All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is inspired from Keep a Changelog and the versioning aim to respect Semantic Versioning.
Here is a template for new release sections
- popups for distilled layers if choropleth is None
- distilled layers in popups increasing indefinitely
- hover glitch when leaving layer
- choropleths not showing in distilled mode
- choropleth error due to duplicate layer entries after refresh
- popups for choropleths of distilled layers
- glitch due to layers max zoom
- hover layers for distilled MVTs
- columns in choropleth legend
- round last legend value
- default choropleth legend entries to 6 (instead of 5)
- removed legacy fly-to parameter in cold store
- remove fly-to-feature
- failing fly-to-feature as region layers are removed
- hovering layers can be defined regardless of region layer
- removed region-based distilling
- Custom layers and sources (e.g. WMS)
- show distilled layer on startup, if layer is present in startup layers
- custom choropleth legend labels
- choropleth legend lower and upper limits
- choropleth legend color matching
- error at max zoom level in MVTAPI
- region-specific setup has been removed, instead regions are handled like static MVTs
- MVTs can get min/max zoom and style named different from layer ID
- fly to element on map can be turned off
- add opacity to choropleth legend item colors
- docs for popups
- step size calculation rounds to 10, 100, 1000 etc.
- default choropleth legend entries to 5
- zero item in choropleth legend
- error in choropleths if value equals "1"
- Middleware to prevent 404 errors for missing MVTs
- region lines and labels at startup
- light and dark basemaps for datavisualization as default basemaps
- multiple basemaps possible
- initial cluster docs
- error message if region zoom level does not work with distill zoom level
- layers are activated by their full name, not beginning of name; cluster activation is adapted
- env names for distilling and tileservice
- min/max zoom in map setup
- distill offset factor
- distilled sources for layers referencing region MVTs
- range-key-dict dependency
- distilling
- error message for missing layer style
- layers reuse other sources and source layers if model managers match
- remove unnecessary model reference in ModelLayer class and Legend
- clean layer activation
- removed legacy layer handling
- remove colorbrewer dependency and implement colors locally
- popups above choropleths
- version check at image loading
- distill refactoring
- map image loading for maplibre version > 2.4.0
- remove upper constraint for django-environ dependency
- prevent empty popup on double-clicking a layer
- make basemap optional
- toggle legend visibility on choropleth (de)activation
- map store initialization
- choropleth legend unit brackets
- cluster properties to forward model attributes to map engine
- layer ordering; cluster layers are shown on top of other layers
- chart creation function must be declared by project app
- chart errors in popups
- chart options are taken from backend; no frontend modifications
- no choropleths set in settings
- title and unit for choropleths in legend
- default choropleth config
- popup template
- map state information is send for popups and choropleths
- lower and upper bounds for numbers in legend
- map urls for projects using i18n patterns
- choropleth legend
- refactored popups to work in combination with choropleths
- layer style lookup to utils and legend layer
- refactored choroplehts
- sources, layers and API interfaces are built from settings
- initial running map engine