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Releases: rutgerkok/BlockLocker

BlockLocker 1.7 (for Minecraft 1.14.4)

17 Nov 08:45
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  • Removed the automatic updater. Now you will only be notified of new updates, but BlockLocker is no longer able to download them.
  • No longer autoplaces signs if the player right clicks on a chest while in spectator mode.
  • Added support for mcMMO parties. Thanks @jensvh !
  • Added support for guilds from the Guilds plugin.
  • Added support for multiple translations of [Private], [Redstone], [Everyone], [Timer:X] and [More Users] tags. Now you can for example use both the English name and some localized name on your server. Thanks @jensvh !
  • Technical: moved from json-simple to Gson (json-simple is deprecated in Spigot 1.14). Thanks @TheBusyBiscuit !
  • Technical: moved from to the newer java.util.Optional. A new API (BlockLockerAPIv2) has been added that uses the new Optional, and the old API is unaffected. This old API will remain as long as remains in Spigot. Thanks @TheBusyBiscuit !

BlockLocker 1.6.1 (for Minecraft 1.14.4)

20 Jul 15:22
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  • Updated to support Minecraft 1.14.4, no longer supports older versions.
  • Added barrels, blast furnaces, smokers and the undyed shulkerbox to the default list of protected blocks. (Colored shulker boxes were already on the list, but I forgot about the undyed one.)
    Note: this only applies to new installations, for existing installations you need to manually edit your configuration file.

BlockLocker 1.6 (for Minecraft 1.14)

04 May 10:35
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  • Updated to support the new signs of Minecraft 1.14 (oak, birch, spruce, etc.). Because of this, it's no longer compatible with Minecraft 1.13.
  • Fixed not being able to use Minecraft 1.13+ material names in the configuration file.
  • Signs can now be auto-placed on supporting blocks (so the blocks next to a door/trapdoor)
  • When auto-placing a second sign, it will now have [More Users] / [Redstone] on it instead of [More Users] / [Everyone].

BlockLocker 1.5.0

06 Oct 19:49
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  • For people who were using LockettePro: BlockLocker can now read chests from LockettePro, so switching from LockettePro to BlockLocker is now possible. However, until a player first clicks on a chest, part of the player's UUID will appear on the sign. Normally, LockettePro uses a protocol hack to hide this UUID, but BlockLocker doesn't do this. Although this looks a bit funny, it is harmless.
  • For people using Towny: added a permission node called blocklocker.wilderness. This node is granted to players by default. However, if you negate this permission node using your permissions plugin, players will no longer be able to protect chests outside of Towny towns.
  • Removed lookup of outdated names. It only worked correctly for names that were in use in 2015 (just before name changing got introduced), so it became less and less useful over the years.

BlockLocker 1.4.1

26 Aug 12:49
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  • Signs can now be auto-placed under water
  • The plugin now handles double chests placed right next to each other correctly (in Minecraft 1.12, you couldn't place other chests right next to double chests, so this wasn't an issue.)

Compatible with Minecraft 1.13 and 1.13.1.

BlockLocker 1.4.0

23 Jul 06:43
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  • Updated to Minecraft 1.13, no longer compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 or older
  • Replaced all uses of the deprecrated Bukkit API MaterialData with the new BlockData
  • Added a setting called protectableAttachables. If you, for example, add a torch here, then not only the torch will be protected, but also the block it is attached on. The protection sign can be placed on either block.

BlockLocker 1.3.4

30 Jan 09:38
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  • Now requires Java 8 and Spigot 1.12.2
  • Update checker will now only download from preprogrammed URLs (instead of hosts)
  • Fixed sometimes no message being displayed when access to a chest was denied

BlockLocker 1.3.3

08 Jun 19:03
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  • Fixed compatibility with Minecraft 1.12
  • Still compatible with Minecraft 1.11.

BlockLocker v1.3.2

18 Dec 10:48
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  • Fixed the whole stack of signs being consumed when placing a single sign on a container.

BlockLocker v1.3.1

11 Dec 09:53
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  • Fixed interacting with iron doors in Minecraft 1.11
  • You can now auto-place signs with your off-hand