diff --git a/extensions/tabs/NLUResults.html b/extensions/tabs/NLUResults.html index bca640f..941723e 100644 --- a/extensions/tabs/NLUResults.html +++ b/extensions/tabs/NLUResults.html @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ - - - + + + - +
diff --git a/extensions/tabs/README.md b/extensions/tabs/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e45af97 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/tabs/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +### Instructions + +1. In a console, run the command: `tsc -w` + + This will run the TypeScript compiler and have it constantly monitor for any changes to the *.tsc* files. + + Any changes made to those will automatically be propogated to the */dist* folder where the `.tsx` files are converted to `.js` and referenced by the `NLUResults.html`. + +2. In a console, run the command: `live-server .` + + This will run a dev server from the current location, open a new tab in your browser, and allow you to browse the pages + +3. Navigate to `nluresults.html` to view the charts + + +### How to debug in Chrome, real-time + +1. Follow the instructions above + +2. Create a `launch.json` file, per the instructions in the documentation. + +Mine looks like this: + +```json +{ + // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. + // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. + // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387 + "version": "0.2.0", + "configurations": [ + { + "type": "chrome", + "request": "launch", + "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost", + "url": "http://localhost:8080/", + "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}" + } + ] +} + +``` + +3. Read the **Attach** section of the [Code Debugger for Chrome docs](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome) and attach the debugger to Chrome. + +3. Press *Debug* or **F5** to begin debugging. A new Chrome window will open. + +4. Set a breakpoint on any of the `.ts` files you are working on +---------------- + +**Written by:** Dave Voyles, Sept-12-2019 diff --git a/extensions/tabs/dist/confusion.js.map b/extensions/tabs/dist/confusion.js.map new file mode 100644 index 0000000..538e787 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/tabs/dist/confusion.js.map @@ -0,0 +1 @@ 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"how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.42890653, + "entities": [], + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.42890653, + "because": "Both intents are 'None'.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeIntent('what's the weather like')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.5407783, + "entities": [], + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.5407783, + "because": "Both intents are 'None'.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('start playing music')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + 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"TrueNegativeEntity('skip this one')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.449134439, + "entities": [], + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('next please')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.469399869, + "entities": [], + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('go forward')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + 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"Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('what's the weather like')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.5407783, + "entities": [], + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('PlayMusic', 'start playing music')", + "group": "PlayMusic", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.92854017, + "entities": [], + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.92854017, + "because": "Utterances have matching intent.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TruePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('PlayMusic', 'play music')", + "group": "PlayMusic", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "play music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.907853544, + "entities": [], + "text": "play music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.907853544, + "because": "Utterances have matching intent.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TruePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('PlayMusic', 'listen to hip hop')", + "group": "PlayMusic", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic", + "entities": [ + { + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip hop" + } + ] + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.539262056, + "entities": [ + { + "score": 0.662749946, + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip" + } + ], + "text": "listen to hip 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hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic", + "entities": [ + { + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip hop" + } + ] + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.539262056, + "entities": [ + { + "score": 0.662749946, + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip" + } + ], + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.662749946, + "because": "Expected utterance does not have entity matching 'hip'.