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Dailymotion Swift Player SDK for iOS

Build Status Version License Platform


  • Xcode 8 and later
  • Swift 3
  • iOS 8+

Note: If you require an Objective-C version of the library or support for iOS < 8, use the old version of the library.


The preferred way is via CocoaPods. To install, add the following to your Podfile:


pod 'DailymotionPlayerSDK`


In the view controller that is going to serve videos, keep a reference to the Dailymotion player, and set your class as delegate:

import UIKit
import DailymotionPlayerSDK

class VideoViewController: UIViewController {

  // The player container. See setupPlayerViewController()
  @IBOutlet private var containerView: UIView!

  private lazy var playerViewController: DMPlayerViewController = {
    // If you have an OAuth token, you can pass it to the player to hook up
    // a user's view history.
    let parameters: [String: Any] = [
      "fullscreen-action": "trigger_event", // Trigger an event when the users toggles full screen mode in the player
      "sharing-action": "trigger_event" // Trigger an event to share the video to e.g. show a UIActivityViewController
    let controller = DMPlayerViewController(parameters: parameters)
    controller.delegate = self
    return controller

  override func viewDidLoad() {

  // Add the player to your view. e.g. add a container on your storyboard
  // and add the player's view as subview to that
  private func setupPlayerViewController() {

    let view = playerViewController.view!
    view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
    // Make the player's view fit our container view
      view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.leadingAnchor),
      view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.trailingAnchor),
      view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.topAnchor),
      view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: containerView.bottomAnchor)


extension VideoViewController: DMPlayerViewControllerDelegate {

  // The delegate has 2 mandatory functions

  func player(_ player: DMPlayerViewController, didReceiveEvent event: PlayerEvent) {
    // Sends player events of either .namedEvent(name: String, data: [String: String]?) or .timeEvent(name: String, time: Double)

  func player(_ player: DMPlayerViewController, openUrl url: URL) {
    // Sent when a user taps on an ad that can display more information


For a full list of events, see the player API events page

To playback a video, call the player's load method with the video's id:

func loadVideo(withId id: String) {
  playerViewController.load(videoId: id)

For a list of parameters, see the player API parameters page.

To handle events sent by the player, let's implement the event delegate method mentioned above:

func player(_ player: DMPlayerViewController, didReceiveEvent event: PlayerEvent) {
  switch event {
    case .namedEvent(let name, _) where name == "fullscreen_toggle_requested":

private func toggleFullScreen() {
  // Keep track of the orientation via an isPlayerFullscreen bool
  isPlayerFullscreen = !isPlayerFullscreen

private func updateDeviceOrientation() {
  let orientation: UIDeviceOrientation = isPlayerFullscreen ? .landscapeLeft : .portrait
  UIDevice.current.setValue(orientation.rawValue, forKey: #keyPath(UIDevice.orientation))

private func updatePlayerSize() {
  if isPlayerFullscreen {
    playerHeightConstraint.constant = nextSize.height
  } else {
    // Keep track of the initial player's height, e.g. via a didSet handler in the constraint outlet
    playerHeightConstraint.constant = initialPlayerHeight

See the Example directory for a working sample of all this in action.


DailymotionPlayerSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.