Releases: risk-of-thunder/RoR2EditorKit
Releases · risk-of-thunder/RoR2EditorKit
3.5.0 - R2API Split Assemblies support
Taken from the readme changelog:
Core Changes:
- ExtendedMaterialEditor now attempts to get the action for a material, if it doesnt find any, it'll use the default inspector.
- ObjectEditingWindow's TargetType is now just a getter, obtaining the target type directly from the SerializedObject.
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Made the EntityStateConfiguration inspector able to draw fields as enums, courtesy of KingEnderBrine
- This is done by using the field as an int, and marking it with the EnumMask attribute.
- Fixed a bug where the CharacterBody template would have unfitting entity states assigned.
- Added 3 new Template options to CharacterBody template, courtesy of HeyImNoop
- Grounded is now the original prefab template.
- Flying uses a Wisp as a template.
- Stationary uses an Alpha construct as a template
- Boss uses a StoneTitan as a template.
- Major improvements and fixes to the MapNodeGroup inspector.
- Painter should now work properly
- Added a button to update hull masks
- Added a button that shifts nodes upwards, for creating Air nodes from ground nodes.
- Added a button that shifts nodes downards, for creating ground nodes from Air nodes
- Increased visibility of the Scene GUI
- Removed "Add Node on Cam Pos" keybind
- Updated ModCreatorWizard window to support R2API's Split assemblies update.
- Now will scan for all assemblies in the AppDomain, and add all the R2API submodules it finds as dependencies.
- Automatically adds said dependencies to your Manifest, main class, and assembly definition.
- Added R2APIMigrationWizard
- Scans for all assemblies in the app domain to find the R2API submodules loaded in the editor.
- Used for migrating a mod that uses the old R2API system to the split assemblies system.
- Replaces the single BepInDependency attribute for multiple attributes, depending on the amount of assemblies it finds.
- Replaces the assemblyDefinition and Manifest's dependencies from the single dll to the multiple dll's, depending on the amount of assemblies and manifests it finds.
- Made the EntityStateConfiguration inspector able to draw fields as enums, courtesy of KingEnderBrine
What's Changed
- EntityStateConfiguration drawing fields with EnumMask as enums by @KingEnderBrine in #5
- Added body type dropdown to the Character Body wizard by @Heyimmodding in #6
- Node painter updates!!! by @Heyimmodding in #7
New Contributors
- @KingEnderBrine made their first contribution in #5
- @Heyimmodding made their first contribution in #6
Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.5.0
3.4.0 - Scale Helper
- RoR2EditorScripts Changes:
- Added a Scaling Tool window, used to roughly see how big something is compared to ror2 bodies and stages.
- Changed the EntityStateConfiguration inspector to use the old IMGUI version instead of visual elements.
- All improvements made are also in the IMGUI inspector.
- EntityStateConfiguration inspector no longer tries to serialize fields marked as constant
- Added a Gizmo for visualizing the scale of a HitBox
3.3.1 - SerializableShaderWrapper
Core Changes:
- Added SerializableShaderWrapper
- Serializes shaders by serializing their and their GUID's
- The material editor now works properly by using the SerializableShaderWrapper
- Added new utilities to the AssetDatabase utils class
- Added AssetRipper's Shader asset post processors.
- This in turn should fix unity destroying YAML shader assets.
- Added SerializableShaderWrapper
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Stage Creator wizard now prefixes the scene's name with the token prefix
- Fixed an issue where having mutliple inspectors would break the Skill Locator inspector.
- Fixed an issue where the CanBeRandomlyTriggered bool for EquipmentDefs wouldnt show
- Exposed HGCloudRemap's Internal Simple Blend Mode property
3.3.0 - You're a Wizard Harry.
Core Changes:
- Improved material editor so it doesnt wipe itself
- Added wizard systems
- A wizard allows you to create complex jobs for your project.
- All the asset GUID contants are now under Constants.AssetGUIDS class.
- Added a QuickLoad and GetPath methods for AssetGUIDS class.
- Added FormatPathForUnity and GetCurrentDirectory to IOUtils.
- Extended inspector's object name conventions have been extended.
