Releases: riotkit-org/wordpress-hardened
Releases · riotkit-org/wordpress-hardened
Add Harbor-Real-Ip header
This small release brings support for RiotKit's Harbor 2.0
Bugfix release: Resolve issues with bigger post forms when editing bigger posts
- Move NGINX temporary directory to /tmp
- Set to buffer the request not only via disk, but also on ram memory (less disk usage)
- Increases POST buffer to 256 kb
Bugfix release: PHP production settings
This hotfix release brings increased upload settings and configurable error reporting.
Bugfix release
Resolve syntax error in wp-config.php, add updater script
First image release
Hey nice people!
We are really happy to announce that we release v1.0 version of the Docker image!
- Complete CI on Travis (builds each new Wordpress version automatically)
- Wordpress installation fixes
- Clean up: Removed undocummented "NGINX featured"
With love and solidarity,
RiotKit - your grassroot, libertarian tech collective