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Classified Ads Publishing Bot (python/selenium)

AdsBot is an automated system to publish classified ads for used items on specialized websites.
Ad publishing is currently available for the following websites:

This software is provided for educational purposes only.
You should not use it to publish your ads without the explicit permission from the specific service provider's platform.

Getting start

This project uses a specific docker image ricfio/adsbot based on the repository ricfio/sandbox-slenium.

The first time you need to build the docker image:

make docker-build

Then you can login docker container with this command:

make docker-login

Now you can use the software inside the docker container:

usage: [--help] <command>

 - list               List ads
 - publish            Publish ads

List Ads:

./ list

Publish Ads:

./ publish


You need a registered account to publish ads on
Update your .env file adding SUBITO_USERNAME and SUBITO_PASSWORD variables:

# Application Config Path (for Dependency Injection)


The software use a very basic dependency injection system based on a config.json file (see CONFIG_PATH).
You would like change the CONFIG_PATH to config.test.json (test configuration).

Here the config.test.json content:

  "datasource": {
    "name": "json_file_reader",
    "args": {
      "adlist_json_path": "./data/test/ads_subito_it.json",
      "images_base_path": "./data/test/images"
  "publishers": [
      "name": "subito_it",
      "args": {

You can change the json filepath (adlist_json_path) to point to a folder with the ads to publish.
Of course you can change the ads path, but you could also update the json content.

You can found some examples of ads in the json file used for the automatic testing:

  • ./data/test/ads_subito_it.json


To run the all test suites:


To run a specific test only:

pytest tests/integration/ -k 'ads_json_subito_it0'


This software has been implemented in Python language and uses Selenium WebDriver.

Supported Datasource Providers

The supported datasource providers are:

  • json_file_reader: Fetch ads in json format reading from a local file.
  • json_http_client: Fetch ads in json format sending a HTTP request.

Example of configuration for json_file_reader:

  "datasource": {
    "name": "json_file_reader",
    "args": {
      "adlist_json_path": "./data/test/ads_subito_it.json",
      "images_base_path": "./data/test/images"

Example of configuration for json_file_reader:

  "datasource": {
    "name": "json_http_client",
    "args": {
      "adlist_json_path": "http://host.docker.internal:3042/publishers/subito_it/ads",
      "images_base_path": "./data/test/images"


Some features could be implemented in the next releases are:

  • Improve CLI to select only a subset of ads (--offset=, --limit=)
  • Add tests for CLI
  • Implement new alternative datasources to fetch ads (for example: from Databases, API, etc.)
  • Add other service providers to support ads multi publishing