realize it. So come and see why computers are a good choice to have and use. My first reason of why I feel computers have positive effects on people is because they can help develop skills that one has and @MONTH1 not realize. For example a teenager @MONTH1 say while typing a paper that she really likes to write. So, she @MONTH1 go on the internet start looking at different styles and maybe she could become a famous journalist. It's all from the skills she got going online and searching what she enjoys. Another situation could be that a man applies for a job and then the employer' says he has to know how to use different softwear, so he could go on the computer and look for a tutorial on that specific softwear. A computer @MONTH1 help people build skills now and for their own future. My second reason of why computers can have positive effects on people is that it can help them get a better education. Any adult who hasn't gone to college and wants to can take classes online and earn their degree way. The education is just for adults; kids can go online and research history of different places they live and want to go. The great thing about you is you can find the information fast and easy. Computers help people learn more and get a better education for themselves. My final reason of why computers have positive effects is that they help people to be more social. There are so many ways to connect with family and freinds. You can send an email to someone and wait for a reply. Or now, you can even instant message somebody and talk to them like there in the same room. There are also websites, such @CAPS1 facebook, where you can get together and talk with old friends. Computers can help everyone connect with anyone @CAPS1 you can see computers have so many positive effects on people. They can help you build social skills for now and for our future. They can also help people get a better education. Plus, it is a great way to connect with past and present friends. Hopefully you can see how a computer can have positive effects on so many people. 4 4 8
1237 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people think that computers are used too much, and are helping people become over weight, and even obese. This is maybe true, but computers also teach hand eye coordination, give people the oppertunity to learn about far away places, and people can even coordinate on them! Over all I think computers effect people in a positive way, and these are some reasons why. Computers help teach hand eye coordination. I know your probably thinking huh? How do computers do that? All your doing is staring at a screen. But to your dismay computers do teach hand eye coordination. It does this because while playing games, people watch the screen, and click with their hands. They dont just stare at the mouse while they play these games. By doing so, it teaches hand eye coordination. Scientist have provine that people who own a computer and use it at least @NUM1 hours a week, have better coordination that people who dont own a computer by @PERCENT1! Just that statistic alone speaks a thousand words alone. Hand-eye coordination is a thing. It helps you play better in sports like baseball, and not only that but it helps future jobs. As you can tell, @CAPS1, without computers out hand eye coordination. People think that computers are only used for games, but in reality, they teach us @CAPS2 things about the world. Without computers people would know about nearly anything thats going in other countries. For example, the other day, my mom was checking her email and came access the stay of a young, starving. That are story changer her anyday life because takes food for granted. Without computer my mom would have more in other countries. Because we live in the @CAPS4.S whats going on in other countries. Are less fortanite, but computer help remind and teach us whats going in the world everyday. One of the main advantages about computers is they allow people to communicate through them. Even my grandmother said the, without computers, I wouldnt be as close to you as I am today. @CAPS5 and my grandmother use the website skype.com. This websit allows you to not only talk to the other person, but to see them too! Because of site like these. Im allowed to stay in contact, and be able to see my grandmother who lives faraway. Without computers this wouldnt be possible. Not only do computers let you talk to people far away, but people close too. I often find myself asking friends over the computer, what the homework is, or whens the next test, etc. Computers make it easier to connect to people near and far. In conclusion, computers help in all different ways. The world would be upside down without them. They give people the ability to learn about far away places and people, teach hand eye coordination, and allow people to communicate with each other. Computers have @CAPS2 flaws, but they also have so @CAPS2 positive effects too that I think they shine over all the tiny flaws. Thank you 6 5 11
1240 1 Dear editor, I believe that computers are a great and fun tool. But I also believe people can spend to much time on them. The computer is excellent. People can use them to type papers or reports, makes graphs, and other important things for us. Schools are using computers more and more now. Schools have websites for students to go to findout there homework, classwork, projects, reports, and extracredit. The school has even started doing something very new, allowing parents and kids to check the students grade online. Not only do the schools help students, but also everyday people help as well. if a student has a project but doesn't know how to start it then he or she can google there project and ways to start it. Computers can be real great and easy to use as you can see, for schoolwork. Computers are not only great for academic purposes, but also for leisure purposes. Before computers and internet, there were only these ways to have fun during boring times in the day. One was watching tv, reading a book, or going outside, if you could. What do I mean by that last sentence? If you lived in a city, then it would be harder to go outside because maybe you lived in an apartment or somewhere not a comunity. Then you couldn't go out; and reading books can become boring after a while, and maybe there was nothing on tv for you to watch. But when computers and internet cameout, people sould play games, watch videos, and talk to cousins or family who live far away. Computers are also good for social networks. Not all familys live close, but are a close family. But in this ec onomy we can't always afford to visit them whenever. So by using computers we can @CAPS1 them facebook them, ,myspace them, and even video chat with them, which as I said is great far away family. But at times people can become to obsesed with them. Some people spend all day on one website, particulary facebook or youtube. Do not get me wrong, these websites are fun and cool. But not cool enough to not go outside and have free, natural fun. I remember I logged into facebook and saw a girl on, I logged off around an hour later and she was still on, then I logged in again around @TIME1 and the same girl was on! That is just to long to be on one website. Computer are a great tool for humans to use for business, education, and leisure. But to much is not good. 5 5 10
1241 1 Do you like computers? Do you use the internet to help you? Do you use it every day? Well @CAPS1 not this article gives you information about all of this. First, alot of people don't like computers because they say ther're to confusing. Actually computers are'nt that hard to work you just have to be patient and take some time to get used to it. Also, computers can make things easier like typing. why should you right @CAPS1 you have the option to use a computer which lets you write faster than you could on normal paper. Secondly the internet is very easier then books. All you have to do is go to @ORGANIZATION1 any other search engine type what your looking for in and in a split second you have all the information in the world on that topic. Also @CAPS1 your planing a vacation the internet can help. You can purchase plane tickets online and sometimes there are special discounts doing the web. Also, you can back hotels and look at live pictures with more than just . So when you back a vacation on the internet you know it will be a good one. Finally, you can purchase anything with a click of a button. Almost every website has discounts. I remeber the time when I bought @MONEY1 shoes @MONEY2 online. Also it usually ships to your house in a couple of days . Lastly going on it alot isn't bad. I go oh the computer almost every day but also go outside too. I can do this because at night when one one can go outside I go on the computer for school or for fun. Also, you can talk to your friends or family over the internet. What @CAPS1 your mom or dad wnet on a @NUM1 weeks buisiness trip. You could use your webcam and talk to them and see than like @CAPS1 you were in the same room. So is going on the computer really so bad? I don't think so @CAPS1 it is that helpful and easy to work with. 4 5 9
1244 1 Deear Newspaper, I think that the effects that computers are having on people is a @CAPS1 thing because most people just sit at the computers all day long. In this letter I am going to talk about the effects of computers on people, what we could be doing instead, and what person are doing on the computer. First thing is that computers are having a @CAPS1 effect on people and there life computers are making people just fit inside on their computers all day and do nothing. They just sit there playing games also about @PERCENT1 of the people who are spending to much time on the computer are probally pating well their on the computer which that is why some people @MONTH1 be fat. Most of the people who spend all of they time on the computer is people in there @NUM1's and @NUM2's some are in there @NUM3's or @NUM4's. Just sitting there on the computer will get you. Where in life. It will not give you a job or school education. By just sitting at the computer for a while you will not be able to do things out side. If so many people were not on the computer all the time then they could be outside. Being outside they can play sports, ride bikes, swim, run and more. They could also get a job and make some money or go to college, kids who are on the computer to much could get out and go to the mall, hang with friends you could get some exercise, or just enjoy nature. There is no use for going on the computer and being there for more then @NUM5 or @NUM6 hours, the most you should be on the computer would be an hour to an hour and a half. Kids and teenagers should only go on the computer for homework and the rest of the time doing something eles. Well all of the kids grade through @NUM7 grade should go out a play with their toys and people @NUM8 grade and up should hang out with and do thing like go to the mall, see a movie, or just have a sleepover. Also everyone in these grades should interact with there families more by seeing them more then @NUM7/@NUM8 times a month and they could have parties or just get together and hang out. So people should do some of the other things I said instead of just going on the computer all of the time. The last thing is the things that people are doing on the computers which is like I sometimes go on facebook. Other people go on facebook, google, games looking up information, and more. They also have emails where they chat with other people. Another thing people go on is youtube and listen to music and watch veidos. So I don't think that the effect of the computers on people is a good thing. I think that people shoud be out doing things then just sitting at home on the computer. People who sit at home on computers could and probally will get to fat. So the effect of computers on people is @CAPS1. 4 4 8
1259 1 To whomever this @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 your life without a laptop or a desktop computer. It would be hectic right? How will you keep up with your email or type of the articles for this very newspaper? Even though some people @MONTH1 believe that computers are taking away from exercise, enjoying nature, and spending time with family and friends, computers do have a positive effect on us. The list of reasons why is endless but three that stand out are you can communicate with people in other states or countries, it's more interesting to learn from a website than a textbook, and eventually @CAPS2 will be computerized anyway. Am I right? Have your old teachers ever assigned you a pen pal in another state or country? If yes, didn't you have to, write letters? Then, you had to wait at least @NUM1 weeks before your pen pal wrote back. If you had used computers, you would've gotten a response back within days. I know many parents and other adults @MONTH1 think that e-mails are a waste of energy but actually they're faster than letters will ever be. Has your daughter or son ever told you that reading from a textbook is boring? Yes? No? That's where computers come in. It's much more interesting to use the internet than reading from a book. I understand that some students can read from a book and retain all of the facts that they've learned from that one book but various students learn differently than that. If a student learns from the internet, they're more likely to remember it because they won't be put to sleep by the boredom of a textbook. Many people have mentioned and some statistics show that by at least @DATE1, @CAPS2 will be computerized. Do you seriously want to be the last one left behind? I wouldn't I understand that you are a person who likes to keep up with the current events so why not use your computer more often? When they say @CAPS2, they mean @CAPS2. They even have @CAPS3 tools on computer. So I want you to take a survey of how many people find computers effective and you'll be surprised. Many people will say the same that I've said. The choice is yours, which side are you on? Thank you. 5 5 10
1260 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 name is @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 in the @NUM1 grade in @CAPS5 @CAPS6 In @LOCATION1. I'm writing to you because I heard that more and more people use computer, but not everyone agrees that this benefits society. In @CAPS1 opinion I think it benfit society. If you keep reading I will fell why it benif society. @CAPS1 first reason that computer have a positive effect on people. For example, when I see @CAPS1 older brother go on the computer he look much smarter on it. That @NUM2 out of @NUM3 member of @CAPS1 family learn thing from the computer. @CAPS1 second reason that it teach hand eye coordination. For example, when I play games in the computer @CAPS1 hand are the ones doing every thing for me. (@PERSON1 example is that we I wacth the game @CAPS1 hand are roating) @CAPS7 @NUM4 of @NUM3 of human play games in the computer and let their hand do everything. @CAPS1 third reason that it give people the ability to learn. For example, when I was using the computer use too teach so much that I'm go on most of the time. @NUM6 of @NUM3 student study in computers and they learn about thing that they never knew. Also they have the ability learn more on the computer. Some one might say people are spending too much time on their computer. However, I said that computer help people learn about thing that happen in the word. For example, they could larn about the war that going on and how people are risking their life for this cause. In conclusion, In @CAPS1 opinion it benefit society. Computer have a positive effet, I theach hand eye, and it give people the ability to learn. I think you should put all you support in the problem. 4 4 8
1263 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think that more people should start using computers. They can offer things that just writing things down or a pece of paper cant, like being able to learn about things that aren't taught in school, you can talk with friends online and you can keep everything in one. The first reason I think more people should use computers is that they can learn about things that arent taught in. Such as current events, the history of our nation and how our government works. Now some people can argue that you can learn about current events on @CAPS1 or a newspaper. But the computer can give you the news in an article then show you it in a video. Also in my opinion the news from the internet is visually less condensed than on @CAPS1. Another reason I think more people should use computers is that you can talk with friends over the internet. This is great because there @MONTH1 be people you havent seen in awhile because they moved. I had a friend who moved to pitsburg when I was @NUM1 and when I got u @CAPS3 account I was able to find him and talk with him a while of him visiting. Or you can just keep in touch with friends that so to a different school. The last reason I think people should use computers is that you can keep pictures, videos, document and contacts on your hard time. This is important to because I am not very well organized when it comes to school. But I started using my book and started to some of the work on the computer. This helped me be less clutteres and keep all my work in our place. It also means you can email that walk to a teacher or notes a friend who might have missed school that day. So in conclusion that or why I think we should have peple we computers more. They can help you learn, let you talk with friends, or let you keep everything in one place. That is why I think more people should use computers. 5 4 9
1280 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I think, in my opinion, that computers benefit to society greatly. The reasons I believe this is because of @NUM1 main reasons: Computers are a limitless source of knowledge, there are websites with online communities and it's just plain fun to use. Computers, as we all know, are a limitless source of knowledge. Now then, as you know adults need to work A @CAPS2 so most of the time if someone has to research something for work they could use a computer. Even kids who go to school need to use the internet of the computer for something like a project or homework. Now I know everyone, kids and teens especially, love to talk to their friends so most people sign up for an online community website. Now I'm very aware of online pedophiles but that can be taken care of by the fact of having friends you know of in real life to sign up as well. Lastly, I have to say computers are just fun to use. Kids like me that normally have a long rough day at school like to come home and rest with some nice game on the computer. Now this sounds like it just lazy but it is something nice to do for a distraction to other things. And thats where I stand on terms of the endless knowledge, online communities, and just plain fun of the computer. 3 3 6
1282 1 Dear newspaper editor, @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1 have and use computers everyday. Computers are killing us as a nation. We need to put a stop to this abuse of computers. Millions of parents and kids spend at least @NUM1 minutes a day on the computer. They are either working or playing. There are many @CAPS2 games and other types of games out on the internet. Kids use these as entertainment. But having an @NUM2 year old child playing a game with guns is certainly unnacceptable. Kids often get so caught up in playing these addictive games that they don't even think of playing sports or going outside. Therefore, the child loses much needed exercise and fresh air. This can lead to obesity or other weight issues. @PERCENT2 of @CAPS1 are already obese, so why keep these horrid games out there? The last thing @LOCATION1 needs is more kids becoming fat!! There are two ways to use a computer for good and for bad ways to use them for good can be for planning a vacation, or working at a job, or even to look at a child's grades online. But many kids and parents don't use computers for these reasons. Kids have been caught looking at porn, buying illegal drugs, hacking into systems and other criminal type things. The computer is a way to do things that you shouldn't, while keeping your identity hidden. For example, whever I sign-up for a website subscription so I can play a game, it asks me for personal information. It askes for my name, my address, my phone number and other things. So what my mother has taught me to do is to use false info. So a computer hacker or a fraud site can't steal my personal info. And who are we to know that people don't do this with illegal programs? Computers are dangerous to @LOCATION1's well-being. On top of obesity, there have been reported cases of a child or parent having a seizure, having the picture of a game implanted in their eyes because they don't take their eyes of the game. There has even been a case of where a chid went mad and killed his/her parents in rage. Computers turn kids and parents into wild beasts. Parents commonly try to get their children to stop playing certain games. In some cases, the parent destroys an account on a website or takes a computer away for a certain ammount of time. These actions from parents have caused kids to go mentally insane! Cases have been reported of smashing computers, doing bad in school, killing parents as I said earlier and in some cases suicide. So in conclusion, computers are a source of health issues, action issues and mental issues. If we want @LOCATION1 to be restored to the @LOCATION1 we all love, then we the people, must put a stop to this computer addiction! 5 5 10
1283 1 "Dear @CAPS1, In a recent poll it was determined that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 have used or come in contact with computers. @PERCENT2 of those said @CAPS2 use computers daily, and not just for work. This extensive use of technology creates a lack in their exercising habits, @CAPS4, they enjoy nature much less. Furthermore, people spend less time interacting with family and friends. These are demaging effects on our society. ""The biggest reason why people dont exercise, "" says health proffessor @PERSON1, ""is because they just don't have time."" This problem can be directly attributed to the statistic that on average, @CAPS2 spend @NUM1 and a half hours a day on the computer. You can argue that they @MONTH1 be learning new things or broadening their horizons. However, none or which help these people get or stay healthy and in shape. Being on the computer does no good for the body. Click the next link and watch as a beautiful humming bird swarms across the screen of your desktop. You can clearly see its wonder, but can you feel it? Can you smell the fresh air it flies around? The computer can only show you nature, but you must log off and find it for yourself to truly appreciate it firsthand. Society will only cheat itself of the world's splendor while watching it on screen. Fans of computers will argue that they help you interact with people around the world, but what about the people in the next room? Computers @MONTH1 bring you to people globally, but distance you from people at your job, school or home. As humans, they need contact with the outside world. Why limit themselves to typing to people, when they can talk to them? In conclusion, extensive computer use does not benefit society. People will spend less time staying active. More over, people will enjoy nature on a desktop instead of in person. Finally, society will not spend as much time communicating with family and friends in person. The time has come to take a stance. It should be clear that computers are a danger to society." 5 5 10
1285 1 The effects that i have on computers are good. I will be talkin about things that help the human nature with one technology computers. How people can learn about faraway palces. Helps them with school, and taxes. How to communicate with people that arnt with you. and my conclusion with all three reasons. The effects of computers on me are very good. Because they help people learn about faraway places. Lets say a family is planning a vocation to @LOCATION1. And they dont no anthing about it so they go on a computer and they could book a reserucition for a hotel. My second opinion on computer is that. you have a project for school and you need the right information. Thats not in books go on a computer. Lets say you have to do taxes online because your cripplede (@CAPS1) so you might wanna @NUM1 www. turbotax.com. and you hale your taxes infront of your eyes. My hold opinion on computers is. @NUM2 you have a friend or family member you lost contact with. Go on the computer and find them and then you guyz can plan a day were you guyz could catch up/ @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 guardians have issues about there child. They can confront the situation about three child. and last ley my last conclusion. Thats what i feel about computer. That we need them to communicate to other people. To do assignments for a job or school. Or to learn about places that you never been to before or would like to vacation to. And the reason why i feel like that is because i passion for computer. And i hope you like what i wrote. I hope i persuaded you to like computers more. 4 4 8
1293 1 Dear local news papers, I'm writing to tell you that people on the computer is not a bad thing. Would you enjoy being bord? Or to enter tained while learning something? Being on the computer helps with hand eye coordination, you can learn about amazing places, and even talk friends. Hand eye cordination is good because it good. Save millions of people in war for example my grandpa went into the @ORGANIZATION1 and @NUM1 people were firing at him but he had good hand eye cordination from the computer go it saved his life less people will get hurt like getting your hand gramed in the car door. There would be more to do. The more something just as important as hand eye cordination is learning! On the internet you can learn about anything and everything. if you learn about far away places you will be able to widen your conversation people will think your smarter and you'll feel good, not only what other people think you sin truelly get smarter. Most importantly you can talk to friends! If you are taking so your friends it can build up your self asteam and when you go to school you'll social did you know @PERCENT1 of people do better in school if they comunicate online? Don't you wish every day you could be proud of your self? Well talking online helps! This is why im writing to you to share all my ideas and concerns. I hope you concider them and share them with the rest of the world. 4 3 7
1299 1 "Dear @PERSON2, Have you ever noticed how different our society is today, even from just ten years ago? That's because of computers. Yes, it is true that computer give us advantages like messaging and information, but they also take away from some of the greater aspects of life: staying fit, enjoying nature, and spending time with family and friends. Without those, life would be horribly unbeneficial. While surfing the web @MONTH1 be fun, it has been proven unhealthy. ""if a person was to spend more than two and a half hours on the computer every @TIME1 for about a month they would see a sudden increase in their gain. And if they kept the behavior up, they could gain up to one third their initial body weight until medical help was provided,"" say @PERSON3, a specialist in obesity at @ORGANIZATION1. Also, @PERCENT1 of all computer users snack while online, which only increases weight gain even more. Unfortunately those that spend alot of time on the computer are not usually okay with exercising either. Instead of outing down just a half an hour out of their computer time to play with the dog, take a jog, or try some aerobics, computer lovers usually just stay in front of the screen. That's too bad, because it causes health problems for them and maybe even the generations after them. Nature, is being ignored @CAPS1, more than ever. @PERSON1 can recall the time when the trails @CAPS2 runs were overrun with people. ""@CAPS1"" @CAPS2 says ""They're being overrun with woods and. Those are harder to act rid of that people."" But it's live, the trails and that to be fuller nature lovers are numbers. Because of today's new technologies, especially computers, the beauty of nature is being almost completely passed by. Some worry if it will fade entirely and instead of trying to maintain what's left, well just let it do so. Hopefully though, the next generation of people will reconize this horrible mistakes. Doctors, @CAPS3, all people alike are seeing more and more how computers affect family life. How often do you eat dinner with the whole family. When you don't, where are you most of the time? At the computer? That's what I thought. When computers and other technologies are available there is much less of a chance that you will actually interact with family and friends. mrs @PERSON4, an @NUM1 grade teacher in @LOCATION1, noticed that her family spent less time together than ever before when each family member got a laptop. @CAPS2 believes this is pulling her family apart. Do you? As you can conclude, computers have an awful influence, on society: people do not take, the time to stay fit, nature is being completely ignored, and Family interaction rates are poor. Whaat can we do to fix this problem? Just set a little time aside daily to observe these aspects of life. This way, life with computers will be beneficial after all." 5 6 11
1300 1 I do not beileve that computers benefit society. Kids can learn more but they spend too much time on line. When kids talk to people on line they don't know if it is really someone you know. There are techneral problems with them that deileate files. For these reasons is why computers do not benefit society. Kids spend too much time on computers. Computers do teach you more things, but they also have games. Children spend most of their time on games than studying. Chidren can get agressive when loss of exersise. Thats what is happening today. Kids are loosing exersise an are getting hevier. They can evan loose intrest. All they want to do is go on the computer. Kids talk to people, how do they know who they really are? People can make a fake e-mail adress and make a false account on @CAPS1 or @CAPS2-space. These people want children's personal information. Also if you are talking to someone that has a name of someone you know. The person just might be a freand. Like me. I was talking to @CAPS2 cousin on @CAPS1 (the account said his name) but it was his wife. That is why you need to be carful about what you say and who it is you are really talking to. Computers have virouses. When computers get virouses, they can deilete the files you want to save. If you had a video on the news you want to keep it. Youu put it under favorates, they you get a virouse that deleites the file. The video is how off the wedsite. Sometimes your computer doesn't bring you to the wed anymore. You how have to click alot of places to get there. For these resons is why computers are not benefical to society. Kids spend to much time on computers. Kids can talk to people they don't know on them. Computers have technical problems that delete files. Just remember there are many many more resons why computers are not benefical to society. 3 4 7
1304 1 Would you like to discover new things and explore amazing mysteries around the world? Do you love to have friends overseas? Do you want to relax and do something fun after @ORGANIZATION1? Advanced technology today allows you to do almost everything that would have been considered impossible @DATE1 decades @DATE1. We need to decide whether computers have positive or negative effect on people. I firmly believe computers gives society many benefits and opportunities. Who would disagree that computers are devoted to educational purposes? Computer experts have invented countless programs that make @ORGANIZATION1 easier for kids. For example, @CAPS1 helps you with essays and reports. With her program teachers wouldn't hurt their eyes trying to read sloppy hand written compositions from students @ORGANIZATION2 helps you organize and calculate, @ORGANIZATION3 gives you the @ORGANIZATION3 to create dynamic presentations. Many schools have a computer lab for students to complete their @ORGANIZATION1 tasks. @ORGANIZATION1 has also aquired convenient-sized laptops to help students do their projects and take test. That saves a lot of paper and a lot of trees! Furthermore, many colleges offer their courses online. You can obtain a college degree right at your house without going anywhere. Education has never been so easy, thanks to our advanced network and computers. It is very important to mention the entertainment benefits of computers. I have notices many teens play cool games on the net. They seem to greatly enjoy this opportunity. It in an ideal way to relax after a stressful way getting on the computer and listening to the newest songs. Some websites after downloadable songs for free so you don't need to worry about the financial part. Moreover you can watch movies online anytime, form wide section such as horror, romance, comedy, fantasy or even children films. No more movie tickets, no more driving in the theater. Without a doubt computers can put a single on everyone's face with its entertainment benefits. Many people feel that computers both kids and adults always from their social life, but actually, computers give them a chance to communicate with other people around the world. Ten @DATE1 @DATE1, who would have thought that they could chat and talk directly with same one a thousand miles @DATE1, with no mail or telephone or whats over? I came to the @LOCATION1 @DATE1. I am extremely grateful to computers because I can keep in touch with my friends and relatives. I can just send them pictures of the snowy winter sceneries here through just a minute. How much easier could it get? computers definitely improve communication and brings people closer. Let's not wait any longer. Computers have endless positive effects and should be popularizeas. They help you learn have fun and communicate with people faraway. Above and beyond all that new technology makes the earth a greener place by saving paper and trees. Don't sit here and wait educate people about the benefits of computers today. 5 6 11
1305 1 "Dear @CAPS1: A @CAPS2. Can you believe that this tiny piece of technology is influencing our everyday life? The question upon many people is, do computers give a possitive or negative effect on people? In my opinion, although computers help with certain everyday life, I think that it gives one negative effects. I have many reasons for this belief, but the three most important are going to be stated. First of all, people are to busy on their computers that they spend less time. People are also in busy with there computers that they spend less and less time enjoying nature. Last but most importantly, people are so caught up with technology, they barely spend time with freinds and family. So, in my opinion, I think people should get technology, and the real world. Have you ever walked down the street and saw someone the size of a boulder? well it isn't a good sight is it? My point is, that can happen to you let me change that to everyone in the world. Nowadays, people are spending less and less time exercising, but instead sitting at home on the computer, or slouched on the couch with a laptop. People are ignoring their health and instead staying on the computer. I for one, know how hard it is to resist playing the computer, but you shouldn't let a tiny @CAPS2 take over your mind and now your future. Nature. The most wonderful thing in the world I say the second most wonderful to technology. Have you ever turned on the t.v. and see nature its beauty? Well you can thank and global warming for that. When people use computers they burning fuel which harms our environment. People are technology they don't care about their and surroundings. If I was a I would say, ""@CAPS3 less computers and @CAPS3 more green!"" @CAPS4..... it's luxury of having a family. Family and friends , it's most important thing. Sue to computers, many people are family and friends. For example: @CAPS5: @CAPS6 want to go ride bikes? John: @CAPS7. I want to play my computer. Kids and adults was single-handed. In my opnion family most important, unlike a piece of metal that has a screen In conclusion, I think that computers of a regular effect on people, life you people by it. People are spending less time with their health and exercising advance in technology. They are all spending less time at the park big or simply just enjoying nature's beauty. Most importantly, there is less interacting with friends and family. But, this is just my opinion, it won't mean anything if you don't agree. I consideration." 6 5 11
1308 1 I think that computers have a positive effect on people because you can communicate with different places around the world. Store things on them, and use them for entertainment. Computers have a positive effect because you can communicate with other people around the world. This is good because instead of calling people you can go on computer and talk to them for free. Long distance phone calls cost a lot. But if you can just go on your computer and talk to them there's going to be no charge. Being able to talk to other people over the internet is very useful and fun. If there wasnt a computer people would be talking to as much people and there social life would be bad making there life not as exciting. This is one reason why I think that computer have a positive effect on people. Another reason why computers give a positive effect in people if you have a lot of paperwork that is just lieing around is in the way. Well if you have a computer there are featers that your able to store thing and because much more organized. Being more organized there is less stress one you start to feel better about lossing things and being able to find them. This is why I think that computers are very great and useful. The last reason why I think that computers have a positive effect on people is that people can use it for entertainment. Computers can do many things like play game, listen to music, watch videos, and chat with your friends. Being able to play games for free on your computer is awesome. If you cant aford to get a game system them you are able to go on your computer and play pretty much what ever game or close to the game that you want to play. A computer can also play music. You can have @CAPS1 and download musics to something or go to web sites that have musical on them. Also you can do video chats with your friends if they live far away. I hope that I convinced you to like computers more and think that they are great and have a positive effect on people. Being able to play games, store thing, and chat with other people is pretty amazing. 5 4 9
1310 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I am writing to you about how technology affects people. My argument is that some people think that Computers are taking to much of people time, I will tell you how technology keeps people from excersizeing and gaining life expieriences. Now I will explain in further details. My first reason for sayi-ng computers affect people is that they cant get excersize when there face is glued to a computer screen all day. And especially with the amount of kids palying video games or playing on the computer, the childhood obeasity rate will slowly rise due to them not getting excersize or they will just get very weak. That is why computers have a negative affect on people by not letting them get the excersize they need. My seconed reason for saying computers have a negative affect on people is that they won't be able to gain life experience I say this because when something asks you ""@CAPS3, what did you do today?"" youre only answer could be ""@CAPS4, can we chande the question to what did I not do today?"" @CAPS5 when your on the computer all day you wont be able to explore and obseve nature well maybe you could do that on a @CAPS6 server but it isnt the same. And even when parent ask if you want to go for a walk you should do it, You could learn somthing or see somthing you wouldn't be able to see on a daily basis. That is why computers have a negative affect on people when their face is glued to a computer. So now I am going to close this letter and I hope you see that excersize and gaining life experiences will change your life forever." 4 3 7
1311 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3: @CAPS4 people are skeptic on whether or not computers benefit people. I strongly believe that computers do indeed benefit humanity for it allows people to talk online with loved ones and friends across the globe, and learn about those foreign places. Computers don't take away from lifes, but shows it through fascinating synthetics. Computers allow people of all ages to interact with others over the world-wide web. Sometimes it's better to meet with people in person, but that isn't always the case. What @CAPS5 you have relatives or friends in a different country? The internet is the best way to contact those people. Also, what @CAPS5 you are in a band or a group, and need to contact them while you are out of town? Social sites like facebook or myspace allow the group members to talk and discuss matters at the hotel or wherever he @MONTH1 be. In addition to both of these reasons, students can obtain missing work and email the teacher from his household. This allows the pupil to obtain his lesson and catch up on anything he or she has missed. The technological breakthrough of the @DATE1 known as computers allow interaction with other people as well as learn of distant lands. @CAPS4 people including myself, want some culture in their lives, and wander about this lively planet we call earth and find out whats out there, but can not acheive said goal. The computer saves us time and money to do these things. All we have to do is open a search bar, type in a word, and boom, we are looking at @LOCATION2, @LOCATION3, or even the fields of @LOCATION1. Any place you want is at your. In addition to this, @CAPS5 a new tourist attraction comes to be, whether it is an amusant park, a monument, or a historical find, the internet can show us this. We can see things we would be seeing @CAPS5 we were present at the place, but instead on a monitor in your home. The computer allows you to do @CAPS4 things without actually encountering their happenings. In conclusion, computers are helpful for they allow us to preform things we could not do under certain circumstances, like talking to people over the internet, or learning of foreign countries. Not everyone can do these things, but everyone who has a computer can. 5 5 10
1316 1 Dear local newspaper, Those who do support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. I, for one agree with them. Computers are wonderful devices that allow people of all ages to learn about the world and it's people. It allows people to talk to family members that live far away, freinds, or sometimes buisness associates. Technology.. also provides education. Don't you think socializing, and learning are two very important aspects of everyday people? Learning new things can only be interesting if you can actually see them. Books can be helpful defending on when it was made. Internet websites can gives you pictures uploads almost every week. Therefore you know where you want to book your next visit. Yes books can give you tons of information, but not as much as the thousands of websites there are out there right this minute. Want to learn how to speak spanish look it up, fast and easy on the internet. No need to look and look a hundreds of books just to get one little fact. Throughout everything you do in a day chatting with friends is a good way to relax and have fun. Whether it's a close friend or a co-worker. There are now several ways to talk to friends, phones, texting, instant messaging, and even video chat! Yes it @MONTH1 cause time away from family, but you can easily say goodbye to the friend and talk to them later. Finally learning is a huge deal with people today. Well with this, advanced technology we have found ways to educate students in a fun way. Websites that are colorful and fun can teach kids how to multiply and read. About @PERCENT1 of children are more attached to colorful objects than books with words in them. So to all parents and guardians computers arent all that bad, they're actually very good. 5 4 9
1317 1 "Dear local Newspaper, @CAPS1 you love computers but fear that you or loved ones spend way to much time on them? If so, then maybe we should @CAPS1 something. Toomany people have issues with their vision due to starring at computers to long. Also, people miss out on other outdoor activities as well. Finally, if people are working off of computers for their job then there missing out on same of the other important things in life such as, interacting with family and friends, enjoying the outdoors, or just simply spending time with their close ones. Now, are you for or against this descison of people getting ""hooked"" on computers? In my opinion people should be enjoying things and not spend most of their time on computers. Since people are so dependent on computers, sometimes working form one can hurt your vision. The bright white computer screen filled with all those e-mails can really affect your vision. I know my dad always gets headaches and his vision isn't the best thing when it comes to him working on a computer all day. Being indoors and on a computer all day long makes you really miss the outdoor activites that their are. Things such as sports, nature, riding a bike and many other activities are missed out because of being on a computer all day. Only fun and energized people get out and get active. Last but not least, @CAPS1 you enjoy spending time with the ones you love but seem to busy because your on the computer all day? If so then get up and go have fun! Take the wife and kids on a hike or go and ride a bike, its awesome excersise for you, family and friends and its actually fun! So, its now or never. @CAPS1 you want to be at home on a computer all day or @CAPS1 you want to be high energized and spending quality time with family and friends? Most impotantly @CAPS1 you want to be energized and healthy with no vision problems and stop those awful headaches? Well, without a if you get up and get active it will be the best decision you will make! So, get up, grab the kids and get going on your new and energized, pain free life." 4 4 8
1325 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, @ORGANIZATION1 has been a discussion around the @LOCATION1 for decades now. People cannot agree on whether computers are a good privelage to the society or just bumping it down year after year. I think computers do have a positive effect on people. This is because they teach hand-eye coordination, give them knowlege about cultures around the world, and allow people to communicate with one another. Do you think the downsides really outweigh these positives? Hand-eye coordination is not something you are born with. You gain it as you get older and acheive practive. Computers help with this goal. ""@PERCENT1 of people who go on the @ORGANIZATION1 frequently, have been horrible at catching a baseball before going on the @ORGANIZATION1, and after have caught every time."" says biologist @PERSON1. And it not only helps with baseball, but with other sports such as juggling, golf or tennis. If you get very good at these sports, you can play them for fun, or even as a proffessional. Who knew that playing on the @ORGANIZATION1 could get you so far in life?! Did you know, according to ""Time"" magazine, that people who go on the @ORGANIZATION1 are better able to focus on tasks, such as schoolwork, because it enables your hands and eyes to work together as one? And everyone knows that if you get good grades in school, almost any job you could be qualified in? Then, you can earn a good amount of money, and live your dream life!! Oh, great another @NUM1 hour day of school. Hhmm. What do I have first block? @LOCATION3 history. What? Yes! We're doing a culture project! That means I can easily go on the @ORGANIZATION1 and find out great things about what place I'm assigned. That's another up-put about computers. Easy access to tons of useful information. I have cheerleading everyday after school until @NUM2. If I have a project, I don't have hours and hours to look in books and find out what I need to know. Computers allow me to do my sport and still get a good grade in school. @PERCENT2 of people use computers to do their informational work about faraway places. It is faster and more accurate. You could just search through your bookshelf to find an almanac. But once you find it, you would need to check the copyright. Hopefully it's recent. If not, you're in trouble. Would you feel like prying through more shelves to be acccurate? Facebook, @CAPS1, @CAPS2. All new ways to communicate with people. Just another useful effect on people. Forgot to write down your homework? Hopefully your friend didn't and you can just ask them. ""@PERCENT3 of people don't chat with others online."" says @LOCATION2 @ORGANIZATION1 expert. Most of it has to be for some reason or another. Such as homework, what happened that day, or how they haven't seen eachother in forever. Don't you chat with people online? Trust me, it can be a gradesaver. Maybe this will help you conclude that computers give a positive effect on society because of handeye coordination, information, and chatting. What would we do without them?" 5 5 10
1326 1 "Dear trained readers, @CAPS1't you agree that more and more people use computers. Well I @CAPS2 because it gives us the information we want to see. Recently it has been brought to my attention that some people agree that some people @CAPS3 themselves don't really use computers. Without a dout I firmly believe that people that dont use computers should start to use them. but I can understand why same people don't use computers. Maybe they dont know how to use one have better things to @CAPS2, or can't afford one. First of @CAPS5, they dont know how to use one. I remember when my friend was over and I was on a computer. and he @CAPS4 ""@CAPS2 you know that some people don't know how to use an computer?"" And I @CAPS4 ""@CAPS3 who?"" the @CAPS4 ""@CAPS3 me, I dont know to use one."" I @CAPS4 well I'll teach you. Since then @CAPS5 my friend does is go on the computer. One day he says to me because of I want to work with computers. this is one of my reasons why people don't use computers. Second of @CAPS5, have better things to @CAPS2. @MONTH1 be someone has a game. for example, I mostly have how time to go on the computer. Usually I have a basketball game or practice I get home from practice and feel exhausled, @CAPS5 I want to @CAPS2 is go to @CAPS6. why parents come have not wanting to @CAPS2 anything. I'll tell you why. Because @CAPS5 that haved They @CAPS2 @CAPS5 day. This is another one of my reasons why people dont use computers. Third of @CAPS5 can't afford one. Some people dont have a lot of money to buy a computer. They have to say it. so they can live in a house. When parent's children asle for something parents shoudn't buy it. They buy it so you dont feel hurt. When I'm a @CAPS7 im going to make sure I have enough money to buy it. If not then I guess that child is out of luck. So dont be going where bragging your computer because some can't afford one. This is my last reason why people don't use computers. this is why some people don't use computers now in days. Because they dont know how to use one, have something better to @CAPS2 and can't afford one. By the way; @PERCENT1 of the pupils of @ORGANIZATION1 dont have computers." 4 4 8
1329 1 Dear local newspaper, I believe computers doesn't benefit society. I feel this way being that lack of email skills, no exercising, and its addicting. Read on for further explaing. Firstly, spending hours and hars on the computer gives you no social skills what on ever. You could think before you reply and most people online talk or write way differently there then in person. People could act like someone else. Online you could erase what you wrote but in person you can't. Thats way you simply can't gain social skills sending all this time talking online. Next, you get no exercises. On a nice beautiful @DATE1 you'll be inside on the computer when you could be getting exercise. Being on line sitting down doing nothing just talking makes you lazy. When you're older you'll have to be writing. You can't just good all these long house on the computer. Furthermore, you should have your time for on the computer and exercising. Finally, its addicting some people could good hours and hours on the computer looking up all these videos. Seven out of ten teenagers rather be inside in the computer talking to people rather then meeting new people elsewhere. I think parents should restrict their children's time to be on computers. All this time with this fun could be spent doing studying or something to help you out in the future. In conclusion, i believe computers doesn't benefit society. I feel this way being lack of social skills, no exercise, and addicting. I think some people shold limit their time another computer and expand their time doing something important. 4 3 7
1331 1 Computers were built to help the people make tasks easier and quicker. Since then, they have been updated over and over untill what they are today. Computers are a part of most peoples everydaylives, and essential to most bussiness.But the common question in our society is, are computers really benefitting us? My answer is yes. Computers do many things for us. They teach us hand-eye coordinatin, give us the ability to research effectivly, and recently, became a great way of communication, @CAPS1's are definately benefitting us. One reason why computers help us is by teaching hand-eye coordination. In a magazine I read, one expect, (@PERSON1) said that leading to type without looking is a great way of improving reflexes. The speed that you type is improved with practice. Another way it improves hand-eye coordination is by learning to click and react to different things effectively. I often on being ammused by playing games on the computer. These games usually are hard, but with my improving hand-eye coordination, I am learning how to play these games well. My father always tells me to learn my way through a computer because they are our future, soon, mostly everything will be done by them with the improving technokolgy, it is impossible for it not to be benificial to our society. Our home computers have been great at teaching me thing like hand-eye coordination. Another reason why computers are great is by making that tough history paper, just a click away. My garndfather always tells me how easy I have it. Instead of going to the @CAPS2 and having to pick out a book, I just go to google and have an entire search engine infront of me. When we go into highschool we will need a computer to suceed. To keep our essays organized, our research effective, and the clear to read typing right infront of us. My brother tells me that having a computer is the best investment has ever made. Last year, we had a science assignment to figure out how our heart beats faster. This way very easy considering I typed it in and had hundreds of ways to increase my pulse rate. Computers have changed the way we research and finish school works. The last reason why computers are fantastic is beacuse they make communication just a click away. A couple weeks ago, my coach emailed us that our gametime has changed. This doesn't seem like a big thing, but without his @CAPS1, we would've missed the game. My cousin @CAPS3 is from @LOCATION1. Me and him meet only once a year. With that limited time, we can't really get out what we need to. Recently, i bought a webcam and have been chatting with him on it every week. It is almost like he's with me. All the girls in our school can't get enough of me. So I get home after sports, go on, and theres always enough of me to go around. Webcamming is a great way of communication. With all the new computer going on sale and new appliances coming no one knows when it will stop. Well, the question still lingere, are computers benificial to our society? The answer @MONTH1 never come about, but at least for me, improving hand-eye, researching being a breeze, and communication just waiting for me is a pretty sweet deal. So for now, I stand by the opinion that computers are great, and extremely useful to everyone. 5 4 9
