A fast log file replay package for rock's logging system, written completely in C++. Currently, it utilizes Qt4, which is abandoned in Ubuntu 20.04 and later. Qt5 support is planned to be implemented next.
Run the following from a terminal with sourced env.sh:
Usage: rock-replay2 {logfile|*}.log or folder.
Logging can be controlled via base-logging variables.
Available options:
--help show this message
--prefix arg add prefix to all tasks
--whitelist arg comma-separated list of regular expressions to filter
--headless only use the cli
--rename arg rename task, e.g. trajectory_follower:traj_follower
--log-files arg log files
Please use the GitHub Issue Tracker of this repository.
See here for information.
The software is versioned using Semantic Versioning.
Dennis Hemker