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ricardoamador authored Mar 26, 2024
2 parents 6783b07 + 98c9c09 commit 1c4c810
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Showing 32 changed files with 7,141 additions and 15 deletions.
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions app_dart/lib/src/service/luci_build_service.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -692,6 +692,27 @@ class LuciBuildService {
tags ??= <String, List<String>>{};
tags['trigger_type'] ??= <String>['auto_retry'];

// Updating task status first to avoid endless rerun when datastore transaction aborts.
try {
// Updates task status in Datastore.
task.attempts = (task.attempts ?? 0) + 1;
// Mark task as in progress to ensure it isn't scheduled over
task.status = Task.statusInProgress;
await datastore.insert(<Task>[task]);

// Updates task status in Firestore.
final int newAttempt = int.parse(!.split('_').last) + 1;
tags['current_attempt'] = <String>[newAttempt.toString()];
taskDocument.resetAsRetry(attempt: newAttempt);
final List<Write> writes = documentsToWrites([taskDocument], exists: false);
await firestoreService.batchWriteDocuments(BatchWriteRequest(writes: writes), kDatabase);
} catch (error) {
'updating task ${taskDocument.taskName} of commit ${taskDocument.commitSha} failure: $error. Skipping rescheduling.',
return false;
final BatchRequest request = BatchRequest(
requests: <Request>[
Expand All @@ -708,20 +729,6 @@ class LuciBuildService {
await pubsub.publish('scheduler-requests', request);

// Updates task status in Datastore.
task.attempts = (task.attempts ?? 0) + 1;
// Mark task as in progress to ensure it isn't scheduled over
task.status = Task.statusInProgress;
await datastore.insert(<Task>[task]);

// Updates task status in Firestore.
final int newAttempt = int.parse(!.split('_').last) + 1;
tags['current_attempt'] = <String>[newAttempt.toString()];
taskDocument.resetAsRetry(attempt: newAttempt);
final List<Write> writes = documentsToWrites([taskDocument], exists: false);
await firestoreService.batchWriteDocuments(BatchWriteRequest(writes: writes), kDatabase);

return true;

Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions app_dart/test/service/luci_build_service_test.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/luci/buildbucket.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/model/luci/push_message.dart' as push_message;
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/exceptions.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/src/service/datastore.dart';
import 'package:gcloud/datastore.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:googleapis/firestore/v1.dart' hide Status;
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1058,6 +1059,39 @@ void main() {
expect(rerunFlag, isTrue);

test('Skip rerun a failed test when task status update hit exception', () async {
firestoreTask = generateFirestoreTask(1, attempts: 1, status: firestore.Task.statusInfraFailure);
).thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) {
throw InternalError();
firestoreCommit = generateFirestoreCommit(1);
totCommit = generateCommit(1);
config.db.values[totCommit.key] = totCommit;
config.maxLuciTaskRetriesValue = 1;
final Task task = generateTask(
status: Task.statusFailed,
parent: totCommit,
buildNumber: 1,
final Target target = generateTarget(1);
final bool rerunFlag = await service.checkRerunBuilder(
commit: totCommit,
task: task,
target: target,
datastore: datastore,
firestoreService: mockFirestoreService,
taskDocument: firestoreTask!,
expect(rerunFlag, isFalse);
expect(pubsub.messages.length, 0);

test('Do not rerun a successful builder', () async {
firestoreTask = generateFirestoreTask(1, attempts: 1);
totCommit = generateCommit(1);
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions packages/buildbucket-dart/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
# 1.0.12

- Adding dependencies for resultdb.

# 1.0.11

- Add resultsDb protos to the lib.

# 1.0.10

- Expose Builder_Item and Builder_Metadata.
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions packages/buildbucket-dart/lib/buildbucket_pb.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,17 @@ export 'src/generated/'
export 'src/generated/'
show NotificationConfig, BuildsV2PubSub, PubSubCallBack;

// resultsDb
export 'src/generated/'
show TestResult, TestResultFile, TestResultFile_Format, Artifact, Artifact_Body;
export 'src/generated/'
show ReportTestResultsRequest, ReportTestResultsResponse, ReportInvocationLevelArtifactsRequest;
export 'src/generated/'
show LocationTags, LocationTags_Dir, LocationTags_File, LocationTags_Repo;
export 'src/generated/'
show TestMetadata, TestLocation, TestMetadataDetail, IssueTrackerComponent;
export 'src/generated/' show TestStatus, TestExoneration;

export 'src/generated/google/protobuf/struct.pb.dart' show Struct, Value, Value_Kind, NullValue, ListValue;
export 'src/generated/google/protobuf/any.pb.dart' show Any;
export 'src/generated/google/protobuf/duration.pb.dart' show Duration;
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
// Generated code. Do not modify.
// source:
// @dart = 2.12

// ignore_for_file: annotate_overrides, camel_case_types, comment_references
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names, library_prefixes
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, prefer_final_fields
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_import, unnecessary_this, unused_import

import 'dart:core' as $core;

import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart' as $fixnum;
import 'package:protobuf/protobuf.dart' as $pb;

import '../../../../../google/protobuf/timestamp.pb.dart' as $0;
import 'test_result.pbenum.dart' as $1;

/// A file produced during a build/test, typically a test artifact.
/// The parent resource is either a TestResult or an Invocation.
/// An invocation-level artifact might be related to tests, or it might not, for
/// example it may be used to store build step logs when streaming support is
/// added.
/// Next id: 10.
class Artifact extends $pb.GeneratedMessage {
factory Artifact({
$core.String? name,
$core.String? artifactId,
$core.String? fetchUrl,
$0.Timestamp? fetchUrlExpiration,
$core.String? contentType,
$fixnum.Int64? sizeBytes,
$core.List<$>? contents,
$core.String? gcsUri,
$1.TestStatus? testStatus,
}) {
final $result = create();
if (name != null) {
$ = name;
if (artifactId != null) {
$result.artifactId = artifactId;
if (fetchUrl != null) {
$result.fetchUrl = fetchUrl;
if (fetchUrlExpiration != null) {
$result.fetchUrlExpiration = fetchUrlExpiration;
if (contentType != null) {
$result.contentType = contentType;
if (sizeBytes != null) {
$result.sizeBytes = sizeBytes;
if (contents != null) {
$result.contents = contents;
if (gcsUri != null) {
$result.gcsUri = gcsUri;
if (testStatus != null) {
$result.testStatus = testStatus;
return $result;
Artifact._() : super();
factory Artifact.fromBuffer($core.List<$> i, [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) =>
create()..mergeFromBuffer(i, r);
factory Artifact.fromJson($core.String i, [$pb.ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) =>
create()..mergeFromJson(i, r);

static final $pb.BuilderInfo _i = $pb.BuilderInfo(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'Artifact',
package: const $pb.PackageName(_omitMessageNames ? '' : 'luci.resultdb.v1'), createEmptyInstance: create)
..aOS(1, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'name')
..aOS(2, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'artifactId')
..aOS(3, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'fetchUrl')
..aOM<$0.Timestamp>(4, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'fetchUrlExpiration', subBuilder: $0.Timestamp.create)
..aOS(5, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'contentType')
..aInt64(6, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'sizeBytes')
..a<$core.List<$>>(7, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'contents', $pb.PbFieldType.OY)
..aOS(8, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'gcsUri')
..e<$1.TestStatus>(9, _omitFieldNames ? '' : 'testStatus', $pb.PbFieldType.OE,
defaultOrMaker: $1.TestStatus.STATUS_UNSPECIFIED,
valueOf: $1.TestStatus.valueOf,
enumValues: $1.TestStatus.values)
..hasRequiredFields = false;

@$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. '
'Use [GeneratedMessageGenericExtensions.deepCopy] instead. '
'Will be removed in next major version')
Artifact clone() => Artifact()..mergeFromMessage(this);
@$core.Deprecated('Using this can add significant overhead to your binary. '
'Use [GeneratedMessageGenericExtensions.rebuild] instead. '
'Will be removed in next major version')
Artifact copyWith(void Function(Artifact) updates) =>
super.copyWith((message) => updates(message as Artifact)) as Artifact;

$pb.BuilderInfo get info_ => _i;

static Artifact create() => Artifact._();
Artifact createEmptyInstance() => create();
static $pb.PbList<Artifact> createRepeated() => $pb.PbList<Artifact>();
static Artifact getDefault() => _defaultInstance ??= $pb.GeneratedMessage.$_defaultFor<Artifact>(create);
static Artifact? _defaultInstance;

