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Localization of Stringex conversions

lassebunk edited this page Feb 1, 2013 · 6 revisions

It is possible to localize the different conversions and unidecoding in Stringex, so for example "100%" becomes "100 percent" in English and "100 prozent" in German.

This goes for acts_as_url, to_ascii, convert_miscellaneous_characters, convert_miscellaneous_html_entities, and convert_vulgar_fractions.

You can translate the different words using I18n (which is also included in Rails) or using the Stringex internal translation store. It automatically selects I18n if it's available.

To use with I18n (recommended)

I18n is the recommended way to localize Stringex conversions. You can store translations like this:

I18n.backend.store_translations :da, { :stringex => { :characters       => { :and => "og" },
                                                      :html_entities    => { :nbsp => " mellemrum " },
                                                      :vulgar_fractions => { :half => "halv" },
                                                      :transliterations => { "é" => "ee" } } }

First try it without localization:

"one & two".convert_miscellaneous_characters # => "one and two"
"my words".convert_miscellaneous_html_entities # => "my words"

Then translated using the different methods like you normally would:

I18n.locale = :da
"one & two".convert_miscellaneous_characters # => "one og two"
"my words".convert_miscellaneous_html_entities # => "my mellemrum words"

In Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails stores translations in config/locales/xx.yml and loads these automatically into I18n so you don't need to manually load the translations. Like this, in config/locales/da.yml:

      and: og
      nbsp: mellemrum
      half: halv
      é: ee

Then just set your locale and use Stringex like you normally would.

E.g. in a controller:

I18n.locale = :da

Then, in a view or somewhere else:

<%= "one & two".convert_miscellaneous_characters # => "one og two" %>

To use without I18n

Using I18n is the recommended solution but if you want, you can use the internal backend.

# Force internal store as it will use I18n as default if it's present
Stringex::Localization.backend = :internal

# Store translations
Stringex::Localization.store_translations :da, :characters,       { :and => "og" }
Stringex::Localization.store_translations :da, :html_entities,    { :nbsp => " mellemrum " }
Stringex::Localization.store_translations :da, :vulgar_fractions, { :half => "halv" }
Stringex::Localization.store_translations :da, :transliterations, { "é" => "ee" }

# Set the locale
Stringex::Localization.default_locale = :en
Stringex::Localization.locale = :da

# And use it like you normally would
"one & two".convert_miscellaneous_characters # => "one og two"
"my&nbsp;words".convert_miscellaneous_html_entities # => "my mellemrum words"

So using I18n is easier and cleaner, but you can use the internal store for example if you don't want to depend on I18n.

Translation keys


Scope: :characters

Key Default
:and and
:number number
:at at
:dot \1 dot \2
:dollars \2 dollars
:dollars_cents \2 dollars \3 cents
:pounds \2 pounds
:pounds_pence \2 pounds \3 pence
:yen \2 yen
:star star
:percent percent
:equals equals
:plus plus
:divide divide
:degrees degrees
:ellipsis dot dot dot
:slash slash

HTML entities

Scope: :html_entities

Key Default
:double_quote "
:single_quote '
:ellipsis ...
:en_dash -
:em_dash --
:times x
:gt >
:lt <
:trade (tm)
:reg (r)
:copy (c)
:amp and
:nbsp space
:cent cent
:pound pound
:frac14 one fourth
:frac12 half
:frac34 three fourths
:divide divide
:deg degrees

Vulgar fractions

Scope: :vulgar_fractions

Key Default
:one_fourth one fourth
:half half
:three_fourths three fourths
:one_third one third
:two_thirds two thirds
:one_fifth one fifth
:two_fifths two fifths
:three_fifths three fifths
:four_fifths four fifths
:one_sixth one sixth
:five_sixths five sixths
:one_eighth one eighth
:three_eighths three eighths
:five_eighths five eighths
:seven_eighths seven eighths


Scope: :transliterations

Default unidecoder transliterations are in lib/stringex/unidecoder_data.

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