Repository to store skills matrixes and technical contributor path documents. These documents are used to provide more clarity and objective quantification to career progression for technical contributors such as data scientists, engineers, and business intelligence analysts. The overall philosophy and some guidance around usage are described in the following blog post.
The technical contributor path (TCP) documents are in markdown files. Initially I kept the technical career paths as Google Docs, but I'd like to remove this project from Google. The docs were coverted to .md files using this awesome script. Historically, I've also kept the skills matrices in my Google drive as sheets documents. These were saved as OpenDocument Spreadsheets (.ods) files which should open in Excel, Numbers, or Google sheets.
I'd very much like to collaborate with others to create skills matrices for other technical positions. Please feel feel to submit PRs with additional skills matrices. Obviously, this is a far different development process than submitting code for review and merging. I'd like to see discussion from others around any PRs containing new skills matrices.