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# Dev
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+# Conf
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[![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/angular2localization.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/angular2localization)
> An Angular 2 library to translate messages, dates and numbers.
-Sample app built with Angular 2 Material & webpack: [demo](http://robisim74.github.io/angular2localization)
+This library is developed using [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and [Angular 2](https://angular.io/) for i18n and l10n of Angular 2 applications.
+It allows, in addition to translation, to localize the numbers and dates of your app, adding language code, country code, and optionally script code, numbering system and calendar, through [Internationalization API](https://developer.mozilla.org/it/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl). It also implements the validation of numbers by locales.
+Because it is only a branch of Angular2, the goal is the complete integration with the native solutions of Angular 2.
-Get the changelog: [releases](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/releases)
+[Sample app](http://robisim74.github.io/angular2localization) built with Angular 2 Material & webpack, and its [source code](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/tree/gh-pages).
-## Installation
+Get the changelog by [releases](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/releases).
+## Installing
You can add `angular2localization` to your project via [Node and npm](https://nodejs.org):
npm install --save angular2localization
### Loading via SystemJS
-To load the package you have two methods using `SystemJS`:
+To load the package you have two methods using [SystemJS](https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs):
- Loading the bundle:
-- Using `SystemJS` configuration:
+- Using SystemJS configuration:
var map = {
'app': 'app',
@@ -34,61 +38,23 @@ var packages = {
### Loading via webpack
-If you consume the library via `webpack`, simply import the library in your `vendor` file after Angular 2 imports:
+If you consume the library via [webpack](https://webpack.github.io/), simply import the library in your `vendor` file after Angular 2 imports:
import 'angular2localization/angular2localization';
-## Getting the translation
-This library uses pure pipes. To know the advantages over impure pipes, please see [here](https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/pipes.html).
-Type | Format | Syntax
----- | ------ | ------
-Message | String | `expression | translate:lang`
-Date | Date/Number | `expression | localedate[:defaultLocale[:format]]`
-Number | Decimal | `expression | localedecimal[:defaultLocale:[digitInfo]]`
-Number | Percentage | `expression | localepercent[:defaultLocale:[digitInfo]]`
-Number | Currency | `expression | localecurrency[:defaultLocale[:currency[:symbolDisplay[:digitInfo]]]]`
-To know the full use, see the [Wiki](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/wiki/Getting-the-translation) page.
-## Scenarios
-Scenario | Scope of | Wiki page
--------- | -------- | ---------
-First | You need to localize dates and numbers, but no messages | [Wiki](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/wiki/First-scenario)
-Second | You only need to translate messages | [Wiki](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/wiki/Second-scenario)
-Third | You need to translate messages, dates and numbers | [Wiki](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/wiki/Third-scenario)
-## Defining default locale
-In the first & third scenario, you can define the default locale to set the language and country, the script, the numbering system and calendar:
-## Validation by locales
-Type | Directive | Validator | Options | Errors | Wiki page
----- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------ | ---------
-Number | `LocaleNumberValidator` | `validateLocaleNumber=[digitInfo]` | `[minValue]` `[maxValue]` | `format` or `minValue` or `maxValue` | [Wiki](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/wiki/Number-validation)
-## Internationalization API
-To localize dates and numbers, this library uses `Intl` API, through Angular 2.
-All modern browsers, except Safari, have implemented this API. You can use [Intl.js](https://github.com/andyearnshaw/Intl.js) to extend support to all browsers.
-Just add one script tag in your `index.html`:
-When specifying the `features`, you have to specify what locale, or locales to load.
-*N.B. When a feature is not supported, however, for example in older browsers, `angular2localization` does not generate an error in the browser, but returns the value without performing operations.*
+## Usage
+See [library specification](https://github.com/robisim74/angular2localization/blob/master/doc/spec.md).
-## Boilerplates
+## Related projects
[Angular 2 Localization with an ASP.NET CORE MVC Service](https://damienbod.com/2016/04/29/angular-2-localization-with-an-asp-net-core-mvc-service/) @damienbod
-## Contributing
-Clone or download this repository.
+## Building
+In order to build the library, clone or download the latest version of this repository:
npm install
typings install
+npm run build
To test locally the npm package:
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index c8972180..327ccea4 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
"name": "angular2localization",
- "version": "0.8.2",
+ "version": "0.8.3",
"description": "An Angular 2 library to translate messages, dates and numbers",
"main": "angular2localization.js",
- "scripts": {},
+ "scripts": {
+ "build": "npm run tsc && npm run gulp",
+ "tsc": "tsc",
+ "gulp": "gulp"
+ },
"typings": "./angular2localization.d.ts",
"keywords": [