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524 lines (339 loc) · 23.5 KB

File metadata and controls

524 lines (339 loc) · 23.5 KB

LSP4J Change Log

v1.0.0 (TBD)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.69.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.65.0

Fixed issues:

  • The exception handling around throwing ResponseErrorException has been improved to ensure that it is unwrapped to the expected ResponseError on the receiving side. In addition, @JsonDelegates that throw exceptions have their checked exceptions wrapped in the more narrow IllegalStateException instead of a RuntimeException.
    • See #802 for detailed discussion.

Breaking API changes:

  • DAP version 1.61 removed unused ModulesViewDescriptor

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

  • The org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket bundle has been deprecated in preparation for removal in the future.
    • Please migrate to org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket.jakarta
    • The org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket bundle is no longer included in the SDK feature nor published to Eclipse SimRel
    • See #647 for detailed discussion.

Breaking API changes:

  • The Message class now has a new transient field, jsonHandler, to enable the toString implementation to properly format messages when custom type adapters are used.
    • For consumers that have their own custom serializers or other reflective message processors they may need to be updated to ensure that transient fields are skipped, for example by using Modifier.isTransient
    • See #768 for detailed discussion.
  • The name field in WorkspaceFolder is no longer optional according to the specification.
    • See #741 for detailed discussion.
  • The LSP4J generator when applied to @JsonRpcData annotated classes generates a dependency on package org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.util in the org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc bundle.
    • This removes the implied requirement in LSP4J 0.21.0 that there are classes called ToStringBuilder and Preconditions in a sub-package called util; instead, the generator now uses classes ToStringBuilder and Preconditions in package org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.util.
    • Duplicate classes ToStringBuilder and Preconditions have been removed from org.eclipse.lsp4j.util and org.eclipse.lsp4j.debug.util packages.
    • See #742 for detailed discussion.

japicmp report:

This release widens the dependency range of Guava dependency and includes in the p2 site newer versions of third party dependencies. See #785 for details.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.60.0
  • LSP4J's implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0 specification has been fixed regarding de-structure the outermost array wrapper if it's a single array parameter.
    • See #553 for detailed discussion.
  • xbase's @Pure and ToStringBuilder is no longer used by LSP4J
    • See #494 for detailed discussion.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • LSP4J now requires Java 11 to build and run. This can be observed in the japicmp report which says class file format version changed from 52.0 to 55.0. eclipse-lsp4j#547.

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Removed WorkspaceDocumentDiagnosticReportTypeAdapter, which was effectively replaced with WorkspaceDocumentDiagnosticReportListAdapter as part of fixing issue eclipse-lsp4j#682.

japicmp report:

  • Fixed issues related to reflection errors so that --add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED is no longer needed on Java 17.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • None.

japicmp report:

  • Update org.eclipse.xtend.lib dependency to 2.28.0 to address CVE-2020-8908 #672

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • None.

japicmp report:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.58.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • None.

japicmp report:

  • Added Notebook support
  • Added
  • Added support for client default behavior on renames
  • Implemented DAP version 1.56.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Return type of textDocument/prepareRename changed from Either<Range, PrepareRenameResult> to Either3<Range, PrepareRenameResult, PrepareRenameDefaultBehavior>
  • Class SemanticTokensWithRegistrationOptions now extends AbstractTextDocumentRegistrationAndWorkDoneProgressOptions instead of AbstractWorkDoneProgressOptions
  • Removed unspecified deprecated properties InitializeParams.clientName DidOpenTextDocumentParams.text, DidChangeTextDocumentParams.uri, TextDocumentPositionParams.uri

japicmp report:

  • Added changes to the LSP 3.17 specification that were added after specification was published as done.
    • See #630 for all changes.

Fixed issues:

japicmp report:

  • Implemented LSP version 3.17.0 (except Notebook support)
  • Implemented DAP versions 1.45.0 - 1.55.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Method LanguageClient.setTrace moved to LanguageServer, where it should have been according to the specification
  • Method IDebugProtocolServer.runInTerminal moved to IDebugProtocolClient, where it should have been according to the specification
  • Removed as it was already deprecated and never specified for StaticRegistrationOptions
  • Removed SemanticTokenTypes.Member as it was already deprecated and not specified
  • Removed TraceValue.Message as it was already deprecated and not specified
  • Changed TraceValue to be final matching similar classes
  • Removed duplicate ResponseErrorCode as it has been deprecated for several versions
  • Removed ResponseErrorCode.serverErrorStart and ResponseErrorCode.serverErrorEnd as they were already deprecated and just boundaries not actual error codes
  • Return type of workspace/symbol changed from List<? extends SymbolInformation> to Either<List<? extends SymbolInformation>, List<? extends WorkspaceSymbol>>
  • Type of FileSystemWatcher.globPattern changed from String to Either<String, RelativePattern>
  • In DAP, return type of IDebugProtocolServer.setExceptionBreakpoints changed from Void to SetExceptionBreakpointsResponse

