Releases: rosell-dk/webp-convert
more hardening
2.1.1 tightened security a bit
Security hardening
Note: Paths containing directory traversing ("../") are now rejected
The new cwebp 1.0.2 for linux did not work for all. Now falling back to 0.6.1
2.0.5 Suppling both 0.6.1 and 1.0.2 cwebp files for Linux with fallback in …
Fixed filename for supplied cwebp for linux
2.0.4 Wrong filename, resulting in "Supplied binary not found!". Fixes #195
NOTE: API breaking change! (although minor)
NOTE: This release actually contains an api-breaking change!
- Environment variables are now now prefixed with "WEBPCONVERT_"
I decided not increasing major version because probably only few has started using this feature and I wish not increase major version this soon after 2.0.
The release also contains these fixes:
- Fixed CwebP Error: Unknown option '-near_lossless' for older versions…
- Update the precompiled cwebp for linux (0.6.1 -> 1.0.2).
And this feature:
- Besides using environment variables for sensitive information (ie WEBPCONVERT_CWEBP_PATH), you can now also use constants (with same name)
minor fix, also debatable if it is a bug
2.0.2 Pass on encoding:auto to WPC for api=2. Closes #168
minor fix, debatable if it is a bug
2.0.1 Now checks that "options" key exists. Closes #190.
Better conversions, more options, better code
This major release started out with the simple wish to have a common base class for the converters. As one should hold back on major releases, I ended up going critically through the whole library, resulting in a lot of internal code changes and some API changes. As many changes increases risk of new bugs, I have also written a lot of test cases, I have doc-commented the entire library, and I have started using Scrutinizer and phpstan to help find problems.
Highlights of this release:
- A new "encoding" option, which can be set to auto. This can in some cases dramatically reduce the size of the webp. It is supported by all converters except ewww and gd.
- "near-lossless" option (only for cwebp and vips). Using this is a good idea for reducing size of lossless webps with an acceptable loss of quality
- "alpha-quality" option (all converters, except ewww and gd). Using this is a good idea when images with transparency are converted to lossy webp - it has the potential to reduce the size up to 50% (depending on the source material) while keeping an acceptable level of quality
- Vips is now supported
- Imagick conversion method now supports webp options (finally cracked it!)
- MimeType detection instead of relying on file extensions
For a better introduction to the new features, I suggest that you read the new conversion introduction.
If you are migrating from version 1.3.9, I suggest you read this
Better conversions, more options, better code
This major release started out with the simple wish to have a common base class for the converters. As one should hold back on major releases, I ended up going critically through the whole library, resulting in a lot of internal code changes and some API changes. As many changes increases risk of new bugs, I have also written a lot of test cases, I have doc-commented the entire library, and I have started using Scrutinizer and phpstan to help find problems.
Highlights of this release:
- A new "encoding" option, which can be set to auto. This can in some cases dramatically reduce the size of the webp. It is supported by all converters except ewww and gd.
- "near-lossless" option (only for cwebp and vips). Using this is a good idea for reducing size of lossless webps with an acceptable loss of quality
- "alpha-quality" option (all converters, except ewww and gd). Using this is a good idea when images with transparency are converted to lossy webp - it has the potential to reduce the size up to 50% (depending on the source material) while keeping an acceptable level of quality
- Vips is now supported
- Imagick conversion method now supports webp options (finally cracked it!)
- MimeType detection instead of relying on file extensions
For a better introduction to the new features, I suggest that you read the new conversion introduction.
If you are migrating from version 1.3.9, I suggest you read this
Cwebp under some circumstances creates an empty file.
Cwebp under some circumstances creates an empty file. This is now handled as an error.