diff --git a/docs/tutorials/api-envs.rst b/docs/tutorials/api-envs.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d336972c9..000000000
--- a/docs/tutorials/api-envs.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Envs and Packages
-.. raw:: html
-The Runhouse Env and Package abstractions help to provide convenient
-dependency isolation and management across your dev environments and
-applications. By specifying the runtime environment associated with each
-of your Runhouse functions and apps, ensure consistency and
-reproducibility no matter where you deploy your code from/to.
-A Runhouse package represents a package or dependency that can be shared
-between environments/clusters or file storage, and is core to the
-Runhouse environment. This can be the standard PyPI or Conda package, a
-requirements.txt file, a custom local package, or even a Git package.
-.. code:: ipython3
- import runhouse as rh
-.. code:: ipython3
- pip_package = rh.Package.from_string("pip:numpy")
- conda_package = rh.Package.from_string("conda:torch")
- reqs_package = rh.Package.from_string("reqs:./")
- git_package = rh.GitPackage(git_url='https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers.git',
- install_method='pip',
- revision='v0.11.1')
-The Runhouse environment represents a whole compute environment,
-consisting of packages, environment variables, and any secrets necessary
-for performing tasks within the environment. It defines the environment
-on which Runhouse functions and modules run.
-Currently, both bare metal environments and Conda environments are
-supported. Docker environment support is planned.
-Bare Metal Envs
-Envs can be constructed with the ``rh.env()`` factory function,
-optionally taking in a name, requirements (packages), environment
-variables, and secrets.
-.. code:: ipython3
- env = rh.env(
- name="fn_env",
- reqs=["numpy", "torch"],
- env_vars={"USER": "*****"},
- secrets=["aws"],
- )
-If no environment name is provided, when the environment is sent to a
-cluster, the dependencies and variables of the environment will be
-installed and synced on top of the cluster’s default env. However,
-Without a name, the env resource itself can not be accessed and does not
-live in the cluster’s object store.
-Conda Envs
-Conda Envs can be created using ``rh.conda_env``. There are a couple of
-ways to construct a Conda Env:
-- ``.yml`` file corresponding to conda config
-- dict corresponding to conda config
-- name of already set up local conda env
-- passing in reqs as a list
-Additional package dependencies can be passed in through the ``reqs``
-argument, and env vars, secrets, and working dir is supported just as in
-the bare metal env.
-.. code:: ipython3
- conda_env = rh.conda_env(conda_env="conda_env.yml", reqs=["numpy", "diffusers"], name="yaml_env")
- conda_dict = {"name": "conda_env", "channels": ["conda-forge"], "dependencies": ["python=3.10.0"]}
- conda_env = rh.env(conda_env=conda_dict, name="dict_env")
- conda_env = rh.conda_env(conda_env="local_conda_env", name="from_local_env")
- conda_env = rh.conda_env(reqs=["numpy", "diffusers"], name="new_env")
-Envs on the Cluster
-Runhouse environments are generic environments, and the object itself is
-not associated with a cluster. However, it is easy to set up an
-environment on the cluster, by simply calling the ``env.to(cluster)``
-API, or by sending your module/function to the env with the
-``.to(cluster=cluster, env=env)`` API, which will construct and
-cache the environment on the remote cluster.
-.. code:: ipython3
- # Function, cluster, and env setup
- def np_sum(a, b):
- import numpy as np
- return np.sum([a, b])
- cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster("rh-cluster", instance_type="CPU:2+").up_if_not()
- env = rh.env(name="np_env", reqs=["numpy"])
-.. code:: ipython3
- remote_np_sum = rh.function(np_sum).to(cluster, env=env)
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:24:52.915177 | Writing out function to /Users/caroline/Documents/runhouse/notebooks/docs/np_sum_fn.py. Please make sure the function does not rely on any local variables, including imports (which should be moved inside the function body).
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:03.923658 | SSH tunnel on to server's port 32300 via server's ssh port 22 already created with the cluster.
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:04.162828 | Server rh-cluster is up.
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:04.166104 | Copying package from file:///Users/caroline/Documents/runhouse/notebooks to: rh-cluster
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:07.356780 | Calling np_env.install
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- ----------
- [36mrh-cluster[0m
- ----------
- [36mInstalling Package: numpy with method pip.
- [0m[36mRunning: pip install numpy
- [0m[36mInstalling Package: notebooks with method reqs.