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "FalsePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('skip this one')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.449134439, + "entities": [], + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('next please')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.469399869, + "entities": [], + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('go forward')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.463593155, + "entities": [], + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('is it cold out')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "is it cold out", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.873349249, + "entities": [], + "text": "is it cold out", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('how many days until Christmas')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.42890653, + "entities": [], + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('what's the weather like')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.5407783, + "entities": [], + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('PlayMusic', 'start playing music')", + "group": "PlayMusic", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.92854017, + "entities": [], + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.92854017, + "because": "Utterances have matching intent.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TruePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('PlayMusic', 'play music')", + "group": "PlayMusic", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "play music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.907853544, + "entities": [], + "text": "play music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.907853544, + "because": "Utterances have matching intent.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TruePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('PlayMusic', 'listen to hip hop')", + "group": "PlayMusic", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic", + "entities": [ + { + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip hop" + } + ] + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.539262056, + "entities": [ + { + "score": 0.662749946, + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip" + } + ], + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.539262056, + "because": "Utterances have matching intent.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TruePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "FalseNegativeIntent('Skip', 'skip this one')", + "group": "Skip", + "resultKind": "FalseNegative", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.449134439, + "entities": [], + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.449134439, + "because": "Actual intent is 'None', expected 'Skip'", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "FalseNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TruePositiveIntent('Skip', 'next please')", + "group": "Skip", + "resultKind": "TruePositive", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.469399869, + "entities": [], + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "score": 0.469399869, + "because": "Utterances have matching intent.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TruePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "FalseNegativeIntent('Skip', 'go forward')", + "group": "Skip", + "resultKind": "FalseNegative", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.463593155, + "entities": [], + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.463593155, + "because": "Actual intent is 'None', expected 'Skip'", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "FalseNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeIntent('is it cold out')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "is it cold out", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.873349249, + "entities": [], + "text": "is it cold out", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.873349249, + "because": "Both intents are 'None'.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeIntent('how many days until Christmas')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.42890653, + "entities": [], + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.42890653, + "because": "Both intents are 'None'.