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Lab 7

In this lab we will continue with monitoring. The goal of this lab is to create a place where everyone can get overview of your infrastructure state.

Task 1: Install MySQL exporter

Install MySQL exporter from Ubuntu package repository.

Create MySQL user dedicated for exporter.


Use ~/.my.cnf for passing auth data to MySQL exporter. Find under what user it runs and what folder is a home folder for that user. Nobody except user itself can read this file. Nobody can change the file.

Content of ~/.my.cnf:


Make sure that exporter will be restarted in case username/password change.

No cleartext passwords in repo

Exporter tasks should be a part of mysql role.

Task 2: Install Bind9 exporter

Install Bind9 exporter version 0.6.1 or newer.

Download archive to /opt.

Create a link to executable: /usr/local/bin/prometheus-bind-exporter -> /opt/..., put service definition to /etc/systemd/system/.

Don't forget to reload systemd after changing its config.

Expose Bind9 statistics for exporter.


Exporter tasks should be a part of bind role.

Ansible modules to use: unarchive, file, template.

Task 3: Install Nginx exporter

Install Nginx exporter from Ubuntu package repository.

Make sure that Nginx exposes statistics to exporter.


Exporter tasks should be a part of nginx role.

Task 4: Install Grafana


Use steps for Grafana OSS.

Ansible modules to use: apt_key, apt_repository, apt.

Task 5: Configure reverse proxy

Add necessary locations to Nginx config:

- location /grafana -> localhost:(grafana_port)

Helpful docs for Grafana:

Don't add locations that point to unexisting services. You can use this code for checking if we should expect some path on this VM or not:

{% if inventory_hostname in groups['prometheus'] %}
location /prometheus {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:xyz/;
{% endif %}

Task 6: Create dashboard in Grafana

Create Grafana Main dashboard that will show:

  • CPU utilisation on VMs
  • Memory consumption on VMs
  • Bind9 status + amount of A DNS queries per minute (bind_resolver_queries_total)
  • MySQL status + amount of selects per minute (mysql_global_status_commands_total)
  • Nginx status + amount of requests per minute (nginx_http_requests_total)

Use Prometheus as datasource.

Task 7: Configure Grafana provisioning

To avoid manual operations every time do the following during Grafana installation:

No cleartext passwords in repo

Expected result

Your repository contains these files and directories:


Your repository also contains all the required files from the previous labs.

Your repository does not contain Ansible Vault master password.

Grafana, exporters and reverse proxy are installed and configured with this command:

ansible-playbook infra.yaml

Running the same command again does not make any changes to any of the managed hosts.

After playbook execution you should be able to:

  1. See grafana dashboard by using <your_VM_http_link>/grafana.

  2. Check your Prometheus web-interface by using <your_VM_http_link>/prometheus (lab06).

  3. Access Agama by using <your_VM_http_link> (lab04).