- [0m[36mreqs path: notebooks/requirements.txt
- [0m[36mnotebooks/requirements.txt not found, skipping
- [0m
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:09.601131 | Time to call np_env.install: 2.24 seconds
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:25:16.987243 | Sending module np_sum to rh-cluster
-.. code:: ipython3
- remote_np_sum(2, 3)
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:38:18.997808 | Calling np_sum.call
- INFO | 2024-02-28 21:38:20.047907 | Time to call np_sum.call: 1.05 seconds
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- 5
-On the cluster, each environment is associated with its own Ray Actor
-servlet, which handles all the activities within the environment
-(installing packages, getting or putting objects, calling functions,
-etc). Each env servlet has its own local object store where objects
-persist in Python, and lives in its own process, reducing interprocess
-overhead and eliminating launch overhead for calls made in the same env.
-Syncing your local code
-You may be wondering how the actual code that you have written and sent
-to Runhouse gets synced to the cluster, if it is not included in the
-env. When you import a function and send it to the env, we locate the
-function’s import site and find the package it’s a part of. We do this
-by searching for any “.git”, “setup.py”, “setup.cfg”, “pyproject.toml”,
-or “requirements.txt”, and then sync the first directory we find that
-represents a package. Any directory with a ``requirements.txt`` that is
-synced up will also have those reqs installed. *We do not store this
-code on our servers at all, it is just synced onto your own cluster.*
-You can also sync a specific folder of your own choosing, and it will be
-synced and added to the remote Python path, resulting in any Python
-packages in that directory being importable. For example:
-.. code:: ipython3
- env = rh.env(
- name="fn_env_with_local_package",
- reqs=["numpy", "torch", "~/path/to/package"],
- )
-Cluster Default Env
-The cluster also has a concept of a base default env, which is the
-environment on which the runhouse server will be started from. It is the
-environment in which cluster calls and computations, such as commands
-and functions, will default to running on, if no other env is specified.
-During cluster initialization, you can specify the default env for the
-cluster. It is constructed as with any other runhouse env, using
-``rh.env()``, and contains any package installations, commands to run,
-or env vars to set prior to starting the Runhouse server, or even a
-particular conda env to isolate your Runhouse environment. If no default
-env is specified, runs on the base environment on the cluster (after
-sourcing bash).
-.. code:: ipython3
- import runhouse as rh
-.. code:: ipython3
- default_env = rh.conda_env(
- name="cluster_default",
- reqs=["skypilot"], # to enable autostop, which requires skypilot library
- env_vars={"my_token": "TOKEN_VAL"}
- )
- cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster(
- name="rh-cpu",
- instance_type="CPU:2+",
- provider="aws",
- default_env=default_env,
- )
- cluster.up_if_not()
-Now, as we see in the examples below, running a command or sending over
-a function without specifying an env will default the default conda env
-that we have specified for the cluster.
-.. code:: ipython3
- cluster.run("conda env list | grep '*'")
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-05-20 18:08:42.460946 | Calling cluster_default._run_command
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- [36mRunning command in cluster_default: conda run -n cluster_default conda env list | grep '*'
- [0m[36mcluster_default * /opt/conda/envs/cluster_default
- [0m
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-05-20 18:08:45.130137 | Time to call cluster_default._run_command: 2.67 seconds
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- [(0, 'cluster_default * /opt/conda/envs/cluster_default\n', '')]
-.. code:: ipython3
- def check_import():
- import sky
- return "import succeeded"
-.. code:: ipython3
- check_remote_import = rh.function(check_import).to(cluster)
-.. code:: ipython3
- check_remote_import()
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- INFO | 2024-05-20 18:30:05.128009 | Calling check_import.call
- INFO | 2024-05-20 18:30:05.691348 | Time to call check_import.call: 0.56 seconds
-.. parsed-literal::
- :class: code-output
- 'import succeeded'
diff --git a/runhouse/__init__.py b/runhouse/__init__.py
index 7d9d5d23b..38ce2af81 100644
--- a/runhouse/__init__.py
+++ b/runhouse/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from runhouse.resources.asgi import Asgi, asgi
-from runhouse.resources.envs import conda_env, CondaEnv, env, Env
from runhouse.resources.folders import Folder, folder, GCSFolder, S3Folder
from runhouse.resources.functions.function import Function
from runhouse.resources.functions.function_factory import function
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/envs/__init__.py b/runhouse/resources/envs/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc0213a0..000000000
--- a/runhouse/resources/envs/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-from .conda_env import CondaEnv
-from .env import Env
-from .env_factory import conda_env, env
-from .utils import _get_env_from
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/envs/conda_env.py b/runhouse/resources/envs/conda_env.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d202510f..000000000
--- a/runhouse/resources/envs/conda_env.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
-from runhouse.constants import CONDA_PREFERRED_PYTHON_VERSION
-from runhouse.globals import obj_store
-from runhouse.logger import get_logger
-from runhouse.resources.packages import Package
-from runhouse.utils import create_conda_env_on_cluster, install_conda, run_setup_command
-from .env import Env
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-class CondaEnv(Env):
- def __init__(
- self,
- conda_yaml: Union[str, Dict],
- name: Optional[str] = None,
- reqs: List[Union[str, Package]] = [],
- setup_cmds: List[str] = None,
- env_vars: Optional[Dict] = {},
- working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = "./",
- secrets: List[Union[str, "Secret"]] = [],
- dryrun: bool = True,
- **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from_config
- ):
- """
- Runhouse CondaEnv object.
- .. note::
- To create a CondaEnv, please use the factory methods :func:`env` or :func:`conda_env`.
- """
- self.reqs = reqs
- self.conda_yaml = conda_yaml # dict representing conda env
- super().__init__(
- name=name,
- reqs=reqs,
- setup_cmds=setup_cmds,
- env_vars=env_vars,
- working_dir=working_dir,
- secrets=secrets,
- dryrun=dryrun,
- )
- def config(self, condensed=True):
- config = super().config(condensed)
- config.update({"conda_yaml": self.conda_yaml})
- return config
- @property
- def env_name(self):
- return self.conda_yaml["name"]
- def _create_conda_env(
- self, force: bool = False, cluster: "Cluster" = None, node: Optional[str] = None
- ):
- """Locally install packages and run setup commands.
- Args:
- force (bool, optional): Whether to force re-install env if it has already been installed.
- (default: ``False``)
- cluster (bool, optional): If None, installs env locally. Otherwise installs remotely
- on the cluster using SSH. (default: ``None``)
- """
- if not any(["python" in dep for dep in self.conda_yaml["dependencies"]]):
- status_codes = run_setup_command(
- "python --version", cluster=cluster, node=node
- )
- base_python_version = (
- status_codes[1].split()[1]
- if status_codes[0] == 0
- )
- self.conda_yaml["dependencies"].append(f"python=={base_python_version}")
- install_conda(cluster=cluster)
- local_env_exists = (
- f"\n{self.env_name} "
- in run_setup_command("conda info --envs", cluster=cluster, node=node)[1]
- )
- # If we're doing the install remotely via SSH (e.g. for image), there is no cache
- if not cluster:
- # Hash the config_for_rns to check if we need to create/install the conda env
- env_config = self.config()
- # Remove the name because auto-generated names will be different, but the installed components are the same
- env_config.pop("name")
- install_hash = hash(str(env_config))
- # Check the existing hash
- if (
- local_env_exists
- and install_hash in obj_store.installed_envs
- and not force
- ):
- logger.debug("Env already installed, skipping")
- return
- obj_store.installed_envs[install_hash] = self.name
- create_conda_env_on_cluster(
- env_name=self.env_name,
- conda_yaml=self.conda_yaml,
- force=force,
- cluster=cluster,
- node=node,
- )
- return
- @property
- def _run_cmd(self):
- """Command prefix to run on Conda Env."""
- return f"conda run -n {self.env_name}"
- @property
- def _activate_cmd(self):
- """Command to activate Conda Env."""
- return f"conda activate {self.env_name}"
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/envs/env.py b/runhouse/resources/envs/env.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aedf273e7..000000000
--- a/runhouse/resources/envs/env.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import shlex
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
-from runhouse.constants import DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME
-from runhouse.globals import obj_store
-from runhouse.logger import get_logger
-from runhouse.resources.hardware import _get_cluster_from, Cluster
-from runhouse.resources.packages import InstallTarget, Package
-from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource
-from runhouse.utils import _process_env_vars, run_setup_command, run_with_logs
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-def install_reqs_on_cluster(
- system: Union[str, Cluster], reqs: List[Union[str, Package]], path=None
- new_reqs = []
- for req in reqs:
- if isinstance(req, str):
- new_req = Package.from_string(req)
- req = new_req
- if isinstance(req, Package) and isinstance(req.install_target, InstallTarget):
- req = req.to(system, path=path)
- new_reqs.append(req)
- return new_reqs
-class Env(Resource):
- def __init__(
- self,
- name: Optional[str] = None,
- reqs: List[Union[str, Package]] = [],
- setup_cmds: List[str] = None,
- env_vars: Union[Dict, str] = {},
- working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
- secrets: Optional[Union[str, "Secret"]] = [],
- compute: Optional[Dict] = {},
- dryrun: bool = True,
- **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from_config
- ):
- """
- Runhouse Env object.
