Get started building a new Calcite Component using this boilerplate example. Thee following files are common for building a new component.
The component TSX file.
import { Component, Element, Event, EventEmitter, Host, Listen, Method, Prop, State, Watch, h } from "@stencil/core";
import { CSS, TEXT } from "./resources";
tag: "calcite-example",
styleUrl: "calcite-example.scss",
shadow: true
export class CalciteExample {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Properties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
someProp = true;
textMyString = TEXT.myString;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Properties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
el: HTMLCalciteExampleElement;
internalProp: string;
handleSomeProp(): void {
// ...
internalRenderableProp = 0;
handleInternalSomeProp(): void {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lifecycle
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
componentWillLoad() {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Events
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
calciteExampleEvent: EventEmitter;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
async publicMethod(): Promise<void> {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
internalMethod(): void {
// ...
handleSomeEvent(): void {
// ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render Methods
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
render() {
return (
<div class={}>{this.someProp ? this.textMyString : null}</div>
The Associated Sass styling to go along with the component.
:host {
display: flex;
Resources defined in /src/my-component/resources.ts
export const TEXT = {
myString: "i18n string prop start with 'text'"
export const CSS = {
foo: "foo"
import { newE2EPage } from "@stencil/core/testing";
import { CSS, TEXT } from "./resources";
import { accessible, hidden, renders } from "../../tests/commonTests";
describe.skip("calcite-example", () => {
it("renders", async () => renders("calcite-example"));
it("honors hidden attribute", async () => hidden("calcite-example"));
it("is accessible", async () => accessible("calcite-example"));
it("shows myString by default", async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent("<calcite-example></calcite-example>");
const div = await page.find(`calcite-example >>> .${}`);
it("hides myString when someProp is false", async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(`<calcite-example></calcite-example>`);
const div = await page.find(`calcite-example >>> .${}`);