This directory contains the code needed to launch the imitation learning experiments.
We have a separate configurations defining the imitation
learning algorithm to chose as well as the respective hyperparameters. For almost all
environments, we provide the configuration of the best performing algorithm in confs.yaml
To easily schedule the experiments on local PCs and Slurm compute clusters, we use
the experiment launcher package,
which is installed with LocoMuJoCo. Two files are needed for the experiment launcher;
. Both can be found in this directory.
As the name suggest, the launcher file is used to launch the experiments. So once the imitation_lib
installed you, can launch the experiments by running the following command in the terminal:
It is suggested to modify
to choose the desired environment.
The results are saved in the ./logs
directory. To visualize the results, you can use the tensorboard
To do so, run the following command in the terminal:
tensorboard --logdir ./logs
The focus should be put on the following three metrics: "Eval_R-stochastic", "Eval_J-stochastic", and "Eval_L-stochastic", which are the mean undiscounted return, mean discounted return, and the mean length of an episode the agent, respectively. The return is calculated based on the reward specified for each environment. Note that the latter is not used for training but only for evaluation.
If you want to change the hyperparameters or the algorithm, we suggest to copy the confs.yaml
file and
pass the new configuration file to the get_agent
method in
Alternatively, you can also directly use the specific agent getter (e.g., create_gail_agent
or create_vail_agent
which can be found in
). This way you can also directly pass the hyperparameters to the agent. In doing so,
you can easily loop over hyperparameters to perform a search. Therefore, specify the parameter
you would like to perform hyperparameter in the launcher file. Here is an example. Let's say you
want to perform a hyperparameter search over the critic's learning rate of a VAIL agent.
To do so, change the loop in
for env_id in env_ids:
launcher.add_experiment(env_id__=env_id, **default_params)
from itertools import product
critic_lrs = [1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5]
for env_id, critic_lr in product(env_ids, critic_lrs):
launcher.add_experiment(env_id__=env_id, critic_lr__=critic_lr, **default_params)
The trailing underscores are important to have a separate logging directory for each experiment when looping over a parameter.
Important: You have to specify the new parameter with the type declaration in the
Hence, the experiment file changes from:
def experiment(env_id: str = None,
n_epochs: int = 500,
n_steps_per_epoch: int = 10000,
n_steps_per_fit: int = 1024,
n_eval_episodes: int = 50,
n_epochs_save: int = 500,
gamma: float = 0.99,
results_dir: str = './logs',
use_cuda: bool = False,
seed: int = 0):
# ...
def experiment(env_id: str = None,
n_epochs: int = 500,
n_steps_per_epoch: int = 10000,
n_steps_per_fit: int = 1024,
n_eval_episodes: int = 50,
n_epochs_save: int = 500,
lr_critic: float = 1e-3, # WE ADDED THIS LINE
gamma: float = 0.99,
results_dir: str = './logs',
use_cuda: bool = False,
seed: int = 0):
# ...
The best agents are saved every n_epochs_save
epochs at your specified directory or at the default directory
. To load and evaluate a trained agent, you can use the following code:
from mushroom_rl.core import Core, Agent
from loco_mujoco import LocoEnv
env = LocoEnv.make("Atlas.walk")
agent = Agent.load("./path/to/agent.msh")
core = Core(agent, env)
core.evaluate(n_episodes=10, render=True)
In the example above, first an Atlas environment is created. Then, the agent is loaded from the specified path. Finally, the agent is evaluated for 10 episodes with rendering enabled.
Similarly to above, if you want to continue training from a checkpoint, you can replace the line
agent = get_agent(env_id, mdp, use_cuda, sw)
in the
file with the following line
agent = Agent.load("./path/to/agent.msh")
. In that case, you will continue training from the specified