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Mod Creation_C# Programming_Game Code_Tips and Tricks

Quentin E. / iDeath edited this page Jul 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

Tips and Tricks

MonoBehaviour process flow:

Existing Methods

RoR2.Util has a lot of existing helping methods such as CheckRoll, ApplySpread, QuaternionSafeLookRotation, and PlaySound. Consider taking a look there before making any existing methods.

Iterate through all players

for (int i = 0; i < CharacterMaster.readOnlyInstancesList.Count; i++)
    //CharacterMaster.readOnlyInstancesList[i] is the player.


var instances = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances;
foreach (PlayerCharacterMasterController playerCharacterMaster in instances)
    //You can get the master via playerCharacterMaster.master
    //and the body via playerCharacterMaster.master.GetBody()

Get reference to local player


GodMode for players

On.RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage += (orig, self, damageInfo) => {
    var charComponent = self.GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
    if (charComponent != null && charComponent.isPlayerControlled)
    orig(self, damageInfo);

Toggle the mouse

using R2API.Utils;

public int ToggleCursor()
    var pes = MPEventSystemManager.primaryEventSystem;
    pes.cursorOpenerCount = pes.cursorOpenerCount > 0 ? 0 : 1;
    return pes.cursorOpenerCount;

Redirect the log output from the logfile to the game console

On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { };

Broadcast chat message:

Chat.SendBroadcastChat(new SimpleChatMessage { baseToken = "<color=#e5eefc>{0}: {1}</color>",  paramTokens = new [] { "SOME_USERNAME_STRING", "SOME_TEXT_STRING" } })

If you want to send something custom

Chat.SendBroadcastChat(new SimpleChatMessage { baseToken = "<color=#e5eefc>{0}</color>",  paramTokens = new [] { "SOME_TEXT_STRING" } })
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