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeIntent('what's the weather like')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Intent", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.5407783, + "entities": [], + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "score": 0.5407783, + "because": "Both intents are 'None'.", + "categories": [ + "Intent", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('start playing music')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.92854017, + "entities": [], + "text": "start playing music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('play music')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "play music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.907853544, + "entities": [], + "text": "play music", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "FalseNegativeEntity('Genre', '\"hip hop\"', 'listen to hip hop')", + "group": "Genre", + "resultKind": "FalseNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic", + "entities": [ + { + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip hop" + } + ] + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.539262056, + "entities": [ + { + "score": 0.662749946, + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip" + } + ], + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "because": "Actual utterance does not have entity matching 'hip hop'.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "FalseNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "FalsePositiveEntity('Genre', '\"hip\"', 'listen to hip hop')", + "group": "Genre", + "resultKind": "FalsePositive", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic", + "entities": [ + { + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip hop" + } + ] + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.539262056, + "entities": [ + { + "score": 0.662749946, + "entityType": "Genre", + "matchText": "hip" + } + ], + "text": "listen to hip hop", + "intent": "PlayMusic" + }, + "score": 0.662749946, + "because": "Expected utterance does not have entity matching 'hip'.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "FalsePositive" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('skip this one')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.449134439, + "entities": [], + "text": "skip this one", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('next please')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.469399869, + "entities": [], + "text": "next please", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('go forward')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "Skip" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.463593155, + "entities": [], + "text": "go forward", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('is it cold out')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "is it cold out", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.873349249, + "entities": [], + "text": "is it cold out", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('how many days until Christmas')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.42890653, + "entities": [], + "text": "how many days until Christmas", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + }, + { + "testName": "TrueNegativeEntity('what's the weather like')", + "resultKind": "TrueNegative", + "targetKind": "Entity", + "expectedUtterance": { + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "actualUtterance": { + "score": 0.5407783, + "entities": [], + "text": "what's the weather like", + "intent": "None" + }, + "because": "Neither utterances have entities.", + "categories": [ + "Entity", + "TrueNegative" + ] + } +] diff --git a/extensions/tabs/package.json b/extensions/tabs/package.json index bf86cee..1b0cf5e 100644 --- a/extensions/tabs/package.json +++ b/extensions/tabs/package.json @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ { "dependencies": { + "@types/d3": "^5.7.2", + "awesome-typescript-loader": "^5.2.1", + "live-server": "^1.2.1", + "source-map-loader": "^0.2.4", "vss-web-extension-sdk": "^5.141.0" } } diff --git a/extensions/tabs/scripts/confusion.js b/extensions/tabs/scripts/confusion.js deleted file mode 100644 index 84d5c10..0000000 --- a/extensions/tabs/scripts/confusion.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,310 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -// d3 and json2html included in HTML script reference -/* global d3, json2html, Matrix, Graph */ - -// json2html uses curly brace syntax for templating -/* eslint no-template-curly-in-string: "warn" */ - -// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -function renderConfusionMatrix (filename, headers) { - let quadrantCountMax = 0 - let nestData, facetActualIntents, facetExpectedIntents - - d3.json(filename, { headers }).then(function (data) { - nestData = d3.nest() - .key(function (d) { return d.resultKind }) - .entries(data) - facetExpectedIntents = d3.nest() - .key(function (d) { return d.expectedUtterance.intent }) - .entries(data) - facetActualIntents = d3.nest() - .key(function (d) { return d.actualUtterance.intent }) - .entries(data) - for (let key = 0; key < nestData.length; key++) { - console.log(nestData[key]) - quadrantCountMax = Math.max(quadrantCountMax, nestData[key].values.length) - } - - const matrix = new Matrix() - const graph = new Graph() - graph.quadrantCountMax = quadrantCountMax - - addGraph(graph) - addDataPoints(nestData, matrix, graph) - addFacets('Actual Intents', facetActualIntents) - addFacets('Expected Intents', facetExpectedIntents) - }) -} - -function addFacets (section, data) { - var slicerDiv = d3.select('#facets').append('div') - - slicerDiv.append('div') - .attr('class', 'heading') - .text(section) - - slicerDiv.selectAll('p') - .data(data) - .enter() - .append('div') - .text(function (d) { return d.key }) -} - -function addDataPoints (data, matrix, graph) { - for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { - var tooltip = d3.select('body').append('div') - .attr('class', 'tooltip') - .style('opacity', 0) - d3.select('svg') - .selectAll('elements') - .data(data[index].values) - .enter() - .append('circle') - .attr('r', 5) - .attr('cx', function (d, i) { return getXConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i, matrix) }) - .attr('cy', function (d, i) { return getYConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i) }) - .attr('stroke', function (d, i) { return getDotColor(d, i) }) - .attr('fill', function (d, i) { return getDotColor(d, i) }) - .attr('opacity', 0.5) - .on('mouseover', function (d, i) { - d3.selectAll('.active').classed('active', false) - d3.select('svg') - .append('circle') - .attr('cx', getXConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i, matrix)) - .attr('cy', getYConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i)) - .attr('stroke', getDotColor(d, i)) - .attr('fill', getDotColor(d, i)) - .attr('opacity', 0.5) - .classed('active', true) - .on('click', function () { - d3.selectAll('.clicked').classed('clicked', false) - var div = d3.select('#testData') - div.html(getTestResultHtml(d, matrix)) - d3.selectAll('.active').classed('clicked', true) - }) - .on('mouseover', function () { - tooltip.transition() - .duration(500) - .style('opacity', 0.9) - tooltip.html(d.score || 'not scored') - .style('left', (d3.event.pageX) + 'px') - .style('top', (d3.event.pageY - 28) + 'px') - }) - .on('mouseout', function () { - tooltip.transition() - .duration(500) - .style('opacity', 0) - d3.selectAll('.active').classed('active', false) - }) - }) - } -} - -function addGraph (graph) { - const yScale = graph.yScale() - - var yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yScale) - - var svg = d3.select('#confusionMatrix').append('svg') - .attr('viewBox', '0, 0,' + graph.outerWidth + ',' + graph.outerHeight) - .append('g') - .attr('transform', 'translate(' + graph.margin.left + ',' + graph.margin.top + ')') - - svg.append('rect') - .attr('class', 'outer') - .attr('width', graph.innerWidth) - .attr('height', graph.innerHeight) - - var g = svg.append('g') - .attr('transform', 'translate(' + graph.padding.left + ',' + graph.padding.top + ')') - - g.append('g') - .attr('class', 'y axis') - .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)') - .call(yAxis) - - g.selectAll('line.horizontalGrid').data(yScale.ticks(13)) - .enter() - .append('line') - .attr('class', 'horizontalGrid') - .attr('x1', 0) - .attr('x2', graph.width) - .attr('y1', function (d) { return yScale(d) }) - .attr('y2', function (d) { return yScale(d) }) - .attr('fill', 'none') - .attr('shape-rendering', 'crispEdges') - .attr('stroke', 'steelblue') - .attr('stroke-dasharray', '10,10') - .attr('stroke-width', '1px') - - g.append('text') - .attr('x', 10) - .attr('y', 15) - .text('True Positive') - g.append('text') - .attr('x', graph.width - 100) - .attr('y', 15) - .text('False Positive') - g.append('text') - .attr('x', 10) - .attr('y', graph.height - 5) - .text('False Negative') - g.append('text') - .attr('x', graph.width - 100) - .attr('y', graph.height - 5) - .text('True Negative') - g.append('line') - .attr('x1', 0) - .attr('y1', graph.height / 2) - .attr('x2', graph.width) - .attr('y2', graph.height / 2) - .attr('stroke', 'steelblue') - g.append('line') - .attr('x1', graph.width / 2) - .attr('y1', 0) - .attr('x2', graph.width / 2) - .attr('y2', graph.height) - .attr('stroke', 'steelblue') -} - -function getTestResultHtml (test, matrix) { - console.log('getTestResults') - var t = { - test: { - '<>': 'div', - class: 'col-8', - html: [ - { '<>': 'div', class: 'heading', html: 'Model Statistics' }, - { - '<>': 'div', - class: 'row', - html: [ - { '<>': 'div', class: 'col-3', html: 'Precision: ' + matrix.getPrecision() }, - { '<>': 'div', class: 'col-3', html: 'Recall: ' + matrix.getRecall() }, - { '<>': 'div', class: 'col-3', html: 'F1: ' + matrix.getF1() }, - { '<>': 'div', class: 'col-3', html: 'Accuracy: ' + matrix.getAccuracy() } - ] - }, - { '<>': 'br' }, - { '<>': 'div', class: 'heading', html: '${testName}' }, - { '<>': 'p', html: 'Target: ${targetKind}' }, - { '<>': 'p', html: '${resultKind}: ${because}' }, - { - '<>': 'div', - class: 'row', - html: [ - { - '<>': 'table', - class: 'table', - html: [ - { - '<>': 'thead', - html: [ - { - '<>': 'tr', - html: [ - { '<>': 'th', scope: 'col', html: 'Expected Utterance' }, - { '<>': 'th', scope: 'col', html: 'Actual Utterance' } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - '<>': 'tbody', - html: [ - { - '<>': 'tr', - html: [ - { - '<>': 'td', - html: function () { - var innerHtml = json2html.transform(this.expectedUtterance, t.utterance) - var actual = false - return styleEntities(innerHtml, this.expectedUtterance, this.resultKind, actual) - } - }, - { - '<>': 'td', - html: function () { - var innerHtml = json2html.transform(this.actualUtterance, t.utterance) - var actual = true - return styleEntities(innerHtml, this.actualUtterance, this.resultKind, actual) - } - } - ] - } - ] - } - ] - } - ] - } - ] - }, - utterance: { - '<>': 'p', - html: [ - { '<>': 'p', html: 'Text: ${text}' }, - { '<>': 'p', html: 'Intent: ${intent}' } - ] - } - } - return json2html.transform(test, t.test) -} - -function styleEntities (html, utterance, resultKind, actualUtterance) { - var styleColor = 'rgba(0,255,0,.1)' // 50% transparent green - if ( - (actualUtterance && (resultKind === 'FalsePositive')) || (!actualUtterance && (resultKind === 'FalseNegative')) - ) { styleColor = 'rgba(255,0,0,.1)' } // 50% transparent red - if (utterance.entities !== undefined) { - if (utterance.entities.length > 0) { - var searchText = utterance.entities[0].matchText - html = html.replace(searchText, '' + searchText + '') - } - } - return html -} - -function getDotColor (d, i) { - if ((d.resultKind === 'TruePositive') || (d.resultKind === 'TrueNegative')) { - return 'green' - } - return 'red' -} - -function getXConfusionQuadrant (graph, d, i, matrix) { - const xScale = graph.xScale() - switch (d.resultKind) { - case 'TruePositive': matrix.tp += 1 - break - case 'FalsePositive': matrix.fp += 1 - break - case 'TrueNegative': matrix.tn += 1 - break - case 'FalseNegative': matrix.fn += 1 - break - } - var x = 0 - if ((d.resultKind === 'TruePositive') || (d.resultKind === 'FalseNegative')) { - x = xScale(i) + (graph.margin.left + graph.padding.left + 5) - } else { - x = xScale(i + graph.quadrantCountMax) + (graph.margin.left + graph.padding.left + 10) - } - return x -} - -function getYConfusionQuadrant (graph, d, i) { - const yScale = graph.yScale() - var value = d.score || 1 - var retVal = 0 - if ((d.resultKind === 'TrueNegative') || (d.resultKind === 'FalseNegative')) { - var negValue = 0 - value - retVal = yScale(negValue) - } else { - retVal = yScale(value) - } - return retVal + (graph.margin.top + graph.padding.top) -} diff --git a/extensions/tabs/scripts/graph.js b/extensions/tabs/scripts/graph.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7113f27..0000000 --- a/extensions/tabs/scripts/graph.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -// Licensed under the MIT License. - -/* global d3 */ - -// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars -class Graph { - constructor () { - this.margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20 } - this.padding = { top: 60, right: 60, bottom: 60, left: 60 } - this.outerWidth = 960 - this.outerHeight = 500 - this.innerWidth = this.outerWidth - this.margin.left - this.margin.right - this.innerHeight = this.outerHeight - this.margin.top - this.margin.bottom - this.width = this.innerWidth - this.padding.left - this.padding.right - this.height = this.innerHeight - this.padding.top - this.padding.bottom - this.quadrantCountMax = 0 - } - - yScale () { - return d3.scaleLinear() - .domain([1.2, -1.2]) - .range([0, this.height]) - } - - xScale () { - return d3.scaleLinear() - .domain([0, this.quadrantCountMax * 2]) - .range([0, this.width - 10]) - } -} diff --git a/extensions/tabs/scripts/init.js b/extensions/tabs/scripts/init.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9a4f1a7..0000000 --- a/extensions/tabs/scripts/init.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -/* global VSS, renderConfusionMatrix */ - -VSS.init({ - usePlatformScripts: true, - taskRestClientLoaderConfig: { - paths: { - enhancer: 'scripts' - } - } -}) - -VSS.ready(() => { - const context = VSS.getWebContext() - VSS.getConfiguration().onBuildChanged(build => { - VSS.require(['TFS/DistributedTask/TaskRestClient', 'VSS/Authentication/Services'], (taskRestClient, authServices) => { - taskRestClient.getClient().getPlanAttachments(context.project.id, 'build', build.orchestrationPlan.planId, 'nlu.devops').then(attachments => { - let metadata - let statistics - attachments.forEach(attachment => { - if ((attachment.name === 'metadata.json' || attachment.name === 'statistics.json') && attachment._links && attachment._links.self && attachment._links.self.href) { - metadata = attachment.name === 'metadata.json' ? attachment._links.self.href : metadata - statistics = attachment.name === 'statistics.json' ? attachment._links.self.href : statistics - } - }) - - if (!metadata) { - console.warn('Could not find attachment for NLU metadata.') - } else { - VSS.getAccessToken().then(token => { - var authToken = authServices.authTokenManager.getAuthorizationHeader(token) - renderConfusionMatrix(metadata, { Authorization: authToken }) - }) - } - - if (!statistics) { - console.warn('Could not find attachment for NLU statistics.') - } - }) - }) - }) -}) diff --git a/extensions/tabs/src/confusion.ts b/extensions/tabs/src/confusion.