provides a C API for Quilc and QVM.
These libraries are required by libquil
for linear algebra routineslibffi
for cross-language executionlibz
for compression
On systems which use apt
to install packages (e.g. Ubuntu), these libraries can be installed with the command
sudo apt install libblas-dev libffi-dev libffi7 liblapack-dev libz-dev
On systems which use brew
to install packages (e.g macOS), these libraries can be installed with the command
brew install lapack openblas libffi
A script is provided to automate installation of the library. It will detect the host operating system and install the library to an appropriate location. A version identifier can be provided to install a particular version of the library. If no version is provided, the latest version of the library will be installed.
Note: the installer script requires
to install the library into the system.
Note: on macOS,
is also used to mark the library files as trusted. The files themselves are not signed and macOS will, by default, flag them as insecure.
Run the following command
curl | bash
If you would like to install a particular version of the library, run the following command
curl | bash -s <version-identifier>
replacing <version-identifier>
with the desired version, e.g. 0.5.0
If you would like to manually install the library (for example in the case where you want to install the library to a non-standard location), find the appropriate version and operating system from the releases page. Within the .zip
archive you will find the library and header files that are required to use the library. Move these into your file system.
Enum which indicates whether a function call was successful (LIBQUIL_ERROR_SUCCESS
). Most functions will have this as their return type. -
libquil_error_t libquil_error(char** error_msg)
Used to retrieve the last error message from libquil.When any error is encountered by libquil, it will be stored in memory. A subsequent call to
will return that error message. After callinglibquil_error
, the error is cleared from memory such that immediately callinglibquil_error
after a previous call will return an empty string (indicating no errors since the previous error).
An opaque pointer to a Quilc program object -
An opaque pointer to a Quilc chip specification object -
An opaque pointer to a Quilc version object -
libquil_error quilc_get_version_info(quilc_version_info *version_info)
Allocates aquilc_version_info
object and stores the pointer to it inversion_info
libquil_error quilc_version_info_version(quilc_version_info version_info, char** version)
Allocates memory which indicates the version string of Quilc and stores the pointer to it inversion
libquil_error quilc_version_info_githash(quilc_version_info version_info, char** githash)
Allocates memory which indicates the githash string of Quilc and stores the pointer to it inversion
libquil_error_t quilc_parse_quil(char* program, quil_program *result)
Parses theprogram
string and stores it in aquil_program
libquil_error_t quilc_print_program(quil_program program)
Prints theprogram
to stdout -
libquil_error_t quilc_program_string(quil_program program, char** result)
Allocates and populates achar*
which is the givenprogram
's string representation -
libquil_error_t quilc_compile_quil(quil_program program, chip_specification chip_spec, quil_program* compiled_program)
Compiles theprogram
for the provided chip specification and stores it in aquil_program
libquil_error_t quilc_compile_protoquil(quil_program program, chip_specification chip_spec, quil_program* compiled_program)
Compiles the (protoquil)program
for the provided chip specification and stores it in aquil_program
libquil_error_t quilc_conjugate_pauli_by_clifford(void* pauli_indices, int pauli_indices_len, void* pauli_terms, int pauli_terms_len, quil_program clifford, void* phase, void* pauli)
Conjugates a Pauli operator by a Clifford operatorAfter having called
will be the encoded global phase factorpauli
will be a string description of the resulting encoded Pauli operator
libquil_error_t quilc_generate_rb_sequence(int depth, int qubits, void* gateset_ptr, int gateset_len, int seed, void* interleaver, void* results_ptr, void* result_lens_ptr)
Generates a randomized benchmarking sequenceAfter having called
(a pre-allocatedint
array of lengthdepth
) will contain integers describing the segmentation ofresults_ptr
will be populated with a flat array of integer values, the interpretation of which depends onresults_len_ptr
. This memory should be freed withfree
libquil_error_t quilc_build_nq_linear_chip(int n, chip_specification* chip_spec)
Builds a linearly-connectedn
-qubit chip specification and stores it inchip_spec
libquil_error_t quilc_chip_spec_from_isa_descriptor(char* isa_json, chip_specification* chip_spec)
Builds an arbitrary chip specification using the JSON-encoded ISA description
An opaque pointer to a QVM multishot addresses object -
libquil_error_t qvm_multishot_result
An opaque pointer to a QVM multishot result object -
libquil_error_t qvm_version_info
An opaque pointer to a QVM version info object -
libquil_error_t qvm_get_version_info(qvm_version_info* version_info)
Get a newqvm_version_info
libquil_error_t qvm_version_info_version(qvm_version_info version_info, char** version)
Populate a string at*version
which has the QVM version -
libquil_error_t qvm_version_info_githash(qvm_version_info version_info, char** version)
Populate a string at*githash
which has the QVM githash -
libquil_error_t qvm_multishot_addresses_new(qvm_multishot_addresses* addresses)
Allocate memory for theqvm_multishot_addresses
object -
libquil_error_t qvm_multishot_addresses_set(qvm_multishot_addresses addresses, char* name, void* indices, int len)
Set the indices of a memory region which should be collected when usingqvm_multishot
.For example, if your register was named
and you wanted to get indices 0 and 2, you would provide"ro"
and{0, 2}
. (len
is the length ofindices
.) -
libquil_error_t qvm_multishot(quil_program program, qvm_multishot_addresses addresses, int trials, qvm_multishot_result *result)
on the QVMtrials
-number of times, collecting theaddresses
libquil_error_t qvm_multishot_result_get(qvm_multishot_result qvm_result, char* region_name, int region_index, void* result)
Get the measurement results forregion_index
, storing the data in the pre-allocatedresult
should be a pointer to memory which has been allocated to storeN
integers, whereN
is thetrials
value used forqvm_multishot
. -
libquil_error_t qvm_multishot_measure(quil_program program, void* qubits, int n_qubits, int trials, void* result)
on the QVMtrials
-number of times, storing measurement results for the specifiedqubits
should be a pointer to memory which has been allocated to storen_qubits * trials
integers. This memory should be interpreted as the two-dimensional array whose outer dimension istrials
and whose inner dimension isn_qubits
. -
libquil_error_t qvm_expectation(quil_program state_prep, void* operators, int n_operators, void* result)
Calculate the expectation value<O|P|O>
is the provided state preparation programstate_prep
is an operator, for eachO
should be a pointer to memory that has been allocated to storen_operators
double-precision floats. -
libquil_error_t qvm_wavefunction(quil_program program, void* result)
on the QVM and return the associated wavefunctionresult
should be a pointer to memory that has been allocated to store2 * N_q^2
double-precision floats whereN_q
is the number of qubits used in the program. The factor of 2 is here to account for the fact that the wavefunction is a complex-valued vector, thus to represent it in C we need two values: one for the real part and one for the imaginary part.result
can be interpreted as a two-dimensional array whose outer dimension (sizeN_q^2
) is the wavefunction vector index, and whose inner dimension (size2
) is the pair of values making up the complex value. -
libquil_error_t qvm_probabilities(quil_program program, void* results_ptr)
on the QVM and return the wavefunction probabilitiesresult
should be a pointer to memory that has been allocated to storeN_q^2
double-precision floats whereN_q
is the number of qubits used in the program. Each indexi
is the probability of finding the wavefunction in the|i>
void lisp_release_handle(void* handle)
Frees the Lisp-allocated memory forhandle
int lisp_handle_eq(void* a, void* b)
Compare Lisp object handles -
int init(char* core)
Initialize the Lisp runtime using the providedcore
This MUST be performed before using any of the above functions.