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Wandering Points of Developers


  • If you want to join the project to get a donated RISC-V development board, or if you want to donate your own RISC-V development board, you can complete the registration by sending a PR and appending your information to the last line of this table. Please fill in 0 as the default points.
  • Due to the current funding constraints of the dock base, we are currently only able to accept express delivery requests within mainland China.

Tranlated in Chinese:

  • 如果你想要加入该项目获得捐赠的 RISC-V 开发板,或你想要捐赠自己的 RISC-V 开发板,通过发送一个 PR 将自己的信息追加到这张表的最后一行即完成了注册。默认积分请填写0。
  • 由于目前漂流基地的经费限制,目前仅有能力接受中国大陆境内的快递要求。

甲辰计划RISC-V开发板随缘漂流计划的表格设计好了第一版,请想要捐赠或认领开发板的伙伴填写。请在填写前确保自己在 中提交了自己的昵称和 GitHub ID。

Sponsor Name English Name Wandering Points Extra Info
算能 (Sophgo) sophgo 2640 开发板赞助厂商
矽速科技 (Sipeed) sipeed 48000 开发板赞助厂商
群芯闪耀 (Milk-V) milk-v 10660 开发板赞助厂商
进迭时空 SpacemiT 2498 开发板赞助厂商
SiFive SiFive 24500 开发板赞助厂商
RISC-V国际基金会 RISC-V International 3596 RVI DevBoards Program
秦派软件 qinware 2916 生产力工具软件提供商
玄铁团队 XuanTie 267880
苦芽科技 KUBUDS 4300
Developer (Nick)Name GitHub ID Wandering Points Extra Info
wuwei lazyparser 5625 manager of wandering project
Xeonacid Xeonacid 0
pz zhixiao-zhang -800
ezra 255doesnotexist 0
feifei FeiFei0827 -1250
Chrithon(Chris Ying) Chrithon 0 manager of RISCVerse
Ciroha Ciroha 0
taozuhong taozuhong 0
章翔 axiangyushanhaijing -1250 [RISC-V]文档工程主理人
licheng shiptux 0 Principle Mentor of J128 deepin
U2 U2FsdGVkX1 0
sunmin sunmin89 -227
Guoguo imguoguo 0
Wei Fu tekkamanninja 0 RISC-V ambassador
Ahei aahei 0
Li Zhi LizzyLoong -1250 RISC-V developer
Sebastianhayashi Sebastianhayashi -1250
燕十三 flyingcys -240
泽文 zevorn 40
Wei wo1ow -2450
xieby1 xieby1 -1250
Revy revysr 0
Icenowy Zheng Icenowy 0
Felix Yan felixonmars 0 Arch Linux Developer and RISC-V port owner
Puqns67 Puqns67 -1250
Luc Ma lucmann -1250
CSC Z8MAN8 -1250
liqi LiQi19970428 0
Ian Li lizaifang 499
Emin.lin Eminlin 0
ZhuowenLi pinkpigy 0
SeasonMay SeasonMay -1250
Milkice milkice233 -1250
zt ztjjj9 -1250 RISC-V enthusiast
pcerror MrChenLearnSpace -1250 student
zbc shuaidemeikan -1250 RISC-V enthusiast
drenal hehenihaoQWQ -1250 RISC-V enthusiast
xvyv99 xvyv99 -1250
wwwuxy wwwuxy -2450 student & RISC-V enthusiast
yzgl Yzgll -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
Sherlockzhangjinge Sherlockzhangjinge -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
calacaly calacaly -1250 student
蒙卓 mengzhuo 4675 Developer of PLCT and Go port owner
yunxiang YunxiangLuo -200
yjmstr yjmstr -1250
xeonds xeonds -1250
lcean lcean -1250 RISC-V enthusiast
panglan panglars -1250
Fei Yang RealFYang -899 OpenJDK RISC-V Port Lead
zhg213 zhgggg -1250
xu_zh ngc7331 0 student & RISC-V enthusiast
xiaopan apricity1212 0 student & RISC-V enthusiast
WwWangGuan WwWangGuan -1250
Patrick.Qian Gekyume777 -1250 student
Alphagocc alphagocc -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
DouPiChen DouPiChen -85 ISCAS staff
Shinonome Tera tanuki wold9168 -1250 student
ustcljh ustcljh -6467 student at USTC
chengzihan zihan-hub -85 student
stydxm stydxm -1250 PLCT intern
acyanbird acyanbird -1250 student & deepin linux developer
汪辰 unicornx -110 Developer of PLCT-lab
Song SongYuSheng1216 -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
kagura kagura114 -1250 for PLCT Intern, J143
ZhangPeng Zpp027 -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
aisuneko aisuneko 0
SkyRain KamijoToma -1250 for PLCT Intern, J143
ZZ123 Me3ue -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
VZstless VictorZhangAI -1250 student & RISC-V enthusiast
NanQin NanQin555 -1100 PLCT intern, J146
lhpqaq lhpqaq -1250 PLCT intern
zhouliren izhouliren 581 software engineer
Yusee WhereIsYuuka -1250 student
Trace_Recursion TraceRecursion -1250 For Box64 RISC-V wiki
SignKirigami prcups -1250 for PLCT Intern, J128
老白 superbugintime -227
lIlIlxy lIlIlxy - 1250 for Lichee Pi 4A
rurumuri rurumuri -1250 for PLCT Intern, J140
xianrenqi xianrenqi 0 student & RISC-V enthusiast
Haodong Astra-H77 -1250 RISC-V enthusiast
westhide westhide 0 RISC-V enthusiast
yurish1 FIFCC -227 Ruyisdk Documentation Manager
mahno MahnoKropotkinvich 0 RISC-V enthusiast
Wantao Liu Tenktau 0 student
Rili stc15f104w 0 student
Alen Li ailunwowo 0 student
Howard Jen goodluckrhj 0 RISC-V enthusiast