Releases: ropensci/GSODR
Bug fixes
- Fix examples that did not run properly
Minor changes
- Update internal database of station locations
Tales from the future
New Functionality
- Use
in processing files after downloading. This allows for end
users to use a parallel process of their choice.
Bug fixes
Refactor internal functionality to be more clear and efficient in execution
is not loaded unless user has specified a country in
An instance where the FIPS code was determined twice was removed
in documentation examples -
Ensure that DESCRIPTION file follows CRAN guidelines
Minor changes
Format help files, fixing errors and formatting for attractiveness
Update internal database of station locations
Store internal database of station locations fields
integer, not double -
Clarify code of conduct statement in README that it only applies to this,
GSODR, project -
Prompt user for input with warning about reproducibility if using the
function -
Adds metadata header to the
returned byget_inventory()
Remove startup message to conform with rOpenSci guidelines
Remove extra code, clean up code-chunks and use
GSODR 1.2.2
Bug fixes
Fix bug in creating
file where duplicate stations existed
in the file distributed withGSODR
but with different corrected elevation
values -
Repatch bug reported and fixed previously in version 1.2.0 where Windows
users could not successfully download files. This somehow snuck back in.
Minor changes
- Refactor vignettes for clarity
Bug fixes
Introduce a message if a station ID is requested but files are not found
on the server. This is in response to an inquiry from John Paul Bigouette
where a station is reported as having data in the inventory but the files do
not exist on the server. -
Fix bug that removed a few hundred stations from the internal
database of stations in thedata-raw
Minor changes
Clean documentation, shortening long lines, fixing formatting,
incomplete sentences and broken links -
Clarify the reasons for errors that a user may encounter
Update internal databases of station metadata
Clean up this file
Major changes
Remove ability to export files from
to slim down the package
dependencies and this functions parameters. Examples of how to convert to a
spatial object (both sp and sf are shown) and export ESRI Shapefiles and
GeoPackage files are now included in the vignette. -
As a result of the previous point, the sp and rgdal packages are no longer
Imports but are now in Suggests along with sf for examples in the GSOD
Bug fixes
Fix a nasty bug where GSOD files downloaded using Windows would not untar
properly. This caused theget_GSOD()
function to fail. Thanks to Ross Darnell,
CSIRO, for reporting this. -
Correct options in "GSODR use case: Specified years/stations vignette" on line
201 wherefile
was incorrectly used in place ofpath
. Thanks to Ross
Darnell, CSIRO, for reporting this. -
Correct documentation for
Minor changes
Update internal databases of station metadata
Vignettes contain pre-built figures for faster package installation when
building vignettes
GSODR 1.1.1 (Release Date 2017-11-27)
Bug fixes
columns now reportNA
when there is no flag
Minor changes
Comment for Bob and Hugh in DESCRIPTION now only ORCID url
dplyr version set to >= 0.7.0 not 0.7 as before
Start-up message statement is more clear in relation to WMO resolution 40,
that GSODR does not redistribute any weather data itself -
Remove unnecessary function, .onLoad(), from zzz.R
Function titles in documentation now in title case
Correct grammar in documentation
v1.1.0: Update CRAN comments
GSODR 1.1.0
Bug fixes
- Fixes bug reported in issue 36
> t <- get_GSOD(years = 2010, station = "955510-99999")
Error in .f(.x[[i]], ...) :
955510-99999 is not a valid station ID number, please check your entry.
Valid Station IDs can be found in the isd-history.txt file
available from the US NCEI FTP server by combining the USAF and WBAN
columns, e.g., '007005' '99999' is '007005-99999' from this file
Major changes
The data.table and fields packages are no longer imported. All internal
functions now use dplyr or base R functionality, reducing the dependencies of
Any data frames returned by GSODR functions are returned as a
object -
column is now returned asDate
without time, rather than
Add new function,
, which downloads the NCEI's station
inventory document and returns atibble()
object of the data -
Use larger images and provide a table of contents in vignettes
Updated and enhanced introductory vignette
Update internal stations list
GSODR 1.0.7
GSODR 1.0.7
Bug fixes
Fix documentation in vignette where first example would not run due to changes
in package data formats -
Fix bug in GSODR vignette where examples would not run due to libraries not
being loaded -
Fix bug where prior server queries would be pre/appended to subsequent
queries -
Fix bug where invalid stations would return an empty dataframe, should stop
and return message about checking thestation
value supplied toget_GSOD()
and check if data are available for the years requested
Minor changes
Update Appendix 2 of GSODR vignette, map of station locations, to be more
clear and follow same format as that ofbomrang
package -
Update example output in GSODR vignette where applicable
Major changes
- Update internal stations list
Fix windspeed bug
GSODR 1.0.6
Bug fixes
- Fix bug where WSPD (mean windspeed) conversion was miscalculated