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Karthik Ram edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 24 revisions

General Review criteria:

  • Does the code comply with general principles in the Mozilla reviewing guide?
  • Does the code comply with the ROpenSci packaging guide?
    • Could the code be DRYed out? Is there a lot of code duplication?
    • Are there user interface improvements that could be made?
    • Are there performance improvements that could be made?
    • Is documentation (installation instructions/vignettes/examples/demos) adequate?
    • Does the package seem like a good fit for rOpenSci? See policies repo

Review procedures:

  • Check that tests pass locally
  • Run the vingettes and README examples line-by-line
  • Examine source of functions as you run these
  • Examine source of of any other functions
  • Attempt to implement your own use-case if you have one (really?)

Submit the review:

  • As a PR with line-level comments or changes
  • As a series of issues
  • All with [INITIALS review DATE] in title (aren't they just responding in the same issue as the onboarding request? Also do we need initials since this is not anonymous and comes from an account? Isn't there a date already?)
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