Interface (driver) software, including ROS node, for inertial sensors compatible with the Microstrain Communication Library (MSCL).
MSCL is developed by LORD Sensing - Microstrain in Williston, VT.
MSCL pre-built packages can be found here: MSCL Packages
We do our best to keep ROS-MSCL up-to-date with the latest MSCL changes, but sometimes there is a delay. The currently supported version of MSCL is v61.1.6
Install instructions can be found here: How to Use MSCL
If you choose to install MSCL at a location other than /usr/share, CMakeLists.txt will need to be updated with the install path.
Install ROS and create a workspace: Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment
Move the entire ROS-MSCL folder (ros_mscl and mscl_msgs for just source) to the your_workspace/src directory.
Locate and register the ros_mscl package:
rospack find ros_mscl
Build your workspace:
cd ~/your_workspace catkin_make source ~/your_workspace/devel/setup.bash
The source command may need to be run in each terminal prior to launching a ROS node.
The following command will launch the driver. Keep in mind each instance needs to be run in a separate terminal.
roslaunch ros_mscl microstrain.launch
Optional launch parameters:
- name: namespace the node will publish messages to, default: gx5
- port: serial port name to connect to the device over, default: /dev/ttyACM0
- baudrate: baud rate to open the connection with, default: 115200
- imu_rate: sample rate for IMU data (hz), default: 100
- debug: output debug info? default: false
- diagnostics: output diagnostic info? default: true
To check published topics:
rostopic list
Example: Connect to and publish data from two devices simultaneously
In two different terminals:
roslaunch ros_mscl microstrain.launch name:=sensor1234
roslaunch ros_mscl microstrain.launch name:=bestSensor port:=/dev/ttyACM1
This will launch two nodes that publish data to different namespaces:
- sensor1234, connected over port: /dev/ttyACM0
- bestSensor, connected over port: /dev/ttyACM1
An example subscriber node can be found here: ROS-MSCL Examples
ROS-MSCL is released under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file in the source distribution.
Copyright (c) 2020, Parker Hannifin Corp.