- .. note::
- To create an Env, please use the factory method :func:`env`.
- """
- super().__init__(name=name, dryrun=dryrun)
- self._reqs = reqs
- self.setup_cmds = setup_cmds
- self.env_vars = env_vars
- self.working_dir = working_dir
- self.secrets = secrets
- self.compute = compute
- @property
- def env_name(self):
- return self.name or "base"
- @staticmethod
- def from_config(config: dict, dryrun: bool = False, _resolve_children: bool = True):
- config["reqs"] = [
- Package.from_config(req, dryrun=True, _resolve_children=_resolve_children)
- if isinstance(req, dict)
- else req
- for req in config.get("reqs", [])
- ]
- config["working_dir"] = (
- Package.from_config(
- config["working_dir"], dryrun=True, _resolve_children=_resolve_children
- )
- if isinstance(config.get("working_dir"), dict)
- else config.get("working_dir")
- )
- resource_subtype = config.get("resource_subtype")
- if resource_subtype == "CondaEnv":
- from runhouse import CondaEnv
- return CondaEnv(**config, dryrun=dryrun)
- return Env(**config, dryrun=dryrun)
- def add_env_var(self, key: str, value: str):
- """Add an env var to the environment. Environment must be re-installed to propagate new
- environment variables if it already lives on a cluster."""
- self.env_vars.update({key: value})
- def config(self, condensed=True):
- config = super().config(condensed)
- self.save_attrs_to_config(
- config, ["setup_cmds", "env_vars", "env_name", "compute"]
- )
- config.update(
- {
- "reqs": [
- self._resource_string_for_subconfig(package, condensed)
- for package in self._reqs
- ],
- "working_dir": self._resource_string_for_subconfig(
- self.working_dir, condensed
- ),
- }
- )
- return config
- @property
- def reqs(self):
- return (self._reqs or []) + ([self.working_dir] if self.working_dir else [])
- @reqs.setter
- def reqs(self, reqs):
- self._reqs = reqs
- def _secrets_to(self, system: Union[str, Cluster]):
- from runhouse.resources.secrets import Secret
- new_secrets = []
- for secret in self.secrets:
- if isinstance(secret, str):
- secret = Secret.from_name(secret)
- new_secrets.append(secret.to(system=system, process=self.name))
- return new_secrets
- def _run_setup_cmds(
- self, cluster: Cluster = None, setup_cmds: List = None, node: str = "all"
- ):
- setup_cmds = setup_cmds or self.setup_cmds
- if not setup_cmds:
- return
- for cmd in setup_cmds:
- cmd = self._full_command(cmd)
- run_setup_command(
- cmd,
- cluster=cluster,
- env_vars=_process_env_vars(self.env_vars),
- node=node,
- )
- def install(self, force: bool = False, cluster: Cluster = None, node: str = "all"):
- """Locally install packages and run setup commands.
- Args:
- force (bool, optional): Whether to setup the installation again if the env already exists
- on the cluster. (Default: ``False``)
- cluster (Cluster, optional): Cluster to install the env on. If not provided, env is installed
- on the current cluster. (Default: ``None``)
- node (str, optional): Node to install the env on. (Default: ``"all"``)
- """
- # If we're doing the install remotely via SSH (e.g. for image), there is no cache
- if not cluster:
- # Hash the config_for_rns to check if we need to install
- env_config = self.config()
- # Remove the name because auto-generated names will be different, but the installed components are the same
- env_config.pop("name")
- install_hash = hash(str(env_config))
- # Check the existing hash
- if install_hash in obj_store.installed_envs and not force:
- logger.debug("Env already installed, skipping")
- return
- obj_store.installed_envs[install_hash] = self.name
- self._install_reqs(cluster=cluster, node=node)
- self._run_setup_cmds(cluster=cluster, node=node)
- def _full_command(self, command: str):
- if self._run_cmd:
- return f"{self._run_cmd} ${{SHELL:-/bin/bash}} -c {shlex.quote(command)}"
- return command
- def _run_command(self, command: str, **kwargs):
- """Run command locally inside the environment"""
- command = self._full_command(command)
- logger.info(f"Running command in {self.name}: {command}")
- return run_with_logs(command, **kwargs)
- def to(
- self,
- system: Union[str, Cluster],
- node_idx: Optional[int] = None,
- path: str = None,
- force_install: bool = False,
- ):
- """
- Send environment to the system, and set it up if on a cluster.
