This roll is an attempt to create a reconfigurable frontend. With this roll installed it is possible to change public ip FQDN of a frontend.
This roll is still under heavy development. Do not use.
You should install this roll following the procedure below:
git clone
cd dynip
make roll
rocks add roll dynip-*.iso
rocks enable roll dynip
cd /export/rocks/install
rocks create distro
rocks set attr rocks_dynip true
rocks run roll dynip | bash
Finally you will have to create a /root/vc-out.xml file with the appropriate format. You can find an example file in /root/vc-out.xml.template or at pragma_boot
This command can be used to reconfigure a frontend using a configuration file with the new network parameters:
rocks reconfigure /root/vc-out.xml
mv /root/vc-out.xml /root/vc-out.xml.old
These commands are called automatically by the rocks-dynip service at boot time.
To have a frontend which works with DHCP it is necessary to activate rocks-dynip at boot time as indicated above to create a file in /etc with:
touch /etc/rocks-dhcp
And set the pubblic interface to dhcp:
rocks set host interface options localhost eth1 dhcp
rocks report host interface localhost | rocks report script | bash
After these two steps the frontend will DHCP and reconfigure itself based upon it's IP address received from the DHCP