This is a module that sends Zipkin trace data to a configurable HTTP endpoint.
npm install zipkin-transport-http --save
const {
jsonEncoder: {JSON_V2}
} = require('zipkin');
const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http');
const recorder = new BatchRecorder({
logger: new HttpLogger({
endpoint: 'http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans',
jsonEncoder: JSON_V2, // optional, defaults to JSON_V1
httpInterval: 1000, // how often to sync spans. optional, defaults to 1000
headers: {'Authorization': 'secret'} // optional custom HTTP headers
const tracer = new Tracer({
ctxImpl, // this would typically be a CLSContext or ExplicitContext
localServiceName: 'service-a' // name of this application