/// Can be used to refer to this artifact.
/// Format:
/// - For invocation-level artifacts:
/// "invocations/{INVOCATION_ID}/artifacts/{ARTIFACT_ID}".
/// - For test-result-level artifacts:
/// "invocations/{INVOCATION_ID}/tests/{URL_ESCAPED_TEST_ID}/results/{RESULT_ID}/artifacts/{ARTIFACT_ID}".
/// where URL_ESCAPED_TEST_ID is the test_id escaped with
/// (see also,
/// and ARTIFACT_ID is documented below.
/// Examples: "screenshot.png", "traces/a.txt".
$core.String get name => $_getSZ(0);
set name($core.String v) {
$_setString(0, v);

$core.bool hasName() => $_has(0);
void clearName() => clearField(1);

/// A local identifier of the artifact, unique within the parent resource.
/// MAY have slashes, but MUST NOT start with a slash.
/// SHOULD not use backslashes.
/// Regex: ^(?:[[:word:]]|\.)([\p{L}\p{M}\p{N}\p{P}\p{S}\p{Zs}]{0,254}[[:word:]])?$
$core.String get artifactId => $_getSZ(1);
set artifactId($core.String v) {
$_setString(1, v);

$core.bool hasArtifactId() => $_has(1);
void clearArtifactId() => clearField(2);

/// A signed short-lived URL to fetch the contents of the artifact.
/// See also fetch_url_expiration.
$core.String get fetchUrl => $_getSZ(2);
set fetchUrl($core.String v) {
$_setString(2, v);

$core.bool hasFetchUrl() => $_has(2);
void clearFetchUrl() => clearField(3);

/// When fetch_url expires. If expired, re-request this Artifact.
$0.Timestamp get fetchUrlExpiration => $_getN(3);
set fetchUrlExpiration($0.Timestamp v) {
setField(4, v);

$core.bool hasFetchUrlExpiration() => $_has(3);
void clearFetchUrlExpiration() => clearField(4);
$0.Timestamp ensureFetchUrlExpiration() => $_ensure(3);

/// Media type of the artifact.
/// Logs are typically "text/plain" and screenshots are typically "image/png".
/// Optional.
$core.String get contentType => $_getSZ(4);
set contentType($core.String v) {
$_setString(4, v);

$core.bool hasContentType() => $_has(4);
void clearContentType() => clearField(5);

/// Size of the file.
/// Can be used in UI to decide between displaying the artifact inline or only
/// showing a link if it is too large.
/// If you are using the gcs_uri, this field is not verified, but only treated as a hint.
$fixnum.Int64 get sizeBytes => $_getI64(5);
set sizeBytes($fixnum.Int64 v) {
$_setInt64(5, v);

$core.bool hasSizeBytes() => $_has(5);
void clearSizeBytes() => clearField(6);

/// Contents of the artifact.
/// This is INPUT_ONLY, and taken by BatchCreateArtifacts().
/// All getter RPCs, such as ListArtifacts(), do not populate values into
/// the field in the response.
/// If specified, `gcs_uri` must be empty.
$core.List<$> get contents => $_getN(6);
set contents($core.List<$> v) {
$_setBytes(6, v);

$core.bool hasContents() => $_has(6);
void clearContents() => clearField(7);

/// The GCS URI of the artifact if it's stored in GCS. If specified, `contents` must be empty.
$core.String get gcsUri => $_getSZ(7);
set gcsUri($core.String v) {
$_setString(7, v);

$core.bool hasGcsUri() => $_has(7);
void clearGcsUri() => clearField(8);

/// Status of the test result that the artifact belongs to.
/// This is only applicable for test-level artifacts, not invocation-level artifacts.
/// We need this field because when an artifact is created (for example, with BatchCreateArtifact),
/// the containing test result may or may not be created yet, as they
/// are created in different channels from result sink.
/// Having the test status here allows setting the correct status of artifact in BigQuery.
$1.TestStatus get testStatus => $_getN(8);
set testStatus($1.TestStatus v) {
setField(9, v);

$core.bool hasTestStatus() => $_has(8);
void clearTestStatus() => clearField(9);

const _omitFieldNames = $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_field_names');
const _omitMessageNames = $core.bool.fromEnvironment('protobuf.omit_message_names');
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Generated code. Do not modify.
// source:
// @dart = 2.12

// ignore_for_file: annotate_overrides, camel_case_types, comment_references
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names, library_prefixes
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, prefer_final_fields
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_import, unnecessary_this, unused_import

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