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Here are links to the different board designs together with a short summary.

HAN_ESP_TSS721 (The current design)

This is the current and most robust design for the main board. There's been great help in creating this, both here on GitHub, but also at the Norwegian home automation forum,

The board

  • uses TSS721 for MBus to TTL conversion
  • holds ESP8266 for processing and transmit HAN data to WiFi / MQTT
  • full schematics and PCB in editable KiCad source files
  • features a temperature sensor (DS18B20)
  • uses a modular design, leaving these features optional
    • temperature sensor
    • M-bus TX
    • WiFi (Leave ESP, power supply and use for only M-bus to TTL)


At the time of this writing, this has never been tried as a whole, but all parts has been prototyped individually. First PCB prototypes are very soon in the order.

HAN_ESP_Simple (Was: Board 1)

The project's original board design. It

  • is based on the ESP8266 chip
  • is powered by USB
  • uses a very simple voltage divider to demodulate the M-bus signal
  • has shematic and pcb design only available as finished pdf/png files


Prototypes have been made and some people have started using them(?).

HAN_TTL_TSS721 (Was: Board 2)

This board design is a newer alternative to the original. It

  • is an Arduino shield.
  • uses the industry standard TSS721 chip to interface the M-bus.
  • is optically isolate
  • has shematic and pcb design available in editable KiCad source files


Unfinished, just started.

MBUS_Simulator (Was: Board 3)

This board is a M-bus master simulator to be able to develop and test the other boards without being dependent on having and using a real AMS unit.


Implementation done.

Please also see Getting started building or modifying