- Can now specify both a custom help box message and custom name validation function
- Component Inspectors now always have the fancy enable toggle visual element.
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Added ModCreator wizard.
- Creates an Asmdef, manifest, assetbundle folder and main class for a mod
- Added StageCreator wizard
- Creates a template stage and scenedef
- Added CharacterBodyCreator Wizard
- Creates a valid CharacterBody by supplying minimal data and the FBX game object for the model.
- Added a SurvivorCreator Wizard
- Creates a SurvivorDef and DisplayPrefab, the DisplayPrefab is taken directly from the specified CharacterBody's model.
- Added MapNodeGroup inspector
- MapNodeGroup inspector allows for easy placement of nodes and utilities (Thanks Anreol & IDeath)
- EntityStateConfiguration no longer renames the asset file without consent if naming conventions are enabled.
- Added JumpVolume Inspector
- Automatically calculates the JumpVelocity using the Time variable and the TargetElevationTransform variable.
- Added SurvivorDef Inspector
- SerializableSystemType changes
- SerializableSystemType can now obtain the required type if the field is an Array.
- SerializableSystemType no longer fails to populate if a Type does not have an enclosing namespace.
- Added ModCreator wizard.
3.2.2 - Fixes and Improvements
Core Changes:
- XML documentation file now always appears when ROR2EK is installed via the UPM
- Extended editor window's opening methods now return the instance
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- ESC asset name now updates to the target type when the enable naming conventions is on
- ESC now displays a tooltip for serializable fields if the FieldInfo had the Tooltip attribute
- Updated Skill Locator for new bonus stock override skills
- Characterbody's crosshair prefab now properly shows in the inspector
3.2.1 - Code Cleanup
Core Changes:
- Cleaned up the code
- Added XML documentation file
- ListViewHelper now has a refresh method
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Cleaned up the code
3.2.0 - Editor Windows
Core Changes:
- Added "GetParentProperty" extension for SerializedProperty
- Added "SetDisplay" extension for VisualElements
- ListViewHelper's SerializedProperty can now be changed, allowing for dynamic use of a ListView
- ListViewHelper's created elements now have the name "elementN", a substring can be used to get the index of the serialized property
- Improved the ExtendedEditorWindow:
- Now works like pre 2.0.0 ExtendedEditorWindow
- Still uses VisualElements
- ExtendedEditorWindows can load their UI via TemplateHelpers
- Contains a SerializedObject that points to the instance of the ExtendedEditorWindow
- Added ObjectEditingEditorWindow
- ObjectEditingEditorWindow's main usage is for constructing more complex editing tools for objects
- ObjectEditingEditorWindow's SerializedObject points to the inspected/editing object
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Added an AssetCollectionInspector
3.1.0 - IMGUI is gone
There are no more inspectors that use IMGUI now, huzzah for visual elements!
Core Changes:
- Added Missing XML Documentation
- Added "HasDoneFirstDrawing" property to ExtendedInspector
- Added "ListViewHelper" class
- PropertyValidator now works on PropertyFields, as well as any VisualElement that implements "INotifyValueChanged"
- Made the returning value of the PropertyValidator's Functions nullable (Returning null skips the container drawing process)
- Removed UtilityMethods from ExtendedEditorWindow
- Improved the look of the MaterialEditorSettings and EditorInspectorSettings inspectors & settings window
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Redid the following inspectors to use VisualElements:
- ChildLocator
- EntityStateConfiguration
- ObjectScaleCurve
- Readded Tooltip and Labeling from NetworkStateMachine feature
- Added SerializableContentPack inspector
- Redid the following inspectors to use VisualElements:
3.0.2 - The mind is feeble
I thought i fixed the RoR2EditorScripts assemblyDef from not being editor only, i was wrong.
this makes them editor only, for real this time.
3.0.1 - Forgotten Tidbits
Core Changes:
- Fixed ScriptalbeObjectInspector drawing multiple InspectorEnabled toggles (3 inspectors = 3 toggles)
- Added ReflectionUtils class
RoR2EditorScripts changes:
- Changed the method that the EntityStateDrawer and SerializableSystemTypeDrawer uses for getting the current Types in the AppDomain