List of random Codeforces problems, all of them are Div. 2 E problems. The problems are sorted, the most solved problem comes first. This is a good practice for whoever can solve almost all Div. 2 A, B, C and D problems, but might have some difficulties while solving the C problems.
Checkbox | ID | Problem Name | Online Judge | Difficulty |
1 | Pashmak and Graph | Codeforces | 5 |
2 | Civilization | Codeforces | 5 |
3 | Sereja and Brackets | Codeforces | 5 |
4 | Propagating tree | Codeforces | 5 |
5 | XOR on Segment | Codeforces | 5 |
6 | Yet Another Task with Queens | Codeforces | 6 |
7 | Mashmokh and Reverse Operation | Codeforces | 5 |
8 | Choosing Balls | Codeforces | 5 |
9 | Subsegments | Codeforces | 4 |
10 | Sausage Maximization | Codeforces | 5 |
11 | Games with Rectangle | Codeforces | 5 |
12 | Riding in a Lift | Codeforces | 5 |
13 | Fools and Roads | Codeforces | 4 |
14 | Enemy is weak | Codeforces | 5 |
15 | Cipher | Codeforces | 5 |
16 | Flawed Flow | Codeforces | 5 |
17 | Greg and Friends | Codeforces | 5 |
18 | Fish | Codeforces | 6 |
19 | Main Sequence | Codeforces | 5 |
20 | Jzzhu and Apples | Codeforces | 7 |
21 | Arthur and Brackets | Codeforces | 6 |
22 | Little Elephant and LCM | Codeforces | 5 |
23 | Prefix Product Sequence | Codeforces | 6 |
24 | Lucky Subsequence | Codeforces | 5 |
25 | Interesting Game | Codeforces | 5 |
26 | Zero-One | Codeforces | 4 |
27 | Divisors | Codeforces | 6 |
28 | Game on Tree | Codeforces | 6 |
29 | Last Chance | Codeforces | 5 |
30 | Build String | Codeforces | 5 |
31 | Number Transformation II | Codeforces | 6 |
32 | Double Profiles | Codeforces | 6 |
33 | Number Transformation | Codeforces | 5 |
34 | Prefix Product Sequence | Codeforces | 6 |
35 | DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers | Codeforces | 7 |
36 | DZY Loves Colors | Codeforces | 6 |
37 | Little Elephant and Shifts | Codeforces | 5 |
38 | Inna and Binary Logic | Codeforces | 5 |
39 | Martian Strings | Codeforces | 6 |
40 | Devu and Birthday Celebration | Codeforces | 6 |
41 | Iahub and Permutations | Codeforces | 5 |
42 | Hiking | Codeforces | 7 |
43 | Splitting the Uniqueness | Codeforces | 7 |
44 | George and Cards | Codeforces | 6 |
45 | Dima and Magic Guitar | Codeforces | 5 |
46 | Ski Base | Codeforces | 5 |
47 | Wrong Floyd | Codeforces | 5 |
48 | Empire Strikes Back | Codeforces | 6 |
49 | Mushroom Gnomes - 2 | Codeforces | 5 |
50 | Parking Lot | Codeforces | 6 |
51 | Xenia and Tree | Codeforces | 7 |
52 | Cactus | Codeforces | 6 |
53 | Anniversary | Codeforces | 7 |
54 | Hack it! | Codeforces | 7 |
55 | Graph Reconstruction | Codeforces | 6 |
56 | Help Caretaker | Codeforces | 6 |
57 | Martian Luck | Codeforces | 5 |
58 | Collisions | Codeforces | 6 |
59 | Chip Play | Codeforces | 5 |
60 | Beautiful Set | Codeforces | 6 |
61 | Strictly Positive Matrix | Codeforces | 5 |
62 | Square Tiling | Codeforces | 7 |
63 | Game | Codeforces | 7 |
64 | Dreamoon and Strings | Codeforces | 6 |
65 | Counter Attack | Codeforces | 7 |
66 | Three Horses | Codeforces | 6 |
67 | Playing with String | Codeforces | 7 |
68 | Colorado Potato Beetle | Codeforces | 6 |
69 | Three Swaps | Codeforces | 9 |
70 | Cyclical Quest | Codeforces | 8 |
71 | Petya and Pipes | Codeforces | 7 |
72 | Common ancestor | Codeforces | 7 |
73 | Neatness | Codeforces | 8 |
74 | Yaroslav and Algorithm | Codeforces | 7 |
75 | Strange Sorting | Codeforces | 8 |
76 | Helping People | Codeforces | 8 |
77 | Dima and Kicks | Codeforces | 7 |
78 | Hamming Distance | Codeforces | 6 |
79 | Delivering Carcinogen | Codeforces | 6 |
80 | Graph Cutting | Codeforces | 6 |
81 | The Last Hole! | Codeforces | 8 |
82 | Circling Round Treasures | Codeforces | 7 |
83 | Lucky Tickets | Codeforces | 8 |
84 | Help Greg the Dwarf | Codeforces | 7 |
85 | Transportation | Codeforces | 6 |
86 | Ship's Shortest Path | Codeforces | 7 |
87 | Horse Races | Codeforces | 8 |
88 | Roland and Rose | Codeforces | 8 |
89 | Binary Key | Codeforces | 7 |
90 | Yet Another Number Sequence | Codeforces | 9 |
91 | Piglet's Birthday | Codeforces | 7 |
92 | Inna and Large Sweet Matrix | Codeforces | 9 |
93 | Two Circles | Codeforces | 9 |
94 | Fox And Dinner | Codeforces | 6 |
95 | Ksenia and Combinatorics | Codeforces | 8 |
96 | Misha and Palindrome Degree | Codeforces | 7 |
97 | Expression | Codeforces | 8 |
98 | Lightbulb for Minister | Codeforces | 10 |
99 | Clever Fat Rat | Codeforces | 10 |
100 | MUH and Lots and Lots of Segments | Codeforces | 8 |