Jobs for taskmasterd are configured using a file (where "job" is the name of the job).
Here is an example of a job config file:
"cmd": "printenv", // The command to run.
"procNr": 1, // How many instances of the process to start.
"autoStart": true, // Whether to automatically start the process when taskmasterd is started.
"restart": 1, // Whether to restart the process always(2), only on unexpected exits(1), or never(0).
"startTime": 1, // How long it should take to start the process.
"normalExitSig": 0, // Normal exit signal to expect when the process ends.
"restartTimes": 0, // How many times to restart the process.
"stopSig": 15, // The signal to send to "gracefully" exit the program.
"stopTime": 1, // How long to wait for a process to end gracefully before killing it.
"stdout": "o.txt", // Which file to redirect stdout from the program to.
"stderr": "e.txt", // Which file to redirect stderr from the program to.
"env": // List of environment variables to pass to the process.
"name": "FOO", // Name of the environment variable you want to set.
"value": "bar" // Value to set the environment variable to.
"dir": "./test/", // Working directory to run the process within.
"umask": "0111" // Umask to set for the process.
Note: Although comments are not strictly allowed in json, the jsonx parser I am using(courtesy of Gian Merlino) does accept comments delimited by "//".
For a preconfigured taskmasterd installation example, check out the examples directory.