Breaking Beta API changes:

  • Significant updates were made to the TypeHierarchy features to replace the non-standard implementation
  • Removed WorkspaceEdit.resourceChanges, WorkspaceEditCapabilities.resourceChanges, and ResourceChange as they have been deprecated for numerous versions and are not specified

Deprecated API changes:

  • SymbolInformation is deprecated in favor of DocumentSymbol or WorkspaceSymbol
  • ResponseErrorCode.serverNotInitialized deprecated in favor of ResponseErrorCode.ServerNotInitialized
  • Restored org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket which will be included along with org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket.jakarta. This will allow use of LSP4J over Jakarta websockets and pre-Jakarta websockets. See eclipse-lsp4j#536 for more details.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of CodeLensOptions.resolveProvider changed from boolean to Boolean

Breaking changes in behavior:

  • In case a type argument for Either is declared as Object, EitherTypeAdapter now uses JsonElementTypeAdapter for parsing/serializing the corresponding value. Notably, this can affect parsing of properties SemanticTokensClientCapabilitiesRequests.range and SemanticTokensWithRegistrationOptions.range; their right-hand side, declared as Object, will be parsed into a JsonElement now.
  • Implemented LSP version 3.16.0 (to finalized specification)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.15.0's Progress specification
  • Implemented DAP version 1.43.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.44.0
  • Replaced org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket by org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket.jakarta for using LSP4J over Jakarta websockets

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Coloring and Semantic Highlighting APIs are removed
  • Changed some types from Number to Integer
  • Type of CompletionItem.textEdit changed from TextEdit to Either<TextEdit, InsertReplaceEdit>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.hoverProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, HoverOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.definitionProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DefinitionOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.typeDefinitionProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, TypeDefinitionRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.implementationProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, ImplementationRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.referencesProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, ReferenceOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentHighlightProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentHighlightOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentSymbolProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentSymbolOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.workspaceSymbolProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, WorkspaceSymbolOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentFormattingProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentFormattingOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentRangeFormattingProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentRangeFormattingOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.declarationProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, DeclarationRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.callHierarchyProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, CallHierarchyRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.selectionRangeProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, SelectionRangeRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.linkedEditingRangeProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, LinkedEditingRangeRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ProgressParams.value changed from WorkDoneProgressNotification to Either<WorkDoneProgressNotification, Object>

Deprecated API changes:

  • In DAP, VariablePresentationHintKind.DATA_BREAKPOINT has been marked @Deprecated to match its deprecation in the protocol in 1.44.
  • In DAP, SetBreakpointsArguments.lines has been marked @Deprecated to match its deprecation in protocol many versions ago.
  • Implemented LSP version 3.16.0 (specification is not finalized yet)
  • Implemented DAP version 1.37.0's CancelRequest
  • Implemented DAP version 1.38.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.39.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.40.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.41.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.42.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • In DAP, ReadMemoryArguments.count was Integer however it is a required property and has been changed to int
  • In DAP, has been marked @NonNull as id is a required property.
  • In DAP, Scope.presentationHint was an enum ScopePresentationHint, it is now a String as presentationHint has possible values that include - but not limited to those defined in ScopePresentationHint. ScopePresentationHint has changed from an enum to an interface containing String constants.
  • In DAP, SetBreakpointsArguments.lines was changed from Integer[] to int[] as the individual items in the array are not optional, but the array as a whole is optional.
  • In DAP, TerminateThreadsArguments.threadIds was changed from Integer[] to int[] as the individual items in the array are not optional, but the array as a whole is optional.

Deprecated API changes:

  • Semantic Highlighting is deprecated in favor of Semantic Tokens
  • Implemented DAP version 1.36.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.37.0 (except CancelRequest)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.15.0 (except Progress)
  • Improved compatibility with prior versions of vscode-languageclient (eclipse-lsp4j#407)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • In DebugProtocol fields which were @NonNull Long are now int as they are required. This brings the DAP implementation in LSP4J in line with the LSP implementation under the same conditions.

