Undetected field boundary is communicated using an empty array for the points property of the incoming message. No marker will be drawn if an empty array is received.
Marker properties are utilized to visualize properties of the incoming message:
Configurable node parameters are:
In this example, we will manually publish a field boundary and observe it in RViz. Start the visualizer node:
ros2 run soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers visualizer
Set up a publisher that publishes a Field Boundary message:
ros2 topic pub soccer_vision_3d/field_boundary soccer_vision_3d_msgs/msg/FieldBoundary "
frame_id: 'camera'
- x: 1.5
y: -2.0
z: 0.0
- x: 2.5
y: -2.0
z: 0.0
- x: 2.5
y: -1.0
z: 0.0
- x: 2.5
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
- x: 2.5
y: 1.0
z: 0.0
- x: 2.5
y: 2.0
z: 0.0
- x: 1.5
y: 2.0
z: 0.0
confidence: 0.5
Open RViz2 with a demo configuration:
rviz2 -d $(ros2 pkg prefix --share soccer_vision_3d_rviz_markers)/rviz/demo.rviz
You should see a field boundary with 50% transparency displayed in RViz: