diff --git a/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr.dart b/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr.dart
index 10ab0bc95..6bca5d3cd 100644
--- a/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr.dart
+++ b/app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr.dart
@@ -55,11 +55,7 @@ class FileFlakyIssueAndPR extends ApiRequestHandler
final Map nameToExistingPR = await getExistingPRs(gitHub, slug);
int filedIssueAndPRCount = 0;
for (final BuilderStatistic statistic in builderStatisticList) {
- // Skip if ignore_flakiness is specified.
- if (getIgnoreFlakiness(statistic.name, ciYaml)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (statistic.flakyRate < _threshold) {
+ if (shouldSkip(statistic, ciYaml, targets)) {
@@ -93,6 +89,22 @@ class FileFlakyIssueAndPR extends ApiRequestHandler {
+ bool shouldSkip(BuilderStatistic statistic, CiYaml ciYaml, List targets) {
+ // Skips if the target has been removed from .ci.yaml.
+ if (!targets.map((e) => e.name).toList().contains(statistic.name)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Skips if ignore_flakiness is specified.
+ if (getIgnoreFlakiness(statistic.name, ciYaml)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Skips if the flaky percentage is below the threshold.
+ if (statistic.flakyRate < _threshold) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
double get _threshold => double.parse(request!.uri.queryParameters[kThresholdKey]!);
Future _fileIssueAndPR(
diff --git a/app_dart/test/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr_test.dart b/app_dart/test/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr_test.dart
index f5ec497f2..1c44b27e8 100644
--- a/app_dart/test/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr_test.dart
+++ b/app_dart/test/request_handlers/file_flaky_issue_and_pr_test.dart
@@ -672,6 +672,28 @@ void main() {
expect(result['Status'], 'success');
+ test('skips when the target doesn not exist', () {
+ final YamlMap? ci = loadYaml(ciYamlContent) as YamlMap?;
+ final pb.SchedulerConfig unCheckedSchedulerConfig = pb.SchedulerConfig()..mergeFromProto3Json(ci);
+ final CiYaml ciYaml = CiYaml(
+ slug: Config.flutterSlug,
+ branch: Config.defaultBranch(Config.flutterSlug),
+ config: unCheckedSchedulerConfig,
+ );
+ final BuilderStatistic builderStatistic = BuilderStatistic(
+ name: 'Mac_android test',
+ flakyRate: 0.5,
+ flakyBuilds: ['103', '102', '101'],
+ succeededBuilds: ['203', '202', '201'],
+ recentCommit: 'abc',
+ flakyBuildOfRecentCommit: '103',
+ flakyNumber: 3,
+ totalNumber: 6,
+ );
+ final List targets = unCheckedSchedulerConfig.targets;
+ expect(handler.shouldSkip(builderStatistic, ciYaml, targets), true);
+ });
test('retrieveMetaTagsFromContent can work with different newlines', () async {
diff --git a/cipd_packages/codesign/lib/src/file_codesign_visitor.dart b/cipd_packages/codesign/lib/src/file_codesign_visitor.dart
index 31f7a6844..042c05185 100644
--- a/cipd_packages/codesign/lib/src/file_codesign_visitor.dart
+++ b/cipd_packages/codesign/lib/src/file_codesign_visitor.dart
@@ -255,6 +255,10 @@ update these file paths accordingly.
log.info('Child file of directory ${directory.basename} is ${entity.basename}');
+ final String directoryExtension = directory.basename.split('.').last;
+ if (directoryExtension == 'framework' || directoryExtension == 'xcframework') {
+ await codesignAtPath(binaryOrBundlePath: directory.absolute.path);
+ }
/// Unzip an [EmbeddedZip] and visit its children.
@@ -314,17 +318,24 @@ update these file paths accordingly.
if (dryrun) {
+ await codesignAtPath(binaryOrBundlePath: binaryFile.absolute.path, entitlementCurrentPath: entitlementCurrentPath);
+ }
+ Future codesignAtPath({
+ required String binaryOrBundlePath,
+ String? entitlementCurrentPath,
+ }) async {
final List args = [
'build.keychain', // specify the keychain to look for cert
- '-f', // force
+ '-f', // force. Needed to overwrite signature if major executable of bundle is already signed before bundle is signed.
