Field | Explanation |
BillNumber | Number of the bill you are reporting. It has to be sequential and unique number, max. 25 chars. |
CurrencyValue | The bill value in CZK. |
PremisesId | Location/branch/premises ID assigned by the Czech government. Most common ID is 11. |
RegistryId | Registry/node ID. Note that 2 employees cannot use the same registry during the same shift as per the law. Also, you should not issue 2 bills from the same registry at the very same second. It cannot be longer than 20 chars. |
TaxId | Taxpayer VAT ID assigned by the ministry of finance. |
IsFirstAttempt | Report retry. It may happen that you report a bill, the EET API receives the request, processes it but you never retrieve the response (e.g. network fails) - they want us to explicitly state that we are trying for a bill we have already tried to report and it's not a duplicate bill number. |
FIK | Fiskální identifikační kód = Fiscal code = The "GUID" generated by the EET API, which uniquely identifies the bill - that's the most important thing you need to have on the bill. |
PKP | Podpisový Kód Poplatníka = it's basically txt representation of the important data from the bill, signed by the certificate (and some transformations like Base64). That has to be always on the bill and is sent to the EET API. Basically a checksum and integrity verification. This has to be on the bill when the communication fails and you do not have a FIK to print on the bill. They will analyze the PKP using your public key from the certificate and revert back to the original CSV which contains date, sum, bill number, registry id, etc. |
BKP | Bezpečnostní Kód Poplatníka = Taxpayer security code - when they check the physical bill for cheating - it is SHA256 of PKP (octet representation) and it always has to be on the bill. |