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e17a921 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/tabs/src/confusion.ts @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// d3 and json2html included in HTML script reference +/* global d3, json2html, Matrix, Graph */ + +// json2html uses curly brace syntax for templating + +function renderConfusionMatrix(filename, headers) { + let quadrantCountMax = 0; + let nestData, facetActualIntents, facetExpectedIntents; + let facetActualEntity, facetExpectedEntity; + + // Group elements into a hierarchial tree structure + // Explanation here: https://github.com/d3/d3-collection#nests + d3.json(filename, { headers }).then(function(data) { + nestData = d3.nest() + .key(function(d) { return d.resultKind }) + .entries(data); + facetExpectedIntents = d3.nest() + .key(function(d) { return d.expectedUtterance.intent }) + .entries(data); + facetActualIntents = d3.nest() + .key(function(d) { return d.actualUtterance.intent }) + .entries(data); + + facetActualEntity = d3.nest() + .key(function(d) { + let entityType = d.actualUtterance.entities.entityType; + let entities = d.actualUtterance.entities; + + // Loop through entities where an entityType is present + if (entityType == undefined) { + for (let index = 0; index < entities.length; index++) { + const element = entities[index]; + + return element.entityType; + }; + } else { + return; // TODO: Need to return something stating that there is no entity + } + }) + .entries(data); + + facetExpectedEntity = d3.nest() + .key(function(d) { + let entities = d.expectedUtterance.entities; + + if (entities != undefined) { + // Loop through entities where an entityType is present + for (let index = 0; index < entities.length; index++) { + const element = entities[index]; + + return element.entityType; + }; + } else { + return; // TODO: Need to return something stating that there is no entity + } + }) + .entries(data); + + for (let key = 0; key < nestData.length; key++) { + console.log(nestData[key]); + quadrantCountMax = Math.max(quadrantCountMax, nestData[key].values.length); + } + + const matrix = new Matrix(); + const graph = new Graph(); + graph.quadrantCountMax = quadrantCountMax; + + addGraph(graph); + addDataPoints(nestData, matrix, graph); + addFacets("Actual Intents" , facetActualIntents); + addFacets("Expected Intents", facetExpectedIntents); + + addFacets("Actual Entity" , facetActualEntity); + addFacets("Expected Entity", facetExpectedEntity); + }); +} + +function addFacets(section, data) { + let slicerDiv = d3.select("#facets").append("div"); + + slicerDiv.append("div") + .attr("class", "heading") + .text(section); + + slicerDiv.selectAll("p") + .data(data) + .enter() + .append("div") + .text(function(d) { return d.key; }); +} + +function addDataPoints(data, matrix, graph) { + for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { + let tooltip = d3.select("body").append("div") + .attr("class", "tooltip") + .style("opacity", 0); + d3.select("svg") + .selectAll("elements") + .data(data[index].values) + .enter() + .append("circle") + .attr("r", 5) + .attr("cx", function(d, i) { return getXConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i, matrix); }) + .attr("cy", function(d, i) { return getYConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i); }) + .attr("stroke", function(d, i) { return getDotColor(d, i); }) + .attr("fill", function(d, i) { return getDotColor(d, i); }) + .attr("opacity", 0.5) + .on("mouseover", function(d, i) { + d3.selectAll(".active").classed("active", false); + d3.select("svg") + .append("circle") + .attr("cx", getXConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i, matrix)) + .attr("cy", getYConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i)) + .attr("stroke", getDotColor(d, i)) + .attr("fill", getDotColor(d, i)) + .attr("opacity", 0.5) + .classed("active", true) + .on("click", function() { + d3.selectAll(".clicked").classed("clicked", false); + const div = d3.select("#testData"); + div.html(getTestResultHtml(d, matrix)); + d3.selectAll(".active").classed("clicked", true); + }) + .on("mouseover", function() { + tooltip.transition() + .duration(500) + .style("opacity", 0.9); + tooltip.html(d.score || "not scored") + .style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px") + .style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px"); + }) + .on("mouseout", function() { + tooltip.transition() + .duration(500) + .style("opacity", 