1332 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I am writing to you to let you know my opinion on computers and technologies. Computers have now become part of our society and culture and is very important by following reasons. One computers let you surf online anytime you want. Two, computers allow people talk online. First reason why computers are so critical in our culture is that computers let you surf online anywhere and anytime you want. This is very convenient. What if you live far away from the nearest library? When you have to write a research paper? Jane lives @NUM1 miles away from her town library. Her mother could drive her ther, but what if she wasn't at home or driving someone else to a doctor's appointment? This is when computers come in handy. Jane can just simply go online and do the research! Not only that but also, ""www.internetsocool.gov"" states that information you can find in a regular library is about @NUM2 of information you can find online. Secondly, computers let you talk with people both faraway and nearby online and videochat. This is very useful for me. Since I live by myself in @LOCATION1, I miss my family a lot. Although with internet, I can talk to my family whenever I want! Also, you can video chat with your lab partner to discuss how you can make the lab report better! @PERSON1, the author of ""@CAPS2 @CAPS3"" also states in his book that over @NUM3 million people use internet to videochat for educational purposes. In conclusion, ivideochat @MONTH1 sound like something to do for lark, but it is actually used for many good purposes. On the other hand, some people say that computers are bad. Some say that people are spending too much time on their computers and less time exercising and spending time their family. Although, ""The @DATE1 survey of what people do,"" states that @PERCENT1 of people who use computers are healthy both physically and emotionally. Just because we use computers to make our life easier, it does not mean that we don't value spending time with family. In conclusion in our culture because are very crucial in our culture because it can let you surf online and help you interact with people who live faraway." 5 4 9
1337 1 Are people today spending to much time on computers. If so had done it affect thous. In our modern day people spend to time on computers. Both me and think that this is affecting people in many different ways. Some ways it by. Health your social life, and also your education. Spending to much time on a pc can effect your in many ways. For example exercise. The people spend all there time siting in a chair they could have a chance of gaining wait. Then you might be getting all the you need because your on the computer you might not go to to get the and veggies. Your want to just so you the computer. Social life @CAPS1, you could have with all the people you are also will them. Another big problem is education. Is you are all day on the computer anything @CAPS2 you it's not on the computer you Those are some of the resons why I think people shouldn't spend to much time on the computer. 4 4 8
1342 1 Do you think people spend to much time on the computer do. I think that kids and adults spend to much time @CAPS1, twitering, doing facebook and myspace. My resons include, people should go outside more, and play with real people, and spend time with family. Most kids should go out side more for example my friend @PERSON3 spent @NUM1 hours a day! on his computer and haven went outside. Another example is my neghbor @PERSON2 spent all day! in his basement playing on his computer and haven went outside and since he hevet went outside he is terreibely the sun and he is now @NUM2 years old an dhe still dont go outside it was because he spent to much time on the computer. Secondly, people should play with real people. For example there was a kid name @CAPS2 and he allways played with vertual people an dfrends and never realy pleople and now he is so shy around real people that he wont even say one word. Another example is @CAPS3 he only had vertual frend and never a real one and he is so depress becose he never had a best frend. Thirdly you should spend time with your family. there was a named @CAPS4 and he never spent time with his family becse he was to busy writing emails and @PERSON1 says that kids who dont interact with them wont have the same benifits as kids who do. Another example there was a family who were to bisy with the computer that the kids never met the grandparents and when the grand parents passed away the kids never met them becse they would rather play on there computers. In conclution people should go outside more, play with real people, and visit there family then if you want to play on your computer then after reading all of these examples then go ahead. 4 4 8
1344 1 In the world we live in now, everything is getting technilogical. In my own opinion, its a good thing. Using computers has been very helpful to our society. They give people the opportunity to research things fast and easily, they save trees, and they're a wonderful way to communicate with people. First, computers are great to use for research instead of books that waste tree. A few years ago, kids would get a school project on a certain country and the thing that would came to mind is the library. But, nowadays it's computers. Sure, of course books are very helpful, but so is the internet, plus its much faster and easier to find to find the information you're boking for. You can learn about a place before visiting it with a click of a button and learn about places far away. It really is magical. Next, using computers saves trees. With a computer we don't have to keep cutting down so many trees for books and paper. Another can now sell their books online and people are able to read them right. Honestly, there really is no reason to keep making books. Even students can do their home work, test and quizzes online! I think it's a mirical and it's so amazing to see how much our world has changed in only about @NUM1 years. Finally, computers are great to communicate with people far away. Some people have family in the war who they don't see for months or maybe years. With a computer you can get emails that get deliveres to the person right after being sent. Or you can even webcam and actually see the person face to face! It must be hard not being able to see your loved ones everyday, which is why a computer is very helpful. Even to those who have a family member away on a business trip or that live in another state/country. Computers are very helpful, especially today with everything going on in our world. With computers we can online research, save trees, and communicate with people far away. So, in my opinion computers do benefit society. 4 4 8
1350 1 Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, With computers being so popular right now it's easy to think that they are helpful and have a positive effect on the people that use them. However, I do do belive that computers have more harmful effects than good ones on the people they are used by. I belive this for @NUM1 reasons. One, they take away from spending time with real people, they make people get less excersis, and also they are very distracting and waste time. One reason why I don't think computers have a positive effect on people is that the time spent on the computer could be put to better use by doing things with family and friends. Now and day people are using social networking sites like @CAPS2 and @CAPS3 to talk with people far away. People can spend hours communication with someone they will never meet and completly ignore the people who care for and love them. Also communication with people online can be dangerous because the person who you are messaging might not be who they say they are. Overall, setting out and actually spending time with real people creates memories that you will cherish for the rest of your life. This feeling can never occur through the internet. Another reason why I think that computers have a bad effect on their users is that constant computer use has resulted in a lack of excersise for many people. People who use computers for many hours are just sitting still. They aren't being active. The only movement that occurs while on a computer is the tiny flick of a finger as it clicks the mouse button. This is clearly not enough excersise that is required to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Studies have shown that since the invention of computers young people especially have been gretting less and less physical activity. I'm sure that this will continue to get worse if people continue spending a majority of time on their computers. A third reason why I think computers are having a negative effect on people is because they are distracting and they waste time. An example of this is that once when I was online doing research for a school project, I saw an advertisment for a website that looked interesting. When I clicked on it I was brought to a site full of funny stories and pictures. I spent the next half an hour reading entries on that website and completely forgot about my project. When I relized what I had done I rushed to finish my research and ended up getting a poorer grade then. I'm sure I would have gotten if I had not been distracted other things to do on the computer. This is why I think computers do not have a good effect on the people who use them. They take away from spending time with family and friends, they result in less excercise. And they waste time and are distractions. 5 5 10
1351 1 Dear local @CAPS1, @CAPS2 people have been using computers for years. But @CAPS3 it good for there health. Were not thinking about what power teens have with the internet. If you need info. We have lots of great books. If we need communication we have phones. We need to go outside and exercise. @CAPS3 the computer another reason why america @CAPS3 becoming obese? First, teens can do harmful stuff on the internet to themselves or others. People have invented facebook and myspace. Almost every teen in america has a facebook. Did you know that theres cyberbullying now. People have humiliated others on the internet. How do we know that the person were talking to @CAPS3 who he/she say's he/she @CAPS3? Teens give away to much info of themselves, some have gone missing from such an action. The internet @CAPS3 a powerful weapon, but can teens handle this kind of power? Next, although the computer @CAPS3 a convient device. @CAPS3 it not true that we have something called books. We cant believe everything that @CAPS3 said on the computer . We can get all that we need and more off of books. People lived in the middle ages without computers, but with books. Why can we. Have we grown lazy to do such a thing as to get up and look through a book. Finaly, if communication we seek, then why not a simple text or call. we go through all the trouble of turning on and opening pages just to chat online. We have become lazy because of device's that have all we need in our homes. sure its a good thing but dont forget a bad one to. It seems like the computer @CAPS3 another reason for america growing obese. We need to get up walk, hang out with friends, do sports. But how can we when were adicted to computers. It's like a powerful drug. To conclude I think computers are not good for us. Teens with the power of facebook. Fake and dangerous info when we have book. Lastly, our own health. At this point I ask you, @CAPS3 the computer worth everything we think it @CAPS3? No, it @CAPS3 not. 4 5 9
1354 1 Dear Newspaper, I believe that computers have a positive affect on society. I believe computers have a positive affect because they help us learn of faraway places, they help us communicate with friends and family all over the world, and computers help entertain people. The computer has a positive affect on society because on it you can learn of faraway places, their history, and you can learn of their landscape. By learning these things you can do a lot of things such as plan a vacation, this information can help you on a school report, also this information can help you learn of your heiratage & your culture. Also computers have a positive effect and are beneficial to society because they help you communicate with friends and family all over the world! You can communicate with anyone you know. Nowadays everyone uses the computer as their main form of communication. In a study it showed that @PERCENT1 of people in the world has a computer as a communication tool. Lastly computers are beneficial to society because they entertain us. On a computer you can do many things to never get bored. You can play games, surf the web, or you can watch videos on networks such as youtube. So on a computer you'll never be bored. The computer is beneficial and has a positive affect on society. The computer helps us learn of faraway places, it lets us communicate with friends and family all over the globe, and lastly the computer entertain us. Thats why the computer is beneficial to society. 4 4 8
1355 1 "I don't think computers benefit the society as much as every one thinks. When people spend most of their time on computers they don't have time to spend with their family, people don't excersise enough when they are on computers wich causes them to become obiese, and you @MONTH1 meet up somewhere with a bad person you met in facebook or myspace. These are the main reasons computers don't benefit society. The number one reason computers ain't beneficial is because you need sometime to spend with your family. But, when you are on computers twenty-four-seven you have absolutly no time with your family and friends. I belive that families need to eat dinner together and have at least one hour with one another. Some good ways to spend time with your family is to play games together, go on a walk, or even go to a bike ride together. Did you know that computers have a medium sized effect on how people become obiese? If you are at school from seven till -thirty and after school you spend seven hours on your computer you will become fatter because you will have absolutly no time to excersise. When you just eat and don't excersise your body will not just burn off all that fat you ate. When you are on a computer you are probably go on to facebook or myspace. On these chating websites you can make arangments to go some where with someone you don't even know. If you meet up with them they could be a killer, a kidnaper, or a rapist. So there for you can litteraly die or get hurt because of your computer. Thats why e-mail is the absolute safest way to chat online if your were to have a computer. These are the main reasons why computers are not beneficial to the society. Also you @MONTH1 not spend enough time with family or friends, you can become obiese because you don't have ""time"" to excersise and you can be kidnapt by someone you don't even know through facebook or myspace. How would you like it if you had no time with your family, you were obiese, and you got kidnaped because you met up with someone that thought was nice through facebook or even myspace?" 4 4 8
1359 1 Dear Newspaper, Computers have a huge effect on society, can you even imagine where we would be without them? They are great for communication, learning, and shopping. Computers have a large effect on people. Without computers, communication with co-workers, family, and friends would be nearly impossible. Social networking sites, such as @CAPS1, @CAPS2, @CAPS3, and @CAPS4-In play a huge wrolein everyday life. These are the sites you use to access information from others to making plans for the weekend. Do you think that your children use the intrenet too much? Nowadays, that is their way to communicate with their peer. It makes them more social, which is a great quality to have in life. Also, I don'd know about you, but I have talked to many people around the world using the internet. It gives you the chance to experince other cultures. Communication was absolutely not as easy before having computers. It @MONTH1 seem hard to believe, but you can learn tremendous amounts @MONEY1 things from the internet. This @MONTH1 include learning about people. How would you video chat with someone without @CAPS5 or @ORGANIZATION2? You can learn a lot about a person from talking to the face to face, a thing that can't be done on a phone. Also, research for school could not be done without the internet. In a recent survey, @NUM1 out @MONEY1 @NUM2 teenagers said that they use a search engine site, such as @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS6, or @ORGANIZATION3 at least once a day, @CAPS7 out @MONEY1 those @NUM1 said that it is for school. If it weren't for these search engines, children wouldn't be doing too great in school. Clearly, the computer provides ample ways to research and learn on a daily basis. It @MONTH1 sound rediculous, but in @DATE2, @PERCENT1 @MONEY1 shopping was done on the internet. If someone wants to start a business, their first stop is usually the internet. People are making @MONEY1 every year with the help @MONEY1 computers. People find it easiest to buy something with the click @MONEY1 a mouse. It is easier than the hassle @MONEY1 crowded malls and long lines. Also, do you remember when @CAPS8 @DATE1 was the time to put the alarm clock on for @NUM4 @CAPS9? Well, how people do @CAPS10 shopping online, there are hundreds, even thousands @MONEY1 sites that offer great sales. Now think about how purchasing items would be if it weren't for the internet. It's not agreat image, is it? As you can tell, computers have affected our lives in a great way. Communication, learning, and even shopping have become much simpler. Many @MONTH1 think that computers are not bad to have, but the good over shadows those aspects. 6 5 11
1361 1 "In modern society, @CAPS3 is rare that you come across someone who doesn't know how to basicly operate a computer. According to the statistics project known on youtube as ""shift happens"", most children in the @LOCATION1, @PERCENT1 in facts, have used a computer by age four. While @CAPS3 can be debated that computers are bad, i firmly disagree. Computers are one of the best technological advances the human race has made. they have helped education, reconnecting, and are even at times good for the environment. I wonder why people disagree, and i hope that after reading this, you will too. At my schoo, there are three computer labs, each with about twenty five computers, a library with twenty computers, and each teacher has two computers in their classroom. Wheni look at these amounts and addit to what i know about computers in other @CAPS1 schools, @CAPS3 is clear to me that computers have helped the education system. Many teachers can have students research projects with the click of a button. There are websites where students who were out from school can get their assignments for the next day. Also, teachers can put their grade books in their had drive. This saves paper and ensures accuracy in the final grade. As a student, i think that computers have greatly improved schools in many ways, but mostly in those above. At one point or another in life, we are all older and want to reconnect with our old friends. Thanks to computers, the process of reconnecting is much easier. There are social networks such as facebook, twitter, and @CAPS2, that are valuable for finding your friend from @DATE1 camp. Let's say you have been connected with someone, and you've just found out that you got a promotion. You want to call, but you don't know the hone number, but you know the email address. Email messages send instantly to anywhere. (And while you're at @CAPS3, ask for a phone number!) @CAPS3's always great to talk with old friends. Computers have helped @LOCATION1 make that easier. My friend recently purchased a sony laptop. She liked not only the features, but that @CAPS3 was an energystar, or eco-friendly. Now a days, computers have been made green in the battle for the environment. Paper is saved with online encylopedias, newspapers, journals, etc. Not only that but computers are needing less and less electricity. You save green and are green! Today's society is helping mother nature not only in our actions, but in computers too. In my opinion, computers are helping @LOCATION1, not hurting @LOCATION1. They have assisted education, social reconnecting and the environment. We must look kindly upon the advancement and miracle invention known as the computer." 5 5 10
1365 1 Dear Newspaper, I think that when kids or even adults get computers, then they would not use it for good causes. When people get computers they spend more time inside and on them. They need to get outside get some exercise. Even little things like, if your going to your friends house, then take a jog there instead of your bike. When people spend more time on their computers than talking to your freinds, then they will be low on socializing and, after awile won't know how to communicate with people. All they would have to do is set a time limit on their computer and only use it for work otherwise. Computers could also be used for good things. If you have a project for school and need to type it up on the computer or find pictures on the internet then the computer would be a good resource. If you have a job for working with computers or fixing computers, then you would spend a lot of time on your computer. It also lets you interact with people on the othe side of the world. You can also learn about interesting facts or places. Computers could also be used for bad reasons. When people use it they could just use it to play this cool new video game they got. This can lead them into getting obese. They can also use it for sexual harrasment for stalking people. People can also use it for horrible things like selling or buying drugs or illegal things. So as you can see computers aren't safe in a lot of ways. I hope you can read and understand all the important facts explaining my reasons and consider them. Thank you and have a good day. 4 4 8
1367 1 Dear @CAPS1 I would like to inform the public that using computers isnt so bad. The first reason I think make computers good is because of the people we can meet via @CAPS2, yahoo, @ORGANIZATION1 or gmail. For instance we could meet someone from @LOCATION1 and learn about his or hers culture or beliveths. My second reason I think computers help people is because what if someone didnt have @CAPS3 or the newspaper he or she could get the @CAPS4 news via nbc.com or fox.com and will be able to still find out whats going on in the world. 3 3 6
1371 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, I feel that negative effects of computers on people is much greater than the positive effects. Computers have caused a massive amount of obesity in the @LOCATION1 and that number is growing everday. Computers can also be time-consuming and people could spend hours and even days on a computer without doing anything else. Lastly, computers can be dangerouis to many kids and could even end up in death. I feel that xomputers are too harmful for society and should be stopped. Obesity is @CAPS4 of the biggest problems in the @LOCATION1 and is growing bigger everyday. Over @PERCENT1 of @LOCATION1 population is obese and computers have been a major conributer. Put yourself in the mind of a computerf addicy. It is dinner time and you are hungry, but you don't want to lose too much time off of your computer. You hurry down to the nearest fast-food store and by yourself a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda. You then go back to your house and eat the food while on your computer. Not only is the fast-food bad for you, but you dont even give your body a chance to burn @CAPS7 those calories and carbohydrates that you just ate by exercising. Computer addicts do this almost everyday and before they know it, they are. @NUM1 pounds! In addition, people who thier hand-eye coordination can do it in every other ways than just going on a Computers contribute to a large portion of the obese population, but they also can be extremely time-consuming. People on computers waste a huge amount of their timer. These people stay on thier computers for hours amd sometimes they dont even realize it. They say ""@CAPS1, let my check my email. @CAPS1 look, I recieved a @CAPS2! @CAPS1, let me just change my @CAPS3 acconut."" @CAPS4 thing thing another and @CAPS7 of a madden, @NUM2 or @NUM3 hours have already passed by. People who stay on computers @CAPS7 day waste precious time could be spent with family, exercising, or finding a true love. Time is sao precious in our lives and we must not waste it staying o a computer @CAPS7 day. Not only can they be time consuming, computers can also be dangerous. Kids around the country are being killed, raped, and bulled @CAPS7 to computers. They show thier pictures on chat sites, give away too much information, and enough. They have a critical knocking on their front door. Also, those been who suicide because they were bulled on the @CAPS5. Cyberbullying can be just as harmful. If not more harmful, than vregular bullying. These kids fare such strong mental and emotional harm that they make bad decisions, including suicide, and @NUM4 in school. In addition, there can be explicit content on the @CAPS5, including pictures and video that can harm a child's young mind The danger of computer is so great than they should be @CAPS7 in @CAPS7 computers are too risky for whivh is why they shouldn't be a time consuming. Lastly they can be extremely dangerous to children. Because of these should be banned from @CAPS7 society for the well- using of the @LOCATION1" 6 6 12
1377 1 Wouldn't you like to find a @NUM1-star hotel or resteraunt with a click of a button? I know I would like to. So should we keep using computers for the good of our society, or not use computers to exercise more? Computers are helpful to us by doing work that has to be done neatly. It also helps by accessing and surfing the internet to more useful stuff. A computer is very intelligent and not only can came in a boring, heavy, boxed shape. Computers are also in some electronics. If you go on vacation and forget to turn off the lights, you can use your hand held computer to turn it off. Communication is pretty easy on a computer. All you need is computer (of course), a microphone or headset, some speakers, and a special software. After you have all of these, you can connect with the rest of the world! Talk to loved ones or family members through your computer. If you want, you can also get a web cam. A video camera used on your computer. Then you can see others face to face! If you do not have anything what I just said, there is also texting. Just use your computer keyboard to type and send a message. Your computer can also a lot more things. You can play mindless video games! Your computer must have the right specifications to play it. Sure it might be pricey to 4 4 8
1385 1 "Did you know that in a recent poll in the @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @PERCENT1 of @CAPS3 use computers everyday? Computers have a very positive effect on people, such as informing them on news, traffic, and weather right away, interacting with others, and learning new facts. Can you even imagine how difficult life would be without computers? They are a daily tool that millions of people use positively. One way that people use computers positively is by using it to be informed by news, traffic, and weather. For example, say there are signs of a hurricane going to hit near their homes. they would know righ away just by clicking on the internet. Another example is if there was a shooting nearby. People would be well aware of the facts by reading an article online. Computers help by informing people about danger so they and their families are not harmed not only doe computers help inform people about any danger through news and weather, but @CAPS4 their daily lifestyle. My father drives into work every morning, and is always looking online for any traffic updates so he can avoid them and get to work on time and safely, without computers people would be unable to know directly the harms and difficulties they @MONTH1 face. Another positive affect computers have on people, is letting them interact with others, such as video chatting and instant messaging @PERCENT2 of the world video chats and instant messages. It helps to make people more social, by chatting with their friends. Another example is, say you haven't seen a close family member or friend in a long time. Video chatting and instant messaging will help you catch up and develop a stronger realationship nobody wants to waste time in life not speaking for a long period of time to a close friend or family member, right? Computers help people by interacting with others throughout their daily lifestyle. A third positive effect computers have on people is teaching them new things. Students' main source for education is through the computer on the internet. @PERSON1 from @ORGANIZATION1 said, ""Computers are what helps my students grow. I have them use computers everyday for reports and to extend their learning"". They are @CAPS4 helpful to students because the internet now contains textbooks they use in class. That way, the won't need to lug around heavy books, and strss out for forgetting them, @CAPS4, if the student doesn't understand material learned in class, they can look online for extra help and guidance, malking their knowledge grow further. Without computers, lives wouldn't be the same in a negative way. Computers help people know news, traffic weather directly, interact with people, and learn new things. therefore, computers are very positive, since @PERCENT1 of @CAPS3 use them now positively, why stop?" 4 5 9
1396 1 @CAPS2 people think, the invention of computer, and the internet is a terrify thing, but truly @CAPS6 is terrible time consumer. The local newspaper is doing a survay about peoples opinion about technology. People spend way to much time on computers while they could be outside, enjoying nature, excercising, or interacting with people in person. The advancements in technology just wasteing your time. When the weather is people should be out side enjoying @CAPS6 instead of wasteing time day on the @CAPS1 sun can be very harmful to your skin, seen the sun can help and boost you energy, the carbon dioxide in buildings causes people to become sleepy. @PERCENT1 of people survayed by @ORGANIZATION1 sold they feell more when they go outside. @CAPS2 people People are while they could be excercising obesitey is a people sit at the computer all day, @CAPS6 contributes to the @CAPS2 kids have stopped participating the much computer. @PERCENT2 of people by the @CAPS3 computer people spend and friends. they see inperson, people will forget their manners because they are not used online. People who support computer usage might say. That their are ways to talk @CAPS3 @CAPS4, ect. But online chatting @CAPS5't always safe, @CAPS1 on your buddy list @CAPS6 @MONTH1 friends out unless you can see their face, you can Computers have become to much of a distraction to the society. Computers have caused people to forget ow to use manners and communicate in the real world. Now is the time to get on your feet and find something else to do! Responsible towns people are. 4 5 9
1398 1 Dear @CAPS1, Some people say that computers are fun, smart, and do no harm. Is that true though? Do computers make harm? Well, for one thing, I know that computers can take up! a lot of peoples time. For example, many people don't go outside as much. This is because most people are usually on their computers. What are they doing on the computer you ask; well lets, find out. There are many things a person can do on a computer. It can be fun chatting, educational or hard working. A lot of people use a computer for fun. For example, many people use the computer to chat with their friends. There are many sites to chat with friends. That can usually take up a lot of peoples time. A lot people can talk for hours on the computer and that is what takes up their time instead of going outside. Another example is the games that people are playing.To me, the computer games are one of the biggest problems. This is because a lot of the games can be to much fun, that it can be find a game and play it all the time. This can not only take up their time outside, but it can ruin their life. The game can be so addictive that kids and adults might not get their work done. That can cause failure in school or getting fired at work. On the other side though, a lot of people use a computer for work and school. Beside internet chating and computer games, many people use computers for school and at work. People type their work up or they send work to their e-mail to bring home. This is a good thing about computers, but also a bad thing. It is a good thing because now people can get their work done faster. This is a bad thing because it is another reason to stay inside.For work, people depend on computers. They save work on their and they use computers to build things. For exemple, people use a computer to program a robot. Although they use computers for a good reason people should make time for outside. A lot of people need to take breaks off the computer: because computers can do harm. This is because if they spend all their time on the computer they can get sick. Going outside, exercizing and getting fresh air is very important. So people out there, get off your computer. Stop chatting, pause your game, take a break from your work, and go outside. Enjoy the nature. Most of your day should not be on the computer. Thank you for your time. 5 4 9
1409 1 I believe that computers make everyday work easier to do. Computers allow someone from a faraway place to talk to another person who they cant see in person, they allow you to get work done in a quicker manner. And get a college education without leaving your home. Imagine that you have a relative who lives a great deal of miles away from you and its too expensive to call or fly over there. Computers enable us to communicate with them through email or video chat without the hefty price. Because of computers, talking to your faraway family is a few clicks away. Getting work done can sometimes feel like another chore. Computers only make doing your work easier and faster. Would you rather sit and write out a term paper for hours or type it up and email to your in half the amount time college students find that computers get them efficiently than writing by hand. Computers are way to burdens of work. Education is an of all need, but what if the college that you want to attend is too far from home and you cant afford to move in ? Thankfully, online college courses are available. If it wasnt for this source of technology, you would be left to do what? Online courses allow an eager student to learn without breaking their bank or leaving their child if they are parents. Without computers, everyone would not be able to get the education that they have a right to. Computers have allowed us to communicate with our family that live somewhere we cant afford to travel to. These technological devices have enabled to us to get our work done in a timely matter to receive the grade that we deserve. Computers have allowed over @NUM1 citizens to get their education right in their home at a price they can afford. Without this gadget, we could not be able to live the life we have @DATE1, a life that can get us to where need to be. 4 5 9
1410 1 Dear @PERSON1, The use of computers is not beneficial to our society. I fear that many kids will suffer from child hood obeasity, this is because of the inactiveness of so many teenagers my age. They @CAPS1 could be enjoying life outdoors and staying active, but they choose to sit infront of a screen all day, everyday. Researchers have proven inactiveness is at large due to many, facebook, mysape and twitter users. These websites are nothing but trouble, other than being unhealthy, teenagers all over are being cyber bullied, to the verge of suicide. Many are not aware of the several pedifiles and creepos these sights carry, which can lead to abduction, rape or worse. By staying active and being outdoors with your friends could save you from these dangers. Go outside run a little, you would be amazed how much a little exercise can help you. Also I firmly believe time should be spent with your family, doing family activities and eating dinner with your parents. By doing this you become closer as a family, and it could help you make healthier choices keep exercise. I believe by following these simple steps, staying active, staying off the computer and spending time with the family. Is much more beneficial than learning how to type, or talking to your friends. Using the computer leads to cyber bulling, and dangerous people, living healthy is the way to be. 4 3 7
1416 1 The advancements of technology has developed so much that it has become comenly known to us as a normal house hold such as we use it every day at work, home, schools, bussneses it has become a comen used item in the everyday life. Emails, researching, questions on the world around us. It is required at almost every job application and at school and every thing in between. It's the - @DATE1 - complete age. Computers are and every day thing such as email how thats something that I dont worry about that and also there used to file a tax return. Also it is used to make reports up for people. Computers have also become a comen used thing such as school that we use them for reports, studies, and some home work. Also buiseness use it to comunicate with corprat @LOCATION1 uses a wide stance of technoligy they rec got a whole bunch of apples. Last. Computers are required at most jobs, and @CAPS1 going to list a few state, schools, military defence, jobs for on missles A and thier satlelite communication shut dwn on all comunications cell phones one those plaines that if it the twin towers nitro in atrack, tracking the truck where it gose and the rest I know about computers is classifieded. And this is why computers are needed in this society to use every day and thier comenly used and that are requirded. 4 4 8
1419 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have reason to believe that computers and other similar modern technologie is breaking up the world we once were. Things such as computers are a main cause of @CAPS3 lacking exercise, interaction with family and friends, and is also a possible danger to ones mental health. The leading cause of obecity and an outrageous amount of overweight people in @LOCATION1, is the fact that people spend way to much time on computers, and not excersizing. I have recently found out that in the @DATE1's the average familly had one computer (sometimes none). Nowadays, the average familly has up to @NUM1, @NUM2, or even more! Furthermore, the percentage of obese peoples has sky rocketed since then, because people are almost always on the computer, rather than exercising like they should be. A major reason that modern technologie has hur t our nation, is that there is an immence lack of communication and interaction between families. Families are fighting/arguing more often, and spouses getting in divorces because they never get to spend time together. Studies have shown that nowadays @NUM3 of @NUM1 marages ends in a divorce, where as in @DATE2, it was @NUM3 of @NUM6. Advances in technologie have astoundingly increased since then, and people are on the computer/phones/other @CAPS4 which is separating families everywhere. When impubesent children are trying to grow and expand their minds, all they are doing is sitting on the computer, and not getting the brain nutrition they need. The students in schools today are the future leaders of the world. Now the parents should be thinking, if they want their children to do well, or exeed their expectation in life, then they should not be sitting on the computer all day filling their-heads with nonesence. Now, computers do have the abillity to be educationally usefull, but do children use them that way? The answer in no, and, ""@PERCENT1 of the time, neither do adults"", state @PERSON1 from the @ORGANIZATION1. I hope you can agree on the fact that computers are causing more bad than good in familes all around the world. People are not getting the amount of exercise they need, aren't interacting with family enough, and these computers can become harmfull to the mental health of future generations. If famillies can minimize the amounts of computer-drawn activities, then I think parents all over the world can modify themselves about their childrens health." 5 5 10
1422 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 is your opinion on computers? Are they good or bad? Computers, have not been around that long but it is contrivertal wiether it has a positive or negative effect. True they do help people research certain topics but they are also hazardous. I believe computer are not a neccesity to people. Computers are uneeded because people spend way to much time on them, then we begin lack exercise, and they become hazardous to everyone. First, computers are not a neccesity because people send way to much time on them. Once you are on a computer for over an hour to an hour -and-a-half the computer will start to effect you in negative ways. For one your eyes will begin to hurt. If you stay on longer than that you will start to get a head-ach. Soon your head-ach wil turn so bad you cant bare it. It will pound and feel as if its on fire. This happens because your brain cannot take in the brightness of the computer and @CAPS2 your reading or seeing at the same time. Most of the time this happens eventually you will lock yourself in time a darkroom to rest. Sometimes you don't get off till they have a stomach-ach too. After they get off and feel better they go back on to repeat the process. This is why, computer are an obstruction to us. Next, people begin to lose exercise. After being on the computer for so long all they have time to do is eat, sleep, and go to work or school. Computer have deprived everyone of the outside. They don't want to go out and get exercise and play around. Living in those conditions can only lead to one thing, obysity. Soon you will become fat. Life will become tough. And being fat also has a negative effect. For one you cannot run very long, you become weak, and for kids you stop growing. But the worst is you will not live as long as you would if you were healthy. So you see computers are a nucence to our society. Finally, computers are hazardous to the envirnment. There are @NUM1 billion people in the world. At anytime about @NUM2 billion are on some sort of electronic device. When you are on a computer, have you ever noticed the hot air blowing out of the fan. Now, have you ever thought were this heat goes. Well, it makes holes in the ozon layer and causes global warning. The ozon layer is the only thing keeping the sun's ultra-violent rays from scorting us. Now if everytime some turns on a computer @NUM3 of the ozon layer disapeared and @NUM2 billion people are on that would be @NUM2 billion mm gone from our atmosphere. Now think about global warming. If the ozon layer is like a bubble, the heat is trapped inside. So this heat will eventually heat up the earth. This will cause the @CAPS3 to melt and then the sea will rise. The @CAPS3 has enough water in it to flood the earth. Do you reall want that. Eventually we would drown and life would seece to exist. As you can see computer are a nucents. They hypnotize the young children and adults. They be helpful but more hazardous. Sometimes we don't even relize this. Computers are bad because people spent to much time on them, people lose exercise, and they are hazardous to us. 3 5 8
1430 1 Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 you think computers have a positive or negative effect on people? In my opinion, I would say that computers have negative effects on us. This is because we would get less exercise, less time to enjoy nature, and interacting with family and friends. If your on the computer most of the time at home, how would you get your exercise? You wouldnt because the whole time you would be stuck sitting down at the desktop. This is also a proble because this is how obeseity can occur from no exercies, and just sitting all day. Or people who have heart problems nad need exercise can worsen by being distracted by the computer. Being home on the computer does not let you enjoy nature. Instead of going outside in the warm wheather, having fun people are staying home. This is not good because they should be out having fun, not on the computer all day. Missing time with family and frinds is unexeptable when your on the computer. This is because yar supposed to keep your family and friends company and not daze off on what your doing on the computer. Also you miss family gatherings or leave yar friends lonley. Thats because yar to busy on the camourar nad not paying attention to anyone arand you. This is why I think computers have a negative effect on people. This is because of less exercise, less time to enjoy nature, and interacting with family and friends. 4 4 8
1436 1 "Dear @CAPS1, you sit down at the computer with a glass water and an afterschool snack, possibly an after work snack. You log on to your many accounts, open some chat boxes with your friends & start researching for your project. As more & more people log on to technology, they seem to come out with new things for computers. Some people are missing out, & dont see the negatives, like social relationships failing, procrastinatting, lack of learning & more! Beep! one new @CAPS2 message. On the computer you can talk to your friends & family, but sometimes people are on so much that in real life relationships fail. You cant type a @ORGANIZATION1 message or hide your feelings behind a screen. Also for kids when they get older, many jobs require customer service, and if you only are good at talking to people on the computer, it cant help you. Whatever you say on the internet can be read & posted anywhere, any site, any time, whereas in real life its really you talking. School are learning are very important too, but sometimes I know I have homework but procrastinate and say ""@CAPS3 @CAPS4 do it later, i need to check this out!"" putting my learning to a stop. Some people dont like school, but its very important in a persons life if you like to be successful, you need to balance school, learning, computer time, and dont forget exercise & possibly work! Computers can be helpful with research & guides, but facebook or twitter is going to slow you down. So buckle down start that research! Chatrooms, @ORGANIZATION2, email and other things can be harmful to you. There are many predators out there who are just waiting for anybody to log on. Its very dangerous, and someone can pretend to be someone there not. Also, computer all day with no exercise can lead to obesity, and sometimes your hands posture can give you carpal tunnel syndrome. There are many bad things that result from computers. Many times in your life youll need to find a balance. Dont overlook the negative or you could get hurt. Computers are nice to have, but be careful not to whittle away all of your time on it!" 4 4 8
1438 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3't it about time we start thinking more about the digital age. Computers has contributed so much to society for many years and up to this point I don't believe the world would be able to function without it.Some people say that computers @CAPS3't good for society but do they really believe that computers gave us the internet, email, most jobs depend on the internet, even games, and many more let me explain. First of all without computers there would be no internet and without that many jobs would fail. Most jobs need the internet to work like architects need the computer to design buildings and houses. Almost every office has computers for many different reasons. Writers need the computers to wright books, if they were hand writen some people might not be able to read it, so if there was no computers thousands of people would loose their jobs. My mothers works on a computer she would loose her job. Not only that but we need computers for school. If I had to write a paper on a person it would be almost impossible to do without looking up information about him on the internet. Also with writing a paper, some teachers only exept typed papers. How are we suppost to do that if we didn't have computers that makes home work a lot easier. Lastly, computers lets us explore new places. Goole @LOCATION1 is a map of every place on @LOCATION1 that we can see. If you need to find out where something is you can always count on the internet. If you need direction you can print them out off the internet. Also if you need to find out what somthing means instead of using an dictionary use the computer. Now can you see how much the computer benefits society. Some people say that other people take too long on the computer but you don't have to. I don't know any one that uses the computer for more then work or school. 4 5 9
1439 1 "Dear local newspaper, I am sure you will agree with me about keeping the computers in this world. I am sure you will agree with me about keeping the computers in this world because computers help everyone in their education. For example when i don't understand some words i go to the computer type www.dictionary.com. Then i words that i don't understand. After that the definition comes up and in a faster time because when i look in the dictonary i take about @NUM1 to @NUM2 minutes to just find a word but on the computer it takes me @NUM3 seconds. Also computers let us chat and send massages when we can't see or take to a person so we send massages and the receive the message them they send back a message. Lastly computers help on english class like on spelling, writing, typing, editing & revising. That's why i think we should keep computers in this world. I know everyone doesn't know everything. Computers could help us in math, by using formilas and a calculator on calculator.com. Also computers help in science, by going to @LOCATION1 and asking questions like, ""what is matter or what are . Finally i am gonna talk about not understanding some words. I always go to dictonary.com so that website could give and help understand the word and get the real definition. I always use these @NUM2 websites when i am stuck in math or science or in english. Those websites could help a lot in our education. That's my way of thinking about the computers helping us in our education. My parents are always staked about me talking to my friends and hanging out with them. So, when i can see or talk to my friends i go myspace or facebook or msn to talk and send messages to my friends. We just keep chating and sending can messages because our parents don't let us hang out. Mostly everyone does the same. I do we could also send much other pictures, music and lot more. That's my opinion of why we should have comuters because we need to chat or send messages. At the end you know we all need to type our essays, lesson and more. The computers help use make power points they check our spelling, the could also change why we wright like cursive and more, they also help in editing & revising. I always keep sending words wrong. So the computer help me on spelling it also makes your project look better. That's why i think" 5 5 10
1447 1 Dear @CAPS1 of the @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4, computers are a wonderful tool and they bear many positive impacts on society first, computers have created numerous @CAPS2 forms of communication. Also, they have enable us to create a @CAPS2 age in research. In addition, computers have given us amazing @CAPS2 ways to entertain ourselves computers have a incredibly positive effetct on people. One reason why computers have such a positive effect on humans, is that we have developed many @CAPS2 ways to communicate with people all over the world. First, one fantastic program such as @CAPS5 (instant messaging) has given us the amazing ability to hold a conversation with one or more people any where in the world, and be able to respond within an instant. In a recent survey @PERCENT1 of people said that they prefer instant messaging over any other type of communication beside face to face talking, second, most computers come with webcams built in now, so you can actually see the person you are communicating with. I had friend move recently, and we are able to see what each other are doing and remain friends even though we don't live in the same town, and I'm sure a similar experience has occured to you or someone you know. Finally, the popular program of facebook has changed communication forever. People can now see things go on in your info whereever want. Although some it has a wonderful computers have established incredible ways of communication. A second reason computers positively import people is that they have created a numerous research. One example would be our phenomenon search engine, google. Google to almost everything with help people in finding schools now use computer resources such us @CAPS6 which allow in research to the fact that there is so much availbale on the. In addition, computers have created many opportunities for people to learn more because of the billions of web you in existance studies have shown that @PERCENT2 of people have found a website conataining information relevant to their research that was than a book. Computer are the reason that research has contuined to thrive and @CAPS2 continue to be made. Finally, computers have established amazing @CAPS2 entertainment for people of all ages. First, video websited such as youtube have created a place for people to watch music videos and creative films just to enjoy themselves. If you can't get tickets to a concert you want going online to watch music videos by that person is a much cleaper alternative, second, jaming websites are a less expensive, but if you go online you can play similar games at no charge. Finally websites with appropriate funny stories posted on them are a fantastic way to get the laughter of a comic, without leaving your couch wouldn't you prefer to stay home, rather than going out when it isn't necessary? computers are an incredible way to achieve quick, un expensive entertaiment in todays economy. In conclusion, computers impact proper in many positive ways. they're established now forms of communication, research and entertainment that will forever change society. Therefore, I invite you to join me to demonstrate the icrredible strenght of computers. 6 6 12
1453 1 "Dear local newspaper, I have recently saw that you think that people are spending way too much time on computers instead of excercising or hanging with their friends and family. Well I think the opposite of that opinion. People interact with people online if the want to. People can also learn new things. Plus computers help people make money. So read on to hear more. Most people that use computers are interacting with people someway somehow. @PERCENT1 of all people have either a facebook, a myspace, a skype, or all three. on any of those sites you interact with people. We can meet new people on the internet. Like people on the other side of the state or country. Also we hear about what is going on in our big or small town. Like for instance if there was a missing child we know the description, so we could help find him or her. Not only do people interact bu people can research useful information. For an example, one day I was told do a project on teen mothers. I went straight to the library I took some books out and whatever I couldn't find in the books. I went to the computer for. Also we can learn about faraway places like @LOCATION2 or @LOCATION1. My mom always says, ""@CAPS1 your room or @CAPS2 going to give your stuff to people in need."" @CAPS3 the first time she said that to me I went to the computer to see how other people were having to me. Some were good, nice, big houses but tyen others lived in boxes and trash cans. That changed me big time, I felt really had for those people. Lastly computers help people make money and support their family. @PERCENT2 of all people found out about their job on a computer. Theycan go to websites to find good safe jobs that makes good money. Plus if you have a computer you can easily work from home. Some people dont have the money for babysitters so have to watch their kids all day so have to work from home to make money. Finally people can apply for jobs or even community service online. My sister, @PERSON1, got her first job by going on the @CAPS4 museums website and applying right there on the computer. Therefore computers are good. I say this because people can interact with other people online, people can research useful information, and finally computers help people find jobs and make money. Do you use computers for any of these reasons?" 4 5 9
