While I am no artist, I do appreciate the work that goes into making art.
I've seen lots of ASCII art around the internet, from ASCII mona lisa to memes. It has always been something I was aware of in the back of my mind.
The Video
After watching a video of making live ASCII Video I felt I had to start somewhere.
The initial aim of this is to automatically make photos into ASCII art.
My Assets
For myself, I wanted to ASCII-fy this picture.
Unfortunately, this image is natively 1080x1080 which is a lot of pixels (especially when each pixel is an entire character).
To solve this my initial solution is to reduce the image size in photo editing software before giving it to the program.
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It works! No artistic skill required.
However, points I will say is that the aspect ratio is not preserved and font of constant width is required to make the image look decent.
Main goal was accomplished and this was a fun thing to do for an afternoon and marks the start of me using git repositories for personal use.
As an added Bonus, I get to look at it in my code preview of the report :)
Possible Improvements
- Could draw the characters on a screen in the correct postion, rather than print text
- Work with higher Contrast Photos, or edit photos to be higher contrast
- Fiddle with the "order of brightness" ASCII characters
- Reduce scale of image in natively in the program