0); + d3.selectAll(".active").classed("active", false); + }); + }); + } +} + +function addGraph(graph) { + const yScale = graph.yScale(); + + const yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yScale); + + const svg = d3.select("#confusionMatrix").append("svg") + .attr("viewBox", "0, 0," + graph.outerWidth + "," + graph.outerHeight) + .append("g") + .attr("transform", "translate(" + graph.margin.left + "," + graph.margin.top + ")"); + + svg.append("rect") + .attr("class", "outer") + .attr("width", graph.innerWidth) + .attr("height", graph.innerHeight); + + const g = svg.append("g") + .attr("transform", "translate(" + graph.padding.left + "," + graph.padding.top + ")"); + + g.append("g") + .attr("class", "y axis") + .attr("transform", "translate(0,0)") + .call(yAxis); + + g.selectAll("line.horizontalGrid").data(yScale.ticks(13)) + .enter() + .append("line") + .attr("class", "horizontalGrid") + .attr("x1", 0) + .attr("x2", graph.width) + .attr("y1", function(d) { return yScale(d); }) + .attr("y2", function(d) { return yScale(d); }) + .attr("fill", "none") + .attr("shape-rendering", "crispEdges") + .attr("stroke", "steelblue") + .attr("stroke-dasharray", "10,10") + .attr("stroke-width", "1px"); + + g.append("text") + .attr("x", 10) + .attr("y", 15) + .text("True Positive"); + g.append("text") + .attr("x", graph.width - 100) + .attr("y", 15) + .text("False Positive"); + g.append("text") + .attr("x", 10) + .attr("y", graph.height - 5) + .text("False Negative"); + g.append("text") + .attr("x", graph.width - 100) + .attr("y", graph.height - 5) + .text("True Negative"); + g.append("line") + .attr("x1", 0) + .attr("y1", graph.height / 2) + .attr("x2", graph.width) + .attr("y2", graph.height / 2) + .attr("stroke", "steelblue"); + g.append("line") + .attr("x1", graph.width / 2) + .attr("y1", 0) + .attr("x2", graph.width / 2) + .attr("y2", graph.height) + .attr("stroke", "steelblue"); +} + +function getTestResultHtml(test, matrix) { + console.log("getTestResults"); + const t = { + test: { + "<>": "div", + "class": "col-8", + "html": [ + { "<>": "div", "class": "heading", "html": "Model Statistics" }, + { + "<>": "div", + "class": "row", + "html": [ + { "<>": "div", "class": "col-3", "html": "Precision: " + matrix.getPrecision() }, + { "<>": "div", "class": "col-3", "html": "Recall: " + matrix.getRecall() }, + { "<>": "div", "class": "col-3", "html": "F1: " + matrix.getF1() }, + { "<>": "div", "class": "col-3", "html": "Accuracy: " + matrix.getAccuracy() }, + ], + }, + { "<>": "br" }, + { "<>": "div", "class": "heading", "html": "${testName}" }, + { "<>": "p", "html": "Target: ${targetKind}" }, + { "<>": "p", "html": "${resultKind}: ${because}" }, + { + "<>": "div", + "class": "row", + "html": [ + { + "<>": "table", + "class": "table", + "html": [ + { + "<>": "thead", + "html": [ + { + "<>": "tr", + "html": [ + { "<>": "th", "scope": "col", "html": "Expected Utterance" }, + { "<>": "th", "scope": "col", "html": "Actual Utterance" }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + { + "<>": "tbody", + "html": [ + { + "<>": "tr", + "html": [ + { + "<>": "td", + "html"() { + const innerHtml = json2html.transform(this.expectedUtterance, t.utterance); + const actual = false; + return styleEntities(innerHtml, this.expectedUtterance, this.resultKind, actual); + }, + }, + { + "<>": "td", + "html"() { + const innerHtml = json2html.transform(this.actualUtterance, t.utterance); + const actual = true; + return styleEntities(innerHtml, this.actualUtterance, this.resultKind, actual); + }, + }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + utterance: { + "<>": "p", + "html": [ + { "<>": "p", "html": "Text: ${text}" }, + { "<>": "p", "html": "Intent: ${intent}" }, + ], + }, + }; + return json2html.transform(test, t.test); +} + +function styleEntities(html, utterance, resultKind, actualUtterance) { + let styleColor = "rgba(0,255,0,.1)"; // 50% transparent green + if ( + (actualUtterance && (resultKind === "FalsePositive")) || (!actualUtterance && (resultKind === "FalseNegative")) + ) { styleColor = "rgba(255,0,0,.1)"; } // 50% transparent red + if (utterance.entities !== undefined) { + if (utterance.entities.length > 0) { + const searchText = utterance.entities[0].matchText; + html = html.replace(searchText, '' + searchText + ""); + } + } + return html; +} + +function getDotColor(d, i) { + if ((d.resultKind === "TruePositive") || (d.resultKind === "TrueNegative")) { + return "green"; + } + return "red"; +} + +function getXConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i, matrix) { + const xScale = graph.xScale(); + switch (d.resultKind) { + case "TruePositive": matrix.tp += 1; + break; + case "FalsePositive": matrix.fp += 1; + break; + case "TrueNegative": matrix.tn += 1; + break; + case "FalseNegative": matrix.fn += 1; + break; + } + let x = 0; + if ((d.resultKind === "TruePositive") || (d.resultKind === "FalseNegative")) { + x = xScale(i) + (graph.margin.left + graph.padding.left + 5); + } else { + x = xScale(i + graph.quadrantCountMax) + (graph.margin.left + graph.padding.left + 10); + } + return x; +} + +function getYConfusionQuadrant(graph, d, i) { + const yScale = graph.yScale(); + const value = d.score || 1; + let retVal = 0; + if ((d.resultKind === "TrueNegative") || (d.resultKind === "FalseNegative")) { + const negValue = 0 - value; + retVal = yScale(negValue); + } else { + retVal = yScale(value); + } + return retVal + (graph.margin.top + graph.padding.top); +} diff --git a/extensions/tabs/src/graph.ts b/extensions/tabs/src/graph.