diff --git a/howtos.rst b/howtos.rst
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--- a/howtos.rst
+++ b/howtos.rst
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ How-tos & Guides
+ howtos/grafana-cloud
diff --git a/howtos/grafana-cloud.rst b/howtos/grafana-cloud.rst
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+.. _grafana_cloud:
+Grafana Cloud
+How to remote monitor a Rockstor instance using `Grafana Cloud `_.
+The Free Tier is assumed, with the proviso that there exists telemetry and log space limitations.
+Required installs on Rockstor:
+- The Prometheus -`node_exporter `_- component.
+- `Grafana Alloy `_, an `Open Telemetry `_ (OTel) collector.
+.. _prometheus_node_exporter:
+Prometheus node_exporter
+A component of Prometheus used by Grafana Alloy to source operating system telemetry.
+.. _node_exporter_install:
+Node_exporter install
+The following installs and starts the node_exporter service.
+.. code-block:: console
+ zypper in golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter
+ systemctl enable --now prometheus-node_exporter.service
+Test by confirming telemetry type output from the following:
+.. code-block:: console
+ curl http://localhost:9100/metrics
+ # or by visiting
+ http://your-rockstor-ip:9100/metrics
+.. _grafana_alloy:
+Grafana Alloy
+Grafana Alloy (licensed Apache-2.0) supersedes its now deprecated predecessor `Grafana Agent `_.
+Alloy also supersedes `Grafana Promtail `_ re future developments.
+This OTel collector filters & translates operating system (OS) telemetry and log data into Open Telemetry compatible streams.
+These streams can then be received by, for example, the following **hosted** services of a Grafana Cloud account:
+- a `Prometheus `_ metric & alerting server: licensed Apache-2.0.
+- a `Grafana Loki `_ Log aggregation server/system: licensed AGPLv3.
+or any other Open Telemetry compatible receivers.
+.. _alloy_install:
+Alloy install
+These instructions are derived from the `Alloy install documentation `_.
+Be sure to select the openSUSE tab, given Rockstor's "Built on openSUSE" status.
+.. code-block:: console
+ wget -q -O gpg.key https://rpm.grafana.com/gpg.key
+ rpm --import gpg.key
+ zypper addrepo https://rpm.grafana.com grafana
+ zypper refresh
+ zypper install alloy
+The following config files are installed as part of the rpm package when installed on an openSUSE base:
+- /etc/alloy/config.alloy - Default alloy config file - overwritten by Grafana Cloud initialisation script.
+- /etc/sysconfig/alloy - User defined environment variables, e.g. CUSTOM_ARGS, and default config file via CONFIG_FILE.
+- /usr/lib/systemd/system/alloy.service - Systemd service file, modified by Grafana Cloud initialisation script.
+For examples of CUSTOM_ARGS use, e.g. enabling Alloy's debug/info Web-UI,
+see: https://grafana.com/docs/alloy/latest/configure/linux/
+.. _alloy_remote_config:
+Alloy remote config
+.. note::
+ A key Alloy feature, presumed by many elements of Grafana Cloud, is Alloy remote configuration.
+ This capability, as of Alloy v1.5.1-1, requires the `--stability.level=public-preview` switch on starting the Alloy service.
+ Grafana Cloud initialisation arranges this by editing the systemd service file.
+ The following environment variables are also added to this same file: GCLOUD_RW_API_KEY, GCLOUD_FM_COLLECTOR_ID.
+.. warning::
+ GCLOUD_FM_COLLECTOR_ID defaults to the hostname. When modifying any configuration,
+ or inputting hostname within Grafana Cloud forms/intergrations, ensure consistency.
+ I.e. **hostname** must match the output of `uname -n`, used by the Cloud initialisation script.
+.. _linux_server_integration:
+Linux server integration
+An Alloy remote configuration is offered by Grafana Cloud.
+Visit your Grafana Cloud account and select:
+1. Connections -> Add new connection -> Linux Server (Configuration details tab).
+2. Under `Select platform` choose **RedHat** (it uses the same rpm package & repository as installed above),
+ assuming no openSUSE option is yet available. Also select the appropriate `Architecture`.
+3. Click the "Run Grafana Alloy" button and follow the instructions in the pop-up dialog.
+ Ensure **Enable Remote Configuration** is ticked/enabled.
+ This step remotely installs an Alloy self_monitoring configuration for metrics & logs.
