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The afg::game namespace contains three concepts Playable, Player, and IntelligentPlayer and one generic two player game class TPGame.


This concept specifies what is necessary for a game G to be playable in our library. We require that the game G and the generic move of the game G needs operator<< in order for the game to communicate with standard output.

 template <class G>
 concept Playable = requires(G m, typename G::move_t mv, ostream& os) {
    { m.isTerminal() } -> same_as<bool>;
    { m.isWinner() } -> same_as<bool>; 
    { m.getTurnCount() } -> same_as<int>;
    { m.getTurnParity() } -> same_as<int>;
    { m.getAvailableMoves() } -> same_as<vector<typename G::move_t>>;
    { m.makeMove(mv) } -> same_as<void>;
    { m.isValid(mv) } -> same_as<bool>;
    { m.setup() } -> same_as<void>;
    { os << m };
    { os << mv };


This concept specifies what is necessary for a player to participate in a game that uses our library. We require that the player T has some sort of strategy to choose a move (it does not necessarily have to be a good strategy!), that the player has a timeout, and that the player knows what order it plays.

template <class T, class G>
concept Player = requires(T player, G game) {
    { player.getStrategy(game) } -> same_as<typename G::move_t>;
    { player.getTimeout() } -> same_as<double>;
    { player.getParity() } -> same_as<int>;


This concept builds upon our Player concept and also requires a heuristic function. This is important if we want getStrategy to be intelligent and use the algorithms given by afg::AI.

template <class T, class G>
concept IntelligentPlayer = Player<T, G> && requires(T player, G game) {
    { player.heuristic(game) } -> same_as<int>;


The TPGame class is an abstraction of a two player game. We require the game to be Playable and to have two IntelligentPlayers.

template <Playable GameType, IntelligentPlayer<GameType> Player1Type, IntelligentPlayer<GameType> Player2Type>
class TPGame 

In TPGame, we provide a play function. This function prints to standard output instructions on whose player it is and execute their strategy. It also enforces a timeout and ensures that the moves each player cast are valid. Once there is a winner or draw in the game, the function prints the outcome to standard output and terminates. All of this functionality is built in by simply enforcing the Playable and IntelligentPlayer concepts.

void play();


The afg::players namespace contains two generic player classes HumanPlayer and SmartPlayer.

Human Player

We provide a generic HumanPlayer, which accepts the player's move from standard input. It contains all of the functions required by the Player and IntelligentPlayer concepts defined in afg::game, which means that it can be easily plugged into other parts of our library.

template <Playable GameType>
class HumanPlayer 

A HumanPlayer gets their move by calling getIOMove(), a function from afg::strategy which we will describe in the Strategy section of this manual.

Smart Player

We also provide a generic SmartPlayer, which determines the player's move from the minimax algorithm. Like HumanPlayer, SmartPlayer contains all of the functions required by the Player concept defined in afg::game, which means that it can be easily plugged into other parts of our library. However, the heuristic function required by the IntelligentPlayer concept defined in afg::game still needs to be implemented by the game developer. We do this because the choice of the heuristic function is game-specific.

template <Playable GameType>
class SmartPlayer 

A SmartPlayer gets their move by calling getMinimaxMove(), a function from afg::strategy which we will describe in the Strategy and Artificial Intellligence sections of this manual.


The afg::strategy namespace contains four utilities getRandomMove(), getIOMove(), getMinimaxMove(), and getIterativeMove().

Random Move

This function takes in a generic game state and picks a random valid move. The function is seeded using std::chrono:system_clock::now().time_since_epoch(), which ensures randomness between runs.

template <Playable GameType>
typename GameType::move_t getRandomMove(const GameType& state)

IO Move

This function takes in a move from standard input and puts it into the generic game move GameType::move_t.

template <Playable GameType>
typename GameType::move_t getIOMove(const GameType& state)

Minimax Move

This function is a wrapper function that calls minimax() from afg::AI.

template <Playable GameType, IntelligentPlayer<GameType> P>
typename GameType::move_t getMinimaxMove(const GameType& state, P player)

Iterative Move

This function is a wrapper function that calls iterativeDeepening() from afg::AI.

template <Playable GameType, IntelligentPlayer<GameType> P>
typename GameType::move_t getIterativeMove(const GameType& state, P player)

Artificial Intelligence

The afg::AI namespace contains two utilities minimax() and iterativeDeepening(), in additoin to three helper utilities minimizer(), maximizer(), and minimaxIterative.