1460 1 I have relized that there as been a disagreement about computers the positive and negative effects on people. It seems to me, in my opinion that computers have more of a negative affect on people than positive. I believe tat people are spending too much time on the computer and not exercizing, they don't spend quality time with family & friends and need to get fresh air and enjoy nature. Although computers are a great piece of techology, many don't get outside to enjoy the nature & fresh air because their computers are inside their homes. This is not good because when you go outside, it helps skin health from the sunlight & lets in fresh air for your lungs. In addition, a walk outside to enjoy nature wouldn't hurt either. It can relieve stress & can be relaxing. Furthermore, it is obvious when people are on the computer, they usually block out what their friends & family are saying to them. People can lose track of time & be on the computer for hours. Instead you should use this time to be with your friends and family. Being with your family can make your bond between each other stronger and you can get along with each other better. Also, having a nice family time is a good way to help be with your family. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 experts say that eating a family dinner can help a child's grades & prevent them from using drugs or dropout of high school or college. Finally, kids are more obese than us because they don't get enough excersize. At least @PERCENT1 or more kids are obese from recent studies. Due to this; this can lead to bone & joint issues, heart diseaase, lung problems, diabetes and athsma. These issues above are serious health problems if not treated. If kids excercize instead of being on a computer all day, the number of obese kids will drop drastically. Excersize can help kids' self esteem, and get them back in shape. They can either play sports or even take a walk or run. There are many different things you can do to excersize and its fun for kids. Unquestionably, there is definitely more reasons why there is a negative affect on kids/adults due to computers for the reasons above and more. Computers prevent people from enjoying nature to get fresh air. Likewise, they also prevent families & friends to spend time with each other and lastly, it isnt allowing kids to excersice which can lead to obesity. 5 5 10
1483 1 To: @CAPS1 this letter concerns, Computers are apart of our daily life. You can do many things on them such as play games, watch videos, search the web, and even communicate with people from all over the world. They are very useful for people who go to school bacause you can complete and save work for your classes. Sure maybe some people are addicted to the computer but others use it only when they need to. Computers have a massive affect on some peoples life. Sitting around on the computer all day can be harmful but informative in many ways. One of the informative ways is that you learn new information every time you log on. That is why I think the computer has a great effect on people. 3 3 6
1489 1 Dear local newspaper, In my opinion I feel like to many people spend to much time on the @ORGANIZATION1. People are getting obeast because there not getting enoff exersoce. Children are going on the @ORGANIZATION1 instead of doing there homework. Maybe perhaps a fmaily member is dieing and you rather spend time on the @ORGANIZATION1 instead of with that family member. all of this things are happening because of the computers everyone is getting. This can not be true! That over @PERCENT1 of the people inNew @CAPS1 say that they are putting on a lot of waight and turning obeast. I asked them what do they think is this to happen. Someone named @PERSON1 said the reason is the computers there taking over people lifes. The computers is the enomy of the people that it is a affecting most in life. Me as a child a @ORGANIZATION1 is throwing me off of my homework. I use to have A's and b's on my report card only. Right now it turned in to @CAPS2 and @ORGANIZATION1's are changing my life drastikly but not in a good way. As you know it your child could be going threw, the same terible things as me. You should start to check there homework instead of them just going on there @ORGANIZATION1 and forgetting all about there work life I did. Try and provent this. running down your face and feeling disaponted in your self. The one you love good past u way and you did not even spend time with he or she. Wanse again the thing that is called @ORGANIZATION1 did this. The disigen that you made because of the @ORGANIZATION1 would and is going to scare you for life. We the people that have computers would find out that they were never made for a good purpose just to distray what we do and how we spend times with are familys and friends. Turn your head and say no to the one thing that would reck you into little peases. How do you feel? I feel bad because I let something so little mess up my life. You still have time to change your life and say no to the computers. They could make you turn obeast because you are not getting enoff exersice. The one you love could be messing up because of the @ORGANIZATION1 that you have in your house. The worst thing of all you were not able to spend time with the family member that you love the most. The computers that we have are missing your life us you no it up. Just say no to the computers and live your life the best way that you could. Don't you feel bad that you let something so little ruen your live!?! 5 4 9
1490 1 "Dear local newspaper, The effects Computers have on people is that people realie on them and thats not good because they have less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. First of all, having less time exercising is not good because @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people ent up fighting obesscicley. ""You don't want to be one of those people trust me"" said @PERSON1. Second, enjoying nature is a good thing to do instead of playing with a computer because you get your daily dose of air by enjoying nature. ""You also have a lot of fun"" said @LOCATION1. Lastly, interacting with family and friends is fun and who doesn't love that. ""Spending time with the family is fun cause you get to go places,"" said @PERSON3. ""Who doesn't love going out and spending time with friends on the weekends,"" said @PERSON2. Those are my reasons why the effects computers have on people are not good." 3 3 6
1491 1 "Dear @CAPS1 and readers @ORGANIZATION1 the @ORGANIZATION3 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 a modern world sent back in time to the @NUM1 quickly drive your car to get groceries but must ride damage for hours to simply buy some milk. Entertainment is dull, and it is hard to receive books for learning. Ending the usage @ORGANIZATION1 such @ORGANIZATION1 technology as computers would surely be the first step to sending us back to such a barbaric time! Computers present job opportunities, educational opportunities, and a way to communicate with others! Furge you to continue using computers, for without computers our modern civiliz would be lost! Firstly, it is important to note, during our economic crisis, that the development and manufacturing @ORGANIZATION1 computers creates thousands @ORGANIZATION1 jobs! In fact, each year @NUM2 @ORGANIZATION3 jobs are created in the @CAPS5.S alone in accordance with the development @ORGANIZATION1 computers! @CAPS14 the customers who buy these products were to stop losing them, these jobs would be lost and any progress we've made in the economic crisis would surely fall! Do you, the fair people @ORGANIZATION1 our nation, wish to be responsible for such a catastrophe! Recently, the @ORGANIZATION3 stated, in the cover page article, that, ""without the development @ORGANIZATION1 computers in technology in @DATE2, @DATE3 more people would be without jobs in the @LOCATION4A! "" @CAPS6, undoubtedly many educational opportunities woulf be lost for your childred @CAPS14 you were to stop using computers! Computers present the easiet way to research and gather information. ""@CAPS7 @PERSON1, top nothe educational provider in the history @ORGANIZATION1. A group @ORGANIZATION1 young brilliant teachhers headed by @PERSON3 have implemented a program at the @ORGANIZATION1 using computers. This program lets students view the interesting way @ORGANIZATION1 world cultures in videos! For your keen visual children, this is a much better way @ORGANIZATION1 learning than using books! In fact, @PERSON2, superintendent @CAPS14 schools in @LOCATION1, recently stated in this newpaper, the @ORGANIZATION3 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, that he planed to implement the program into all @LOCATION1 schools during the @NUM3 year! He needs the town""s your support to have this idea come through he recently sent out fliers to local citizens bearing the impressionable heading, ""@CAPS10. Goy @PERSON2 @CAPS11 youto expand learning by using computers!"" @CAPS12, communication is a vital part @ORGANIZATION1 using computers. In fact, the internet, which can only be acessed through a computer, offers the fastest way @ORGANIZATION1 communication other than telephones! ""@CAPS13, @CAPS7 computer expert for @ORGANIZATION2, ""computers offer ever more than the telephones! Not only can one converse through the internet, they can also webchat, exchange files and important data, and market and sell items to customers! ""@CAPS14 you stop using computers, you deny yourself this magnificent way @ORGANIZATION1 communicating! My sister lives in @LOCATION3, and as a result I barely get to see her or even talk to her. Then, when my mon bought me a laptop, we were able to speak to each other again. Sge helps ne through all @ORGANIZATION1 mt personal problems, and without this way @ORGANIZATION1 talking with her worl be lost. Now, @CAPS4 a modern, civilized world. You, the parents, are heading to work while your child goes to @ORGANIZATION1 and enters into the wonderful learning center @ORGANIZATION1 computers. In @LOCATION2, your favorite sister's currently writing you an email. This fantasy is possible @CAPS14 you continue to use computers! They presnt jobs, educational opportunities and a way @ORGANIZATION1 communication! You do not have to use them all the tim, still enjoy nature and fun with friends dear readers, but do not forget computers! Computer usage will keep you in the @DATE1!" 5 6 11
1495 1 Dear @CAPS1, I agree with the experts that people spend to much time on the computer, people should be exercising, reading, or spending time with friends and family. But people are so lazy and would rather be sitting and doing something on the computer and if they dont start doing other things instead of being online they could become overweight. My first reason why people should spend less time online is because people need to exercize. Seriously people should be taking walks around the block or going to the gym or even playing a sport instead of playing on the computer all day and doing nothing and without exercising you will become overweight and lazy. My second reason why I think people should spend less time online is because you should be spending time with your friends and family not ignoring them because your doing something on the computer. Thats just rude, so why dont you go and have a family game night or go out to eat with your family and you could also watch a movie, go skating, or even go to the park with your friends because thats a lot more fun than being online all day. My last reason why people should spend less time online is because everyone should have time to just read a good book honestly just walk down to your local library and check out a book because reading is way better for your brain than doing stupid stuff on the computer. So in conclusion, in my opinion I think people should spend less time online is because if you dont get enough exercize you can become over weight and lazy, and not spending a lot of time with your friends and family is just rude and reading is very good for you unlike staying on the computer, well that is all I have to say for now. 4 4 8
1497 1 "Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, Are you aware that more than @PERCENT1 of @CAPS2 families have ownership to a computer? Maybe so, but, were you informed that at least half of that @PERCENT1 have family issues or such related The issue in bond is if computers have a possitive effect or negetive effect on mankind. In @CAPS4 opinion, I feel that this invention @MONTH1 be is taking a negetive toll on society. I say this because now-a-days there are inappropriate websites that children should veiw, and it takes away time with family. But mainly because of the recent @CAPS3 issue. Without a doubt, youngsters such as are expertly and a website, we'll just do as we were told and on maybe we could find one by an accident. Who knows? All I know is, there too many to count adult websites that children from the ages of @DATE1 log on to everyday. This is unacceptable on a person why we should be prohibited in computers. No responsible parent would be caught dead with a @NUM1 year old on an adult website and computers make it harder such parents to do so. With such experience computers take away time with and when I had @CAPS4 computer, @CAPS4 always now we never spent time with her. She said the other day do I peel bananas,"" if i never got out on the computer, you would be right now,"" she was right. Whenever @CAPS4 brother and I got on the computer we'll stay in the all day. But every we've been together much @CAPS4 now and I feel that computers have a negetive effect on society is because of the recent @CAPS3 I was called to the office one day to be informed that a crew on @CAPS3 com had befriended me and they were using boys and girls for drugs and prostitution. People take advantage of computers and end reading peoples infos. This could have been prevented but it wasnt. Now it's your chance, I hope you will feel the same way as me when it comes to the negetives and positives of computers. But remember, computers have keep more websites that aren't good for young kids, it takes away time from family, but mainly because of the recent @CAPS3 issue." 4 5 9
1500 1 Dear local Newspaper editor, More and more people are using computers, but not everyone thinks that is such a good idea. Those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. Other experts disagree. I think that computers do have a positive effect on people because they let you learn about anything all over the world, they let you talk online with other people, and teach hand eye coordination. I think that computers are very helpful. Dont you love having the oppritunity to research anything from any part of the world that you want to learn about? I'm sure that everyone who has a computer does. With computers, you can use search engines like, google, yahoo, ask, and so many more. I know that computers help me with research all the time when I do projects or write papers for school. The internet is a great, reliable that you cango to when researching a topic for shcool or even just looking for an answer to a simple question. My next reason is that computers let you talk to other people online. Things like facebook, email, myspace, and web-caming all let you communicate with people anywhere in the world. For example, I have an aunt that lives in @LOCATION1, and on christmas me and my family used my cousins webcam to see her and talk to her when we couldnt be with her on a special holiday. Also, things like facebook and myspace let you put up pictures and chat with friends and family all over the world. My last reason why I think computers have a positve effect on people is that playing on the computer is a good leisure time activity. There are all kinds of fun games you can play, and some even let you compete with other people around the world. For example, internet checkers is a game that lets you compete against someone else. There are so many websites that let you pick games you want to play out of a huge selection. Its obvious that computers have a positive effect on people for research, talking to friends & family and leisure activities. I hope you agree with me! 4 4 8
1505 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @NUM1 out of @NUM2 of the students and staff members of @CAPS3 @CAPS4 school find computers verry important. Computers not only help people in school but at home too. I know that the readers of this artical will agree that computers are verry helpful, they teach us about people and things far away, and they are great for chating online! Most people use compoters every day! Computers are verry helpful tools in every day life. They always have a program that if you spell something wrong it corrects you. Computers even have websites of a dictionary were people can look up words. I know this is verry helpful because my brother is writing his collige essays and their are no colliges that will be impressed by a gramaticly incorrect essay. Computers also help you find things you need really fast, like food restrants and the closest malls, or even jobs! Not only do computers help people with spelling and jobs but they also can teach us about far away places. Computers can show and tell us of wonderful places beond what we have scean. A lot of normal societys familys have been on vacation before. To find an intriging place to go they can look it up on the world wide web. Even if a family cant go on a vacation they can still find from their computer cheeper closer things to do. When computers are beig used to find places and thing across the world and near you is they can also give teens the oppritunity to chat with their friends online. A lot of students in @CAPS3 hallow school have a facebook account. Most use this account to talk to their friends online. I also have a facebook and I use it almost everyday to talk to my cousin from @LOCATION1 that I havent scean sence I was @NUM3. But, computers arent just used for fun chating they can also be used for school blogs. In my language arts class we have a reading blog that every student has to participate in. This blog allows the class to not wast class time to talk about recently read books. In conclusion computers should be taken seriosly because they do help society. Computers help us every day, they teach us and they can be verry fun and eductional. Remember what @PERSON1 from the department of tecnolgey at @ORGANIZATION1 said, ""@CAPS5 can only get better if socitey accepts it.""" 5 4 9
1507 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 writers, @CAPS3 are an avrage of @NUM1 computers per house. That is just too much. I think society is too much time in computers. Computers are taking over our life. Spending time on the computer runs up the electric bill. Computers are one of the leading problems with weight and you are and interesting with society when on the computer. @CAPS4 you spend too much time on the computer you run up your electric bill do you realy want to be spending @NUM2$ in a month or would you rather get groceries, or even pay bills with that money. "" On avrage a family who used less computers saved @MONEY1 than a spends more time on thier computer. ""@CAPS4 i knew how much I save I would decanated computer"" says gamer I didn't know how much my hobbie was me"" @CAPS5 @CAPS3 is the problem life. The worst problem with computers is you dont with society @CAPS4 you spend most of your time on the computer you wont have alot of friends in real life. You @MONTH1 have online in real life toy call in love. I other than paly on the computer. I think society spending too much time in the computer. Computers such as the electrisity bill, when you the computer, you gain and dont participate with society so get off that computer and." 4 5 9
1511 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, The computer has been a resource we have been using for years and gives you information and pictures but that doesn't mean people have to be on it all the time. People can talk some times with other people or go on the webcam to see a loved one who's in iraq but the need to go outside to exercise just to take a walk around the block. They don't even need to leave the house all the time just excercise to a tape or get a tredmill. Thats all people need to do instead sitting on thier butts all day move around. People becoming obease has risen because of lack of excercise so grab your shoes and go jog a couple blocks in your niehbor hood just do little things and you will feel much better than you were on your computer. Nature is all around us but most people don't noice because their on the computers. Which needs to end now these beautiful land marks across the world are being wasted because hardly any ones looking at them. Go to @LOCATION1, @LOCATION2, even @CAPS1 and get some fresh clean air thats not from your home you can go to the park to just look at the birds just see something without a screen on it. So go got your camera and go some where with wild life and have fun. Just doing these things will help your health, energy and your mind. You can go on the computer and chat with friends but not all the time. Do you want to be unhealthy in life if not go outside and take a walk. 4 3 7
1519 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I think that people are spending to much time on there computers and not exercising as they're supouse to do every day. @CAPS5 @CAPS3 says that @PERCENT1 of all people in the intere world are spending to much time on the @CAPS3 and not enjoying nature. So they don't get exercis like other people do. @CAPS5 @CAPS4 says that people that go out side and not stair at there computers will live a long and helthy life. I say that @PERCENT2 of all people that are always on the @CAPS3 often go blind and will never see who the world is changing awound them. I say that @PERCENT3 of all people that don't always go on the @CAPS3 will live a better life then the people that are always on the @CAPS3. My @CAPS5 told me that you should go on the @CAPS3 just not for a very long time because beeing on the @CAPS3 for a very long time is not so good for you so don't go on the @CAPS3 for a very long time only for a short amount of time and don't go on the @CAPS3 every day only like @NUM1 time a week. People that have @CAPS6 book acounts you shouldn't go on it like every day go on like @NUM1 to @NUM3 time a week because going on the @CAPS3 for a very long time is not good for people. My @CAPS5 @CAPS8 says that @PERCENT4 of all people in the world have @CAPS9 and ofthen go blind because of them using the @CAPS3 all the time and that if you go on it for to long your @CAPS3 will mealt down and brake. I realy think that people shouldn't go on the @CAPS3 for every long time because every time they go on is a time that they will miss in the life so please don't do it. 4 4 8
1521 1 I believe computers have a positive effect on people because computers can help people in many ways. You can e-mail friends from across the world, get important information you might need, and also you can do business online. Computers have fasinating things to show and inform. Most people that have computers can use them for e-mailing friends. Sometimes your closest friends are across the country & you want to talk to them. Why not e-mailing them on your computer? It would mean a lot to your friends it you just take time to say hello through e-mail. My second opinion on why using computers are a positive effect on people because. Some middle school through college & the rest of you life need to use computers. Maybe because of some important information they might need for an assignment from a teacher. Not all the time you can find certain things in books. Now a days computers are taking over books. My third opinion for computers is that some people are to ill to go to work so they work online. Even though you are ill you will still be getting paid because you are still working. So women just had a baby & she is using her computer to work online. So she can make money so she can support her femily. In conclusion, my opinion is that computers have a positive effect on people because they are used for e-mailing friends, finding out important information for school purposes or job purposes. My last opinion is that computers are used for working online. To me, I think computers are a positive effect on people. 4 4 8
1526 1 Dear @PERSON1, To this day, there are many people who use telecommunication devices, like the computer. Some think computers have a posotive effect on people. Others are concerned that people spend too much time on them. I think that both these opinions are correct. Although using a computer can become an addicting and unhealthy habbit, they teach a person everyday about something, are enjoyable, and help save the earth. Using computers is something I know millions of people use everyday, and would think @CAPS2 would be difficult to live without. For example, my family owns four computers. We each have our own specific reasons for using them. For my mom, @CAPS2's usually working or checking her e-mails. For me and my sister, @CAPS2's researching and typing of homework, and communicating with our friends via facebook or. So say when my mom is working, or me and my sister are researching something we learn. Before these were computers, everyone used, but now that we have the internet, theres no really need to get a book. Most of the time people wont even have the book their looking either have to go out and buy get one from the library. Now this is an inconvenience to people, so why not use the internet thats quick, and. People also use computers to like I mentioned above with maybe facebook, @CAPS1, or e-mail.@CAPS2's quick, easy and fun. @CAPS2 also saves paper which helps the planet. We always use to send letters, but now with these sources, you don't need to much! Computers are also fun for kids because you can play a lot of games on bring. Now even though I mentioned all those good things, there are unfortunately bad ones too. So many people use computers everyday, and @CAPS2's bad for your physical and mental health. People spend so much time on them that they can get easily addicted. This means they will be on them all the time, and never do other things like go outside. They wasn't exercise which could be bad for their physical health. Also, staring at a screen all day is bad for your eyes, and brain. So I think, due to these causes, people shouldn't use them constantly. In conclusion, I'd like to say that people should use computers for learning things, go outside or do something active because spending all this time on computers can result in physical and mental health issues. Thank you and I hope you agree with my statements. 5 5 10
1528 1 Dear @PERSON1 I think myself that the computers could help u. With a lot of thing like my teacher gave my class some homework and we had to find facts about @CAPS1 @CAPS2 the @NUM1. And if it wasn't for the computer I wouldn't know nothing about @CAPS1 @CAPS2 the @NUM1. Plus the computer could help u find long lost family remembers because when my grandfather die my mother finded her sister on the computer. Plus on the computer I could find out about others states that I dont know about and the computer could teach u about a lot of thing my mother and teacher can't teach @CAPS5. Nah @CAPS6 just saying computers could teach u abt of things that people don't know about. 3 3 6
1532 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, In many ways computers have been very useful to the human rare. They can been used to look up information, talk to family and friends music etc. Don't you think people are wasting more time on the computer instead of getting exercise. It's clear that computers can do just about anything want than to do. But why spend your time on the computer when you can spend time with your family. Playing sports, or getting some fresh air. I think computers have a positive effect on people and negative effect one of the positive effects is being able to talk to your friends. i know sometimes we are not able to see them as much in school. In my opinion I think it is a great way so you can catch up on funny times that you can and friends shared. Now here comes the negative effect. Mang kids get bulled and picked by other kids over the internet. This can cause other kids to have a low self esteem, and cause dangerous events in the future. When it comes to computer they have saved many people life. Some of these ways are finding cures to harmful deases. Computers have information when serious weather storms are coming and prepare us for the weather. Wouldn't you agree that computers have played a huge role in our lifes. Sometimes we she take a break from them and enjoy nature. So have fun with technology and don't forget to stay active too. 3 3 6
1537 1 My opinion on computers is that I think it's a good idea for people to go on computers. I think this way because if you haven't seen someone for so many years then you got a chance to see that person or talk to that person through the computer. Computers are also good because if you have a project to do from school then you could get good information based on what project you have to do. I like to go on the computer to talk to my friends that I haven't seen a while you could also meet new people and make friends. If there wasn't computers then we would have to look through a lot of books for information, or go all the way to the bank to check your account balance, this is why I think computers are good ideas. On the computer you could see workouts to get fit we don't only have to go to the gym. My dad gose on the computer to talk to his sisters, or play games with other people arount the world. Another example I could use is my mom she talks to her family in @LOCATION1 and in other places too. If there wasn't computer's we couldn't our tests, we couldn't get information. I think computers are very good ideas, cause it's good when you got to pay your bills too. We could interact with friend and familys online too thats what a lot of tenns and aults do if there was a rainyday or if its snowing and we don't go the chance to see our friends or relitives. For some people they think it's not a good idea because some people get addicted to the computers, but there is so much that you could do that the computer won't get you board. Thats why I think that computers are a good idea and that they are very important. 4 4 8
1540 1 @DATE1 @CAPS1 Local Newspaper, I think that computers have a huge affect on people. My thing about it is that the computer gets kids lazy and unactive. Having a computer will give kids the action to sit around and do nothing. I'm sure you've heard of websites such as myspace, facebook, formsping, etc. These websites can get a person to be willing to be on computer instead of exercising and staying healthy. I believe kids like me these day want to keep in touch with their friends. If the phone's not in the picture then the computer is. Also getting rid of the computer can stop the homosexuals from getting a hold of kids by acting their age. I will admit the computer can be useful but to be on all day that's just rediculous. I have a @NUM1 year old brother that stays on the computer from the time he gets til the time he goes to sleep. Compared to me he's not fit and healthy at all, that's what countless hours on the computer did to him. In fact he's on myspace so much that he has over @NUM2 friends and he doesn't even half of them he gives them his number and home address. Do you notice a lot of kids these days want to. can when you would rather waste the computer other than outside and at least self. I've always had a to football but I could @CAPS2 find the time to play with my brother. All they are about is chicks and of course the computer. I'm not asking to take away computer's in people's homes but put a stop to the daily number of hours spent on it because time is one thing that money can @CAPS2 buy. Some kids will look back to these days wondering how much time they wasted on nothing. long story short like life, dont spend it all on nothing. 4 4 8
1543 1 Dear local newspaper @CAPS1 i think some peoples are not to much on the computers. Some peoples might be talk to their family members. To see if they are ok or if they are bad so they can know. How about if someone die in they family and they don't know notthing about that peoples. It might ben their parents, grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles or it might ben one of their best friends. Some people also might be on their bank acount. To see if they can get out money fror the bank. Might also be sending money by going to the computer and be sending to their family members. They might be paying a bill by the computer. The money they own to that bank or they might be doing some thing eles. I also think people are useing the computer to much. Just like kids they go on the computer to just play games. That's not go for the little kid because if they keep going on the computers. They might not want to get away from the computer. Then parents will have so hard time calling their kids to go eat or to go to sleep. That's going to be a hard work to do. So i think some people should go outside to do exercis and enjoy the nature. I do beleve to people will go outside and do exercis, enjoy the nature, and spenting more time with their family. And thank you local newspapers. Some people are also now things about people are about some eles. 4 4 8
1548 1 Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 don't have an affect on people because you can play games, webchat, and watch hilarious videos on the computers. Also, you can use the computers for a research project or you can use the @CAPS2 for some facts on @CAPS3 people like @PERSON2, @PERSON1, and @LOCATION1. Also, who would want to get of their @CAPS2 and exercise, exercising is so boring and lame. Second, who would like to especially enjoy the nature, walking through the woulds is so boring, you'll be walking through mud, ticks will be all over body, mosquitoes will try and bite you when you sweat. When kids get older, they mostly don't want to interact or spend time with their family, they want to spend time with their friends everyday. Also, they mostly want to use technology to. Kids will spend time texting on their cellphones when they're not in the mood for calling. Thirdly, computers do give you hand-eye coordination it teaches you how to type without looking down at the keyboard. Computers also teach you how to set you fingers on the home row for the keyboard. Finally, @CAPS2 really do benefit society because you can use this technology in middle school, high school, and through college. When you get older you'll be learning more about these kinds of technology. Also, kids could teach their parents how to use computers if their parents don't know how to. Teaching you parents how to use @CAPS2 is a great responsibility for your actions. 4 4 8
1549 1 To whomever this @MONTH1 concern, @ORGANIZATION1, almost everyone has them. Computers can make it easier to find certain places by using search engines such as @CAPS1 or @CAPS2 they are also a way of communication. I believe people using computers does benifit society because scientists use computers every day, to make the plans to send a ship into space or to keep progress of an experiment. Computers help people stay organized. A lot of teens and kids use their computers to shop and stay in touch with friends. Some people belive people spend to much time on computers. That @MONTH1 be true, but also remember what its doing for society. When people spend less time exercising, enjoying nature and interacting with family and friends its a personal choice. Its not like their being obliged by the @ORGANIZATION1. 3 3 6
1563 1 Computers, one of the daily things we use and @CAPS1 with. Some experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on the awesomeness of the computers! I love computers but, I as a teen know about managing your time on the computer. You cannot sit there and waste your time on the computer. The amount of time wasted on your computer could be the time you might be outside haveing fun. Theres lots of things you could do outside! As for some exsamples: @CAPS1 come ball, run around, go to the park, go exploring etc... Friends and family are very entertaining, I have lots of friends and I love them all! If you have some spare time you should hang out with them and have some fun, go to the mall! I always go to the mall with my friends insted of playing on the computer for hours on end. So get of the computer and go @CAPS1! Have some fan in the sun today. 3 3 6
1565 1 Dear, local newspaper people @CAPS1's lot of computer that have help us with are planet. Like not letting us dive are cars for stuff. Learninging was easyer for every one with computers too. Then have comunications with people with computers. We should hate a box the has information in it, we should be glad we have something like that in are home. Why we don't need-in us cars sometimes if you have a computer. Like some people have desided that can have @CAPS1 own busniss so they us the computer to make one. Then if you don't want to waste time driveing to buy a te-shirt you can just go on the computer and buy one. Next the more we drive the more polution git in are atmisphier. If we did not have computers are planet will get @PERCENT1 more pulluted. Each year. Now do you want that to happen to the world? Last, we wont be wasting gas on are cars because we are using computers. If the computer was taken away people will still choose the lasy way and just drive cars. Learning is easyer for every one with computers like we don't have to look in a book to find something. Then @CAPS1 different learning programs to teach us a different language. Like for lots of people have college for people who did not. Last, it can help us do are homework if we have on it. I realy my second brain, it has . Now lot of. Third, communication are going to be a hole lot with computers. Say you dont have and you to send a lot. The computer to help you, it will allow you to talk to, then you can talk to other people like the japaness who know english so you now how @CAPS1 life is to yours. You can ask people question. Or just for fun you can play mind game with other people. I got to do alot of chating with my old friend by this and I miss them but if the only way I can talk to them with out my parents yelling at me bacause the phone bill is so high. The greater or go of a computer make us know we don't have do that many stuff. Like polute are air. Then we can learn fast without a book. Last, to alow us to talk to my old friend, so can every one beleve me that the computer is not that bad. 4 4 8
1566 1 "Hello my name is @PERSON1 @CAPS1 and I am going to enforce you that computers can benefit our society. First, @CAPS3 allows students to easily get good grades on projects and reports. Second, You can make online job applications. Lastly, computers allow people to chat with other people. Firstly, the computer allows your children who are also students to do better on their projects and reports. They help children's reports because for example they are doing a report on ""@CAPS2 lincon"" they have access to look up the peron to get information they need right at home. Doing reports with their computer there is no need to use up your projects you can also look up information and print out pichers to make your project more vibrant and eye-catching to younger people. Also @CAPS3 allows you to type your information to make @CAPS3 look orginzed and neet. Accordly, if you are trying to find some job applications without wasting your time, just look on the internets. This way you want go to place not knowing if jobs are available and seeing none. Also @CAPS3 save your to save the trip out there. You are able to look up the paying of the job and regulations, and you can find out if you get the job fastered. Lastly, @CAPS3 allows socializing. For example like facebook or/and myspace lets you talk to friends from school or friends you met online. For adult who don't have a myspace or facebook account they can use email, msn, aol, aim/aol instant messager, or via chat. This way adults can catch up on work and children can kee in touch with friends or/and family. This is why @CAPS3 think computer with internet benifit our society projects, reports, job appicatrone and spcializing with family and friends." 4 4 8
1571 1 In my own opinion I think that people should get less time on computers more time exercising, enjoying, nature, and interacting with family and friends. If people spend time on computers they will not get off and be stuck on computers then spending time like going to the park, or the mall. For my second opinion that people should not get off of computers because it they ever leave somewhere far they are not to be able to contact you. If you on the computer you could get a computer that say's a free labtop then you could take it far like: On a airplane to north carolina, or virginia, or wasington @ORGANIZATION1, or a party, or a road trip, or on a ferry boat to the long island sound. For my third opinion that I agree people should not be off of computer because they might plan a trip to a far away place or a new house, or planing a anerveriry, or a new spot for a hunny moon a gorgest place like ona peek hill or at a hotel with a bed shape like a heart. For my fourth paragraph that I agree that people should not be off of computers that the count a location than person house or a location where they might be for that particular spot where that person is. For the fifth paragraph that I agree that people should not be able to get off of computers. I tell you why planning a birthday party for there child, or going to someone house for a visit like to tennessee. Or going to @CAPS2 @CAPS3 to see a basketball team and @CAPS1.S a another team and they are call @CAPS2 @CAPS3 lakers us caverlars. My conclusion is that people should not to be able to get off of computer. 3 4 7
1577 1 "Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3 people haved used a computer to learn new things such as cultures. Computers effect people in so @CAPS3 positive ways. They changed the way people think and how they look at the world. Experts even say how computers change the way they act at home and in the public. @CAPS6 also helps speical learn how to read and spell. A lot of people have used computers to learn different cultures. Which has helped are society in @CAPS3 ways. By edcuting youth so they don't make mistakes such as racial ways. Computers helped people learn things besides racial ways in the past but also about there own culture. Which has been proven by @ORGANIZATION1 news. People state that computers have made citizens lose there daily exercis. But people don't only use the computer to study they also use @CAPS6 to find different @CAPS4 different diets and ways to strech there body so they won't hurt themselfs, less than @PERCENT1 studied that the computer diets and different if themselfs to in The @CAPS5 times has said, ""The computer not only help our fitness, but also help stay in know our @CAPS6 keeps our world by one little click. And @CAPS6 gets there in less then a minute. So as you can see computers haved changed not on society but also the world. Thats how big of an impact @CAPS6 has had." 4 4 8
1580 1 Dear @CITY1 @ORGANIZATION1, I am a @ORGANIZATION2 student and I hear that some people think it is good to use computers and others think that its a waist of time. Well I have @NUM1 good reasons as to why computers are good technology. One reason is you can book places that you want to go or the sights you want to see. This is a good way to use the computer because you can track your route you can even print a map and go hiking. (hows that for excersing). Another reason why computers are good to use is because of online chats. Let's say that you have a family member that lives all the way out in @LOCATION1 and they have a computer and you want to talk to them but it costs you to talk, you can e-mail. This is a good way to use the computer because you can stay updated on what is going on with your family members. Another reason is learning. You can learn about many different cultures. You can learn about different people and how they live their life and ther cultures. My last reason is the @CAPS1. This is a great way to use the computer because you can keep updated on the lafest things like the earthquake in hati; or a hurricane or a @CAPS1 breaking story. Or if their is a storm headey your way. In conclusion, using the computer has great ways to be used and sure people, put some bad sights out their but if you use it the right way it is a good source of technology! 4 4 8
1590 1 Dear Local @CAPS1: I'm sitting at the couch thinking about what I should do for vacation. I know I definitely want to take a trip somewhere to do same creative writing, but my notebooks are all scattered, I don't know how to quickly contact someone who could help and I have no idea about the country that I plan to visit. I take a last look at my notebooks strewn about the closet looking very much like a tornado swept through and I find solution on the highest shelf my laptop. First, I highly agree with the people who think computers are useful. Three effects they have on people who use them usely are fantastic. Compare a person with a laptop to one without. The person with a laptop @MONTH1 be a busy business person and have to converse with many people from long distances a part, so they use e'mail and @ORGANIZATION1. They travel places with people at their fingertips. However a person without a laptop could be busy moving from place to place just to meet these people. Their schedule could be chaotic. Conversations over a chat system are fast and effective. Take my story for example. My mom hates wasting, so instead of me driving to a friend we @CAPS2. Saves money and time! In addition, I happen to be a writer who write often everyday in many notebooks. I've written so much over the years that my notebooks are piling all over my room. What organizational tool could help me in this situation? Why a laptop of course! One laptop or computer store a bunch of and editing a breeze. Anyone who with data and writing would be crazy not to have a computer! What you a room notebooks that you buy of, or a single, computer with tons of space and back up? You tell me. Computers encourage users to be more organized! Respectively, computers are resource for a millions of pages information. They're similar to libraries. But think about a library and then imagine a computer. One you have to walk around to seek your information and with the other, knowledge is merely a click away. Some @MONTH1 argue that computer websites are not entirely reliable I beg to differ. There are specific websites on computers with suffixes like '.org' and'.gov' and even'.edu'. These websites contain proven factual information and more great resources for research. By using computers I have acquired greater knowledge and have found computers beneficial. They have effectively made me more intellgent as a person. In conclusion, it's my strong opinion that those who use computers gain nothing but the positive effects, and these include money/gas-saving conversations through @CAPS2 and email organization and increased intelligence from reading. I've decide to take my creative writing on my laptop and in doing so learned the storm. 6 5 11
1595 1 Dear local newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people is they help make every day life easyier. First off, you can chat with people from long distances. Also, it makes home work, and finding information a lot easyier as well. Last but not least when you have nothing else to do, you can play games, and watch videos from online. One of the best things about computers is going online and chatting with @CAPS1 friends. Even if the are across the country, you can still chat with them, for free! Also, if you can't get in touch with them, you can send them a @CAPS2-mail, and as soon as they log on, they will get your message. Best of all, when you forget to write your home work down, you can go online, and ask one of your friend what it was. Besides talking to people, you can do your homework on a computer as well. All you have to do is make a word document, and type with the keys. Let me just say this is a lot better than having to write with a pencil. Not to mention, typing a paper is a lot neater. Also, if you are doing a report on something, all you have to do is look it up on the internet, and you'll get endless information about it, all on your computer! Last but not least, you can play games on your computer. Whenever someone is bored doing nothing they can just turn on a computer, and play their favorite game. Not only is it fun, but it teaches hand-eye coordination as well. Some people say they don't have the money for games, but little do they know, there are millions of free online games, that any age can play. This is great on a boring day when you have nothing else to do. In summary, the effects computers have on people is they help make everyday life easyier. You can chat with people from long distances, and it even makes home work much easyier to complete. Not to mention it has fun games for people to play when there bored, or have nothing to do. I strongly belive that computers have a positive effect on people, because of all the things they offer, and help us on. Thank you. 4 4 8
1597 1 North @CAPS1 courier, I would like to give you my opinion on the usage of computers. I am a person who supports the advances in technology and believe computers have a positive effect on people, @CAPS2 ran benefit people in many ways. The three most important ways to me is that @CAPS2 helps with hand-eye coordination, gives people another source to retain knowledge from, and lastly @CAPS2 realise to another way for people communicate. Hand-eye coordination is an awesome skill to have in our society. In a country, being the @LOCATION2, that revolves around sports, hand-eye coordination really helps out. Using the computers really helps harness and train your hand-eye for sports such as baseball, basketball and many more. Using the computers for hand-eye coordination will really help the @LOCATION2 to develop some world class athletes. We also live in a country where their are so many drivers and cars on the road. We have a problem with bad drivers here in the @LOCATION2 so if they improve their coordination maybe the numbers of car accidents and fatalities involving automobile will decreas. Well how in computers help with with hand-eye coordination yoe ask? I'll tell you how, by people using fun gaming sites, like luniosity.com, which is a website with games for brain training. @CAPS2 helps with hand-eye coordination, concentration, memorization, and problem solving. They help your brain in all of these categories just by having cute and fun little game. As you can see in the @LOCATION2 we need improved hand-eye coordination and @CAPS2 could do many positive things for the country. We cam improve @CAPS2 just by computer. To retain knowledge about other cultures, places, people and miscellaneous things makes to amazing thanks to the computer we have for this information besides books. have the internet and computers you can know about what you want when you type in the subject into a search engine like google or yahoo. People can learn all of this wonderful and interesting information about things they of never known before. @CAPS2 also helps kids like to find information for reports and. There are truly you can learn on the internet. You can learn about or. Maybe the difference between an element and a compound, or even just the definition of the word sucess than is a to @LOCATION1. You can get so much knowledge from the computers/internet. Communication is another huge part of our daily lives. Most people have home phones or call phones, but for the ones who dont they need as meen of communication. On the computer you can use instant @CAPS3 or email; @CAPS4 twitter, or myspace as well. The computer gives people who don't have phones another way to communicate with others. Even if you do have a phone and someone you known is overseas. Instead of wasting money on a long distances just use one of the systems y've mentioned. The same thing goes for our military, they don't have phones to call home so they communicate via the computer. Communicating via computer is just another reason why the computer is so important. So as I conclude my letter to you, the north @CAPS1 courier, I shall restate that I do support technology because they do have positive effects on people. The positive effects that are the most major are @CAPS2 teaches hand-eye coordinating helps people with another source to gain knowledge, and lastly @CAPS2 allows another way to communicate with people. I will tell you once again computers benefits society and do have positive effects. 6 5 11
1601 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 reading your paper weekly and @CAPS2 up with local events, I was able to retrieve the information of a contreversy dealing with the effects of computers. I for one think that the computer was come to be one of the greatest inventions ever created. It was @CAPS3 changed our Society, and if you ask me, in a very posotive way. My first reason has to do with the knowledge that the computer possesses. You can practically discover anything in the blink of an eye, as opossed to a book or going to the library; which is very time consuming Not only does a computer take for less time to get information, it also holds a much large amount of information than a library can store. Computers hold knowledge on almost everything imaginable, but best of all, its right your fingertips. Another great characteristic of the computer, is it's ability to let people @NUM1 miles apart converse freely. This might just be the greatest thing about the computer. Chatting online completeley erases the hassel of @CAPS4 phone bills and carrying around cell phones, You can speak with friends half way around the world with no cost to you, amazing!!! The one thing that is faulty about the computer is it's overusage by children although this is a significant problem, it is not the computer's fault. Kids should no the limit. There should be @ORGANIZATION1 for both being on the computer and for excersise and fun with friends this problem has most likely influenced many to com to dislike the computer, but you must understand that the time children spend on the computer is entirely up to him/her or the parents. In @CAPS5 I hope I have persuaded you enough to agree with my thoughts and to give the computer a chance, im sure you'll be satisfied. 4 4 8
1603 1 To the local Newspaper, I think using computers does not have a negative effect on people. I believe it's an advantage to use it. You are given technology, advantage so why not use it? They give people chance to chat with people allow them to make friends. These days people even watch to shows on the computer-websites such as: @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION1 allows them to search anything and watch it on @CAPS1. People make emails, download music and several other things. Children at the age of @NUM1, @NUM2 even @NUM3 move use computers-play games on them. i have a cousin who is @NUM3 and he plays games on it all the time he even knows how to search something on the computer. Some people @MONTH1 think it gives you a negative effect, but really it doesn't. Those people think that should comee to the reality. We have to step up as the life goes. Let's say a girl doesn't have a computer, her parents think that computers spoil children, their technology spoil children. The girl goes to school, her friends asks her to give them her e-mail. Every time her friends asks her about email she makes up some excuse and tries to avoid the subject. this time she made an excuse, but how many times is she going to make up an excuse. Then suppose one day her friends finds out she doesn't have a computer and embarasses her in front of everyone. So, what I'm trying to say is that you have to see around you and go on with it computer also saves your time. You can just type instead of writing whole out. You can make your writing cursive or any other that you would like. After reeding my letter, I hope you understand my point. Next time you see a person who thinks computers give negative effects to people, tell the advantages of the computers and how it benefits society around you. 4 4 8
1607 1 "Dear who ever this @MONTH1 concern, I think that people spend way too much time on computers. They do not exercise as much. People sit inside all day instead of going outside to enjoy nature. Family's and @CAPS1's are spending less time together because they have computers to talk to each other. Computer's have become a negative influence on people today. People need exercise to live. It keeps us healthy. With all the fast food places pople need exercise more now than ever. People do not want to exercise if they have a computer to go on. A staticstic is @NUM1 out of @NUM2 @CAPS2's @CAPS3 each have their own computer in the house. They said ""I would much rather be on the computer than outside"" (@PERSON2 @NUM3 grader at @ORGANIZATION1). Even students do not want to exercise when they could be spending time on the computer. Human only have so long to live. There is beautiful nature outside. We do not enjoy our surrounding because we would rather be on th computer. For example @PERSON1 would rather spend her day on the computer than enjoying the amazing nature we have around us. @NUM4 out of @NUM2 students enjoy nature every week. A young girl about @NUM6 never apperciated nature until her parents made her stay in a month. She now loves nature. because it got boaring day after day on the computer. Family and friends are huge parts of our life. We want them to be apart of our big events. Because of the computer we can talk to them whenever or email a video of our big event. But would it not be much better for them to be there, @CAPS4 you on when it is hapenning. When I was around @NUM1 @CAPS5 grandparents used to come to @CAPS5 soccer games, but now they dornot because @CAPS5 mom just records it for them to watch. I liked it so much better when they were at the soccer games, @CAPS4 me on. ""@CAPS5 family and @CAPS1 are the ones I want at @CAPS5 events, not to just show them after the event happend. A @CAPS6 is that everyone wants to share their event with the family. Computers aren't that great. They make it so family and friends do not come to see you. Computers take you away from the beautiful nature that surronds us. It limmits you on exercise and makes you gain weight, which is unhealthy. I urge you to use your computer less and exercise, see family, and enjoy nature." 5 4 9
1610 1 "Dear @CAPS1, I remember when I was younger my parents got two laptops for themselves. Internet use was always available, interaction of online chat. It was extremly exciting for them. On the other hand, I got to sit home and watch them have fun. I couldn't go outside, or hang out with friends just because I was stranded insided as they enjoyed the computer. I strongly feel as if computers do not benefit society. People spend too much time using the internet than exercising, nobody gets to enjoy the beauty of nature, and there is less interaction with family and friends. There are many holes being dog while computers one still being used and bought. Our society is just going downhill from here. People don't need to be sitting at home inside breathing reused air while using the computer. Proffessor @PERSON3, a health generalist, stated on @ORGANIZATION2 news that @PERCENT1 of all people around @LOCATION1 would rather be on the computer at home doing nothing than going outside and/or getting some kind of exercise. Could you imagine all of those unhealthy people not worriying about anything except their computer? the only thing computers do for us these days is abandon our free time. @CAPS2 waist @PERCENT2 of there spare time on their computer. If technology decreases there new games people play, and sites people use, it is likey for people to get out of the house and do something healthy for themselves. @PERSON1, owner of @ORGANIZATION1, said ""I have never seen in my entire life, so many people using there computers and internet. Its been quite sometimes when over one billion @CAPS2 are online on a typical weekend. "" @PERSON1 later mentions "" it's kind of depressing of how much time they spend on computers, than outside and enjoying nature."" Not only is excersicing time headed down the drain, but our used to be "" beautiful"" nature is as well. Many young kids these days are watching @CAPS3, they see computer game commercials there parents buy them the game, and all of a sudden they are on it @NUM1. Since adults aren't doing there part by idolizing these kids to persuade them to run around outside and do something healthy. The kids need to step up for a change! Did you know global warming is caused by the minimum density in the air? If we have almost to no children or adults running around outside, our world is not flowing too well. Hence our budget is low, and pollution is extremly off the wall; our nature is going from beatifu to less and lesser. @PERSON2, a government official has survey @NUM2 people from each state asking about how much time they spend weekly of just enjoying nature and roleizing the beaty of it. The survey reads one in every @NUM3 people thoughly breathe in the beauty for at least @NUM4 minuests, a week. I mean come on; that's pathetic. Maybe if we surely excluded computers and technology for a while, global warming won't be nessicary. I remember when I was about @NUM4 years old an I never once got to meet my other family besides my siblings. It was pretty sad because I'm always told I have a huge family that is very known to our town but I have no clue who they are ! this is all because technology was invented. Never once have I ever been outside and relaxed besides when I got on and off the bus for school. My parents stand me in my house as they use the computer. The other day I just found out what ""show"" is because my moms computer brake and now I am get introduced to my other family along with the freedom of going outside. Ever since my mom's computer brake she has lots of free time to spend with me. Technology ruined my childhood as a kid and without it you get to open up the real importance of life. Would you want to become obese, like through global warming, and/or to not interact with family or outside nature? Its sadi how @PERCENT3 of these reasonings are caused by the excessvive use of technology and computers. Let's just get rid of it all! Thank you for your time @CAPS1!" 5 6 11
1612 1 "Dear Newspaper, @CAPS1 do @CAPS5 do when @CAPS5 need to write a report? Or talk to a buisness partner, friend, or family? @CAPS3 computers help us do all of that. The eletronic wonder improves are lives everyday. Yet some people refuse to accept computers are now apart of every day life. Computers help us communicate, research different topics, and have just plain fun things to do. Computers make it easy to communicate. Things like ""@CAPS2"" and ""facebook"" let us talk with each other. Some @MONTH1 contest ""@CAPS3, use a phone or go out."" @CAPS1 if they're away on a trip, or live thousands of miles away? With computers everything is easier. Computers allow us to reserch topics @CAPS5 need for classes or work. ""@CAPS5 can get alot of detailed information from thousands of sites. Sceptics might ask the question ""@CAPS6 not go to a library."" Some of us might prefer to stay at home. Another reason is, that it maybe snowy, or the library is closed. @CAPS1 ever the reason, computers make reserch fast and easy. Computers also fulfill a great need to entertain ourselfs. Games sites like ""facebook"" have become very popular. They can provide us with emotional release from the everyday world. A pontential argument might you ""@CAPS6 go outside?"" The weather could for bad and your sick. Computers are fun, education and a communication wonder. should find the good in computers and @CAPS1 they could do for there." 4 4 8
1617 1 "Dear local newspaper, I feel that the people using computers benefits our society. I feel this way because computers give people the ability to learn about far away places: and people have educational websites, and even allow people to talk online with other people. First of all computers give people the ability to learn about far away places and people. When I was in sixth grade I had to do a project on @ORGANIZATION1 didn't know anything about him. But, luckily we have computers so I was able to @ORGANIZATION2 on a computer and found a wodd or information on him and got an a plus on the project. Also, when I was in fourth grade I had to do a project on @LOCATION1. I went on a computer went on @CAPS1.com a get lots of imformation and got on a plus. The second reason computers are benefitial to the society is because computers have educational websites. Computer technologist @PERSON1 saids, ""@CAPS2 percent of the computers websites are educational. I also remember when i was in seventh grade the whole class went on @CAPS3. com and were able to learn math and have fun at the same time. Last but not the least, computers allow people to talk with other people from around the world. Theres a website calle myspace.com and it allows me and other people to talk online around the world. I asked my class and ninety percent of them go on myspace.com. On the other hand the computer does have cons. Some kids go on unprohibited websites that are not for minors. Theres a website called @NUM1.com and it has shooting and killing games that are not for kids. Also, some people are computer addicts who stay on computers almost twenty four seven. Now, you know my reasons, why computers are good to the society, they give people the ability to learn about far away places and people, have educational websites, and even allow people to tlak to other people online. What is your choice in these actions. " 4 4 8
1620 1 "Dear Local Newspaper, The question everyone is asking if computers benfit society? I believe that computers dont because you cant get exercise if youre always on the computers and @CAPS2's really hard to enjoy nature too. Another reason comuters don't benefit society is that you aren't interacting with friends and family. hopfully I have encouraged you to not use computers as much and go have fun with your family. If you are always on the computer how are you going to get exercise? @CAPS2's proven that more than half of united states of @CAPS1 is over weight. Exercising is more important than using the computer and knowing that you could be doing something use that you know is better wouldn't you do @CAPS2? Interacting with poeple is important to do because you can meet new people and if you don;t then you might learn to be shy and not make as much friends as you like @CAPS2's true taht oyu can make new friends over the computer but @CAPS2's not the some meeting them in person. Also if you do make a ""friends"" over the internet, you don't know if they are a stalker or a murderer. I urge you to go out and meet new people and not on the internet. knowing that you are better off not using the computer and being with the poeple you like, wouldn't you do @CAPS2? Yes you can play games on the computer but @CAPS2 would be ebtter if you play @CAPS2 with your fmaily. To answer the question everyone is asking I believe that computers don't benefit society at all and hopfully I have encouraged you to believe this too. " 3 4 7
1627 1 Dear local Newspaper, I think using a computer has become bad influence on modern society. When people talk to each other via text message or e-mail there is no emotional sense. You are blind a way because you can't see who's on the other side of the screen, @CAPS1 you know is the username of that person. Its practically the same as using a disguise. Not only is the computer dad for your healthy. Its become a threat to its user. Would you really want to use something that bad toward your health and your privacy? Statistics show that @PERCENT1 of teenangers have access to/and use the internet more than three times a week. Statistics also so that more than half of teenagers in the @CAPS2.S.A spend more than @NUM1 hours on a computers, some even @NUM2 hours! This has become the addiction of the world. My friend barely used a computer and always played outside. When his sister showed him @CAPS3, @CAPS4, myspace, @CAPS5, etc. He would stay on for hours and after a month, it didn't get better, day after day he began to come outside less and less, and I began to hate him fo that. Statistics show that people who are using computers excessively tend to have drop in their grades. People are mixed in to these machines they become anti-social, don't do homework, potentially fail the unit and reappeat the grade. Computers are the same as watching tv, sure! they teach hand to eye coordination but at the same time their brains are being turned into swiss cheese. I believe computers are the best idea, since pouring gasoline on pancakes. 4 4 8
1632 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I do believe that computers can be positive. If you think about it, they can actually help you learn with all those different programs they have. Say you need tutoring or advice, you can basically find all that on a computer even if you have a little kid with, I'm absolutly sure that they have websites and programs for them, and trust me they're fun and educational! You know how people are complaining that computers are taking away time from exercising, and inteacting with family and friends? Well, what if you have family living somewheres else. You can chat with them! And also do execise while on the computer. I'm sure if you keep reading you'll know why I think they're positive. Having trouble in school? Are they blaming it on computers? Well we can change that! If we're able to prove to people that computers can help us learn and are educationaly then people might actually think that computers aren't bad with all of this technology that were coming up with these days arent that bad. I'm pretty sure that they have some sort of tutoring program, they even have college online! Now theres something to look into. Do you have a kid, a younger friend, or even a younger brother and sister? Are they always looking for games to play? Well I'm @PERCENT1 sure that they have fun learning games and websites on a computer! So, while the're having fun, you can just think of how much they're learning now! It's a real fun way of learning! You can just imagine on what they're learning and how well they're doing on school. Do you have family who live far away that you don't see much? Well if you all have a computer than you can posibily stay in touch! You guys can chat each other, check up on each other, and see how everyone is doing. It's a perfect way to stay in touch. Want to know what would also be a good way to connect, a webcam! You don't have to have one, it's just a suggestion. So that way not only do you get to talk to them, but you can see them too. Isn't that cool? I don't know about you but I think so. Well now that you've heart what I've had to say about how I think computers are positive. I hope you think the same too. If you really think about it, they aren't bad at all. They're actually very helpful. Thank you, 4 4 8
1644 1 "Dear local newspaper, I strongly believe computers can be bad for society. My reasons being people are spending to much time on their computers, less time exercising, and lose interacting with family and friends. My first reason why i think computers are bad for our society is people are spending to much time on them. I know when i get home from school the computer is all i can think about until i go on. It's like an addiction. People spend all their time on a social net work other then going out and meeting new people. My second reason is people spend less time exercising. Ive been over a friends house before, and all we did was play computer games instead of enjoying nature outside. Alot of @CAPS1 don't make healthy food choices, so why not go out and exercise? It's because of the computer. Ive seen my little brother spend his whole saterday eating in front of the computer and playing games. It's just unhealthy. My last and final reason is it takes time away from family and friends ive spent my whole day after school in my room on the computer. It's like when your on the computer nothing else matters because you think ""hey why not just talk to my friends over @CAPS2, or myspce, or facebook! you lose a lot of friendships like this. Also you lose friendship with you family because you badly talk to them while your on the computer. Half the time im to busy talking to someone i don't know then helping my little brother with home work, or helping my mom clean the house. In conclusion these are my three reasons why i think the computer is bad for sivilization. I really hope you take all this into consideration and really think what the computer can do to @CAPS1 I people once again those three resons are one, people are spending to much time on their computer. Two, spend less time exercising. Three, lose interactions with family and friends." 4 4 8
1645 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION2, @DATE1, computers are a big part of our society. They are an advance in technology, and they have some positive effects. However, computers have more negative effects on people. They take away and diminish @CAPS3 time, interacting with family, and seeing the world. First, computers have a negative effect on people because they diminish @CAPS3 time. People are so caught up with computers, their desire for @CAPS3 starts to fall. According to a @ORGANIZATION3 survey in @DATE2, for @CAPS1 person spending @NUM1 hours on the computer a week (roughly @NUM2 hours each day) had an increase in cholesterol and slowly deterioating muscles. ""Computers distract people from their needs"" says @PERSON1 of @ORGANIZATION1. ""@CAPS1 person needs about one to two hours of physical activity each day, and only @NUM2 out of @NUM4 people get this amount."" The leading cause for this low number? ""technology,"" she says, ""@CAPS2 computers, which take away all of the motivation and time people need to @CAPS3."" @CAPS3 is vital, and computers are taking this away from society. People shouldn't have bad @ORGANIZATION1 because of this negative effect: computers. Second, computers have a negative effect on people because they deteriorate interaction with family. @NUM5 out of @NUM4 people say that computers take away from their family time, reports Family @CAPS4 @ORGANIZATION3. This is not of all good, especially since @CAPS1 person needs at least @NUM7 hours of interacting with family for an assured healthy mental state and being. Children are directly affected by computer use in family settings. When computer time starts to eat up time, it also cuts of communication, something extremeley important in graving children. with this, family bonds and relationship are ruined as wal. It affects interacting with family, and puts hates in family bonds: computers haved negative effect on people. Lastly, computers have a negative effect on people because it takes away from people using their world. When you're on the computer, it seems like the entire world is in your computer screen. But its not. This is effecting people negatively. @PERCENT1 of people who use computers on the stocking average of about @NUM2 hours a day have notedly become withdrawn and unaware of their world says my physcology.net. The cure? Traveling, or even talking walks to enjoy nature can help. People should be aware of their world in which they live. They have to make important descions for themselves, their children, even their country, and staring at a computer screen wont help at all. It especially will effect children, the next generation, who will have no knowledge or a clear view on the world if people keep up their negative habits: computer usage. In conclusion, computers have negative effects on people. They diminish @CAPS3, so bad @ORGANIZATION1 increases and the need for @CAPS3 increases. It cuts family interaction by destroying family relationships and bonds, not to mention communication. Finally, it takes away from people seeing the world, something actually very important because it affects people's desicion making as well as future generations. People need to realize these bad effects, and majorly decrease their computer usage." 6 5 11
1646 1 Computers have alot of impact on peoples life! Computers can be helpful and distracting at the same time. I have a computer, but I can only go on if after I finish my homework. I do alot of things on my computer mostly games and social websites like myspce. Computers can be helpful by helping you with homework or find information. I use my computer for homework alot like for project or if i dont know what the subject is about. I also think the computers are helpful by talking to friends or family. I talk to my family alot and they live all the way in @LOCATION1. I go on myspace like five times a week. Computers can also be a distration by making people lazy and have bad websites. Like myspace can be dangerous. If you tell someone all your important information and you don't know them. That can turn out very bad. Alot of people dont even get off the computer. I have alot of family members that only get up to go on the computer or play video games. They don't get off too. There on like for eight hours. My mom also uses the computer to go on @CAPS1. She talks to alot of her friends that she left in @LOCATION1. She still talks to the people in high school, but she mostly talks to her older sister. She's not on the computer for @NUM1. She's on like for @NUM2 minutes to an hour. I think computers can help in life, but not to be on for like eight hours. You'll see what you will turn if you do that every. My cousins are getting bigger and bigger. I don't mean height. So if you do go on the computer not for almost half the day! 4 4 8
1649 1 Dear @CAPS1, Computers tend to have more negative effects on people, rather than positive. This is true because people @MONTH1 not be getting enough exercise, people @MONTH1 not be enjoying nature to the forest, and lastly, because in this world, people do not spend enough time with family and friends. Computer are good to have around the house, but. To begin, people are spending too much time on computers. They are having more of a negative effect because while on the computer, you are not getting excercise. Think about the a day doing fat because of all the fast food on the computer while eating it. Obeseity now a days is a big concern with the @ORGANIZATION1. Staying on the computer does not help the situation. Any concerned person, technologically challenged would agree the countless ones on the computer are no good for the health of our country. Further more, people are spending too much time on computers and not enough beauty of nature. Many people, adults and have @DATE1 because they are world but there that should be explored and people should be thankful for beautiful that we have still @DATE1. They should be things wait to see it. Although communication is important for everyone, instead of talking on the computer, people should make plans with their family and friends. This idea also relates back to the lack of exercise and naivety of people. If people were to go out and enjoy life to the forest with their friends and family, there wouldn't be numerous hours a day wasted on a computer. People should get off their butts and go. Life is too short to sit around all day. Any intelligent person would realize that computer time isn't as fun as family and friend time. To conclude, computers are and have been very over-used recently. Instead of having problems, lack of sun, and just boring computer talk, people should got up and go. We only live once, and that once should be lived to the fulest! 4 5 9
1651 1 Dear, @ORGANIZATION2. A computer is a very helpful resource. It helps people navagate through life, they can find jobs, do research for school. This world wold be nothing without computers. But on the other hand some people do spend to much time on the computer. But surfing the web for countless hours is their choice. Computers can help students do research from the comfort of their own home. Instead of going to the local library and looking and looking for books, all they have to do is type in thier research topic and wallah tons of different websites are right under their noses. A computer is the world at your finger tips. Also a computer can help unemployed people find a job. Its easy, type in what city you want to work in, and there you go. You can even fill out a job application right then and there. Hey, some people even work from home. Stay at home moms can easily make money while doing daily chores like washing dishes. Also working from home can a lot less tessful. It's less stressful because you dont have to deal with annoying and impatiant co. workers. Did you know that @PERCENT1 of employment is from the workers home, @CAPS1 now you know. Working from home makes another day at the office, another day at home. Computers have helped us come along way since caveman times. Without computers this would will be nothing. We woulde have so many basic things like stoplights, elevators, and even bleders. We also wouldn't have the more sifisticated things like fockets. and cars and planes. Imagine an airport without computers, where would they store all of their information? On paper? Where would a school store all their grades and tardys? On paper? Where would the goverment store their information? On paper? With those three palces we already cut down half of the @ORGANIZATION1. Computer help the environment too. They will also help us to invent more technology so that one day we can live on @CAPS2 or something. I hope this essay changed your mind about computers. Lets recap they help students reasearch, help people find jobs, you can work from home. Helps the environment. Without computers we would live in caves and walk around with leaves for underwear like caveman. The @CAPS3 line is that computers are very helpful. 5 4 9
1655 1 Dear local newspaper, I think computers have a positive effect on people. Some adults and mostly kids are not getting enough exercise, or even spending time with family. Some parents are less active with their kids. Kids are failing to do their homework because they are always on the computer when they get home. Adults and kids are getting less excersize. Sitting down reading or what ever they do on the computer is not excersizeing. They are going to get fat because they eat and sit down and than they get hungery again than eat and sit down. Some people say that your getting finger and arm exsersize by and moveing the mouse, thats not really true. Looking at the computer screen all day can cause masive hand People are also not spending time with family. They are sitting infront or a computer and ignoring everyone and everything around them. Kids could be enjoying other things besides computers. Parents could be outside. Playing catch with their kids or even playing a board game with them. People are not less active. They are not going out and haveing fun jumping around with their friends. Instead they aim them on computers or message them on facebook or even myspace. Kids are failing in school because they fail to do their home work after school. They would rather go on the computer. This is why i think computers have an positive effect on kids and adults. 4 4 8
1666 1 Dear @LOCATION1 press, I have recently heard about many arguments based on computers ruining society. I strongly disagree with this. I think the computer is a great way to hook up with old friends. The internet is also faster for research than looking in a book and there are many games on the internet. I believe that the internet is a great way to hook up with old friends. Some people have moved away and I haven't been able to talk to then. Now, with the internet I can able to talk again. The same case with my mom. She had friends from high school and college who she ever talked to. Now, with facebook she has re united with them. This also helps because you can email someone interested of sending a letter in the mail, which costs money, unlike email. So the internet can also be a way of saving money. It is also much faster to send someone an email than a letter. The internet is a great way to keep intouch with friends and relatives. I also believe that the use of computer is more efficient than doing to a library and researching a book. If you don't have enough time to go the to a library, you can do some research at your house. What if the library is closed if you do go, then you wasted some time. The internet never closes, it is open @NUM1. What if you go to the library and they are open, but do hot have a book on your subject? This can also be done on the internet because there is any thing you could ever ask for on the internet. If you have an over due library book you can renew the book on the internet. The internet is a great place research on any topic you have or doing what ever you want. Finally, the computer is great for playing about every game, there is that you would feel like playing. Also @CAPS1 of spending about @MONEY1 on an x-box and a game, you @MONTH1 only have to spend about @MONEY2 on a game that goes into your computer. There are also many websites that have games on them. Some websites are for specific games, and same have many games on them. Only a few of the games are interactive with other players and you can talk and make new friends. On the other hand, many games are only for one player. As a result, a computer is a great use to play games. In conclusion, I believe the computer is great need for our society. In the long run it will pay off, especially with the economics problems our country is having now, by helping us save money,. It will also allow connection with old friends, save time, and provide entertainment to all who would like. 5 4 9
1667 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, Which article title more interesting, ""Local @CAPS1 wins three mile race"" or ""Local @CAPS1 wins three mile race on computer game."" @CAPS3, the less interesting title is what your news will change to if people keep using computers. Some effects computers have on people use cheating an less time with family and friends and lastly, most people aren't learning anything while on the computer, they're just plaing games. As you can see, I agree that computers are a bad idea. I bet some people have never thought of this but computers can lead kids, and maybe even adults, to cheating. There are websites on the internet where the user just types the question in, and they get an answer. There is @CAPS4 another way of cheating, copying others work, essays or articles form a website. Some students could be told to write a biography on a person, and they could just copy an article, switch some words around to make a sound like their own paper, and with no guilt. Another can people computer spend less time with family and friends I was watching television and playing on the computer. The wife was very close to because spent the computer helping @CAPS4, there can was always in the on the computers. Because this show I realized that computers kinds anti-social divorce between parents go up. Do you see all people computers looking up facts about things as going on the computers learning. I know that when I have time to go on the computer, I am not looking up things to learn. Most people these days dont care too much about learning about countries, other than their own, or people, other than people they know. I think it's pretty obvious that noone is going on computers to learn, otherwise they wouldn't have so many users on game websites. In conclusion, computers have negative effects that get to all people. So, @ORGANIZATION1 you want to have your news be the latest divorces and computer game high scores? Or do you want interesting news that will keep you newspaper going. Thanks for taking the time to read this." 5 5 10
1670 1 Do you like learning about faraway exotic land and animals? Are you good at sports but would like to be even better? Do you ever miss your family that lives in other states? The computer can help you with all of this but is @CAPS1 bad for you too? In my opion kids and adults should use the computer. When people are on the computer they can learn about interesting far away lands. When your on the computer you can look up some of the natural disasters. For example people could google each quakes and learn all about the people that has lost their life's. The people that they will donate some money to the poor. Children living on their own. They can also learn about all the wonderful beautiful lands that are out their waiting to be explored. Everyone I know likes to the beutiful birds and animal. In their the world, They will be able to do this on computer. The might be so more this lands. Having a computer will also let you talk to people that are not easy to get. With having a computer people will be able to talk to their family that live in other states then them. I have a uncle that lives in @LOCATION1. I only get to see him because a lot of money to come. Somewhere on the computer, @CAPS1 is easy to just send him a message that say how I'm doing. With computer you will be able to talk to your friends cant talk on the phone. For example, what if your friend and did not. She can not talk phone because so what do you do you. This help you her. The last reason why we should have computer. If you let @MONTH1 periods of time then @CAPS1 will help you with hand eye coordination. This will help the kids that play baseball. They will know where the ball is at all times is they will most likely cauch the ball more often so playing a a little bit of video games is not bad for unless one. Using the computer is @CAPS1 good to do or not using the computer helps people be able to interact wild people that so easy to talk to. So @CAPS1 you are compleatly agenst using computer the get up and use @CAPS1 right now. 5 4 9
1674 1 "Dear @CAPS1's at the @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS2 to @PERSON2, ""Computers have helped me further @CAPS6 research. I can search up so many things to help a patient and keep all @CAPS6 important information organized."" @CAPS3 you question a leading doctor? I agree with @PERSON3 and say that computers are good use in society today. People were already becoming lazy because of television. You can't balme it on computers. With websites such as @CAPS4 and @CAPS5, people can keep in touch. They can make plans with one another to go for a walk in the park or dancing. These things can keep people healthy, active and in tiptop shape. Computers help people keep in contact with others. ""@CAPS6 patients can email me to schedule an appointment and let me now if they think something's very wrong with them."" say's @PERSON1. With computers, you can email distant family and friends to learn if there are problems quicker. Most people tend not to pick up the phone if someone calls during a crisis. You also don't have to worry about running up your phone bill. you can just @CAPS4 chat with a bud instead of using up an hours worth of minutes. You can learn so much more information faster. How @CAPS3 feel if no one called and told you your bestfriend died or your mom, and you had to find out by reading the newspaper? You'd be extremely upset. I know I @CAPS3 be with email, you and your family can stay in touch with old, new, and now friends. So if anything bad happens and a person didn't know hoe to tell you, they could email you. It's so much easier than telling a person that their.mom died by email them by phone. To hear pain in a person's voice will make you want to cry. You feel their pain. So, now do you understand that computers are a great benefit to today's society? You can't blame computer's for people becoming lazy, since television was already doing that. If a person want's to be lazy, then that's their decision. you shouln't go around blaming pothers and things when its no one else's fault but that persons. This is a great way to keep in contact with other's. Plus, think of all the information you can learn. Not just about family and friends, but the world too. Thank you for taking the time to read @CAPS6 essay and I hope you can see things @CAPS6 way." 4 4 8
1680 1 I think that will are all spending to much time in computers because all of my frend are all day in @CAPS2 I think that people should get active and go to different places in the wold like the pool the forect the lackes ets. I think that they shood pot a program that people come go places and forget about computer for me computer are good but you cannot spend a lot of time in @CAPS2 like try to spend more time out doors and whith you family or frends. And the problem is not only with computers is with a lot of technology like video games like xbos - @NUM1 - @NUM2 - game boy - xbox @NUM3 and other more more you schood play them @NUM4 a week like @NUM5 hour because ther alot of activitis you and your family can do out doors I will thake a wake aroud the park or ride bickes with you freds aroud town and make a picknick on the park @CAPS1 is hot and good outside. Know that the @DATE1 is coming or you can go and do a lot of stuff like @CAPS1 you donot have money you can go to the park or beach and spend the how day in ther what my family do when is good outside is that will check the wether and se @CAPS1 @CAPS2 good out - side and @CAPS1 is good will get up at and go to the store and by hamberger soda plates and other stuff will are going to use ther will go to a lake of pool and spend the day playing and eating. My opinian is that people schood spend more time out-doors with the fred - and family I whant people to know that ther a wold out side and to not get to adictide the the techno wold that my opinion I do not know @CAPS1 you like @CAPS2 but I think you shood try @CAPS2 and @CAPS1 you do'not like @CAPS2 get in to a they will help you and a lot @CAPS3 writing this because I whant peole to now that ther a lot of places that are yet to be discoverd so go out ther and enjoy like because life only come one time so enjoy @CAPS2 whith happy time and good time do'not speed @CAPS2 crying and sad like @CAPS2 like this is your last day on this wold. 4 4 8
1682 1 "Many people think computers are bad or that we spend less time outside because of them. But are they are bad for individuals to use as people say they are. In this instance, a moderation would be helpful. When you think of computers, what comes to mind. Games? Social @CAPS1? What if computers are doing more than that? Last year, a computer helped diagnose a concussion of mine and helped figure out I've had @NUM1 others. Not to mention the computer did quicker and more efficient than a regular human. An expert says ""Computers diagnose anything, not just concussions, @PERCENT1 better than doctors."" @CAPS2 the social netwowrking has a positive aspect. This has let people, who haven't seen each other for a long time, reconnect and become good friends again. With the positive aspects there is always a negative. Computer have started to make kids obese. This is problem in the country because if we become lazy then we could ruin our country. In addition, if we become has reliant of computers @NUM2 diagnos, what happens when they get faulty? These are problems that are very real and aren't being with. If we cant deal with these problems first then computers will turn out to be a bad thing. Lastly, a moderation could be extremely helpful for us today. For example, instead of using social @CAPS1 for friends next door, go outside and play wiffle ball with them. Social @CAPS1 was made to reconnect with friends far away, not across the street. @CAPS2, instead of totally reling on computers to diagnose problems, have them and the doctor find out. Doing this will get great results and keep doctors prepared if computers, dont work. These are just a examples how moderation could be very helpful to everyone. In conclusion, having no computers wouldn't be a great idea because of how much they help society. Although, being totally dependent on them is a bad idea to because they don't have that much benefit to them." 4 4 8
1684 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 personal opinion on computer technology is that it is extreamly bad for you, and we need to take percaution, and worry about eye protection vertual harrasment, and that there are dangerouse people on the @CAPS2. Eye protection is important. Although computers are hurting them by, the screen being too bright and hurting your eyes. Also if you look for too long it could make them tierd. I can tell you from personal experence that glasses are un-cool and some people get picked on for it and that could happen if your eyes get hurt so you can see as well as you did befor. It's glasses or even going blind. Vertual harrasment is another thing to be aware of. Over the @CAPS2 you could be cyber bullyed by kids you @MONTH1 or @MONTH1 not know. For example, one day you could be on @CAPS3 and be talking on a chat room and kids could make sexual, homophobic, or even just plain remakes. Witch brings me to the, sexual harrasment. Sexual harrasment if extreamly can make people feel usually bad selfs. Kids take pride in calling others bad names regarding there rase, there gender, or even the gender they like. So take extra percaution when seeing sexual harrasment. Sexual preditors are a parents biggest fear to kids. Sexual preditors are everyware, @CAPS4, @CAPS5, @CAPS3, or even your neibors and wile kids are running around town looking and acting the way they do there extreamly un-safe. This is why you @CAPS7 put any personal information on the @CAPS2 not your adress, not your birthday, not your cell or house numbers, nothing not even your town. Also sometimes its a little dangerous to put your last name. So be very carful on the intrenet. When you see sexual harrasment, or someone being followed by a sexual preditor report them! and be safe. 4 4 8
1687 1 "Dear @CAPS1, Computers have really made an impact on society. Some people, think they have made a good impact while others think the opposite. I believe that they are a good thing in our lives and have made a drastic, but great impact. Some reasons that support my opinion are that computers are basically what helps us keep in touch with people, they make it very easy to find needed information and they make our school lives faster and much simpler. First of all, computers are pretty much how people keep in touch. There are many ways you can keep in touch over computers. Tere is video-chatting, e-mail and chat websites such as @CAPS2, @CAPS3, @CAPS4 etc. There are many people that really enjoy having the ability to keep in touch this way. It is a step up from talking on the phone. On the computer if you are web-chatting, you can not only talk to them, but you can see them! When it comes to chatting websites such as @CAPS2, there are millions of people who belong to this incredible website and love it. Kids and adults really enjoy having access to something like this. For me, since I moved to @STATE1 and had to leave all my friends behind, the computers has saved some of my relationships that I thought I would lose but didn't want to. I can e-mail my friends, and even see what they look like and how much they have changed on @CAPS2. Computers are a very helpful piece of technology that have helped me, and so many other people keep in touch. Another important reason computers are a wonderful technology item is because they make it so easy to find needed information. From what a word means, to the directions to get to @LOCATION1, the computer can help with all of this. I talked to my mom and she said. ""Computers just make @CAPS6 all of the information I need to knew about your brother's diabetes so easy."" @CAPS6 information in books can take so long. You have to go to the library or a bookstore, find the book you need with the correct information, and then you have to read through the whole book to find the information needed. On a computer, you can just google what you need to find, and read the article or map, etc. Computers have made @CAPS6 information a breeze and everyone loves how simple it is! The last reason that supports my opinion is that computers make our school lives faster and much simpler to deal with. In school, there are times when we need to write a very lengthy composition, and it will take forever to write. With a computer, typing up the composition would probably take around half the time of writing the composition. I took a survey of three kids that typed a composition and three kids that wrote it. I asked each of the kids how long it took them. The kids that wrote the paper said it took them around two hours. The kids that typed the composition said it took them around an hour. Also, when things are typed, they are usually easier to read which makes it easier for teachers to grade, and won't take as long. Computers make school easier for students and teachers. The opinion that computers are not a benefit to society just doesn't make sense. Yes, I know that there can be some disadvantages. But think of all the advantages compared to the disadvantages. There are a lot more good than bad things. Without computers, people would be incredibly stressed, and have a hard time making life easier. Computers are an amazing benefit to society. Everyone should agree with this because people stayin touch because of computers, computers make it very easy to find information that needed, and they make our school lives aint easier and faster for students and teachers. Computers have made an extremely large impact and changed our ways of life for the better!" 5 5 10
1692 1 Dear The @CAPS1, People have been saying that computers are not beneficial, but they are wrong. In my opinion computers are very beneficial. Computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about other people and faraway places, also, you can use the internet to interact with friends and family. Computers can be very useful and efficient to anybody. Did you know that computers can teach hand-eye coordinaiton? Some computers have programs that teach you how to type. Without having to lock down at the keyboard. Even if people don't have the program they can learn how to type fact without having to look down. Many people that I know, have learned how to use the computer or type without anyone telling them hour to do so. Computers are very needed all around the world. Computers give people the ability to learn about other people and places. If you go on the internet you can go and searching person or place and the computer will find it for you. Children and adults need computers because if for example, a child get a project from schoool that need to be done about a famous person or smoking. she would most likely need to go to the internet . The game goes for adults that love jobs in offices, schools or anywhere else. Computers are essential to people all around the world. Computer can be used to comunicate with each other. People use computer to communicate with friends or family in far away places. They can communicate via e-mail, @CAPS2, video and maybe even in other web sites. Some web sites contain the ability to talk to each other through video or through messages, such as @CAPS3, or @CAPS4. People like using the computer because it is very useful when you need it most. If you ask anyone they will tell you that having a computer is very important and necessary. Why would people intend to take away something as important and useful as a computer? Computers can be used to learn hand-eye coordination, and help you move your fingers faster. They give poeple and places in the world. Finally, they can be used to communicate with one another through e-mail, message and many other ways. In my opinion, computers are one of the most important things to a person. 5 4 9
1694 1 "Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I think that people spend way too much time on the computer these days. They get less exercise. Don't get to enjoy the nature around them, and they don't get to interact with their family and friends! If people stop spending so much of their day on the computer, then they wouldn't be having too many issues. People need to spend less time on computers, and spending more time exercising! Computers all over the world do not involve much interaction with any part of your body other than your hands. You don't tend to want to get up or do anything else when you're on your computer, right? Well that needs to change. Often, peolple get cranky while they are using a computer or if they need to get off of one. Some people are so obsessed, they might even break down and have a fit! Nobody want's to see someone throw a fit because they have to get off the computer do they? If they don't get exercise anytime when you're not on a computer it can deffinately shows. Jimmy @CAPS2 syas, ""@CAPS3 @NUM1 kids are on their computers way to much! They never come out of their rooms, and if they ever do, then they are normally very cranky. They're getting fat! I can tell because all they eat is junk food. This needs to "" @CAPS4 can't even have a little of time with his children. They should go on a family trip and enjoy together! That brings us in next issue. We all need to enjoy nature more. Why would you spend your time on a computer looking of pictures of nature when you have it right there in your . It's because kids are too lazy to get off their lazy and go outisde. The best thing about nature is that if you are about need to be alone or even just need to get , nature is always there for you anytime you need it. You can laways go otside with your friends and family too!. I'm sure that they would apreciate people getting off their computers to spend some quality time together. Yet again, our next and final issue. Computer obsessed teenagers and adults need to be with their family and friends. When talking to your friends why bother talking to them on the computer when you can just get together and go do something fun? ALso, when you spend time with your family, it brings them a lot closer toy ou. Nobody likes to not talk to the people you love and the people who reised you. When you're on a computer I just think of all the places you could , place you could be with. Nobody wants to be distant from their friends and family. Therefore, people should turn off their computers, go exercise, be around nature and have some quality time with their friends and family. Thank you" 5 5 10
1697 1 Dear local newspaper editor, @CAPS1 you love haveing the enternet at your finger tips. Recently, it has been bought to my attention that some experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers. I firmly believe that this is correct. My three arguments are its not healthy, the friends you meet up there are siber friends and bad @CAPS5 @MONTH1 occur. First of all, being on the computer too much is not healthy. This reminds me of my friend named @CAPS2. @CAPS2 used to be humerous, outgoing and play alot of sports. One @CAPS3 day, her mother bought her a laptop. This laptop was blue and white-her two faverite colors. She was on it all day and all night. She took it with her everywhere she went. Well, it got to the point whare she stopped the sports, gained some weight and the sadness creptped upon her. She was in a depresion mode. She went to the doctors and they told her that she had to give up the computer and play with it for only two days a week for five hours only. She listened to the doctor and it took her about three months to get back to the fun @CAPS2 she used to be. Being on the computer too much can harm you and the people around you. Second of all, the friends you meet on the enternet are called cyber friends. You don't know who they realy are, where they realy live, or their real age. They can tell you any thing they want because they know that that's a little fantasy world. That is mently not healthy. It is very important for human beings to be socialy active. Being on the computer too much can harm your brain also. Third of all, @CAPS5 @MONTH1 pop up. If you are the type of person who is on the computer every chance you get like becky, it is not good for you or the device. Being on the computer can harm even the computer. Well, you've read my arguments and ideas. Please take them into consideration. 4 4 8
1706 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I think computers have a good effect on people and not a bad effect. I think this for three reasons. My first reason is that they relieve stress. Without a computer in my opinion things would be a lot more stressful. With a computer you can easily look things up without wasting time or being stressed out by having to look for something. My second reason for thinking computers have a good effect on people is technology. Without technology things would be so much harder. Without computers it would be harder to neatly type assignments, print out pictures, and getting information. If we didn't have technology as in computers I think a lot or things would go wrong. My third reason for thinking computers have a good impact on people is that without them factories would crash. i say this because if you think about it could in a factory is ran by some type of computer. Without that computer telling the machines what to do everything practically wouldn't work! without the computer everything would become so time consuming that no one would want to get the work done. These are my three reasons why I think computers have a good effect on people. 3 3 6
1721 1 Dear @CAPS1, I believe that computers are good far societey. One reason is kids cant write a @NUM1 page essay by hand the will use a computer because it is eascier. People use computers every day if it's not talking with friends playing games it peoples buenesness. I personally don't use a computer that often just to check my email and school work but that dosn't mean that people don't need them. People get excirsize even when they don't knew it like walking have so they are not of that. I personally believe that computers are not bad for but they can be helpful like a research projects like if you don't feel like looking book to find information you could go on a computer and look up somthig you could have the information at your finger tips. Why are peope so concerned about what we @CAPS4 with our. We excirsize nobody dosen't excersize we excersize at scheol when we walk home when we walk our dog take out the trash but thert might experience. Another great thing about computers is that you can video chat a live video chanel so that you can hear talk and see the person this is a great couse of if a paren is away on a burensness you can see them and talk to them I have used it to talk to friends as well. Coumpouters are also great thing becaus of the program that can with it the programs are word, excell, @CAPS2, @CAPS3 ex. They help you write essays, @CAPS4 grades, charts ex. Without coumpotors we would have to @CAPS4 it by hand wouldn't be neat it would be messy. Coumputer excersize your. The las reason why computers are so great the enternet because everthing is on the enternet like if you want to shop. Without the of your go fot it if you want to play games whatch videos you can chat with friends, post pictures, post videos I coiuld go on but I wont all I hope you the @CAPS1 got my point computors not bad for you an that's a fact kids love them and adults then so think I you took coumptor away from childre adults how would kids @CAPS4, how woud adulds fun busnesses think about what you would @CAPS4 to the world us theught computers. Hey coumptors how would you @CAPS4 your new paper. Think about its what kind of world it would be like like they ca'nt fun withouoght the coumputer inside them or the coumputr the grade for tests people don't realize that we need computers and they need us. 5 4 9
1725 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, @CAPS3 a world where nobody has any hand-eye coordination @CAPS6 they try to cath a ball it slips away. There are no friendships or communication with other countries. Is this really what you want? Computers do have positive effects on people. For example, they help with hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places and people, and even allow people to talk online with other people. Computers have a positive effect on people and the society. First, hand eye-coordination is not something that all people have. However, you can make it better by using computers and that is a fact. Computers @CAPS4 said that computer help @PERCENT1 of @CAPS5 with their hand-eye coordination. For example, my mom used to have horrible hand-eye coordination but now that she uses a computer and it is much better. Oprah said, @CAPS6 I was young I couldnt catch a ball but now that Im older and using computers Im the best. @NUM1 out @NUM2 people agree that computer help hand-eye coordination. Next, computers help other people learn about faraway places. For example, if we didnt have computers people wouldnt travel to @LOCATION1. @PERCENT1 of @CAPS5 agree that they would never travel if it werent for computers it is a fact that people use the internet to learn about other countries for educational purposes. Www.exploretheworld.org wrote that @PERCENT2 of the people who use the website are students. Computers help other people learn about far away places. Finally, computers allow people to talk online. @PERCENT3 of people on facebook have at least one friend who live out of this country. It is a fact that countries are better allies @CAPS6 their people get along.Www.internationalfriendships.com wrote that they have over @NUM3 users who talk with people from other countries for example, my friends mother was born in @LOCATION2 and she talks online with many of her friends. Dr @PERSON1 said,@CAPS8 friendships are the best kind because you learn about other cultures. Computers are a wonderful way to talk to other people. Now @CAPS3 a world where every country got along because of online friendships. Where adults could play a game of baseball because they got their hand eye-coordination back. Where students could learn about distant places they didnt know existed. Does't that sound great? Computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway people and places and allow people to talk online. So @CAPS1 @CAPS2 computers do benefit the society. 5 4 9
1726 1 "Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 you know that @NUM1 in every @NUM2 @CAPS2 families own a computer? Computers can be helpful if you need to write an essay for school, but when it comes to family vs. computer the average kid will usually pick the computer. Computers are taking away family time, exercise privledges, and time spent on school on school work. ""@PERSON3, get off the computer and come play '@CAPS3' with us!"" @CAPS4 mom's will say this to childeren at least once as week, the answer that is @CAPS4 common is ""@CAPS5!"" @CAPS6 childeren from the ages of @NUM3 to @NUM4 would rather spend time on the computer weather it's playing games or talking with friends. This is on issue that needs attention. Families should start to spend more time together instead of hanging out in front of a screen. My friend @PERSON1 has a little brother that is always playing games on the computer. Whenever @PERSON1 wants to play hide and go seek with him he always finds a way out of playing with @PERSON1 play computer. Aport from spending time with family computers take away @CAPS6 kids exercise privlidges. One example is that last week it snowed and I wanted my neigbor @PERSON2 to come outside and have a snowball fight with me but, she said had to finish a level on a computer game and it was realy important. This proves that it takes away time outside alone with exercise. A walk in the park with friends sounds relaxing to @CAPS4 people except for @CAPS4 teenagers would rather talk to their friends using a computer instead of actualy spending time with them. Lastly if time is being spent staring at a screen. When does homework got done? I took a survey recently among the eighth grade and the results showed that @PERCENT1 of the people that don't do their homework are due to spending too much time on the computer. In my science class a boy named @CAPS7 never does his homework. I asked him why one day and he says it was because he was talking to his girlfriend who also never does her homework because she always has something to do on the computer. @CAPS5 time spent with family, @CAPS5 exercise getting done, @CAPS5 time to play outside, and missing homework assignment are alot to sacrifice for ""@CAPS8 one more level."" I you want to help me get childeren not spend so much time on computer, write on artical on this important issue in one of your newspaper and please consider my ideas." 4 5 9
1728 1 Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I believe that there is more and more controvosy about computer and whether they benefit society or not. In my opinion, computers are a wonderful resource that will soon become a household item. I am writing to persuade you that computers have a positive effect on people. I believe computers are a good thing because they allow people access to more knowledge, they allow people to stay in contact with people they dont see very often, and they allow people to keep up and know whats going on in modern life. One reason computers are useful is that they allow people to stay in contact with people they don't see very often. Today, parents don't mind sending their children off to college as much because they can actually see them using video chat websites like @ORGANIZATION1. This feature on computers has a big impact on the life of people today. People in @LOCATION1 can talk with people in @LOCATION2. This type of often allows for people to share new and inventive things they've discovered. Another reason computers can be useful is because they help people keep in touch with modern life. Many companies are now erasing newspaper ads and putting them all on computer websites. Some companies are only selling items on their websites and shipping them to the buyers. With computers students can also get their homework done and send it to their teacher by email if they cannot make it to school that day. There is even at home colleges now where you take your class online. I believe that in a few years from now more and more people will do business with computers and more stores will sell online only. Finally the last reason I believe computers are a good idea is that they allow people access to more knowledge with the internet. There are websites soldy devoted to history and information on many things. Also there are blogging websites where people can debate on information or get questions answired by real people who @MONTH1 know a lot about the topic. Another thing on computers that helps you get informed is websites like wikipedia where people can search a topic, read history about it, and follow links to other websites if they want to pick apart the topic even more. Overall, I believe that computers area a great resource to human kind and will be used for more and more things in a few years. I believe computers are useful because they allow people access to more knowledge, the ability to keep in touch with others, and to keep in touch with modern life. I believe that in a couple years there will be liss stores on the streets and most will be online because it is much cheaper for the companies. So, most people in a couple years will be computers and use them effectively. 4 5 9
1729 1 Computers have gotten more advanced over time. They have even gotten smaller and smaller, and yet people still don't understand the dangers that computers have on society and their personal life such as; stress, addiction, and cyberbulling. I am here to write about how computers are a nuisense in our lives. First and for most, computers are one of the laeding causes of stress in daily life. About four out of every ten people that are stressed are stressed out because of their computers. For example, if you were writing an important document or sending an email to your boss about work and your computer suddenly crashes, would you be upset? Would you feel like you want to rip your hair out and throw that computer out the window? I'm pretty sure that you would because your data is lost, you will have to restart your computer and, worst case senerio, take your computer to the electronic store to get it fixed. Another cause of stress is if someone hacks your computer by uploading a virus. Hacking was @CAPS1 become a world wide sport. There are books and instructions on how to hack a computer and the government can't do much about that since the first amendment gives you the write to publish what you (freedom of speech and press). Just look what happened in @LOCATION1. A computer hacker hacks a computer and shut of power to an entire city for about @NUM1 days. Also if someone upload a virus into your they can take all of your personal information, like your social security number. These two factors will cause major stress in you daily life. Secondly, people spend too much time on the computer at home. A recent survey shows that six out of every ten teenagers spend more that two hours on the computer. This make them less social meaning they won't spend time with friends, family, or even try out for sports. They won't get the recommended one hour of exercise a day. 4 4 8
1733 1 I think that computer are a good benefit for people because those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. For example, they teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, people and even allow people to talk with other people. My first reason, is that important people around the world used computers to have a better future on life. The people that use computers have important jobs. For example, a judge, an enginere, a lawyer, an archytecht, a scientist, an archeologist etc... This is why I think that computer are helpfull for people. My second reason, is that computer could be helpful with kids because computers could help kids get better grades at school. It could help develop a smarter brain in many ways. The first way that it could help develop a smarter brain is reading a lot on the compute. It helps by knowing the meaning of new words. I helps you speak correctly and clear. That is why I think that computers help develop a smarter brain. My third reason is that it help adult connect to different places at the world. That could be a hobby for adults that does not have something to do could have a good time. My conclusion is that with computer you could have a better life. Computers could help you get a better future. 4 4 8
1736 1 @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS1 you imagine the kids in schools that you yourself run not being able to research on computers? Would you be okay with kids not having the option @ORGANIZATION3 typing their homework? Do you think the adolescence @ORGANIZATION3 @LOCATION2 would want to waste paper because @ORGANIZATION3 their messy handwriting and mistakes? I would hate to live like that, and I hate to live like that, and I know my peers would agree. This is just one @ORGANIZATION3 many reasons why computers have a positive effect on people. Other reaasons include, citizens @ORGANIZATION3 the world need an easier way to communicate with each other, and some people have to work at home. I know you as a @ORGANIZATION3 would not want to upset as many people as taking away computers would. First @ORGANIZATION3 all, think about the schools that the @ORGANIZATION1 runs. Now picture this; kids turning in eight page essays to their teachers, when typing it would have taken three. Imagine those kids the night before, scribbling words away with their cramped hands, typing to write as quickly as possible. These children have no computers, and therefore their teacher will have to take the time to try and comprehend the illegibal students' handwriting. I @CAPS1 almost see the kids screaming, their eyes darting around as they struggle to finish their high priority papers. If there were no computers, then this is what would happen to children. Also, students use computers for research; learning about different parts @ORGANIZATION3 the world. As a @ORGANIZATION1, I doubt you @CAPS1 say that research is a negative affect on school kids. I mean, unless you didn't want them to learn. Secondly, I want you to close your eyes. Think @ORGANIZATION3 yourself calling your best friend who lives in @LOCATION1. He does not pick up, so you walk to your clean, shiny black computer. You hear the clickety-clack @ORGANIZATION3 the keys as you write him a message, and the wooshing sound that your moniter maes when you press send. It is kind @ORGANIZATION3 amazing how advanced our technology is, how @CAPS1 you send a message from @LOCATION2 to @LOCATION1 in a matter @ORGANIZATION3 seconds. You couldn't possibly say that all the hard work put in to makng computers did not have a positive effect, could you? I know that I talk to my friends in @LOCATION3 all the time, but not on the telephoone. You see, my family does not have long distance calling, so if I didn't have a computer, I would never be able to talk to her. I know a lot @ORGANIZATION3 my friends have the same issue, and if not then the time difference between locatiions makes it hard to call people. Have you ever had this problem? Would you want the effect to be that you couldn't talk to some @ORGANIZATION3 your friends anymore? Most importantly, I would like to tell you a story. When @CAPS2 five, my daddy used to tuck me into bed every night. It was my favorite part @ORGANIZATION3 everyday. But then, when I was six, my dad got a job that required him to work late every night. He stopped coming home and tucking me in, and I didn't understand why, being as young as I was. I cried every night for three weeks. After those three weeks, my dad's boss told him that he could work from home... if he had a computer. His work gave him a computer, and he was back to tucking me in every night, and he still does now. If that wasn't a possible effect, then I don't know what is. Many people are able to work from home with computers, which is just another reason why computers are helpful to all citizens @ORGANIZATION3 the world. I'm you, a @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION3, needs a computer to work. Although I @CAPS1 see why some people @MONTH1 oppose to computer, I completely and utterly disagree. Computers help people with working, learning, and even communication! People @MONTH1 think computers @MONTH1 cost too much, but you @CAPS1 find them for they almost any price range. I do agree that citizens should not spend too much time on the computer, but it still has a totally positive effect on people @ORGANIZATION3 the world. I know that a @ORGANIZATION3 @ORGANIZATION3 the @ORGANIZATION1 should agree. 6 5 11
1747 1 Dear local Newspaper, I think computer technogily is good. I think there are mang good effects on computers. I think the computer teaches us to work onlone with no ones help. Another good effect on the computer is we can talk to friends online. Also another thing is it gives us the ability to learn about it and surf the web. Another reason is it gives us hand cordanation. All of those are the reasons why I think the computer has good effects. My first topic, why I think there are good effects on the computer is we can do work by ourselves with no ones help. My first reason why I think that is because after looking up links on it and getting use to that homework would be eaiser. Also it will help you get more information on homework and you can get a better grade. Another reason is that you will be able to work onlone you will be able to get it done faster by going on the web. My second topic why there good effects is that you can go online and talk to freinds. My first reason why I think that because if you don't have a cell phone and you wanna talk to friends you can go online. Another reason is that is good is that if you can't do somthing and our in a bind you can tell the person that you can't. Also another reason it is good because you can talk to relatives you havent seen. My last two topics are that it gives good hand cordination and we can learn to surf the web. It gives us good hand cornation because we learn how to use our hands and fingers faster. Also it gets us away from typeing. You can learn to surf the web because after a while you will know were everything is and be a web master. Lastly you will be able to find everything you look for. In conculsion these are good effects. The computer teaches us how to type, and search on the web and learn about it. As you can see these are the reasons I think it has good effect. 4 4 8
1753 1 To whom it @MONTH1 concern, @CAPS1 many hours a day do you spend on the computer? Too many is my geuss! They are warping the minds of people all over, and in my opinion things should go back to the way they used to be. Some people @MONTH1 disagree, and say that computers help children who are in school. That @MONTH1 be true, but honestly only a couple decades ago the average student didnt even own a computer, and school were teaching the same materials without the usage of them. Also, some children use computers to cheat on homework assignments and essays, and I'm sure many people would agree that that is not helping education for schools. Another reason computers @MONTH1 not benefit society is because of the dangers of them. Sexual predators sworm the internet, and many people talk to strangers over the internet that @MONTH1 be harmful, without even realizing it. A third reason computers @MONTH1 not be help society @CAPS2 you can see, I feel very strongly about the negative effects that computers have on society, for many reason. I hope you can agree with me 4 4 8
1761 1 "Dear @PERSON1, Computers are very helpful in daily activities, but computers have a bad side. Some users are addicted to their @CAPS1 or @CAPS2, they are away from friends and family, and they are not exersizing it if fun to use the @CAPS4 but you should not use it too much! Some people are almost addicted to their @CAPS4. I cant blame them they can charge their ipod, tweet, listen to music, palying games and much more all at the same time! computers are great, but using it too much can make you miss out on tons of activities. People almost feel (some do) that they HAVE to go on facebook to harvest their crops in farmtown, or control their @LOCATION1 on @CAPS3. They get so wrapped up in it that they miss out on their important daily activities. It shouldn't that for but its became an epidemic, eveybody is being sucked into their computers! People who are on their @CAPS4 @NUM1 are away from their friends and family! they are like oh i haven't talked his surgery i wonder how he is! Lets see! They go on and You can talk to someone in just a click! Talking to someone facebook or twitter is no the same as talking to them in person! Its like people think computers is @CAPS4 take people away from their friends and family and them talk only on facebook .When people on the @CAPS4 they become lazy! A person who is @CAPS4 addict will say "" @CAPS5 supposed to go to they gym but let me check my twitter first!"" two hours later then they go the gym! People don't exercise as often as the should! When people are going to lay on the @CAPS4 for @NUM2 minutes it takes @NUM3 hours! They have to sign in, chat with their friends, check their mail look at their tweets look at their restaurnat check out videos on youtuve and do all other kinds of things! Computers are good but have sideeffects getting addicted, being away from friends and family, and not exercising. @CAPS4 addicts should minimize their time on the @CAPS4!" 4 4 8
1763 1 "Dear Local Newspaper: @CAPS1 you know that over half our nation own home computers? Recently, though, some experts have been concerned whether or not computers benefit society. I have been asked to state my opinion and I believe computers have a positive effect becuase, they are mandatory for work, allow online socialization, and expand traveling. After reading this, I am sure you will agree. Firstly, computers are mandatory to have for work and @ORGANIZATION1. Students keep their essays, study guides, and home work updates on files in the @CAPS5. Offices would not be able to function @CAPS8 computers; workers rely on the internet email system. An interviews with a student from @ORGANIZATION1 says, ""I use my @CAPS5 for everything; I would not survive the workload @CAPS8 @CAPS3."" @CAPS2 asked why, he replied, ""@CAPS3 keeps everything organized, and is an easier way to research topics."" A lawyer said, ""You can not support a client if you don't have the right tools, and a @CAPS5 is on @MONEY1 those tools."" @CAPS4, @CAPS8 computers offices would crumble and students grades would drop. Could you imagine writing a newspaper @CAPS8 a @CAPS5? Secondly internet access allows people to meet new people. Many websites such as '@CAPS6' and '@CAPS7' allow people to reconnect with old friends, and make new ones. @PERCENT1 @MONEY1 the nation owns accounts on socializing websites, and @PERCENT2 @MONEY1 the nation says their friend groups have expanded to the groups (according to a poll taken). A psychologist explains, ""Some people are too shy to meet new friends in person; online bloom."" @CAPS8 internet, citizens @MONEY1 @LOCATION1 would know little about other countries' people. My next reason, however is even greater. Lastly, @CAPS8 internet, people would do for less traveling. Internet allows citizens to research places they would like to visit and buy transportation to their destination. @CAPS3 also is an easy and effective way @MONEY1 booking where the tourist shall stay. Apoll taken by @ORGANIZATION2 airports shows that @PERCENT3 @MONEY1 the travelers book their flights online and @CAPS8 online ticketing 'the wait to book your flights would be unbearabley long; or stop travelers completely' (quote from a worker). My people and I went to various airports and train stations across the country and interviewed @NUM1 people each. We inquired about how the bought their tickets and @PERCENT4 @MONEY1 them said online. ""@CAPS9 do you mean, how? On the internet @MONEY1 course! no one could get anywhere if we stood in lines all day!"" said a person interviewed. Airports make @MONEY1 for the @LOCATION2 government, and @CAPS8 internet less people would travel. There for, computers are mandatory. Computers have a positive effect on owners; since they allow easy organization and research, online socializing and better ways @MONEY1 booking transportation. @CAPS8 computers internet access, our business would crumble, then the economy would follow. I know you agree with me." 6 6 12
1777 1 Dear Newspaper, Computers have advance a lot since they were first made. Some people see computers as a way to rot your brain, while others see it has a learning device. Although computers have a negative effect when it comes to children, they have more of a positive effect because they give people the ability to learn about far away places and allow people to talk to each other online. To start off, computers are bad because they can be used as a way to babysit a child. When you're on the computer you're just sitting there staring at a screen with pictures and words on it. Some parents use the computer as a way to keep their kids quite, instead of taking the time to go outside. By growing up in an enviornment like that the children only know how to play on the computer. Kids have a lot of energy, and they need to do something productive, not play computer games and talk to their friends. All school day they talked to their friends, they need to be with family doing something to keep them fit and healthy. By using the computer as a babysitter, you as a parent are leading your child to obisity because all they do is games, and they aren't properly taking care of their body. On the other hand, computers give people the ability to learn about far away places and people. If your teacher gave you a last minute writing essay on @LOCATION2 that was do in a week, what would you do? You can't fly to @LOCATION2 and ask the @CAPS1 people what you want to know. That would be a waste of time and money. And if you go the library and they don't have any books, then you're in trouble. But by using the computer you can find endless information about @LOCATION2, and you could finish that essay in a day if you wanted to. Also, if you were going to @LOCATION4, but you knew nothing about @LOCATION4 you wouldn't be very confident about going. And you would feel like a tourist. But, if you went online and searched @LOCATION4, you could find the traditions, the clothing, and so much more. Lastly, if you wanted to know more about a famous person who isn't around anymore, you could go on the computer and find pictures and what they did, how they became famous, and so on. Finally, computers allow people to talk online with other people. Say your grandma lives in @LOCATION3, and you can't call to often because your phone bill will get to high, what do you do then? You talk online since you both have computers and it won't cost you to call. For example, my grandma and grandpa both live in @LOCATION1. When we call there it costs a lot because they're so far away. When they got a computer, we each bought a webcam and called them everyday on @ORGANIZATION1. Now, not only did we talk to them, but we also get to see them too. If your friend didn't have a phone and you really needed to ask them for the homework, you could go online or on aim or facebook and ask them. You know you can always get an answer because everyone is always on the computer at some point of the day. Although computers have a negative effect when it comes to children, they have more of a positive effect because they give people the ability to learn about far away people an places, and they allow you to talk online with other people. 6 5 11
1782 1 Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I believe that computers are a good source of technology. The reasons which I am fighting for tell why, kids are in school more than half of the school day. Parents should be limiting there childrens use and what they do, and computers are a way of contact and research. To begin, kids are in school more than have of a school day. How could children stay on the computer when there in school learning? They can't. In school you get alot of exercise because your always movign around. After school kids usually do homework or go out with friends. Computers don't have effect on people, if anything it makes them smarter. Secondly, if children have a computer at home their parents should be limiting the time and what exactly they could do on the computer. The people who support advances in technology are correct, computers open up imagination, and learning. Parents of the children that have computers should be more worried than anyone else and if they are , they should just take the computer away. Parents sould also take their kids places more often so the schild win not have to go online. Lastly, computers are a way of contacting others. If you don't have a phone, you use a computer to go on your email, or personal websites. Also poeple need computers for schol work and for their jobs too! Another thing numerous peopel use a computer for is research and reports. We need our information! To conclude, my thoughts are very important to consider because, mny other people would be shy to wirte this and get it published in their local newpaper! I would like to say computers are not interacting with family, friends, nature or anything of that sort. We as a whole need computers to do daily life things, without be able to go online, or save files we would be lost! So I will say again to consider my ideas. Thank you. 4 4 8
1783 1 "Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 several reasons on way I that advances in technology are harmful to our socitey is because it opens doors to strangers on the outside world. Its also takes you away from family and friends. Lastly it also takes you away from enjoying life outside of the internet. One of my severl reasons on way I feel advanced technology is harmful to our socitey is because it opens doors to strangers @CAPS2 teens, adult's and etc. The probem with this is that you never really know whos on the other side of that door, that chat room people can miss guide you into thinking there someone who there not. @CAPS2 example theres a show called dateline. This show is about how young teens put there selev's online and grown or young men click on a picture of you and that opens up a chat line or as I say opening a door, you dont know who's on the other side of that door. So these men online makes these teens trust them and make them feel safe if they are a friend you ""hey can I come over sometime?"" you this young teen thinking thats your friend says yea sure. Dont forget you dont see his picture so he come's over and most of three men are looking @CAPS2 a quick fix. If you know what I mean. This is what go's on during dateline t.v show just imarge how many other kids or teens are out there doing the same thing the difference is they dont get caught. Secondly on why is harmful to our socitey is because it takes you away from your family and friends. It takes you away from your kid's family because that will start to fill as if you love that computer more then them. It take you away friends because they might say hey let's go out to the mall or @CAPS2 a drink youll probably say check up on somethings online. This will one move slowly away from you, all over a computer you will start to lose the people most important to you. My last reason on why you can harm society with teconogly is because it takes you away from living your own life and doing thing's you wanna do like online is a bunch of stuff that everybody else say's is cool. Do what you think and feel is cool. @CAPS2 example if someone posted something saying @NUM1 guys lodon is so cool you gotta go there but youve always wanted to go to @LOCATION1, @CAPS3 thing is that you do get to have enough air outside like your skin will get pail and icky and this is why I feel that way. In covlsion all though some people might think that advanced tencogly is good well cleary there not because they open doors to danger, take you away from friends and family. Also it takes you away from what life has to offer." 4 4 8
1786 1 Dear readers, I think that its good and bad to use the computer to much 1 1 2
1787 1 Dear - Local Newspaper I agree thats computers are good for society. Without computers a lot of things couldnt be done. Computers are sometimes the easy way out. And thats why I love them. Computers almost makes anything possible. Now say if your an elderly person and you cant get up and your bodys really bad. Well all you need is a computer. You can pay your bills online or you can get a job online or even shop online. All you need is a computer. Computers are also good if your lazy. You can just lay in bed all day and go online to work or to the mall and order things all youll have to care about is personal hygenic. Sometimes computers take a lot of stress of you. No more ignorant co-workers or no angry boss everythings a-okay. Computers are also swel because its the eazy way out. But you have to make sure you get a good computer. Not and old one because it can breakdown. Dats one reason why computers arent so good. But as i said computers are very good they might be a little pesky but ones you get the hand of them everything gonna be alright and remember you can do almost anything with a computer. 4 3 7
5993 3 In the essay Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the author Joe Kurmaskie uses the features of the setting to affect the cyclist. The cyclist is affected by these features because of he sees the same setting (the dessert) for several miles, he has no water and, the road has a lot of hills. The cyclist could been affected by seeing the dessert and no scenary changes for a wahile. When you look at one same scene for hours you could start to get tired and bored with everything. So this cause him to be very drossy and bored. Also the cyclist had no water as none of the fountains were cold water. Having no water out in the dessert could make you dehydrate and faint. 1 2 2
5998 3 The features of the setting that affect the cyclist are the lack of water, out of date information, and rolling hills. If he had up to date information then he would probably have got water from a town thats not empty or almost empty like a ghost town as the cyclist said. 2 1 2
5999 3 The cyclist has a couple things if he racing and the wind is blowing then theres a problem and he has to follow traffic law and ride on the right side or the road. 0 1 1
6002 3 "The cyclist had a very hard time geting to Yosemite National Park. This is because the sun was out, and it was in the middle of June. I was so hot out the cyclist became dehydrated faster than he would have on a cooler day. When the pumped the handle of the old rusted water pump, he said the water felt, somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. The cyclist also had to deal with a lot of ""short rolling hills"", which was much more difficult to bike on than flat roads. On top of everything else the roads were in very bad condition, so you had to watch for rocks in the road." 2 2 2
6003 3 The cyclist in the story is at first confident in accepting the old mens help, and doesnt seem to suspect anything is wrong when he first starts out. The way the men directed him seem all going for his water supply is all in store, and the first land mark, a ghost town now, is exactly where it is supposed to be. The next town he hits doesnt have anything that could replenish his diminishing water supply and he starts to feel troubled. However he was told the next town wasnt further, so he pressed on. Then the scenery makes a drastic change, the flat roads becoming hills, the sun beating hotter- it really look like a desert after tumbleweeds even go past! The cyclist continues on, despite being very dehydrated. The next thing to come along is an old juice building that almost seems to mark him on how he has no water. He keeps on, however, and at last sees a shop where he can get water. The canging scenery sends the cyclist from confidence to worry, to hopelessness and lastly, relief. 3 3 3
6022 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist.The features of the setting, or nature, affect the cyclist because they are wearing her out. The cyclist is going to the city of of yosemite but some guys gave her a short cut. Through this shortcut are hills and heat and lack of water. @CAPS1 describes this by saying, I wiped the sweat from my eyes to make sure it wasnt a mirage, and tried not to get too excited. @CAPS1 is excited that there is a building that @CAPS1 might get some water from. Also, @CAPS1 wiped the sweat from her eyes meaning it is hot outside and @CAPS1 is sweating and losing water. Therefore, the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6023 3 The three most important features of the setting that effect the cyclist are the ground he is traveling, the towns he passes, and the availability of water. The ground the cyclist is riding over is important because the rougher the terrain, and the more hills there are, the more energy he must use, and the less distance he can travel. @PERSON1 is riding fine until he must travel the rolling hills which consume his energy, ehausts his water, and causes dividing hope. As he approaches towns, his hope increases but soon fades due to the realization that the town will be unable of giving him relief. When he pumps out water that tastes like battery acid, his hope once again diminishes. As he sees the bait and tackle shop, he knows he can make it there and that when he gets there he can recover. These three features are what effects the cyclist the most. 2 2 2
6034 3 The settings that affected the cyclist were in fact ones you dont want to be near when you are out of water and tired from pedaling. The time and place affected him greatly because there wasnt a cool breeze in the air in June at California. He was in the middle of flat deserts and had no sense of where the part as and where civilization too so he can get some water. The quote old timers who havent left the confines of their porches since Carter was in office helped you realize taking advice of direction from old people who dont go anywhere is a bad idea. Flat road was replaced by short rolling hills. This quote shows you some terrail features that affected the cyclist. Furthermore, the cyclist realivingly found civilization with running water. 2 2 2
6042 3 The cyclist is mostly affected by his lack of water. In the beginning of his ride the cyclist is confident and is striving to reach the joys of @LOCATION1. He longs for, the cool pines and rushing rivers (@NUM1). Later on when the cyclist reaches the rough terrain, he starts feeling exhaustion as he depletes his water supply. A bit of relief later comes upon him after a long climb over a hill until he sees a shut down juice factory almost seeming like it was put there to tease him. His destination fills him with relief and pride, knowing that he would survive the strenuous journey. 2 2 2
6056 3 The wonderful features and settings had a dramatic affect on the author. The affect was bad rather that good. First, there was the almost unbearable heat. The author had limited amount of water and used a lot of it because of the smoltering temperatures. Another feature that had a great impeidence on the authors well being would be the lack of water in the pumps he stumbed across at the snack. Lastly would be the tar-like substance that came out of the pump when author tried to get water. There was also Brackish water in the that tasted suspiciously like Battery acid. 1 1 1
6058 3 The features of the setting affect to cyclist because of where he is. The biker is in a campground in California. By saying that one could sense it is a dusty place. Also, when the story says that the town had been abandoned. This also tells us that the place the cyclist is in is a diserted place without many people or places to stop. The story also talks about a snake in the road. A snake in the road tells one that the town is desireted I could tell that this town is deserted because around here, people do not goin towns that don`t have buildings. It a snake was in the road, then the town must be empty because around here streets are busy and no snakes in the road. 2 1 2
6065 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For example, the weather in California in June was hot and the water the cyclist found in the pipes was hot, as well. The text says, Somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. This affected him because he had no water to drink from. Another example is when he had to overcome tumbleweeds and snakes. The text states, tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake. This was an obstacle that he had to overcome. Another example is he was deserted. The text says, no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. 2 2 2
6075 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the author changes the mood by not only telling us how the cyclist feels, but also by describing his environment. As he's leaving the resevoir compground hes feeling pretty good because hes just leaving the serenity of an early-summer evening and hes headed toward The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite. Hes in a beautiful setting and this affects the cyclist because hes anticipating another one. However, when he moves to the ghost town and the sun was beginning to beat down hes less confident and becoming more doubtful about the mens advice. However, hes still optimistic, finally it funny that it was once a thriving little spot. Next, when the cyclist comes to one ramshackle shed, several rusty pumps and a coral he knows that things are in bad shape and he @CAPS1 water. However, all the have is a tarlike substance so he moves on, having no choice. When he comes to the rough road tumbleweeds and a ridiculously large snake it effects the cyclist by letting him know that things are at their worst and he can either give up, or keep pushing through. I doubt it could get any worse, and so does the cyclist. Finally, at the end the cyclists enters a rather modern bathroom and things are back to civilization for him, so he feels relaxed, relieved and much better. 3 3 3
6079 3 "In the text, the features of the setting greatly affect the cyclist. For example, the text states, There was no one in sight, not a building, or structure of any kind. This made the cyclist very lonely and they started to lose hope of finding water. Secondly, the text stated, ""In an ironic twist the building abandoned years easlier, by the looks of it-had been a Welchs Grape Juice factory This made the cyclist lose more hope, after he thought the building would have people in it and he got excited. Lastly, the text states, GRAPE AND @CAPS1S FISH CAMP The sight of this building gave the cyclist hope and happiness for finding a place to get a drink. The settings features greatly affect the cyclist's feelings." 2 3 3
6088 3 "The features of the setting effected the cyclist very much. The text says, The sun was beginning to beat down(Kurmaskie @NUM1). The hot sun was making the cyclist sweat. He was losing water. This was making him dehadrayted faster. The text says. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills"" (Kurmaskie @NUM2). The hills the cyclist had to ride up were wearing him out. He was getting tierd faster. The text says. I stubled into a rather modern in bathroom and drank deeply from the sink"" (Kurmaskie @NUM3). The modern bathroom had good, cold water. This allowed the cylist to drink from it. The water replenished the cyclist allowing him to regain some of his strength. Then the cyclist could carry on." 2 2 2
6102 3 The cyclist trusted a man that didn`t know much about the world, he thought that the guy would know how to get to the place he was looking for. The cyclist took his advice, he thought that he would be there really soon so he start to drink his water really fast. He realized that he was out of water and the park he was going to wasent anywhere near. The cyclist got frustrated and angry he was now crossing the desert which was making him tiered and dehydrated. He pased this road that was a rough road with tumbleweeds and snakes he kept on going until he sow the @CAPS1 Juice company. He hurried there, went into the bathroom drank same water. When he got out an old men asked if he needed directions, the cyclist said no. 2 2 2
6108 3 "The features of the setting affects he cyclist. One way it affect the cyclist is it by being hotlike a says in the text""I could drop from heat stroke on a gorgerous day in June ""@CAPS1 way it affects the cyclist by being bumby like it says in the text ""ROUGH ROAD AHEAD:DO NOT EXCEED POSTED SPEED LIMIT."" that is how the setting affects the cyclist." 1 1 1
6109 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by the mood the cyclist and what happens as he journeys in the desert to a town. For example his mood changes when the old man asks him for a map and his attitude changes by cautiousness of the new, of the new road he went on then terror when he thought he was gonna die I was gonna die and the birds would pick me clean then to pride when the old man asks for a map and the author says I own a very good map But as he journeys to Yosemite the setting changes when he goes to a desert type of place then goes a bait shop to rest. Then probably on his merry way to his destination. 2 2 2
6117 3 There are many ways the features of the setting affect the cyclist. One feature is the weather. When a cyclist is on a trip the weather could affect the setting greatly. An example, if it started to rain the roads could become very slippery and dangerous to ride your bike on. The cyclist and his bike could crash and die. Just cause of the weather. Another feature is the animals. An animal is important cause any were you do the are different animals that do different things. If the cyclist knows the animals around the area that he is traveling he could keep safe and not be harmed. Tis better to know the area and feel safe. Then not knowing whats going to happen next. 1 1 1
6120 3 In the story there are many affects the cyclist deals with. He has to go through a lot of bad things just to finish. The cyclist has to watch out for a rough road he was going over. Also the whole time he was racing he had to watch out for diamond back snackes. Also the whole race, the cyclist biggest problem was water. He ran out quickly. And when he saw the factory and stopped. He put rocks in his mouth to make him forget about water, and lets yours split circulate. The cyclist had to go through all these problems which made it show that he had determination. 2 2 2
6122 3 During the cyclist bike ride the unbearable conditions changed his attitude when he firsts starts the reader can sense frustration because of the old timers and there directions. Then as he realizes that he might have enough water his attitude changes. The cyclist goes from frustrated to loving the secenery, The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite had my name written all over them, as the conditions changed to even more unbearable heat. He decided to just give up. Until he got courage and slowly gaining elevation while losing hope. When he saw Gary and Wilbers fish camp, he realized he was safe. 2 2 2
6123 3 The byciclist from Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed speed Limit was effected in many ways from the environment. The most talked about feature in the environment was the lack of water. The byciclist was going to die because there was no water and he was really dehydrated. Another feature was the heat. It was really hotwhere the narrator was bycicling. When @CAPS1 hot, the heat dehydrates you. So the narrator was being pushed to the limit because of the heat. Also, everyone was gone from the towns so every town he came to was hauntinghim until he got mad at the lodgers hetalked to and was really frustrated. The smooth flat road gave way to rolling hills, which made it harder for him to ride. Lastly, the snake inthe road affected him because he had to avoid it. All of these things affected him. 2 0 3
6124 3 Do not exceed posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie is truly a story of man against nature. Here is a man who is completely alone except for his bike, the baron landscape and relentless sun. First he notices the sun, over head him, expected from California June, but not none the less. Then next come the rolling hills and incline in elevation, going up hill means his body working, harder, and burning calories and his much needed water supply. Then there is the man much torture. A speed limit of @NUM1,were he is going a tough 12. And worse a billboard of a young boy pouring a refreshing glass of juice into his mouth, this truly hit his emotions, showing him exactly what it was out of reach. In this story every element of his surrounding contributed to his hoplessness. 2 3 3
6128 3 During his cycling trip, the author had to endure extreme heat, face snakes, deal with little or no shade and survive a dire lack of water, all problems related to the setting of Yosemite National Park. The author, cyclist Joe Kurmaskie, writes of becoming dehydrated, and describes, the sun was beginning to beat down and l was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. @CAPS1 struggle for him was crossing the path of a ridiculously large snake and trying to keep his balance in his dehydrates state. Kurmaskie ran out of water, due to the extreme heat, and upon reaching a water pump, finds the water to be unfit for drinking and in the neighborhood of zoo degrees. @CAPS1 setting-related issue for kurmaskie was the fact the area seemed deserted and he had to continue for mile until he was able to find a spot with clean water where he could rest and rehydrate. 3 2 3
6129 3 The features of the setting were very affective in the story @CAPS1t exceed @CAPS2 Speed Limit. It affected the cyclist because in one part of the setting it went to roling hills. Thats going to be hard to pedal a bike on. Another was the setting affected the cyclist is at one point tumbleweeds were in his way. If the gets caught on the bike it could have caused him to fall and it could harm him. Lastly, the road started getting rough up ahead which could be hard to ride over potholes and thugs like that. Therefore, the setting was affecting to the cyclist. 2 2 2
6131 3 In the story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, written by Joe Kurmaskie, the features of the setting affected the author in many ways. One feature was the hills. The speed limit affected the author because he felt that he was moving to slow. In the story when it says I was doing a water-depleting @NUM1, is evidence of this 1 1 1
6134 3 Many features in the setting affect the cyclist. Several main features include the cars lading town. that aint really towns anymore, and the water pump. Both of these examples gave him hope but none gave him relief. The town he first saw could give him water, but it was all run down and weakened. I arrived at the first town. This place might have been a thriving little spot at one time... refer the @NUM1 word war. He is saying that the town couldve given him more water and enery, but it appeared that it was over for this town. Additionally, he biked across a water pump that was well needed He tried to pump water but got no success. I pumped the handle for several minutes but the water wouldnt cool down. A working water pump wouldve been huge for him giving him more strength to bike. However, once again it was very misleading 2 2 2
6145 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist with his train of thought. On page @NUM1 it says, I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. This gives a sence of heat and foreshadows maybe the lack of water hell have later on. As he passes a snake, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. So the cyclist is most likely begin to feel dizzy and begins to loose hope. On page @NUM2 he says, I could drop from heatstroke meaning hes starting to think of the worse possible things that could happen. Which effects him because hes beginning to loose hope and thinks hes not going to make it. On page @NUM3, he says, I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean By this point the conditions he was having were rough and making him worry. This is how the features of the setting affected the cyclist throughout the story. 2 3 3
6149 3 The features of the settings in Do not exceed the posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie were rough and challenging. A biker rides through todi, California which is a rough area to ride. The ride was hot and long that he was so dehidrated that sweat was dried around his neck. The solo cyclist says There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. He had no where to get water or food. It was deserted. He thought if he died no one would find him faster the birds would pick him clean. The essay rough road ahead: do not exceed posted speed limit by @PERSON1 shows a solo cycilist are very independent. 2 2 2
6150 3 In the story, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, by Joe Kurmaskie, the cyclist faced many obstacles. For example, he had to get directions to Yosemite National Park, but the directions were from elder men, whose information was out of date. In addition, the cyclist had to decide which way to take when there was a fork in the road. He chose a path the old men said would have a town nearly eighteen miles down the road. Furthermore, the cyclist ran into flat roads that went to rolling hills, snakes blocking his path, and a dehydration state that couldve killed him. In conclusion, this man overcame obstacles to get to Yosemite National Park. 2 2 2
6153 3 The affect of the setting are two old timers sitting on their front porch out in the desert since carter was in office. It was starting to become daylight and he had to walk @NUM1 miles to get to the next town. So he gets on a bike and rides to the next town. The speed limit is 55 miles per hour and he was going 12 miles per hour just like the waterflow. He was riding up and down rolling hills. He finally got to the next town to live. 1 2 2
6155 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist in a lot of ways. in the essay, the author describe how the setting is hot, it is bumpy, it makes him sweat, it makes him tired, he is also, running out of water from his thirst. The road gets, very rocky at one point. The narrator states Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills (Kurmaskie @NUM1). There is also a photograph that shows how rough the terrain is. It is barrain with nothing around it. 1 1 1
6161 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist because the climate could be hot, the road could be bumpy, and the town could be deserted. For example, ""Rough Road Ahead. Do not exceed posted speed limit. This would be hard for a cyclist who is thirsty. And if he is not and with no water he probably could barely make it up the hills. And with no town for water he would be thirsty.""First ""town"" This place might have been a thriving little spot at one point but anthor warning it fit the outsides of ghost town"" No waters" 2 2 2
6162 3 Hot, lack of water, lost-all are how the features of the setting affected the cyclist. First, it was hot. In one sentence he say the sun was beginning to beat down. Also that the water felt around two-hundred degrees. That sweat was all over him. So he had to be really hot. Next, the lack of water affected him and his performence. How was because he was dieing in need of water. He tried everything to get water but made it through with almost no water. Lastly, he was lost. The map that he had was wrong and the trip wasnt what he expected. But in the end he was relifed. So even toward all these negative affects he still managed to come to positive. Basically this story is explaining how if you try your hardest, never give up, and try new things you are most likely to succeed in life and other things you @MONTH1 take part of. So try your best and make way of your life and plans in your life. 2 2 2
6175 3 "In the setting of Rough road ahead: do non excee posted speed limit. The cyclist is greatly affected. In the beginning the authour is enjoying a nice campground outside lodi California when old-timers told the cyclist directions and from his piont of view ""they'd sounded so sure of themselves when pointing off out land marks and spouting off towns I would come to along this breezy aunt. So the cyclist used that information and it wasnt for The Better." 1 1 1
6178 3 In this essay, the features of the setting cause the cyclist to become irritaed toward the old men. Ten this essay, old men give the cyclist direction, and instead of using a map, he takes their advice. However their information is out of date, and takes the cyclist through rolling hills and bumpy roads. The cyclist uses all of his energy to get to unknown towns of no importance, and with no water. The cyclist blame the old men for giving him directions that wasted his energy. However he showed realy become himself for taking their advice, and motuising a credited map on real directions. 2 3 3
6185 3 The cyclist has it hard in the conditions lack of water, heat and rough terrain are all things that made his ride harder. First, the lack of water took a tole on the amount of energy he had to keep going. Secont the heat also affected his trip It mad it hard for him to Keep going he thought he would die. And the birds would bick at his dead body. Last the Terrain didnt help. The trip had many hills and that used alot of energy so I made it harder. In conclusion those are things that worked against th cyclist. 2 2 2
6188 3 The features of the setting do affect the cyclist. one example is, the condition of his jar 0 0 0
6189 3 The features of the setting can affect the cyclist because, say that there was nothing. It might make you want to go faster and left out your inner speed demon. Thats all I can really tell you. Because personally I dont think the setting of where you ride your bike doesnt even matter. Possibly for a bicyclist it can, but to me I dont even think so. 1 1 1
6198 3 "On that long bike ride the cyclist was affected by the setting. He was affected of the lack water, the heat and the bad directions, throughout the story the cyclist ran out of water due to bad directions from some men.""Trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. He ran out of water and became dehydrated through his trip. The heat has a major part of his dehydration during the bike ride. I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. I have been to California and it is hot. The trip was made even longer due to some bad directions from some old men. Because I listened to some gentlemen who hadnt been off their porch in decades, caused me to laugh. The gentlemen gave him wrong directions because in their time that was right information. But not the land has changed and the directions were wrong. When going on bike rides the setting of the rides is a great help or a bad help. The cyclist experienced how the setting of a bike ride can affect him a great deal." 2 3 3
6201 3 The setting affects the cyclist because it is hot, therefore he gets thirsty. When he says the sun was beating on me this shows it was hot. Thats one of the reasons why he was tired and dehydrated. 1 2 2
6208 3 The features of the setting in, Rough Road Ahead affect the cyclist. The cyclist started at a camp ground and conversing with some old dogers, and he asks them how to get to Yosemite, and the tell him a shortcut that turns out to be out of date. On the road to Yosemite he sees nothing except abandoned towns. He is really thirsty and theres no water anywhere. He thought he was going to die. He said, I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean. It was a hot summer day and there was tumbleweeds and snakes by the road and him feel hotter and more thirsty than he would be if it was cooler and if there was a big river flowing by the road. But it was hot and dry in California and desert-like and it made him feel like he was dying because he was in the middle of nowhere therefore the setting affected the cyclist 3 2 3
6214 3 Being a cyclist and in the condition he was in would be even worse in the setting he was in, such as the heat of California, and difficult condition of the path he was on. Him being so hot and tired from the difficult hilly trail would be worse with having the lack of supply of water. The author was very dehydrated and was on the verge of fainting. If it were not so hot, the cyclist would have been in a much better condition. 1 1 1
6219 3 The setting of this essay was the California desert in June. If any of the settings features affected the cyclist(which they all did) This had the biggest impact. In the fifth paragraph, the reader leaves that the author was travelling through the high deserts of California in June. My prior knowledge tells me that California is generally always a very hot place especially in the desert in June, the hottest month of the year This would have greatly affected the cyclist. He was riding for over fifty miles through the California desert with a limited supply of water. This put him at a great risk for dehydration, which he tells the reader he reaches in the last time of paragraph ten. This terrain and the extremely hot conditions would make the cyclist very tired and dehydrated, making his journey to @CAPS1 @ORGANIZATION1 all the more difficult. 2 2 2
