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README for Mapcode REST API Web Services

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Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Stichting Mapcode Foundation (

This application provides a visualization REST API for the mapcode service statistics. It uses the Java Library for Mapcodes extensively.

Build and Run

First, make sure you have the correct file encoding (UTF8) set for Java on your system. Include this environment variable in your .profile or .bashrc:

export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"

The service always runs from a WAR file. To build the WAR file, type

    cd {project-root}
    mvn clean package -Pprod

You can run the WAR file in 3 ways:

  1. directly from the command-line, using:
    java -jar deployment/target/stats-{version}.war [--port {port}] [--silent] [--debug] [--help]

This will start the service at http://localhost:<port>/stats. If <port> is not specified, the default value is 8080. If it is 0, the server will choose any free port.

  1. directly from Maven using:
    cd deployment
    mvn jetty:run

This will start the service at http://localhost:8080/stats.

  1. in a Tomcat server, deploying the file deployment/target/stats-<version>.war into your Tomcat instance.

The first method, running the WAR file from the command-line, using java only is particularly useful if you wish use the XML services, for example, in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Missing and log4j.xml Files

The service requires 2 files called and log4j.xml to be present on the classpath. They are specifically not included in the WAR file by default, because that would make it impossible to change them without recompiling the service.


The file log4j.xml specifies the log levels during operations. An example of a log4j.xml file can be found in resources/src/main/external-resources-test/log4j.xml.

Make sure that file can be found on the classpath or add it resources/src/main/external-resources before building and it will be integrated in the WAR file.

The properties file contains the username and password for your MongDB database server for tracing, should you wish to use that.

If you get a start-up error complaining about a missing file, make sure you add it to the classpath (or add it to resources/src/main/external-resources) before building.

By default, you can simply use an empty file. So, you may want to use the example file as a starting point:

    cd resources/src/main
    cp external-resources-test/* external-resources/

This will copy an example log4j.xml and file to your resources.

Note that the files in external-resources are ignored by Git in .gitignore.

If you wish to use MongoDB tracing, will need to provide your own local, which override the following properties:

    MongoDBTrace.writeEnabled = false
    MongoDBTrace.servers = your-server:27017 (eg. localhost:27017)
    MongoDBTrace.database = your-database (eg. trace)
    MongoDBTrace.userName = your-username
    MongoDBTrace.password = your-password

The service will work with an empty file as well, but will not trace events to the database.

Using Java 8 on MacOSX

The source uses Java JDK 1.8, so make sure your Java compiler is set to 1.8, for example using something like (MacOSX):

    export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`

Smoke Testing The REST API

Try out if the web services work by entering the following URL in your web browser (this should show you a HTML help page):


Or use a tool like cURL:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/version
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/clusters/-80,-100,80,100

Setting up a test trace database in MongoDB

The trace database for testing needs to have authentication enabled. Use the username test and password test for that, like this, in the mongo shell:

    use trace
    db.createUser({user: "test", pwd: "test", roles: ["readWrite"]})

Using Git and .gitignore

It's good practice to set up a personal global .gitignore file on your machine which filters a number of files on your file systems that you do not wish to submit to the Git repository. You can set up your own global ~/.gitignore file by executing: git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore

In general, add the following file types to ~/.gitignore (each entry should be on a separate line): *.com *.class *.dll *.exe *.o *.so *.log *.sql *.sqlite *.tlog *.epoch *.swp *.hprof *.hprof.index *.releaseBackup *~

If you're using a Mac, filter: .DS_Store* Thumbs.db

If you're using IntelliJ IDEA, filter: *.iml *.iws .idea/

If you're using Eclips, filter: .classpath .project .settings .cache

If you're using NetBeans, filter: nb-configuration.xml *.orig

The local .gitignore file in the Git repository itself to reflect those file only that are produced by executing regular compile, build or release commands, such as: target/ out/

Bug Reports and New Feature Requests

If you encounter any problems with this library, don't hesitate to use the Issues session to file your issues. Normally, one of our developers should be able to comment on them and fix.