- Args:
- system (str or Cluster): Cluster or file system to send the env to.
- node_idx (int, optional): Node index of the cluster to send the env to. If not specified,
- uses the head node. (Default: ``None``)
- path (str, optional): Path on the cluster to sync the env's working dir to. Uses a default
- path if not specified. (Default: ``None``)
- force_install (bool, optional): Whether to setup the installation again if the env already
- exists on the cluster. (Default: ``False``)
- Example:
- >>> env = rh.env(reqs=["numpy", "pip"])
- >>> cluster_env = env.to(my_cluster)
- >>> s3_env = env.to("s3", path="s3_bucket/my_env")
- """
- system = _get_cluster_from(system)
- if (
- isinstance(system, Cluster)
- and node_idx is not None
- and node_idx >= len(system.ips)
- ):
- raise ValueError(
- f"Cluster {system.name} has only {len(system.ips)} nodes. Requested node index {node_idx} is out of bounds."
- )
- new_env = copy.deepcopy(self)
- if isinstance(system, Cluster):
- if node_idx is not None:
- new_env.compute = new_env.compute or {}
- new_env.compute["node_idx"] = node_idx
- key = system.put_resource(new_env) if new_env.name else DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME
- env_vars = _process_env_vars(self.env_vars)
- if env_vars:
- system.set_process_env_vars(name=key, env_vars=env_vars)
- conda_env_name = new_env.env_name if hasattr(self, "conda_yaml") else None
- if conda_env_name:
- system.call(key, "_create_conda_env")
- system.install_packages(reqs=new_env.reqs, conda_env_name=conda_env_name)
- system.call(key, "_run_setup_cmds", setup_cmds=new_env.setup_cmds)
- # Secrets are resources that go in the env, so put them in after the env is created
- new_env.secrets = self._secrets_to(system)
- return new_env
- @property
- def _activate_cmd(self):
- return ""
- @property
- def _run_cmd(self):
- return ""
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/envs/env_factory.py b/runhouse/resources/envs/env_factory.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d59e3b9bf..000000000
--- a/runhouse/resources/envs/env_factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-from datetime import datetime
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
-from runhouse.resources.packages import Package
-from .conda_env import CondaEnv
-from .env import Env
-from .utils import _get_conda_yaml, _process_reqs
-# generic Env factory method
-def env(
- reqs: List[Union[str, Package]] = [],
- conda_env: Union[str, Dict] = None,
- name: Optional[str] = None,
- setup_cmds: List[str] = None,
- env_vars: Union[Dict, str] = {},
- working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
- secrets: Optional[Union[str, "Secret"]] = [],
- compute: Optional[Dict] = {},
- load_from_den: bool = True,
- dryrun: bool = False,
- """Builds an instance of :class:`Env`.
- Args:
- reqs (List[str]): List of package names to install in this environment.
- conda_env (Union[str, Dict], optional): Dict representing conda env, Path to a conda env yaml file,
- or name of a local conda environment.
- name (Optional[str], optional): Name of the environment resource.
- setup_cmds (Optional[List[str]]): List of CLI commands to run for setup when the environment is
- being set up on a cluster.
- env_vars (Dict or str): Dictionary of environment variables, or relative path to .env file containing
- environment variables. (Default: {})
- working_dir (str or Path): Working directory of the environment, to be loaded onto the system.
- (Default: None)
- compute (Dict): Logical compute resources to be used by this environment, passed through to the
- cluster scheduler (generally Ray). Only use this if you know what you're doing.
- Example: ``{"cpus": 1, "gpus": 1}``. (Default: {})
- More info: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-core/scheduling/resources.html
- load_from_den (bool): Whether to try loading the Env resource from Den. (Default: ``True``)
- dryrun (bool, optional): Whether to run in dryrun mode. (Default: ``False``)
- Returns:
- Env: The resulting Env object.