This function is the foundation of our game AI code. The minimax algorithm is a recursive algorithm that return the next best move for a player to make in a game.

template<Playable GameType, IntelligentPlayer<GameType> P>
GameType::move_t minimax(const GameType& state, P player, int depth) {

The algorithm requires the IntelligentPlayer concept.

We automatically include alpha beta pruning in our base minimax implementation. This is because alpha beta pruning retains the optimality guarantee while speeding up execution time.

Iterative Deepening

This function extends the minimax code to include a time component: the algorithm will iteratively search deeper and deeper down the search tree until the time limit is up. This algorithm is useful to use instead of our base minimax if the game's search space is large.

template<Playable GameType, IntelligentPlayer<GameType> P>
GameType::move_t iterativeDeepening(const GameType& state, P player, int depth, double limit=0.5)


The afg::model namespace contains two concepts (Checkable and Predicate) along with two utilities bfsFind() and pathExists().


This concepts specifies an interface for what constitutes a searchable state. In addition to methods needed to expand the search space, we also need operator== and hash<T> in order to hash the state object into data structures used in the state traversal algorithms.

template <class T>
concept Checkable = requires(T m, T other, T::move_t mv) {
    { m.isTerminal() } -> same_as<bool>;
    { m.getTurnCount() } -> same_as<int>;
    { m.getAvailableMoves() } -> same_as<vector<typename T::move_t>>;
    { m.makeMove(mv) } -> same_as<void>;
    { m == other } -> same_as<bool>;
    { hash<T>{}(m) } -> same_as<size_t>;

Here we see that the checkable class T must provide a typename move_t representing the type of a move which, when passed to makeMove(), takes a state and transforms it into one of its neighboring state.

isTerminal(), getTurnCount(), getAvailableMoves() are used to detect a leaf node, the depth, and the neighbors in the search space, respectively.


This concept is meant to constrain a function object for typechecking purposes. A predicate is a function object implemented by the user of the library that takes in a state and says whether or not it's a goal that they were looking for.

template <class Function, class Model>
concept Predicate = Checkable<Model> && requires(Function f, Model m) {
    { f(m) } -> same_as<bool>;

A lambda that takes in a const Model& and returns bool will sastisfy this concept.


A simple wrapper struct over a few fields that describe the results of a goal-based BFS search.

template<Checkable GameType>
struct SearchResult {
    bool success;
    int explored;
    vector<GameType> matches;

success indicates whether any state visted satisfied the predicate. explored indicates how many state were visited. matches is a vector containing all states that matched the predicate.


This is the fundamental function for performing model checking. It performs a simple goal-based breadth-first search through the state space. For any state it encounters that satisfies isGoal(), it will add the state to the SearchResult.matches.

template<Checkable GameType, Predicate<GameType> Function>
SearchResult<GameType> bfsFind(GameType initState,
                               Function isGoal,
                               int depthLimit)

One additional note – depthLimit is here to enforce a bound on the search space. Even for simple games, the space can quickly grow on the order of O(2^d) which will bring down the runtime. Having a depth limit also helps tests certain game scenarios (e.g. can we reach this move within d moves?).


There are times where one desires to check the existence of several states in sequence – a scenario. For this, we use pathExists(), which essentially chains together calls to bfsFind() until the final predicate in predicates is satisfied.

template<Checkable GameType, Predicate<GameType> Function>
bool pathExists(const GameType& initState,
                const vector<Function>& predicates,
                int depthLimit);

depthLimit is meant to be cumulative for the entire scenario search. That is, if the first predicate is satisfied at depth d, then the remaining predicates must be satisfied within depthLimit - d turns. Unlike bfsFind(), pathExists() is not necessarily an exhaustive search. It uses backtracking in order to find the shallowest solution first. In other words, pathExists() starts looking for predicate[i + 1] once predicate[i] is satisfied. It does not wait until it finds all states that satisfy predicates[i] before searching for all states that satisfy predicates[i + 1].