6222 3 In this paragraph I will be explaining some features of the setting that affected the cyclist. One affect was the uneven, bumpy roads he was trying to cycle on. If it was flat he wouldnt have to really be more aware, cause with bumpy roads he has to look out for rocks, holes in the road. Another affect are the hills. He had to put out more energy than if the hills were just flat. Those are some reasons that explain the features of the setting that affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6231 3 "The cyclist on her trips sees a lot of features that would discourage her. She is riding in high desserts of california in June"" (kurmaskie). We all know desserts are steaming hot and dry especially in june. She also encounters hills (kurmaskie) to make matters wose she was travelling on hills in the extreme heat.Though the cyclist goes through many perilous obstacles she makes it to a camp a lives I could seethe horizon, telling myself that I could make it that par, I'd be fine.""(kurmaskie) This shows the author's dedication and that if you don tgive up you will be fine." 2 2 2
6232 3 In the story, Do not exceed posted speed limit, the setting is an all- important factor. The author feels the need to describe the path that the cyclist is following and the details each place he stops, such as in one ramshackle shedand a corral that couldnt hold the lamest mule and The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite In a story such as this setting is of great importance especially since it is so rapidly changing. The story itself would be of much different quality likely for a lower quality, if the author never put emphasis on the areas that the cyclist rode past, this story would not be worth reading if the author were not as skilled a writer as he is. 1 1 1
6242 3 It affect cyclest because the condition determines the pace and even how fast they could travel. 1 1 1
6245 3 "The features of the setting affect the cy clist in many ways. For example the lack of water was the biggest thing. Without cool water he had nothing to reboost his energy. He would get tired out faster. Even he does find water its hot, like when he says, brakish water feeling some where in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. This shows how in the high desert of June,"" the water is all very hot. Even after he pumped the well for several minutes the water still wouldnt cool down the hot desert had baked everything above and below ground. So when you go to get something liquid which heats and cools faster than solids it will be hot. Also the rough road made it difficult for the cyclist to travel it. We know the roads rough when he says, large highway signs dumped out at me. It read ROUGH ROAD AHEAD DO NOT EXCEED POSTED SPEED LIMIT. ""This also shows you couldnt go fast." 3 2 3
6248 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by the hottnes of the deserts of California because the cyclist was sweating, and drinking his water bottles. Also when the cyclist saw the building, he thought he could rest and maybe get a ride to where he was going but, the building was abandoned years earlier so the cyclist couldnt stop. These are some features of the setting that affect the cyclist. 1 1 1
6257 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by how much confidence in where hes going and how hes gona get there. Having no water 1 1 1
6258 3 If the sun had not been so blaring all the road so trecharous. Also the devation often bothers the author because he had to get over the dry and dehydrtion. 1 1 1
6269 3 The whys the setting affected the cyclist is that the hotter it was the more water that he drank. Also the further he travled the more tired he got which caused him to get hotter and which caused him to drink more of his water. 1 1 1
6292 3 During the cyclists trip, he experienced physical and mental strain. The intense heat, rough terrain, the animals and his isolation all contributed to his strain while completing his challenging task. His isolation while cycling down the shortcut was a definite factor in his strain. @PERSON1 stated that, there was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. All @PERSON1 had to focus on was accomplishing his task. There wasnt anybody nearby to help him and there wasnt any shelter for him to take to escape the heat. The heat itself played a very predominant factor in Kurmaskies physical strain. The heat caused him to become dangerously thirsty and required him to find an abundance of water fast. Kurmaskie stated, the growing realization that I could drop from heatstroke This statement proves that the intense temperature was a life threatening factor. The rough terrain and snake and two factors in his trip that just helped make his journey even more cruel. The physical strain of avoiding a snake in the middle of the road and the dangerous terrain just put him in a more grading position. 3 2 3
6295 3 The features at the setting affected the cyclist by dehydrating him. The setting had a hot sun, no trees, and no water. The cyclist was also feeling lesy. In the story he said I and the growing ??? :??? That I could drop from heat stroke. 1 2 2
6296 3 The setting was hot and dry, which affected the cyclist greatly. She didnt have enough space to carry a lot of water and rod to make portrons to drink. Also listening to old guys who didnt know much didnt help either and sent her on a much harder path to travel 0 0 0
6298 3 The way the setting of the story help the guy out alot. He was riding and it was hot but with cool pines and risum river it was worth the ride. It keep him cool so he could get his weter in the nex town. That is why I think that the pin and river were a big help. 1 1 1
6303 3 I believe the cyclist is a alone, and I think the old man should have shot him. I believe a bike ride that long is a little retarded. I feel that no matter how great or horrible the shape your in you should even go on a realling long rider on a bicycle. 1 1 1
6306 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because, it is hot, and dry in the California desert when you are on a bicycle, hot and dry with bad directions, and in a desert is bad. It was a long distance ride, in the burning hot sun, with little water, and he thought he was going to die because there was nothing insight. 1 1 1
6317 3 There are many ways in which the setting of Rough Road ahead affects the cyclist. First of all, he is bicycling through the desert. This poses a problem because it is very dry and hot. At one point in the story, the author writes that he was trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. It is obvious here that lack of water is affecting his in a big way. He almost collapsed because he is so thirsty. Another part of the setting that affects the cyclist is that he is in a very remote area. He says that there was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. Since there was rolling now, the cyclist had to keep cycling and drinking his water until he could find a place to stop. Lastly, the rough road affected the cyclist. The road made traveling even harder to do and caused the cyclist to have a very rough time. If I had to bicycle for a long period of time, I would much rather have a smooth road so I could renew my energy. The heat, remotness of the area, and the rough road all affected the cyclist on his journey. 2 1 2
6336 3 "The dry desert like setting would affect the cyclist because he could easily become dehydrated from the sun, and loss of water through sweat. The cyclist states, I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state (Rough Road Ahead). The man is badly dehydrated, but in his determination he moves on. The terrain went from being flat, to short rolling hills. The road had been abandoned along with the town he had passed through, hoping to get water. The man goes can to say, I toiled on, at some point, tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake- it really did look like a diamond back- blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me ""(Rough Road Ahead). The setting is obviosly desert like, so it is dry, hot, and dusty. This would definately have an affect on his body which is sweating, which causes dehydration due to water loss. In conclusion the cyclist was greately affected by the setting." 3 2 3
6348 3 Throughout the story, the cyclist describes the hot weather and harsh tarrens of the midwest in his quest to find a source of water. He notes several times about the nice @DATE1, which ear him, quickly warms into sweltering heat as he pedals along. He also goes into detail about the change from flat ground to rolling hills on his journey. Behind these aspects make the use frol final much inorder for the cyclist and gives the reader image as what he is going through. 1 1 1
6355 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by their were rolling hills that went up and down and it to alot of streanth and also he barely had water because, it was so hot he kept drinking and ran out of water early. In the story it say when he was riding that He barely noticed that the sun was starting to beat down. This quote shows it was starting to get hot. Also, in the story he says I checked my water supply. @CAPS1 means hes starting to realize his waters running short. So in all the setting is hot abandoned and theirs no water source, so the cyclist is being affected by all of this 2 2 2
6363 3 "The features of the setting effect the cyclist in, Do not Exceed posted speed Limit. By changing him physically. He was in the California desert in the middle of June without any water left. This was taking a physical toll on him. His physical effect was making him feel hopeless as well. He says, It was a sad hopeless laugh mind you, but at least l still had the energy to feel sorry for myself."" So the way he was suffering from dehydration physically effected his emotional state because he felt as though there was nothing he could do. Had he been in another place, for example @LOCATION2, where it does not get newly a shot as soo thon California, he would not have been suffering from dehydration, as have been in such an isolated place. His cycling could be compared to the climbers who were lost in the snow storm in @LOCATION3. Instead of dehydration and heat strone, however they suffered from hypothermia. Had they been on a different mountain, there would have been no snow storm and they would be fine. The outcome of this story and the climbers was determined by their setting." 3 2 3
6370 3 The setting affect the cyclist because it could be a good or bad thing. If a cyclist adjust his own settings thats good but if somebody messe with them that could be bad. 0 0 0
6377 3 In the essay Rough Road ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the setting relates to how the author is feeling. At first, when the author sees the abandoned first town he is not too worried about it and moves on. I chuckled, checked my water supply, and moved on. The sun was beginning to beat down, but I barely noticed it. The author is okay right @CAPS1, and still has enough water. Next he starts to get low on water, and he becomes more panicked; which in return makes the day seem even hotter. I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of california in June. @CAPS1 that the author is low on water the day seems worse afterward he continues on and runs into a rattlesnake, which makes him even mere panicked and a ridiculously large snake. It really did look like a diamond back-blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me. I eased past, trying to keep my balanc in my dehydrated state. @CAPS2, when he got to the bait store and drank from the sink; things didnt seem so bad anymore and there was no more talk about water nor the heat. As a result the setting was related to the authors moods. 3 3 3
6384 3 Features of the setting affected the cyclist in many ways. After about @NUM1 miles, when in need of water supply the cyclist found a rusty pipe which a tarlike substance came out, then a brackish water substance. While cycling, you are in need of clean water. Next, the terrain changed from being flat to very hilly. In need of water,the last thing you need is be to be challeged more. Later on down the food, there were no cars or any buildings in sile. When you are feeling the the worst, you would want someone to he near in case you fall out, but no one was in site on that road. Lostly, seeing the old welch's Grape Juice Factory would affect the cyclist. Seeing that image of a drink factory right infront of you but not business has to make them fell like he/she will never make it. These features of the setting had to affect the cyclist. 2 3 3
6389 3 The features of the setting directly affects the cyclist. I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. This affects the cyclist because in June it is very hot and going through a desert makes it worse, so he would continue to drink water until he has no more. He is also using energy which is making him sweat and drink more water. One ramshackle shed. Several rusty pipes and a corral that couldnt hold the lamest mule greeted me. This could also cause a problem because he cant renew his water source, which means he has to conserve it, and cant use as much energy. Both of these things factor into the setting, in a desert with no water, affecting the cyclist more than cycling in a cold day. 2 2 2
6392 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making him tiered, scared, thirsty and cause him to worry. The setting was a hot California day in June and the cyclist was riding through the heat and over the hills and difficult terrain. The cyclist describes the land when he says, Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. He also says, Over one long, crippling hill. As the cyclist gets further and further, he has more doubt. Fear and thirst start to get to him. He says, It didnt really matter. I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean. When the cyclist finds the bait shop he has almost lost all hope. On his way to the shop he says, Slowly gaining elevation while losing hope. At the end, the setting makes the cyclist regain his strength as he sees the bait shop, when he sees it, he says, Then, as easily as rounding a bend, my troubles, thirst and fear were all behind me. The features of the setting put the cyclist in an unsteady ride of fear, hope and confidence 3 3 3
6395 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many way. Having desert rahas makes you want to just lay their and not try to go any further, because you dont know where and end will be. As for grassy, flowery land its more of a sense rout, and makes you want to keep going and see many things. Hills and terrain make it harder to keep going but more of a chalange, and a good workout at the same time, the setting does affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6396 3 When the cyclist first recieves directions to Yosemite Park from the old timers he met, he was pretty confident that they knew what they were talking about. To his dismay, these elderly men sent him through life threatening conditions in a deserted area. As the cyclist begins his journey through the hot, June weather, he rode into the morning with strong legs and a smile on my face.'' As he continues forward, he notices that there are no buildings, cars, or people of any kind. He passes abandoned towns and creeps into the desert flat land. The flatland however, morphs into crippling hills with tumbleweeds and snakes awaiting. Not only is the terrain suddenly different, but the cyclist is rapidly deteriorating. Tiredness and lack of water make the cyclist think I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean.'' It was amazing that through all this, the cyclist was able to reach a small fishing camp where he is quickly replenished. Gary and Wilbers Fish Camp'' saved the cyclist from almost certain death and him to always just use his map. 3 3 3
6399 3 In the essay the setting affects the cyclist is different ways. For example, the couse must have been tough because he was dehydrated and it says that there are rolling hills and rough roads. Another example is there were dangerous animals like snakes that he came across. In conclusion, these are some reasons how the setting affects the cyclist. 2 1 2
6402 3 The features of the setting negatively affect the cyclist. When the cyclist arrived at the first town, he could tell thered be some issue. It was a deserted, run down area. The water was hot. Down the road the setting started to change from flat land to hills. There was a big snake in the road. He was becoming very dehydrated going through hilly areas with little to no water. 2 2 2
6410 3 "In the short story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. When he arrives in the first town that the old men told him to go to, the cyclist chuckled and moved on, and acted just sort of indifferrenth, to seeing this old town. As he reached the fork of sorts twenty miles up the road, ""the sight was troubling to him his water supply was somewhat deterriorating, so he became a bit uncered. Finally when the cyclist read the sign that said Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the author continued to move on, but with a large chunk of his confidence gone. He was dehydrated, toned, and had lost a lot of hope after coming across all these places. When he saw the sign for Gary and Wilbers fish camp, he was as happy as could be, knowing he would drink some water continue his journey the next day, and not listen to old mens directions again. Many people in stories or in real life are affected by the setting they are in. In the novel @CAPS1 of champions by @PERSON1, one of the characters named @ORGANIZATION1 went on a journey to find an art exhibition, running into many problem's on the way, which in many cases, gave him a lack of hope in reaching his destination safely." 3 3 3
6417 3 In the essay intitled Rough Road Ahead: Do Not exceed the speed limit the setting changes as so does the mood of @NUM1 essay as well as the mood of the cyclist. For example towards the begining of the essay, at the reserve the essay states, At a resevoir campground outside of Lodi, California, I enjoyed the serenity of an early summer evening. This shows how towards the begining of the essay the cyclist is happy, just woke up and getting reading to go on a nice bike ride; however this all changes when he gets directions from a cople of old-timers. From that point on his trip goes down hill and the essay states, About forty miles in to the pedal, I arrived at the first town, a ghost town, The sun was beginning to heat down, This also shows the the setting of a ghost town and a setting with the sun beating down is effecting the mood of the essay and the mood of the cyclist as well as when he goes another @NUM2 miles to a different ghost town with only a few rusty water pumps containing acid flavored water. At this point cyclist is very worried because its hot and he has no water, while knowing he has another @NUM3 miles to go. @NUM3 miles of rolling hills and hot sun shile seeing a A Rough Road Ahead sign and a diamondback snake he is sure he is going to die. However it all changes when a different sign, one for a baitshop. This is how the author, Joe Kurmaskie uses the setting to effect the mood. 3 3 3
6419 3 As the cyclist continues on his ride, changes begin to occur in the surroundings, which ultimately affects the cyclists attitude. When first starting out on his journey to Yosemite, the cyclist started out that morning, with strong legs and a smile on my face. He had received information from a few of the older locals that would help to cut the amount of time it took to arrive at Yosemite National Park. However, as he was riding, the cyclist realized that perhaps the older mens travel advice was a little out dated. with barely any water left to hydrate himself, and being surrounded by nothing but more road and desert, the cyclist couldnt help but laugh. It was a sad, hopeless laugh, mind you, but at least I still had the energy to feel sorry for myself. At this point, the cyclist was mad at himself for not just using the map that he had brought with him instead of listening to the locals. Although the cyclist remained determined to find water, he had begun to lose hope when he suddenly came across a bait store. Here he was able to rehydrate himself, and with his renewed spirit, continued on his journey, this time using his map. 3 3 3
6423 3 The setting of the story affected the cyclist by changing his mood. At the strat he had can eidance which died once he got into the barren dessert but picked up when he round a rest stop. A prime example to how he started leds and a smile on my face to and the growing realization that I could dropping heartstroke on a gorgeous day in June becaused listen to some gentelmen who hadnt been off their perch in decades to I had an over welming urse to seek out Gary and wilber kiss them and buy some bait. The over all mood ox the story is based off how the authour feels. 2 3 3
6429 3 Dont let anything stop you with your goals. Going to Yosemite National Park. Takes a status that would out home off side. Forty miles into the trys comes to a town. Got to a water station and get nothing because old men say the water taste like buttery acid. Lead going to hills and azyl towns, @CAPS1 can be rod without anything to drink. People die from heatatacks because they dont sits and take herats for water and food. 1 1 1
6430 3 Features in the setting of the cyclist does in fact affect him in many ways. The setting in the passage include features like, no one to be seen, no buildings, dirty, bumpsy terrain, hot weather and plenty of vegetation. All these features affect the cyclist in negative ways. For instance, the dry weather affects the human body with dehydration which the cyclist is affected by. 1 1 1
6435 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist. For example, on page @NUM1, Kurmaskie said I got down on my hands working the hande of the rusted water pump with all my strength that shows desperation due to the lack of water. 1 1 1
6437 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he is in the high deserts of California where it is very hot so, you need alot of water. Then he needs more water and finds a water pump but cant use the water because it was some where in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees."" Then the terrain in changes when he says Flat road was replaced " 1 2 2
6440 3 In the beginning the cyclist was ready to go and happy. By the time he got half way there he was losing hope. It was very hot and he was simple alone. By the end, he was relieved because not only did he find water, he found an easier way to get to Yosemite. The first old group of men didnt help, but the second man did. 1 1 1
6444 3 The setting plays an important part in the authors mood. When the author finds the dilapidated ghost town, he is still high spirited and amused. He thinks that it is a little funny that the old mens town was now abandoned. (the town) fit the traditional definition of a ghost town. I chuckled This shows that the author is still in good spirits because he can still laugh. When a tar like substance oozed out of the water pump at the next stop the author became a little unsettled, as the author was running low on water. But he was still optomistic. Once the rolling expansive hills came into view, the author let out a sad, hopeless laugh. The author was depressed , dehydrated and had all but given up , however he kept going and eventually made it to some water. 3 3 3
6448 3 The setting affected the cyclist greatly. He had no water and he was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. The deserts and no water could have been life-or-death to him, making him stressed and thirsty. Couple that with him biking, and you have yourself a dehydrated man in the desert! When he was between the ghost town and bait shop he says, There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind, This would make the cyclist think that there is no hope for his survival if he passed out. The deserts of California affects any cyclist greatly especially one without water like the cyclist in the story. 2 2 2
6449 3 It think it means to be all you can be. 0 0 0
6454 3 The cyclist in the story is @CAPS1 affected by the fatause of setting in the story. The Hill afected him becaus they have harder to get over. 2 2 2
6456 3 The setting affect the cyclist in alot of ways one way is that if you dont know where your going you could get hurt. Also is if the road condition are very bad. That is how the setting affected the cyclist. 1 1 1
6464 3 When the cyclist went to ask about the road the old men told him all its good way that he should go. But the old man hasnt seen the land in a really long time. The man dont long that the land has changed. So when the cyclist went back to ride the roads and everything ends ?? the cyclist didnt know what to do. 1 1 1
6468 3 The setting is the main factor on effects on the cycleist. The cycleists main problem is that he is low on water & dehydrated, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. The author wouldnt have been so dehydrated if it werent so hot. Also, all the problems he faces are setting related like the snake & the rough road. If it would have taken place in a more mild area, there wouldnt have been any conflicts. 2 2 2
6476 3 The setting effects the cyclist in many ways. And following old timers advice wasn't too smart of him. In that essay he was headed to the Yosemite National Park, he had a map to follow and he trusted himself, he a cyclist he knows his way around. But came around a couple of men who told him a shortcut. He trusted them which he shouldn't have and he was on his way. The setting was rough. He was riding through a California desert; which was probably way too not, and he was looking water. The only thing that he found tasted live battery and so that no good for him. It was a flat land, than rolling hills. The next town would have been in the @NUM1 miles. This cyclist was hilling himself. While riding along these lands there was more in sight, and no building or cars it was line a dead road. Those old men had him through neck and been, once he made it to the next town he knew with those conditions 3 2 3
6484 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead the cyclist was excited and determined to get to Yosemite National Park. The cyclist had to be thinking of the beautiful waters with His name written over them. The rough terrain and harsh weather took its affection on the unaware cyclist. The sun, beat down on the cyclist back, he tried to ignore it, but soon the heat made him frequently drink his water away to sips to drink. The cyclist was told by the old man a town was only @NUM1 miles aways. The town was the traditional definition of a ghost town. That probably gave the cyclist no hope for surviving of finding anyone to help him reach his destination. The conditions of the roads, the lack of water which made him see a mirage, made the cyclist not trust the words of an old man who had led him to the abandon locations he had seen. The cyclist was affected by the settings in a bad way but in the end was given a little help from a traditional map. 3 3 3
6487 3 In the selection Do not exceed posted speed limit there are a lot of great details of the area around the cyclist. In the text, it makes it clear that the route the cyclist is traveling is very deserted when the drinking water was explained as oozing out and tasting like battery acid, you can tell that people hadnt been there in awhile. Also, being informed that he was traveling through a desert, in June. I am able to understand how thirsty he is. Also, he is traveling for miles over a rough terrain and crippling hills, according to the text, so he has to be ovely exhausted. I could understand why he was so upset with getting wrong directions based on the troubles he encounters when he finally reaches the camp and drinks water, you too are glad he has reached somewhere that wasnt empty and deserted. 2 3 3
6492 3 The cyclist was biking through the California deserts olwing the warm summer months. The heat and uninhabited canal was the biggest struggle for the cyclist. For example, he thought there would be many stops for water decive his trip, but he was mistaken. Also he runs out of water very quickly because of being dehydrated in the heat. The cyclist became irritated with himself for trusting someone else to give him directions for a shortcut. The setting affected the cyclists mood in a negative way. 2 2 2
6494 3 Many things caneffect a cyclist and how they ride, in this essay many things effected him such as the setting of the story. One of the problems of the setting was there were no stores or even people, another and most important thing was the lack of water around him, so many things can effect a cyclist while They are riding inculding there suriondings. 2 3 3
6503 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead by Joe @PERSON1 it tells of a cyclist heading for Yosemite National Park, and the problems he faced. For example the heat was a major issue the cyclist had to face. In the story it said Drop from heatstroke. this shows the setting affected him in a negative way, in the story heat was a major part of the setting that affected the character. 2 1 2
6505 3 As soon as the cyclist gained information about which way to go, he set off through tall, cool pines. They gave him a feeling of confidence, and physically cooled his body down. As he headed down the road, he encountered various small towns-none of which looked promising- which gave him a feeling of despair, in accordance to his lack of water. Even further into. the journey, he found one last town, and arundown welches @CAPS1 factory. This increased his thirst and gave him a feeling of spite towards the old men who had given him advice. However, he soon found a bait house where he could get water and escape the heat. For this he was satisfied and grateful to the owner. It made him realize to never again trust the old men. 3 3 3
6511 3 There were many features in the setting that affected the cyclist. One was the extreme heat during the June heat in California. The speaker said that he could have died from heatstroke. The rough road was also a problem for the cyclist. The bumps, hills and wildlife affected the cyclists journey. The thing that most affected him was the lack of water. It was such a problem that he had to suck on stones to take his mind off thirst. As you can see, these problems in the story affected the speakers journey to Yosemite National Park. 2 2 2
6518 3 The features of the setting affected the cycalist in many bad ways. For example in the text it says how I eased past trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. Meaning that he had trouble being in a place he didnt know well of and he was dehydrated. In conclusion the setting did affect the cyclist. 1 1 1
6521 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he is going to be on the road a long time. The features of no buildings, no people and no cars, affect on the rider is that he feels helpless when he is low on water. The ghost town doesnt help he because the old man told him about it and he thought he would be able to get more water. The grape juice factory affected him because he thought he would get a drink but it was abanded. This is how the features affect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6524 3 The features of the setting greatly impacted the cyclist. First the setting at the middle of the story was empty and no place to get water. This filled the cyclist with doubt and despair, he/she thought they would die. The setting also made the cyclist thirsty because of the extreme heat. Finally the cyclist was filled with regret because they regretted listening to the old men because the cyclist didnt make it where he/she wanted to go. 2 2 2
6541 3 The setting can affect a cyclist in a lot of ways. One way setting affects cyclist is when it is hot, it is harder to cycle long distances. I say this because in the story the narrator says and the growing realization that I could drop from heatstroke @CAPS1 part of setting that affects cyclist is the terrain they cycle on. For example it is much easy to cycle on flat smooth ground than it is on the rolling hills with rough, rocky ground. This is shown with the quote ride down into distances I could see over the horizon, telling myself that if I could make it that far, Id be fine. Setting can have a great deal of affect on a cyclist, depending on if its smooth or rocky, or hot or cool. 2 2 2
6543 3 The cyclist in the essay, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit is about a great adventure gone bad. He has every thing he needs but some how it turns out bad. He get low on water & the setting is horrible. He is on his way from a camp ground in @LOCATION2, @LOCATION1 to the Yosemite river. He gets bad directions from old guys at the camps ground. On his way he ran into two abandon towns & was running out of water then he came to a sign that said, Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. He was pedeling over hills & becoming dehydrated when he tought he was going to die he came to a bait shop & got waiter & met an old guy who was going to give him direction & he decided he better stick to the map. Even though the setting got worse through the story & stuck it out & made it to the end. 3 2 3
6545 3 The cyclist is in the desert which @NUM1 degrees with water that tastes like the battery acid. The desert makes him see the mirages having sweat get into his eyes. In the story Do Not exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie 1 1 1
6548 3 In the story the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. One way it affected him was time because of the road he had to go slower so took him longer to get to the town. Also because the road was harder to peddle on he got thristy and the water was really hot. 1 1 1
6559 3 There are many ways the features of the setting affect the cyclist. For instance the desert is not a hummid making is lack of water a bigger deal than normal. Also these are many hill making him have to use full force to get up them also making water a big deal. In conclusion I temperatures where level and it was flat land he could go further with less water supply. 2 2 2
6562 3 In Do not exceed posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie: c, I think that e the setting affected the cyclist because he was thirsty and he thought he was going to die In this case he had no water left and he was in the desert. He was regreating not taking the advice of the stranger and was dieing of thirst. Also he dident have the mind set that he wanted to live. Thats how I think the setting affectd him. 1 1 1
6565 3 Some of the feature setting that effect the cyclist was the seal was begging to lent down, but he truly noticed it and about twenty miles up the road he came to park of sorts. The cyclist was riding through the high deserts of California in June. He get on his hands and hence working on the heated handle of the rusty pump. The pump began it shoot out a tarlike substance and the water was feeling somewhere of two hundred degrees. Two more miles I noticed the terrain changing from a flat road to a short, rolling hills. He said tumble weeds crossed her path and a large snake crossed her pavement. He gather some pebbles and stuck them in his mouth, after reading that if sucking of stones helps to be your mind off thirst. Well after reading of I believed these settings did effect the cyclist. 1 1 1
6570 3 The features oF the bike ride to Yosemite through California in June affect the cyclist. Some of the features were it was hot high deserts, and no water. This affected the author by making him dehydrated and tired, which made it hard for him to find water or to get to Yosemite. In this cass the outhor says The sun was beating down on me. The author is hot From the sun. He says The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. He is showing how he hasno water and is probably dehydrated. All of those features are affecting the way he is traveling and getting to water. 2 2 2
6575 3 The setting affects the cyclist in almost everything he does and everything he faces. The setting is a hot day in June in the dessert. There are many hills and the terrain changes a few times. Because the day is hot the cyclist drinks lots of water. And because he drinks lots of water he very soon runs out. In the story it states, I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high desserts of California in June. This quote shows that because it was so hot, the cyclist drank lots of water and because he drank lots of water he very quickly run out of water. Also in the story it states, Flat road was replaced by short rolling hills. This quote suggests that becaused the terrain changed to hills, the cyclist became very tired and hot from having to pedal up and down those hills. And because this caused him become hot and tired he also drank his water more quickly than if he was pedaling on a flat paved road in a cool day in @DATE1. In conclusion the setting causes the cyclist to become tired, hot, and thirsty, which affects his entire journey. 3 2 3
6581 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because the cyclist is tired and thirsty already. The features include a desert like setting of California, it is extremely hot, there are no signs of civilization in sight, and the roads are like hills that always were throughout the desert. On top of those facts the cyclist is dehydrating because his water suposely has diminished. 1 1 1
6586 3 When the biker listened to the old folks he had confidence. He biked to the first town but it was like a ghost town. A town is a town. soon after that, he did not see anything. No cars, buildings, or anything. He was getting sad and dehydrated. The old men swore there was a town coming up so he put his trust and confidence in him once again. He saw a building coming up, but it was just an old wore down factory. He thought he was let down. He was sure he was going to die, right there right now. He than saw a siga for a fish comp! He was overjoyed! The place was real to! He thought of them as his savior! The settings effect the cyclist tremendously. 1 2 2
6589 3 The setting in the story was hot. The biker was sweating a lot. The whole town was empty. He pasted empty buildings. Their were rivers and big hills that he had to ride through. As it says about the buildings, somehow, I climbed away from the abandoned factory of juices and dreams, slowly gaining elevation while losing hope. The setting would affect the cyclist because their was no one in the town. Also, their was high hills. 1 1 1
6595 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist because. It was a lack of the water and he was in the high deserts or California .For example in the text stated when I tried a drop or two, it had the flovor of battery acid. That showed clearly when he tried to get water from a pump what it clearly came out as the settling was extremely hot and made the cyclist misreable in such ways. 1 1 1
6597 3 In many real-life situations, nature or a setting can be the biggest hindrance in succeeding, or even surviving. For example, the cyclist with stood the blozing heat of the sun as he pedaled through what seemed to be the @CAPS1s living room: Dry, desolate, and extremely scornful. Wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from a heat stroke on a gorgeous day in June. @CAPS2 and depicts the intense heats of the desert. Another feature in the setting was the every hanging hills and steps though pedaling down the hills was an easier task, traveling up the hill, as well as maneuvering the thirsts and bends served as a direct conflict. An example, with what I believed was my last burst of energy I maneuvered a setting affect a situation is ultimately, the cyclist reached his destination is great relief. But the biggest hindrance was along his setting. 3 3 3
6601 3 Through most the story, the features of the setting affect the cyclist in a more negative way. For instance, he makes it to this town a guy swore was there, but it turned out to be abandoned. So he let out a sad, hopeless laugh and still had energy to feel sorry for himself. Another feature was the Grape Juice Factory, also abandoned, so he hung his head and that blues tune summer time rattled in his brain. A third feature was his thirst. So he stuck some pepples in his mouth to take his mind off it. Then he thought about how lucky hed be if he checked, @CAPS1 negative to me. 2 2 2
6604 3 The setting in the begining of the story is flat an easy but as the path becomes unfamiliar it turns into many hills & turns. This effects the cyclist a lot because he was low on water & was begining to become dehydrated. 2 2 2
6606 3 The cyclist has to over come a lot of obstacles. For example, there is a snake in his path, so he cationly rides around it. Also, there are alot of hills and he wasnt sure if he could make it up those hills. Furthermore, he is almost out of water so he could die of heatstroke or dehidration. In conclusion he over comes these obsticles and achieves his goal. 2 1 2
6607 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead the author goes through many seneries. All of the places that the author goes to make him even more determined because he wants to find water and he just wants to get to Yosemite. The determination pushes him to keep going further and further. And then the determination finally pays off after he goes around a turn because he then sees a place where he can get something to drink and a place to cool down. 2 1 2
6610 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he get tiring. The character, in the story is ridding his bike for a long period of time and he gets tired. He rides alone with nothing or none around his accept the tries and wild animals. 1 1 1
6613 3 The hills and bumpy road slow him down, and he is dehydrated. That is also slowing him down because he needs water. There are obsticles in the road too, such as, the big snake laying across the middle of the road. He is lost without water and could possibly die of an heatstroke. 1 1 1
6617 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. The temperature in the area affect the way he drinks his water which leads him to thinking he is going to die because he is running out of water. The towns he comes to are so deserted he thinks he is going in the wrong direction. All the settings in the story also help him not to give up but keep on going. In conclusion even though he had to go through all that doubt he was going to be alive in the end he still went on and tried. In the end he did make it and all it was worth it. 2 2 2
6622 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because it was June and the cyclist had little water. The cyclist was dehydrated and couldnt find any building or water for many miles. The cyclist took advice from oldtimers which didnt know what they were talking about. In conclusion, the weather and the location affected the cyclist. 1 1 1
6628 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist a great deal. The landscape was hard to ride on, there was intense heat & little water. As a result, it was a long trip and he had a difficult time reaching his destination. 1 1 1
6636 3 The features of the setting gradually contribute to the cyclists anger. For example, at the beginning of the story, the cyclist comes across poisonous snakes, one ramshacke shed, several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the lamest mule. All of sights trouble the narrator, and he starts to becom frightened and neurotic. As he cycles on, the narrator begins to deplete his water supply, and when he stops to restock, the water wouldnt cool down and it had the flavor of battery acid. The cyclists lack of water frustrates him, and the increasing steepness of the hills adds to his annoyance. The final straw came when the cyclist passed by what he thought had been a Welchs Grape Juice Factory. The narrator goes on in an outrage to explain that hopes to die out on the road, in order to spare himself from the dreaded features of the setting. 3 2 3
6637 3 The features in the setting most definetly affect the cyclist while he travels. The cyclist is incredibly thirsty and tired and the setting hes placed in just gives him no hope of survival really. He first comes to a ghost town where he finds no one is living. This first encounter with isolation in a desolute place doesnt really affect him because it is the first place he finds but the rest of the storys setting comes to mimic this. As he travels he is met with barren land, no water and no people in sight. Its June in California and the cyclist fears he @MONTH1 soon suffer from heat stroke if he doesnt find water yet. It doesnt help when he comes to an abandoned juice factory that taunts him with the one thing he needs to survive. All in all the features in the setting make the cyclist lose hope, make him feel like he will die if he dosent find water. 2 3 3
6646 3 Joe Kurmaskie had a rough time trying to get to Yosemite National park. First, he received directions from an old man, Joe followed these instructions; little did he know that he would be headed for many hardships. After he reached the first town he checked his supply. About @NUM1 more miles he reliced his bottle was getting low because he was travelling through the high deserts of California. It is hot cool out there,then the terrain changed. He no longer had that much water. He ran into a snake, which he swore was a alamond back. Finally, he came to another town, got some water and then left after going through ghost towns. Riding in conditions that are hot and unfamiliar are hard to do. Adding hills to heat is not a good combination, with nothing around val it can be very dangerais, even fatal. Before you bike thinkof what conditions are ahead of you 3 2 3
6648 3 Each time the author comes to a point where the setting isnt very appealing or helpful, he loses hope for reaching his destination or finding a nice place to rest and get some fresh water. For example, the text states, one ramshackle shed, several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the lamest mule greeted me. This sight was troubling (Kurmaskie @NUM1). The author has a sort of negative, sarcastic tone at this point. This shows that hes getting frustrated and losing some hope. He also mentions that the sight was troubling which shows how big of an affect the features around him or scenery can have. 2 2 2
6661 3 In the essay, the cyclist is greatly affected by the features of the setting. Under the conditions he could barely survive and make it to his destination. It is clear that the features of the setting are affecting him when he states,The speed limit was 55 mph. I was doing a water-depleting 12 mph. Sometimes life can be so cruel. In his efforts he is slowly getting weaker and the sign he sees only makes him feel worse because it seems to him that it mocking him. He also states, Id read once that sucking on stones helps take your mind off thirst by allowing what spit you had left to circulate. With any luck Id hit a bump and ledge one in my throat. This shows he is ready to give up completely and wouldnt care if he died. From the authors tone, it is clear that the features of the setting do affect the cyclist. 3 2 3
6667 3 Snake, heat, hills-all are what the biker had to deal with because of certain settings. He had to deal with a diamond back. He was going through the desert so it was like @NUM1 degrees. While he was biking he had to go up crippling hills. He had a redicuious setting to have to bike with. I would never be able to do what he did. 1 1 1
6669 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, written by Joe Kurmaskie, the author describes the setting as hot, tiresome, and aqusting. You get this picture from the author when the bikerider is describing his surroundings. The bikerider describes his as the high desserts of California in June, being hot and musky, ruff terrain, etc. This gives you an image of what the bike rider feels physically and emotionally. This image shows how tired, thirsty, and determined the bikerider really is. Using words, metaphors, and imagery the author puts you in the shoes of the bikerider emotionally and physically. 3 0 3
6670 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by the people around the area of @LOCATION1. Taking advice from older people in open landed place can affect the cyclist. 1 1 1
6675 3 "In Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the setting affects the cyclist by making him doubtfull. The cyclist is doubtfull that he wont make it to Yosemite National Park. ""It didn't really matter. I was going to die and the bivas would pick me clean, leaving only some expenses outdoor gear and a diary with the last entry in praise of old men, their wisdom and their keen senses of direction. This shows how he is doubtful. Finally in the story the cyclist doesnt think that they will make it." 2 2 2
6676 3 In the passage, the features of the setting affect the cyclist because every time he comes along something different a new idea about his survival comes into his head. First, when the cyclist sees the mule he says, This sight was troubling, he is now troubled by the fact that he had not seen a town yet and starting to doubt the old mens advise. Also, when he sees the juice factory he puts some pebbles in his mouth and says, It didnt really matter, I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean. This shows that seeing the broken down juice factory gave him no hope and he tells his self that he will die. 2 2 2
6686 3 Different settings can effect how well your bycycle ride goes. If it is hot and you have lots of hills it makes it hard. If you have no hills and it is a sunny breezy day it makes it nice to ride. In the essay the biker had no water left but was going down a hill. The going down the hill part was probably easy but the fact that he had no water left was not a good thing. 2 3 3
6692 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he cant go any farther because of the hills, and the snake. When he finds the bait shop hes relieved. He relieved because he can get something to drink. He can also buy the worms to eat. The cyclist didnt really know where he was going because there wasnt a car, building, or structure in sight. So the cyclist just keeps on riding until he comes across the bait shop or the first town as he calls it in the essay. When he comes across the road that has 55 mph per limit, and hes only 12 he knows that hes not going anywhere near Yosemite National Park. 2 2 2
6694 3 The different settings in the essay/ writing affect the cyclist because of how old and hopeless they look. I think this because when the cyclist stops at the first town, hes looking around expecting to find a quaint, bustling little place, but instead he finds these abandoned, decimated old houses. And if you yourself can picture being in his situation, then you can imagine how discouraging and almost frightening that must be. As the cyclist continues for a few more miles, hes becoming slowly dehydrated, and finally sees a building. At first, he thinks this building is a mirage; he was wrong, but for him in this situation it was worse- an old juice factory, right when point you kind of get the feeling that every things turning against you and that theres no hope left. But when he finds the fishing camp, his entire perspective of things changes, and he just feels so thankful to have been saved. 3 3 3
6695 3 The setting affected the cyclist by the people from Lodi get him into the wrong way and he had to survive from there so he that was very dry and No water or nothing to the next stop was at the bait store so he was determined to get to next stop destination by he did want to give up own but the guy ask him did he want direction he said he was not going to be fooled twice. 1 1 1
6697 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist greatly. It was so hot where he was that he kept drinking his water without realizing it until he only had a couple of sips left. The terrain also made him thirsty because the more he had to go up and down hills, the more he would drink. The fact that he did not see any town except on ghost town for miles affected him because he did not think he was going to make it to the next town. The setting played a major role on the cyclist because it affected him that much. 2 2 2
6702 3 The setting effects the rider because if its hot you get thirsty and you have no water.This kind of question is hard to answer 1 1 1
6707 3 The harsh features at the setting affect the cyclist by hindering his journey to Yosemite National Park. As the cyclist is traveling along The high deserts of California in June, some problems arise. The heat from the pounding sun in the desert takes a toll on the cyclist causing him to drink more water and rapidly deplet his supply. The cyclist is also traveling through small gost towns rather than stoping at appropriate rest stops in order to refill with water and relax etc. Also while refilling he encounters hazards such as Short rolling hills through ghost the terrain and ever a snake. All of these features in the setting impare the cyclists ability to maintain confidence in wether he will make it to his destination and his positive attitude toward the journey etc. 2 3 3
6708 3 Cycling is a very good sport people who do cycling are in shape. Also they have strong calve muscles. I think its also dangerous as well. 1 1 1
6712 3 In this essay by Joe Kurmaskie, a young man is baited into accepting outdated information by a group of old men. He pays for it later when on his bicycle, he is almost killed by heatstroke or dehydration. The setting is an excellent way to portray his feelings of hopelessness, despair, and fatigue. While he is just starting out, the road is flat and easy. It is cool and breezy. When he begins to run out of water, the terrain becomes bumpier and harder. He sees empty plains, cracked, dry ground, and the hot sun. He begins to despair even more. After a while when he thinks he can go no more he sees a store that once held gallons of grape juice. He laughs at the irony. The setting does do a wonderful job of describing his sense of helplessness. 3 3 3
6719 3 The features of a setting can affect the cyclist in many ways. For example, while he was riding in the hot sun he became very thirsty because whe only had a few drops of water left. That is how the setting can affect the cyclist. 1 1 1
6720 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist greatly. They make it hard to concentrate, because its heat, they make it unbearable. The setting has the affect of drowsiness and thirst, Dry bitter lnad, longing, longing. 1 1 1
6729 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist because where they were.It was like in te middle of nowhere and every person they asked are having all times.They go the wrong directions to the nearest town.The old guy told him it was @NUM1 miles down the road when he went @NUM2 miles to the next town and said to him self he will never take directions from a gut that has all timers and hasnt left the confines of their porches since carter was in office. 1 1 1
6731 3 I think that the setting made him find more courage inside him self to save his water and go to the next town with out any water. 1 1 1
6733 3 "As the cyclist makes his journey towards Yosemite, the setting causes him much worry and concern. In the beginning, the narrator is content and excited. He is doing something that be lovers, is heading for a beautiful destination, and has found a short cut to save him hours of time. He is confidentin the directions given to him by the old men. However, as he continues down the winding road, his environment makes him doubt theirjudgement. The first town he comes to is entirely deserted.Though at first he laughs it off, he laster realizes just how much trouble he in if he didn't come to a civilization soon. The cyclist runs across ""ramshackle shed[s]"" and shut down factories, and as his water supply sinks lower, the road seems to tantalize him. He passes a water pump (just what he needs), yet the water is something close to toxic. A road sign reminds him not go too fast, though he @MONTH1 die if he doesn't pick up the pace. He is forced to look at a picture ofa happy boy guzzling grape juice as he dehydrates. All there features of the setting, in addition to the overpowering heat and sun, drive the narrator to the breaking point. " 3 3 3
6740 3 In this story it is clear how difficult the cyclists journey is. He has to conquer wrong directions, lack of water, rattle snakes and fear of dieng. However he shows great determination and control. An example of his determination is The old guys had sworn the next town was only eighteen miles down the road. I could make that. This shows his determination that he feels he can go on such a long journey. An example of his self-control is shown in paragraphs @NUM1 and @NUM2. When finding this building to be abandoned, and all things, juice, anyone use would have become frustrated and wanted to give up. But not this cyclist he controlled his anger and again showed determination. And it paid off in the end he found his water and survived. This story is a great story that shows determination and self control. 2 3 3
6764 3 Each new feature of the setting in the essay entilled, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, by Joe Kurmaskie, affects the cyclist in some way. For example, in the text , when the narrator stated that he had to avoid a ridiculously large snake crossing the road, he became more aware of his surroundings and almost seemed to forget how thirsty he was until he finally abided the large reptile. Also in the text, when, over one long, crippling hill, a building came into view, hope was replenished into the cyclist. This hope allowed the narrator to because more tenacious about his journey in order to arrive at the old building. Eighther for better or worse, a few feature of the setting arrives and affects the cyclist every step of his journey. 3 2 3
6768 3 Well first off its very hot and dry witch can dry a person out easily. And the hills are hard to get up so it would be a challange to get to the top. All I know is the lack of water can kill you if you get heatstroaks easily. 1 1 1
6772 3 Desert, Hills and road condition and lack of water all are how the setting affected the cyclist. First, the cyclist reveals he is in the desert when he exclaims, I was trave ling throug the high deserts of california in June. This means it was hot. Second the hills and road conditions were horrible. The cyclist reveals this when he describes, flat road was replaced by short rolling hills, aid againg It read: Rough road ahead: Do not exceed posted speed limit. Lastly, He had thought that he would have stops on the way to get water from. So he drank all the rate he wanted. He then figured out the needed to conserve it but by then it was too late. The examples shows that the cyclists condition was harder than he expected them to be. 1 1 1
6786 3 The features of this particular setting affected the cyclist in many different ways. Upon arriving at the ghost town early in his journey, he felt slight amusement at the situation. But he soon became very troubled when he became aware of the several rusty pumps and a weak corral, next to a ramshackle shed. The cyclist additionally experienced a bit of irony as he approached the 55 mph speed limit sign complete with a warning to strictly obey it. On his bicycle, at a pace of 12 mph, he could not even reach the 55 mph speed if he had wanted to. Before he reached what appeared to be an abandoned welchs Grape Juice factory, the cyclist felt this twisted amusement yet again, as he laughed. The text states, It was a sad hopeless laugh, mind you, but at least I still had the energy to feel sorry for myself. @CAPS1, his suffering was through when he discovered a fish camp, with a modern bathroom and working sinks. The cyclists relief was so immense that he, had an overwhelming urge to seek out Gary and Wilber (the owners), (and) kiss them. 1 1 1
6791 3 There are many features of the setting that effect the cyclist. One feature is that it is getting hotter and it will eventually effect him. The line I wiped the sweat from my eyes to make sure it wasnt a mirge. shows that the heat might be starting to effect him. Another feature is that he is in the desert and running low on water. The line I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly shows that he is drinking a lot of water and is running low. Another feature is that he is riding in the high deserts of California in June. The story says and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. Not only is it in June, but it adds heat because he is also in a desert. There is no doubt he will get dehydrated. Those are some of the many features that effect the cyclist. 2 2 2
6809 3 In the story, the setting greatly effects the attitude of the cyclist. When he starts out, it is an early summer evening, he is serene while he is talking to the old men. He starts cycling the next morning and he is thinking of Yosemite, he is relaxed and confident however, his attitude about the day changes greatly when he comes across the rumshackle old shed, rusty pumps, and a corral at the park in the road. He becomes a little worried but he is not discouraged. When the terrain changes, he is a little discouraged. Then, when he comes across the abandoned factory, he is most definately a lot discouraged. A little later he comes across @PERSON1s Fish camp, he is very relieved and thankful to the owners. The cyclists attitude changed depending upon whether the setting was very beneficial to him or not. 3 3 3
6812 3 The raugher the road gets for him the more determination he has at the beginning towards the end he had the mind set that, it didnt matter it was going to die, this took a toll on him and it was hard to go on. He realyed he didnt want to die that way and so he kept on, eventually leading to civilisation. 1 1 1
6817 3 The effects from the setting that has an effected on me is that while riding on the bike in hot weather with only a little bit of water to drink because I would have giving up have nothing to drink. The water had to be hot.In the text it sayed I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state, I dont think I could have lasted long, if I was dehydrated. From the look of it I would have drop dead of heatstroke. 1 1 1
6823 3 The setting affects the cyclist because the heat and no humanity makes him so crazy. If he was in a place like @LOCATION2. It would be just the heat because there are people every were in @LOCATION2 @LOCATION2. If he was in @LOCATION1 it would be the severe temperature drop and no humanity and he would probably die. 1 1 1
6827 3 Do not Exceed posted speed limit, never accept travel advice from a collection of old timers who havent left the confinses of their porches sin Carter was in the office twenty miles up the road, I came to a fork as sorrs. I got down on my hands and kness, working the handle of the rasted water pump with all my strength. The water bottles contained only a few totalt and sips. He could or been sad person. And he could just be a bum. 2 1 2
6829 3 "The features of the setting affected the cyclist very much in this. The hot weather made him have a dry mouth leading to the lack of water. He used stones in his mouth and he said, Id read once that sucking of stones helps take your mind off thirst by allowing what spit you have left to circulate."" He used that to help him survive the ordeal." 1 1 1
6845 3 "In the story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie the feature of the setting, affect the cyclist in many ways. In the story, it taliks about how the man is pedling twenty miles here and fourty miles there and it's very hot outside and he only has so much water abd he doesn't think he'll make it to where he was to go because its do not that he need more water. As the narrator sas"" I was travelling throuhg the high deserts of california in June"" which is extremely not in california in June. The deserts hot weather made him eimited on water supply, and the fact that he was in the middle of nowhere, no buildings around makes him lose all hope for making it through. There were snakes in the desert which endagered him, and the bumpy road made it harder for him to hold on and get to somewhere. "" I began breaking the ride into distance i could see on te horizon, telling mself if i could make it treat i'd be fine."" This quote shows his struggle because of the area he was in but also his persitance. The features of the setting affect the cyclist in this essay." 3 2 3
6849 3 In the essay, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the setting greatly affected the cyclist. In this story, the cyclist is heading for Yosemite National Park, thinking it wise, he accepts directions from a group of eccentric old men. He begins his journey confidently on flat terrain and with a large supply of water. The first of three promised towns had been resigned to that of a ghost town. The second offered only water that slightly resembled battery acid. The cyclist soon becomes exhausted from lack of water and having to cross the now hilly terrain. He barely makes it to the third town to realize that the juice factory was out of business. The cyclist becomes sure that he is going to die of lack of water when he stumbles across a bait store. If it hadnt been so hot, if the towns along the way had offered better resources and if the terrain hadnt been so hilly, the cyclist would have had a very enjoyable ride. All of the affore mentioned factors of the setting greatly affected the cyclist. 3 3 3
6851 3 The setting for the cyclist is a hard and dangerous one. He had little water, and his area had tough terrains. I was travelling through the high deserts of California in June (@NUM1). He is dehydrated and he still has a long way to go. I went on a bike ride that was many miles long in @LOCATION2, and we did not have water because we could not take a break. The terrain was tough, just like the authors terrain. The camel he was in was affecting his brain, and he just wanted to get it over with. I am just glad I dont have to bike in that terrain. 2 1 2
6858 3 During the authors ride to Yosemite, he doesnt have the proper tools to go along the long stretch of desert he was to face, and by tools I mean water. The California desert is extremely hot and can be potentially dangerous depending on your situation the author was describing how the lack of water was affecting him. He described this with sentences like Rattled around the dry honey combs of my deteriorating brain. The author clearly cannot face the rugged heat with his immense lack of water. The author was getting neat stroke being passed by @LOCATION2 desert snakes and tumbleweeds. The author was clearly in a struggle against the @LOCATION2 desert heat. 2 3 3
6859 3 The settings and features are very important to cyclists one because water and food try might carry a waterbottle and a snack but they need to know where they are going and if they will need to bring extra or not. In the story I just read he didnt bring enough to last him so he got some directions but they were bad so he was in trouble. Its important that a cyclist knows where their going and whats around them so they don't get lost and have no acsess to food or water. 2 1 2
6862 3 The cyclist was in California in June, the sun was beating down on him this made the ride difficult with short water supply The man came upon several towns that were abandond which made his water supply less. The terrain was long and straight then turned into tall hills which had to be difficult to ride. 1 2 2
6863 3 How the features of the setting affects the cyclist is the condition of the roads, rolling hill, and the?? heat. The conditions of the road in the settings affect the cyclist because the roads are rough. An example firm the texted is I noticed that terrain changing. Flat road was replaced by short ralling hills. These condition make is hard for the cycled it gives him a challenge. The rolling hills challange him a regret to stay on the road it is easly tricky and challenges so was The heat & sun was also played an affection on the cyclist. An Examples from the @CAPS1 is. I chuckled, checked my water supply and moved on. The sun was beginning to heat doing but I barely not ???. the sun was not starting to get him ?? sharply ?? It will start to get ????? when is ?? is high deserts. I conclude that these features in the setting affected the cyclist in many ways but he keep pushing himself to more on. 3 2 3
6864 3 In the setting of Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, is riding a bike really fast on a rough road. 0 0 0
6869 3 "It is my hot so the cyclist is very dehydrated, tired and lack of water. I checked my water supply and heated on is a good example oF this. There is also a lot of sad and deserted places with no cars around this bars the cyclists hope of finding civilization. Also not seeing any building and when he sees are it being deserted makes this very hard on the rider. Another event that takes a toll on him is when he @CAPS1 the pump that has tar, dirt, then hot water in it. Also the road plays a toll on him. I know this house he says If I could just make it to that next horizon/hill Ill be alright"".This is how I know the setting and features in the setting is affecting the cyclists mentally and physically." 1 1 1
6876 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist by travelling very far where he is going. For example, ""About forty miles into the pedal I arrived at the first town."" good thing that he is taking water or who knows if he would of survived or not. I think the biggest mistake was that he asked probaly someone that had not ever been on the road for directions. When he asked the person he ended up at a sign that said Rough road Ahead: Do not exceed, that was the moment I felt sorry for him, and that was probaly the effective feature that has happen to him." 2 2 2
6881 3 In the story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the setting affects the cyclist in many ways. The speaker tells us that hes riding his bike in the middle of the desert in June. This shows the author is probably very hot. The author tells us that the road turned into hills and bumps. This would make it more difficult for the author because he would have to use more energy to move up the hill. And lastly, the cyclist tells us that the towns he came to were abandoned and uncared for. This would not be good for the cyclist because he would be able to get water for his trip. 2 2 2
6885 3 That the cyclist is steyetling down up totally end steep within when to get to his destination of the town settle out are taken mean yesterday. The condition in hand and hurry some when and have one his body. 1 1 1
6887 3 I think the features of the settings affect the cyclist because the knowledge of the cyclist is limited example, old-timers who havent left the confines of their porches since carter was in office, meaning now its time for the older people to relax and watch of younger people. 1 1 1
6890 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist mood and behavior. First the cyclist sees from believing the shortcut will help him arrive to Yosemite faster then he relies it wont. Next, the harsh sun and rafh terrain and lack of water causes the cyclist to give up hope that he will make it to yosemite and causes him to rethink his judgement and taking advice from others. 1 2 2
6891 3 "The setting affected the cyclist in a harsh way. At first, the cyclist was fine and going strong, but soon after the first ""ghost town he was getting weak. Then the cyclist had to face a few problems. For example he was running low on water. Also, he faced rough roads last, he faced snakes and abandonment. The cyclist had to face many obstacles, but in the end, he pulled through strong." 1 1 1
6894 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the cyclist, on his way to Yosemite National Park, is forced to face the rough deserts of California. As is normal throughout all deserts, the sun is blazing hot, as is the sand. There is no water anywhere and dangerous, highly venomous creatures are abundant. The lack of water almost puts him into a heat stroke as he is determined to leave the desert, riding his bike all alone. A grope juice factory taunts him, mocks him, but he continues on, with a steady pace. The desert roads are rocky and bumpy and his lousy 12 mph speed is getting him practically nowhere. Until, finally, he reaches a modern area and drinks from the sink in the bathroom. 2 2 2
6909 3 In my opinion the features of the selling affect the cyclist in many ways. For example, when he was talking abut the terair changing from long strat roads to shard winday one and the speed limit changing he said.he was doing a waterdepleting @NUM1 fuier sands like he is having a hard time, or doesn'twnt to go on. 1 1 1
6914 3 The cyclist has to endure ruff treain and bad road condisions and a lack of water is the ??? near did not help the prodlem. Ther was a good prasority he could have heat strock then his hope was stll up by a abonded welches take factry. 1 1 1
6930 3 The complex features of the setting affect the cyclist negatively throughout this story. His trip goes from bad to worse as he progresses to Yosemite. After taking directions from the old codgers, the author attempts the shortcut, but is dissapointed. He arrives at the first town but it is completely deserted. He rubbed it off though, and kept the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite, as his motivation. He pedaled on, but began to run out of water when he arrived at a well, he found the water to be inedible, and continued. Just as if things couldnt get any worse his trail was getting rougher, and his water supply was low. The cyclist was becoming dehydrated, and began to lose hope. He became even more of a pessimist when a ridiculously large snake- blocked the majority of the pavement He kept going, and excitedly pedaled toward a building, but found it to be abandoned. He even put rocks in his mouth to help his dehydration. When he finally found the fish camp, he was relieved. All the obstacles he prospered through were worth in the end. 2 1 2
6935 3 The features of the setting in the essay affected he cyclist because first of all he lisined to old fowks that havnt left their front porch in about ten years. Then he didnt ask someone elses apirean on where to go and how to get there. His worsed mistake tough was not trusting the map he had with him the howl time. If he would have just trusted his map and not when with when the old fella said he wouldint have almost died of heat stroke. 2 1 2
6941 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist because he had limited water, he had to peddle harder to get up over the hills and he was getting dehydrated from the heat. For example, he had limited water because he had taken the directions from the old men and probably didnt bring as much as he would have if he would have taken a longer way. Furthermore, to get up the rolling hills he had to peddle faster and harder. That affected him because he would have been more exhausted from peddling. Moreover, it was a June day and in June the days are hot with the lack of a good amount of water the cyclist would have started to get dehydrated. This is how the setting affected the cyclist 2 2 2
6945 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by unexpected things happening. His water supply got drank quickly and he couldnt find a town near. He was in the desert-like California, and the sun was beating down on him. When he did one town, it was more of a ghost town, and had rusted pumps that had battery-oil tasting liquid. Every person he asked told him is near, but from dehydration, it took him longer. the roads got windy and small hills occurred. There was a large snack in the middle of the road, as the tumble weed blew by. the finally saw a town that had a bait shop and was able to get water and cool down. 2 2 2
6946 3 "The setting in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not @CAPS1 Posted Speed Limit definitely affected the author. The cyclist states, ""Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills"" (Kurmaskie @NUM1). The cyclist probably found it more difficult to navigate through the ""hills"" as opposed to the ""Flat roads,"" making him more quickly tired. The speaker states, I could drop from heatstroke (Kurmaskie @NUM2). The speaker is implying that it is so hot outside that he could faint from a heatstroke which could slow him down. The speaker also states,""water feeling somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees""(Kurmaskie @NUM3). The author did not have any good water to drink, because it was so hot outside, which affected him in that he was dehydrated. Many aspects of the setting affected the cyclist. " 3 2 3
6948 3 The features of the setting affects the cyclist by the roads condition being rough as the cyclist rides further along the road. 1 1 1
6954 3 During this essay the author is talking about his journey 1 1 1
6955 3 The feature of the setting included nice cool pines and than a gost town and it bein hot out and banser of @CAPS1 and posine snacks and hills that where getting harder to go up. When he first started the pines where nice and cool but when he scan the gost town he sot dischriced than it started to set hot and than he seen the snack and thout that it was a dimed baby and was nuvves and than he was carid of dehydration than the hills started to make it harder and harder that is what it was like. 2 2 2
6956 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because he has to use more energy to pedal up hills and through rocky terrain. Therefore he drank more water. When he coudnt. 1 2 2
6962 3 He feels alone there is noune around him to push him, and yet he keeps going trying to push him self to the end to win. The fast roads are rough and the hills are tall but he is a determined to finish. 1 1 1
6980 3 The setting affects the cyclist because it can provide landmarks and directions. For example, the narrator states, Theyd sounded so sure of themselves when pointing out landmarks and spouting off towns I would come to along this breezy jaunt (Kurmaskie @NUM1). This shows that the landmarks can provide as landmarks and directions along a journey. 1 1 1
6982 3 The features of the setting effect the cyclist on different occasions in different ways. For instance, when arriving at the first town, the author calls it your average ghost town but continues on with confidence. The next building he saw was an abondoned Welchs Juice bottle factory, on the building was a singn with a boy drinking a cold glass of juice. This intimidates the reacher the begins to question the wisdom of the old men. Continuing on he reaches another building. To his relief its a bolt shop that was still in business. He goes to the sink immediately to drink the water at this point he is relieved to have water $ be near civilization instead of in dessert without a sight of liFe or building. Therefore his surrouding throughout the story make him indifferent, confident & relieved. 3 2 3
6983 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because the roads are rough, uneven and he has to push out more energy to pedal his bike on rough, uneven roads then on nice, paved, even roads and also he is out of water so there again is using all his energy without any redaveanator. 1 1 1
7000 3 To a cyclist, the surrounding setting can either cause triumph or despair. The cyclist was given very old directions. He was given back roads that are abandoned now. These towns had no people in them normally that would not matter, but he was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. (@NUM1). If there was shade, a breeze, and @NUM2 weather, he would be fine, but he is pedaling a bike in a desert during the summer. A ghost town with no good water could have killed him. A cyclist needs to know their surroundings and be prepared for what nature throws at them. 2 2 2
7006 3 The features of the setting strongly affect the cyclist. Now the setting is in the california desert on a hot day in sane wich caueses the cyclist to drink all of his water wich later malice him dehydrated. The barren desert with no landmarks causes the cyclist to become lost wich is the main problem with the cyclist. 1 1 1
7012 3 The features of the setting greatly affect the cyclist. The author is getting worn out and is rapidly running out of water. He was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. This shows how the setting is causing him to become greatly exhausted. 1 1 1
7015 3 "In the setting the young man is faced by some challenges that make him as an individual a stronger person. For example he was proud of himself he mad himself happy by saying at the end ""yes sir! I own a very good map"". He knows that he got through the heat, dry air, snakes, and a low supplie of water to get to where he was determined to be Yosemite." 1 2 2
7020 3 In the story, Do not exceed posted speed limit, there are many features of the setting that affect the cyclist. First, in the beginning of the story it says that, The sun was beginning to beat down, the temperature was beginning to rise, but it had not really affected the cyclist because he had plenty of water supply. Next the story says, I was travelling through the high deserts of California in June, Californias temperature is really high and June is one of the hottest months of the year. The temperature was very high and the cyclist did not have much water left. This was affecting the cyclist because he was tired, hot, and getting dehydrated. Finally, at the end of the story the terrains were changing and there had been more hills and a road that was not as smooth as pavement because it was a dirt road and the hills were making the cyclist have to cycle harder to go past making him very tired. Also the temperature was still very high and he did not have barely any water left. By the end of the ride the setting of roads, temperature and the distance of the ride had made the cyclist exguasted and dehydrated. 2 3 3
7027 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. The cyclist was on a very long bike ride to Yosemite National Park. However, on the way there, he had to cross through a desert like terrain. The blistering sun had been beating on his back for many miles. All the heat built up a desire for him to get water. He had been very tired. The terrain had made him drenched in sweat. If it wasnt so hot, then he wouldnt of had that much of a hard time. The desert contains a very high temperature, which makes it harder to endure physical activities. Even if you are to have a high endurance. The heat will make you very tired, and you will lose a lot of energy. Also, it didnt help anything, that the elderly men, had gave him terrible directions. That is why I think the setting affected the cyclist. 2 3 3
7030 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For example the sand and the intense heat are two big parts of the setting, which make him thirsty. ... followed by brakish water feeling somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. This is a quote that explains the intense heat that the cyclist is feeling. The sun is another big feature that affects him. This is how the setting affects the cylist. 1 1 1
7031 3 The feature effect the cyclist because he wants to go somewhere spectaculiar and amazing like. Like for example, he said he was thriving on this one spot forever and he finally got their and it was a ghost town and he chuckeled and roud away because it wasnt what he was looking for. I belive that this guy in judging every place he goes by the way it looks and not by what it haves to offer like he doesn't believe in getting direction from an old mat, but yet he still took it. I believe that he wants to get were he wants to go and not let anybody get in his way no matter what it's like he is looking for a perfect spot and he think want he finds it he will be filled with story. 1 1 1
7033 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making his mood change. In the @LOCATION1, where its nice, shaded, and cool, he feels fairly good. Hes excited and ready to take on the adventure of a new path. His still in a good mood when he comes to the first town. As he moves on, and his water supply deplets, his mood sinks lower and he becomes more frustrated. In the ironic twist of fate that he finds a Welchs Grape Juice, Factory, he is about to quit. He is dejected and almost ready to admit defeat. But he forces himself to go on, and when he finally reaches a place with water, his relief is mixed with wariness of the old man sitting on the porch. He will never take after for granted or advice from old men ever again. 2 3 3
7037 3 The setting affected the cyclist because of the bad condition roads. The was also hills so they made it harder for the cyclists. 1 1 1
7042 3 The setting affects the cyclist in a very negative way due to the lack of buildings, people, and cars on his shortcut he was in great doubt of his survival. I was going to die, and the birds would pick me clean. He thought he wouldnt get any water because there was nothing around him and he thought he would die of dehydration or heatstroke. And the growing realization that I would die of heatstroke. 2 2 2
7048 3 The features of the setting is very important for cyclist. If the setting is wrong they could be in many danger. It is really important to have a clear setting. 1 1 1
7053 3 The hot, dry, desert setting affects the cyclist in many different ways, I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June (@NUM1). The cyclist is very hot. He was thirsty but, A tarlike substance ooted out, followed by brakish water feeling somewhere in the neighborhood of zoo (@NUM2). The water was barely even water, so he didnt have much to drink until the next town. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills (@NUM3). Flat road is much easier to bike on then hills. He was thirstier and more tired after biking on hills A sandblasted picture of a young boy pouring a refreshing glass of juice in his mouth could still be seen (@NUM4) on an old welchs grape fruit factory. This makes the cyclist envicus of the young boy. It also discourages him. In conclusion, the water being bad, the terrain change. the picture of the young boy, and the fact that the cyclist drinks a lot makes him tired, hot, envious, and generally exausted. 3 2 3
7056 3 "After reading, Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Speed Limit, I noticed that the setting of this adventure affected the narrator. First of all, the heat cause the narrator to be uncomfortable and thirstier. While on the moving, he refers to the trip as a ,water-deplating one this quote shows that he was lacking water and that this was a major problem. Also it refers to the road as rolling hills"", and this shows the reader that they seem to go on forever. This lowers the narrators hope of getting there quickly. Also the desert gives the author low hope of reaching his destination. The setting affects the narrator both physically and mentally." 2 3 3
7058 3 "Features of the setting affected the cyclist in many different ways.for example, he ask the older guts, ""that haven't left rheir porches since carter was in the office where the next placewas to get water. Also he was out in the middle of nowhere. It was also in June were the weather was warm,and he didn't have a lot of water." 1 1 1
7069 3 The features in the setting in the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit greatly affect the biker. For example, the heat is constantly drying the biker out. Also, at the first town the old water pump proved to be a hopeless cause with water tastd like battery acid. Even after that were more problems. There was a sign that posted a max speed limit. The biker was doing about one-fifth of that speed. This affects his mood and he realizes that it will be along ride. The pebbles that he found helps him out. He remembers reading that sticking pebbles in your mouth calms your thirst. Finally, the bait store gave him the relief that he needed at the end of his trip. In conclusion, the setting makes the riders journey an one, but in the end the bait store had just what he needed. 2 2 2
7076 3 Different features of the setting affect a cyclist for example,temperatare really changes everything. If its too hot, youre going to get tired really easily. Then again, if its too cold, breathing gets really hard. The biker in the story was in desert area in june, so it was really hot & tiring. Also, the terrain as affects a clyclist. If the road is filled with hills getting up those hills is difficult. If its all down hill, its really easy, but all uphill is hard, level terrain is fairly easy. The cyclist in the story was in level terain, then it turned into a lot of hills which tired him out. Features of the setting really affect a cyclist 2 1 2
7077 3 The setting affects the cyclist because he is faced with roadways he is unsure of the weather is hot and dry and there are wild animals. The text states, 2 2 2
7080 3 "The setting affected the character in ways that would usually affect people. When he got into the first town he had ran out of water to drink but the towns water he was in now tasted like battery acid so thats not safe to drink. As he started to head out the scenery changed. Not two miles into this next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills."" This is hinting at the fact that maybe this town he is going to @MONTH1 be abandoned or not used. He saw a huge rattle snake and tumbleweed. Which are usual signs of a desert. It was hard for him to keep his balance as he says, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. He ended up getting to the point where he had to put rocks in his mouth to trick his mind that he wasnt thirsty anymore." 2 2 2
7091 3 Since the cyclist was really thirsty, the setting was not very appealing considering it was a desert. You could tell she was stressing because she was sweating and having a trouble time trying to pedal. 1 1 1
7092 3 The setting effects the cyclist in away that most people cant tell cycling forty miles on maybe a gallon of water is hard expecialy in California I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly and I was traveling through the high desserts of California in June The effect on his body would be rather devastating. 1 1 1
7101 3 The setting affected the cyclist because of the mood and how everychange happened. For instance when the setting changed the cyclist felt different and it really affected him. Like if the setting was all sunny in a nice town then he would feel good but if he was in a dark town he wouldnt feel very happy. So the setting really affected him. 1 1 1
7118 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead, Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the setting affected the cyclist. The setting affected the cyclist mentally and physically, when the setting was nice he had a positive outlook and was full of energy. Later in the essay, as the setting grew less appealing, and more treaterous, the cyclist grew weary and distressed. 1 1 1
7131 3 The cyclist, Joe Kurmaskie, had a rough time traveling to Yosemite @ORGANIZATION1l Park. Granted he was misled, but if the conditions of the terrain and if the climate were working for him it wouldve made life a whole lot easier. Not only was it hot, being in a desert in California in June, but he only had one water bottle. One water bottle @MONTH1 have lasted a little longer if it was a straight shot through, but it wasnt. The roads went up, down, there were hills, there were towns-ghost towns at that. The only water he could pump from the pump was scalding hot and tasted acidic. Also, he wouldnt have lost as much energy if it was a straight shot. Its easy to say that he literally roughed it, having to resort to putting rocks in his mouth to circulate saliva. All in all, he was very determined to work through the very unfortunate conditions he had working against him, and very lucky to survive it. 2 3 3
7132 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways For example, the fact that he is pedaling a bike through the high deserts of California in June, make the intensity level of the story very high. If it would have been @DATE1 and there was a nice breeze it would be different. 1 1 1
7136 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. One way is, the setting. The cyclist is out in the dessert, in two-hundred degree weather. With very little water. Also, the cyclist didn`t have a map and he asked someone that hasn`t let their porch since carter was in office. ''Wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from heatstroke on a gorgeous day in June simply because I listened to some gentlemen who hadn`t been off their porch in decades.'' This quote talks about how the setting (@NUM1 degree weather, dessert) can @CAPS1 him. Also, he listened to someone that didn`t know what they were talking about. In conclusion that is how the features of setting affected the cyclist. 2 2 2
7141 3 "The features of the setting affects the cyclist by not being in town. I say this Because the cyclist talks about old timeres who haven't left the contines of their porches since carter was in office."" So that means he dousen't know were he's at." 1 1 1
7142 3 In the cyclists journey to Yosemite, several factors hinder him from reaching it. The first is obviously the false information given to him by the elders. The second is that because the information wasnt true, the cyclist had an insufficient amount of water. This made him dehydrated. The last is the fact that the route given to him included obstacles such as snakes, rocky roads, and old ghost towns and abandoned buildings which made the cyclist less confident. Those are the features of the setting which affected the cyclist 2 2 2
7145 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclists because he was thirsty and it was hot and he was almost out of water and he almost died because when he was drinking the water and he hit a bump and spit got lodged in his throat and tiring hills it seemed to never end. 1 1 1
7156 3 Many features of the setting affect the cyclist. In the beginning, he cannot get water and becomes dehydrated, then, he goes on a rough ride and loses more energy. Then he finds the bait and gets water. All of these greatly affect the cyclists condition. 1 1 1
7168 3 In the story the cyclisst had ran out of water. He had mentioned it tasted like battery acid. The surroundings affected him by looking around and not seeing anybody around for miles. That brings despair. Also a desert with the hot sun beating down on him and just the sand and catus all around. Now if you saw that you would think of no water or shade of noting because the desert is put to image when you hear those descriptions. 1 1 1
7171 3 When the bicyclist was trying to find Yosemite he stumbled into a million setting. One in the begining when he was talking to the old men on the porch and having him set of into the distance of nothing but dessert. one rameshackle shed, several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the lamest mule greeted me. Its only him. At some point, tumble weeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake it really did look like ma diamond back-blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me. Tumble weed usually mean's desert. He also saw the @CAPS1 grape juice factory and the bait store where he finally found someone else to give him directions. 1 2 2
7172 3 In the story rough road ahead the cyclest is affected by the setting in many ways. Because he was in a desert in June it was very hot, so he got thirsty. Also because of the heat he could have dehydration of heat strokes. Lastly because it was a desert the wild animals like the snakes and lizards could hurt or posion him and he could die that is how the setting of the story affected the cyclist 2 2 2
7174 3 "In the passage DO Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the deserts feature did not have any positive affects on the cyclist. The desert contained ""rolling hills."" When a cyclist goes over hills it takes more energy due to the laws of gravity. Because the cyclist used more energy to go over the hills he only had enough energy to ""feel sorry"" for himself. The more hills, the more energy lost, the more tired he became. The desert was also hot, and dry. Obviously, since he was in the ""deserts of California in June."" @CAPS1 the would make him become thirsty. He did stop for water but a ""tarlike substance"" came out instead. When he again stopped later for water it was ""cool"" and most likely refreshing. Riding his bike in the hilly, dry, hot desert the cyclist became tired and thirsty." 3 2 3
7183 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, many of the features of the setting affect the cyclist on his journey. The rusty water pump, highway sign and abandoned juice factory all seemed to make his trip more difficult than it already was. First of all, when the author stumbles along a ramshackle shed surrounded by several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the lames mule, he is anylous to check the pump for well-needed water. When he finds that he is out of luck and cannot drink the bitter tasting water, his hope droop a little. It is as if the sun were taunting him, telling him that he cant make it. Secondly, he passes a large road sign reading Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. Once again he begins to feel hopeless, but then turns his angst into determination to finish his journey. He says sometimes life can be so cruel as he notices the speed limit to be @NUM1, but he continues on, pedaling hard. Lastly, the author sees a lone building in the distance and almost doesnt believe his eyes. It turns out to be not only his last hope for water, but an abandoned grape juice factory. He reflect on the irony of his position by saying that his situation should please all sadists reading about it. Therefore, the features of the setting affected the reader by highlighting the negativity of his situation, which in turn drives him to continue pedaling. 3 3 3
7193 3 Steep mountains, rolling roads, jagged rocks are all reasons why the setting is affected towards the cyclist. Well the cyclist needs to know what is going on and what @MONTH1 happen. For example Rough Rough: Do not exceed posted speed limit. This setting lead to a lot of changes. So yes the setting does reveals a lot and I guess it describes how the cyclist @MONTH1 react to it also. So yes I think the settings do affect the cyclist through this whole story. 1 1 1
7195 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because you wouldnt put the sitting in rain or he wouldn't be ride the bike. Anther one is you wouldnt have a the sitting a city when there is nothing around but trees and rivers. 1 1 1
7198 3 The setting in the short story Rough road ahead: do not exceed posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie is troubling to the cyclist One ramshackleshed, several rusty pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold in the tamest mule greeted me, made him troubled that he was in the middle of nowhere. The quote, Not two miles into this next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing, flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills, shows that he was troubled by having to go over the hills. As you can see the setting was very influental to the cyclist. 2 2 2
7203 3 The setting affects the rider because it is very hot wich makes him thirsty. how long the road witch affect his mind state and last the fact that ??? is in sight and that affect is coral 1 1 1
7213 3 I belive the setting of an area can affect the mind when put is certin situations. In the reading the man is cycling and he sees no one, he is almost out of water and cant se a house or a person as far as he can see. This is scary and gives te feeling of helplessness but if he would be in @LOCATION1 and go past cars, people on the street and cars he would be calmer he could get water at only building along his ride the tempature would be cold there far he would drink less and go further. This would have changed his mood. 1 1 1
7216 3 There were many features of the setting that had affected the cyclist. One of the features was the lack of water. This had made the cyclist dehydrated and not think right. It had also made the cyclist have less energy. An example is, I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. @CAPS1 feature is the heat. The heat had made the cyclist thirsty and sweaty. An example is I wiped the sweat from my eyes to make sure it wasnt a mirage @CAPS1 example is, I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. The features of the setting had affected the cyclist in many ways. 2 2 2
7217 3 In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, there were many features of the setting that affected the cyclcist. The first feature that affected the cyclist was the desert terain, it very hot and there were no trees to provide shade. This affected the cyclist because he got very hot and thirsty. So he drank more water than usual. Secondly, he was running out of water because he was drinking more than usual so he had to conserve his water, which was making him became dehydrated. That all the towns we past through were ghost towns with no running fresh water, so this extremely dissapointed him, it also furthered his dehydration. Just when the cyclist was losing hope he found a small bait shop and got into the shade and finnaly got water to drink. So after all those dissapointments he found hope, in the small bait shop, which gave him the strength and mental boost to continue on with his journey to Yosemite national park. 3 3 3
7220 3 he wouldnt know he would be faceing while rider or the road @MONTH1 be something bad might happen to his bike or one of his bikes wheels or he might fall of his the bick he would set so tired that he cant go any more he might give it up 1 1 1
7235 3 The temperature of the place that the cyclist was riding through affected him very much. The temperature caused the cyclist to sweat. This affected him because he would get thirsty and eventually he ran out of water. For example in the text he says the water bottle contained only a few tantalizing sips and then it goes on to say, I could drop from from a heat stroke. This showed how it affected him because he thought he is going to drop from the heat. 2 1 2
7236 3 Features of the setling affected the cyclist were the harsh & hot climate and terrain. The author clearly wrote how the sun was beating down on him and how he almost died from dehydration. 1 1 1
7239 3 "The cyclists condition was greatly influenced by his setting because he was lost in the high deserts of California in June. The heat crippiled him or he traveled in search of Yosemite. He became lost and ran out of water making his situation worse. Being lost in seemingly the middle of nowhere in the hot heat he became exausted, dehydrated and fearing heat stroke and loss of consicencess. This is shown in the essay by, ""the growing realization that could drop from heatstroke"" And, ""It looked like i was going to lose concisness for the last time." 1 2 2
7257 3 The features of the setting effect the cyclist because the roads are bumpy. The other things that is effecting the cyclist is the water on the roads. There are a lot of curved roads which always slows down his speed. 1 1 1
7259 3 The feature of the setting affect the cyclist because the surrounding is so negative. Everything around the cyclist is percieved negatively, so the naturally the cyclist feels like the task is harder and more challenging than it really is. For example, nothing is surrounding the cyclist but sand and the hot temperature since the setting is so empty and no one is around, then everything seems harder than it really is. Also the cyclist feels like he cant go on and is weak because there is no living he around him. Furthermore, if the cyclist was in the park with the sun shining and people around and in sight, his attitude would change and everything would seem easier. 1 1 1
7260 3 The fatures of the setting affected the cyclist by it hard for him to control hill bike down on rough road, hotter making him thisty and running out of water. Also there wasnt an building in sight so he could get anything to drink. Also he did know where he was go. These are the features that affected the cyclist 2 2 2
7262 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because never accept travel advice from 1 1 1
7270 3 The feature of the setting do affect cyclist in such ways making him illusionalistic and dehydrated. He saw all idea that a juice factory was working, when it was abounded. He saw rusty pipes, this made him dehydrated because he knew those pipes could never produce water. 1 1 1
7276 3 In the essay Rough Road ahead by Joe Kurmaskie, the cyclist had many changes due to the setting of what was around. The cyclist was lost in the dessert. This affected him a lot because the desert is very hot. He could have died from either dehydration or exhaustion. Also, in the desert some animals can be very dangerous on the cyclist journey, he saw a poisonous snake. It was a good thing that he was cautious around the snake because if he wouldnt have been, he might have gotten bitten and there would be no one around to help him. The desert that he was in. also happened to be desserted and there was no one around to help him with the directions. The worst thing would have to be that he ran out of water. Without the water, he could become very weak and dehydrated. and could have even died. The setting of where the cyclist was affected him greatly. 2 2 2
7277 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making him thirsty and him thinking he is lost and going to die. The cyclist got information from an old guy that has not been off his porch for years. Just when the cyclist thought he was lost he saw Gary and Wilbers fish camp-if you want bait for the big ones, were your best bet! The cyclist went in and got water, and the old man asked him if he wanted to know where to go, but this time he said no. 2 2 2
7281 3 In the story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie the features of the setting affects the cyclist by draining him of energy, he is sweating so much, he keeps on drinking his water and slowly finishes it and still has a long ride ahead of him. The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips.(Kurmaskies) since is was so hot the cyclist was thirsty and drank all of his water. It was a warm day and he needed to stay hydrated. 1 2 2
7282 3 In the book Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie the setting was in codi, California. The author went on a journey 1 1 1
7285 3 Riding through beastly mountains, hot and burning deserts and no water. A cyclist was riding through a town and asked for directions. The two old men gave him the wrong directions and send him on a trip through hell that only a determined person could get through. First he had to go miles without water which resulted in him loosing faith becoming dehydrated and not continuing with his plans. The terrain he had to go through was unbearable and could almost kill him without water. Luckily he had faith and determined so he got through it and learned a lesion. Maps are made for people to use so if you have a map you should trust it and in the ending it shows that the cyclist learned that because he said And I promised myself right then that Id always stick to it in the future. 3 3 3
7287 3 All the features of the environment through which the cyclist is riding affect him greatly. First, since he is riding through the desert in June, that means that it is very hoy out and he will need plenty of water for his long bike ride. Also, the terrain of which he is riding is rough which causes him to lose energy. The sun was also beggining to heat down on him which means that he was going to have a hot ride to the town and which later caused his struggle for water. Overall, the hot, desert setting affects the cyclist. It causes him to dehydrate and have a need for water. In the story it says, The water bottle contained only a few tantalizing sips and that he could drop from a heatstroke on a beautiful day in June, This is basically showing that the hot environment caused him to drink a lot of water, and now he has run low which could cause him to have a heat stroke. 2 2 2
7293 3 The fetures in the settings like hills, make the cycleist use more energy, the more enegy that he uses the more water he will whant to drink. This is difficult because he states The water bottle contained only a few tantalizing sips. Therefore he was in trouble. 2 2 2
7294 3 In the story the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. For example he is in the desert and it is very hot outside. Also he is running out of water. This is bad because he could become dehydrated. Another example is when he comes upon the building he thinks it is a mirage at first because hes pretty much dehydrated. The rough terrain also makes it hard for him to pedal and he is already weak from lack of water. In conclusion all these elements of the desert affect the cyclist in some way. 2 2 2
7302 3 The cyclist in the essay Rough Road Ahead: do not exceed posted speed limit feels discouraged and dehydration because of the setting. Near the beginning, after viewing the first stop which consisted of a few broke buildings and some rusted pumps he states This sight was troubleing, He also feels dehydration when he reaches the pumps and finds the produce A tar like substance oozed out, followed by blackish water. Also as he is pedaling he sees a sign that says do not exceed 55 miles per hour. He 3 3 3
7303 3 In this quick passage by Joe Kurmaskie, the many conditions of the road and the area around it determine how he acts and what he feels, The sun was beginning to beat down , (Kurmaskie) .He is starting to get tired because it is becoming hot and sunny, so he is feeling less confident. He was traveling through the high deserts of California in June . (Kurmaskie).Not only is he very tired and hot not where he is riding is barron and open and there is no one around him to give him help or to find water. Through the passage you can tell that the temperature and weather around the cycler can change how and why how he does. 2 2 2
7306 3 In this story the setting has a affect to the cyclist trip and to him self. It being hot and over @NUM1 degrees and going down hill with a lot of turns. The cyclist is getting so hot that hes water is no longer cold. Being in this desert is killing and about to make him have a heartstoke. All the things in the desert is doing a lot affect to the cyclist. 1 1 1
7308 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making him ??? are ??? like when he rood through that ghost town. The setting is a big part of this story thats all that talk about. And when hes getting water or how the tumbleweeds are crossing the road. He was all ways thirsty and rode his bike along ways and is no paint in ??? ??? ???. 2 2 2
7309 3 How the setting changes the mood of the cyclist is that what he sees pretty much discribes how he feels. Like he starts off with strong less and a smile on his face. Then he comes to the first town which was a ghost town, that didn't really dampen his spirits because when he sees it he laughs. Also when the setting changes so does his confidence in the old men's direction giving. Like at the first town he still has confidence in what they told him. Then he notices that it starting to get hotter but that doesnt change his mood much. @NUM1 miles later comes top a fork in road with rusty water pumps and a ran down car all that makes him less confidence in water level. Then he realizes the next town is a long way away so he losse more confidence and gets more worried about water. Then the flat road is replaced with rough road so his mood goes down more. Then at last he goes to a fishing store and so he gets water and his spirits go way up. Here is how the setting affected his mood. 2 3 3
7314 3 Heat, dessert, humidity all are things that affect the cyclist as on his journey. First, heat because the heat is making him thirsty for water @CAPS1 he is running row on. For example, the narrator describes, water bottles only had a few tantalizing sips. This means that the day is hot and running out of water. Second, dessert because the narrator is the only one around and deserts are usually diserted. For example the narrator exclaims There was no one in sight, not a building, car, structure of any kind. @CAPS1 clearly states that he could be in a dessert where no one wants to be. Lastly, humidity, because it can be hot but then the humidity comes into plan and makes the sky more dry and seen hotter than it usually is. This is why heat, dessert, and humidity all are things that affect the cyclist as he is on a journey. 2 2 2
7319 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making him dehydrated, troubled, and relieved. The cyclist is dehydrated because of the horrible heat. He says the growing realie at von that l would drop from heatstroke on a gorgeous day in June. This means that the heat is a treat to him and would cause him to become dehydrated and have heatstroke. The cyclist is troubled by the scarce sourroundings. ""a corral that couldnt hold the lamest mule. He is getting worried because there is no one around and his directions are starting to sound wrong. The cyclist is relieved by the water from the sink. He had the overwhelming urge to seek out Gary and Wilber, kiss them. This means that that he is so relieved that he has finally found water and he wants to thanks the owners of the bait shop for providing it." 3 3 3