  • In DebugProtocol fields which were @NonNull Boolean are now boolean as they are required. This brings the DAP implementation in LSP4J in line with the LSP implementation under the same conditions.

  • In DebugProtocol fields which used to be defined as Long are now Integer. This is due to changes in DAP 1.36 and clarification sought from microsoft/debug-adapter-protocol#90

  • The DebugProtocol's EvaluateResponse's field memoryReference was previously incorrectly declared as Long, it is now correctly declared as String

  • CodeActionKindCapabilities.valueSet marked with @NonNull

  • Parameters for the following requests have been changed from TextDocumentPositionParams

    • textDocument/signatureHelp changed to SignatureHelpParams
    • textDocument/hover changed to HoverParams
    • textDocument/declaration changed to DeclarationParams
    • textDocument/definition changed to DefinitionParams
    • textDocument/typeDefinition changed to TypeDefinitionParams
    • textDocument/implementation changed to ImplementationParams
    • textDocument/documentHighlight changed to DocumentHighlightParams
    • textDocument/prepareRename changed to PrepareRenameParams
  • The LSP's Protocol Diagnostic field code was previously incorrectly declared as String, it is now correctly declared as Either<String, Number>

v0.8.1 (Sep. 2019)

Fixed issues:

v0.8.0 (Aug. 2019)

  • Implemented DAP version 1.35.0
  • Added new module org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket for using LSP4J over websockets

Fixed issues:

v0.7.2 (May 2019)

  • Updated textDocument/callHierarchy according to latest proposal (note: changes to classes and methods marked with @Beta are not regarded as API-breaking).

Fixed issues:

v0.7.1 (Apr. 2019)

Fixed issues:

v0.7.0 (Feb. 2019)

  • Implemented LSP version 3.14.0
  • Support tuple of two types with the Tuple.Two class

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Return type of textDocument/definition, textDocument/typeDefinition and textDocument/implementation changed from List<? extends Location> to Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>
  • Type of ParameterInformation.label changed from String to Either<String, Tuple.Two<Integer, Integer>>
  • Setters and constructors of protocol classes throw IllegalArgumentException if given null for properties marked with @NonNull

v0.6.0 (Nov. 2018)

  • Implemented LSP version 3.13.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of WorkspaceEdit.documentChanges changed from List<TextDocumentEdit> to List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>>

v0.5.0 (Sep. 2018)

  • Updated primary license to EPL v2.0 (the secondary license EDL v1.0 remains)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.10.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.31.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Return type of textDocument/documentSymbol changed from List<? extends SymbolInformation> to List<Either<SymbolInformation, DocumentSymbol>>
  • Return type of textDocument/codeAction changed from List<? extends Command> to List<Either<Command, CodeAction>>

v0.4.1 (May 2018)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of ServerCapabilities.colorProvider changed from ColorProviderOptions to Either<Boolean, ColorProviderOptions>
  • Renamed ColorPresentationParams.colorInfo property to color

v0.4.0 (Apr. 2018)

  • Implemented the VS Code Debug Protocol
  • Implemented LSP version 3.7.0
  • Support multiple local and remote services
  • Improved error handling

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Parameter of completion requests changed from TextDocumentPositionParams to CompletionParams (this change breaks all LanguageServer implementations, but the migration is trivial)
  • Type of CompletionItem.documentation, ParameterInformation.documentation and SignatureInformation.documentation changed from String to Either<String, MarkupContent>
  • Type of Hover.contents changed from List<Either<String, MarkedString>> to Either<List<Either<String, MarkedString>>, MarkupContent>
  • All protocol properties with type Object are parsed to JsonElement (previously Map for objects and List for arrays)
  • Corrected DocumentFilter.schema property name to scheme
  • Removed DocumentSelector interface
  • VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.version changed from type int to Integer, thus can be null now.

v0.3.1 (Apr. 2018)

Fixed issues:

v0.3.0 (Sep. 2017)

  • Support union of three types with the Either3 class

Fixed issues:

v0.2.1 (Jul. 2017)

Fixed issues:

v0.2.0 (May 2017)

  • Implemented LSP version 3.0
  • Support union of two types with the Either class
  • Support multiple parameters in protocol methods
  • Support custom error codes

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of ServerCapabilities.textDocumentSync changed from TextDocumentSyncKind to Either<TextDocumentSyncKind, TextDocumentSyncOptions>
  • Type of Hover.contents changed from List<String> to List<Either<String, MarkedString>>

v0.1.2 (Mar. 2017)

Fixed issues:

v0.1.1 (Jan. 2017)

Fixed issues: