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robotmaker team edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Arduino_SBUS wiki!

This is an Arduino sketch which enables a connection to a S.BUS interface on a Frysky receiver module, such as the X4R / X8R. This S.BUS enable servos to be connected on a single bus; hence reducing the number of cables in a radio controlled model.

The S.BUS enable 16 channels to be connected - even though it may only be a 4 channel receiver. How is this possible? Well the S.BUS is plugged into an Arduino using this code and interprets the 16 channels.

So, if you are using a Taranis transmitter with many switches, slider or you've connected an additional multi-position pot to the transmitter - you can assign each switch / switch - position to a separate channel. The Arduino can interpret these channels to trigger the ports on the Arduino - for example to turn on LED's (headlights), sensors, Buzzers and even low cost PWM servos.

ROBOTmaker is developing a connection from our 360 degree Infra red proximity sensor (IRCF360) to flight quadcopter flight controller for support or autonomous flights - such as hovering of the group or avoiding hitting walls etc.

You can follow this project on our website ROBOTmaker

contact [email protected] for any questions.

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