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5f92c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/tabs/src/graph.ts @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +/* global d3 */ + +// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars +class Graph { + constructor () { + this.margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20 } + this.padding = { top: 60, right: 60, bottom: 60, left: 60 } + this.outerWidth = 960 + this.outerHeight = 500 + this.innerWidth = this.outerWidth - this.margin.left - this.margin.right + this.innerHeight = this.outerHeight - this.margin.top - this.margin.bottom + this.width = this.innerWidth - this.padding.left - this.padding.right + this.height = this.innerHeight - this.padding.top - this.padding.bottom + this.quadrantCountMax = 0 + } + + yScale () { + return d3.scaleLinear() + .domain([1.2, -1.2]) + .range([0, this.height]) + } + + xScale () { + return d3.scaleLinear() + .domain([0, this.quadrantCountMax * 2]) + .range([0, this.width - 10]) + } +} diff --git a/extensions/tabs/src/init.ts b/extensions/tabs/src/init.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3611eca --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/tabs/src/init.ts @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* global VSS, renderConfusionMatrix */ + +// VSS.init({ +// usePlatformScripts: true, +// taskRestClientLoaderConfig: { +// paths: { +// enhancer: 'scripts' +// } +// } +// }) + +// VSS.ready(() => { +// const context = VSS.getWebContext() +// VSS.getConfiguration().onBuildChanged(build => { +// VSS.require(['TFS/DistributedTask/TaskRestClient', 'VSS/Authentication/Services'], (taskRestClient, authServices) => { +// taskRestClient.getClient().getPlanAttachments(context.project.id, 'build', build.orchestrationPlan.planId, 'nlu.devops').then(attachments => { +// let metadata +// let statistics +// attachments.forEach(attachment => { +// if ((attachment.name === 'metadata.json' || attachment.name === 'statistics.json') && attachment._links && attachment._links.self && attachment._links.self.href) { +// metadata = attachment.name === 'metadata.json' ? attachment._links.self.href : metadata +// statistics = attachment.name === 'statistics.json' ? attachment._links.self.href : statistics +// } +// }) + +// if (!metadata) { +// console.warn('Could not find attachment for NLU metadata.') +// } else { +// VSS.getAccessToken().then(token => { +// var authToken = authServices.authTokenManager.getAuthorizationHeader(token) +// renderConfusionMatrix(metadata, { Authorization: authToken }) +// }) +// } + +// if (!statistics) { +// console.warn('Could not find attachment for NLU statistics.') +// } +// }) +// }) +// }) +// }) + +// Metadata for developing charts locally. Not used for production +const metadata = "metadata.json"; +renderConfusionMatrix(metadata, { Authorization: "" }); diff --git a/extensions/tabs/scripts/matrix.js b/extensions/tabs/src/matrix.ts similarity index 73% rename from extensions/tabs/scripts/matrix.js rename to extensions/tabs/src/matrix.ts index 4848cee..497b55e 100644 --- a/extensions/tabs/scripts/matrix.js +++ b/extensions/tabs/src/matrix.ts @@ -3,31 +3,31 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars class Matrix { - constructor () { - this.p = 0 - this.n = 0 - this.tp = 0 - this.tn = 0 - this.fp = 0 - this.fn = 0 + constructor() { + this.p = 0; + this.n = 0; + this.tp = 0; + this.tn = 0; + this.fp = 0; + this.fn = 0; } - getAccuracy () { + public getAccuracy() { const accuracy = (this.tp + this.tn) / ((this.tp + this.fn) + (this.fp + this.tn)) return Math.round(accuracy * 100) / 100 } - getF1 () { + public getF1() { const f1 = 2 * this.tp / (2 * this.tp + this.fp + this.fn) return Math.round(f1 * 100) / 100 } - getPrecision () { + public getPrecision() { const precision = this.tp / (this.tp + this.fp) return Math.round(precision * 100) / 100 } - getRecall () { + public getRecall() { const recall = this.tp / (this.tp + this.fn) return Math.round(recall * 100) / 100 } diff --git a/extensions/tabs/tsconfig.json b/extensions/tabs/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6644f4b --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/tabs/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "outDir": "dist", + "allowJs": true, + "target": "es5", + "sourceMap": true + }, + "include": [ + "./src/**/*" + ] +}