'-s', // use the cert provided by next argument
- binaryFile.absolute.path,
+ binaryOrBundlePath,
'--timestamp', // add a secure timestamp
'--options=runtime', // hardened runtime
- if (fileWithEntitlements.contains(entitlementCurrentPath)) ...[
+ if (entitlementCurrentPath != '' && fileWithEntitlements.contains(entitlementCurrentPath)) ...[
@@ -338,7 +349,7 @@ update these file paths accordingly.
throw CodesignException(
- 'Failed to codesign ${binaryFile.absolute.path} with args: ${args.join(' ')}\n'
+ 'Failed to codesign binary or bundle at $binaryOrBundlePath with args: ${args.join(' ')}\n'
'stdout:\n${(result.stdout as String).trim()}'
'stderr:\n${(result.stderr as String).trim()}',
diff --git a/cipd_packages/codesign/test/file_codesign_visitor_test.dart b/cipd_packages/codesign/test/file_codesign_visitor_test.dart
index 53a2ee5fa..31e0b677d 100644
--- a/cipd_packages/codesign/test/file_codesign_visitor_test.dart
+++ b/cipd_packages/codesign/test/file_codesign_visitor_test.dart
@@ -561,6 +561,87 @@ void main() {
+ test('visitDirectory codesigns framework bundle', () async {
+ fileSystem
+ ..file('${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6/non_bundle/file_a').createSync(recursive: true)
+ ..file('${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework/bundle.framework/file_b')
+ .createSync(recursive: true);
+ final Directory testDirectory = fileSystem.directory('${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6');
+ processManager.addCommands([
+ FakeCommand(
+ command: [
+ 'file',
+ '--mime-type',
+ '-b',
+ '${rootDirectory.absolute.path}/remote_zip_6/non_bundle/file_a',
+ ],
+ stdout: 'other_files',
+ ),
+ FakeCommand(
+ command: [
+ 'file',
+ '--mime-type',
+ '-b',
+ '${rootDirectory.absolute.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework/bundle.framework/file_b',
+ ],
+ stdout: 'other_files',
+ ),
+ FakeCommand(
+ command: [
+ '/usr/bin/codesign',
+ '--keychain',
+ 'build.keychain',
+ '-f',
+ '-s',
+ randomString,
+ '${rootDirectory.absolute.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework/bundle.framework',
+ '--timestamp',
+ '--options=runtime',
+ ],
+ exitCode: 0,
+ ),
+ FakeCommand(
+ command: [
+ '/usr/bin/codesign',
+ '--keychain',
+ 'build.keychain',
+ '-f',
+ '-s',
+ randomString,
+ '${rootDirectory.absolute.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework',
+ '--timestamp',
+ '--options=runtime',
+ ],
+ exitCode: 0,
+ ),
+ ]);
+ await codesignVisitor.visitDirectory(
+ directory: testDirectory,
+ parentVirtualPath: '',
+ );
+ final Set messages = records
+ .where((LogRecord record) => record.level == Level.INFO)
+ .map((LogRecord record) => record.message)
+ .toSet();
+ expect(messages, contains('Visiting directory ${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6/non_bundle'));
+ expect(
+ messages,
+ contains('Visiting directory ${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework/bundle.framework'),
+ );
+ expect(
+ messages,
+ contains(
+ 'Executing: /usr/bin/codesign --keychain build.keychain -f -s $randomString ${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework/bundle.framework --timestamp --options=runtime\n',
+ ),
+ );
+ expect(
+ messages,
+ contains(
+ 'Executing: /usr/bin/codesign --keychain build.keychain -f -s $randomString ${rootDirectory.path}/remote_zip_6/bundle.xcframework --timestamp --options=runtime\n',
+ ),
+ );
+ });
test('visitBinary codesigns binary with / without entitlement', () async {
codesignVisitor = cs.FileCodesignVisitor(
codesignCertName: randomString,