+.. note::
+ If Alloy was previously running, you will need to restart it via: `systemctl restart alloy.service`.
+4. Once the provided test has passed, proceed with the rest of the instructions.
+5. Use `nano /etc/alloy/config.alloy` to add the example configuration snippets as suggested.
+Missing receivers
+The given configuration, at the time of this how-to's last edit, remains incomplete.
+The integration is still missing the following:
+- prometheus.remote_write.metrics_service.receiver - A Prometheus server Storage backend:
+ Visit Connections - Data sources - grafanacloud-!!!!!!-prom for Connection **** and Auth **username**.
+- loki.write.grafana_cloud_loki.receiver
+ Visit Connections - Data sources - grafanacloud-!!!!!!-logs for Connection **** and Auth **username**.
+Apply the following to config.alloy with the **** & **username** `#######` elements replace by your values.
+.. code-block:: console
+ // Write metrics to your Grafana Cloud Prometheus instance.
+ // Home - Connections - Data sources - grafanacloud-******-prom
+ prometheus.remote_write "metrics_service" {
+ endpoint {
+ url = "/push"
+ basic_auth {
+ username = "#######"
+ password = sys.env("GCLOUD_RW_API_KEY")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write logs to your Grafana Cloud Loki instance.
+ // Home - Connections - Data sources - grafanacloud-******-logs
+ loki.write "grafana_cloud_loki" {
+ endpoint {
+ url = "/loki/api/v1/push"
+ basic_auth {
+ username = "#######"
+ password = sys.env("GCLOUD_RW_API_KEY")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+.. _rockstor_logs:
+Rockstor logs
+To add Rockstor specific logs to the above :ref:`linux_server_integration`,
+copy-in the following Alloy components to `/etc/alloy/config.alloy`.
+An Alloy service reload via `systemctl reload alloy` is then required.
+.. code-block:: console
+ // Note: 'instance' and 'job' intentionally match integrations_node_exporter
+ // enabling default dashboard inclusion.
+ local.file_match "logs_rockstor_direct_scrape" {
+ path_targets = [{
+ __address__ = "localhost",
+ __path__ = "/opt/rockstor/var/log/*.log",
+ instance = constants.hostname,
+ job = "integrations/node_exporter",
+ }]
+ }
+ loki.source.file "logs_rockstor_direct_scrape" {
+ targets = local.file_match.logs_rockstor_direct_scrape.targets
+ forward_to = [loki.write.grafana_cloud_loki.receiver]
+ }
+The above establishes a
+`local.file_match `_
+to discover all `*.log` files in `/opt/rockstor/var/log/` and exports what it finds as `targets`.
+These targets are then consumed (via targets =) by
+`loki.source.file `_
+and forwarded to our loki receiver.
+.. _alloy_log_customisation:
+Alloy log customisation
+.. note::
+ To read systemd's journal, the `alloy` user is required to be a member of `systemd-journal`.
+ This is established by the rpm package and can be confirmed via: `groups alloy`.
+Alloy's `loki.source.journal `_ component is a systemd journal interface.
+It can label log entries using `systemd.journal-fields `_.
+On a linux system with man pages installed, labels can also be researched via `man systemd.journal-fields`
+.. _live_debug_enable:
+Alloy Web-UI live debug
+.. note::
+ This capability, as of Alloy v1.5.1-1, requires the `--stability.level=experimental` switch on starting the Alloy service.
+To enable live debug the following is required within config.alloy:
+.. code-block:: console
+ livedebugging {
+ enabled = true
+ }
+.. _advanced_alloy_install_notes:
+Advanced Alloy install notes
+The cut'n'paste script based initialisation provided by Grafana Cloud,
+will not appeal to some users: i.e. those who prefer to avoid `root` user execution of unknown 3rd party scripts.
+The following is a run-down of the initialisation scripts actions.
+- Retrieve and run: https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-onboarding/alloy/scripts/install-linux.sh
+- The install-linux.sh script, in-turn: retrieves and installs an alloy rpm.
+ Retrieving a config.alloy template file from: https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-onboarding/alloy/config/config-fm.alloy
+ and substituting the variables within using the above 5 environmental variables.
+- The existing alloy config is overwritten as a result of the above steps.
+ are added as definitions to /usr/lib/systemd/system/alloy.service file.
+- The Alloy systemd service is enabled and started.