Install the KiCad program to edit the schematic or PCB. KiCad documentation and forums:
If you want to simulate parts of the circuit you also need a simulator. This is highly recommended! This saves a lot of troubleshooting and makes you find solutions you otherwise would not have found.
Electronic circuit simulation using computers have a long history. Many of them have origins directly or indirectly related to the classic SPICE simulator (e.g. Ngspice). At the core they work similar to source code compilers - you give it a text file describing the circuit and it produces a textual simulation result. Some of the simulators are intended to be used just in text mode while other have a graphical frontend where you are able to draw the circuit like in a schematic editor:
- QUCS - Quite Universal Circuit Simulator.
- QUCS-S - A qucs version using ngspice as simulation backend. This one has been used for the simulations for board 3.
- eSim.
- Other alternatives.
While it is possible to download the content from this repository as a compresset zip file, you want to use git to fetch the content. For Linux install depending on distribution with
apt-get install git # debian, ubuntu, etc
dnf install git # fedora
yum install git # rhel, centos
For windows the most convenient option is to install git for windows.
To download the source of this repository run:
git clone
cd AmsToMqttBridge
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
Make sure that all submodules are fetched. If not git submodule status
will show something like the following (notice the -
in front):
-f886cacb58461d356730e744d9d2ae55590825e4 kicad-symbols
while when properly fetched it will show the commit id normally (plus any labels if appropriate):
f886cacb58461d356730e744d9d2ae55590825e4 kicad-symbols (5.0.0-rc1)
To mitigate, run update:
$ git submodule update --init
Submodule 'Electrical/kicad-libs/kicad-symbols' ( registered for path 'kicad-symbols'
Cloning into '.../AmsToMqttBridge/Electrical/kicad-libs/kicad-symbols'...
Submodule path 'kicad-symbols': checked out 'f886cacb58461d356730e744d9d2ae55590825e4'