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Main Screen

Bambusek Daniel edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 1 revision

When no scene or projects is opened and no package is running, the Main screen is presented to the user. It contains lists of available scenes, projects and packages. In the top right corner, three buttons are located to switch between lists.


In the Scenes tab, a list of all available Scenes is presented. On the lower right corner of the screen there is a plus button, which could be used to create a new scene.

Each tile contains name of the scene, attached image, date of last modification and three dots to open a context menu.

The context menu of a scene has a scene name in its header, followed by a list of buttons:

  • Add star / Remove star
    • Serves for adding or removing of scene to the list of favorite scenes
  • Duplicate
    • Creates a deep copy of selected scene
  • Create project
    • Creates a new project from selected scene
  • Show related projects
    • Switches to projects list and filters all projects based on selected scene (i.e. hides all projects with other scenes)
  • Rename
    • Renames selected scene
  • Change image
    • Opens default camera application and allows user to change thumbnail of scene detail
  • Remove
    • Deletes selected scene if there is no project related to the selected Scene. If there is any, it needs to be removed first.


In the Projects tab, a list of all available Projects is presented. On the lower right corner of the screen there is a plus button, which could be used to create a new project.

Each tile contains name of the project, attached image, name of related Scene, date of last modification and three dots to open a context menu.

The context menu of a project has a project name in its header, followed by a list of buttons:

  • Add star / Remove star
    • Serves for adding or removing of project to the list of favorite projects
  • Duplicate
    • Creates a deep copy of selected project. The new project will be related to the same scene as original project
  • Show related scene
    • Switches to scenes list and shows related Scene
  • Rename
    • Renames selected project
  • Change image
    • Opens default camera application and allows user to change thumbnail of project detail
  • Remove
    • Deletes selected project


In the Packages tab, a list of all available Packages is presented.

Each tile contains name of the Package, attached image, name of the project from which the package was exported, date and time when the package was created and three dots to open a context menu.

The context menu of a Package has a package name in its header, followed by a list of buttons:

  • Add star / Remove star
    • Serves for adding or removing of package to the list of favorite packages
  • Show related projects
    • Switches to projects list and shows project from which the selected package was created (if it is available)
  • Rename
    • Renames selected package
  • Change image
    • Opens default camera application and allows user to change thumbnail of package detail
  • Remove
    • Deletes selected pacakge

Hamburger menu

On the left side of the screen a Hamburger menu is located. It is consisted of three blocks. In the first block a common info is presented, such as hostname or IP address of ARServer, version of AREditor and version of ARServer.

Using the buttons in the second block, the user could limit shown scenes / projects / packages to starred only (star could be added to any scene / project / package using its context menu).

In the last block, following buttons are presented:

  • Notifications
    • Opens list of all notifications from the current instance of application
  • Save logs
    • Saves logs (i.e. all notifications, errors, exceptions and communication with the ARServer) both localy on the device and remotely to the ARServer
  • Settings
    • Not implemented at the moment
  • AutoCalibration ON/OFF
    • Turns on and off automatic recalibration of the device, i.e. decides if the application should try to recalibrate in regular intervals or only on demand from the user
  • Disconnect
    • Disconnects from the server
  • Exit
    • Turns off the application