- Example:
- >>> # regular python env
- >>> env = rh.env(reqs=["torch", "pip"])
- >>> env = rh.env(reqs=["reqs:./"], name="myenv")
- >>>
- >>> # conda env, see also rh.conda_env
- >>> conda_env_dict =
- >>> {"name": "new-conda-env", "channels": ["defaults"], "dependencies": "pip", {"pip": "diffusers"})
- >>> conda_env = rh.env(conda_env=conda_env_dict) # from a dict
- >>> conda_env = rh.env(conda_env="conda_env.yaml") # from a yaml file
- >>> conda_env = rh.env(conda_env="local-conda-env-name") # from a existing local conda env
- >>> conda_env = rh.env(conda_env="conda_env.yaml", reqs=["pip:/accelerate"]) # with additional reqs
- """
- if name and not any(
- [reqs, conda_env, setup_cmds, env_vars, secrets, working_dir, compute]
- ):
- try:
- return Env.from_name(name, load_from_den=load_from_den, dryrun=dryrun)
- except ValueError:
- return Env(name=name)
- if not name and compute:
- raise ValueError("Cannot specify compute to schedule an env on without a name.")
- reqs = _process_reqs(reqs or [])
- conda_yaml = _get_conda_yaml(conda_env)
- if conda_yaml:
- return CondaEnv(
- conda_yaml=conda_yaml,
- reqs=reqs,
- setup_cmds=setup_cmds,
- env_vars=env_vars,
- working_dir=working_dir,
- secrets=secrets,
- name=name or conda_yaml["name"],
- dryrun=dryrun,
- )
- return Env(
- reqs=reqs,
- setup_cmds=setup_cmds,
- env_vars=env_vars,
- working_dir=working_dir,
- secrets=secrets,
- name=name,
- compute=compute,
- dryrun=dryrun,
- )
-# Conda Env factory method
-def conda_env(
- reqs: List[Union[str, Package]] = [],
- conda_env: Union[str, Dict] = None,
- name: Optional[str] = None,
- setup_cmds: List[str] = None,
- env_vars: Optional[Dict] = {},
- working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
- secrets: List[Union[str, "Secret"]] = [],
- compute: Optional[Dict] = {},
- dryrun: bool = False,
- """Builds an instance of :class:`CondaEnv`.
- Args:
- reqs (List[str]): List of package names to install in this environment.
- conda_env (Union[str, Dict], optional): Dict representing conda env, Path to a conda env yaml file,
- or name of a local conda environment.
- name (Optional[str], optional): Name of the environment resource.
- setup_cmds (Optional[List[str]]): List of CLI commands to run for setup when the environment is
- being set up on a cluster.
- env_vars (Dict or str): Dictionary of environment variables, or relative path to .env file containing
- environment variables. (Default: {})
- working_dir (str or Path): Working directory of the environment, to be loaded onto the system.
- (Default: None)
- compute (Dict): Logical compute resources to be used by this environment, passed through to the
- cluster scheduler (generally Ray). Only use this if you know what you're doing.
- Example: ``{"cpus": 1, "gpus": 1}``. (Default: {})
- More info: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-core/scheduling/resources.html
- dryrun (bool, optional): Whether to run in dryrun mode. (Default: ``False``)
- Returns:
- CondaEnv: The resulting CondaEnv object.
- Example:
- >>> rh.conda_env(reqs=["torch"])
- >>> rh.conda_env(reqs=["torch"], name="resource_name")
- >>> rh.conda_env(reqs=["torch"], name="resource_name", conda_env={"name": "conda_env"})
- """
- if not conda_env:
- if name:
- conda_env = {"name": name}
- else:
- conda_env = {"name": datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")}
- return env(
- reqs=reqs,
- conda_env=conda_env,
- name=name,
- setup_cmds=setup_cmds,
- env_vars=env_vars,
- working_dir=working_dir,
- secrets=secrets,
- compute=compute,
- dryrun=dryrun,
- )
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/envs/utils.py b/runhouse/resources/envs/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1acf505b1..000000000
--- a/runhouse/resources/envs/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-import subprocess
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List
-import yaml
-from runhouse.constants import DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME
-from runhouse.globals import rns_client
-from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource
-from runhouse.utils import locate_working_dir
-def _process_reqs(reqs):
- preprocessed_reqs = []
- for package in reqs:
- from runhouse.resources.packages import Package
- # TODO [DG] the following is wrong. RNS address doesn't have to start with '/'. However if we check if each
- # string exists in RNS this will be incredibly slow, so leave it for now.
- if isinstance(package, str):
- if package[0] == "/" and rns_client.exists(package):
- # If package is an rns address
- package = rns_client.load_config(package)
- else:
- # if package refers to a local path package
- path = Path(Package.split_req_install_method(package)[1]).expanduser()
- if path.is_absolute() or (locate_working_dir() / path).exists():
- package = Package.from_string(package)
- elif isinstance(package, dict):
- package = Package.from_config(package)
- preprocessed_reqs.append(package)
- return preprocessed_reqs
-def _get_env_from(env, load: bool = True):
- if isinstance(env, Resource):
- return env
- from runhouse.resources.envs import Env
- if isinstance(env, List):
- if len(env) == 0:
- return Env(reqs=env, working_dir=None)
- return Env(reqs=env)
- elif isinstance(env, Dict):
- return Env.from_config(env)
- elif isinstance(env, str) and DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME not in env:
- if not load:
- return env
- try:
- return (
- Env.from_name(env)
- if rns_client.exists(env, resource_type="env")
- else env
- )
- except ValueError:
- return env
- return env
-def _get_conda_yaml(conda_env=None):
- if not conda_env:
- return None
- if isinstance(conda_env, str):
- if Path(conda_env).expanduser().exists(): # local yaml path
- conda_yaml = yaml.safe_load(open(conda_env))
- elif f"\n{conda_env} " in subprocess.check_output(
- "conda info --envs".split(" ")
- ).decode("utf-8"):
- res = subprocess.check_output(
- f"conda env export -n {conda_env} --no-build".split(" ")
- ).decode("utf-8")
- conda_yaml = yaml.safe_load(res)
- else:
- raise Exception(
- f"{conda_env} must be a Dict or point to an existing path or conda environment."
- )
- else:
- conda_yaml = conda_env
- # ensure correct version to Ray -- this is subject to change if SkyPilot adds additional ray version support
- conda_yaml["dependencies"] = (
- conda_yaml["dependencies"] if "dependencies" in conda_yaml else []
- )
- if not [dep for dep in conda_yaml["dependencies"] if "pip" in dep]:
- conda_yaml["dependencies"].append("pip")
- if not [
- dep
- for dep in conda_yaml["dependencies"]
- if isinstance(dep, Dict) and "pip" in dep
- ]:
- conda_yaml["dependencies"].append({"pip": ["ray >= 2.2.0, != 2.6.0"]})
- else:
- for dep in conda_yaml["dependencies"]:
- if (
- isinstance(dep, Dict)
- and "pip" in dep
- and not [pip for pip in dep["pip"] if "ray" in pip]
- ):
- dep["pip"].append("ray >= 2.2.0, != 2.6.0")
- continue
- return conda_yaml
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/hardware/cluster.py b/runhouse/resources/hardware/cluster.py
index 983fa28aa..f1024274b 100644
--- a/runhouse/resources/hardware/cluster.py
+++ b/runhouse/resources/hardware/cluster.py
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ def _sync_image_to_cluster(self):
if setup_step.step_type == ImageSetupStepType.SETUP_CONDA_ENV:
- conda_yaml=setup_step.kwargs.get("conda_yaml"),
+ conda_config=setup_step.kwargs.get("conda_config"),
elif setup_step.step_type == ImageSetupStepType.PACKAGES:
@@ -1952,11 +1952,11 @@ def run_python(
return return_codes
- def create_conda_env(self, conda_env_name: str, conda_yaml: Dict):
+ def create_conda_env(self, conda_env_name: str, conda_config: Dict):
- conda_yaml=conda_yaml,
+ conda_config=conda_config,
diff --git a/runhouse/resources/images/image.py b/runhouse/resources/images/image.py
index 1e93cafe0..8c0e2ed3d 100644
--- a/runhouse/resources/images/image.py
+++ b/runhouse/resources/images/image.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def __init__(self, name: str, image_id: str = None):
>>> rh.Image(name="base_image")
>>> .setup_conda_env(
>>> conda_env_name="base_env",
- >>> conda_yaml={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
+ >>> conda_config={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
>>> )
>>> .install_packages(["numpy", "pandas"])
>>> .set_env_vars({"OMP_NUM_THREADS": 1})
@@ -160,18 +160,18 @@ def run_bash(self, command: str, conda_env_name: Optional[str] = None):
return self
- def setup_conda_env(self, conda_env_name: str, conda_yaml: Union[str, Dict]):
+ def setup_conda_env(self, conda_env_name: str, conda_config: Union[str, Dict]):
"""Setup Conda env
conda_env_name (str): Name of conda env to create.
- conda_yaml (str or Dict): Path or Dict referring to the conda yaml config to use to create the conda env.
+ conda_config (str or Dict): Path or Dict referring to the conda yaml config to use to create the conda env.
- conda_yaml=conda_yaml,
+ conda_config=conda_config,
self.conda_env_name = conda_env_name
diff --git a/runhouse/servers/obj_store.py b/runhouse/servers/obj_store.py
index 389d4422a..69e39e26a 100644
--- a/runhouse/servers/obj_store.py
+++ b/runhouse/servers/obj_store.py
@@ -1786,10 +1786,7 @@ async def aput_resource(
serialization: Optional[str] = None,
process: Optional[str] = None,
) -> "Response":
- from runhouse.servers.http.http_utils import (
- CreateProcessParams,
- deserialize_data,
- )
+ from runhouse.servers.http.http_utils import deserialize_data
if process is None and self.servlet_name is None:
raise ObjStoreError("No process name provided and no servlet name set.")
@@ -1806,28 +1803,6 @@ async def aput_resource(
# actually create the corresponding env servlet.
resource_config, _, _ = tuple(deserialize_data(serialized_data, serialization))
- # TODO - remove once we remove `cluster.put_resource(Env(DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME))`
- if resource_config["resource_type"] == "env":
- # Note that the passed in `env_name` and the `env_name_to_create` here are
- # distinct. The `env_name` is the name of the env servlet where we want to store
- # the resource itself. The `env_name_to_create` is the name of the env servlet
- # that we need to create because we are putting an env resource somewhere on the cluster.
- runtime_env = (
- {"conda_env": resource_config["env_name"]}
- if resource_config["resource_subtype"] == "CondaEnv"
- else {}
- )
- _ = self.get_servlet(
- name=process,
- create_process_params=CreateProcessParams(
- name=process,
- runtime_env=runtime_env,
- resources=resource_config.get("compute", None),
- ),
- create=True,
- )
return await self.acall_servlet_method(
@@ -1851,7 +1826,6 @@ async def aput_resource_local(
state: Dict[Any, Any],
dryrun: bool,
) -> str:
- from runhouse.resources.envs import Env
from runhouse.resources.module import Module
from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource
@@ -1871,11 +1845,6 @@ async def aput_resource_local(
if provider:
resource_config["provider"] = provider
- # TODO - remove once we remove `cluster.put_resource(Env(DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME))`
- if "process" in resource_config and isinstance(resource_config["process"], Env):
- # We don't want to store the Env, we just want to store the process string
- resource_config["process"] = resource_config["process"].name
logger.debug(f"Message received from client to construct resource: {name}")
resource = Resource.from_config(config=resource_config, dryrun=dryrun)
diff --git a/runhouse/utils.py b/runhouse/utils.py
index f13234a92..93a8c5e4a 100644
--- a/runhouse/utils.py
+++ b/runhouse/utils.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def install_conda(cluster: "Cluster" = None, node: Optional[str] = None):
def create_conda_env_on_cluster(
conda_env_name: str,
- conda_yaml: Dict,
+ conda_config: Dict,
force: bool = False,
cluster: "Cluster" = None,
node: Optional[str] = None,
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ def create_conda_env_on_cluster(
"import yaml",
"from pathlib import Path",
f"path = Path('{ENVS_DIR}').expanduser()",
- f"yaml.dump({conda_yaml}, open(path / '{conda_env_name}.yml', 'w'))",
+ f"yaml.dump({conda_config}, open(path / '{conda_env_name}.yml', 'w'))",
subprocess.run(f'python -c "{python_commands}"', shell=True)
- contents = yaml.dump(conda_yaml)
+ contents = yaml.dump(conda_config)
f"echo $'{contents}' > {yaml_path}", cluster=cluster, node=node
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/docker_cluster_fixtures.py b/tests/fixtures/docker_cluster_fixtures.py
index 1eaa51066..bf0a9f99d 100644
--- a/tests/fixtures/docker_cluster_fixtures.py
+++ b/tests/fixtures/docker_cluster_fixtures.py
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ def docker_cluster_pk_http_exposed(request, test_rns_folder):
- conda_yaml={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
+ conda_config={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/on_demand_cluster_fixtures.py b/tests/fixtures/on_demand_cluster_fixtures.py
index 37e966277..a8379eb85 100644
--- a/tests/fixtures/on_demand_cluster_fixtures.py
+++ b/tests/fixtures/on_demand_cluster_fixtures.py
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def ondemand_gcp_cluster(request):
- conda_yaml={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
+ conda_config={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
.install_packages(TEST_REQS + ["ray==2.30.0"], conda_env_name="base_env")
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ def multinode_cpu_docker_conda_cluster(request):
- conda_yaml={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
+ conda_config={"dependencies": ["python=3.11"], "name": "base_env"},
.install_packages(TEST_REQS + ["ray==2.30.0"], conda_env_name="base_env")