Neovim theme heavily based on the Gruvbox Minor VS**** theme, written in Lua with Treesitter support!
This colorscheme was made for personal use.
I mainly code in Typescript and Golang, so there might be a few highlight groups that were not set yet.
I also use treesitter, so I didn't bother making the theme work without it.
Therefore, PR's are more than welcome.
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {},
use ("ricardoraposo/gruvbox-minor.nvim")
colorscheme gruvbox-minor
- adamsome/gruvbox minor for vscode for creating the original theme
- LunarVim/onedarker.nvim was used as an inspiration for the lua porting
- Djanho was used to create the first highlight groups from the original vs**** version