7321 3 Many things that involve settings can affect other things. In the Do not exceed the posted speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie, a cyclist is affected by the setting as he travels to Yosemite National park. The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. Wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt, and the growing realization that I could drop from a heatstroke on a gorgeous day. (kurmaskie @NUM1). The sertting from the day is affecting him very much and it is hard for him to continue. He is very tired and almost sick from the heat. The settings of this place are hurting to the cycleist and he wants to go home and away from the heat. The setting of this place effects the cyclist very much. 2 2 2
7327 3 The features of the setting that affect the cyclist are the conditions of the road and weather. he hit some bad and nasty water. along with other hazardous things, he also tried to ride through a desert where he had already drank all his bottles of water and had nothing left to drink, he was very dehydrated and had to drink nesles water. It was hard for him to keep going, being dehydrated so bad but he had to. at one point a big snake almost took up the entire road and he had to just ease his way on by it, his riding conditions were so bad, he thought he was going to die, he said the birds were going to eat him. The weather was so hot it was hard to go on, he finally found a bathroom, went inside it drank water from the sink and yellced to a man that told him the direction he wanted 2 2 2
7328 3 The features of the setting do indeed affect the cyclist. First in the story when describing the setting it says there was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. @CAPS1 basically giving a hint or foreshadow that something bad is going to happen because hes alone. Another description of the setting when it affects the cyclist when it says Rough Road Ahead; Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit @CAPS1 pretty much saying danger ahead, something bad will happen. 1 1 1
7331 3 When you do something really to often you get used to it, well I think is the same thing with how sitting affects the cyclist features. It might make their butt flat or their back has a diferent shape and with different shep I dont mean that they are diformed but evey person is diferen so their back can either have a @CAPS1 shape or an I shape or a D shape. 0 0 0
7332 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in these ways. The cyclist was very hot. wide rings of dried sweat circled my shirt and the growing realization that I could drop from heartsroke on a gorgeous day in June. The towns that passed through that were supposed to have people were in fact deserted. His ride ended up being even harder than it would have been. This is how the features of the setting affect the cyclist. 2 2 3
7336 3 In ''Do Not Exceed Speed Limit,'' by Joe Kurmaskie, the author depicts the vivid details of the setting and how they contribute to the cyclists condition. For example, the author wrote Over one long, crippling hill, a building come into view. I wiped the sweat from my eye The way the author described the hill as crippling should how much energy it was taking away from the cyclist. Another quote that contributed to the cyclists journey was, that smoky blues tune ''Summer time rattled around in the dry honeycombs of my deteriorating brain. This expressed how dehydrated the summer heat way making him. I believe the author used modifying details to support the description of the cyclists condition. I think the description of the setting enhanced the readers perception of the cyclists journey. 3 2 3
7338 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. First of all he is in the middle of no where, and he doesnt know the direction of where he is going, and he also doesnt know the people who live there. The other thing is that he doesnt have a food, or a drink, so without eating or drinking he cant get energy, so he cant ride the bike. 1 1 1
7342 3 The features of the setting affected the cycles beceuse it was hot and was a mough train. 1 1 1
7344 3 The features of the setting in, Rough Road Ahead negatively affect the cyclist. In the California desert, water is everything. If you run out of water then you might as well have run out of life. Without water, dehydration kicks in and it affects not only your body, but your mind too. The cyclist only had a limited amount of water with him when he started. I had been hitting my water bottles pretty regularly, and I was traveling through the high deserts of California in June. Through the deserted towns he came across, he searched for a source of water but found none that were useable. When I tried a drop or two ,it had the flower of battery acid. @CAPS1 feature was the heat. It began to mess with his mind and take toll on his body quickly. I wiped the sweat from my eyes to make sure it wasnt a mirage He worned about heatstroke and his bodys need for water throughout the entire trip. Finally, in the deserts of California, wildlife can affect you. The cyclist was using a path that nature had claimed and was not traveled often by people crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake blocked the majority of the pavement. As you can see, the cyclist was negatively afftected by the features of the setting in, Rough Road Ahead. 3 3 3
7348 3 The cyclist does most really like the setting of the road. Its messing up big time 0 0 0
7354 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclists attitude towards the old men. Since the cyclist listened to the old mens directions he was furious with himself. Seeing that the last attempt of direction had caused the cyclist to become nearly delicious, the setting had added severly to the problem. The beating sun and high desserts in California in the middle of June made the cyclist dehydrated and tired. When he come to a rusted water pump black tar oozed out, you can picture the cyclist as furious and anxious and of course thirsty. The rough terrain and tumble weeds had caused the cyclist to feel skeptical of his decision to follow the old mens-directions. 3 2 3
7362 3 "The features of the start affected the cyclist by going listing to so dyhrate who have not left town pours in this instead of following his name got him going in the middle like the start sites on the sreach make right site at the ??.???? the what he steal inside that ""I reached myself riht then that I'd always asked to it????????? find on the last ?? is the bitter. this is said ?? he did not ?? the sight and felt he walking not make, fall on the ?? and get dust stick. Did he ??? want to happen gian so be ?? to always look at the map. " 1 2 2
7373 3 "The cyclist a had rough time. The elements were against him. It was dry and hot and he had no water. In the text it says,""The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. ""This shows that he had hardly any water, and what he did have would only make him thirster. ""@CAPS1 weeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake. ""It was obviously not and the quote maker you visualize a desert or colorado. The man was no one in sight not a building, car, or structure of any kind. He was saving up his energy and his water. He was starting to go a little crazy. The hills were killer for him, in the text it says ""over one long, crippling hill."" This show you now rough the conditions were because he told us in the begining that he is a cyclist. The biker hell a very rough time and the setting definity effects this. " 2 3 3
7375 3 In the story Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Speed limit by Joe Kurmaskie the different aspects of the setting effect the cyclist in several ways. When he first begins he doesnt even notice how hot it is and he says, the ran was beginning to beat down, but I barely noticed it. His mood starts to change very quickly. Soon he drinks most of his water of becomes increasingly tired. He finds a water pump which irriates him when he realize the water tastes like battery acid. As he continues he sees a snake which he could swear was a diamond back so he slowly goes by out. When he notices a factory he uses his last bit of energy to reach it only to be discouraged when he finds it abandone. His spirits finally rise when he finds a store and drinks a good amount of water. 2 2 2
7386 3 Some features of the setting that affect the cyclist are. The hills that the cyclisit has to go over and the heat. The heat is making the cyclist sweat alot so he is loosing fluids and he starts to got dyhydrated. The hills are making him have to work harder and getting more tired. 1 1 1
7387 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist in many ways. They affected his confidence, his energy, and his determination. In the beginning of the essay the cyclist is very confident. This is show when he says. The cool pined and rushing rivers of yosemite has my name written all over them. This shows confidence because he knows he can make it to yosemite.When he runs out of water he begins to lose confidence and thinks he way die. Since he ran out of water because of the heat, his energy is also dropped. You know hes running out of water when he says.The water bottle contained only a few tantalizing sips. @CAPS1, after lose of water and confidence; he actually had higher determination to make it to Yosemite. This is human nature because our bodies when into survivor mode and become determined to survive. As you can see the cyclist was affected in many ways by the features of the setting. 3 2 3
7393 3 The conditions in the California desert were horrible for a cyclist. The temperature was extremely high and the humidity was very dry. The roads also had a lot of hills and when a cyclist has to use his energy in the heat to go up and down hill after hill, it can be very hard. There were also no stops to refill his water a long the way,which is bad because the neat,lack of water,and all of his energy extension leads to major dehydration.The conditions along this trip are not good for a cyclist and can be very dangerous. 2 2 2
7396 3 In Rough Road Ahead by Joe Kurmaskie the main character faces a lot of trouble. First people give him the wrong directions. But, worst of all he has to travel a lot of mile on a bike through extreme temperatures. Going up and down hills and pedaling really hard. He doesnt even have any cool water. As the character says, followed by brackish water feeling somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees (kurmaskie @NUM1). That kind of water didnt help him either. It didnt quench his thirst because it was so hot, he said it tasted like battery acid. But, finally he worked up his confidence and kept pedalig till he found a fish camp that had a bathroom with a sink that had cool water. Then he headed off to Yosemite and didnt take anyones advice. 3 2 3
7399 3 The cyclist was motivated to get the job done. When they said only eighteen miles down the road. He thought it was going to be forever but he made it because he conserved his water ... and last kept on going, when the road turned into a rocky gravel road, he still kept on going, but it was harder on his legs and water supply. 1 1 1
7407 3 The countries of the setting that had the most effect on the cyclist were the deserts and hills. The author tells us first of his depleting water supply as he journeys through the high deserts of California in June. The hills had a major effect on him because the intensive host that any desert contains, with this heat, his limited water, and the fact that it was June. Im sure the author was most a happy person traveling within his intensive journey. Another misfortune that the author explains is the touring changing. That road was replaced by a host rolling hills. With my own experience, I know these cannot be a worse kind. Tall steep hills are a difficult climb, but your a living house the luxurious most to cool. In his mind too with, the authors Short, rolling hills, the climb gets more miserable with every hill, and the coast down the other side barely cools your bare skin, leaving your thiving soul to continue in this dep pain. Im sure the cyclist was experiencing a burned out spirit after just a few of those deadly hills. 3 3 3
7417 3 The settings affect the cyclist in more than one way. These ways are that he is running out of water, he might become dehydrated and he is unsure of the path he is on. With him running out of water, he is in real trouble. Because of the lack of water, not only might be die but he begins to see mirages. His lack of water eventually leads to dehydration and he become uneasy about things. For example; in the text it says that he staggered into the store. Because he is unsure of the path he is on, he begins to panic a little. Panicing isnt good especially considering that he is running low on water and is becoming dehydrated. Panic cant help to solve anything. The setting is in a dessert so he needs lets of water, which he runs low on. Desserts are extremly hot which causes a person to become dehydrated or die. Desserts have little shade, if any; and they have rough weather as well as rough landscape. For example, theyre landscape is mostly all hot sand. Therefore, the setting does affect the cyclist. 3 2 3
7424 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. He always kept his head up and was determined to make it to his destination. The first problem was when he came to the fork of sorts as he put it. He needed more water, but the pumps were rusty and all he could get out of them was a tarlike substance followed by blackish water. He tested it, hoping it was better than it looked, but it wasnt. It tasted like battery acid. He was very thirsty, but had to move on, looking for another water supply. Another problem that occured was, while he was becoming dehydrated more & more by the minute and unsteady on his bike, a huge snake lay across the road. He had to slowly maneuver around it, though it was hard, he was successful and continued down the road. The third ""obstacle"" he ran into was he was so thirsty and finally had a chance for a drink, when to his dissappointment, he found an old abandoned welches grape juice factory. As nervie and upsetting as it was, he continued to move on, still determined to make it to his destination. He finally came up to a fishing supply store where he was able to take a break and get a nice drink! Even though the setting was tough, teasing, and ironic, the man made it through and still with a smile on his face." 3 3 3
7430 3 The feature of the setting affect the cyclist by giving him hope that the finishing line is not far and there was nothing in sight no cars, building or stucture of any kind. 1 1 1
7437 3 There are many things that can affect a cyclist's journey. This cyclist seemed to have bad wick. He starts off mentioning that he is planning a trip to Yosemite and the men that hear this give him a tip. The cyclist is pretty confident in what they tell him, so he follows their suggestions. He ends up getting lost. The cyclist is also travelling in the high deserts of California in June. That means that he is travelling in summer with dry air. When he gets to the first town he sees, he can it get the water he needs to rehydrate his body. He also runs into a snake while travelling through the desert, which slows him down. Because its hot, and hes tired, he begins to see mirages that affect him. All of these features cause the cyclists to take one long, tiring journey through the desert. These features also taught him the lesson to not take advise from old men who have not left their porch because their information @MONTH1 be out of date. 2 2 2
7439 3 In the Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit by Joe Kurmaskie, the features of the setting affect the main characters, the cyclist. After he first journied from the house where he met the old men, he rode over much flat desert terrain, where the sun beat down and dehydrated him. Soon, though the terrain changed. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. This tests his endurance even more as he has to maneuver down the hills while dehydrated and ready to collapse from exhaustion. 2 2 2
7461 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist because sometimes, it made him lose some courage and optimism. and the growing realization that I could drop from a heatstroke on a gorgeous day This is an example of how he lost courage. I wanted to be brave and be strong. But the hot day and all the sweat made the author feel weak. I was going to die and the birds would pick me clean, leaving only some expensive outdoor gear This is an example of how the author lost some optimism. He didnt want to die, but he kept telling himself that he was going to , he should have thought to himself that he was going it make it, but the setting was just to rough. There were bumps along his ride, and the sun beating down his thirst, he became less courageous and less optimistic. 2 2 2
7468 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist because he was out of water in a desert like environment and their was no one ground for most of it so he was down on his own. The cyclist was affected when in the story when he says ''I got down on my hands and knees, working the water handle of the rusted water pump with all my strength. A tar like substaNce oozed out followed by brackish water feeling somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. That affected him because, he was drinking a lot of water before he got to that point in his trip and he was almost out so he needed to fill up with more but he did not have a place to get more water. That is one of the features of the setting that affected him. 1 1 1
7469 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by getting dehydrated, getting tired, and by getting lost. After the cyclist was on the road for a while he had drank almost all of his water, but he still had a while to go before he got to his destination. He was going to try to find some where to stop so he could pick up more water but there was nothing around. He also got tired because he was out in the sun, had barley any water, and he didnt know where he was going. One last example was that he was lost. There were no cars, buildings, or people. So if he were to get hurt or sick no one would have been able to help him. In conclusion, being dehydrated, tired and getting lost were the features of the setting affect the cyclist had. 2 2 2
7473 3 "In the setting of the essay; ""Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit."" had a great affect on the cyclist. It made him even more determined to finish because the terrain was so hard to ride through. For example, ""At some point, tumber weeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake-it really did look like a diamond back-back the majority of the pavement in front of me, I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. ""The author fully explains how no matter how bad the obstacles are he comes across he keeps trying to easy on by. The terrain affect the character by keeping him determined. This happens to many people in their sports. For example in football they take any problems and use them as reasons to push themselves harder to finish the game. " 2 3 3
7475 3 "In Joe Kurmaskies Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the features of the setting affect the cyclist alot. The terrain has a great deal to do with it. Also, the heat: First, the terrain affects the cyclist. It affects the cyclist because there is alot of hills. The text says, ""With what I believed was my last burst of energy, I maneuvered down the hill. In order to go down a hill, you had to have gone up a hill. So, having to use the energy to pedal up hills affected the cyclist alot. Next, the heat affected the cyclist. I know this because the text says and the growing realization that I could drop from heatstroke. This proves it is extremely hot outside. Heat would affect the cyclist because heat prevents you from functioning at your greatest ability. That is how the features of the setting in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit affect the cyclist. The terrain affects the cyclist because of the hills. The heat because it drains your energy quick. " 2 2 2
7476 3 In Rough Road Ahead: Do Not exceed posted speed limit, the features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. One way it affected him is the towns were old and deserted. In the story he said This place might have been a thriving little spot but @CAPS1 it was a ghost town. He could not get any water or any directions. The features of the setting affected the cyclist because the roads were bumby and there were many hills. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. @CAPS1 the cyclist had to use all his power to manuever over the hills. The third reason why the setting affected the cyclist was the weather and that it was a desert. I was traveling through the deserts of California in June. He was hot, sweaty and thirsty. He was also tired and desperate to find water and town that was not deserted. The features of the setting affected the cyclist in Rough Road Ahead: Do not exceed Posted Speed Limit, by the roads, deserted towns and the lack of water. 2 2 2
7478 3 In the essay by Joe Kurmaskie, he describes his experience of bike riding in the desert. The setting affects the cyclist in many ways throughout the writing. At first, Kurmaskie is confident as he listens to a group of old codgers giving him advice. The setting is calm and happy and Kurmaskie writes that he enjoyed the serenity of an eary-summer evening. The word serenity gives the affect of calm and peace. However, as Kurmaskie proceeds into his journey, the setting changes. He is troubled by the ramshackle shed, several rutsy pumps, and a corral that couldnt hold the lamest mule in a ghost town that he meets in the desert. Even later, the terrain changes and he sees a sign stating Rough Road Ahead. Kurmaskies confidence turns into even deeper doubt and worry as his water supply runs low. Finally, kurmaskie sees a sign for a fish camp. Here, his hope returns as he finds a rather modern bathroom where he can stop to get a drink. As the setting changes, Kurmaskies confidence is followed by determination and then relief. 3 3 3
7483 3 "The settnig can greatly effect the cyclist. The palce can change what happens and how it happens. For example if the story had taken place in alaska the cyclist would not have had, ""Wide rings of sweat circling my shirt."" and instead have been fighting off hypo thermia. The setting is very important because it affects all of the details in the writing. " 2 2 2
7485 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist in Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit. For example, he finds a ramshackle shed and tries to find water. It affected him, because it says, I got down on my hands and knees, working the handle of the rusted water pump with all my strength. A tarlike substance oozed out, followed by brackish water feeling somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred degrees. The quote meaning that he was determined to find water and perhaps anything. 1 1 1
7493 3 In the essay, Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit,'' the cyclist is affected doth emotionally and physically by the features of the setting. At the start, when he came to a deserted shed with rusty pumps, he began to feel discouraged. [The] sight was troubling,(page @NUM1) @CAPS1 on in the essay, the terrain changes from flat land to short, rolling hills and tumbleweeds began to pass. The cyclist is definitely affected by the change in terrain. He is now exhaugnted but continues to pump his legs and ride on. Before the end of his ride, the cyclist reaches an abandoned @ORGANIZATION1. The setting how includes a large picture of a young boy drinking a refreshing glass of juice. The author seems almost detected by this. I hung my head'' (page @NUM2) he confessed. In the end, once he finds an old fishermans store, he is relieved seeing the store from a distance excited the author, because, he could finally have a drink. The author mood and body were greatly affected by that features of the setting. 3 2 3
7497 3 In the short story Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit a cyclist is going against heat lack of water and rough hills trying to maneuver around. 1 1 1
7499 3 "The setting in the essay ""Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit was very hot in dry, very little shade or moisture, at some point maybe even none at all. This whether affected the author because he had no water at all so he was getting more dehydrated the further he went." 1 1 1
7504 3 "The features of the setting had a big impact on the cyclist. When he started that ride, he was confident that the old timers were right about which directions and roads he had to take to get to Yosemite National Park. Though the sun was bearing down, he refused to give up, just as he says The sun was beginning to beat down, but I hardy noticed. He came up to places that were worn down and deserted, so he knew he was alone if anything happened. The desert heat had made him down his water pretty regularly, so he tried to get more, as in, ""I got on my hands and knees When l tried a drop or two, it has the flavor of battery acid"" paragraph @NUM1. He was so thirsty that he would drink hot water. Then he thought he has only @NUM2 miles to go, so he kept going. He weakening as he pedaled along the changing terrain as he was trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. With what little energy he had last, he had passed an abandoned Well be Grape Juice factory, which probably tested his patience and sanity. He had resorted to, gathered up a few pebbles and stuck them in my mouth just to keep his mind his thirst. He was losing hope when he came upon Gary and wilbers fish camp best bet then he felt relieved after he was able to get cool water. By then he's learned his lesson, to stick to his map." 3 3 3
7507 3 The features in the setting affecting the cyclist because of the heat and the terrain. I say this because in the story it describes all the hills that he has to go up and down with the herendous heat beating down on him. The heat also makes it hard because it makes you drink more and throughout the story he was trying to find some water, and the water he did find was about two hundred degrees and tasted like a battery acid. If you have no water that makes it very hard to bicycle that far of a distance in that much heat. 1 1 1
7510 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in this story. First of all, in the story it says and the growing realization that I could drop from a heatstroke (@NUM1). This quote shows that it is extremely hot and it is affecting his riding. The narrarator also says, I eased past trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state(@CAPS1 @NUM2). This quote is saying that he is dehydrated in is having trouble keeping balance on the rough terrain. In conclusion, the setting affected the cyclist in this story. 2 1 2
7515 3 The cyclist Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit was definatly affected by the setting. He was cycling in California - which is a hot place to begin with - in June - which made it even hotter coming upon a hot desert. When youre doing a physical activity like that, the last thing you want is to be in the heat. The narrator only brought one bottle of water which at first he was drinking regularly. Then it started to get hot and he was out of water. This affected his body by making him tired, and his mind because he started doubting himself. Then there was the abandon juice building where they made juice. He said In an ironic twist abandon years earlier had been a Welchs grape juice factory and bottling plant. He was dying of thirst and then he found the bottling plant. The cyclist was definatly affected by his surrondings both mental - by saying Im going to die. - and physically by becoming dehydrated. 2 2 2
7521 3 The features of the setting greatly affected the cyclist. For one, he was biking through the high deserts of California in June. This caused the cyclist to become overheated ad sweaty. So he drank from his water bottles frequently. Unfortunately, since there was, no one insight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind, he had nowhere to fill his bottles and become dehydrated. To make matters worse, the terrain changed from flat road to short, rolling hills. Normally, this would not cause too much struggle, but since he was dehydrated and overheated, each hill seemed crippling, My thoughts are that if the setting had been a bit cooler and perhaps on the time period the old men had lived in, the cyclist would have had a much more enjoyable experience. 2 3 3
7529 3 Because the setting of the cyclist ride is dry desert it makes the cyclist seem more and more determined. He's is going against the odds so it seems like hes pushing himself to the limit. Against the heat and the long road he's on and having no water all seems lost for the cyclist. But in the end he pulls himself together and makes it happen for himself and triumphs over adversity. 1 1 1
7533 3 Some features of the setting that affected the cyclist were the road conditions and road changes with the hills. So far the cyclist had a great ride for about two miles into his journey after that it started to change. This is supported when the author states, Not two miles into this next section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing (kurmaskie). Even though the author started this journey out nice it did not take long for thing to change against him. Although the hills and road conditions changing the character in the story still gets through his problems with out much worries. With all of the problems in the setting the cyclist still comes through to end his journey. 1 2 2
7536 3 In the essay, the description of the setting was dry, hot, very open, and desserted. The description could suggest lonlieness, obviously. Even though the man was all alone and didnt know where he was going, he still persisted. While he thought about the cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite. This thought kept him strong, so he kept trying. 1 1 1
7538 3 When the cyclist first starts his journey he is very sure of himself. He sees everything as the old men told him. As he travels on he notices everything is abandoned and empty. There was no one in sight not a building, car, or structure of any kind. The man started becoming very unsure. You could tell he says I wiped the sweat from my eyes to make sure it wasnt a mirage, and tried not to get excited. He was very doubtful hed get to where he was going. In the end he was very relieved he found a fishing spot with a bathroom and fresh water. 2 2 2
7541 3 The setting in this short story cause the cyclist to doubt his survival. The main problem is water, or lack there of. The cyclist has no water and thinks its only a matter of time before he dies. Another big problem is the rough terrain. The rough terrain is hard for the cyclist to overcome. Also, there is no buildings, people, or cars in sight to save him. Until he finds the bait shop, if anything would have happened to him, there wouldve been no one there to help. 2 2 2
7542 3 The features of the setting of Do not exceed posted speed limit greatly impact the cyclist, in a negative way. For example, when the road changes from smooth and easy to rolling and full of hills. It makes it difficult for him to bike. He needs to use more energy to get over the hills. Another example is when it says tumbleweeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake blocked the majority of the pavement in front of me. The connection with seeing a tumbleweed is that of being deserted and alone so this increased his feelings of despair. Lastly, he sees the Welchs Grape Juice Factory, which is deserted and serves to only make him thirstier. All of these things affect the cyclist. The fact that he sees the grape juice factory is also ironic, because he is extremely dehydrated and the factory is abandoned. 3 2 3
7545 3 "In the story Rough Road Ahead: do not excess speed limit, the reader sees the scenery and terrain get rougher, and lonelier, and as the cyclist travels and limits are being pushed his outlook is somewahat grim he only expects the worst. The rough road strats out after a water pump he finds gives him piping not, brackish water that tasted like battery acid. Water in a sense in this story is a metaphor to his life, and is the source for him living. In the beginning he drank it regularly and when he gets to the pump it is bad, just like when things start to turn sour in the story itself. The cyclist in this story is very a ware to how his body is and acknowledges his dehydration. At one point he says and the growing realization that I could drop from a heat stroke simply because I had listened to some gentlemen who hadnt been off their porches in a decade"" he later said it caused him to laugh sadly, hopelessly the lack of humans and their technology really broke him down." 3 3 3
7549 3 "In the setting of the essay; ""Rough Road Ahead: Do not Exceed Posted Speed Limit."" had a great affect on the cyclist. It made him even more determined to finish because the terrain was so hard to ride through. For example, ""At some point, tumber weeds crossed my path and a ridiculously large snake-it really did look like a diamond back-back the majority of the pavement in front of me, I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. ""The author fully explains how no matter how bad the obstacles are he comes across he keeps trying to easy on by. The terrain affect the character by keeping him determined. This happens to many people in their sports. For example in football they take any problems and use them as reasons to push themselves harder to finish the game. " 1 1 1
7552 3 In the setting the conditions were brutal. The author experienced sedring heat, dyhdration and getting wrong directions. He experienced depression and mear death. He had an encounter with a big old snake and last he reached his distination. This affected him and he learned to bring a map and not to take direction from old people. 1 1 1
7555 3 The settings effects the cyclist because in California it could be really hot sometimes. The cyclist could dehydrate on a long trip and pass out really get hurt. Also there are a lot of hills which could be really hard on the cyclist. 1 1 1
7556 3 In the essay, the author added many features that could be picked all about the cyclist jouney. One feature was that his water supply was running short. This shows exactly how hot it was and how much he was drinking. Another feature would be the rusty old pipe with the bad water: This shows that that town had been abanodoned for years and the water supply wasnt up for drinking. The essay in all shows how hand it is in hot weather with lack of supplies and no sense of direction. 2 2 2
7568 3 The setting of Rough Road Ahead: Do not exceed the Speed Limit effects the cyclist in many was. The words high deserts of California in June, from the story show that it is very hot and dry. The cyclist get's very tired and in the desert there aren't big ponds to get water out of, so if you dont have water you dont have anything. Also the cyclist suffers the pain a difficulty of having to drive on, over and down rough terrain. In the story it is said there was a sign that said Rough Road Ahead. There were also obsticals such as tumbleweeds and snakes he had to get around. The dry, rough, dangerous setting put the cyclist life in danger, but because of dedication he got through it. 2 2 2
7569 3 "The features of the setting in Do Not @CAPS1 Posted Speed Limit affected the cyclist. The text states, ""Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills,"" (Kurmaskie @NUM1). The flat road that was easy to bike on had changed to many hills that made the cyclist's job alot harder. The biker was negatively affected by this setting because it contributed to his rough times and caused him to lose hope." 2 2 2
7572 3 The features of a setting, such as terrain and weather greatly affect the cyclist who is biking in it. The features of a setting can make the cyclists trip either easier or harder. Weather can make them use up their water faster or slower, rain as bad road conditions could force a cyclist go slower. In the essay Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the cyclist is slowed down and more fatigued because of the features of the setting he was in. The lack of water and settlements slowed him down. Rough roads did as well. Hills and animals on the road slowed down the cyclist even more. The features of a setting can help or hinder a cyclist, and in the case of the one in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit, the features seriously impared his bike ride. 2 2 2
7574 3 The features of the setting in Rough Road Ahead: Do not exceed posted speed limit greatly affect the cyclist. Im sure that the heat makes the cyclist more thirsty, and heat can also drain energy extremely fast. Being in the california desert in the middle of June does not sound like an enjoyable time to be riding a bike. When the cyclist got tired and exhausted from not having any water, Im sure that riding past all of the empty land had an effect on his attitude. I think that seeing a building made him get excited, and then when he found out that it was nothing more than an abandoned building, his spirits greatly dropped. He probably felt that he couldnt continue for very much longer simply because all of the buildings he came across were empty, or abandoned. When the cyclist reached the bait store, he probably felt much better, and very relieved to have gotten there before he had a heat stroke. 3 2 3
7578 3 According to the essay features of the setting affect the cyclist. If the cyclist is in the middle of a hot desert in June with no water, the cyclist will become excessively thirsty the longer they go. For example; the author states I had been hitting my bottles pritty regularly, and I was traveling through the high desert of California in June. The terrain changes to short, rolling hills from flat land causing the cyclist to push herself to get the next town to get water. For instance; she states over one long, crippling hill, a building came into view. This cause the cyclist to use what they thought of as their last burst of energy to get down there, but the building was abandoned, thus making the cyclist feel let down. As the cyclist continued on a setting of a bait store came and the cyclist felt relief because now she could get water. These examples show the change of setting on the cyclists trip and how it affected her. 3 3 3
7589 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist in many ways. One feature of the setting was the heat. It affected him by getting him dehydrated. For example the text states,The water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips I could drop from a heatstroke This meant the heat was getting to him. 1 1 1
7590 3 "The author made the setting seem long and unbearable, felt of undesirable heat and lack of water at hand. Specially in the way he kept describing the road with all these challenges that kept appearing like after @NUM1 miles to a town then @NUM2 miles passed that he, came to a park of ???. One ramshackly shed, several rusty pumps and a carrol that couldnt hold in the hamest mule greeted me.This sight was troubling. Then he went in a discharge, ""I was traveling strenght the high deserts of California in June. @CAPS1 ?? imagine, the heat, and unbareabalnes of the ??? journey still I face. @CAPS1 that bike seen endless.Then with a thrust gaining on him for example, ""I was doing a water-deplety 12 mph, sanctures life can seen be cruel. ""@CAPS1 him feel his constrain regrate on the journey @CAPS1 me feel his constrain sorrow for his endless journey he had to go through. Another example is, ""I riped the sweat from my eyes to make sure I wasn't a mirage"". Then, reaching this, the building abondoned years ago. @CAPS1 his journey seen hopeless and long had that make endless with first wave problems getting strength at him @CAPS1 his journey seen to be harder and filled with ?? hope as strenght left to finish his goals." 3 3 3
7593 3 IIn the story I read the setting is a big factor to the affect of the cyclist for example it talks about how the cyclist sees the sign that says, Rough road ahead! Do not exceed posted speed limit. So the cyclist has to be cautious 1 1 1
7595 3 I think that the features of the setting affected the cyclist in many ways. For example he talks about things that he had to endure while he was riding. For example he had no water so he was parched. There was a huge snake that took up half of the road and there wasnt a building in sight. So the setting affected him with doubt but he had confidence of getting where he needed to get then when he got there it was a sign of relif. Thats how the setting affected was. 1 2 2
7603 3 The settings effected the cyclist, because where ever he went it seem to never end. Like when he was riding along where the old men told him to go. He went through a ghost town like they said he would go through a town. Then he kept on going but it never end and the summer heat started to get to him. Like when he started to dehidade he this old juice factor and started imagening that he was drinking juice. So he started seeing things. 1 1 1
7610 3 The cyclist is affected by the features of the setting. The cyclists has been pedaling his bike in the direction that the old men told him to go to get to Yosemite. Soon he is out of water and very tired and he believes he will die soon. But then he finds a fish camp, goes in the bathroom to revive himself. when he comes out a man is sittiNg on the porch. The author gets directios from him and is happy that he is on the right track again. 1 2 2
7615 3 The features of the setting effected the cyclist in many ways. The setting was verry hot and there were a lot of hills. The cyclist had been riding up and down hills all day and it took a lot of energy when he saw the building that he thought could help him he said, ... last burst of energy, i mane'uvered down the hill, By saying that it showed that the setting of where he was contained a lot of hillsy and they effected him by taking up all his energy. That is how the setting had effected the cyclist. 1 1 1
7619 3 The features of the setting dramatically affected the cyclist. He started out in a confident mood, until he arrived at a town that was deserted. His confidence was still pretty high but not like it was prior to coming upon the ghost town. Twenty miles up the road after that, he came to a fork in the road which contained a ramshackle shed rusty, unclean pumps, and a small corral. The desert was hot and his lack of water was dehydrating him. Paragraph @NUM1 states, This sight was troublingI had been hitting my water bottles regularly, and was traveling through the high deserts in California. With little water and a short energy supply he was getting tired and dehydrated quickly. The land started turning into rolling hills and caused him to become even more exhausted. His mood had gone from confident to hopeless. He even planned on changing a diary entry in case he died of heatstroke. The features obviously greatly affected the mood of the cyclist. Sometimes disappointment can come from taking the so-called easy way out. 1 1 1
7623 3 Many things can affect a cyclist. But in the story three main features of the setting affected the cyclist the most. While the cyclist was riding it was very hot. We know this by looking back at the text. It gives us this quote, That I could drop from heat stroke on a gorgeous day in June. Because it was hot. This could make the cyclist thirsty. Another feature of the setting was the multitude of hills. This would create exhaustion. We know their were many hills because in the text it says. Flat road was replaced by short rolling hills. Going over all those hills can really tire someone out. A third feature of te setting would be nature. Nature can affect us in many ways, by weather, by terrain, as in this case by animals. In the story the cyclist comes upon a large snake. This making it dangerous. The setting can affect anything. It would have been a totally different story if the cyclist had been in the summer during @DATE1, not June. 3 3 3
7628 3 The features of the setting affect the cyclist by making it harder for him to pedal and complete his ride. For example, flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills. This should make his trip harder because instead of being able to pedal at one consistent rate the whole time, he would have to start pedaling harder and easier over and over again, using more energy. Another example is, through the high deserts of California in June. This makes it harder for him because he has to do all his work in a scorching summer heat. Finally, the first three stops he made had no where to fill his water bottles, take a drink, or cool off. This would make it hard because he is becoming dehydrated during his whole trip. These are some features of the setting that affect the cyclist by making his trip harder. 2 2 2
7642 3 The setting in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Speed Limit has a great effect on the main character in the story. In the beginning of the story, he passes the first town and continues riding his bike, following the directions some old folks gave him. The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite had my name written all over it. His mood at this point was already confident, but this adds to it, with words like rushing being encouraging to him. Then, he continues moving on the road. Not two miles into this section of the ride, I noticed the terrain changing. At this point, he is becoming unsure of how good the directions he obtained really were. Once he is already tired, rolling hills isnt what he wanted to find, so this adds to his doubt. Further along, he said, There was no one in sight, not a building, car, or structure of any kind. This adds to the despair he was feeling, because he feels he is going to die in Yosemite. Not seeing anyone was probably extremely discouraging, so the setting really affected him. Then he said over the long crippling hill, a building came into view. It is at this point that he uses the word crippling because he is just about exhausted and cant go any further. 2 2 2
7646 3 The setting in the passage is working against the cycler. Hes running low on water hes almost dehydrated and the weather were hes at is very very hot and he cant see a town for miles. 1 1 1
7647 3 The features of the setting affects the cyclist because it was really hot out, he had very little amount of water, and a long way to go. The temperature was so hot, the cyclist said he felt dehydrated. He also had to go over a lot of hills and go through deserts to get where he needed to go. He took a shortcut but it ended up taking longer and he got dehydrated. This is how the setting affected him. 2 2 2
7649 3 In the essay by Joe Kurmaskie many obstacles are caused from the diffrent settings. For example, the hot temperature caused the character to get dehydrated. He recalled I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. This caused the loss of determination, which led to him lossing his consciousness. The hills he had to cycle also effected him. They caused him to become tired and weak and to lose his determination, as well. Just like the temperature problem, the loss of determination could eventually make him lose consciousness. He said if it looked like i was going to lose consciousness for the last time. 2 1 2
7650 3 The setting of the story had effected the cycles becuse if it was sub earbs he could have stoped any where and got water but the plot was in a middle of a desert and all he could do is keep rolling and hoping to find some water For example, he had to go @NUM1 miles to get to the next town to get water and if he was not in the desert with hills he could have made that in no time at all 1 1 1
7652 3 The features of the setting effect the cyclist because it is to hot. It is hot enough that his water tasts like battery acid. Then he has to deal with difficult trails breakway he said old-timers who havent left the confines of their porches since Carter was in office. This is sayin that the old-timers gave him old directions. Plus what made the setting even hotter was he has been cycling nonstop. Then when he was riding he said The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite had my name written all over it. With him thinking about this it made him forget about the heat. This was why the setting was affecting the cyclist. 2 2 2
7653 3 There are many reasons as to why the features of the setting affects the cyclist. One reason is because it is so hot, I know this because it was sammertime in the California desert. Another reason is because the road was very rough. I know this because of the sign that he saw that said Rough Road Ahead; Do Not Exceed Posted Speed @NUM1). This tells you that the road is very rough. And being that he is on a bike rough roads are not very good for him. Another reason as to why the setting affects the cyclist is that there is no one to get directions from. There is no one around to give him a drink of water. These are few of the many reasons why the setting affects the cyclist. 2 2 2
7654 3 The setting of this story is outside. Yosemite is outside riding her bike. She is around hills, no water, and very hot land. You know that she is around hills because she says to herself, I maneuvered down the hill. You also know that she starts of around no??? ???good water. When I tried a drop or two, it had the flavor of battery acid that shows the water was bad. Also the land is very hot because it says in the??? ???of two hundred degrees. Yosemite starts off bad then ends up learning to stick to it and never give up. Yosemites biggest problem is her lack of water due to the fact that it is hot outside and the water she had was bad, tasting like battery acid. 1 1 1
7657 3 "The features of the setting affect the cyclist. First, the river and the pine trees The cool pines and rushing rivers of Yosemite had my name written all over them"". Thinking about that helped the cyclist keep going. Second, the road was getting harder to travel. Flat road was replaced by short, rolling hills"" and a sign on another road said rough road ahead The roads made the cyclist work harder to get to Yosemite National Park. Finally, the cyclist's water supply was running low. the water bottles contained only a few tantalizing sips. Not having a lot of water is really bad when your outside in the heat and the cyclist had no idea where to find more. The towns the cyclist ran into were abandon or ghost town. The cyclist had nowhere to go to get help. This cyclist faced many problems during his bike ride to Yosemite national park." 2 3 3
7660 3 The features of the setting that affected the cyclist was the heat because he was getting lost and he was slowly running out of water. The cyclist said, That you should never accept travel advice from old timers that havent left their porches since Carter was in office. This means that because the cyclist followed their advice he got lost in the desert and was running very low on water. He was thirsty that he put stones in his mouth to keep him from thinking about water. In the end the cyclist learned to trust the map and the signs instead of listening to really old people who havent left their homes in years. 2 2 2
7668 3 Different features of the settings affect the cyclist. The setting of the story, which is based in the desert has a negative affect on the character. The desert land is baron, leaving him only with his small supply of water. During his journey he runs out of water causing him to lose contact with reality. The extreme heat in the desert causes him to begin to hallucinate. The cyclist begins to see a grape juice factory, which interrupts his trip. To his dismay, it turns out to be a no more than a mirage. The lengthy road also affected the trip. The length and roughness of the road had worn the cyclist down. 1 1 1
7674 3 When riding a bike the features around you can affect the cyclist. Some things that can affect the cyclist are weather and scenery. If the weather is cold and rainy the cyclist would not want to be riding. The dangers of riding when the weather conditions are bad will make the cyclist second guest: riding or not. If the weather is extremely hot the cyclist will get dehydrated quicker and even more exhasted. The scenery can also affect the cyclist. When a cyclist is riding and all he/she sees is a desert then they might have doubts on where there going. If there are abandon buildings everywhere the cyclist @MONTH1 become frighten and want to head back of lose hope as shown in the story Do not exceed the speed limit when he gets over a hill and begins to think that he will never make it to Yosemite. Many things can affect the cyclist. 1 2 2
7682 3 "There are many features of the setting that affected the cyclist in ""Do not exceed the posted speed limit,"" The time of year affected the cyclist because its mid June, @CAPS1 the region affected the cyclist because mid June in arizona is extremely hot and try. If it was in a more northern state in @DATE1 or I, ll it wouldnt be as bad and you world not have the dance of a heat struggles. @CAPS1 when the terrain changed from flat to hills this affected him because it made it harder for him the to ride. These are some features of the settings that affected the cyclist in ""Do not exceed the posted speed limit.""" 1 1 1
7684 3 In the essay, Rough Road A head Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit the features of the setting affected the cyclist. First of all, he was traveling in the @CAPS1 which means it was very dry. This meant that the cyclist could not refill his water and was slowly getting dehydrated. Also, the cyclist was biking in the heat. This meant that he was continuesly sweating which also depleted his water from his body and played tricks on his mind. Finally the hills caused him to exact more energy furthermore making him more and more dehydrated. The hills also put a damper on his spirits, which made him have to muster a lot of inner strength and determination to keep going. This part of the setting affected him emotionally. Overall the setting had a physical and emotion effect on him. 2 3 3
7698 3 The setting of the story, are very dry and humid, and flat, and hilly. The author noticed the terrain changing, Flat road. Was replaced by short, rolling hills (Joe kurmaskie). Being out in the middle of a dessert like surronding during June, and nothing surronding him is a scary thought. The heat, and lack of water affect him, by him possibly getting mirages, or he @MONTH1 faint, because of the heat, and how much fluid he has lost. The hills dont help any eigther. 2 1 2
7704 3 In the story, the setting affected the cyclist in many ways. For example, the condition of the road was bad. It changed from flat road to short, rolling roads. Tumble weeds crossed his path. He had lack of water, and the water he did have tasted like battery acid. In the story it says, I eased past, trying to keep my balance in my dehydrated state. 2 2 2
7707 3 The features of the setting affected the cyclist; the author says he is in the California desert. This means that the cyclist must conserve water so he can stay hydrated for the trip. Also, there are many hills, as the author says, over one crippling hills with a lot of hills to climb, the cyclist uses up more energy and will become dehydrated quickly, if he isnt careful. Finally, there are many abandoned towns that are several miles apart from each other. This again affects how the cyclists uses his water, he thinks that there is a prospering town coming up, so he drinks his water, thinking hell get more soon. However, when he gets there, there is no water, and he must pedal seveal more miles to the next town with very little water. The setting is a great effect on how the cyclists act especially with no water. 2 2 2
7708 3 The features of the setting in Rough Road Ahead: Do Not Exceed Posted Speed Limit greatly affect the cyclist. Depending on what sort of new terrain or landmark he came to,his determination increases and decreases. For example, when he saw a building come into view ahead of him, he got excited and used all his energy to get down the hill to the building. Also, when he came to the next building and found a working bathroom, he drank from the sink as his hope (of not dying) was renewed. The man riding the bike in the story had many different changes in his emotions during his long trek in this story that were dependent on the setting. 2 3 3